High Stakes Game...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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Inspired by http://www.furaffinity.net/user/corpus/ image High Stakes Game this is the back story of Zuchter the creamy white Lipizzaner stallion and his buddy Tomas and how he got himself into that position...

High Stakes Game

It had been yet another bad night at the casino; Zuchter was so sure that the strategy he had would work! But it had left him at his bare bones assets. However, that was when he'd been approached a handsome Stag who had informed him that there was one more gambling deal he could make. A deal they had reserved for 'Special' customers!

Definitely something to make the loser think he was appreciated as a patron, even when down on his luck! Though the truth would be found to be much crueler, and grounded in making their money back. The white Lipizzaner stallion smiled, as he was lead around behind the scenes. In a back room he was ordered to strip... and does so quickly. It was obvious he was going to perform in some manner of secret sex show.

A way for the Mob ran gambling house to make even more money off its less lucky patrons, this didn't bother the big stallion in the least! He'd showed off his sexual abilities lots of times before, just for the fun of it! The smiling Stag greeted the assembled contestants, Zuchter noting that all of them had been quite bad rollers that night. What could be up? Like him, they were all naked. What was going on here? Smiling to them, the handsome punk Stag informed them that this was a high stakes gamble.

"Only one of you here can win, but the winner will have his chance at 30 million." "The losers..." He wouldn't talk about that yet, but it was the nature of gambling! After all... the prize loomed just in front of them all. To think, to have a chance to totally remove his debt and still come out rich in one fell swoop! As the big stud looked his fellows over, he began to wonder if this show was going to prove more violent and degrading than he'd expected. Would they have to fight... or perhaps rape one another... to win?

He looked around again, trying to decide who would be the hardest to over power; who would be the threat to him... The others were, a fellow equine like him. A studdly and well-endowed Zebra, whom was watching him with contempt; seeing as Cam was smaller endowed than him. The second was a timid young rabbit boi, whose fluffy package was amazing large for so small a fur! The fourth was a looming predator, a grey wolf with golden eyes. Who looked to be rather heavy set and dominant in nature.

The Stag produced legal forms for them all to sign, signing that each agreed to whatever would happen, and would not sue the house. Taking the clip broad, the big stud hastily scribbled his name down. As he looked over another big draft horse... startled to realize he knew. Tomas smiled and waved as he to recognized Zuchter. The stallion smiled but knew his friend could be a dangerous opponent. But then the zebra would be also... the rabbit he dismissed out of hand. Gathering the sheets, the Stag told them that the event would start shortly. And asked them to wait in there, while he filed them. Giving them all quite obvious and appraising glances. The big creamy Lipizzaner stallion grinned lustfully at him, thinking he might just be asking for a private moment with him after he won!


Ten minutes later the Stag was back and quickly picked out two of them. Tomas the big draft horse and then Zuchter the creamy Lipizzaner and lead them away. The big draft horse swagger off happily, flashing a smirk over his shoulders. "You losers can all go home..." He called as the three of them disappeared through the doorway. The pair found themselves in a small room, a huge video monitor set into one wall. One it was a strange Y shaped table. "Ok here's the game... your strapped to that table, legs apart while certain other contestants try to made you cum." The Stag smirked as he saw the two stallions grin excitedly. "But here are the stakes... if you can hold out for thirty minutes you win the 30 million." Tomas snorted and elbowed his old buddy. "If you cum first you lose... and since you had no money to bet with, you'll have to bet something else." As he said this his image moved on screen strapping a big Buffalo to the table, then fitting a small but sharp looking guillotine between his wide spread thigh's. Both big stallions jumped visibly taken aback, as the watched the big Buff's nuts fitted into the guillotine. "That's right..." The Stag smirked. "Your balls... against 30 million dollars , all the best games have high stakes!" Zuchter looked over stunned at Tomas, but the big draft horse was just smiling and nodding. "Now you've signed your waivers... this is your last chance to back out..." The handsome young Stag explained toying with one of his piercings.

"Piece of fuckin' cake..." Tomas snorted. "I can't believe how easy this'll be!" He turned and grinned at Zuchter. "Sorry ol' buddy but your goin' home broke!" The young creamy Lipizzaner stud couldn't believe this was happening, or that his friend was taking it so lightly. Maybe this was a sure thing... maybe Tomas was just trying to psych him out! He thought about it... it wouldn't be hard to keep from cumming with his balls about to be chopped... _ 'Hell I might not even be able to get an erection! _' He thought unaware that fear often triggers erections. The images on the screen kept playing, as a young elk female moved in to play with the Buff's long cock.

"How do we decide who goes first... ahem?" Zuchter quickly asked the Stag, hoping to beat the big draft horse to the punch. _ 'Aaaahhh... ya gotta love young, naive colts... so easy to manipulate, and so incredibly sexy!' _ The handsome young Stag thought as he smiled ruefully and produced a deck of cards. When he's pitted against the best cocksuckers in the world... the Stag knew his chances of winning were nil! All the better for our illustrious sponsor... As the action on the screen grew more intense, the elk was sucking furiously on the Buff now.

