The Bigger They Are

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Two elephants with big hearts and bigger bodies enjoy some time together. <3

This story was written as a 1000 word patreon Flash Fiction for Serling. It contains M/M sexual acts between consenting adults.

The Bigger They Are

Graham groaned happily as his thick fingers wrapped around the even more girthy erection of the man before whom he was kneeling. He looked up as he jerked off his lover, and felt the thick grey skin of his cheeks burning hot with giddy embarrassment at the mere sight of the other elephant's incredible body. Never mind his cock... Graham could have spent years detailing everything he loved to see, smell, taste... anything even remotely concerning Saul's thick, sizeable erection, there was so much more about the male's body that he absolutely adored. First and foremost, rising proudly before him, Saul's belly. The other elephant's stomach was hefty and rounded. Not a little curvy. Not plump. Not chubby. Saul was fat, he had a substantial beer gut, and quite frankly, Graham adored him that way.

Taking his hands off the other man's cock, blushing brighter and grinning as he listened to Saul moan in desire, he reached up and rubbed at the elephant's belly. He leaned forward, holding his trunk up high, and kissed it. Only then did he move down again, using his trunk to tease the tip of Saul's erection before wrapping it around the base, and guiding its throbbing, dripping tip into his mouth.

"Oh. O-oh... god, Graham..."

Standing upon thick, stocky legs that shook as he felt his cock being engulfed by his lover, Saul reached down and stroked the leathery top of the other elephant's head. He teased his fingers across the upper edges of Graham's broad, flapping ears, and squeezed them between his digits, prompting a gurgle from the mouth now wrapped around his thick cock. Closing his eyes, leaning forward slightly and humping against the other male's lips, Saul almost lost himself entirely to the moment. He almost forgot all about returning Graham's intimate affection towards him, and focused simply on the sensation of the other elephant's large tongue swirling around the head of his sensitive erection. Somehow though he managed to hang on, and instead his flushed face stared down into Graham's own wide, eager eyes.

"Stop. A-ah. Go... go get up on the bed. I need you."

It broke both their hearts just a little to have Graham stop suckling upon Saul, but once the elephant upon his knees rose up, and they stood face to face once more, that regret was quickly swept away as they flung their arms around one another, wrapped trunks around the other male's neck tenderly, and began to kiss. Hands roamed across rounded, chunky bodies. Fondled soft flesh, trembling and quivering at the tenderness of one another's touch. They moaned and snorted loudly, and slowly, tenderly, Saul manoeuvred Graham back towards the bed, both men grunting with increasing desperation as their rounded bellies proved incapable of keeping the heads of their cocks from meeting and twitching against one another in a deliciously lewd manner.

Soon, Graham found himself kneeling upon the bed. It was a vast bed, and made from the most heavy duty of wooden material available, just as practically anything had to be in the home of an elephant. Peering back over his shoulder though, he momentarily wondered if it would be able to stand up against what they had planned for it. Saul stood almost directly behind him, huffing and snorting loudly as he rolled a glistening, lubricated and elephant sized condom down the length of his cock. His eyes were not looking at the shaft of flesh between his hands though, but rather found themselves fixated upon the rounded, grey cheeks of Graham's rear end.

With little hesitation, as soon as the condom was in place and ready to go, Saul moved in. The bed creaked as it took the weight of a second fully grown and sizeable elephant, and Graham gave a trumpeting cry as he felt strong hands land with two thick, clapping spanks upon the cheeks of his ass, before gripping at them and spreading them apart.

"Oh. Yes. D-do it..."

Graham's whip-like tail thrashed against the belly of his lover as he felt Saul's wrapped up erection rub up against his pucker. Between his own legs, Graham could feel his own arousal aching and dripping down onto the bed. He leaned forward, bringing his head to rest upon a stack of pillows, and raised his ass higher. His cock flexed, and rubbed its swollen head against the underside of his own stomach. He grunted in pleasure. God, he needed this.

"Oh. Oh God. Yeah."

Snorting, huffing loudly, Saul cried out as he pressed himself into Graham. His fingers dug into the fat of the other elephant's ass, as his thighs quivered against Graham's own as they pressed their bodies together. His cock was big, but so was his lover's ass. They were a perfect fit. Two big guys with big cocks, able to satisfy one another with room to spare day in, day out.

Their bodies began to rock, as did the bed. Loud, thick slapping of heavy flesh on flesh rang out as they fucked, and more rapid and frequent trumpeting wails of pleasure began to escape Graham in particular as he revelled in the sensation of his jiggling ass being not only grabbed and squeezed by Saul's strong hands, but pressed down even as he sought to raise it up high by the breadth of Saul's belly resting upon it. All the while of course, he could feel his own cock rubbing up against the underside of his own stomach, staining his own grey body with pre-cum. And then there was the heat, the warmth of Saul's condom clad cock flexing and pressing deep into him. The pleasure as it rubbed against his prostate, as it slid in and out of his ass, wet on the outside with the condom's slick, lubricated coating.

More so than anything else though, it was a different wetness Graham craved. He knew he wouldn't be able to feel it, not spilling out inside his ass the way he might have liked in a perfect world, anyway. But he could still imagine it, still anticipate the approach of Saul's powerful orgasm, and the floods of elephantine cum which would gush forth and fill the condom to near breaking point when the moment came.

"Cum in me."

Rolling his eyes back, Graham grunted into the pillow as his sensitive ears listened to the sound of the bed groaning beneath their weight, and the heavy, ever more rapid and forceful slap-slap-slapping of their two large bodies driving against one another.

"Make me cum..."

He begged more selfishly next, feeling his own erection straining desperately as his prostate was hammered once again. No skinny twink could ever do this to him. No muscle-bound moron or athletically built asshole could ever make him feel the way Saul did. A big, gorgeous hulk of a man like Saul was the only kind of man that could make Graham feel this way, just as he knew Saul felt about him in return. They were perfect for one another. For their hearts, sure, but for their bodies; their libidos most fevered desires, too.

The bigger they were, the hotter they were.

"Ah! Ah! F-fuck me... fuck my fat ass! I'm... I'm close. I'm gonna..."

And the bigger they were, the harder, the deeper, and the more abundantly they came.

"Graham! A-aaahh... Graham, I... take it. Take it all!"

By Jeeves

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