
Story by RC1138 on SoFurry

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#3 of Amnesty


Chapter 3 Forgotten

Character list at the end of this part.

Home of Tatanya Petrova in Willgrad 8:23 AM Local Time

Tanya awoke in a feeling of joy she hadn't felt in years. She didn't remember why or how she come to feel like this but she was glad she did.

Peter shifted on top of her and Tanya remembered the last night. She smiled and let herself drift in and out of that semi-awake, semi-asleep state. The wolf wanted to wake him up, she wanted to talk to him, talk about all that was said last night, about where they would go from here, but right now this was much better.

With his paws still clutching hers Tanya felt so safe and happy that she wished to stay lie this for as long as forever. His hard on had re-sheathed and now they were in more of a cuddle than a post coitile state.

After lying like this for another half hour Peter stirred a little more and awoke. It took him the same few minutes to return fully to the situation but the collie soon smiled and after kissing the back of Tanya's head, rolled off her and quickly rolled her over and they hugged each other on their sides.

Tanya licked his lips and retracted her head, smiling broadly.

"Peter..." she whispered, just wanting to hear his name.

"Yes?" he asked quietly, nuzzling her face.

The wolf nuzzled him back, her tail wagging slightly beneath the covers. She giggled and gave him a kiss; a true lover's kiss and held his body against hers.

"Well?" Peter asked, rubbing her arm and licking her lips this time.

Tanya shrugged and the collie chuckled. He held her close put his legs on top of hers.

"I love you," Peter said in a full voice, looking her right in the eye.

Smiling she replied, "I love you."

"Are you glad we're together?" he continued, more for himself then for her; he still wasn't sure if this was all okay.

Still smiling Tanya replied, "I can't remember the last time I was this happy. Peter, I love you, I don't want you to ever leave me."

"And I don't plan to," he answered, smiling.

He kissed her softly and sat up, the wolf resting her head on his chest.

"Let's get washed," Tanya whispered, rubbing his paws on her chest.

Peter tilted his head and replied, "Together?"

Shrugging the wolf added, "Why not? It'll be nice."

The collie smiled and helped her out of bed. They walked to the bathroom and sat down in the tube, their legs crossing over each other. Tanya turned on the water, filling it up about to the top with very warm water. Peter felt his libido turn on and he grinned at the wolf who was grinning back.

After pushing himself back up he moved himself over her, their lips meeting before their bodies.

"Be gentle," she whispered and felt his now hard cock rub against the fur on her belly.

Peter tickled and kissed her, rubbing her soft mounds with his paw. She moaned at his touch as he rotated her tits in his paw, which he followed up by lowering his lips and giving each breast a soft suck. She moaned even more at this attention and pat his head, but pushed his head up to hers.

"Let me taste you..." she said and pushed him back softly.

The wolf crawled on top of him this time, kissing him and then lowering her face bellow the water. Peter knew what was coming but when her maw opened and surrounded his cock it was still surprising nonetheless. She bobbed under the water, but didn't cause a single wave to form or a single splash.

Tanya brought her head back up from the water, breathing hard. Peter grinned and kissed her softly, hugging her back.

Thinking now that this was tougher than she thought it would be the wolf thought maybe she should stop and just fuck him good right now but the feeling of his cock in her mouth underwater excited her.

She dived back down and took his cock again. It was unlike anything else she had ever done, feeling the water envelope her like a hot hug and the taste of his smooth cock in her maw excited her. It made her horny enough that she reached down and began rubbing herself out.

The feeling was intense for Peter, too much to handle. The collie took a deep breath and focused but she ran her tongue skillfully up and down his shaft. By now the water in the tub was splashing about and he was involuntarily tapping his foot rapidly.

She came back up for the water, out of breath again. Tanya kissed him softly and nuzzled his face, wetting the fur on his cheeks.

When she was about to go back down Peter held her paw and she looked back.

"I don't think I can last long Tanya," he said, not wanting to cum but wanting to scare or hurt her even less.

She thought for a moment and said in a sensual voice, "When your ready pat my ears."

Peter wasn't sure if that meant she planed to take him or she wanted the warning to take his cock from hers mouth but he couldn't give it much more thought as the wolf slipped her head under the water again and took his cock right away.

It tasted even better now and her paw was already grinding at her own parts. Tanya moaned on his cock but not a single air bubble escaped her mouth. She sucked hard and bobbed up and down quickly, taking most of his length each time. As she drew it to the tip she gave it a lick from the tip right down and into his sheath. At that the wolf felt Peter stiffen a little and she slowed down.

Peter tried hard, really hard, not to cum. She licked and coaxed his cock muscles but the collie held on, barely. When she slipped her tongue into his sheath that was it and he carefully rubbed the top of her ears, not wanting to accidentally force her down.

