Unseen Pleasures

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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A man awakens to find himself bound and at the mercy of an unseen captor, much to his initial nervousness and eventual delight. ^^

This story was written for Diz Foley. It contains sexual acts involving a consenting adult male and multiple partners, as well as bondage and lots of teasy pleasure. :3

Unseen Pleasures

Diz opened his eyes, but everything remained dark. The crane panicked, trying to raise his winged arms. To open his beak and call out in shock, in fear. Again though, his attempts simply failed to manifest. Something was holding his arms down by his sides, and something else was wrapped around the length of his beak. Something firm, solid. His panic increased, his whole body sought to move, to thrash and escape whatever was holding parts of him in place. But the more he tried to struggle, the more the bird realised that the bondage in which he was trapped was not merely limited to a few sections of his body. He was entirely immobile. Entirely trapped, utterly at the mercy of whoever had done this to him.

In the dark confines of his own mind, Diz fought not to pass out. Not to be so overwhelmed by worry that he might simply faint. He shuddered and drew on the deepest reserves of his strength, drawing in a deep breath. To his surprise, he was able to breathe, indicating that whatever garment was wrapped around his head at least had holes big enough to allow a little air to circulate. At the same time, he smelled something. A strong, familiar odour. That of leather, and a little further away, of rubber... or latex, perhaps. Again the bird shuddered, and if he could have, his black and white feathers would have ruffled with embarrassment. Latex. Leather. They conjured up very specific images and associations within Diz's mind.

Suddenly, he was less afraid, and more bashful. He was intensely aware now of the heat emanating from his own figure, trapped inside the tightly wrapped suit of what he was now more and more certain to be latex, covering him from the neck right the way down to the tips of his feathered fingers and long avian legs. His breathing grew a little ragged, and as he huffed a few breaths out through what minute cracks he could find within his tightly bound beak, the hot air seemed to flood back over his face within the leather mask. Or perhaps less a mask, and more a hood, like those worn by falcons prior to being released for a hunt.

Diz struggled, squirming and clicking his tongue nervously within his beak as he felt himself experiencing thoughts and feelings that were entirely inappropriate for this... this kidnapping. He wasn't getting aroused by this situation. He wasn't. He wouldn't let himself.

And yet... he was. Not only that, as he felt his manhood begin to swell and emerge, he truly did feel it emerging. Pushing through what felt like a hole, or perhaps just a slit within the latex covering the rest of his body, and emerging out into open air that was cool and crisp by comparison to the heat trapped within the latex suit.

The longer he lay there, helpless but never ceasing his squirming attempts to wriggle his arms or legs free from whatever had them pinned down, the more Diz's mind was drawn to his protruding member. To how it throbbed and twitched as he fought for his freedom, and how each time he sank back to the firm surface upon which he was lying in temporary defeat, he could feel a little trickle of his own pre-cum dribble down its underside. The more he thought about it, the more embarrassed, humiliated he became. The more humiliated he became, the more he struggled. And the more he struggled, the more his cock twitched and dripped, making him think about it more and more.

Trapped, unable to escape either to leave this place or simply to relieve his unbearably intense urges, Diz writhed and struggled for what might have been an hour, or two, or more. At points he was less seeking escape and more just humping at the air as best he could, his hips one of the few parts of his body not bound firmly to whatever structure he was currently lying upon. His panic faded till it was practically gone, and in its place flooded yet more desire. He chirped and gasped through the hood covering and binding his beak, wordlessly, helplessly begging for some sort of relief.

And then, out of nowhere, he felt something.


A hand, smooth, with velvety pads and soft fur upon its fingers, wrapping around his cock and giving it a single squeeze before withdrawing.

All at once, panic surged through him again. A split-second later it was replaced by humiliation, wondering how long this person had been watching. Wondering if they were alone, or one of many. Wondering just how they'd been reacting to his failed masturbatory efforts. With laughter. With mocking amusement. With arousal of their very own?

The humiliation lingered, but was joined soon after by a fresh surge of desire. Diz arched his back, thrusting his hips and his straining cock as prominently forward as it would go. He felt it twitch. He felt pre-cum dribbling down its length once again, and begged silently for someone to take advantage. For the same hand, or another, to return and touch him once again.

