The Seeker, Chapter 16

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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*My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! I would like to give a big overdue THANKS to the very talented artist and fellow Furry Fatchaos, whose pro bono rendition of the Carnal Demoness Vulva is most appreciated. *

** The Seeker, Chapter 16**

** By William W. Kelso**

"PET! HISS!" Yelled Vulva, "What's taking you so damn long? You don't even have anything to pack! Hiss!"

"Nuthin Mistress!" I replied, stuffing the last of the brimstone cookies into my mouth. I knew I was being bad, but I couldn't help it, I love the stuff.

*"Well then, come ON!" Vulva hissed impatiently. *

*She was anxious to inspect her new domain more closely. Her pet had beat the tar out of a behemoth demon named Grax, and when he reneged on his oath to yield Great Lord Ba'al had given the go ahead for Vulkna and her hatchling to "tear him up", which they had done with great enthusiasm as he had kidnapped one of their clutch. When they got through Brax was gone, for good, dissipated into nothing. No one mourned; he'd been a real dickhead. Since her slave had won the fight the Great Lord had awarded his domain to Vulva. She'd only had a brief look so far and had been rather disappointed, but now she finally had the time to take a really good look, IF her Pet would hurry up! What WAS the little delinquent up to anyway? *

*"PET, Don't, hisss, make me come in there!" she screeched in the most intimidating level of her "I'm out of patience" voice. *

And sure enough he came at a gallop, screeching to a halt in front of her, and acting way to innocent.

"Pet, mouth, open!" she ordered.

Obediently I opened my mouth as wide as I could, which is pretty wide. Hah, I thought, brimstone cookies don't leave any blue dye residue, so I was home free. So there.

Vulva inspected his gaping maw, and hmm'ed to herself. She didn't see any blue dye on his gums or tongue, but she knew he'd been up to something. At least he'd stayed out of the urinal cakes, those things had to be imported and cost a fortune. She told him,

"Well, OK Pet, you can, hiss, close your mouth. But I'd better not find out you've been doing anything wrong. Hiss."

I gave a sniff of indignation. "Mistress, I've been good! Hiss! Snort! I even answered the phone nicely, but I forget who called."

Vulva sighed, "Pet, it was our accountant, and you're lucky he, hiss, called back as he had an important message. If I hadn't gotten it you'd have been in big, hiss, trouble."

*So what else is new, I thought. I get in trouble all the time; bad luck just sticks to me like gooey boogers. Look up "bad luck" in the Hellopedia and there's a great big grinning picture of yours truly. *

*"I hope it was good news, Mistress" I hissed as I rubbed my head against her legs. She smells so good, like burnt cinnamon cookies. *

"Yes Pet, Vulva said, surprisingly it was for a change. Hiss. It seems our quarterly profit is up even after Great Lord Ba'al took his unfair share of my property, thanks to a certain little dragon's impressive destructive capabilities, hiss."

I whined, and replied "I said I was sorry Mistress, I didn't mean to do it! Besides, the Marque de Sade is our friend again. Hiss. I like him."

"And he likes you Pet, very much, that was a very nice thing, hiss, you did for him. He and his mate have given us permission to drop in anytime, providing we give fair warning. Hiss."

*"So they can hide?" I said. *

I'd rescued the Marque's mate while collecting a wayward soul for Emperor Caligula. It made for happy muzzles all around and I got to be a tribune, in the Praetorian Guard no less! I even got a baton from the Emperor. It was my sole possession except for my asbestos rug and the GAY harness my Mistress makes me wear. Mistress framed it and hung in on the wall, which was so very nice of her. It gets lots of attention from visitors.

Vulva laughed, "Pet, that's horrible! But come to think of it, maybe that IS what they meant by "fair warning". Hiss, hiss, hiss. Now come ON, we have quite a flight ahead of us. HISS!"

*I had never really come to understand why everyone in Hell was always in such a big hurry. I mean, we're immortal, right? So what if we take our time? I love to goof off, but My Mistress was a workaholic and dragged me around with her; sometimes literally, almost everywhere she went. She works so hard it worries me; she's always so stressed out. *

*As we flew through the air; along with several other winged demonkind, I took up my proper position slightly behind, below, and to one side as befitted a slave and/or familiar, of which I'm both. It didn't bother me, I had a full few of My Mistress's lovely backside, and I spent the whole flight half aroused, I'll never get tired of that view! The others followed in my wake since I technically "outranked" them. It's good to be the Mistress's familiar. *

*Vulva thought about her new domain as she and her escort winged their way towards it. Her initial impression hadn't been very favorable; the place was a wreck, a real pigsty even by Hell's standards (think of a college jock dorm after winning the State Championship). And it appeared the previous owner hadn't kept any books of any kind. She'd dispatched a ground force there earlier, and both groups should arrive at about the same time. She'd made arrangements for some of her more competent demonkind slaves to run the breeding pits for a couple of weeks to give her time to assess her new property, but with strict instructions to contact her if anything unexpected came up. She wasn't much worried though as her slaves were top-notch, she was quite proud of them and the level of their professionalism. She was a demanding; but fair, Mistress and did not tolerate incompetence or sloth. *

