The Gates of Hell, Chapter 2, Synx

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

** The Gates of Hell, Chapter 2**

** SYNX**

The air seemed to crackle and blur as a static electrical charge grew, and then with a loud ripping sound reality tore as a portal into a another world opened. It was a large portal and lasted for about a minute, fairly long for a portal. But then the portals have been becoming larger and lasting longer as the major conjunction of planets approaches. Faint traces of smoke and the smell of sulfur leaked through the portal, and then with a loud enraged sound a large creature fell through the portal in a kicking hissing ball, and recovering quickly ran low to the ground and took cover in a large hedge of nearby bushes.

The animal froze and took in its strange new surroundings. It didn't move a muscle, but its ears twitched and it eyes moved constantly, and it sifted the air for scents with its sensitive nose. The animal was not really scared, its kind didn't have that emotion, but it was worried and concerned. One second it had been stalking a hulking behemoth as it had planned on latching onto; and digging into, the huge creatures stomach as it spent most of its life as a parasite living inside the body of hosts until they died. But then there had been a burst of bright light, it had lost its balance, and suddenly was here. But where was here? The bright light was not something it had seen before and bothered its light sensitive eyes, but did not blind it. The light was just irritating. The animal sniffed the strange growth it had taken refuge under, and nibbled at the frilly appendages, and promptly spit out the sample. Bleagh, horrible tasting! Deciding it didn't like its new surrounding; and sensing no danger, it started to explore its strange new world, looking for a way back home. But it soon became evident that that there was no way home. It had never seen anything like the place it was in. Everything was strange, and to it, unnatural. Finally it found a large jumbled outcrop of boulders, and exploring it squeezed through a narrow opening into a rather large dry shelter. It would make an acceptable den for now, and even better there was no sign of any other current occupants. Then it settled down to contemplate its predicament.

*The animal did not really have a name for itself despite its high level of intelligence. No more than a tiger or lion would have a name for themselves. In the world it came from the species was known as the Synx, or Synxes. So for reasons of clarity we will refer to it as Synx, it's as good a name as any. But a Synx is not really an animal, at least not as humans classify an animal, because it is a demon. What humans consider "demons" from "Hell" are in fact merely denizens of an alternative plane of existence. From time to time they cross over to ours; almost always by accident, and when human meets demon the results are usually not enjoyable. Over the centuries many religions; including Christianity, have explained these rare, strange, and pretty horrible creatures as "demons". So the name stuck. They are in fact merely the products of totally different paths of evolution. And unfortunately they pretty much have humans beat when it comes to natural defenses and abilities we would consider "magic" as we have nothing to really compare them too. But the demons love us; we taste delicious and have few defenses, none natural. But an alert well armed human is pretty much a match for most demons as they can be killed; it just takes a lot of bullets. *

*As far as demons go Synx was a mid-level food chain vermin/parasite that spent most of its life inside the bodies of hosts. However in our world it went right to the top of the food chain, and humans dropped a few levels. As there are no animals large enough in our world to host a Synx parasite, except maybe whales, the Synx had to find another food source. To us it might seem to be an almost a beautiful creature. Any human who saw one; and lived, would have a hard time finding a known animal to compare it too. Some would say cat like, goat like, wolf like, dragon like, even human like, etc. It did in fact resemble all of those to some extent. Its head was somewhat goat like, complete with horns and large ears, but its mouth was lined with needle sharp fangs and its muzzle was somewhat feline in appearance unless extended to its full length when it looked much more canine. Its body was somewhat human in appearance and it appeared to be jointed like a human when in a resting or normal position. Two arms, two legs, elbows, knees, hands with four fingers and one thumb, and feet with five toes. Its torso was well muscled and it had no nipples on its chest. Its skin was a pure white color and looked; and felt, much like crushed velvet, but it had fluffy rather pretty "hair" on parts of its body. Its head and neck were covered with a thick mane of the "hair' with a large "bib" on its chest, and there was a large tuft at the base of its spine on top of the base of the tail, and its crotch had a raised mound similar to a human females pudenda that was also covered in fluff, but it had no vaginal opening, in fact it appeared to be sexless as its only lower body opening was an anus. What a Synz did for sex was its own business. It had a long fairly thick tapering prehensile tail, and had long razor sharp black claws on its toes and fingers. Its eyes were closest in appearance to reptiles with vertical pupils, but were truly beautiful and came in many bright colors, and in the case of our visitor they were a lovely aquamarine blue with black pupils. The eyes were surrounded by what looked like black mascara applied by an ancient Egyptian, but were in fact a kind of sensory organ that looked like wet black rubber close up. Sitting at ease with its mouth shut a Synx looked like some sort of mythical or fairy animal, almost cute enough to hug. However most of the time its huge gaping maw would be open with its extremely long tongue lolling out as it was trying to eat you and it didn't look cuddly then, it looked like something from Hell, so the Demon metaphor was appropriate. It was an amazingly versatile creature and could adapt to almost any new living conditions, a common survival trait in its reality. *

