Getting what ya pay for...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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The price of pleasure

The young sleek spotted feline looked over at the big Tiger, as they sped across town. It was the younger predators first night, working as a dom for hire. So the Tiger was going over a few things with him as they rode. "Know your client... or more to the point your clients desires." Charn growled as he weaved the big sleek automobile through traffic. "Like this one you're doing tonight." The big feline licked his lip's. "Powerful, successful, normally he's a large and in charge stud." The big feline smiled wickedly. "But tonight... he's a submissive little slut pony for a big bad pred!" The Tiger winked at his charge. "He'll let you use him and abuse him anyway you like." The big predator gloated. "Hell you play him just right and he might even be a dropper!" The slender handsome Cheetah looked over at his mentor confused.

"A dropper?" He asked carefully, Charn's grin widened into a lustful leering predatoril smile!

"A dropper is a intelligent fur, who drops part of himself into a preds mouth." "And then asks you to have a snack... on him!" The Tiger explained licking his lip's. The young Cheetah looked shocked, and yet excited at the same time. He'd heard of such things happening of course, but never believed it was for real.

"That... that's all just... an urban legend!" He stammered, hardly believing it could be anything else. Charn's grin grew even wider as he turned to look at his trainee.

"Is it now?" "You might be surprised." The Tiger grunted as his long powerful auto pulled up in front of the five star hotel.

"Have you ever..." The young Cheetah started to ask hesitantly.

"What..." Charn grinned. "I've had more than my share kid... ya gotta just know how to play them!" The big Tiger explained leeringly.

"Suite two forty three, don't forget your toy bag!" The big feline advised as the Cheetah climbed out. "He paid for a whole night, so I'll see you in the morning." Charn called, as the door closed. Leaving the young spotted feline starring at his own reflection, in the darkly tinted side window. The powerful engine roared, and the long sleek auto pulled away into traffic. Leaving the him feeling alone and distinctly uncomfortable. Turning he walked past the door man, and up to the counter. The well groomed and well dressed badger behind the counter gave him a nasty look.

"Is there something you need?" The badger asked sounding rather skeptical that there would be. The Cheetah growled to himself, he wasn't that poorly dressed.

"Yes... I need the key to room two forty three." He answered firmly.

"What for?" The badger asked startled.

"For the night." The sleek spotted feline answered angrily.

"I'm afraid that Suite has already been booked." The badger answered smugly.

"I know... in the name of Welborn." Vander answered just as smugly, making the badger blink. Slowly he placed the key card into the Cheetah's out stretched paw.


The big roan stallion snorted as he watched the slender Cheetah enter his Suite. He'd been expecting a Lion, Tiger or maybe a Bear. Someone that was more a match for him physically. The Cheetah was barely half his height, sleek and slender almost effeminate in appearance. Wrapping a large bath towel about his body, the stallion walked down to confront the feline. Silently he moved around the corner, and stepped out into the hall. Massive three fingered hand's grabbing the lapels of the Cheetah's leather jacket. Slamming his sleekly muscled predator's body against the wall. "Who are yoooooooo." The big stallion started to snarl, but as he lifted and slammed the spotted feline into the wall. Vander's foot shot up between his legs, reacting on instinct. The Cheetah slammed his foot into the big horse's big low hanging jewels! 'WWWHHHUUUMMMPPP!' The horse's grip on him vanished, and the big roan stud clutched his wounded groin. Staggering backwards a few steps and sinking to his knee's. Vander recovered his wit's almost at once, he knew some clients would test him. Reaching down he pushed the horse's shoulders back, and lifted his muzzle.

"That was very naughty... my little prey!" He growled, his voice calm and as silky as his fur. "I can see I'm going to have to punish you quite severely." He purred ripping the towel off the horse's groin. "As for who I am..." "You may can me Master!" He growled menacingly now, as he looked the stallion in the eye's. The big stud looked somewhat rebellious, so Vander gripped his mane. And threw him forwards, into all fours on the hallway floor. Quickly straddling the equine broad powerful back, he sat upon it. One paw knotted in the stallion's roan red mane, while the other picked up his dropped toy bag. Then leaning forwards until his muzzle was pressing into the stud's pointed equine ear. He growled menacingly again... "Is that understood?" The big horse tossed his long narrow head a few time's. But quietly answered the question.