Tanya, not wanting to waste his cum in her mouth released it and resurfaced. She took her paw from her own sex piece and wrapped it around his, jerking him off.

"I'm gonna cum Tanya!" Peter almost yelled and then, seeing that he was right about to, the wolf sat down and slipped his cock inside her.

She resumed pleasuring his cock, rocking her hips against his. Peter's paws held her rear and he thrusted quickly. It was only a few seconds before Tanya felt his knot swell again, lock her in place and his cum shoot it's loads deep inside her. The swelling of his cock managed to cause Tanya to cum as well, something she hadn't anticipated, and she collapse onto him, rocking her hips so rapidly that the water splashed all over the place.

"Oh God! Oh shit Peter! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" she screamed and clutched onto his body, her maw agape on his shoulder.

Peter groaned and rubbed her furry rear quickly, his cum still shooting inside her welcoming pussy. Its walls milked his cock and the collie felt it sucking out as much of his seed as possible.

They both came for about a full minute, leaving them both stunned and faint. It was to long for them both and Tanya was almost unresponsive, moaning slightly. She felt immensely full with his cum, feeling it swirl and circulate inside her cunny. Peter was unable to untense his hips or lower his body.

Tanya was the first to be able to relax her muscles and she laid on top of him, hind legs entwined with his and the tip of her tail making soft cavitations in the water. She pat his tail softly, kissing and licking his lips until he manage to relax himself, although they were still tied.

He rested her head on his chest and pat her as well, rubbing his paws from the back of her head down under the water to her tail.

"Boy am I glad I choose this house..." he whispered, rubbing her head.

"Me too," Tanya replied, genuinely glad that she had met him.

The wolf knew better than to try and get up since they were tied so she let half the water out of the tub and refilled it with new hot water.

Once it was comfortable she laid back down and coddled his body. She felt a strange sense of permanence at this moment, like this was her signature on a contract of life and she felt a little like she was already bound to the collie. Tanya smiled and kissed him softly.

"You don't think this has gone to fast do you?" she asked, nuzzling his face; she could feel his soaked tail softly caressing her leg.

He shrugged in the water, "It's certainly been fast but I don't think that should change anything. I mean I don't think more time will have me loving you less, likely more, definitely more, but not less."

Tanya smiled and continued nuzzling the collie, kissing him softly every now and again. On all accounts, she agreed, Tanya knew that she wouldn't ever find herself loving Peter any less.

Peter returned her licks with his own and asked quietly, "What are we going to do now?"

"Not much," she giggled, "We're kinda stuck," she gestured to his still hard knot inside her pussy.

The collie smiled and replied, "No I meant after this."

"Oh, well I need to feed Samuel but I'm off today, so we can..." she thought and shrugged, "I don't know? What do you want to do?"

Peter thought for a moment, "We can go for a walk, I used to do a lot of hiking when I was a pup; kinda grew out of it when I joined up."

Tanya nodded. She had never really done hiking but if it was something Peter thought would be nice than it was probably good.

They were still tied and for some reason it didn't feel like his cock was going to soften up anytime soon. Being that they were "stuck," a nice stuck though; the two canine washed up and changed out the water one more time. Another half hour past and his cock remained hard and tied inside her, Tanya now a bit worried. She could feel his cum still slowly dribbling out of his cock and she could feel her own muscles coaxing it deeper and deeper. She wasn't sure how to feel about this; she loved him, no doubt, but she knew what might come from this and it scared her.

The collie felt Tanya hug him a little tighter and he rubbed her back softly, the fur on her back now dry. The wolf cooed and Peter kissed her and felt more of his body relax.

"I think it's gonna come out Tanya," he said and twisted his hips a little, trying to loose his knot up a bit.

The wolf squirmed a little and paused, "Hold on."

She removed the bath tube's pug and let all the water pour out.

"Now try," she said and squirmed her hips again.

After a little bit of work on both their parts, Peter's cock squeezed out. It was quickly followed by a long, thick stream of cum. It spurted out in globs for what seemed forever.

"Ohhh... I'm sorry Tanya," Peter said, winching at the sight.

The wolf stopped and thought about and smiled, "It's not a problem, I like it anyway."

"Your not worried about..." he trailed off, a bit to embarrassed to finish his own sentence.

Shrugging Tanya replied, "Ya of course, but that doesn't mean it would be bad, I'm more worried about what others will think of all this."

"Of what?"

"Us," she continued, "I mean the Federation won't be glad you're with me. Isn't this 'fraternizing with the enemy?'"

Peter nodded.

"And," the wolf went on, "I don't know how thrilled my fellow wolves will be if I go around calling a Federal soldier my mate."

He nodded again, she was right.

"What are we going to do then?" the collie asked.

"Well," she began, taking a deep breath, "We could try and hide it, but I don't think we can really do that, not for very long anyway."