*After a time Synx noticed the bright outside light fading, and left its new den to investigate. It was quite pleased to see the bright ball in the sky sink out of sight and the world turn nice and dark. In its own world it was in a perpetual dark twilight as the volcanic activity kept the world covered in clouds of ash and dust and Synx had never seen a sun or other planet, didn't even know what they were. Synx was very intelligent; as were most species from its home reality, even "vermin". But it was a different kind of intelligence, not really malevolent or evil as we understand the terms, but more oriented toward extreme survival instincts. Its home was a brutal place and added a whole new meaning to phrase "survival of the fittest". As it explored its strange new home it noticed something right away, there appeared to be no predators or any other species it knew, which included the ones it either lived inside and/or ate. In short there was nothing for it to eat, yet. And it was hungry, very hungry. *

*It moved through the woods on all fours like a normal animal, but could walk upright if it so desired. However an upright stance almost made it appear wobbly or uncoordinated to some extent, but that was an illusion. It was well coordinated; it's just that its "bones" or skeleton was closer to cartilage then true bone. In fact that there was nothing to compare it too, it is different from anything in the animal kingdom of the human world. Because of its strangely malleable skeleton and extremely lithe and limber muscular body Snyx can squeeze through extremely narrow entrances, and move around obstacles that would block most from passing as it can bend itself into impossible looking shapes, it is a natural contortionist. It can wrap itself in a ball or twist its body so it can literally look at its own ass. However this extreme flexibility comes at a price as eventually permanent stress damage can result making limbs or other body features appear elongated and/or deformed. But this Synx was young and in its prime. *

*Eventually it found its first meal, and was somewhat surprised when the meal came right up to it, and though the prey animal had fangs it made no move to attack, and instead seemed friendly. The Synx picked up the strange animal and examined it carefully, it looked edible, lick, and it tasted good, and so down it went. As Synx opened its mouth impossibly wide to swallow the animal whole and began to lick it to lubricate it, and the animal finally realized its predicament and gave Synx a nasty bite on one arm before it was swallowed. The animal was fairly large, but Synx's amazingly elastic stomach stretched easily to accommodate the frantically struggling animal, but though still alive it would soon suffocate. Synx licked the wound which was already healing, its thick clear blood coagulating instantly. It didn't feel pain in the sense humans do, but more of a discomfort. Havening eaten it went back to its den to rest and digest its still wriggling meal. A couple of days later it barfed up a nylon collar with a metal buckle and small tag. It looked at the metal bits with interest as it liked shiny things, but also made a mental note to remove any such articles from future prey as they were indigestible and could cause a stomach ache. It lay on it s back for awhile dangling the collar and flicking at the shiny metal tag with its fingers, but lost interest after awhile and decided to go hunting again. It had an extremely rapid metabolism and it had only taken about two days to completely digest the large dog. I had an extremely efficient digestive system, even the hair and bones had been broken down into nutrients. *