"Yes... what?" The cheetah demanded as he lifted his feet off the floor, resting his full weight on the horse's back.

"Yes... Master!" Cameron answered more meek and subservient this time.

"Hahaha... you learn your place quickly prey!" The sleek spotted feline snickered, as he bounced on the horse's back playfully. "Now take me to my bed room." He ordered, thumping his heels into the stallion's sides like ancient riders once did! The proud stallion choked at the degradation for a moment. But then slowly began crawling down the hallway on his hand's and knee's. "Now yeehaa little horsy, we don't have all day!"

Cameron trembled in a mixture of rage, and humiliation at being treated like a common animal. But quickly picked up his pace, trotting down the hallway to the huge bed room. Vander looked around the huge room in awe, it was the most opulent thing he'd ever seen. Cameron kept moving until he was stopped by the immense bed. He jerked on the horse's mane sharply, to make him stop. And then grinned, as he heard the stallion whinny in pain.

"Arrgghh!" Cameron whinnied as his rough mane was savagely jerked, forcing his big head back.

"That's far enough little slut!" The cheetah snickered, as he climbed off the horse's back. Then stood in front of him, leering down at the powerful stallion. Who was his helpless little slut pony, for the night. "You may... undress me." He purred imperiously, watching as the horse began to stand up. Quickly he grabbed the stallion and forced him back down onto his knee's. "I didn't say you could stand... just undress me..." He purred as the proud stallion looked down humbly. "I like how you look on your knee's." He explained. "And besides that's where little prey sluts belong!" The spotted feline snickered, as the big horse slowly undressed him.

It felt good to be out of his clothes, and the slender feline stretch. Thrusting his fluffy sheath into the horse's face as he did so. The big stallion's breath washed over him, feeling hot and tickling. And Vander couldn't help noticing that it grew deeper and more ragged. As the big equine was forced to breath in the sweet scent of it. Glancing down, he snickered as his saw the horse's long marbled pink and brown cock; laying semi hard on the floor. The big stud was getting off on the treatment, and having another males crotch shoved in his face. Grasping the sides of the stallion's muzzle, his rubbed his sheath over that velvety nose and lip's. Those soft lip's kissed and rubbed at his sheath in a uniquely equine way. Using one foot he rubbing over the length of the horse's massive cock. Feeling that might organ throb and jump up, as he did so. The horse's hot panting breath feeling very good on his sheath and sac. He placed the tip of his sheath to the horse's lip's, the hard pointed tip of his cock already peeking out.

Instantly those velvety lip's locked on to that tip, pressing against the sheath lip's. Rolling them back, as the submissive steed strove to get more of the felines cock into his fawning mouth! But the cheetah didn't want things moving to fast, they had all night after all. Slowly he reviewed the list of thing's his client had checked off. Knowing he was off to a good start, but also knowing he had many games to play. Lifting his bag of toy's, the sleek spotted feline pulled out a few things. Even as his long slender male hood began growing. From the horse's hot breath and mouth stimulating it!

Vander moaned softly, as the horse's velvety lip's; that were so soft and mobile! Teased his thick feline cock out of its sheath.

The big equine was proving to be quite the slut, now that the cheetah had bested him physically. Grasping the stallion's big pointed equine ear's, the spotted feline used them as handles. As he powerfully fucked the horse's soft hot mouth for a few moments! Use those sluttishly fawning lip's and tongue to bring himself to full erection. Vander fucked the horse's soft suckling mouth for a few more minutes, then stepped back. And using his grip on the equine's sensitive ear, he pulled the horse up onto the bed.

"Now lets have a look at these... shall we." The feline purred as he spread the big equine's thick powerful thigh's. Looking over the horse's huge now very hard organ, and loose floppy ball sac. "Damn... look at the size of this piece of meat!" The cheetah grunted swatting the horse's long thick rod back and forth. "But why is it getting hard?" Vander demanded in mock anger, in truth the feline loved that the horse was hard for him.

