Some Things Never Change

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Kemper undergoes a huge change, but only with the help of those who are closest to him. <3

This story was written for Kemper. It contains sexual acts between consenting adults, and transformation related intimacy. :3

Some Things Never Change

Kemper blushed as both Willow and Kylani led him out of the bedroom, where he had been told to remain for the last half hour while they prepared. They hadn't told him what it was for which they were getting ready, not had he been able to divine any insight into what was about to happen by keeping his ear pressed to the far side of the door. Now though, as he looked at the two ladies without a shred of clothing to share between them, and felt his own arousal swelling inside the red boxer briefs that adorned his blue furred frame, he was glad they'd kept it a surprise. Because... no matter what it was, with this kind of set-up pre-empting it, Kemper was all too happy to be kept in the dark.

He found himself led through the apartment's hallway by the human and sabretoothed cat, and into the living room. Only, the room that stood on the far side of that all too familiar door was almost unrecognisable. The smaller items of furniture had been moved elsewhere, and the couches, walls, the floors, absolutely everything had been covered in decorators sheets. The room was a blank canvas of white, and in the centre of the room, sitting upon the floor, many small tins of what looked like paint. Kemper raised an eyebrow, and looked at the two women still grinning as they led him towards the middle of the room.

"You brought me here to do some decorating?"

Kylani giggled, stepping away and moving towards the tins of paint. In doing so, she allowed Willow to move in closer to the man she adored, and the human's nude, pale skinned figure to press up against the hybrid feline.

"In a way. Yeah."

Rising up on her tip-toes, Willow's freckled face pressed its lips to Kemper's muzzle. She gave a happy, heart-warming murmur of delight as he squeezed her hands so very tenderly within his own grasp, and drew back shortly afterwards with a longing moan.

"Kemper. We... Kylani and me, we both cherish you for who you are. You're already our perfect man. You know that?"

Much as her words made him blush crimson, Kemper nodded. He neither pretended nor claimed to be perfect, but for them, he tried to be the very best version of himself whenever he could. Willow beamed, and pecked him on the lips again, slipping her hands free from his only so that she could wrap them around him and cuddle up against the feline's lush blue fur. She buried her face in his chest, and inhaled deeply of his scent before addressing him again.

"But... we know you, Kemper. We know what's in your heart. And, we know that the version of you we see every day... this cute, sexy, handsome man... we know that there are some changes you'd still like to make. Things you've confided to us over the months, the years in my case. And we've remembered. All the way till right now, when finally, we can do something about it."

Before Kemper could say a word, Willow's hands slid down the back of his underwear, and began to tease them down over the cheeks of his buttocks. His face flushed brighter still beneath its fur as he felt the front of his boxer-briefs catching upon the swollen, protruding length of his cock, and he let slip a soft growl of pleasure as just a few seconds later the fabric slid off his erection, and it sprang free, slapping up against the base of his stomach. He moaned as Willow pressed tighter still against him, pinning his arousal between their two now entirely bare bodies as his underwear fell limp and forgotten around his ankles. She blushed, and even though her rosy cheeks were still pale in comparison to her lush, fiery red hair, the redness of her cheeks added to the burning heat visible in her eyes.

"Come on, Kemper. Lie down here... let us take one last look at you the way you are. Then let us change you. Paint you, to be the version of yourself you've always dreamed."

If he was being perfectly honest, Kemper still didn't understand what he was being asked, or what Willow was telling him was about to happen. But really, that didn't matter. He trusted Willow to the ends of the earth and back again. Kylani too, if he was perfectly honest. He would have done practically anything for those two women, and so if all he had to do was trust them when they told him they were trying to make him happy? Then trust them was precisely what he'd do.

Padding over to where Kylani was already seated, cross-legged and ever so casually fondling between her own legs as she watched the aroused male approach, Kemper dropped to his knees. Willow followed suit beside him, and soon he was being laid down flat upon his back with the two ladies either side of him.

"You ready?"