*Overall Synx decided it liked this strange new world. Nothing was trying to eat or kill it every few hours, and the prey so far had been totally defenseless and quite delicious. Plus there appeared to be none of the parasites and other pesky creatures that fed off of Synx in its own world. However it was somewhat disappointed by the size of the prey, but if it could catch two or three of the smaller animals that made a nice belly full. However Synx had yet to encounter the local top; or former top, of the food chain, humans. *

For a few weeks Synx had been feasting on a small to medium sized animal that was abundant, easy to catch, and quite yummy. It didn't occur to it that the goats were domesticated, and the large reduction in the numbers of the herd might be noticed; and resented, by their owner. Because of the isolated area the rift had occurred in Synx had found itself dumped in the heart of a large nature reserve. It took it awhile to work its way to the outskirts in search of more prey as it exhausted the local native supply, and sooner or later was bound to have a run-in with the locals as it entered more heavily settled areas.

One afternoon as Synx approached the goat herd for a snack it noticed a single goat isolated from the rest, evidently easy prey. But Synx's species had not survived by being stupid, and seeing the goat was fixed in place by a tether around its neck Synx was suspicious. Dropping low and almost flowing over the ground it circled the cleared area the goat was staked out in, and located another animal well hidden in a clump of bushes. Synx was curious as it had not yet encountered this type of animal before, plus the animal was wearing outer coverings which identified it as probably being intelligent. Some of the more intelligent demons in its home world sometimes wore fabricated armor, so Synx was aware of the concept of body coverings. However these coverings did not look like armor, they appeared thin and soft, but the long object the animal carried was most likely a weapon as Synx had seen weapons before. It was a strange shape, but Synx figured it had a 90% chance of being deadly. As Synx examined the hiding animal, a fellow hunter evidently, the hunted hunter must had sense something as it stiffened, then started to turn. As Synx tore its throat out it made a loud exploding noise and a large chunk of wood flew out of a tree nearby. This startled Synx, but it recovered quickly as it realized the noise came from the weapon. It dropped the now decapitated animal, and picking up the weapon that had made the noise examined it and sniffed at it. There was a familiar smell of smoke and sulfur coming from one end, so definitely a fire weapon of some sort, and to be avoided. Synx examined the body of the other hunter, stripping it of its outer coverings. Synx was not impressed as it was soft and weak like all the other prey animals so far, it did not even have fur or any natural defenses that Synx could see. But that did not mean it couldn't be dangerous, the fire weapon was proof of that. Synx found it liked the taste of the animal's fluids as it basically dissected the new animal as it was always curious about the anatomy of a newly encountered prey species, but it did not eat much of the body as it preferred living prey. Dead cold food was no fun. It did take a shiny bracelet of some kind from one of the animal's arms to add to its "collection" of shiny and pretty trinkets. It put the bracelet on and admired it for awhile. Then it ate the tethered goat, and ate two more from the herd as well. All in all a satisfactory day with interesting new information gathered. It returned to its den and settled down to digest its large meal.

*Over the next few days Synx was disturbed by a large influx of animals similar the other one with the weapon it had killed a few days previously. These other animals were also armed and seemed very organized an alert, so Synx decided to vacate the area and find a less busy neighborhood. It avoided the hunters with relative ease, and moved into another section of woods many miles away, and without knowing it crossed state lines. It wouldn't have cared anyway; the idea of areas divided up into "states" was totally alien to it. If it couldn't see something, like a "line", then as far as it was concerned it didn't exist. *

As it explored its new "home" it found another nice den in a small cave, the entrance was well hidden and rather long and narrow, easy to defend, but it opened up into several nice size chambers and had an exit. It deposited its trinket collection, and set out to find a bite to eat. It was rather disappointed at first as the domesticated animals it had grown fond off evidently were scarce in this area. After two days of hunting it was getting somewhat discouraged, then had a bit of luck.

