Snake in the Grass

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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When jealousy rears its ugly head it can resort to all sorts of unpleasant, and once in a while pleasent, outcomes...

Commission for vritrax

Edited by Texotic

The low hum of electricity could be heard as the motion lights in the hallway activated, helping guide the middle-aged man through the facility with the cup of coffee in his hand. Other than that and the sound of his footsteps the entire building was quiet, which was exactly how Leopold Enstrath enjoyed it. While he still had his work hours in the daytime, the night was when he could focus on his research alone without his colleagues bothering him over mundane details or work that they were doing. No... he thought to himself as he slid his identification card through the slot, this was when he got to do the work that no one else could know about.

The door opened near silently upon the confirmation of his identity, the large expanse of tables and testing equipment in front of him as he walked in. Not any typical research lab, the wing he was about to enter was one of the most technologically advanced on the entire coast, potentially the country. The worth of the equipment in the room was more than the rest of the company combined, which meant that his private access into such an exclusive wing was made even more important. Only a handful of people were trusted enough to have that ability, and he was grateful to be counted as one of them as he walked over to his private desk.

"Good evening Zoe," Leopold said to the only other occupant of the otherwise empty lab, a female albino python that he kept in his personal space. "I hope you're as excited as I am for today's trial." When he looked into the tank the snake just stared at him, her tongue flicking out as he gave her a grin before turning on his workstation. While the thought of most people bringing in a pet to the lab was foreign to most of his co-workers, it was one of the perks given to him when he took on the project he was in the middle of.

A smile came to his face as his dark-green eyes glanced beyond the protective shield that separated him from the material that would be his legacy. For months he and his peers vied desperately for the project, which was the creation of an organic polymer that would replace the standard petrochemical. Though it meant long hours and stress-filled deadlines, the prominent researcher knew that in the end it would all be worth it, as his creation would not only cement his place in the realm of scientific discovery, but also skyrocket his career. As he continued to look at the small tube of black ooze he was amazed that such an innocuous thing would be the envy of every other researcher in the building, which was yet another reason why he decided to work at night after everyone else had left.

Once all the equipment had warmed up and was ready, he opened the dossier he had been originally given of the parameters of the experiment. There was also the information of the company itself, or at least there would have been if someone hadn't gone in and redacted it all. As his eyes glanced over the black bars that covered the letters he wondered if it was some sort of military contract, which would explain why their company bent over backwards to accommodate them. Their identity mattered little; however, only the results he hoped to achieve as he activated the laser that hovered over the sample used to precisely heat the liquid to the temperature needed.

The experiment progressed while Leopold continued to enter the data into the system, though something began to bother him. At first he thought he was imaging things, the result of too many late nights, but the longer he went on the more it bothered him. As he ran his hands through his golden hair he stood up and walked over to specimen containment unit with his cup of coffee. When he looked at it closely he saw nothing wrong, but when his face was only a few inches from the glass, he finally realized what it was. It was a smell... the smell of ionization that was occurring outside of the specimen containment unit, which meant that the laser was being redirected to the wrong area of the machine as well as in the specimen.

"Looks like we're done for today Zoe," he said to the snake as he passed by it in order to reach the control terminal for the entire containment vessel. "I swear if I find out one of those test tube monkeys were trying to steal my research, they'll all be out on their asses." He instinctively raised a brow as he pressed the shutdown button and found the laser not only still on, but quickly intensifying. "What the h-"

Leopold was blown backwards by the force of the explosion that erupted from the sabotaged laser, flying all the way to the opposite wall as equipment and glass shattered everywhere. Metal from the machine flew out like shrapnel that shredded anything in its path, destroying what was left as most of the windows in the floor were blown out. The sound of alarms could be heard as the sudden chaos died away just as quickly. The researcher collapsed to the ground and failed to get up, his body still as blood began to pool around him...

Meanwhile the terrarium that housed the albino python laid on the floor as well, the shatter-resistant sides completely spiderwebbed, yet still intact as the animal slithered out through the damaged roof. She had no idea what was going on, only that something terrible had scared her and she needed a place to hide. As the reptilian brain inside her continued to guide her actions she slithered to the warmest place in the lab, where the twisted remains of the specimen containment vessel stood. The animal was completely unaware that she should be wary of the black goop that she slithered through, and it wasn't until a few stray droplets dripped on her head that she froze.