Kylani spoke to Willow as though Kemper wasn't even there, though the fact that the hand not still lingering between her own thighs was now caressing his fluffy furred belly showed that definitely wasn't the case. Willow nodded, and nibbled on her bottom lip not out of nervousness, but excitement. She watched as Kylani withdrew her hand from between her legs, and grasped one of the small tins of paint. She held it up, offering it to the human woman, and together they worked to prise off the lid, revealing the dark, almost pure black and glossy paint within. They looked at one another, then at Kemper, and together shivered in anticipation.

Willow was the first to dip two fingers into the paint, and before Kemper could react, she traced a long, dark, glistening line down one of his shoulders. The touch was gentle and intimate, and it tickled, a sensation that lingered as the feline male felt the paint seeming to soak into the follacles of his fur.

"A-ah... hey... that feels..."

His eyes fluttered slightly, and his back arched, arousal straining a little where it rose proudly from his loins. The sensation wasn't exactly sexual in nature, but it was pleasurable for sure. He looked down at his shoulder, and saw that the black was spreading. Reaching up his shoulder and down his arm, even encroaching a little way onto his chest. It seemed to ripple through his established fur, the blue shifting to darker and darker shades until it was the same hue as the initial streaks of paint. It only covered a short distance though before the effect began to slow, then stop altogether. The pleasure faded with it, and falling back to the floor, Kemper gasped. He peered from one woman to the other as they looked down over him with curious expectation, and gave a whimpering nod.

"K-keep...keep going."

And they did. Together, both dipping fingers into the black paint and tenderly sweeping their fingers across the length of Kemper's body, they painted the feline and watched as he writhed, gasped, shuddered, all the while the rich blue fur upon his body rippling towards shades of black. Their every touch was delicate and gentle, yet they affected him like they each had a hand wrapped around his still swollen arousal, pumping it feverishly within their combined grasp. Even when they rolled him onto his belly and began to paint the rear of his body, watching his tail ripple with an almost iridescent sheen as it transformed not only in colour, but growing thicker and more bushy, it was all they could do not to giggle as they watched Kemper fighting not to grind himself against the floor.

Soon enough though, their work was done. At least, the first part. The first layer. Kemper was black, head to toe, his fur making him look more like a panther than any other kind of cat. Only his much thicker, clouded leopard like tail betrayed that initial impression. The ladies set down the paint can, and giggled as Kemper rolled over onto his back once more. His arousal sprang vertically upright, twitching, glistening where pre-cum once more began to roll and dribble down its length. Looking down at his crotch, then at each of the ladies seated and smiling beside him, Kemper gave a long, lingering whimper of desire. Neither Willow nor Kylani made any motion towards touching him where his body obviously so desired it though. Instead, they each took just a little while to simply admire his dark, blank canvas of a body, before both reaching for a new tin of paint. Both of them got a can themselves this time, similar but differing shades of grey held within. They popped them open, and this time with just a single digit each, they began to work anew.

"Oh! Oh god!"

The pleasure was more intense this time. Strong enough to draw a strained cry from Kemper barely before he'd had time to draw breath as the first trails of paint were lavished upon him. Kylani began to paint his chest once again, vertically running her finger up and down it, re-applying more paint to her digit, then doing so again. Willow meanwhile began to draw little rings and rosettes, splotches of grey which did not spread, but seemed to glow just for a moment as each ring or circle was completed. Kylani's paint however did begin to spread, but only over the front of his torso, coating his stomach and chest in more pale fur that sprouted thicker, softer than the surrounding dark fluff.

"So pretty..."

Kylani giggled as she watched the paint shimmer with an almost silvery radiance before it dried over a matter of seconds. She wasn't just looking at the male's chest though. She was looking up at his face, strained and wide eyed with the stimulation afflicting him. Willow noted this, and grinned at the other woman.

"Doesn't he pull just the cutest expressions? Have you seen that one look he gets, just a few seconds before he's about to make you cum?"

The sabretoothed female nodded, licking her lips and shivering in delight as she did indeed recall that expression.

"Yeah. I... I'd never met a guy who got an O-face from making me climax before."

Willow, still painting rings up and down Kemper's flanks, gave a happy murmur of her very own.

"Well, I guess that's to be expected. There aren't many guys like Kemper, are there?"

Together they looked down at the male lying, writhing between them once more. He whimpered, and they grinned at him, then at one another. Kylani shook her head.

