Together Again

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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After far too long apart, two lovers are reunited. And of course, they plan on making the very most of their reunion as soon as possible. :3

This story was written for Kyria Silversong. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults along with public teasing and some dom/sub play. :3

Together Again

Kyria waited. Her eyes darted from left to right as people came spilling out into the airport's public concourse, three or four abreast. In her chest, her heart thundered so loudly she could barely make out the announcer's calls and the myriad conversations going on around her. She stood poised and ready to act at any moment, hands clenched by the sides of her dress, tail twitching eagerly from side to side beneath its knee length fabric. So many figures strolled out, some chatting amongst themselves, others silent and purposeful, more still looking for others to meet them. But where was her visitor? Where was the person whose eyes were as wide and hopeful as her own, just waiting to spot her in the crowd?


She saw him, and immediately broke into a run.

Mere moments later, he saw her. A bolt of blue fabric and grey fur as the lynx-husky hybrid sprinted at him before he could get more than ten feet from the door to his disembarking gate.


He called out with joy, dropping his bag and catching the woman as she launched herself through the air and into his arms. The fox dragged her close, and squeezed her tightly in his arms. He felt her face press into his neck, her whole body trembling with delight, with relief at being able to hold him again. After months apart, they were together once more. Dawyn kissed his mate upon the near-side of her face, and squeezed her in his strong arms with a soft, subtle growl of passion.

"My girl."

She shivered happily. He growled a little louder, perhaps hoping those passing by at close proximity might hear... or at least that Kyria felt as though they might.


She clutched at him tighter as he growled to her, reasserting his love of course, but his dominance too with just a few words. And so willingly, so urgently, she gave herself to him. Kissing his neck over and over and over again, and whispering a single word between each tender peck.

"Yours. Yours. Y-yours..."

Slowly, and only after several minutes of holding one another in that initial tight embrace, they separated. One of Dawyn's hands clasped around the smaller frame of Kyria's own, and though this was her city, her airport, if was him who picked up his bag in his remaining free hand and led the way. They didn't move far of course. They were both too eager, too excited to worry about getting a cab and being driven all the way back to the hybrid lynx' place before being able to revel in one another's company. Thus, Dawyn led his lover to a nearby coffee shop set into one wall of the airport's main terminal. Soon they were settled in a pair of seats, side by side at a table near the back of the shop, with two steaming mugs before them. Not a sip was taken though, at least not for quite some time.

"Tell me everything."

Even as Kyria asked to hear the details of her mate's flight, she had one hand teasing at his chest, sliding its fingers through the buttons of his shirt and caressing the uncommonly dark fur upon his chest. She laid a head upon his shoulder, and let loose a mixture of purrs and happy whines as he gently stroked her hair. They chatted. About the flight. About what they planned on doing while their visit lasted. They repeated over and over again how happy they were to see each other, and each time they did so, they grew a little more urgent in how they touched their lover. As though little by little, slowly but surely, both Kyria and Dawyn were realising that as much as they loved sitting together and cuddling up in person, it still wasn't enough.

They were here. Face to face, after so long spent apart since their last visit. And right now, all they wanted was a quiet, empty room... to make into a very loud, very busy room instead.

"I like that idea..."

Dawyn growled tenderly to his lover, smiling and leaning his head into hers a little more firmly and affectionately.

"Yeah. We can order food in any time. But, tonight... a restaurant sounds good."

With one hand still caressing Kyria's hair, the other fell between them. It landed upon the of the lynx hybrid's legs, stroking back and forth just below where her dress ended, but slowly rising up, pulling the dress up with it.

"Tonight, I think I could really do with... yeah, with eating out somewhere."

He squeezed at his mate's thigh, and her eyes widened as she barely held back a gasp of excitement. Instinctively she tried to close her legs, not out of any desire to make Dawyn stop, just through embarrassment at feeling so exposed... so aroused in such a public space. But of course, the fox knew that. He counted on it. Dawyn kept squeezing at her thigh as he stroked it again and again, pulling it gently apart from her other leg, and gradually lifting his fingers higher and higher, crumpling the female's dress up the length of her leg and exposing her bare lower body beneath the table. Sure, they were in a corner where not many eyes would turn their way, fewer still looking below the line of sight of the table's surface. But it wasn't impossible, and not only did Dawyn hope Kyria knew that, he fully intended to ensure that she did.

"Wouldn't it be lovely, Ky? For us to be able to go somewhere and be seen together by everyone as I... as we, I mean, ate out?"