*The battle with Brax had yielded other good results as well. Vulva had "contracted" a demoness with no Lord to be her newest indentured slave. In return the demoness learned the breeding trade, and had a patroness. It was not as bad as it sounds as everybody in Hell is a slave to someone else, but the term has many different meanings in Hell's intricate and fucked up hierarchy. Just because you offer yourself as a slave doesn't mean a Lord or Demi-demonkind (like Vulva) will take you. For their patronage you have to offer something in return, or be otherwise worthy. The little bat demoness, named Trixia, had brought reinforcements to the battle with Brax, so a debt was owed. When Vulva found out she was a "free demoness" she made the offer, and Trixia accepted with delight. Pet had been delighted too, even though he couldn't mate with her. She was a very intelligent demoness and quite talented and creative. It was a good deal for both parties, Vulva got a good hard working slave, and Trixia got job security for one thousand years with the option to renew. If you're immortal job security is a major plus. *

We spiraled in to land in front of the portals to Brax's former domain, now My Mistresses newest property, and approached the portals. They sagged on rusty hinges and there were no guards on duty. Not good, Mistress was not pleased. I'd probably get to chew on something for this breach of security. I slipped through the narrow opening, and with the help of a couple burly gargoyle's we pushed the portals open wide, and the smell was horrible. Holding my nose I said,

"Mistwuss, ah u sur Brax wudn't a shit demon? Iss! Ah meen, P-U!"

"Ugh!" Vulva said, her Pet was right, it did reek. Even by Hell's standards it was bad. But they had no choice.

"Come on, hiss, let's have a look around. A quick look. Hiss!" Vulva said.

*Vulva was appalled at what they found. The place looked; and smelled, like a sewer. It was obvious all the latrines had been backed up for a long time; there were bones and rotten food thrown all over Brax's office, including several half eaten rotting Imp carcasses. Being a meat eater Brax had obviously not cared if her meal was an Imp or animal, what a stupid waste of good Imps. Pet was absolutely disgusted and horrified, to him eating an Imp was the equivalent of cannibalism. He just couldn't understand how anything could eat anything else that could talk. Being a fire demon his food intake was limited to sulfur and other chemicals, and while her energy came mainly from sex, she did on occasion enjoy a good chunk of raw meat, but never from an Imp. She had some culinary standards. Many other demonkind had no such inhibitions though, to most meat was meat and if it begged you not to eat it so much the better. *

Another thing that appalled even the oldest and toughest of Vulva's slaves had been the condition of Brax's own slaves and Imps. They were all starving, and many were ill or injured. The bastard had skimped on feeding them, and most of the food was rotten or stale. The tunnels were lined with the skeletons and partially eaten bodies of Imps that had died of starvation. Vulva ordered all the slave demonkind and Imps to go outside so they could be counted and appraised in the light as almost all the glow stones in the domain had died or were dim, and there was no supply of fresh torches. Pet had gently carried out some Imps too weak to walk, and his concern was touching. He could be so sweet and caring, but she had seen him in his pure demonic fury too. The domain was very large, but they counted less than 150 demonkind and Imps, there should have been at least 400 to run a domain this large.

*I was sickened by what we found in My Mistress's new domain. How could even a demon be so cruel and heartless? I mean it's one thing if you have a good reason, but to do it just because you were a dickhead is another thing entirely. I picked up a sick goat Imp that couldn't work, and she had cried for mercy when I touched her and was utterly terrified. I carried her out into the light and set her down in some shade and had one of our Imps bring her water and feed. She was so grateful it was pitiful, it was probably the first kindness she'd ever been shown. Our own Imps were enraged as well; even livestock in Hell could expect certain living standards. They were after all valuable property, so it made no sense to mistreat them. Having counted the new additions to her personnel, and arranged for their care, we explored further. About that time the ground force showed up, which was perfect timing as they had a supply of fresh glowstones and torches. All demonkind can see quite well in the dark, but Imps can't, and a little light is nice anyway. *

*Vulva called Brax's overseer demonkind to her, and asked them about the domain. What were their jobs? What did they do? Why was the place so run down? What did it produce, if anything? It turned out they hadn't done much as Brax hadn't let them. He also wouldn't let anyone leave his service. As far as what the domain produced, it had once been a sulfur mine. But Brax had been such a poor manager that it had ceased production many years ago. Vulva wasn't terribly pleased, a mine could be profitable, but was very time consuming and hard work, and a pain. She was a little mollified when it turned out the sulfur was a type known as "browncake" due to impurities in the sulfur which gave it a brownish tint, and also made it taste much better. It was fairly rare, and this vein was large and easy to get at. Now the problem was to find a competent manager to run the place, someone with both administrative and engineering experience, she was too busy with the breeding pits as it was. Plus it would take a LOT of work to get the place up and running efficiently enough to turn a profit. She'd have to ask for an extension from Great Lord Ba'al before he took his share as that would cripple the place even more. He agreed because he's an astute business demon. It took more to be a Great Lord then just scaring the crap out of everybody, though he WAS good at that. Most of the basics taken care of she assigned teams to explore the tunnels and take an inventory of anything of value or use. And she also organized clean-up crews; she refused to leave the floors covered in bones and offal. That was fine for a bachelor pad, but she was a lady. She put her Pet in charge of one inspection party as he'd begged and whined to be given an "important job" for a change. She had a feeling she'd end up regretting it. *

Wow, I thought, this mine is like a maze. There were little tunnels running off the mains ones all over the place. No sings, no arrows pointing, zilch. And there was a vermin problem; I had already toasted a nest of Hell rats who had been too aggressive for their own good. The Imps showing me around didn't even have a good idea as to exactly what was down here. Fortunately I couldn't get lost; I'd just follow my own scent trail out if I did. We ran across several storerooms full of all kinds of mining gear, much of it worn out and useless. Then we came to a small chamber deep in the depths of the mine that had a large stack of boxes in it. It was obvious the boxes were quite old, and I tried to make out the faded markings stenciled on them. The Imps had taken one look and split, but I didn't see anything dangerous. I picked up one box to take a closer look. I liked boxes because they reminded me of presents, and sometimes they had great stuff in them. I turned my head and squinted. It's hard for me to read because of how my eyes are situated on my head, I can only read close-up with one eye at a time. I looked at the faded markings and it looked like they said "Ful--nate of M---ury or something. I contacted My Mistress in her mind, and asked,

"Mistress, I found something. What's "Fulnate of Mury"? Then I held the box up to my ear and started shaking it.

