An Acquiescent Aquatic Acquisition

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Ryan finds out why you shouldn't go swimming late at night, even in something as innocuous as a pool there could be monsters lurking about. For those wondering this is the same Ryan in An Unexpected Surprise Party but in a different branch of the universe where Famjin got to him before Renyzl. Hope you enjoy!

Edited by Texotic

Ryan sighed as he walked through the fitness center, the darkness the only thing that surrounded him as he made his way to the pool. While part of him was glad that he was the only one around during the night, it still made for a very lonely workout experience. With his course load and internship plus everything else in his life, though, the middle of the night was the only time he could manage to get any exercise in. Still, there was something about the stillness of the water during the night that he appreciated as he adjusted his swimwear. As he was forced to tuck himself back into the neoprene shorts he wore, he was also thankful that no one was able to see the true reason he chose the pool over any other equipment, his erection tenting his shorts as he dove in and let the cold water shrink himself back down.

After a few laps Ryan stopped and looked down as he found himself aroused once more, sighing softly to himself as he looked at the stubborn bulge in his shorts. Whether it was due to the feel of the water against his junk or the fact he hadn't gotten any action in quite some time he couldn't tell, all he knew was that this likely was going to require some personal attention. He looked around at the empty pool room, then at the towel he had placed by the side of the water before he started to swim towards it. As he made it about halfway there he felt something brush against his ankle that caused him to dart around and look, only to find empty water behind him.

Just as Ryan shook his head and began to swim towards the side of the pool, he once again saw something on the other end of the pool that caused him to pause, then laugh slightly. Someone else had somehow gotten into the water without him seeing and now swam along the deep end, and though it was hard to make out the person under the water, the shiny, black shark fin that stuck out was clearly visible. "Very funny," Ryan said as the fin moved towards him.

When the fin continued to slice through the water in his direction he dunked his head under the water to see what sort of scuba suit the person wore. By the time his eyes got used to the sting of the chlorine in them, the dark shadow had gotten so close it caused him to lose all his air in surprise as the other person slammed into him. Above the water the fin that had been exposed disappeared underneath as air bubbles continued to stream to the surface from where Ryan had once been swimming. The lights suddenly went out and the entire pool room went black, and after a few seconds the lights turned back on to still waters...


Ryan thought for sure he was about to drown as the thing that had latched onto him continued dive down deeper. He quickly realized that they were down impossibly deep as they kept descending into darkness, the sides of the pool and the lights that reflected off the surface of the water now completely gone. Just as his lungs started to burn from the lack of air in them he saw the light once more, far brighter than the fluorescent lights of the pool area, and it quickly grew brighter before he breached the surface. As soon as he felt the brush of air against his face he let out a loud gasp, quickly followed by several more as the one who did this to him in the first place continued to keep his head above water.

Once he had managed to regain his ability to breathe, he looked around and gasped once more despite no longer needing the rush of oxygen. Gone was the dark night and the athletic center, instead it felt like he had been transported to the ocean during the day. A vast expanse of blue, both water and sky, stretched out on the horizon save for islands that seemed to break it up. As he was brought to shore he noticed that the blue sky wasn't the normal blue either, it seemed to be made of blue and green vapors that writhed and coalesced over one another. Before he truly had a chance to stare at it; however, he suddenly felt the solid expanse of land against his back as he was brought to the edge of a beach.

"Hey!" Ryan shouted as he sat up, only to feel any other words quickly catch in his throat as he finally got a good look at his captor for the first time.

"Hey yourself," the creature replied with a toothy grin filled with serrated teeth. "Name's Dyrnwyn, and I'm your Collector." The humanoid tiger shark easily stood a head taller than him and his physique was ripped, but what really caused the human to pause was his skin. The deep black and blue of the creature looked more like a scuba suit than actual flesh, but as he moved around he could see every muscle shift underneath it.

Ryan found himself backing away from the shark morph as it began to move towards him again, and in a burst of pure instinct he found himself on his feet and running deeper into the island. As he looked back he saw the neoprene creature just standing there with his arms crossed and that grin still on his face. Soon both he and the beach disappeared as the sand turned to dirt and he was running through the trees. It soon became apparent that he was still in his swimsuit as he felt every leaf and branch brush past him.

Just as he believed he got far enough away from his captor, he stopped in a small clearing that had a lagoon with crystal clear water. As he caught his breath he tried to get his brain to catch up with his situation, though nothing could justify having gone from the pool building at night to a tropical island in the middle of the day. Once his lungs stopped burning he sat down on the stump of a nearby tree and put his hands on his head. Part of him wondered if this was just some sort of dream, but the feel of the sun on his back and the sensation of water dripping off his body told him otherwise.