"Errr... I can't help... this is very..." The stallion stammered trying to explain.

"What?" The sleek spotted feline demanded. "It thinking it's going to go inside me?" He snarled as if infuriated by the thought.

"I... Errr... No master." The stallion denied, even as his big organ jerked up harder.

"The only way sausage goes inside of me, is if I chew it up and eat it for breakfast!" Vander snarled in mock fury, even tho' in truth he'd have loved to have ridden the huge fucker. "But you were thinking the other end... weren't you!" He accused watching as the horse got even more excited. "A nice hot tail hole to fuck..." "Is that what you were thinking?" He snarled grasping the stallion's long floppy fuck stick. Lifting and bending the long marbled cock, so it was hanging down between the horse's legs. Grasping the shaft a little lower, he pulled it back between them! Making the big equine snort and squeal softly, as he pushed those heavy ball's aside.

The cheetah rubbed it's big round mushroom like head, over the stallion's big donut like anus! Smearing the studs pre-cum over those tightly drawn anal lip's. When those lip's were good and slick, he pushed that big blunt head arduous into the spasming hole! "Uhhuhuhuuu!" The horse moaned, as his own hot hole swallowed his throbbing cock! Forcing as much of it in as he could, Vander then began pumping it in and out!

"Fuck me I don't think so... you're the only one getting fucked here tonight!" The cheetah purred lustfully as he watch the stallion whither and trembles. Pushed over to the side, the stud's hefty ball's made a good target. That the feline quickly began to smack and swat with his free paw. The big stallion buck and whinnied, but didn't try to move away. Even though he was blushing and looking shame faced. Still Vander could feel the horse's cock hardening, as much as it was able bent over like it was. And this was exactly the kind of thing he'd wrote that he wanted. Vander quickened the pace, shoving the studs own cock in and out of his hot hole faster. Even as he brutally smack then squeezed those mighty orbs! "You like fucking this little mares pussy!" The cheetah accused more than asked, knowing the stallion was enjoying himself. Fucking the stud with his own massive cock, it didn't take long and the stallion was whinnying in orgasm.

"What a slutty little mare you are!" The cheetah taunted amused as he watched the horse's cum leak out around his fat but softening organ. Vander reached down into his bag, and pulled out some frilly female under garment. And tossed them at the stallion, snorting derisively. "Put those on, after you've cleaned yourself up little mare!" He gestured towards the bath room, as he lay back on the big bed. "Hmmmmm... I think I'll order a little room service." He snickered, as the big roan stallion staggered off with his limp cock still planted up his tail hole! Calling down to the hotels kitchens, he ordered them both some dinner.


Fifteen minutes later, Vander heard a soft polite knock on the suites door. Pulling on a robe he walked down as opened the door. Hearing the shower turn off as he walked past the bath room. A short dark gray Burro in hotel uniform pushed a cart into the room.

"Yer meal sir!" The young obviously foreign born equine said. The cheetah looked the handsome young equine over, and grins mischievously.

"Thank you." The cheetah answers, taking the bill and signing the horses name to it. Then he takes out a fifty dollar bill, and holds it up before the Burro's eye's. "How would you like to make a little extra?" Vander asks smiling.

"What would I have to do?" The little Burro asked looking slightly uncomfortable. At the spotted feline, his slotted nostrils flaring.

"Just stand there, and let my friend suck you off!" The cheetah explained carefully, so as not to scare the young straight boi too much. "Once you cum down his throat, you can go back to your job." The feline assured, wheelingly. "With your dick sucked and fifty bucks in your pocket." The little gray Burro tilted his head, as if trying to see a down side to this deal.

"And I don't have to touch any dick?" He asked carefully.

"Nope... you don't get anywhere near anyone's dick, but your own." The cheetah assured.

"Then jes I will let your friend blow me!" He agreed smirking, as he thought about the rich stallion swallowing his poor immigrant seed. Just thinking about it made his thick fat black cock drop. Straining against the front of his uniform trousers. Vander observed this with a smirk, who said good help was hard to find these days! The cheetah's ears picked up as he heard the stallion finishing in the bathroom. And then return to the bed, grinning he whispered.