Her slit pupils dilated as the unknown chemical compounds began to seep into her scales. Immediately a strange tingling caused her to flop around the floor to try and shake it off her, which only served to coat her body in more of the strange substance that she tried to get off. Soon the white scales of the snake were completely covered in black as her restless body quickly settled down. As the oily fluid began to seep into her body it began to grow, slowly but steadily as though someone had begun to fill the snake with air as it arched its head and looked around.

Fear... at first fear was all she knew as she began to slowly slither away from the wreckage of the machine, but as the strange substance began to infiltrate her expanding brain, it caused new synapses to form and fire. The fear was still there, but it was soon replaced with another sensation that the enlarged snake had never felt before. By this point her form had grown far larger than any typical python, reaching nearly eight feet in length and still growing as the black goo seemed to have dried into a seamless, glossy black that coated her entire body. As she slithered further away from the wreckage of the machine, noises, smells, and sights all started to get descriptions associated with them that she wouldn't have even been able to compose before.

Her body suddenly froze when the scene around her changed; suddenly she was back in her terrarium, which she now knew was the term, and heard voices of two figures that sat in front of her habitat. It took her a while to realize that what she saw was only in her mind's eye, the word memory coming unbidden to her mind as a very familiar voice continued to talk. Once the two appeared to have wrapped up their conversation; the one whose voice she remembered leaned down and began to talk to her. While she didn't understand most of the words yet, one of them that he had repeated often came clear enough to her.

Zoe... was that her name? She shook her head as it was flooded with new questions, mostly concerning her newfound sentience when she heard a loud bang and crack. Looking back her mouth opened slightly in shock as the flames continued to spread over the ceiling, the fire suppression system that would have rained down gallons of water on them not activating. Once more that fear returned and she found herself slithering towards the door that had been blasted open from the shockwave. As she passed the last table something caught the corner of her eye that caused her to turn her head and flick out her tongue.

Even before she moved up to the prone form on the floor, the smell of blood in the air was unmistakable. The person she recognized as the one who had taken care of her before, the one that fed and cared for her almost her entire life. Once again another foreign emotion overwhelmed her senses, one that even her strange new knowledge couldn't quite pinpoint. As her rubbery body slithered around to assess the situation there was one thing she knew for sure; she couldn't just leave her master here to die.

Despite not even fully knowing the implications of the concept of death or that he had been her owner, she attempted to save the unconscious human from his fiery fate. Her first attempt was to coil around and try to drag him out the door, but the human's frail state and not knowing the strength of her new body proved to be extremely detrimental. The second thought was to take him by the feet with the newfound flexibility of her body and drag him along that way, but once again her new intelligence reasoned he would likely get harmed more in the transport than what was available. Finally she seemed to make some headway when she grabbed the injured human with her mouth, but once again she was faced with the problem of dragging that caused her to groan in frustration.

Then another strange thought entered into Zoe's head, one that caused her to look down at herself for the first time since the accident happened. The python's body was now double her original length and likely three times as thick and still completely coated in the substance that her former owner was working on. As she wrapped her body around and put her own tailtip in her mouth, she felt the strange substance had worked its way into her mouth and down her throat as well. While she explored her maw she grew a bit overzealous and gulped slightly when her tail went into her throat, then as her eyes widened she continued to push it in a few more inches and watched her body stretch around it like it was nothing. After she pulled it out she looked down at the human, then at the quickly spreading fire and decided that a risky maneuver was better than nothing at all as she picked him up by the feet in her mouth once more.

This time Zoe didn't stop there, though, instead she continued to push her head down as she felt the human's shoes press into her throat. Her strange new body once again stretched to accommodate, her throat muscles working to draw in the object she placed there. As carefully but quickly as she could she moved her maw down her former owner's body, swallowing as best she could. When she got to his hips she coiled her body around to lift up the body to help slide it down her gullet easier. The more of him she stuffed into her, the more she could feel things like his faint but still present pulse, which would have made her breathe a sigh of relief, save that she realized she no longer needed to.