*Vulva paused when Pet contacted her. "Fulnate of Mury?" She thought, what the Hell WAS that? Fulnate? Mury? FULMINATE OF MERCURY! *

"PET!" she screeched in his mind, "Leave it alone, you don't wa...!"

Then Vulva said "OH SHISS!" out loud as the whole domain shook and there was the rumble of a large explosion deep in the earth and everyone staggered and grabbed onto something and/or someone to keep from losing their balance as the earth heaved.

"AAAIIIEEEEHIIISSSSSS!" I screeched as the box blew up in my face, and set off all the others in a chain reaction. "BOOM, BA-BA-BA-BOOOOOOMM!"

*Then things got kind of confused for awhile. I flew through the air squealing and yowling, hit the wall, went through the wall, and kept on going. Finally I landed and tumbled down a steep slope and ended up head down in a hole looking at my own butt, and bit my tongue. *

"Yipe, owww!" I hissed. Then I gave an even louder hiss and said "OWWWWW, RAAWWRR!" when something bit me! On my tail! NOT nice!

*With a roar I jumped up, and found out I'd landed right in the middle of a big nest of Hell roaches. Not good! The hole I'd landed in was the entrance to their nest, and boy were they pissed off. So I took to the air and flew off for a ways before landing again. Satisfied they'd driven off the intruder they didn't follow me. Yuck, stupid nasty bugs, I thought. Then I realized my Mistress had been calling me frantically. *


*I could tell she was really worried, which made me feel good. I'm pretty tough, but can be hurt. And while nothing was broken I was black with soot and felt like I'd been rolled by a bunch of drunken Marines on shore leave. *

"Mistress, I'm OK. But I have NO idea where I am, some big cave. Watch out, there are bugs, BIG ones. Oh, and don't shake any boxes of "Fulnate of Mury", they go BOOM."

Vulva was relieved, that had been nasty explosion, turned out later it set off a Volcano in the Mexico.

"Pet, she replied, that was "Fulminate of Mercury", and you're right, it does to boom if you mess with it. Hiss, hiss, hiss."

Yeah, I noticed, I thought. "Mistress it's not funny! It blew me through a wall and I bit my tongue! Mistress, stop laughing, it's NOT funny!" I whined.

Vulva finally got a hold of herself, motioning at the slaves and Imps with her to stop snickering before they set her off again, and said,

"Pet, wait where you are. We'll have to dig you out. It may take awhile. Be careful, no telling what's down there."

*"Yes Mistress" I replied. *

*Uh huh, I thought. Like I was going to stay in one place when there was exploring to be done. I don't think so. Besides, I wasn't scared of anything anyway, except maybe big bugs, and clowns, and of course Great Lord Ba'al. So I set off in pursuit of adventure, like the big dummy I was. And I found it, or it found me, depending on your point of view. *

The freakin place was huge, and I soon took to the air again as there was plenty of room to fly. I wove in and out of huge rock formations, and there was sulfur everywhere, and I broke off some large crystals and munched them, Mmmm, good stuff! I found some dimly glowing caverns full of brimstone, pure and fine, fantastic! There was some hot springs activity, and the brimstone was fresh and perfect, the best I'd ever had. It was obvious the place had never been mined before. Then in the distance I saw a ruddy glow, and winging my way towards it was delighted to find an active volcanic vent. I flew into a huge chamber with lots of lava pools with streams of molten stone snaking between them. Just what I needed, it was paradise for something like me! I flew up, turned nose down, and plunged into one of the pools which heaved a little as it swallowed me. Oh, it felt so good to my battered and soot stained body! I swam through the molten rock soaking up its heat and power, being a fire demon I'm part of the fires of Hell, and it was like going home, an almost sexual feeling. Finally I broached and swam to the side of the pool and pulled myself out. I was clean again, nice and sleek with no blemishes, refreshed and renewed. With a sigh of pure bliss I slid back into the pool up to my armpits and rested with my elbows on the edge and my head resting on a convenient rock. Paradise! I had no idea my activities had been observed by more than one pair of eyes.

As I lay dozing in the lovely lava several forms slipped into the pool on the other side without a sound, and they didn't even disturb the surface. At intervals the tops of head poked up briefly to look at me, before disappearing again, closer each time.

"Pet, said Vulva in my mind, hang on, we're making progress! We'll rescue you soon!"

I didn't bother to open my eyes, just replied in her mind.

"No hurry Mistress, I'm just fine." Boy is she going to be surprised, I thought. This place was great, even better then the South Vent.

I had started to doze off again when suddenly two large figures shot out of the lava; and each one grabbed one of my arms and pinned me! And other figures crawled out of the lava, all converging on me!


*Vuvla shrieked at the laboring Imps and demonkind, "Hurry you useless spawn, we have to, hiss, reach him soon! He's under attack, there's no telling the, hiss, horrors he's suffering! DIG, DIG, HISS!!" *

As I struggled I heard a voice, a female voice, say,

"Well, what have we here sssisters?" Another voice said,

"I don't know sssister, it's a fire demon, but it has wings."

And still another said, "Mmm, hiissss, and its male!"