Just as he managed to regain his composure he heard the disturbance of water from the pool next to him that caused him to look up and gasp. There in the lagoon stood the same tiger shark creature, his neoprene body dripping with water as he stood there with his arms crossed. "I was wondering where you ran off to," Dyrnwyn said as Ryan felt his entire body rooted to the spot. "I do apologize if my method of collection was rather abrupt, I get so excited when I see my prey that I just can't help but pounce."

The emphasis on the last bit made Ryan's stomach flip, but despite the fearsome appearance, the other male's demeanor softened it considerably. "Where... where am I?" Ryan was finally able to ask as he still leaned backwards. "Why have you done this to me?"

"The where is the easy part," Dyrnwyn replied with a smirk. "You are in the realm of Master Famjin, shark demon lord of neoprene and aquatic entities. The why is a bit trickier in that I'm not sure, the Master tells me who to go after and I go after them, simple as that. To answer that question we're going to need to see him, and to see him I'm going to need to put you in the proper attire. So now you have a choice; you can either continue to run around this little island and I can stuff you in one of my suits, or you can come willingly with me and we can have a bit of fun, up to you."

Ryan looked at the hand that was offered him, then at the jungle behind him. He quickly realized that even if he was somehow able to outrun this strange creature, he was clearly in another world or dimension he couldn't escape from. Now that he had a chance to calm down, too, there was something strangely alluring about the creature that oozed both power and masculinity as he took Dyrnwyn's hand and stood up. Almost instantly the other hand of the neoprene shark swept up and tossed something over him, which the human quickly realized was a net as he stood there in slight shock.

"I had already prepped the net if you ran and it seemed like a waste not to use it," the shark admitted with a grin as he swept Ryan off his feet in one smooth gesture, the human suddenly hanging against the bigger creature's back as Dyrnwyn took the opening of the net over his shoulder. When they got to the point where the creature was waist deep in the turquoise waters, he stopped and looked behind him at the partially submerged human. "Right then, deep breath, where we're going isn't far below, but I'd hate for ya to be strugglin' on the way down."

Ryan quickly filled his lungs with air and held his breath as he felt the tiger shark leap forward and dive down into the water. Even with the drag of the netted human on his back the aquatic creature sliced through the water effortlessly as they quickly left the lagoon and went down through a series of underwater tunnels. They were going so fast Ryan was hardly able to keep track of how deep they had gone, and before he knew it there was a sharp turn to the left and both creature and captive broke the surface of the water and into the air of an underwater cavern. Once Dyrnwyn shook himself off he took the net and placed it down on the stone floor.

"Welcome to my humble abode," the tiger shark said as Ryan untangled himself from the net. "My little slice of the nexus realm." When he was finally able to look around he was stunned, the walls of dark blue stone were punctuated with small spires of white crystal that glowed and filled the cavern with a soft glow. Beyond that it was furnished just like any normal home would be, save for the corner with a workbench filled with various rubber items that hung from the wall and ceiling.

It was to that corner that the tiger shark guided him, prompting him to sit up on the workbench as he looked over the various garments on the wall. "So when you say proper attire," the human repeated as he picked up one of the rubber belts that hung from the rock before he let it drop again. "You meant... this stuff..."

"I know it's rather exciting," Dyrnwyn said as he leaned over towards the human with his wide grin, which caused Ryan to stare back with a bit of perplexed hesitation. "Oh come now, we can smell lust in the air like our feral kin can smell blood in water. I knew the second you laid your eyes on it that it was something you were interested in."

Ryan could feel himself blush as the tiger shark continued to do his work. Whether he truly could sense such an emotion or he just saw the twitch in the human's speedo, he had been right. Once the initial fear had passed the strange synthetic skin of Dyrnwyn's had been something he was also fixated on, his love of neoprene and wetsuits being what had him in that pool in the first place. Was it for that reason he was chosen? He wouldn't know for certain until the one that called himself a Collector brought him to his master, which seemed to involve quite the wardrobe change as several pieces of equipment were piled up next to him.

Once it appeared he had everything in order, the first thing that the tiger shark gave him to put on was a wetsuit. Though the material was definitely neoprene in nature, the texture wasn't the usual smooth black, but an iridescent pearl instead. At first Ryan was about to stick his legs into it when Dyrnwyn cleared his throat and pointed at the speedo he was wearing. Once again the human felt himself become self-conscious as he turned away and looked down at the bulge in the fabric. Before he could do anything about it, though, he felt himself jump as the tiger shark was suddenly behind him with his fingers hooked into the waistband.