Maybe ten minutes later, a pair of soft lips gently kissed the side of Diz's shaft. They withdrew once again, but as the bird squawked through his gagged beak in desire and pleading hunger, he swore he heard a soft voice giggling as its owner pulled away.

Later, almost half an hour later, several sets of fingers, some furred, others scaled, one set even feathered like his own, began to fondle and stroke his shaft with agonisingly light touches in rapid succession. They caressed the underside of his cock from base to tip once each, and this time as his cock strained and a small burst of pre-cum launched a short way into the air Diz was certain he heard multiple voices moaning in arousal of their own. Once again though, when they were done they faded away into the nothingness that was all which existed outside of the bird's singular, hyper-sensitive window into the outside world.

All day, this torment continued. Sometimes with merely five minutes between bouts of contact. Sometimes almost an hour, perhaps longer. The touches ranged from squeezes to licks, from the vibrating touch of toys to teasing contact from objects the bird could not even begin to guess. From gentle caresses to one particularly devilish muzzle that wrapped its lips around the head of Diz's cock and for barely two seconds applied such firm, precise suction that it made the bird wail and thrash in his restraints at the extreme of the over-stimulation it caused. No sooner had the owner of that talented maw withdrawn though, Diz wailed again, and would have done almost anything to have them return and continue. The agony would have been worth it, for how rapidly it would have brought his day long teasing to a close.

How long had passed, how many different hands and mouths and various other accessories had made contact with his cock, Diz didn't know. All he knew was that he would have done anything to cum. Anything that his captors wanted, if only they would bring this incredible torment to which he had been subjected to its most glorious and happy ending.

He groaned as a hand wrapped around his cock once more. A hand very similar in feel, in size and form, to the one who had been the very first to touch him.

It squeezed. It stroked up and down the length of his shaft once, causing Diz to drip pre-cum over its warm, soft furred fingers. The bird tensed, and bucked his hips, certain that any second now it would withdraw.

It stroked him again.

And again, a little faster.

And again, and again, still picking up speed, still squeezing.

Diz shuddered and writhed, crying out in muffled anguish because he knew that at any minute they were going to stop. That this cruel individual was not just giving him a little pleasure, but was taking him right to the edge. He wanted to cum. He'd wanted to cum all day, and now this hand was bringing that possibility into range. Cruelly taunting him with the possibility, all so they could snatch it away at the last minute.

The bird flailed and bucked. He cried out through his gagged beak, and his eyes bulged blindly within the hood in which he was enclosed. This was torture. It felt so good. So fucking good. He couldn't remember receiving such a skilled handjob before, and it was all the more cruel for that reason, for the payoff was never going to cum. He was so close. It was going to stop at any moment. Any second now. Any instant.

It was only when the first surge of hot cum erupted from the crane's cock, a frantic, muffled squawk of ecstasy and sheer shock bursting from his bound beak, that Diz realised he wasn't simply being teased any longer. The hand kept jerking him off. Kept on pumping at his throbbing cock as hot strings of his cum arced high into the air, some landing back upon the stranger's hand and lubricating, quickening his remaining strokes, while others doubtlessly fell upon the firm latex in which Diz's writhing body was still locked. The hand kept on moving, kept on working Diz's body until he was too sensitive to handle it any longer, and his thrashing turned from actions seeking pleasure to those seeking to escape the intense post orgasmic over-stimulation.

Only then did it withdraw. Not a word was spoken by its owner. Not a single additional touch applied to any part of Diz's body.

The bird gasped, shivered, and readied himself to be set free. Clearly whoever had trapped him here had gotten what the wanted... for whatever purpose they had wanted it. So now, surely, he would be set loose.

A minute passed.



An hour.

Diz whimpered in disbelief as he not only felt himself remaining here, trapped and helpless as ever, but getting hard again. Still aroused, more so than the first time around perhaps, knowing that he was almost certainly being observed.

Two hours passed, and then a warm, rough tongue dragged itself over the underside of the bird's renewed erection.

Diz wailed through his hood, and thrust his hips skyward once more even as the tongue withdrew.

It was starting all over again, and despite still being trapped, still being utterly unaware of how or why he had come to be here... Diz welcomed his continued captivity, and the source, or sources of whatever unseen pleasures still awaited him.

By Jeeves

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