When she got up to his chest her gooey lips pressed against him and she tilted her head back to get the rest of him in. In the meantime her body had continued to change from the experimental substance, the bulge in her midsection became less distinct as the shine of her skin continued to increase as it began to appear wet. She felt the same in her insides, too, though she was grateful for that as it made the swallowing process easier for her. When she got to his head she wondered if it would be safe for him to go all the way in, but the sudden crash of a section of damaged roof collapsing caused her to jump, her former owner disappearing into her gullet anyway. There was no time now for her to try and get him back up, the flames had started to get uncomfortably close and she was out the door, soon exiting the building as a secondary explosion ripped through the lab area.

Once she was out safely she looked down at her body and felt the presence of the human still inside her and, as far as she could tell, still alive. While she was unsure of what was happening with her still limited knowledge, her newfound ability to process information told her that it likely had something to do with the black substance that had covered her body. Even as she continued to slither away from the loud lights and noises that approached from the other direction, she could still feel it doing something to her body. For now, though, she ignored the strangely pleasant feelings and focused on making sure her former owner continued to live while she moved from the trimmed lawns of the treated plots into the nearby woods.

After what seemed like ages she had finally found a spot that was deemed safe; a small cave that was big enough to hide both of them without being exposed, and once she had settled in she attempted to cough the human back up to look at him once again. Except... even as she tried she couldn't bring the body inside her back up. When she examined the bulge in her stomach her eyes widened in horror as it seemed smaller than before, her initial fear of her digesting him coming to live before her eyes. Yet even as she looked down at the human-shaped protuberance, an almost reassuring thought came to her that, even now, he was still alive and well.

Suddenly an electric surge almost caused her to fall backwards as she gasped in shock. Now that the risk of injury was gone and her body grew idle it seemed the black goo on her decided to go into overdrive. Her entire body flopped around as she could feel it continued to penetrate not only her body, but the one inside her, as well. The substance that Leopold was working on seemed to be altering their forms at a molecular level, Zoe thought to herself, then surprised that she knew about such a concept. Was she growing... smarter?

As she tried to right herself up she suddenly felt her body begin to push out on opposite sides just below her head. She huffed and groaned as the goo began to push outwards, able to feel the new appendages as they stretched and formed. Despite being made completely of the opaque gel, she could feel them as though they were part of her body, and watched with a mixture of awe and trepidation as they continued to grow until the ends thickened and the tip split into five familiar appendages. Zoe flexed her new fingers experimentally as the area where they attached to her body thickened and formed into a pair of shoulders while the flesh above it thinned into a neck.

By this time what had been her flesh appeared to have been mostly dissolved... no, that wasn't the word for it, she corrected herself... transubstantiated into the gooey substance. The process itself should have been painful as every atom in her body was ripped apart and reformed into something similar to the goo she had been covered in, but instead there were only surges of warmth and another feeling she quickly learned was pleasure. As images of what was attached to the concept of pleasure rushed through her mind, she realized that arms were not the only appendages that she was going to grow as a lump of gel formed above the slit inside her she realized had shifted into a more traditional human vagina. As she felt a surge of lustful heat pass through her new body, her hand reached down to touch the growing goo cock that slid out of her, only to stop when she felt the presence of someone else.

"Wh...where am I?" Zoe heard in her mind as her head suddenly turned on its own accord. The sudden loss of bodily control frightened her for a second before she reasserted herself, only to find one of her new hands press against her muzzle. "What the hell happened to me!?"

"Leopold?" Zoe replied out loud, which caused the voice in her head to stop for a brief second.

Zoe waited for a few moments as the other presence in her mind reeled slightly, the former albino python able to feel the thoughts pass through the human's psyche before he responded. "Zoe... is that you?" Leopold finally managed to say as she nodded her head. "How... what... I don't..."

"Perhaps... perhaps I can try and show you what happened..." Zoe replied as she concentrated. Though it was hard due to her still changing body, the black substance turned white as the top half of her body continued to morph into a more humanoid torso. The python did as best she could to try and show Leopold as she recalled everything that happened since she gained the ability to, up to the explosion and their subsequent escape and continual transformation. From the gasps that she heard she could tell that she was doing something right, especially when Leopold began to comment on when their changes began to start.