The two animals had removed most of their outer coverings and appeared at first to be fighting; the sounds they were making also seemed to indicate conflict and/or pain. Intrigued, Synx decided to watch the show for awhile. It would eat the winner. But after awhile it realized that the two animals were not actually fighting after all, but were instead mating. Synx knew about mating and had seen other demons from its own world engage in similar activity. But while it recognized the process, it could not relate to it as its own species were basically sexless. They reproduced in another entirely different way that humans had nothing to compare to in this world. To a human Synx reproduction would seem as alien to them as human reproduction did to a Synx. When the two animals finished wrestling and started to put their outer coverings back on Synx struck, it was an opportune time, quick, brutal, and over in seconds. The large animal was rendered unconscious, and the smaller one still sans outer coverings was swallowed alive and whole. It was quite a large meal and Synx extruded most of its throat and stomach to envelop the prey, and it took some time to swallow it entirely as it put up a fight, but the Synx was quite pleased and rubbed its bulging squirming stomach affectionately. The other animal, still alive, the Synx had other plans for. The Synx threw the larger animal over its back and carried it back to the den.

When it reached its den the Synx dragged the still unconscious human back into the depths of the cave. The animal, a male the Synx realized, was going to become a slave of sorts, which would be done by making him totally dependent on the Synx. The Synx had carefully examined the internal organs and other parts of the first intelligent animal it had killed, so knew what it needed to do. What appeared to be hairs or bristles on Synx's skin were actually more like a kind of villus or fine feelers. They allowed the Synx to literally burrow through living tissue like it was play-do, or cookie dough, since that was how it entered a host in its own world. It could do so causing little or no pain or damage so as not to attract the hosts attention and retaliation. However the ability could also be used to make modifications to an animal, to keep it alive but helpless for food storage, or for other uses. Since the Synx could move through living tissue and leave no trace of its passage by "reassembling" the flesh it passed through it could also change flesh down to a molecular level. It could even change a subjects DNA to some degree, literally make it into a new and different animal. So the Synx used this ability to its benefit, what the other animal might feel about the process was of no importance to Synx. It was truly a shame the Synx was too alien to be tamed or reasoned with as it would have made a superb surgeon. The first thing Synx did to it's soon to be slave was to disable the animal temporarily. It did this by disabling the spinal cord at the base of the animal's neck. The animal could breathe, but not move. Then it settled down to enjoy its large meal, it would start the modifications in the morning.

When I woke up I was confused. Why was it dark, why was I cold, and most of all, why was I naked? And where was Tina? The last thing I remembered was Tina and I had just had great sex, then there was an explosion in my head, and then darkness. And it was still dark, total darkness, even though my eyes were open. I must be inside somewhere I thought, if I was outside I'd be able to at least see some stars or the moon. I wondered if I'd been hurt and was in a hospital, but that couldn't be as I could tell I was lying in dirt. I moaned and tired to move again, but while I could feel my body it appeared to be paralyzed. Oh God, had I broke my neck? But that still didn't explain why I was naked and lying in dirt! Suddenly I heard something move in the dark next to me and heard soft breathing, I wasn't alone! Tina? I tried to talk, but found to my horror my vocal cords seemed to be paralyzed as well. All I could do was wheeze. I lay awake in the dark for a long time trying to understand, to remember anything, about what had happened. And where was Tina?? Whatever was in the dark with me sounded too large to be her, and she never made gurgling sounds like that. Finally, exhausted, I fell into a restless sleep.

Synx woke up feeling nice and comfy, its bulging stomach comfortably full, gurgling and rumbling as it digested the male animals mate. It would be several days before it would need to feed again. More than enough time for it to complete the intended purpose it had in mind for the other animal. While it could see perfectly well; even in total darkness, it still preferred some light when it undertook such delicate "surgery". So it dragged the animal to the mouth of the cave, then crouched over the animal and looked at it, and the animal stared back with wide terrified eyes. Even though the animal was alien there was no mistaking that look, which pleased the Synx. It would make the animal easier to control. The Synx examined the animal carefully, rolling it over several times as it got to "know" it better. It inserted its fingers a few times to get a better understanding of the layout of the animal's anatomy. The animal didn't appreciate the intrusions into its body and made gasping sounds of distress, but Synx ignored them.