What in the? I thought, and calmed down a little. I had been dragged out of the pool and my feet were being held too. I raised my head and looked around, and found myself staring at several female fire salamanders, several very beautiful female fire salamanders! My, I thought, what an interesting development.

"Hello Ladies, hiss." I said.

"Mmmm, a polite male fire demon." The first salamander said, her tongue licking in and out.

"I think it's a fire dragon!" said another.

"Reeaallly? Hissed the first, I've never seen one before. But we must punish him sssisters, for trespassing in our favorite pool. Tell me, my sssisters, shall we do it in the usual way??"

Nervously I asked "Punish me? Um, hiss, what exactly do you mean?"

The first, and largest, female hissed, and said, "Why, by making you mate with me and all of my sssisters! Hiss! We seldom see a male, so you must service each and every one of us. Hiss. Until we are ssastified, no matter how long it takes! And was are, hissss, very hard to sssastify."

And then she reached over and started stroking my vent!

Punish? I thought, punish?? "Oh, please no, anything but that!" I wailed and begged. "Have mercy!"

*They didn't, and I enjoyed my "punishment" immensely. Being "gang raped" by a bunch of lovely sex starved female fire salamanders was my idea of punishment. Oh indeed my goodness yes. *

*There were six of them, and while four of them held me down spread eagle the other two started licking and caressing my vent, and it didn't take long for them to get the desired result, not long at all. All six gave appreciative hisses as my penis slide out and became erect and rampant under the attention of their sisters tongues. I am very large, even by demon standards, and the sisters were very pleased. You have NO idea what it's like to have your cock licked by two ladies with very long forked tongues at the same time while you're helpless to do anything but enjoy it. *

"Oh please no, stop!" I "begged".

*Fire salamanders are fairly rare. They look like regular salamanders, but have bright red skin, dark pink bellies, lovely red and black eyes, and are incredible sexual partners as they burn, literally, red hot as they live in lava. Had I been a regular demon I would have been destroyed a long time ago, but since I was fire demonkind too it was perfect. As they kept stroking me I ran my nether tongue out and they all hissed or shrieked in surprise, they had never seen anything like it. My penis is over fifteen inches long, and my penis tongue is even longer fully extended. It's prehensile and actually looks more like a tentacle. One of my favorite things is to "tongue" the female's clitoris while I'm fucking her, and boy do they love that little trick! And since my nether tongue comes out of its own separate hole in the tip of my penis it doesn't get in the way when I cum. *

*The largest salamander said, "Sssisters, I can't wait, I have GOT to try that out! Hisss!" *

With a loud hiss she straddled me, and then guiding the head of my penis into her cloaca she let her own weight impale herself on my aching erection. We both roared in pleasure as I hilted in her, and I let her know what a nether tongue could do, and soon she was shrieking and hissing in pleasure. Now who's raping who, I thought. Silly girls, I'm a SEX demon!

"What's it like?" hissed her sisters.

*"Ahhhhiissss, raarrgggg, oh sssisters, it's, I've never, AAAAUURRRRR!! He, he's, UHHHH RAAARRRR!!" *

She ground down on me with her claws digging into my shoulders and gave a roaring hissing bellow of ecstasy as she climaxed, and I came at the same time and added my own roar to hers. She rested for a few seconds and we "kissed" by locking our jaws together, then she dismounted and was instantly replaced by the next eager "rapist" and I roared again as I hilted in a new female.

*My second partner took her time, riding me nice and slow. She leaned over and we locked jaws, our tongues busy in each other's mouths. Another salamander stuck her head between my legs and started coiling her tongue around the base of my cock as I fucked her sister, and I roared in pleasure into my partner's mouth, much to her delight. I broke our "kiss" and found another salamander squatting over my face, and as she lowered her hindquarters I got to work with my tongue, her cloaca swollen and drooling her sexual fluids, and as I slid my tongue inside of her I thought, who needs heaven! I do love eating a female, or in this case, females! The one riding me brought us to climax, and while I kept eating the one sitting on my snout another impaled herself on me. *

*"RAAWWRRRR NEEEEIGGGGHHHH!" I bellowed. This was fucking unbelievable in every sense of the word! *

I was aware of My Mistress shouting in my mind, but I was so far gone in sexual ecstasy I couldn't respond except to moan. If she tried to look through my eyes she wouldn't have seen much as they were clenched closed most of the time.

Finally the salamander I was tongue fucking had her orgasm, and then another as I lapped at the fresh flow of fluids, and as I watched another female lowered hers sex towards my face.

"Oh no, not again! Hiss. Please don't. I can't take anymore!" I "begged".

Then with an eager slurp I slid my tongue into her and she squealed in pleasure, then I roared again as another massive orgasm rocked my body as my partner and I climaxed. What was that, I tried to remember, number five or six? Oh MAN! I was on a roll! I had never mated with six females at one time before!