"But what if... ehh" he trailed off.

This time she nodded and leaned back on him, feeling his cum still drip a little out of her. It actually felt good.

"We could... no," Peter trailed off again; no ideas were coming to mind.

"We can't hide this, that's a fact," she answered, "And there's no way that furries here or in the Federation are going to like this so where does that leave us?"

Peter looked grim and silent, a little sad too.

"What's wrong?" she asked, nuzzling her body against his.

"I don't want to ruin your life," the collie began sadly, "I don't want to force you to live away from your friends and family and kind just for my sake, I don't think I'm worth it."

Tanya sighed quietly and turned around, nuzzling his face softly, "You are, I don't care what I have to give up, you are."

Peter nodded a little but his face didn't change, he still felt like he was going to ruin her life.

A chill ran through the both of them and they both simultaneously stood up and walked as quickly as they could back to her room. They found their clothes spread about the room. Tanya dressed but Peter hesitated.

She tilted her head inquisitively and he replied, "My clothes are kind of dirty that's all," and he began to dress.

"Wait," she said quietly and walked out of their room and into the hall pantry.

The wolf returned a moment later with a small bag, a nervous and upset expression across her muzzle.

She handed Peter the bag and whispered, "Try these, they should fit."

After taking them Peter noticed they looked about his size but they had been in that box for a very long time. Then it hit him.

"Oh... Tanya I can't-"

She hushed him with a paw, "No, there's no point in getting clean and putting on dirty clothes."

Peter nodded and began dressing. The clothes fit surprisingly well; a pair of tightly woven pants, a short sleeve shirt, and a half-zipper sweatshirt.

Looking him over she saw that indeed it was a perfect fit and she turned away quickly, covering her muzzle with her paws.

"What's wrong?" he said and held her shoulders softly.

"They fit perfectly," Tanya whispered, her ears pinned back.

Rubbing her sides he replied, "Ya, but what's wrong?"

She leaned back and turned, looking him in the eye and whispered, "They fit perfectly, like it was meant to be."

Peter didn't know how to feel about that. He was glad she felt that it was good to be attracted to him but he now didn't like the idea of wearing her dead husband's clothes. What he didn't know was she was starting to realize what she really had with Alex, rather the lack therefore. She was starting to remember how spur of the moment their marriage had been, mainly because they had found out she was going to have his pups. Tanya thought she loved him but maybe that was just a feeling she had that made it so that she could "just marry" him for the sake of her pups. Either way she was glad Peter was here.

Breaking her trans, Peter rubbed her shoulders and urged her across the hall. He walked her into her son's room, sat her down in the chair and got a bottle of formula for the pup. He picked up Sam and brought him and his bottle to his mother. She feed him and, chancing a look, saw Peter smiling at the both of them. She felt better at that.

Once the pup had it's fill his mother and Peter walked downstairs and ate something themselves. Peter noted that she had little food and that on their walk they should get something. He made sure to point out that we would get something, he didn't want her to feel like he was taking over.

They left and walk slowly, her paws wrapped around his arm. They passed a few wolves on their way to town where the stores were and they could both hear the comments. The comments only drew them closer together, to help each other through them. When they reached the store it was even more awkward, Tanya saw a few wolves she knew. They weren't so much as friends but she usually saw them on a regular basis. Peter offered to wander off but she insisted he stay by her side.

At first the wolves just stared at the pair, commented to each other, but curiosity soon got the better of them and a group of three approached the pair.

"Hi Tanya..." one of them said, a female wolf. She closely scrutinized the collie who, although wasn't in uniform was clearly a Federal soldier.

"Hi Jenny," she began and gestured to her partner and continued, "This is Peter."

Not sure what to do Peter just held out his paw and shook the female wolf's paw. She hesitated at first but complied; the atmosphere was tense.

"Hello," he said, a little curt but he wasn't used to being around wolves in general, much less a "pack" of them.

Jenny nodded and turned back to Tanya, "Where have you been, we haven't seen you in days."

Tanya clenched her teeth inside her muzzle, they acted so much like they were her friends but she knew better. They were just a bunch of gossip seekers and the sight of Peter had been more than enough to peak their appetite for starting rumors.

Shrugging she replied, "I have a lot to take care of, I had a double shift yesterday and I ended up being a little late to boot."

Jenny let out a long "Oh" and nodded. The other's remained silent and watched like hawks. An awkward silence persisted for a few moments and Peter, sensing Tanya's discomforted took hold of her arm and said to the pack, "We have to go, she helping me get some extra supplies."

The pair walked off and the pack turned back to the rest of their group. Both Peter and Tanya heard one of them whisper, "What a whore."

Peter stopped dead short, almost yanking the wolf's arm out as she continued walking. He went to turn to yell something, anything, but Tanya took and squeezed his paw, holding him back physically and mentally.