"Give me a minute, then bring the cart into the bedroom."

"Ci senor." The little Burro agreed in a whisper, Vander flashed him a smile. Then hurried back to the bedroom, Cameron was sitting docilely on the bed. Looking decidedly chagrined and submissive in the female lingerie! Vander had to chuckle, as he saw the horse's huge sheath and ball's. Straining the insides of the frilly panties, and the horse's male tits push up and together by the frilly bustier. Strolling over to the bed, Vander pushes Cameron over onto all fours. Then moves around behind the stallion, running his paw's over the horses silk clad ass! Just then, the smiling little Burro came wheeling the cart into the room. It was a little sooner than the cheetah had wanted. But he could see the young Burro's hard cock, clearly outlined through his uniform trousers. A sizable wet spot already straining these brightly colored slacks. Cameron snorted and shook, looking back over his shoulder at Vander. But the cheetah just smiled down at the embarrassed stud, and then looked over at the Burro.

"Isn't my little mare pretty?" He asked the young immigrant.

"Jes very pretty senor." The Burro answered at once, his cock straining against his trousers. Cameron's eye's flew open as he noticed the Burro's raging hard on.

"She's very talented too..." Vander assured, as he pulled Cameron's panties down. And fondled the stud's hot abused anus playfully, as he gestured for the Burro to come closer. The little gray equine strolled up to the edge of the bed. "Its good service... I think he deserves a gratuity!" The cheetah observed, reaching up to grab Cameron's mane. "Don't you little mare?" He asked as he forced the big stud's nose to the Burro's crotch.

"Ammmm..." Cameron started, but was quickly cut off as Vander grasp his big ball's savagely.

"Unzip his trousers." The cheetah ordered, then snickered as the stallion did it quickly. The little gray Burro's fat black cock sprang out at once, splattering Cameron's muzzle with pre-cum. The stud shivered as the Burro's big blunt cock head rubbed over his lip's smearing them with his pre. "Give him his gratuity... little slut!" The cheetah purred shoving the horse's lip's against that fat cock. The proud rich stallion looked up at the grinning gap toothed Burro. Then back at the cheetah for a long moment resisting, until Vander shoved two finger's up his tail hole. With an effeminate sounding moan, Cameron's lip's parted. Letting the Burro's fat blunt cock head slip between them!

The young Burro nickered loudly in pleasure, as the big stallion's hot mouth engulf his male hood. "My little mare has got a sweet mouth huh." Vander snickered, as he watched the Burro grasp the stallion's pointed ears. Using them as handles to pump Cameron's muzzle lustfully. Vander laughed wickedly, as he watched the stallion starting to actively suckle; and swallow the Burro's pre-cum. The big stallion choked a bit, as the fat blunt organ thrust deep into his muzzle. This was wrong... so very wrong... Cameron knew but he couldn't make himself stop. The hot drooled tip thumping against the back of his throat, and the big stallion swallowed. Letting the Burro's fat cock fuck deep down his throat! The big stallion moaned softly, as the Burro's growing cock pounded roughly down his throat. Hot wet cock sliding between his soft velvety equine lips, slowly hesitantly Cameron reached up. Powerful finger's trembling as he first petted, then stroked the lustful Burro's furry ball sac.

"Ohooooo jes!" The little Burro breathed lustily. "She sucks sooooooo good senor!" The Burro bellhop moaned getting into the spirit of the game. "If a priest were here... I'd ask him to marry us!" He taunted, watching the big wealthy stud service him like a cheap whore. The stallion could only moan, his eye's glazed over. As his focus was on the hard throbbing organ, fucking in his mouth. As below him his own thick heavy cock pushed the frilly panties down his thigh's.

"Hahaha!" The cheetah laughed, opening his robes and moving up behind the stallion. "I knew this was what you really want... this is what really arouses you!" Vander teased, as he planted the pointed head of his feline cock in Cameron's burning tail hole. "Your a little cock loving mare!" He snickered as he watched the big horse service the small Burro. "All you are good for is sucking a real males cock, and letting them mount your tight ass." The spotted feline mocked wickedly, chuckling as the stallion's glazed eye's suddenly flew open wide. As he drove his thick feline cock ball's deep into the stallion's tail hole!