"Nope. And to think... today, we get to redesign the one that there is, even cuter than before."

For more than an hour more the two ladies worked on Kemper's body, not just painting him in larger swaths with their fingers, turning him from a figure of blue shades to one of blacks and greys, but also tending to much more detailed work. Kemper howled with laughter as Kylani clutched tightly at his feet, holding each one steady in turn while Willow painted his pads a pale pink. Just as the prior touches of paint had, they made his body tingle with an all too pleasant sensation. This time however, upon his feet rather than elsewhere, that pleasantness manifested in a way that Kemper could comprehend all too well. It tickled. It tickled like hell, and he couldn't help himself as he thrashed and moaned, erection straining, untouched and unattended all the while.

With his toes and paw-pads soon pink and rosy, the ladies moved on to his hands. Soon there was only one spot left that required attention of the pink paint, and Kemper found himself blushing and growling as Willow's bare, pale skinned body straddled his now grey furred chest. She leaned over him, her bare breasts jiggling hypnotically, and dabbed his nose with the pink paint. It didn't tickle like the touch to his hands and feet had, nor did it seek to make the feline male sneeze as he had initially feared. Indeed, while he felt his nose growing briefly and immediately more sensitive, he really didn't feel much of anything at all compared to the more recent contacts with the paint.

Then, still leaning down over him, Willow kissed Kemper. Not on the lips, but right on the tip of his freshly painted nose, giving it the softest, gentlest of pecks.

His eyes bulged. His back arched, and his muzzle flew open in a startled cry as without warning, his upper canine teeth seemed to lurch forward, greatly more than doubling in size and length in a single instant.

"I've seen the way you kiss her..."

Still leaning down close over Kemper, his eyes still wide as the human woman's lips moved from nose to mouth, Willow whispered to him between gentle, more conventional pecks and smooches.

"The way you growl when you feel her teeth nip at you. How they excite you. You've always loved getting yourself a bit of sabretooth. Now you can give some back."

Kemper moaned, then growled, speaking in a voice that shook with excitement and nerves, restrained in its first few words as though unsure what it was going to sound like. It still sounded like himself though. Like the same man he had always been.

"I'll give back..."

He licked his lips. Moaned louder still. Stared hungrily, savagely up at the human straddling him. His hands rose from his sides, and landed firmly upon her thighs. They squeezed, claws pressing against, but not seeking to pierce, Willow's tender skin.

"...just tell me when. Tell me, and... I'll give you all the sabretooth I have to give."

Willow blushed, and glanced up towards Kylani, kneeling beside them with one hand once more drifting between her legs. The still blue furred, female sabretooth giggled, and nodded at Willow.

"Go on. He's your man. Do it. And... t-tell him. I want to see his face."

Kemper could hear every word, and growled tenderly, rubbing his hands up and down Willow's legs, marvelling at how every last inch of his newly coloured body, fur, skin, whatever, was already not just dry... but feeling as though it was perfectly normal. As though it had always been a part of him.

Willow leaned down close to her lover, shuffling back along his torso a little so they could meet face to face, eye to eye at a more comfortable position.

"Baby... when. We're all done. This... this is the new you."

She ran her hands over his chest, through his lust grey fur, and up over his dark shoulders with their pale grey and whitish spots and rings.

"And, it really is a new you. You get that, right? You're not just painted this way. This is you now. New fur. New skin. A whole new body, really. You're still you inside, but out...? Every last hair, every last drop, it's all brand new."

Willow continued to edge backwards. To wiggle her hips down the length of the male's furred form, drawing her freckled buttocks ever closer to the straining, drooling arousal that had been standing patient and prominent from Kemper's body this whole time. Only when the rounded, plump cheeks of her rear end first brushed against the very tip of Kemper's twitching arousal however, drawing a strained grunt from the needy feline, did Willow speak the most tempting, teasingly truthful fact of all.

"Which means... technically... you've never had sex with me. Not this body. Not this life. You're brand new, Kemper. And that means one thing, one thing that doesn't matter at all, good or bad... but which might just mean everything to you when you realise it. You're a virgin. And, you can choose to stay that way, o-or... or not, for as long, or as little time as you like, in this new, sexy body of yours."