*I woke up suddenly and was totally disoriented as I felt strong hands grab me and drag me over some really rough ground. If I could have yelled from the pain I would have, and I would have screamed when we reached daylight and I saw what was dragging me. It was a big white animal that looked like some weird combination of features and parts from lots of different animals, and in its own way was kind of pretty. But it was totally weird too, and somehow I knew it came from far away. It rolled me over and examined me very intimately which included fondling my penis and balls with great interest, and even sticking fingers down my throat and up my ass (fortunately it stuck its fingers in my throat before my ass.). Then to my horror it rubbed its hands against, and then INTO my body! It hurt, but not terribly so and there was very little blood. I'd heard rumors some faith healers could do that, but this was the first time I'd actually seen it done, and it was being done to ME by some weird monster. If I could have struggled and begged for it to stop I would have, but all I could do was wheeze louder. It kept doing whatever it was doing with total concentration and an intent look on its face that told me the monster was intelligent, but it seemed to be a horrible detached, cold and uncaring, kind of intelligence. *

Synx made a kind of exploratory "look around" first, and then determined exactly what it would do, what "modifications" the animal would need to be of use. Because it was so vulnerable naked Synx would give it an outer covering to keep it warm and protect it, would make it stronger and faster, would improve its senses, and most importantly change it so it would be bound to Synx in more ways than one insuring its total loyalty. In short it would become almost an extension of Synx's own body. The modifications would require time, but Synx had plenty of that. Its last meal; the males mate, would last for several more days. Turning its entire attention to the task at hand Synx began to make the actual modifications. It would take several rather long sessions to complete as the animal would not survive a total change at one time; it would have to be done at intervals to allow the animal time to recover in between the sessions. Synx worked nonstop for about six hours as it reshaped and changed the animals internal organs to start with, working some of its own DNA into the animals. Synx had no idea what DNA was, but just knew what it had to do instinctively, and how to do it. Its species sometimes did the same to other demons, but this animal was much easier to reshape and modify to the form Synx desired, its flesh soft and malleable, so it would be modified much more than usual. When it had finished the first session it was pleased with the result. At some point the animal had become unconscious again, but it was still healthy and sleep would be good for it. Synx, tired from its efforts, dragged the animal back into the den and snuggled up next to it to keep it warm; and share its own body warmth, and feel asleep quite happy.

I screamed in my head as the THING reached into my body again, this time up to its elbows at times, and I could FEEL it doing things to me, to my guts. And it hurt like Hell. I was totally helpless and could only stare and plead with my eyes for it to please stop, to kill me and get it over with, until my mind shorted out from the pain and I became unconscious. I would very soon wish it had killed me; that would have been so much better then what was coming, this had only been a taste of what was to come.

Synx woke up again sometime later, and dragging its new slave into the light again began the next session. This session lasted longer, and the modifications extended into the animals skeleton and limbs. Some changes the Synx actually made itself by remolding flesh, others it "programmed" into the animal and its own body would complete the changes over a period of time as the cells would grow into their new forms. Knowing the animal would be needing water and sustenance by now the Synx extruded enough of its stomach to form a tube, and inserting it in the animals mouth it force fed it a thick nutritious paste regurgitated from the Synx's own stomach. It was fortunate the animal did not know the origins of that pre-digested food, but even it if had it could have done nothing. Then the session and feeding over it was time for sleep again. Three more sessions and the process would be complete. Two major sessions, and one for "fine tuning". The last act would be to "repair" the temporary inability to move.