"Forget them, I don't like them either," she said in a full voice, making sure the gossip pack herd her.

Tanya heard the collie let out a low guttural growl, also catching the attention of the now somewhat afraid group of wolves. She stood back but didn't release his paw.

"I don't like that Tanya, that's something you should know about me, I don't like insults flying around uncheck, 'spatially rumors and crap like that. Say things to fur's faces, not to their backs," he said with a noticeable amount of conviction in his voice.

She nodded and after they got the last of what they needed he paid and they left, walking rather quickly back to her home. Once there he put the food away and made something to eat. They had gotten a huge amount of food compared to what she had before and she looked so excited when they had been picking them; Peter had to reassure her at least five times that he was able to pay for it all.

While the food was cooking he looked her over again, she was way to underweight, something that bothered Peter. She didn't look healthy; she didn't act healthy for the most part. She seemed happier than the moment he had walked up to the door but she didn't look any better. Peter was going to fix that.

The meal he presented was amazing, particularly to Peter himself. He really wasn't a good cook but he tried hard enough that he managed to make a rather presentable feast. He made a couple potatoes, backed; a ham steak, and he even managed to steam a package of various vegetables.

Tanya looked at the meal wide eyed after she returned from feeding Samuel and sat back down.

"Oh that's to mu-"

"No," he interrupted, "You don't look good. Healthy that is. I can't let you get sick I told you that. You need to eat. Don't worry your body will be much happier after a good meal."

It wasn't quite dinnertime but it was past lunch which weighed on Tanya's conscious, she was so worried about not having enough food. Peter seeing this walked over and massaged her furry shoulders so softly that her worries melted away and she felt considerably less tense.

"Now lets eat," he said and sat down at the corner of the table next to her.

The wolf smiled broadly but still didn't take any food.

Peter stifled a chuckle and started off. He took a little food, cut it in half and gave some to her. She took a piece and chewed it slowly. The ham was so good to her that her hunger that she had been suppressing for months finally returned and she ate like a normal fur.

By the end of the meal Peter was the one who was amazed, the wolf had eaten more than he had. When he pointed this out she grinned and he could see her blush a little beneath her fur-covered cheeks.

He let her sit as he cleaned the table again and sat down across from her.

"Better?" he asked, rubbing her paw slightly.

She nodded quickly, "Yes, thank you Peter."

"No problem," he replied and scooted his chair a little closer.

Just as Tanya was about lay her head down on the collie's shoulder they both were startled by a knocking at the door. They turned and looked down the hall.

Another knock and Tanya called down, "Whose there?"

No answer or knock followed, just a loud explosion and a blinding light. Peter, although unable to see, threw Tanya to the floor and himself on top of her. He managed to look up and see a group of at least four Federal soldiers but into the house, weapons raise, and run up and secure the both of them.

"Clear!" one yelled.

"Clear!" another replied.

"All clear!" the leader said and lowered his weapon.

Although the soldier walked right up to the grounded Peter the collie's attention was at the door where a ferret, grinning widely, walked in and right over to where Peter was.

"That him?" the leader asked.

Charlie nodded and replied, "Yep."

At that the four troopers dragged Peter off of the wolf. She yelped out but Peter hushed her with a paw motion.

"Alright, thank you Private," the leader, a lieutenant and a rabbit, said to Charlie.

The ferret just nodded and grinned at the captured Peter.

Angry the collie almost yelled, "What are you doing sir!?"

"Well first of all Sergeant," the Lieutenant answered, not sounding as violent as Charlie, "your AWOL, second of all your responsible for the death of one Private Keith Radic."

"I didn't d-"

"He was one of your subordinates Sergeant," the Lieutenant pointed out, "And anyway we don't have the time, and nor do I have to explain this here; Private, bring this soldier back to base."

Two of the soldiers picked up Peter and began leading him to the door.

"No don't wha..." Tanya trailed off, stunned by the situation.

Just as Peter got to the door another figure walked in, this one different, very different. He wasn't that tall, he wasn't wearing any equipment, but the biggest difference was that he wasn't a furry, he was a human.

The Lieutenant noticed it first and snapped a crisp salute and said, "Sir!"

The human walked in, past the captured and disoriented Peter, right up to Charlie and the Lieutenant.

"Lieutenant may I ask what's going on here?" the human said in a rather imposing and commanding tone.

Gesturing to the collie the soldier answered, "Sir, he's been AWOL and Private Alsays claims that he is responsible for the death of one of his squad members while they were on leave."

The human turned and looked Peter over whose eyes managed to adjust and realized that the human was an officers, moreover a General. The officer gestured to the two soldiers who restrained the collie and they walked him over. The General looked young, as far as Generals went, maybe thirty-seven, dark hair, and frightful eyes but there was something else, a look of intrigue.