"Looked like you could use a little help," Dyrnwyn murmured in his ear as he pulled the garment down, Ryan shuddering slightly as his half-erect member sprang out into the open air. Once again that hint of power and dominance could be felt behind him as neoprene-webbed hands slowly slid down his thighs, the assertive male once more pouncing him in a different fashion as they were kicked aside. Now completely naked he was generously helped into the strange wetsuit as Ryan still felt those hard muscles pressed against his bare flesh before it disappeared into the suit.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," Ryan finally managed to get himself to say as the slick synthetic material was pulled up his thighs and over his rear. "I should be back in the pool swimming laps..."

"But you have to admit this is so much better," Dyrnwyn responded as he grabbed Ryan's throbbing tool, which caused the human's back to arc as he gave it a few rubs before he pressed it back to allow the suit to glide over it. Once it got up past his waist the tiger shark maneuvered Ryan's manhood into a special sleeve of the suit, which completely enveloped the sensitive flesh and caused him to shiver as it continued to slide up his back and around his shoulders. "Last piece, you ready?"

Ryan nodded and felt the hood slide over his head, the neoprene pressed against his hair and ears until it framed his face. Once it was adjusted slightly, which Dyrnwyn made sure was everywhere as Ryan felt a finger slide between his butt cheeks several times, the tiger shark led the wetsuited human to a nearby mirror. Once he was in front of it Ryan could hardly believe his eyes as they looked over the soft white scales that covered his entire body. It made him look like a completely different creature, save for the exposed face as he looked himself over.

"Beautiful," Dyrnwyn said before he spun Ryan around and led him back towards the workbench. "Master Famjin asked for this piece in particular, so I can only imagine what he has in store for you. But that's in a little bit, right now it's arms and tail that we got to finish up so I can deliver you."

For the next part Ryan was shown how to put his arms behind his lower back with his forearms pressed against one another. As soon as he did he felt something press against them and as there was a tightening sensation; Dyrnwyn explained that he was placing his arms in a type of brace to bind them to his back. Ryan tried to look back and see what he was doing and when his fidgeting proved too much for Dyrnwyn to take, he grabbed a smaller mirror and put it at an angle he could see. The silver bindings looked more like a neoprene sleeve and buckles than anything else, though once it was secured into place the human found himself unable to move his arms more than a few inches.

"You're going to want to sit down for this next part," Dyrnwyn instructed as he helped Ryan back up on the workbench. While he wasn't sure what was going to happen, the human was surprised when the shark pulled out a large tube of what appeared to be a light blue plastic wrap. As the neoprene shark began at his feet, he explained to Ryan that it was easier to use this on his legs than buckles or straps to prevent lines in the tail piece. Ryan wasn't sure what to think about it, though as he felt the rubbery material press against his legs while it bound them together, he couldn't help but shiver.

For a few minutes Dyrnwyn continued to carefully and methodically layer the plastic over his legs. The amount of focus impressed Ryan, he felt like he was watching a master craftsman at his passion as he slowly made his way up until he reached his neoprene covered thighs and stopped. "Now for the reason you got that undersuit on in the first place," Dyrnwyn stated as he gave Ryan's still-erect cock a stroke and caused him to bounce up despite himself. "If I go any further up on you I'd likely interfere with those tasty bits you got there, and that would just be a crying shame."

Ryan couldn't help but grin despite himself at the shark's lewd wink before he went over and took a large neoprene fin off the wall. Much like his suit it was a glimmering white and silver as the scales cascaded all the way down to the broad fin. There was also a long length of spines on what Ryan assumed was on the back of the costume, which was later confirmed when the shark lifted his bound together legs and slid them inside. With the addition of the plastic around them, his restrained appendages easily went into the neoprene fin, which slid all the way up to his waist. Just like with the undersuit Dyrnwyn took his erection and slid it into another pouch of the suit, and although this time it remained hidden, Ryan could feel it just underneath the surface.

"I would ask if you minded the extra layer between you and the open air," Dyrnwyn commented with a smirk as one hand rubbed the throbbing bulge while the other secured the tail with a heavy strap. "But something tells me you are quite enjoying this." Ryan didn't respond, he didn't have to as the muscular male shifted his body and began to thread an x-harness across his chest to link with the belt and arm restraints. The intensity of the sensations he was experiencing throughout the process only grew with each piece of restrictive gear placed on him, his chest heaving with excitement as those glossy hands slid along his entire body.