The tips of his fingers stretched out as high as they could go without fully pulling Kyria's dress out of the way, and just barely brushed the fabric of her panties.

"Tell me you'd enjoy it. Tell me you'd like it if I ate out with you... somewhere public. Somewhere hundreds of people would see. Would know that we're together. Somewhere everyone would suddenly know just what kind of lady you really are."

Dawyn abandoned Kyria's thigh at that point, and suddenly the palm of his hand was pressed against the panty-clad front of her crotch. Her eyes bulged, and it was only the fox pressing his muzzle to hers in a deep kiss that stopped her from crying out as he began to grind the heel of his palm against the mound of her pussy. By the time their kiss ceased, Kyria's face was glowing several shades darker than before beneath her rich grey fur. The tufted tips of her ears twitched as she shuddered in breathless silence, and the hand that had been caressing her mate's chest fell south, just as his had upon her.

"A-at the restaurant... when your meal is... ahh, served? How will you eat it? Fast? S-slow, relishing every... oh god, Dawyn... every taste?"

She whimpered happily as she placed a hand upon his crotch, feeling not a slight bulge nor a growing one, but the full girth and arousal of her mate already entirely erect. He grinned back at Kyria's wide eyed wonder, and lifted his hips proudly off the seat beneath him, bucking up against her touch.

"Are you kidding, Ky? At a restaurant that serves food so irresistible, I'd eat fast... sloppy. I'd make a big mess with every course. And trust me, I wouldn't stop with just one."

The two lovers sat side by side, their coffees still untouched, now both rubbing and squeezing at one another's most intimate regions through their underwear, and trousers too in Dawyn's case. They tried to look natural, to not give themselves or one another away as they blushed and murmured increasingly shameless and seductive comments. But with every word spoken and touch laid upon them by their partner, it became harder and harder to focus on maintaining that innocent exterior. Harder to do anything that wasn't knocking over the table, flinging Kyria to the ground and beginning to fuck her right there and then, for the whole world to see.

"I'll eat you out until my face is matted. Until you're almost spent... begging me to fuck you just once. Just once to feel my cock inside you, filling you up. So deep, so hot inside."

Dawyn nipped at Kyria's throat with sharp teeth and she barely held back a shriek as the almost painfully intense sensation seemed to draw her right to the edge of orgasm. Her whole body tensed up, and again she was forced to restrain herself from crying out, this time in dismay as Dawyn seemed to sense her imminent release... pulling his hand sharply back. Again he whispered, again he snarled tenderly to his woman.

"By the time we get home though. Get all cleaned up. Find a restaurant we want to eat at. Call and check they have seats. Call a cab. Get there... it'll take hours. Tell me, Ky... can you wait hours?"

He could see the female's free hand drifting between her own legs, pulling her dress shamelessly up so she could reach for her own panties, already several shades darker than when she'd put them on that morning thanks to her arousal. With another growl he grabbed at her wrist. Holding her. Denying her, while his other hand fell and grasped at her other wrist, keeping it pressed to his own throbbing member.

"Can you wait for this?"

Again he thrust his crotch up at her hand, and this time Ky did cry out. She gave a brief, sharp yelp of longing, and pressed both hands to her muzzle in horror... suddenly freed as Dawyn smirked and casually lifted his coffee cup to his lips, raising an eyebrow of faux concern at his lover as he, along with the rest of the coffee shop, stared at her in confusion.

Trembling with humiliation, but with far stronger desire, Kyria let go of her face and wrapped both hands around one of her lover's arms. She tugged at the fox, rising shakily to her feet and glancing across the shop, to the restrooms on its far side.


Under her breath, but with desperate insistence, she whined and tugged more urgently at Dawyn's arm.

"Please. Please. N-now..."

The fox didn't move, just looked up at her with playful innocence even as his cock throbbed hungrily between his legs, eager to acquiesce to Kyria's wishes.

"Now, Ky? Now what? Tell me... say the words... tell me exactly what it is that you would like me to do to you here..."

He glanced in the direction her arm was dragging him, smirking wider still.

" a public bathroom, that cannot wait until we get home?"

Again Kyria whimpered louder than she should have, drawing a few more glances their way. This time however she didn't even notice, too worked up to care.

"I want you to... need you to fuck me. Please. I'm yours. You... you can take me anywhere. Any way you want. You always can, you always could. But please, j-just this once... take me here. Take me now. Please, Dawyn. I... I need your cock in me. I need it to be you, your cock, that makes me cum. And I need it to be now, b-before I... before I do it to myself."