"Is this true Sergeant?" the General asked, scrutinizing Peter closely. The collie noticed that the General seemed to be the only one who was paying any attention to Tanya who still sat on the floor, somewhat paralyzed.

Peter shrugged and replied, "Sort of sir, I am AWOL but..." he trailed off for a second and thought, "I was going to..." he cut himself off again, clenching his teeth now, worried that he might not have helped his situation.

"Yes?" the General said at a draw.

Glancing at Tanya the collie replied, "I was going to stay here. That's the only thing I did, it wasn't my fault Keith was killed, Private Alsays," he glared at the ferret, "is responsible. Did he tell you what we were doing when Private Radic was killed?"

The General didn't offer a response and turned back to the lieutenant who also remained silent.

"Private Alsays proposed we steal a room from a wolf hotel," Peter reported, "and even though the clerk went along with us willingly he didn't have enough so he started harassing the clerk's daughter. It's his fault Keith's dead, I was just as glad to sleep in our own sector, he-"

"Bullshit!" Charlie interrupted but the lieutenant brought a pistol up, not pointed at anyone but made Charlie aware that he did have one.

"Go on Sergeant," the General said, shooting a hard glance at the ferret who actually flinched.

Sighing he went on, "Well after we split up I... I followed Mrs. Petrova home and she gave me someplace to sleep and some food."

"Really Sergeant. I find that strange because I have reports that you've been fraternizing around with this Mrs. Petrova, staying here two nights and apparently," the lieutenant furrowed his brow, "went shopping. Care to explain?"

Peter didn't answer.

The General turned and looked at Tanya who shuttered a little. He walked over calmly and offered her his hand and he helped the wolf up. She looked terribly frightened and she had the urge to run over to Peter but she had never been this close to a human and he looked and acted strange, but not bad but she was still frightened.

"Is that true ma'am?" the General asked in a quiet, forgiving tone.

Tanya didn't answer right away but nodded at first, then shook her head, then nodded again.

Chuckling softly the General said, "Well which one is it?"

Taking a deep breath the wolf replied, "That's all true but there's more," she glanced at Peter who made a very small nod, "I-I love him, I didn't want him to leave and he loves me too and we didn't want to leave each other. I-we-we weren't-I..." she trailed off, not sure where to go from there.

The General's facial expression warmed immediately. He stood up and turned to Peter who nodded, not wanting to say what she had.

"Lieutenant, have your men step outside for a moment, I'm going to figure something out for the moment and I need to 'chat' alone with the Private and Sergeant here," the General commanded, and he was promptly obeyed.

Charlie looked shock and began to protest but the General had a commanding presence.

Looking them both over the human couldn't help but laugh, he liked the way furries could be on opposite ends of the spectrum but still be strong in their beliefs. The ferret was angry, only wanting his physical needs and urges filled but the collie, well the General had seen that look enough times to know he was different.

"Sir what are you going to do with me?" Peter asked, taking a step closer to Tanya who matched his.

Coming out of his thoughts the General replied, "Well I'm more interested what we're going to do with you," he turned to the ferret.

Charlie looked a bit afraid now and straitened out a little.

"What do you mean sir?" he asked.

"Well Private from what I understand it is your fault this all took place," the General answered, "Would I be wrong in that assumption?"

Surprised Charlie answered, "Yes! I didn't get him-"

"So you're saying that Sergeant Kurth is lying?"

"Yes he is!" the ferret glared at the collie who was just as surprised.

Grinning a little the General said, "Well we have a problem now, don't we? I can't tell whose fault it is and someone needs to be punished, someone has to be responsible, but what to do since I can't tell which?"

The two Federal soldiers were silent and Tanya shifted her gaze from each of them and the General.

"I guess I'll take you both," the General added, although he said it as if he was trying to spawn an objection.

He got it from Tanya; "No, no please don..." she trailed off as the General's gaze shifted back to her.

The wolf felt a little frightened although, in actuality, the General was amused by the situation and knew what was going to happen before he even stepped in the door.

"Yes ma'am?" he asked, his amusement almost showing in his speech.

Taking a deep breath the wolf replied, "Please, can you let Peter stay? Please don't take him, after my husband died... please let him stay, I love him," she glanced over to the collie who looked a bit shocked but not surprised, "I don't care what you do to him but leave Peter here," grinning innocently she added, "He's not a very good soldier anyway, let me watch him."

"No he's not," the General agreed, shaking his head, "but how can I just let him go, that's treason you know?"

For a long moment everyone was silent, for both the Wolves and the Federals treason wasn't something to joke about, it was unthinkable to most.