*And it went on and on, and I was careful to "beg" at intervals to give the impression they were still "raping" me as it was a real turn on, but I don't know if they believed it anymore, they had to catch on sometime. They'd let go of my arms and legs a long time ago and I was mounting them from behind now. And they were right, they were hard to satisfy, but then again I was insatiable. Every time I felt myself flagging we'd take a dip in the lava and soon I was ready to continue enjoying being gang raped. And finally I started wearing them out, and one by one they collapsed in post-sexual bliss, hissing in satisfaction. But it took a long time, much to our mutual delight. *

*Vulva was very worried, every time she tried to contact her pet she heard only moans or hisses, and his vision was either dark or blocked by what looked like pink skin, maybe he had been eaten! And she could hear him pleading and begging for mercy. She was determined to reach her poor little Pet at all costs and drove her demonkind slaves and Imps hard. They had broken through into a huge cavern, and ever since had been fighting their way through swarms of Hell roaches and rats that had determinedly defended their nests and territory, blasting their way with power lances and fangs and claws. But finally they seemed to have left the infested areas and were approaching an area of volcanic activity, and she could hear roars and screams in the distance. Don't worry Pet, we're coming! Hold on just a little longer! Vulva thought. *

Finally only one of the female salamanders remained, and she lay under me almost comatose from pleasure and moaned as I slowly and leisurely fucked her. I was pretty beat too, but it had been great, one the best "gang-rapes" ever. She finally gave a loud squeal as we climaxed, and with a final roar I came, and then collapsed across her body. Oh mama, that had been fantastic! And they'd told me they had more sisters I must satisfy too! I was looking forward to being "punished" some more very much.

Vulva led a charge through a final few remaining Hell rats, and coming to the top of a lava ridge looked on a scene of carnage. Fire salamanders! Their bodies were draped everywhere. Over rocks, lying on their backs, half in and half out of lava pools, and her poor Pet lay across his final foe and he was limp and motionless. He must have dispatched his enemy with his last bit of strength thought Vulva. They were too late! As she and her small band approached the fallen warrior she suddenly heard a noise, it sounded like, snoring?? She suddenly realized that the "combatants" weren't dead or unconscious, they were sleeping! And the air reeked of, SEX??

"PET!!! roared Vulva, What the HELL is going on, what have you been DOING? HISSSSS!!!

With startled hisses a couple of the fire salamanders, which Vulva now saw were all females, woke up and scrambled into the lava pool and disappeared. The others seemed too far gone to care. Her Pet raised his head sleepily, then he stood up, pulling his still erect penis out of the female under him, and said with a big smile on his snout,

"Hi Mistress! Where have you been? What took you so long? Hiss. Boy are you dirty, and why do you have bug guts all, hiss, over you?"

Vulva just gaped, and stammered "We, you, hiss, WHAT!?!"

I stretched and licked the smiling fire salamander, and said, "These are my new friends Mistress, she and her, hiss, sisters have been gang raping me. It was great! Snort!"

*Vulva, trembling, pointed at her Pet, and roared "GET HIM! HIIISSSSS!" And then led the charge as her gallant band of enraged rescuers assaulted the object of their rescue attempt. *

*I turned with a shriek and headed for the lava pool; followed by the rest of the fire salamanders, dodging power blasts and flung rocks, and plunged in just before they caught up with me. *

*"Mistress, I yelled in her mind, what did I do!?!" *

"What do you mean, HISS, what did you do?? HISSSS, Vulva screeched, we just fought our way through, hisssss, several miles of Hell rats and roaches because we thought you, hiss, needed help, but you were, HIISSSS, getting LAID!!"

Every time I stuck my head up they shot at me, so I finally just submerged for good. I thought about following the salamanders so I could be "punished" some more by their sisters, but figured I'd better stay and find out what I'd done now.

"PET, Vulva said in my mind, you come here right NOW! HISSSS!"

"Nu-uh, I replied, no way. Not until you promise not to shot at me anymore!"

"CEASE FIRE! Vulva yelled. "OK Pet, now you get you scaly little butt out of there and tell me WHAT in, hiss, the name of Ba'al's Balls is going, hiss ON!"

I swam over, but stayed just out of grabbing range with my head barely sticking above the surface of the lava and dragon paddled. I was the only fire demon in My Mistress's entourage, so I figured I was pretty safe as long I stayed in the lava. I wasn't about to come out for now, I wasn't that stupid, contrary to popular belief.

"Pet, said Vulva, what happened?"

"It was horrible Mistress; they grabbed me and had their way with me. I fought them for hours. Snort."

"Uh-huh, hiss, I'll bet." said Vulva. "We all saw how "horrible" it was, looked more like YOU raped THEM. Hiss."

"Weeell, I must admit I enjoyed it." I replied. Hey! It was the truth!

"Oh, I'm sure you did Pet, hiss, but you won't enjoy what I'm going to, hiss, do to you!"

"Yipe!" I said, and submerged again. Boy was she pissed off! I still didn't think I'd done anything wrong.

"But Mistress, I said in her mind, look at all the great stuff I found! There's sulfur, brimstone pools, lava, and fire salamanders, bunches of them!"

"AND Hell roaches AND Hell Rats, AND bottomless pits, AND we spent four hours fighting our way through them to get here to RESCUE you, and you were getting your brains FUCKED OUT the whole time!" Vulva screeched in rage.

Ooookay, I thought, time to go missing for a couple of hundred years. Have to wait this one out. I'll hide out with the fire salamanders for awhile, they still need to punish me some more. So I swam off in the direction they'd taken. I do love My Mistress, but I like to stay intact too, so I'd let her cool off for awhile. Oh Ladies, the trespassing dragon is ready for his punishment to resume!

Vulva was pissed; and getting madder. The little twerp had run off somewhere where she couldn't follow. Not in lava. Oh, it made her so MAD when her Pet was bad like this! She should have lured him out with sweet talk, and then let him have it. But she'd lost her temper and he'd buggered off. He probably would have recognized that ploy though, it didn't work as well as it used too. Despite all appearances to the contrary he wasn't stupid. She wished she still had her discipline wand, but he'd eaten it one day when she wasn't watching. She looked around, and most of the Imps and demonkind were hiding too. "PEEEETTTT!" she roared, but no answer. Ooooohh, he was in so much trouble!