"Ohohoooo!" Cameron moaned, as Vander's hard barbed organ scraped over his pleasure knot! A faint smile on the Burro's black and gray muzzle, as he watches the stallion get violated. His hip's rocking back and forth, repeatedly feeding the big handsome stud his fat black cock! "Uhuuuuuu!" The big red stallion moaned lustily, as two big cocks plunged into him repeatedly from both ends. Even as Vander's soft paw reached around to stroke and fondled his stallion hood.

"See that is the sound a real cock loving slut makes!" The little Burro teased. "I think we might get to be real good friends..." That thick fat cock gushing the Burro's pent up pre-cum over his thick tongue, and down his gullet.

"Bet the little mare would just love that!" The cheetah snickers as he licks along the horse's neck, his rough tongue and sharp teeth teasing him. As his own tight ball's slap the horse's huge floppy ones. In short order the former top stud was fucked into submission! His mouth becoming fawning, and eager on the Burro's fat cock. Even as his hip's press back to meet the Cheetah's hard fuck thrusts. The slender feline's own cock throbbing, so close, but wanting to savor his orgasm! The spotted feline grabbed the horse's hip's, and began to pummel Cameron's tight hole even harder! Grunting and stroking obviously pleased with the horse's once virgin asshole; and it's snug heat. "Mmmmm yeah... you look like you suck cock like a pro!" He taunted, glancing over at the Burro he asked. "You like how he feels?" "You think he should suck more?"

"JES!" The little Burro panted obviously very close to going off.

"Yeah I think so too." "Go on little mare... show us how good you can suck a real males cock!" "That long snout of yours, is perfect for a cock sucker like you." "I bet you have no problem taking it all... huh." Cameron moans through his long slotted nostrils, as the Cheetah teases him.

"Ohoo Jes he suck it gooooood!" The burro moaned humping the big stud's mouth lustfully! The lowly Burro bellhop brayed and humped wildly for an instant. "Jes... Jes... swallow that!" The Burro moaned, as he pulled back; to fill the stallion's mouth with his greasy cum. Orgasming his thick gooey spunk down the stallion's acquiescent throat! At last the Burro pulled out and sprinkled his last few drops over Cameron's roan muzzle.

"Thank him... for feeding you!" Vander whispered into Cameron's ear.

"Thank you." The big stallion breathed, as he licked the common Burro spooge from his muzzle.

"Good little mare!" The cheetah leered softly.

"Jour welcomed." The little Burro grunted gloatingly.

"Tell him you'll service him anytime he wants." Vander ordered pumping the stallion rump harder.

"That... that was very good..." Cameron praised. "Anytime you want me to do it again... just come to me." The passive stud repeated.

"Any time I want jou to..." The little Burro grunted in surprise. "Jou loved that didn't Jou?" The little Burro taunted.

"Tell him the truth... you're a slut for cock!" Vander ordered tauntingly.

"Errr... I'm a... I like..." The big rich stallion stammered.

"Say it!" The wicked feline demanded, pounding his rump even harder.

"Yes... yes I loved it!" "I'm a slut... a slut for hard cocks." The once overly proud wealthy stallion whimpered.

"Jes I can see that!" The little Burro snickered. "Perhaps I should sent a few of my friends up for jou to suck on."

"You'd like that wouldn't you little mare?" The cheetah demanded as he pounded the stallion's big prostate savagely.

"Yes!" Cameron squealed. "Yes please send them up!"

"Ooooo ok I will slut!" The little black Burro snickered getting into the game.

"What a nasty little slut... getting all excited by having a cock fucking you in both ends!" The cheetah snickered, playing roughly with that huge stiff organ. The cheetah snickered; as he felt the horse's powerful anal muscles clamp down and milk his hard male organ lustfully! The big stallion was orgasming, his long powerful cock belching out great jets of cum! That puddle on the red satin sheets beneath them. "What a slut you are!" The sleek spotted feline purred into the horse's pointed ear gloatingly. "Just out of curiosity... was it my cock up your boi pussy?" "Or sucking the bellhops fat Burro dick that got you off?"