"Sir," Sergeant Kurth began, breaking his own silence, "Is there anyway possible that I can stay with Mrs. Petrova? She needs my help, I know it. Look at her, she's half starved, today was the first real meal I think she's had in weeks if not months. Is it that big of a deal that I just-"

"Disappear... per chance?" the General said, watching the wolf very carefully.

She looked back and forth attentively, praying in her mind that things went her way for once.

Having seen enough the ferret yelled out, "Your all traitors! Your all traitors! General how can you allow this?!"

Almost ignoring Charlie the General replied, "Well technically Mrs. Petrova can't be a traitor, she is a wolf after all."

Charlie's eyes widened even more, angry filling them. Peter knew all to well that when the ferret was to go rampant, it didn't matter who was in the way.

As if on cue, the ferret ran across the room, barely brushing past the General and towards the door. The lieutenant walk in front of him but didn't realize something, Charlie was armed. As he had dashed he drew a knife and slashed at the rabbit, slicing through his ear, rather ripping it off. The lieutenant dropped clutching the side of his head and just as it appeared that Charlie might get away two very loud gunshots rang out. Louder than anything Peter or Tanya had ever heard.

The General turned holding a very large, very strange looking pistol.

"You all right Lieutenant?" he called out, looking at the bleeding rabbit.

He nodded and one of his troopers began treating him.

As the General holstered his sidearm Peter and Tanya heard him mutter, "They don't call me Two-Shots for nothing."

All together the collie, the wolf as well, were stunned.

"Why sir?" Peter asked, almost a whimper.

Ignoring him the General asked, "Do you love this wolf?"

Peter nodded.

"Then it doesn't matter what I did or why, just be glad I'm giving you a chance to make sure you keep that love. One day we may need you, or your example at least when this war is over but for now just love each other okay?"

Tanya clutched onto Peter and asked quietly, "What are we to do General....?"

"Osing ma'am. General George Osing," the human replied, sounding rather proud.

"General Osing then," Tanya continued, "What are we to do? We won't be accepted anywhere, we'd both be outcasts from our governments."

Shrugging Osing replied, "Well I can't exactly help you there. I would suggest you go somewhere with limited military presence, but nothing to out there. Either way staying here's a bad idea."

Peter nodded and then remembered, "Sir, what's going to happen to Corporal Kilpo? He didn't do anything and he didn't want to do anything bad to begin with."

"I know Sergeant," the General answered, "He in fact told me what happened before," he nodded to the downed ferret, "he did. Don't worry, he'll be fine."

The collie nodded again, feeling a little better.

"But still what can we do?" Tanya asked, still a little worried.

Sighing Osing replied, "Like I said, go somewhere else but wherever you go make sure its safe. Like..." he thought hard for a moment for a fairly liberal and forgiving."

The wolf looked down at her paws, "That's not exactly easy General. I'm not exactly someone that anyone would really accept, my kind would have an easier time accepting Peter before the Federation would let some wolf live somewheres."

The General shrugged, "Hey I didn't say it would be easy to find someplace. I've seen this a few times... well not this specifically but I've dealt with situations where one or more f the parties wouldn't be... acceptable so I'm gona tell you the same thing I told them: as long as you love each other anything else shouldn't matter. Take care of each other and go somewhere you can guarantee that. Friends are nice but what you have here," he looked at each of them, "is more important, more vital to you both than anything else and never let yourselves forget that."

For a few seconds they stood in silence then the General nodded, turned, and walked out without a word. It took a few minutes for it to really hit the both of them and they both walked into and sat down in the kitchen. The two canines heard a pair of trucks pull away from the front a minute later and both felt a strange sense of relief.

All that went through Tanya's mind was that Peter was really hers now. He was going to stay and she didn't have to be alone anymore.

Peter smiled and said out of nowhere, "Come'er."

The wolf tilted her head and obeyed. He sat her down on his lap and they both smiled. They sat for a long, long time. Eventually, about an hour later Tanya began nodding off. It was still only around 4 PM so Peter tapped her softly and pat her furry back through her clothing. She cooed softly and nuzzled his face; she wanted to go to sleep with him now. He smelled nice and because of his adopted clothes he felt familiar too. She rubbed his paws with hers and continued rubbing her face into his.

"Tired?" he asked, nuzzling her back.

She answered with a soft nod into his face but then added, "It's still early I know but..." she trailed off, not needing to say more.

With a little bit of effort she scooted off his lap and the pair went upstairs. Peter almost limped the wolf up the stairs and they paused at the top.

"Let me just go feed Sam okay?" Tanya asked but Peter shook his head.

"No I'll do it, you get into bed, you look like your going to fall over," he reasoned.

Had this been any other day previous with anyone else Tanya would have objected immediately but she felt like she could trust Peter so she just nodded and turned into her room, not looking back.

