Backup Plan

Story by Rozhani on SoFurry

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Gen drifted back from yet another circuit of the bar, and sighed. Marin gave the jaguar an inquisitive tilt of his head from where he stood on the edge of the dancefloor, but Gen just shook his head to the pine marten, coming up to stand beside him.

"Still sucks?" Marin asked after a few moments, and the jaguar nodded.

"Even if they turned the lights out entirely, there's still nobody worth doing," he replied, at which the marten smirked.

"Dancefloor's not much better," he said with a wave of one hand. "If they can't even get the idea of how to grind when they've got a backbeat that makes the floor shake to mark time..."

Gen laughed, nodding. "It would seem we're out of luck for tonight, then."

After a moment, Marin nodded. "Want to hit someplace else?"

The jaguar shook his head. "Nah, might as well just call it off. I don't want to wait outside another club, and I don't feel like just hitting a bar."

The marten nodded, and the two began to move towards the door. Partway there, Marin leaned towards Gen. "Besides, you need to be all rested for your big date tomorrow..." he teased, giving a leer.

Gen punched the marten's arm, and rolled his eyes. "Don't remind me. I am so not looking forward to meeting whatever random girl my parents have picked."

Marin laughed. "Yeah, I know. I'd come along for company, but you know what they think of me..."

The jaguar sighed, nodding. The pair were silent for a few moments, stepping out of the noise of the club to the cool air outside and turning down the street towards the car.

Partway down the street, Marin broke the silence. "Hey, you still got that video sitting around?"

Gen tilted his head towards the marten, just as glad for the change of subject. "Hmm? Which one are you thinking of?"

Marin gave a vague wave. "It's got a pair of vixens on the cover..."

"Oh, yeah. Sultry Shadows 2. Or maybe 3," the jaguar replied after a moment's thought. "What about it?"

Marin shrugged. "Was thinking maybe we could put it on, when we get back. Give us something to do, at least."

"Heh. Yeah, I guess we could..." he replied with a chuckle. The two reached Gen's silver convertible, and swung themselves inside, Marin sprawling in the passenger seat as the cat brought the engine to life and pulled away from the curb.

They talked on the way home, of inconsequential things, and somewhere along the way Marin's hand found its way to resting on Gen's thigh, stroking softly as he worked the pedals.

A careless swing of the wheel brought the car to rest in its parking spot, and Gen turned off the engine before twisting to face Marin with a smirk, trailing his fingertips softly along the back of the pine marten's hand. "So what ulterior motives do you have tonight, hmm?"

Marin smirked back unabashedly at the accusation, his fingers massaging a little more firmly. "Ulterior, nothing. I was horny when we went out tonight, and I've had no chance to change that!"

Gen's fingers teased softly up along Marin's arm towards the shoulder, and he chuckled. "Hmm..."

The marten grinned, and leaned closer towards his friend. "You're the one with the clever tricks, after all. I just take what I want." With that, he leaned just a trifle closer, and pressed his lips warmly to the jaguar's.

Gen returned the kiss, reflexively at first - and then more firmly.

It was as good a way as any other available to enjoy himself tonight, after all. The two kissed deeply, lips pressing hard to each other's and parting to let their tongues engage in a wrestling match.

Marin was grinning as he pulled back from the kiss, and Gen had a smile of his own as he trailed his fingers up along the side of Marin's neck.

"Well, let's head inside, anyhow," Gen said after a moment, with a playful ruffle between Marin's ears. "It'll be more comfortable."

They went inside, to the fairly spacious apartment they shared, and after another kiss in the living room, Gen led the way into his bedroom. Marin followed, pulling off his shirt and tossing it to the floor, and then stepped up behind the jaguar, stroking along his back and drawing up his shirt as well in the process.

Gen purred, arching his back up against his friend's touch, and lifted his arms up to let the marten pull the shirt off entirely. The marten's brown pelt rubbed against the jaguar's spotted one as he pressed his shirtless front to the feline's back, and he nuzzled at the slightly taller boy's shoulder as his arms wrapped around to work at unfastening Gen's pants.

As Marin worked on undressing him, Gen reached back to stroke along his friend's bare arms and then down to his jean-covered legs, tracing along his hips. The marten's fingers soon succeeded in their task, and Gen wriggled to bring his pants sliding down before turning around. He was partly erect, sheath swollen partway but with no more than a bit of pink shaft exposed, and he purred, trailing the backs of his fingers up along Marin's lean stomach and chest before resting them around his shoulders.