That was all it took. Hearing Kyria suggest that she might take matters into her own hands and dampened panties, and feeling the grip on his arm loosening rather than getting tighter. The fox pulled himself upright, lifting his bag up in one smooth motion to cover his crotch and conceal the bulging arousal contained within. He grinned at Kyria, her eyes wider than ever and her muzzle hanging open, panting audibly as she stared at him with pleading, hopeful delight.

"C'mon then..."

He gestured with his head towards the restrooms.

"...lead the way. Show me exactly where you want me to take you, and fill you up."

The choice was rather obvious when they actually made it to the far side of the shop, the restrooms thankfully in a small corridor out of sight of the main store and all its occupants. There was a men's room. A ladies room. And of course, a third, larger and more open stall for disabled access. They slipped inside, locked the door behind them, and...

Dawyn's bag hit the floor. A frantic cry escaped Kyria. A loud thud shook through the restrooms' corridor as from within something heavy hit the disabled stall's door. Wrapped around her lover, pinned against the door by his weight, Kyria made out with Dawyn with loud, urgent moans and whimpers. Clawing at his back with her fingers and rubbing at the backs of his thighs with her bare footpaws, she whined giddily into his muzzle. She teased his tongue with hers, only to break their kiss with a wail of delight as his swollen crotch began to grind and hump against her.

"Please. Inside... p-put it... or, ohh god, I'll cum. Please..."

A little shuffling. Some grunting, gasping, grinding later, and a pair of panties were hanging off Kyria's left ankle as she locked them around Dawyn's rear end, while he didn't even bother to drop his trousers, simply opening up the front and exposing all that was necessary. To her dismay, the lynx hybrid barely got a look at her lover's cock that first time. To her delight though, that was in part because no sooner was it free, it was pressing up against her bare, already soaking wet pussy. For a few brief moments they shuddered and moaned together, both wracked by joyous anticipation as they felt Dawyn humping, pushing, seeking to find just the right angle to slide himself into the woman he loved. He rubbed his thick cock between her flushed, wet lips. He ground against her clitoris, very nearly sending her shrieking over the edge right there and then before they could even get started.

Finally though, he found his mark. Kyria's mouth fell wide open, and a long, single-toned whine escaped her as inch by thick, throbbing inch Dawyn pressed his cock deep deep into her, all the way to the hilt.


He stared Kyria in the eyes, glazed and unfixed as they may have been. She shuddered, and grunted happily back.

"Y-yours... oh, a-always yours..."

Dawyn thrust against Kyria's trembling body. She howled, her toes curled, and she buried her face in his neck, inhaling deeply of his rich, masculine aroma only made stronger by the hours and hours of travel he had endured to get here. He thrust again. And again. And again. The door rattled. Kyria's breath caught in her throat, and she gave a ragged, strained gurgle of a pleading cry, making it obvious to not just Dawyn but anyone in earshot how close she was, and how much nothing mattered but the cock inside her and the man pressed up against her.

The fox grinned as he watched his lover's eyes rolled back in her head, and felt the tight clutching of her inner walls suddenly loosen for a moment, then begin again with rhythmic, almost painfully intense bouts of squeezing and releasing.

"That's it..."

A split-second later, a gush of wetness poured out over the male's cock, and he snarled happily as Kyria's pussy began to clamp down immensely more firm and rapidly all at once. She began to thrash, to wail. To lose all control as sanity slipped away, and pure pleasure replaced it.

"Cum. Cum for me."

He began to fuck her harder, faster as she convulsed around him, and her cries grew strangled and overwhelmed in their intensity once more. Her hands slapped helplessly at his back, fingers flexing too rapidly to gain purchase, and her muzzle remained open in one long, strained cry of absolute rapture.

And then, just a short while later, she was done. Shuddering, panting. Eyes heavy, muzzle grinning helplessly, spent and satisfied.

But still, Dawyn's thrusts grew faster. Harder.

She whimpered. Stared deep into his eyes, and whispered in strained, broken gasps... realising that not only was her man not done with her yet, but just as importantly that she was glad he wasn't done.


A note not of satisfaction, but of greed... of shameless hunger rang out in her voice as her face flushed, and Dawyn grinned at her with savage passion.

"You slut. My slut."

Kyria moaned. Giggled. Nodded, nuzzling and pecking at her lover's flushed face as he fucked her harder and harder, still pinning her up against the door of the bathroom in the midst of the airport coffee shop. As far as she was concerned though, the place didn't matter. Not so long as he was there with her.

"Cum in me. Please... c-cum inside me. And... this time, make me cum for you... and with you, too."

By Jeeves

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