"My names Cam... and its High card for High stakes." The Stag explained as he spread the cards out, both stallions quickly picking one. Tomas grinned wickedly at Zuchter as he held up the Ace of spades. As behind him on the screen the Buffalo was bellowing and clutching the tables edges...

"I'll give ya a starting stake from my millions buddy." He promised as followed the Stag into the next room. The video flickered and ended, with the blade down and a shocked looking Buffalo starring stunned!

The images flickered to life again, but this time it was Tomas the Stag was strapping into position. Finding the remote, Zuchter turned the sound up just in time to hear.

"What do you prefer... males or females." Tomas's muzzle was twisted up into a cocky smile.

"I love the mares!" The big draft horse assured, as his huge balls were pulled through the guillotines collar and locked down. The Stag held those big nuts for a couple of seconds longer. Then smiled and released them, those big orbs sagging almost down into the catch bowl. As the door behind Cam opened and a tall sleek Arabian mare trotted sexily in. Zuchter choked, he could smell her season from here, and Tomas was in trouble. For unlike Zuchter he really did like females!

"Ya should have told them you were gay!" Zuchter grunted softly, shaking his head as he watched his friend erect just from the sight and scent! The huge draft horse lay back propped up on his elbows. As the Arabian mare slowly approached him, her sleek delicate three fingered hand reaching out to stroke his powerful chest.

"Oh my... you are a Big boy aren't you!" She exclaimed as she admired the grinning stallions massive stud stick. The handsome Stag watched Tomas's display, with a wicked lustful smile. He'd seen this game played out thousands of times. But somehow it never failed to arouse him! Poor dumb stud, once you're in the chair its all over! That's why Cam loved the game; let him think there's a chance. He almost felt sorry for the big horse, but then shook his head. Only losers ended up here, and even then you had to be a pretty big loser! No small timers ever sat on that table! Cam's smile grew wider and more lustful he enjoyed his job... Meanwhile the mare was dancing and swaying seductively, before the big draft horse. Almost pushing her hot winking, dripping sex in his muzzle. His mighty stallion hood was bouncing and jumping up at full staggering erection by now. Rivers of clear watery equine pre-cum snaking its way down that huge black shaft.

As Zuchter watched on the huge screen, the camera zoomed in for a close up! The gay Lipizzaner stallion felt his own sexual excitement growing as he watched. Admiring his friends mighty oozing stud hood, and the sleek brown and white Stag's own growing pink rut stick! The erotic nature of the scene going on before him making him forget that he was next! And that he really shouldn't be watching something so sexually stimulating. Luckily the camera moved up to the mare, who had taken Tomas's big hands and placed them on her breasts. Zuchter's excitement quickly ebbed as he watched the draft horse fondle and squeeze those big bags. It was doing just the opposite to Tomas however; his big dick throbbed and strained excitedly. And the creamy Lipizzaner stallion got the feeling; the only reason the mare wasn't stroking it. Was that she knew it would be over far to soon and wanted to make it an exciting show!

It had only been roughly five minutes of the prescribed thirty. But already the big black draft horse was feeling the heat! His big cock at full drooling erection, those potent orbs churning with pent up seed! The smugly grinning Buck toying with the release button for the guillotines blade. Tomas had begun to worry now... his sleek black and white fur wet with frothy equine sweat. Desperately he tried to push thoughts of the pretty mare's winking squirting sex from his mind. But the rich strong scent of her heat was smeared across his muzzle. And her soft supple teats were firm and hot in his palms. With a burst of will power, he pulled his hands away; reaching down to grip the tables edges. The Mare smiled and turned around bending over to give him a view of her sex in the mounting position! Tomas snorted his big throbbing stallion hood arching up over his belly and chest. Pulsing so hard it ached with pain, but it was an erotic pain that blended with pleasure into an intoxication mix. Pushing her rump back she rubbed the velvety softness of her black teardrop shaped sex against the underside of his aroused organ! All he would have to do is reach down and guide himself in! For an instant he almost did, only the knowledge that doing so would end in his own unmaling restrained him! No... he would have to avoid that sweet soft Mare sex at all costs! Or he'd lose this game just like he's lost all those dice rolls! And the stakes here were much... much higher indeed! His big powerfully built body shuddered like a leaf in the wind, as he felt her hot sex burning against the base of his cock! The big draft horse shied away from that hot velvety soft flesh, as much as the collar around his sack would allow! Which wasn't much... the grinning Stag chuckled darkly as he watched the stallion try to flee the mares embrace.