*"WHAT? She screeched at the cowering demonkind, COME HERE! I WON'T HURT YOU!" Then she sighed at the sound of rapidly fleeing hooves and paws. *

Finally she calmed down a little and took a good look around. In spite of her mood she was impressed. Pet HAD found some nice new territory. The volcanic cavern and vent were large, maybe as large as the South Vent. There were lava pools and streams everywhere, some large enough to be called rivers. In the distance she could see a lava falls, and there were winged shapes flying around it. Fire dragons, fire bats? Plus the sulfur caverns, brimstones pools, and areas of hot springs they'd passed on their "rescue" mission were impressive too. This was some prime real estate, and unless it was already claimed she planned on doing so right away. This domain was looking better and better. And if there were other feral demonkind here; like the salamanders, she was going to have some prime new slaves. Of course they'd have to be enticed and/or rounded up and branded. Her mind was reeling with the possibilities as he led her battered little band back to the entrance to the mines, and at least the vermin didn't bother them during the return march, they learned quick. She wasn't terribly worried about her Pet; he was pretty resourceful and would come out from under his rock when he figured the coast was clear. She still planned on whaling the crap out of him though, the disobedient little shit.

*I finally caught up with the fire salamanders a few lava pools over; I just followed their now familiar scents. I remember all my mates' scents. They were as glad to see me as I was to see them. And there were more of the now, lots more. And ALL females! *

"Who wass that horrible creature?" Asked the big one who seemed to be in charge.

"That? Oh, just My Mistress, I replied, she's not so bad. She's just pissed because I've been bad, but I don't know why. Hiss."

"Well, hissss, said the salamander. She's gone now, so time to start your punishment again, hiss. Bring him sssisterss!"

*Oh boy, oh boy! I thought as a couple of the salamanders grabbed my arms and "dragged" me into a cave opening. *

"Oh no, pleeaasseee don't! I can't take anymore! Have mercy!" I pleaded.

I looked around with interest as they frog marched me down a tunnel that opened up into an artificial tunnel complex that looked ancient. Glowstones and torches fed by natural gas illuminated the tunnels. I saw only two kinds of fire demonkind, salamanders and lizards, and all were female. And my own appearance caused quite a stir. As we passed other demonkind I heard comments like,

"Look, a male!", "A fire dragon!" "Where did they catch him?" And so on.

They dragged me into a larger room; after opening barred doors, and threw me up on a large stone slab, and quickly put manacles around my wrists, ankles, neck, and tail. All attached to chains, and ensorcelled to be demonkind proof. Now I really was spread eagle and helpless. OK, this is getting weird, I thought. I did NOT like this as I have at thing about being immobilized. The Looney Tunes sisters who sacrificed me to Vulva had almost sexually tortured me to death before summoning her, and as a result I have a phobia of being vulnerable like this. So I screeched at the salamanders as they left,

"HEY, HISS, ROOOARGG! Let me go! I'll give you want you want, hiss, just let me loose!"

"Oh, I think not, hissed the big salamander, our queen has to have a look at you first. Hiss. She'll be along sssoon."

*Then they left me alone, and I looked at the burning torches, stone walls with chains and manacles hanging from them, and at very unpleasant looking contraptions placed around the large room. There was also a cage hanging from the ceiling, and it was shaped like a body. Oh crap, this was a damn torture dungeon! That meant one of two things, or maybe both, pain or pleasure, though in Hell they're often one in the same. *

"Mistress, I yelled in her mind. Help, they've got me again!"

"Tough shit!" was the only answer I got, and then My Mistress closed her mind to me.

Oh double crap! "Mistress, really, they have me chained up in a dungeon! Mistress??" But there was no answer. Oh crappity crap crap crap! This was another fine mess I'd gotten myself into.

I heard the door to the chamber open, and turning my head watched as the largest fire salamander I'd ever seen came in. She was twice my size and her skin was an ebony black, and dark grey on her belly very rare. She had red and gold eyes and was truly a magnificent female, and she scared me. There was something about her eyes. She crawled over to the table on all fours, but stood up when she reached it. She ran her hand over my belly and vent, and said,

"Greetings dragon, my daughters tell me you pleasured them well, many times each. Hiss. I am pleased, now you will pleasure me and the rest of my daughters."

"Who, who are you, great lady?" I hissed, staring at her beauty as I felt the usual stirring in my vent. Oh, not NOW, I thought. Damn thing has a mind; and tongue, of its own.

"Me? I am called Samanthis, this is my domain. Hiss. But you will not have heard of it, we pay homage to no Lord or Lady. I fled to this place centuries ago to avoid such servitude. My daughters and I rule here. Hissss."

*"Daughters, what about males?" I asked. *

Damn it, she was stroking my vent now, I couldn't hold out much longer! Not that I really wanted too, but she creeped me out for some reason.

"Hiiss, no males here, only females. My daughters and I will bear only female hatchlings, males are not allowed. Hiss. Except for pleasure and breeding. Hiss. My daughters tell me you serviced them well, and that they are pregnant. That is good; it has been long since we captured a virile male. We will keep you for breeding and pleasure, hiss, as long as you last. Then when we tire of you we will..."

"Let me go?" I asked hopefully.

*"HIISSS! Do NOT interrupt male!" She hissed, and struck me across my snout, hard. "Nooo, none leave here to tell of our home, we will instead add you to our, hiss, collection." *

"Collection?" I asked in a slightly higher voice.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss, yessss, collection. It iss quite unique. I have developed a spell which turns a demonkind into a living statue. Fully aware, but unable to move. We position them in such a way that, hiss, we can use them to pleasure ourselves. The statues feel our, um, attentions, but cannot cum. I'm sure it is quite an, agonizing, experience. Hiss, hiss, hiss. But you are strong; I think you will last quite some time before joining our collection of former mates."