"I can't believe this is actually happening..." Leopold said out loud as he tried to bring up his clawed hands to his face, Zoe relinquishing control of their shared body to him as he moved his goo-scaled fingers. "I knew that the substance I was working on had some mysterious properties that I couldn't quite quantify, but I never thought I would see a practical field test on my own body." He suddenly remembered that he had once been in the gullet of the form he controlled and looked down at where he had been only a few minutes ago. "It appears there is literally no going back for either of us now, the genetic components of my body appear to have fully merged with yours and have created some sort of hybrid... strangely it appears to have taken a transformative path that resembles a creature known as a naga in ancient myths."

"Naga..." Zoe replied, now her voice being the one internalized as she tapped into her knowledge in order to realize what he meant. Images came up of snake-bodied creatures with humanoid torsos just like their own, save for the scaled flesh replaced with strange goo. Before she could go too much further her attention suddenly shot back to the physical present as she felt a squeeze against their shared cock. When she looked through her eyes once more she could see the researcher had a hand around the sensitive member and had stroked it once or twice, which caused a tremor of pleasure to roll through their shared form.

Leopold apologized profusely as his hands once more roamed up their scaly chest. The opaque goo that formed their upper body had begun to turn from black to grey as it rippled under their hands, the normally tubular shaped scutes altered to form a set of washboard abs and pectorals. "Well that's a bit interesting," the scientist said as he rubbed a finger where his nipples used to be, only for their body to shake as they both gasped in lust from the sudden sensation. "Oh my... it appears we have gained an enhanced sensitivity without the added... assets of the female form."

"You're being quite clinical about all this," Zoe stated internally. "While I've only gained intelligence myself an hour ago, you used to be a human at that same time... and solid..."

"Observation is the only thing that is keeping me together in all honesty," Leopold replied, the normally calm façade that he had been putting up cracked slightly as he slithered over to a large rock and, after some awkward maneuvering that eventually caused Zoe to take over, rested his coiled lower body against it. "I... we have become a creature that defies scientific explanation, composed entirely of a strange goo that I had created off a template acquired from an equally mysterious organization. I also have the displeasure of knowing that what happened in my lab today was no accident..."

"It wasn't?" Zoe asked, their head tilting in confusion before Leopold sighed through the muzzle.

"Those failsafes are designed to be state of the art," Leopold explained. "Considering the high-value projects that get conducted there, the company had sunk millions into safety designs so that something as simple as a misaligned argon laser couldn't blow up the entire facility. If one of those systems failed, I could regard it as some sort of freak mechanical error, but the fact that nothing happened to prevent the explosion of the gas tanks or its subsequent suppression means..."

"Someone tried to kill you," Zoe finished.

"Indeed," Leopold confirmed. "My only saving grace is that the lab technician responsible for changing out the tanks to make sure I have a full supply was sick today, otherwise the explosion would have likely destroyed the whole building. Well, that and a particularly brilliant pet that managed to save my life in a most extraordinary fashion."

Zoe could feel herself blush as Leopold's focus once more went back to their body as he pressed a palm against his abs, the goo underneath yielding to the pressure as it continued to turn white. "I do have to say that one benefit of all this is that I no longer feel like an old man," the scientist joked as he got himself up once more and flexed his body experimentally. "I feel as spry as when I was in college, though even then I didn't have quite a body like this, and I guess that achy joints no longer apply when you no longer seem to have bones. It's a shame really, all this youthful vitality and yet I doubt I'll be able to get someone in bed with me in order to use it."

"In bed?" Zoe asked in confusion.

This time it was Leopold that felt embarrassed as he scratched the back of his head. "Right... I keep forgetting that your experiences with such human concepts is rather limited," he said as he tapped a claw to his chin. "You seem to have access to my knowledge, but I think it's more prudent if I show you what I mean. Plus, I didn't want to say it before, but ever since I've touched myself down there it's been hard to concentrate, not to mention the additional endowments that I would like to explore if it's alright with you."

Zoe nodded in agreement and once more took a backseat in their body, Leopold commented that this would likely be strange for both of them at first. The former python was unsure what to expect, but trusted Leopold and once more reassured him that it was fine. A few seconds later she gasped as she felt something push inside her, her vision looking down to see a finger playing around with the slit located just below her cock. She could feel a grin on their shared muzzle as it quickly sank in deeper, followed by a second one as the white scale-textured goo of their folds yielded easily to it. It wasn't long before a second one joined the first, then a third as both she and Leopold hissed and groaned with the pleasure of it.