"Awwwww come on... put it in her... a real stallion would!" Cam taunted, making Tomas snort angrily. The Stag just loved it when they finally realized this was really going to be difficult! Now the big stud would really start to squirm! Cam would give the chump something to worry about... Pressing a nearby button, he turned the twin TV monitors across from the draft horse on. The bigger of the two began showing the final minutes of the last poor dupes who'd taken this bet! The smaller one showed the big stallion himself, set on a two-minute delay. The Stag watched the big buff stud horse's reaction, smirking as his earlier over confidents melted away. In a torrent of frothy equine sweat, the bumpkin was really nervous now. As he alternated between watching male after male get gelded, to watching that sexy swaying rump spreading its hormone filled perfume under his nose. Cam himself was sweating, giving off the rank musky scent of an aroused male. His long pink pierced organ dribbling a trail of slime down his inner thighs, as they reached the ten-minute mark. The handsome young Stag could tell Tomas was on the ragged edge of arousal. And the Mare was about to step up the pressure, while the casino wanted the show to last as long as possible. She had the ok to make him cum anytime past the halfway point.

Reaching over she lubricated both her three fingered hands with the slick pre-cum oozing from the draft horses cock head. Then slowly and sensually sled them up and down his big jerking erection. "Eeeehehehe!" Tomas whinnied and squealed excitedly, as even more watery equine pre squirted out splattering them both! Even with his legs tied down Tomas's hips bucked and plunged at this fondling of his stud stick! The big draft horse bite his lower lip savagely, struggling to think about something... anything besides the sensations coming from his crotch! As he fought franticly to control himself... _ 'I can't cum... I can't cum... gelded if I cum... can't... can't...' _ Tomas looked up, but the hands on the clock had hardly moved. He still had ten minutes to go before it was safe for him to spoo! Meanwhile on the big screen a wooly Ram was frozen in shock as he watched the guillotine blade drop in super slow motion! A tremble of real fear raced through the big stud, but oddly the fear only made him more aroused! As his big cock jumped and jerked excitedly, his hefty nuts quivered in anticipation of climax. The Mare leaned in and began licking his huge hard stud stick. Starting at the base near his sheath opening, she slowly worked her way up his shaft. Until she was at last curling her long slick tongue around the big blunt head!

"Ammmmmm..." She moaned as she lapped up his pre-cum, and then leaned in to share a kiss with him. The big stallion could taste his own pre on her soft lips as they kissed. He had to do something to get away from all the sexual stimulation. His eye's snapped closed, but this did him no good. For he found his head filled with erotic images of himself pinning that pretty Arabian mare and... and...

"Ammmhmhmhmh!" He whickered lustfully as he felt something push between his lips. The taste and smell of his own pre-cum already filling his senses to over load as the sensual feel of soft lip's engulfing his glands made him shiver.

"Suckle..." The pretty mare purred into his ear, as her hands milked his shaft. And she kissed and nibbled around his neck and muzzle. Without thinking about what he was doing, the big straight stallion began suckling on his own cock! The Mare glance back at the camera and smiled, this one would sale good in the slave auction. Her slender hands felt his big stud stick tense, Tomas groaned as his cock head flared in his mouth. Those huge stallion orbs tensed, then drew up as much as possible. As suddenly the big draft horse choked and gagged, as hot stud milk exploded against the back of his throat! Spitting out his spurting cock head, the big draft horse's eyes flew open wide. Just in time to see the grinning Stag fingering the button! "Nooooooooo..." He squealed looking up at the clock... realizing he was still nine minutes short of the thirty! Instantly the razor sharp blade dropped, and with a quick shiss and thunk! The small TV monitor went dark as on the big screen Tomas's image appeared. Replaying his own gelding before the draft horse's very eyes! Suddenly Tomas was free of the table and being dragged away to have his wound sewed up!

"Next contestant!" The smiling Stag called lustfully as he watched another gelding being led away.


"Has anyone ever actually Won this game?" The handsome creamy Lipizzaner stallion asked his voice quivering, as he felt Cam tugging on his big balls. The feeling, and thought of the handsome Stag touching his privates making his big pink cock slip from his sheath!

"Stop worrying so much!" The sleek handsome Stag smirked, as he watched the horse growing excited. "All you have to do is keep from climaxing for a period of thirty minutes." "If you can manage that, you win the grand prize of 30 Million." "If you cum before time runs out, well... you join your friend in the slave pens." "Less than a man!" "And oh yes, this is being recorded for our sponsor." "Good Luck!" The Stag smirked, noting the bead of pre-cum already hanging from the horse's big blunt cock head. "No need to ask what you prefer!" The Stag smirked caressing Zuchter's big hot balls with his thumb. The horse blushed brightly and swallowed hard, he'd been planning to lie. But with his attraction to the Stag, his own male organs had betrayed him! "Should I bring out a pony boi... or just play with you myself?" Cam snickered, spreading that bead of pre around the horse's cock head with one fingertip. Watching in amused satisfaction as the one bead turned into a small cloudy river of pre-cum as he did so!


Ok... this brings us up to the point of the pic... MMMMHAHAHA... What a tease I am...

So what happens next... does he win... or get clipped... Go to the slave pens... or perhaps to Cam's place to serve him... Maybe with the 30 million he has the Stag placed on the table...

Teams Lucky Charm...

A follow up to quarterback sac... Jocks are a superstitions bunch if it working with one QB... better do it with the next... To bad the new starting QB didn't think about that... Charn gets to have his fun...

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