"MISTRESS, OHHH MISTRESS!" I yelled in my mind, "HEEELLLPPPPP! SAAAVVEE MEEE!" But still no answer. Crap!

The salamanders caressing hand had gotten the desired results and I was rock hard and erect, and she hissed in pleasure at the sight of my large throbbing erection. Her hiss became even louder as I ran my nether tongue out. With a grunt she climbed up on the slab and straddled me, then she lowered her swollen cloaca onto my waiting hardness, and it was wonderful. She rode me to several massive orgasms over the next several hours, and I did my part too and kept my nether tongue busy, both of us roaring and bellowing in pleasure. The fact I really was basically being raped didn't dent my enthusiasm at all, after all I AM a sex demon. They probably thought I was just a regular fire dragon, so I think I surprised them. But even a sex demon has his limits.

*After she was done with me; temporarily, her daughters and the fire lizards took over. And they raped me 24/7 for days. For awhile I screamed and begged, then just moaned and slobbered in almost mindless agonizing sexual ecstasy. The fed me liquid sulfur and brimstone every so often to replenish my fluids, but those were my only breaks, and often one of them rode me while another fed me. I just swallowed whatever they gave me, mewling mindlessly as I came again, and again, and again, my "lovers" hissing and bellowing in pleasure as I fertilized their eggs. After awhile I couldn't even call for help in my mind, the unbearable pleasure washed my consciousness away. I was in Hell and heaven at the same time, the ultimate sexual rush for a sex demon. It was pure agonizing ecstasy and I loved it and never failed to please my "lovers". *

Vulva was starting to get concerned again, she hadn't heard from her Pet in over a week. Usually he'd come slinking back after a couple of days to face the music, knowing she would have calmed down. Once she opened her mind to contact his and feel and see what he was feeling, and began to orgasm almost constantly until she broke contact, her vagina sopping wet. It made her so horny she had two Imps service her for over an hour just to take the edge off her lust. She had never experienced such sexual pain and pleasure in another mind. Making up her mind she assembled a sizable force of well armed Imps and demonkind slaves and led another rescue mission, and this time it really was a rescue mission.

They had to fight their way through a vicious defense put up by swarm of fire salamanders and lizards, vicious enemies whose very body heat was their main defense. Only she and the other demonkind could venture beyond a certain point due of the heat of the lava, and they lost several Imps up to that point. But finally they broke through to the dungeon her poor Pet was chained up in.

The salamanders finally conceded defeat, and she had their leader bound in chains and lead her to the dungeon her pet was in. Even now a female was riding him while he hissed and slobbered in mindless pleasure. Just as they entered the chamber the female and her Pet climaxed, and with an enraged hiss the salamander jumped down and ran away. Vulva approached Pet and looked down at him; he looked absolutely horrible, pale and emaciated; his skin a dark pink color. Enraged, she turned to the huge female salamander named Samanthis who had ruled this domain, and said,

"What have you done to my poor Pet!" in a deep enraged hiss.

Samanthis hissed back, and replied, "Only what we do with all males who trespass, we keep them for pleasure until we tire of them. But he is different, he has filled the bellies of myself and my daughters with eggs, but still he pleasures us without stopping. We had decided to keep him forever as our sex slave, He pleasures us so well. We will, hiss, miss him."

"Well, hissed Vulva, I'm sure some of you will meet him again, but from now on you will, hiss, have to pay for his services. But that will be after your new Master Great Lord Ba'al decides what to do with you. Hiss. But I'm sure he will give some of you to me. HISS. I will ask he give you to me, I can use your help in the mines. You will be my slave."

Samanthis bowed her head, and said, "Yes Mistress". She had been defeated and must accept the consequences. "Mistress?"

"Yeesss slave?" hissed Vulva.

"My children, will they have good, hissss, homes?" she asked softly.

Vulva softened a little, "Yes, though a hard Master Great Lord Ba'al is fair, he will not tolerate mistreatment of slaves loyal to him. Hiss. Serve him well and your lots will be better then you may think."

"Thank you Mistress" Samanthis hissed appreciatively.

"Now leave me, ordered Vulva, I wish to be alone with my poor Pet. You have used him most harshly."

Samanthis hissed in amusement, "He used us quite harshly too; I have never seen a male with such stamina. Hiss, hiss, hiss. Frankly I think he enjoyed it."

Vulva smiled to herself, if anyone would enjoy being forced to service so many desirable females it was her Pet. He was an insatiable little beast. But even he had limits.

When she was alone she shut the door to the dungeon and ordered "No disturbances!" to the two guards armed with power lances. Then she walked over to the table and unchained her Pet, who appeared to be comatose. He made little squealing sounds and rolled his eyes, but didn't respond directly to questions. She sat on the edge of the table and held his head in her lap, and softly said,

*"Oh Pet, what have you done now? Hisssss. You crazy mixed-up demon, what am I going to do with you? You were so bad, but I just can't stay mad at you. I hope you've learned your lesson." *

And she tenderly stroked his snout and scratched his ears lovingly and he hissed in pleasure.

*I slowly realized the nonstop sexual ecstasy had ended, and I was free of my chains and someone was scratching my ears and it felt so good. And I smelled the scent of burnt cinnamon and felt warm fur against my scales. I managed to drag my thoughts together, and opening my eyes saw a beastial face with a fang filled muzzle and the most beautiful eyes staring down at me and knew I was safe. *

"Mistress? Is it really, hisss, you? Is it over, can I rest now?"