With that said, Willow withdrew. She pulled away from Kemper's throbbing cock, and more than that, away from his brand new body. She rolled off of him, and scrambled to her feet, leaving the black furred sabretooth trembling, wide eyed and open mouthed where he lay upon the ground. Close by, Kylani rose to her feet too, and looked from Kemper to Willow with a smirk. In her head, she was already counting down.





They never made it to one. Kemper exploded into action with a snarl of passion, and leapt to his feet even as Willow squealed with laughter, bolting for the living room door. Kylani followed, licking her lips in anticipation, but made no move to interject or join in. Right now she was just an observer, and happy to remain that way. She loved both Kemper and Willow dearly, but for all the intimacy they'd shared, they were still just dear friends, not actual romantic partners. Kemper and Willow on the other hand... they were more than partners. More than a couple. They were half of a whole. And to now be given a chance at something incredible... the opportunity to have a first time all over again, that was something that Kylani was almost as giddy for them to share as the two lovers themselves.

Kemper's new body moved with a frenzied speed that he had never truly felt before, and as such even he was surprised when he caught Willow well before she made it to her presumed destination of their bedroom. He grabbed the human woman by one arm as she fled down the apartment hallway, shrieking with shocked laughter as his tight grip closed around her wrist, and somehow managed to pull her back into his embrace tenderly, without a hint of roughness. He did of course pin her rather roughly up against the hallway wall a few moments later, but by that point Kemper had seen in the human's eyes just how much she wanted that. There was room for tenderness in this moment of course. But passion? That was what they both craved above practically all else, short of simple, sincere togetherness.

A strangled moan escaped Willow as Kemper bit down at her throat, his sharp teeth grazing her skin and a deep growl rumbling from his throat with such force that it made her own quivering cry vibrate in the air. His clawed hands grasped her ass, squeezing her cheeks and lifting her off the ground, pinned between himself and the wall. Her legs locked together around the base of the male's thrashing, thick fluffy tail, and then...

The male's eyes grew wide, and his teeth released their grip upon Willow's neck. He drew back just far enough to look her in the face, to watch as her own eyes began to bulge, as her mouth fell slightly open, panting in ragged gasps, and her freckled cheeks burned bright with excitement. He grinned, and moaned questioningly at her. She giggled softly, and gave a wordless moan back, nodding with passionate insistence.

His cock was primed and ready at the opening of her pussy, and much as they could have remained this way forever, staring at each other, savouring the moment, they knew they had to let it pass. They had to stop being about to make love for the first time, and start actually doing it.

"I love you."

The very first time Kemper had made love to Willow, he'd known exactly how he felt about her. But now, as he pushed his hips forward and felt his member sliding into the warm, clutching embrace of the human's body, he said it with unabashed pride and honesty. He felt Willow clutch at him. Her own fingers and toes without claws, but still able to dig through his fur and scrape at his flesh in her own passionate ecstasy. He watched as her face lit up not only with a blush of joy and pleasure, but with a frenzy of need, and his ears twitched in delight as they in their new form heard Willow let slip a loud and lustful shriek of untamed pleasure.

They stood together, pressed up against the hallway wall, for quite some time once Kemper hilted himself deep inside Willow's pussy. They kissed. Whispered to one another. They roamed their hands up and down the length of their lover's body, unceasing in motion, yet eager to ensure that every moment led to this... their second first time, lasting longer. Kemper's new body was so ready, so eager that it truly did feel like he was a virgin all over again, unprepared and ready to let loose at the slightest sensual provocation. Between sheer force of will and the enforced lack of motion between his and Willow's loins however, he managed to hold on. Slowly though, undeniably, he was being drawn towards climax. He didn't need to thrust. He didn't need to move. His erection, and Willow's squeezing, trembling depths was doing all the work required of their own accord.

"Knot me."

They both knew the inevitable was approaching, and Willow at least intended for it to happen as nature, not to mention her body's deepest urges, intended. Both hers and Kemper's gaze turned momentarily back to the living room, around the door of which Kylani's body was protruding as she peeked out, her face flushed and panting as she masturbated alongside their impromptu but beautiful love-making. They blushed, and whimpered softly, but smiled as the sabretoothed female gave a warm, urgent nod.