I clenched my eyes shut with tears pouring from them as the pain, the horrible feeling of being violated, defiled, being CHANGED, went on and on. I could feel what it was doing, could feel strange new sensations awaking in my body, sensations I didn't understand yet, couldn't identify, had nothing to relate them too. And finally the monster pulled its hands back out of my body, and licked a few drops of blood off my skin; there was no other trace of where it had entered my body. And I felt like my body was one big mass of bruises inside and out, and God it hurt. Then there came a new horror when the creature "fed" me. At first I had no idea what was going on when it opened its impossibly large mouth and extended a purplish colored tube of muscular flesh and stuck it down my throat! Then I felt my stomach fill up and my horrible hunger and thirst disappeared. The tube was withdrawn and I was dragged back into the cave by my strange captor. I lay next to the thing in the dark, its arm wrapped around me, and I could feel the warmth of its body and hear it soft breathing. But there was no tenderness in that embrace, it was one of possession. And I could feel my guts slowly churning for hours, until finally they seemed to settle down and I finally got a few hours of sleep in the embrace of my strange captor.

*That was several days ago, and now I am starting to understand what the monster has done to me, and why. The horrible knowledge just seemed to come to me, implanted in my mind by the beast so I would know and understand what I was. My physical changes are extensive, both internal and external. But the pain is gone now, even though I am still slowly changing. I can feel myself becoming even less human, but it would be hard to even identify me as having been human now, the beast has taken that from me. In many ways I look like my master now, but am a counterfeit copy. Another Synx; or other demon, would recognize what I was immediately. I am; for all practical purchases, a food gatherer for my "parent", an extension of the beast. While I am now as deadly a predator as my "parent" I cannot digest my own prey, I must return to Synx and regurgitate the still living prey for it to eat, and in return am "rewarded" for my efforts with the predigested paste I need to survive. Without Synx I would starve to death no matter how much I ate as the paste Synx feeds me contains the enzymes and other chemicals my own stomach cannot produce on its own. Any prey I swallow remains alive in my stomach as it is supplied with air by a breathing slit in my chest. The poor animals I devour experience the same horror twice as I regurgitate them so they can in turn be devoured for the second time by Synx, but for good this time. Then when they have been broken down I am fed. It is a horrible kind of symbiosis. *

*Synx was very pleased by the end result of the modifications made to its new "slave". It had been able to take the changes much farther than it would have in another demon as the animal had no defenses or resistance to the modifications and DNA manipulation. After the final session, and a few days for the new Synx-slaves body to finish changing and adjust, it was mostly complete. The changes would continue for awhile, but much more slowly now. And the new Synx-slave dutifully started to perform the purpose for which it had been created; it knew what it needed to do as Synx had also provided it with those instincts. *

I crouched under the cover of some bushes and looked around carefully, flicking my long sensitive ears to listen, flaring my nostrils for any scents the breeze might bring me, and moved my head with quick nervous jerks as I scanned the area with my bright blue eyes for any signs of prey. Not seeing anything I left the cover and with a rapid lithe gait bounded across the open area on all fours, and reaching new cover froze to look around again. I'm covered in fur now, but it's a combination of my own body hair and villi similar to that covering Synx's own body. But whereas Synx has smooth "fur" almost like crushed velvet except for some fluffy areas my "fur" is thicker and shaggier looking and I don't have any fluffy areas. I am also a dark brown as opposed to Synx's own white. I have wicked sharp claws on my hands and feet and they are longer, but my feet more closely resemble paws as they have thick pads so I don't need shoes anymore, I don't need clothes either, and don't even have to worry about modesty anymore as my genitals are gone. I have an anus, but like Synx I am now a sexless thing. I don't remember when it took my sex, but after one of the horrible sessions during which I ceased to be human my sex had disappeared without a trace. But there is no mistaking me for a monkey or Bigfoot, nothing else exists with the head and jaws I have, or my long thick prehensile tail. I look very much like a slightly smaller version of Synx, even my eyes now have vertical pupils to allow me to see more easily in the dark and in a broader spectrum. I no longer even think of myself as human, I am Synx-slave, bound to, and utterly loyal to my creator. I know my mind has changed as well, but do not care. I am Synx's now.