Once he was finally finished, Dyrnwyn left the human panting in pleasure before he showed Ryan his final piece, a mask that would cover his entire head made from silver and white rubber. It was hard to distinguish the features when it was empty, but the shark assured him he would see himself in it before they left. The human could feel his excitement grow as Dyrnwyn placed the hood over his head and adjusted it into place. For a few moments Ryan felt his breath quicken from the sudden confinement, but after he got used to it he found his breathing to normalize once again.

"One last little adjustment here..." Dyrnwyn said as Ryan felt a collar slip around his neck and press the seam of the mask to the wetsuit he wore. "Beautiful... I'm rather jealous that Master Famjin is going to have such a prime specimen for himself." The human could feel himself grow embarrassed at the compliment despite himself as the shark took the larger mirror from the wall and placed it in front of the fully-suited male.

The first thing that Ryan noticed was the mask; the rubber had completely covered his human features and gave him a long, angular muzzle with a pair of hoses on either side and tinted lenses that game him an almost alien appearance. With that and the detailed scaling and pattering on his body, he realized that the Collector had made him into a type of eel, complete with a long fin that he added in as Ryan examined himself. His long, sinuous body glistened in the light of the crystals as he wiggled his bound human form to watch the suit move with him.

Once he was fully suited up, Dyrnwyn gave Ryan's body one final and very thorough inspection before he took his hand and lifted him up. As he put weight on his finned feet it felt extremely unnatural, though he could still walk it was only about an inch at a time, and he felt very unbalanced. Once again the shark hoisted him up and put him on his shoulders, at least until he got to the nearby pool that led out of the cavern. "Time to test that new suit of yours," he said as he took Ryan and dumped him into the water.

At first the human flailed around in the water as he quickly tried to get used to his form in order to move back to the surface, continuing to sink as he did so. His first and most pressing thought was drowning, but when he continued to breathe he realized that the hoses were delivering him fresh air despite being underwater. After a few more careful breaths to be sure the fear of not having oxygen was alleviated, he could focus more on trying to swim. Though his body was completely bound to where his arms and legs couldn't move, he found that he could still do a kicking motion to propel himself through the water.

After a few minutes of practice he found the neoprene suit he wore made it easier for him to swim before, effortlessly cutting through the water with a simple but powerful stroke. As he swam he became aware of a presence next to him and saw Dyrnwyn swimming down the tunnel next to him. At first he thought the shark was just going to guide him to where they needed to go, but that thought quickly went out the window when Ryan was suddenly pounced and pressed against the sea wall. With all the playful touching they had done the human had wondered why Dyrnwyn hadn't tried to make a move on him, the completely bound human unable to do anything but wiggle now under his grasp.

As the cool, smooth stones of the rocks rubbed against Ryan's chest he felt something begin to push past the folds of the suit and slide between his butt cheeks. He hadn't even realized such an opening was there as he grunted into the mask from the pressure against his hole. As the tip began to nudge the opening, Ryan felt Dyrnwyn's hands wrap around his chest and hold their neoprene bodies close. The rock wall slowly began to drift away as the human realized that the muscular shark was allowing their bodies to sink as he slowly penetrated him.

The entire scene was surreal as Ryan continued to drift down deeper into the tunnel, the water growing darker as Dyrnwyn pushed deeper into him. Soon he was surrounded in total darkness and silence, save for the swish of water against his body as the shark began to thrust in and out. He knew what he should have been; he should have been afraid, fearful of the darkness and the depths, of his captor turned lover, and the fact he wasn't made everything all the stranger. Whether it was something inherent in the mystical creature or the fact he was incredibly charming and handsome Ryan didn't know, but soon all he could think about was the pleasure being given to him as his restrained body wiggled from the sheer lust that caused their neoprene forms to rub erotically against one another. All of the human's world became the cock spreading him open and the rubbing of a hand against his own groin as Dyrnwyn helped him push back to go even deeper.

Eventually Dyrnwyn's deep thrusts grew harder and faster, though for how long Ryan had been writhing there he no longer knew. The suited human had already came some time ago when the neoprene shark joined him in a silent orgasm muffled by the water that surrounded them. The two floated there for a while until Dyrnwyn seemed to recover and pull out of him, causing Ryan to shiver as he felt the shark give him a few parting gropes before he swam ahead and motioned for him to follow. Ryan used his merged legs, which still quivered from what had been the best sex of his life, and trailed the shark behind as they made several turns through the underwater tunnel complex before finally seeing the light of the surface...