It wasn't long before Leopold had his entire hand inside their snatch, the gel of their body clamped around it as he pushed it in and out of them. For both parties it had been the first time that they had been pleasured in such a way and the feeling was divine, and soon the other hand grabbed a hold of their throbbing goo cock and began to stroke it. As they did something strange began to happen and Leopold bolted their head up to see the tip of the thick member suddenly split down the middle. The separation of the sensitive flesh caused another swell of pure arousal as the newly-formed tapered tips of their cock separated into two separate shafts joined at the base. It wasn't long after their sudden transformative spurt that both their hands were wrapped around each tine of their new cocks, and though it left their pussy empty, they shuddered from the dual pleasure.

Leopold wasn't about to let their snatch remain unoccupied, though, as he twisted their flexible form while he continued to stroke their hemipenis, then began to push his muzzle into their femsex. Soon they were being stimulated from three different points, and as Leopold pushed their snout even deeper into the yielding folds, he couldn't help but flick their forked tongue out and tickle their insides. The sensation was an explosion of pleasure and both creatures could hardly hold on from the overwhelming stimulation. Their gooey body coiled and wrapped around itself as Leopold continued to dedicate his focus on pleasuring the both of them, and all Zoe could do was gasp and moan internally from the alien and intense feelings they shared.

It wasn't long before their gelatinous form tensed and they climaxed. They experienced their female orgasm first, the slick walls of their pussy clamped down on their penetrating muzzle as they spasmed from release. It wasn't long after that their male organs followed suit; jets of translucent black goo splattering on their body and the stone that surrounded them as Zoe nearly blacked out from the dual climax. Leopold appeared to be in a similar state as they rode out their orgasm until it reached its conclusion and they sprawled out on the cave floor. For a few seconds it felt like their gooey form was going to melt right there, but they continued to remain cohesive as trembles continued to cascade like waves through their gel.

As their shared climax subsided, the panting creature laid there on the cool stone floor while they recovered, staring up at the darkness that covered the ceiling. "So how are we going to do this?" Zoe asked. "I don't know how well we'd do timesharing our bodies."

"Too true," Leopold chuckled at the joke. "It appears that, with some practice, we may be able to work as one, control our body as one... maybe even think as one. As such I think we may need a new moniker, though I doubt we'll do much introducing of ourselves, I think it would help towards being able to function as a singular being."

"I think that will work," Zoe replied. "Do you have a name in mind?"

"I remember that in ancient mythology there was actually a naga that was believed to be a serpent of vengeance," Leopold stated. "Her name was Nostra, a name I think would be rather fitting."

"Nostra..." Zoe repeated as their eyes closed. "I like it... Nostra, our... my name is Nostra..."

A few hours later the creature emerged from the entrance of the cave and slithered out into the open air. The moon above them shined brightly as Nostra made hir way to a nearby pond to wash off. At first there was a bit of trepidation on how their semi-solid form would react to water, but after an experimental dip of a finger proved they could retain their consistency, shi slithered in. As shi took the clear water and splashed hir muzzle with it, shi couldn't help but look down at hirself, the snake-headed goo creature staring back at hir with emerald green eyes that sparkled in the light. Water continued to drip down hir golden backmane that distorted the image, but it was enough to cause hir to smile as they slid out of the water and back into the woods.

After some time traveling the herm naga finally made it to hir destination; the smell of ash, burnt metal, and plastic filled the air as they looked on at the burnt-out husk of the building that had once been hir wing. While there were still police and fire trucks there the blaze appeared to have been long since put out and a crowd of people were still gathered around. There were many that shi recognized from hir former life; coworkers, supervisors, friends and enemies, all of them were in that area giving their statements or trying to assess the damage. None of them noticed the goo creature that stared at them, an evil smile on hir face as hir forked tongue flicked in and out.

Nostra wasn't about to do anything now... everyone there believed hir to be dead or missing, and that's how shi wanted to keep it. Someone in that group wanted hir dead... whether it was a personal grudge, professional jealousy, or something else, shi was going to find out who and why. As hir head sunk back into the bushes a plot already began to form in hir mind, Leopold and Zoe's intellects and cunning working together on the sole purpose of their task as shi slithered back towards the cave.

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