With a soft hiss I moved on, constantly checking for prey or danger. My senses are hyper; it's almost like being constantly high or wired. I caught a scent, and changed my direction in mid stride. I reached a tree, ran up the trunk, and flattened myself almost flat on top of a thick branch and waited. The wild pig never even saw; or heard, me before I dropped onto it. I lathered its body with my long tongue to lubricate it with the thick slippery mucus, extruded my stomach, and swallowed the unconscious animal whole. It took some time, and I tried not to think about what I was doing. I'm close enough to being completely insane as it is. My jaws, throat, and ribs expanded impossibly to allow the huge meal to slide down into my throat, and it hurt some as muscles and my now soft and malleable bones popped and rippled. I went from being a slender almost starved looking thing to looking almost ridiculously pregnant as my stomach and abdomen stretched to accommodate the pig. I was a little slower and more awkward now, but still moved at a very rapid pace as I headed back to the den with my prize. The pig woke up on the way, but my powerful stomach muscles kept it immobile except for some squirming and I could hear its muffled squeals. Despite my huge "meal" I was still hungry, only Synx can satisfy that need. Synx will be pleased, and I will be fed!

Synx was disappointed at how the days hunting had gone; it had caught only a few small animals hardly worth the effort. It's hoped its slave had better luck, but the new hybrid had done well so far and Synx was pleased. It was a smart and deadly hunter. So Synx was even more pleased when the hybrid returned with a massively swollen gut. It announced its arrival with a kind of low hissing squeal at a sound level only Synx and the hybrid could hear, much like a dog whistle. Neither Synx nor the new hybrid had vocal cords capable of intelligible speech, all communication was done via body language, scent, and a complicated series of hoots, hisses, whistles, and other sounds they could make using their tongue, throats, and nostrils by blowing or sucking air through them. The hissing squeal let Synx know the hybrid was returning, and that it's hunt had been successful. The hybrid paused and looked at Synx for a short time, then dropping to all fours approached subserviently with its tail tucked and rubbed its head against Synx in supplication. Synx, seeing no reason to refuse the offer, returned the caress and the hybrid sat up and faced Synx, and they both began nuzzling one another and Synx licked the hybrids snout and lips and stroked the hybrid's neck and stomach to stimulate the hybrid to regurgitate the pig, and Synx promptly swallowed the terrified animal again with a happy slurp. Pig was delicious. A few hours later the hybrid approached again and they both nuzzled, and this time the hybrid licked Synx's snout and lips, caressing Synx's tongue with its own as they "kissed", and stroked Synx's throat and stomach until Synx extruded a tube into, and down, the hybrids throat, and filled its stomach with food paste. Then both satisfied and well fed they curled up together for mutual warmth, licked and groomed one another for awhile, and then fell asleep.

I lay there nestled in the embrace of the creature I had become a part of and stared into the dark. I could see every feature of the cave this is now my home with my night vision. I am perfectly suited to the horror of my new existence, and even though I truly don't understand why am totally loyal to Synx. I know that in time my human memories will fade as I keep changing, but I no longer care. I have never even considered escape, though it would be easy. It is more than just the need to be fed, but certainly not love, but maybe just a little affection, a mutual dependency? I can't describe it any better. So far I have not encountered any humans, and even if I did they could do nothing to help me, and I have no doubt I would attempt to prey on them in order to feed Synx, for that is my purpose. I can only pray that if I do they are well armed. Then, strangely content and satisfied I gave a huge yawn exposing my needle sharp fangs, and snuggling closer to my masters warm body and fell asleep. I needed the rest as I would be hunting again soon. But for now I could rest.

** The End**

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**My stories are copyright, so NO...

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Object of Desire

**My stories are copyrighted, so NO take! This is a sequel to "A New...

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