Ryan felt his breath catch in his throat as he looked around the room once they emerged from the pool of water. The walls of the expansive cavern made out of a clear glass or crystal with all manner of creatures that swam around in it, most in a transformed state like Dyrnwyn. The floor itself appeared to be mostly sand with stone walkways that ran through it, and as the tiger shark picked him up and carried him forward, he realized it was a giant zen garden. Their destination; however, was a large bed with shiny blue sheets, and on it was a massive, demonic shark creature whose flesh was also neoprene. Once they got close he stood up and put on a sea green kimono, which looked strange to Ryan as the delicate fabric hung off his bulky frame.

"Welcome to my part of the nexus realm Ryan," Famjin said with an intense calmness as Dyrnwyn set Ryan's body on the bed. "Thank you Dyrnwyn, you may go."

The tiger shark gave a low bow before he turned and went back to the pool, diving in and leaving the two alone. "Tell me," Famjin asked as he sat back down on the bed. "Do you know why you're here?" Ryan quickly shook his head, which caused the shark to chuckle as he leaned back. "You are here because you want to be here. Whether you knew it or not, you called out to me so that I could satisfy your desires like no one else could... well, except maybe one of my other brothers, but luckily I happened to get to you first."

"I don't understand..." Ryan managed to say.

"My kind are attracted to people like you," Famjin explained as he helped Ryan up and helped him up a set of stairs and to the edge of the huge tank that lined most of the wall. "Much like those that swim below, you had a need that could never be properly filled by human means, but which is well within my realm. I satisfy those lustful desires of yours, and exchange for a lifetime of pleasure, you merely have to do what I say. Now normally this would be the part where I convert you, but I daresay that would lessen the experience for you being bound up like that... Something that is not common, but not rare, either."

Ryan felt himself twitch once more as the shark said the same thing Dyrnwyn had said to him, which caused him to blush despite being hidden by several layers of neoprene. "So I'm what, like your pet now or something?" the human asked, which caused Famjin to smile a little more. "How long am I staying here?"

"What in this realm makes it look like this is a temporary situation?" Famjin responded, the simple words causing ice to form in Ryan's veins as he looked down. He suddenly realized the zipper of his wetsuit was gone, as was the seam between the tail fin section and the suit. When he tried to move his arms they felt more secure than ever and even the harness across his chest appeared to have lost the buckle that the tiger shark used to bind him in the first place. As carefully as he could he lowered himself down onto the stone platform, and while on his knees, looked at the reflection of the water to confirm what he knew had happened. The thick collar was one solid band and the full scuba mask he wore had melted into the neck of the wetsuit.

"Looks like someone is a little more excited than before," Famjin said with a chuckle. "The suit that was so lovingly bestowed upon you has a few added features now that you will be a permanent resident in my pool, though I'll leave those for a surprise that I'm sure you'll discover later. For now it's time for you to get acclimated to your new surroundings, and if you need help there are plenty around that will be more than happy to answer your questions. Have fun!"

Ryan couldn't even respond before he felt the huge hands of the other male pick him up and throw him right into the middle of the pool. This time he recovered far better, though when he tried to get back to the surface, he found his way blocked by a thick, stone ceiling that hadn't been there before. It was clear that no amount of effort was going to move it, and as he examined his surroundings he felt something brush up behind him. When he turned he saw a male suited similarly to himself, and though he only appeared to have neoprene bindings, his body definitely wasn't human as it appeared to have deep green reptilian scales. Soon several others appeared as well, all of them almost completely bound with either their cocks completely out or with lewd bulges as they eyed him hungrily...

Meanwhile Famjin and Dyrnwyn stood on one of the stone paths as they watched their newest acquisition become more acquainted with the others. "You know, I thought that you only put people in there for punishment," the Collector commented as the demon shark began to draw in the sand with a rake. "I thought this one didn't do anything to you."

"Oh he didn't," Famjin replied with the slightest hint of a grin. "I know you don't see what I see, but as it is a hard concept to explain, I will do my best. Some people just enjoy such things, when I felt him calling that's what I got, and I couldn't pass up a willing acquisition who would want to be in the tank."

"Well he certainly does enjoy it," Dyrnwyn replied as he went up to the side of the tank where Ryan was pressed against the glass, waving to him with a grin as he remembered his own experience. "He certainly does..."

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