Vulva hugged the little dragons head and; realizing she was crying, replied,

"Yes my little jelly bean, we defeated the salamanders, hiss, and their domain is now ours. You are safe."

"Mistress, I hissed softly. You came for me! Please, don't cry, it was my own, hiss, fault."

"But, but, you called for me and I ignored you! Vulva sobbed, I, I, hiss, missed you so very much. I can't stand it without you! I was so, so lonely. Hissss."

Now it was my turn to hug her, as best I could, I was so weak. "But Mistress, you know I'll never leave you!" I said, crying myself now. "I, I couldn't live without you, wouldn't want to live, hiss, without you. You're all I've ever had, the only one who's ever, hiss, cared about me."

Vulva hugged him back, and replied, "And you're the only one who's ever really loved this worn out old demoness. The only one who ever really cared for me. Hisss. We make quite a pair, you and I, my brave, hiss, little fire dragon."

"And jelly bean?" I asked.

"Yess, hiss, hiss, hiss, and jelly bean." Vulva affectionately replied.

"Mistress? I hissed, I love you so much."

"Yesss, I know, Vulva replied, and I love you too, with all my dark soul. Now come with me Pet, we need to get you to a lava pool, you look, hiss, horrible."

Vulva helped her Pet limp along, and was shocked at how weak he was, those bitches had drained him dry. He could barely walk, even with her help. It was fortunate the salamanders; being fire demons, had lava pools in their domain, and they soon reached one. He cried out in pain and pleasure as she eased him into the bubbling molten rock. She could have joined him for a short period, but decided to just sit on the bank and hold his head in her lap awhile longer; she didn't want to let him go yet. He made soft hissing; almost cooing, sounds as she rubbed and scratched his ears and mane, snorting softly in pleasure. It took so little to make him so happy, and she took great delight in making him happy. She sat with him for several hours and could feel his body temperature rising as he drew power from the lava, and slowly his healthy dark red color returned. He finally pulled away from her for a little while and went for a swim, his spines cutting through the molten rock like a sharks dorsal fin, and with flicks of his tail would dive and then pop back up somewhere else. As she watched him cavorting in the lava she realized what a beautiful creature he really was, sleek and powerful, strong and masculine. She could never really understand why he loved her so much, but was more grateful then she could ever express. She had other pets, hundreds actually, but he was one of a kind and special. Finally the dragon paddled back over to the edge of the pool and pulled himself out. Then he shook the last of the molten rock off himself, and lay down and rolled. Vulva got up and rubbed his stomach and he kicked his legs and squealed in delight. Then she straddled him and started stroking his vent and his eyes went wide. She hissed throatily, and said,

*"Pet, I really missed your massages. Are you recovered enough to pleasure your Mistress? Hissss??" *

*"Always, My Mistress" I replied with a deep throaty hiss of my own, and what she was doing felt good, even to my still sore body. *

As she mounted me I growled in pleasure, and remembered that even while the salamanders had been using me for their pleasure I had often closed my eyes and fantasized that it was My Mistress riding me. Of all the females I mated with; and loved, she was always first in my heart, and my only soul mate. And yes, I was recovered enough to pleasure My Mistress quite thoroughly, several times.

*The two guards at the mouth to the bath grotto smiled and nudged one another when the roaring started. If Mistress was happy everything was happy. Plus they were glad for her too, she was a good Mistress to serve, and took care of her slaves. She had given orders not to be disturbed, and they would die carrying out those orders if need be. *

As we lay spent, but quite happy, by the light of the boiling lava I asked,

*"Mistress, what are you going to do with the, hiss, salamanders?" *

"Well Pet, hiss, Vulva replied. Since we defeated them in combat while rescuing a slave being held illegally, who was the property of another demonkind, hiss, we legally now own their domain and them. Hiss."

"What slave?" I asked.

"YOU!" Vulva replied.

Oh yeah, right, I thought. I tended to think of myself more along the lines of my name, as a pet more than a slave.

Vulva continued, "As for the salamanders, hiss, fifty percent of them of course go to, hiss, Great Lord Ba'al. He'll pick his share, and we get the rest. Hiss. Most of the adults will enter my service as slaves, but most of the young will be sold as we don't need so many. Hiss."

"Mistress, do we have to sell them? Hiss. They're my babies you know." I hissed sadly.

"I'm sorry Pet, but we just can't keep so many, hiss, there will be hundreds, you've probably, hiss, doubled the Fire Salamander population of Hell all by yourself, hiss. Most impressive I might add. Hiss."

"I know we have to Mistress, I replied, it just, hiss, makes me kind of sad."

Vulva gently rubbed his nose, and said, "I know Pet, but they'll have good homes, fire salamanders are rare and always treated well by their Masters or Mistresses." And that is another reason why the females like you so much; you care as much about their children as they do, Vulva thought.

"Mistress? What about the fire salamanders I haven't mated with yet? Do you want me to get them pregnant too? Hiss?" I asked hopefully.

"PET, you raunchy thing!" Vulva hissed, and gave him a gentle smack on the nose. "Hiss, hiss, hiss, I thought you wouldn't want to see another fire salamander for years! Hiss, hiss, hisssss!"

*"It wasn't THAT bad Mistress, they really are pretty and the poor things were starved for a male. Hiss. And it's NOT funny Mistress, stop laughing! Hiss!" *

** The End**


The Seeker, Chapter 17

**My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! I would like to give a big overdue THANKS to the very talented artist and fellow Furry Fatchaos, whose pro bono rendition of the Carnal Demoness Vulva is most...

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The Seeker, Chapter 15

**My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!** ** ...

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