"I... I don't know!" Cameron answered weakly as he lay quivering.

"Aaaahhhhh what a good little mare you are!" He mocked, spurting his hot load deep within the stallion. With that the Cheetah pulled out, leaving the equine's pink anus twitching and leaking thick gooey feline cum. Cameron collapsed, and lay panting as the Burro trotted off back to work. Eager to tell his coworkers about his sexual exploit no doubt. The cheetah grasped the root of the stallions tail in one paw. And the neck of his big floppy ball sac in the other. Using these two handles, he pulled the stallion back slowly. Until the horse's head was over the puddle he'd just made. "Dinner time little slut!" The lean sleek feline smirked, pushing the equines velvety muzzle into his spooge! "Clean up your mess!" The cheetah ordered, watching amused as the big stud's nostrils flared and his ears lay back flat. But tentively he nuzzled at the thick cooling spooge, tongue lapping hesitantly. As the felines strong paw's squeezed and twisted his big dangling nuts! Reaching over with his other paw, Vander uncovered his dinner plate. Slowly eating his roast chicken and wild rice. While he watched in satisfaction, as Cameron lick and lap up his own orgasmic fluids. The sight of the normally accretive stallion, meekly obeying the vulgar command! Serving to excite him again very quickly. When the creamy puddle had vanished into the horse's mouth. And the big stud was suckling on cum dampened sheets. Vander roughly rolled the big stud over onto his back. Smirking as he saw the horses still massively aroused cock stand straight up!

"I can see, that I really had no idea what a pansy you really are!" Vander laughed, as he slapped the horse's huge erection back and forth. The sleek feline was feeling the double high, of power and orgasmic satisfaction! "You really are a slave... and not just to me..." The cheetah taunted as he toyed with the huge equines cock and balls. Remembering what his Tiger mentor had said earlier about the horse. 'He'll let you use him and abuse him anyway you like.' The big predator had gloated. 'Hell you play him just right and he might even be a dropper!' The idea had been shocking at the time, now Vander wondered if he could get the stallion to do it.

"Its so hard!" Cameron moaned, as the amused Cheetah smacked his big fucker around.

"It certainly is!" Vander snickered playfully wanking the big organ. The big horse blushed at the felines words.

"Errr... I meant being enslaved to ones lust!" Cameron explained. "Last week I had a meeting with Xan Corp... but all I could think about was that hot little Shetland intern."

"Wanting to pin him down, and plough his rump hole; like it was a mares twat huh!"

"Errr... well..." Cameron stuttered, and Vander knew at once who was playing the mare in Cameron's fantasy! Good, the big horse was a true bottom; that should make it easier!

"Playing the mare for a hot little Shetland stud." Vander smirked rubbing the horse's huge nuts with one soft paw. "So sucking the Burro really was hot for you!" The cheetah smirked, an idea at once forming in his mind.

"Very!" Cameron admitted blushing only slightly, but his big cock pulsing even harder in the cheetahs paws.

"I'm sure he has a few friends, I could get to come up here." Vander snickered, as he toyed with the studs cock. "Ooooohhh... something tells me you'd like that!" The feline smirked, as the equines big cock began drooling once more. Rolling over in the bed, Vander tauntingly rubbed his soft furry ass cheeks against the stallions hot hard on. As he dial for room service again, thinking how terribly ironic he was turning that name into. Word of the bellhops blowjob... and Cameron's offer to suck his friends had gotten round it seems. And the Cheetah soon had a small herd of horny young males, eager to make a delivery and get their tip! In the meantime Vander spent sometime abusing the stallions big junk. And planting hints, that if he wanted to be a real good pleasure pony. He really needed to be a gelding, after all that's what geldings were for... With the big stud up on all fours the cheetah slipped his head between those hefty thighs. Nipping and nibbling on the stallion's swinging junk as they heard the door open... It wasn't long before the first delivery arrived. A cute shaggy gray Donkey comes trotting in eager to feed the rich stallion his spunk. Vander guided Cameron's muzzle to the Donkey's open trousers. Letting the big horse nuzzle and kiss those thick black organs teasingly for a long moment. Then whispered up to Cameron.