The wolf walked in, hesitated, but decided to leave the door unlocked, there really wasn't any need to do that now. She changed into her softest bedclothes, a pair of super soft and fluffy cotton paints and shirt. Her fur puffed on her paws and chest as it was a little too small but the gesture was the point. Tanya then took to the bed and laid down on her side but soon found herself falling asleep.

About ten minutes later the collie entered, smiling.

"Why you smiling?" she asked sweetly, looking him over.

"He's a cute little pup," Peter answered.

That made Tanya smile intensely. Of all things that were important to her, the most was Samuel and if Peter liked him then she loved Peter.

The collie didn't hesitate long and soon took off his clothes, leaving his limited undergarments on. He acted a little embarrassed and Tanya giggled softly and made a come hither motion with her paw. He followed through and walked over and climbed into the bed. Peter moved right over to her and kissed her softly.

"So what do you want to do?" he asked softly.

Not sure what he meant Tanya slipped a paw into his underwear and felt around. He was already hard and she heard him chuckle.

"I- forget it..." and he continued kissing her.

Not letting go she replied, "No what?"

"I mean what are we going to do. You know like about all this."

"Oh," she said, and removed her paw.

She looked a little embarrassed and Peter patted her soft fur on her cheeks.

"I didn't go to fast again did I?" the wolf asked, a nervous smile on her face.

Peter chuckled and replied, "No, no, I was just figured you might be worried about where we go from here."

Tanya shrugged, "Hey we'll figure that out eventually, we still have some time."

The collie smiled and kissed her again, this time more passionately and he managed to slip his paw down the front of her pajamas. Tanya moaned instantly and kissed him a bit harder. She moaned higher and higher into his mouth and eventually had to break his kiss because she was breathing to hard.

"I love you Tanya," he whispered, nuzzling her neck.

The wolf was unable to reply, his paw motions were to tensing and it made her whole body to stiffen up and shake. She managed to nod quickly and moaned harder, rocking her hips against his paw. Tanya breathed harder and harder, her pussy lips soft and wet on his paw.

Almost too much to take, Peter slipped half his paw inside her cunt, causing the immediate reaction of the wolf clenching down on his paw.

"Oh God... fuck oh God!" she moaned as he pulsed around inside her pussy.

He paused for a moment to remove her shirt but she begged, "Please don't stop!"

The collie picked up right away and continued rubbing her out. Her furry hips rocked hard against his paw and her tail was stiff beneath her. Her breathing got faster and faster and she felt herself cumming.

Tanya's climax seized her and she screamed in ecstasy. Unable to control herself she lurched out and clutched onto Peter's body as he continued fumbling around inside her. Her pussy convulsed and quivered around his paw, trying to suck it deeper and deeper.

She whimpered as her cum subsided and softly nuzzled his face.

"Ready?" he asked softly and removed his paw from her neither regions.

The aroma of her juices filled both their noises and made each of them equally hornier.

Again without answering Tanya just began removing her own clothes as did Peter. Soon they were both nude and she laid on her back as the collie mounted her from atop.

His cock slipped in with ease from her drenched pussy and it felt so warm to Tanya that she could feel herself starting to sweat a little under her soft fur. Peter lowered himself so that they locked hips and kissed her for a moment, glad to see her enjoying herself so much.

Without removing his mouth from hers Peter began humping her softly, picking up speed gradually. They felt a strange amount of warmth come from the other as their fur moved over each other's.

"I love you too," Tanya answered, a bit late but I had enough of an effect on him that he paused his humping to hug her tightly and his her deeply.

Smiling he whispered, "Your so beautiful, I haven't said that really before but you are."

Tanya smiled as well and kissed him softly and said, "I love you so much."

She started rocking her hips against his and Peter matched her movements. They both breathed hard and moaned, the wolf softer than him but they were both so overwhelmed with pleasure they wanted to fuck forever.

As he continued pumping his cock in and out of her pussy the wolf held his back with her paws, whimpering softly. He felt so good inside, she wasn't sure exactly why. Of course she loved him and he wasn't bad at sex but something else was there, he felt better than any other partner or mate she had been with before.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Peter lowering his head once again and biting on her neck again. The new touch and sensation threw her off so much that she wasn't sure what to do. She moaned in pleasure but only a horsed sound resounded from her open wide mouth. Of all the things like this he did, Tanya liked this the best. Something about him holding her down and latching his mouth around her throat drove her wild and it made her pussy and body quiver as he continued fucking her.

As her pussy tightened around his cock Peter involuntarily speed up, causing a soft sound of their fur and bodies coming together each time he slammed his hips down against hers.

Tanya moaned faster and faster yet little sound could be heard being that he held a tight grip around her neck, which only made her moan more. Just loving the feeling so much the wolf moved her paws up and down her mate's back softly, trying to coax him on so that she might feel his cum surge within her that much sooner.