"Please. D-do it. I... I want you to. Need you to."

Kemper in particular growled loudly in his gratitude to the other woman in his life, for her patience and understanding. He shuddered, and moaned loudly at her as he began to push his hips forward, driving the already swollen bulge of his knotted member against Willow's tight opening.

"I'm gonna eat you..."

The female feline's face burned crimson beneath her fur. She giggled, and moaned loudly back at the newly re-shaped and recoloured form of her lover. She knew he wasn't just saying that. He meant every word.

"I'm gonna wrap my muzzle around your clit, and suckle on it till you pass out, Kylani."

His hips rocked faster as he addressed the other cat, and deep grunts, strained, high pitched cries and breathy gasps began to escape Willow as she felt herself being stretched, teased, and...


With a thick, wet pop, Kemper's knot filled the human up. Her legs kicked out above his thick tail, and her toes curled as her fingers clawed at the sabretoothed male's back.

"A-aahh Kemper... I'm... mmhha-aaaah... please, baby... fuck me."

Willow cried out with such passion and maddened desire, there was no denying her current state. She was on the brink of orgasm, teetering on the edge as she felt the one lingering trait of her lover's canine heritage pulse and throb where it lay locked within her, grinding against her swollen clit with every motion of their bodies. Peering over her mate's shoulder, she stared wide eyed at Kylani, and begged with shameless hunger.

"Ma-aah... make him cum, Ky. I... I need him to. T-to... w-with me. I can't hold on. I... aaah... please, make him..."

Mere seconds later, Kylani was racing across the hallway every bit as fast as she'd witnessed the two lovers before her doing so some time ago. With one hand still between her legs, fingers buried and dripping with juices from her own depths, she stumbled to press herself up against Willow from behind, and reached down between them with a moan of her very own. She looked up over Kemper's shoulder, and winked at Willow just as a deep, stunned grunt escaped the male suddenly sandwiched between them.

Kylani's free hand squeezed Kemper's balls gently within their grasp, and she whispered into the other cat's ear.

"This isn't just your first time with Willow in your new body. It's your first time, period. You've never cum before. Not like this. Don't you want to? Don't you want your very first load to go to the woman of your dreams?"

Her words may have been spoken in a teasing whisper, but rang loud and clear in the mind of the man to whom the were spoken.

He shuddered, a deep, all consuming shudder as he clawed at Willow's bare shoulders. He snarled, wild, frantic in his all consuming need as those new realisations crossed his mind, and those he had already known were reinforced a dozen times over.


He howled the name of the woman he loved, and she gave a strained sob as she felt his member throb and surge within her. His hips jerked just once, and before him, around him, he felt Willow lose all control as she succumbed to her own orgasm. And then, a mere moment later as he thrust again, he joined her. Howling. Roaring. Thanking her and Kylani for this new body, this new chance at being the best he could possibly be not only for himself, but for them. But above all else, beyond all the tenderness and affection and intimacy that had accompanied this chance, howling in pleasure. Roaring in ecstasy as his thick, knotted cock was milked by the clutching, soaking wet pussy of the woman he loved, while from behind him he felt Kylani shuddering, moaning, and writhing against him herself, sent over the edge by her continued masturbation, and her proximity to the adorableness and passion of Willow and Kemper united.

Kemper began his new sexual life just as he had begun his transformation, trembling between the two most wonderful women in the world. But even as his black furred body writhed, and his grey tail twitched as he filled Willow with his seed and revelled in Kylani's climatic cries, he was thinking not of new possibilities... but reviving old traditions.

In his prior form, he had spent many a night with these two, drained, fatigued, but forcing himself to press onward, pleasuring them in sequence, or often together, over and over again until both ladies were sated, and his own body was utterly spent with exhaustion. And while he planned on improving and changing many new things now that this opportunity had been granted to him, Kemper didn't see why there weren't a few traditions that could remain in place.

"Cum for me..."

He growled playfully.

"And remember how good it feels. Because, next time... next time, I want you both remember, so that you can make sure that I make you cum harder."

By Jeeves

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