"If you really want it... you know what to do..." Then he lay back with his jaws spread wide... the big horse looked down and gulped. Did he really want to do this... but just then the Donkey pulled his muzzle back into his pants. The strong masculine scent of the Donkey's mighty male genitals was just too much of a temptation for the horny stallion. Reaching down he cupped his might jewels and pushed them into the felines waiting jaws. Then buried his own muzzle in the Donkey's crotch licking and suckling!

Those mighty male orbs stretched Vanders jaws as wide as they would go. But at last he had both stud jewels inside... the spotted feline suckled on them playfully. Enjoying the heat and taste of that sweaty male flesh, enjoying having the stallions most precious flesh in his power. And it was power... his needle sharp feline teeth could easily nip them off... or shred them on the vine. And it was hard to decide which he wanted to do... So for now Vander just lay back and chewed playfully on the sack neck. As Cameron huge hard cock lay throbbing and tensing on his belly. While the big horse pleasured the grinning gape toothed Donkey, who was fucking the rich horse's muzzle roughly. At last Vander decided... and locked his teeth around the base of Cameron's scrotum. Holding on tightly until that sensitive flesh went numb, it was a hold his ancestor use to kill prey! Only they bite the throat, so it was kinda instinctive for him. Above the Donkey brayed in pleasure dumpy body jerking, as he fed Cameron his greasy spunk. Then was quickly replaced with a handsome young steppe pony. Vander pushed his sharp teeth in deeper opening that velvety sack. Which was so numb by now Cameron never felt it. Though the big horse did moan as his hefty nuts dropped out into that hot maw. The cheetah used his tongue to position one big nut under his fangs. Then bite down on the firm slippery orb, Cameron moaned softly around the pony cock fucking his mouth. But otherwise didn't react... even when those pointed fangs pressed in! Shearing into that firm flesh ripping open that tough membrane! There was a soft pop as the big testicle exploded, spraying its sweet meaty guts into the Cheetah's throat!

"Ammmmmmmmm!" Vander moaned in delight as the taste of unmaling the big rich stallion filled his senses! And he felt that pleasure and power Charn had told him about! It was so exciting... so satisfying to take away the stallion's male hood! His own cock was rock hard as the steppe pony whinnied and fed Cameron. Quickly he gestured for the pony to send in two next. And he wasn't disappointed as two horny young equines came trotting in. A shaggy Shetland moved at once to Cameron's muzzle. And a Irish pony looked confused, until Vander pulled Cameron's tail aside. The sleek little pony smirked as he saw the big pink tail hole drooling cum. Climbing up he quickly planted his thick pony prick between those cheeks. Cameron moaned and bucked his hip's back and forth, almost finishing his gelding himself. Vander smirked at that idea and decided to let him, positioning his teeth on the cords. He let the big stallions own body movements cut the cords against his sharp teeth. Then fell back panting for breath, starring up at Cameron's denuded crotch. With it's still rock hard cock slapping against the stallion's belly!

He'd just taken his first dropper... and it felt damn good. He layback watching the ponies swinging nuts, as he savored Cameron's last one! Chewing slowly making it last, until the ponies squealed almost at once. As both dumping their cum into the new gelding, as soon as they pulled out. Vander was up and behind the gasping stallion as the last young male came in! It was the Burro back for seconds, the cheetah grinned at him. As he speared his rock hard cock up the geldings sloppy tail hole! The little Burro shared his grin and quickly fed Cameron his cock again.

"Ammmmm senor like that's!" The little Burro teased as he rolled his hip's fucking Cameron's mouth lustfully. "Rich bitch... like a real males cock!" He panted as Cameron's fawning mouth worked his thick cock over fawningly. Vander grinned as he heard that, neither of them knew of course that the horse was no longer an intacted male! And that only added to the felines pleasure... he pounded harder and faster into Cameron's rump hole. Reaching down to jerk the gelding's still stiff cock... milking out the last spunk the horse would ever product!


Tales of the Demon Fox... Tigers

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Last night of Freedom...

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