Of all things Peter was straining to keep his climax from coming. He didn't want to cum early, he didn't want this to end, it was too great. Her pussy was so soft and caring, like the warmest, softest hug he'd ever received. He'd just as well never remove himself from her again if it were up to him. One thing still loomed over his head too, the collie wasn't sure if Tanya would be angry with him if he came inside her, or if he'd be comfortable to do so. She said she loved him, she called him her mate but Peter didn't know if she loved him that much.

Realizing that he was making softer movements Tanya realized and actually understood what was going on. She was about to cum too and wanted him at the same moment, she had to have him cum at the same moment.

Realizing she was trying to say something in her groans Peter removed his maw from Tanya's neck.

She breathed hard for a moment and whispered in the most timid voice she ever had, "I love you Peter, please, please cum deep inside me."

"Your not worried about anything happening like-"

The wolf hushed him with a paw to his lips, "That would be great. You're my mate and that's part of being my mate, now I'm yours."

Peter smiled and kissed her but didn't replace his grip on her neck; he had a feeling that wouldn't be safe when they came. He restarted humping her, soft yet strong. He drew himself back as far as he could, feeling his bulge at the base of his cock starting to form. The collie quickly replaced his cock within her and he swore he saw he winch, not in pain but in response to the sudden stimulus.

Tanya was dangerously close to cumming and tightened her pussy lips as much as she could. Her tits bounced between them and rubbed against his chest, making them both hot and made her feel sexy as she could tell Peter was trying to press himself against them. She milked his cock hard and then felt it; his knot started to swell and she quickly grabbed hold of his shoulders and drew him in as tightly as she could onto her body.

His knot swelled to an enormous size and it set off her cum, a big one, right away and just as her pussy lips began convulsing his cum shot out of his cock deep inside her. The wolf screamed in pure pleasure and Peter moaned into her furry cheek where she had buried his face.

Every spurt and every glob of his cum was felt by Tanya cushioning her insides. She felt instantly full whereas Peter felt like he was emptied of all his cum he had left in his body. His cock twitched inside her quivering pussy and he was so close that see could hear his heart beating rapidly behind his pelt.

They both let their orgasms roll over and the aftershocks pass.

Once they were both as stable as they could be Peter whispered, "Tanya I really love you, I can't tell you how much I love you."

She couldn't respond, her voice left her.

"I never want to leave you again," he went on, "I'm going to make sure you and Sam are as happy and safe and healthy as I can make you."

Being that she could barely speak she managed to whisper back, "I love you Peter. I don't know what I would have done without you... I-I just love you."

Peter smiled and kissed her softly. He went right to nuzzling her and let his face sit to the side of hers. Skillfully he used his tail to bring the covers up. Again they were tied and this time he felt like his knot was easily twelve inches around. He was mildly worried that it might be hurting her but her facial expression showed nothing but comfort.

Tanya knew, she didn't know how but she knew this was it, she was going to have pups by him from his cum this time and she hugged him tighter, glad by that fact.

"Where do we go from here," he asked. Never before in his life had Peter worried so much about the future but then again he never cared for anyone this way before either.

"We go to sleep, and that's all we worry about now," she whispered and rubbed his back softly, so comfortable and so happy he had come to her door.


Character List

Sergeant Peter Kurth - Dog, Collie, 26 Years old, 35th Mechanized Division

Tatanya (Lena) Petrova - Wolf, Widow, 31 Years Old, one child, nickname Tanya

Colonel Alexander Lena - Tanya's Husband, Wolf, Dead, was 35, never met infant.

Samuel Lena - Tanya's son, infant, Saved by Kurth

Aladgard- Wolf planet now taken by Federation

Main Battle - The Siege of Aladgard

Corporal Donavan Klipo - Bulldog, One of Peter's Friends (From Ranger's Tail)

Private Keith Radic - Fox, friend of Peter, dies in part one

General George Osing- From Ranger's Tail, only he's much younger in this Private Charlie Alsays - Ferret, attempts to rape Tanya

Lieutenant Oscar Kunder - Rabbit, ends up being the Major in Ranger's Tail


**Amnesty** **Chapter 2 Anew** Home of Tatanya Petrova in Willgrad 8:33 AM Local Time When Peter awoke the next morning he felt really strange. He didn't remember where he was, how he got there and who was- "Tanya!" he whispered to himself and it...

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Any of those out there that have read my other stories, this one takes place during the same war as Ranger's Tail, but near the beginning, long before Steve and Cathy met each other; that story takes place around 5249, this one take place in...

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**A Ranger's Tail** **Book 7: Family** **Chapter 1 Hatred** The Reynolds' Cabin On Earth 12:09AM Local Time "Cathy?" Steve asked out loud, looking around the ribbons that had been their nice cabin a few seconds ago. "I'm alright Steve, we have to...

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