Marin stroked softly down along his friend's sheath, then curled his fingers around the dangling sac for a brief caress before going to undo his own jeans and similarly free himself. As he did, Gen's hands wandered over his shoulders and chest, ruffling the fur and then smoothing it in meandering patterns.

Gen chuckled as the marten's pants came down, and he saw his thick shaft already fully erect. "Guess you weren't joking..."

"Oh, no, I speak blun- ooh!" Marin began, then broke off as Gen bent down to curl his paw around the base of that thick pink length and then swirl his raspy feline tongue around the tip. The marten groaned with pleasure as Gen spread his muzzle around the tapered musteline shaft, the feline's tongue exploring and stroking along the warm length as it dribbled musky pre.

The jaguar's shaft grew firmer as well as he suckled on his friend's and slowly bobbed his head further down, his throat vibrating with a purr as he nudged the marten's length further into his mouth. Marin stroked his fingers through Gen's headfur and behind his ears as that warm muzzle embraced his cock, moaning happily.

Marin's hips slowly rolled, pressing his shaft in against Gen's muzzle until the jaguar's nosepad nudged against his fur. The scent was strong and musky, the marten's arousal mingling with the oils gathered in his fur that keep it sleek and soft. Gen drew his muzzle back, breathing in air only lightly flavored with musk, and then pressed it back down again, surrounding that thick shaft and teasing it with his raspy tongue.

Gen reached one paw down to curl around his cock, stroking at the tapered length as he bobbed his head along his friend's shaft. It twitched in his muzzle, and little droplets of clear pre squirted out against his tongue as he swirled it around the bulge of cockhead. Those twitches in the marten's cock were echoed by quivers running through his whole body, little shivers as his muscles tensed and his fingers curled in around the jaguar's head, then relaxed again with an effort only to tense once again with a shuddering moan.

The jaguar purred deep in his throat as the marten's pre trickled down it, pressing his muzzle deep around that shaft once again as he stroked his fingers back and forth over his own cock, the little barbs tugging at his palm as they grew erect.

Marin's moans grew louder, his hips jerking erratically against the caresses of Gen's muzzle and tongue. His amber eyes closed themselves tightly, and the marten panted hard as his cock quivered, the dribbles of pre coming faster, a constant little stream as his entire body grew tense - and then the drool of pre stopped entirely, a moment's lull before the storm of sticky seed exploded out from his shaft.

Gen felt the first squirt of cum splashing against the back of his throat, and his purr turned into a chuckle as he drew his muzzle back slowly, teasing his lips over that pulsing shaft as the seed splattered into his muzzle and he swallowed it down neatly. Once those squirts slowed entirely, the jaguar pulled his muzzle off with a popping sound, licking his lips like a cat having gotten into the cream - which, after all, he was.

Slowly, the marten's eyes opened again, his breath returning to normal from ragged pants. Gen's emerald eyes were dancing when the marten noticed them, drawing Marin's attention in to see the grin turning up the corners of the jaguar's mouth.

"Entirely serious, I see." the feline purred in a dangerously soft tone.

Marin laughed, a short chuckle ending in a deep breath as he recovered. Unabashed by Gen's tone, he replied, "Oh, yeah..."

Gen's grin turned sharper, and his tone shaded over into a growl. "Good. Because I'm so going to fuck you now."

The marten blinked, and then followed Gen with his gaze as the jaguar got up and padded over to grab up a small bottle of lube. Gen squirted some out onto his palm, stroking over his barbed shaft to coat it in the slippery stuff. He began to pad back over towards the couch, then paused, smirking to Marin.

"Well? Turn yourself over. It's my turn," purred the jaguar, making a spinning motion with one finger.

Marin's ears flicked back for a moment, and then he gave a slightly forced laugh, and nodded as he started to flip himself around. Gen padded up behind him as he did, stroking one paw down over the marten's back and down to brush at the top of his tail before curling those fingers around the fluffy length and lifting it upwards.

Gen chuckled softly as Marin's tail started to curl back down, then reversed direction to stay lifted. He slipped forward against the marten's back, and used his slippery paw to guide a slickened shaft up underneath that tail, nudging in against the wrinkled flesh of pucker.

The marten shuddered at the press of Gen's tip against his hole, biting at his lower lip for a moment before giving a slow rock of his hips to nudge back against that pressure. Gen purred, feeling that tight ring start to spread around his shaft, and slid his paws around to grip at the marten's hips as he pushed further inwards, working that pucker open to let his shaft glide into the clinging tunnel within.

With that grip to aid him, Gen began pushing faster, the tip of his tapered shaft pressed inside. Now the barbs began slipping in, pushed down against the surface of his shaft to slide past the tightness, then expanding into the hot tunnel beyond, tracing corrugations in the walls.

"Bastard. You're enjoying this..." panted Marin, shivering as he felt another bit of Gen's shaft nudge into his rump, an erect barb poking along his stretched ring before popping inside and stroking at inner walls instead.

Gen's face was blank, his voice purring as he laughed. "Well, of course I am." He gave a little thrust of his hips, to sink more of his shaft inside the marten and make him gasp at the sensation of being filled, and reached one paw around to rub against Marin's sheath, finding the marten's shaft still pressing outwards and at attention. "Seems like you are, too," he added, curling his fingers around that cock and giving a squeeze.

Marin simply growled in response, baring his teeth. His body shuddered again as Gen's cock pushed deeper, rubbing along sensitive spots as the jaguar's paw stroked over the marten's length, and that growl soon turned into a moan, his muzzle falling open as he felt his tight rear stretched by tapered feline shaft while his shaft was massaged by skilled fingers and grew fully hard against them once again just as Gen's shaft pushed entirely within him, the fur of the jaguar's sheath pressed up against his rump.

Then Gen began to thrust back and forth, the barbs scraping along Marin's tunnel with each stroke. The jaguar's body drew back until all his barbs stood erect, his shaft partway inside the marten - and then pushed forward, pinning Marin against the couch as he hilted himself once more. He started to quicken the pace, panting as he felt the tightness of Marin's rear around his shaft, the little shudders that sent it squeezing down around his cock as the marten's shaft twitched in his paw and dribbled pre.

Little slips in the pace brought it faster, one eager thrust at a time, and Marin groaned as those strokes pounded against his prostate, against the root of his cock within his body while the jaguar's fingers stroked over the rest. His tip pressed against the back of the couch with each stroke, adding to the growing wet spot with more dribbling pre.

Gen shuddered, thrusting erratically as his fingers squeezed tight around Marin's shaft. His barbs twitched, tugging along the marten's inner walls and feeling that soft surface ripple and shiver in response, the sensations each triggering the other and building up together. At last, the pleasure was too much for him, and the jaguar moaned as his barbs flexed out and caught at Marin's inner walls, holding him within like his paws held without as the jaguar's thick seed spurted up into the marten's rump.

Spurt after spurt splashed into Marin's rump, and he gasped as those barbs jabbed at his inner walls with each squirt. Those spots deep inside were almost too sensitive, and the marten squirmed and shuddered, writhing between Gen's body and the couch to direct those throbs to the right places, to rub his shaft against the jaguar's fingers until finally his body responded with a torrent of seed, spurting out to soak Gen's fingers and spatter against the couch wetly as his rump tightened around the jaguar's shaft and coaxed out another few pulses of hot, splashing seed.

Panting, Gen slumped forward against Marin's body for a moment. His barbs gave another quiver, then relaxed, flattening against his shaft as he slowly drew it out of the marten's rump. A dribble of white stuff followed after it, leaking out from the sphincter before it closed once again.

Marin continued to rest against the couch for a few moments, panting as Gen gave a contented sigh and then sat down beside him. Then he slowly drew himself off and to his feet, giving the jaguar a look that wanted to be a glare but couldn't quite manage to pull it off amidst the lingering pleasure of orgasm.

Gen smirked, and with deliberate slowness put his feet up onto the coffee table, leaning back against the couch with his slick shaft slowly softening and slipping back inside his sheath.

"If you don't like that girl from your parents, I'm finding you a mistress," growled Marin.

Gen laughed in response. "You, I seem to recall, started it."

Marin just snorted, left without a suitable retort, and spun around to stalk out of the room towards the shower, his fluffy tail flicking from side to side in a gesture of irritation that had the extra effect of drawing attention to his rump... which Gen made a point of watching until the marten had left the room and slammed the door behind him.

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