
Story by RC1138 on SoFurry

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#2 of Amnesty


Chapter 2 Anew

Home of Tatanya Petrova in Willgrad 8:33 AM Local Time

When Peter awoke the next morning he felt really strange. He didn't remember where he was, how he got there and who was-

"Tanya!" he whispered to himself and it all came back.

She was still asleep and apparently during the night she had moved closer because now a paw and both her legs were draped over his. He would have liked it a bit more if he wasn't so... uneasy with the fact she was a wolf, but what did that really matter? She was definitely beautiful, a good furry. She was nice and caring and giving, a little... off but nice nonetheless. So what if she happened to be a wolf? Kurth pulled himself back; he was getting way to ahead of himself. He was considering if he would be okay being with her when in reality he didn't think there was any chance she could ever share the same feeling with him. Hell the Federation had cost Tanya her husband, was she really going to stop and fall for a Federal Sergeant?

Almost on cue she stirred and awoke a little. To start the day off in surprise she looked right into Peter's eyes and smiled.

"Good morning," she greeted warmly.

"Good... morning.... I guess?" he replied, a bit unsure about this whole situation.

Not realizing fully what was going through his mind, Tanya pulled herself up and basically on top of him.

"Now aren't you glad you listened to me?" she asked, in a more motherly tone than he expected.

Peter did agree and told her so. That made her smile and to the collie's surprise made him smile as well. Both their tails moved happily beneath the covers and soon met and played over each other, which was enough to embarrass Peter enough to want to get up and out of her bed.

She stopped him however and forced him to remain under the covers, but in the process she forced herself more on top of him. By now though she had awoken enough and realized what she was doing and how far she was on top of him, almost straddling his body.

"Oh, sorry," Tanya whispered, quite embarrassed.

Shaking his head Kurth replied, "No I understand it's okay."

The wolf nodded and let him up. He actually wanted to lie back down, he like lying in bed wit- No, he couldn't think that. Could he? She sure did and almost told him so but stopped herself for fear of further embarrassing herself and scaring herself. How as it she was so attached to him? How was it she had come to the conclusion to let him sleep with her? This was all very strange but nice, very nice in both their minds.

All that set aside he stood up and stretched a little and walked out of the room almost in a hurry, leaving Tanya to watch him leave and think for a moment.

"He really is nice..." she whispered to herself, twisting herself out of bed.

No way was she falling for him, not now not ever... but he was so kind. But he was so self absorbed, he didn't like her. Hell the only reason he was here was that he needed a bed, he wasn't interested in her, was he? Peter had followed her home from the bar; he never really explained how he'd come to be here. Was it possible the collie was setting her up? He was way to nice for a federal soldier he must be after something else. But he didn't try anything last night and she had invited him to her bed.

"Oh boy, I must have looked like a slut..." Tanya whispered to herself.

She walked down the hall into her son's room and fed him, the pup glad to see his mother. He looked happy and sad at the same time, as if something was missing. Something was missing; Sam had his mother to take care of him but no one to take care of her.

"I can take care of myself..." she whispered again, in defiance to an argument she was having by herself.

When Sam had his fill Tanya replaced him in his crib and was halfway down the stairs when she heard a knocking at the door. She looked over the railing and saw Peter walk to the door, open it, and an aggressive ferret push past him and walk inside. It was Charlie

"Oh man, I think we're fucked man..." the ferret said to Peter, a bit distressed.

The collie shut the door and walked behind him, a look of worry on his muzzle.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

Sighing the ferret began to say something but his gaze drifted to Tanya and stuck.

"Oh helloooo... Hey you picked a good one Sarge, mind if I have a go?" the ferret asked, grinning eagerly at the wolf, who was now terrified.

Before Peter could voice and opinion the ferret stood up and practically ran at Tanya, causing her to freeze in pure fright.

He was upon her in a moment and grabbed at her paw.

"Hey, I remember you..." Charlie whispered lustfully, "So you like Federals? Good, cause I'm a great one..."

At that Tanya screamed and tried to push him away but Charlie was stronger and pushed her face first onto the stairs on her stomach and began groping her.

She screamed again and yelled, "Please Peter help!"

All the while the collie had been standing, watching in a semi-state of disbelief. Not sure why but he didn't feel like stopping his friend, but he was compelled to protect her. But weren't the wolves the enemy? But they were still furries; Tanya was a great furry why should she have to suffer because she's a wolf?

Tanya noticed that Kurth wasn't moving and began crying, feeling helpless. The ferret's groping was rough and terrible.

"Ple-ple-please-se-se," she pleaded, begging for help from the unmoving collie.

He took a step towards her but at that moment Charlie began tearing her clothes off. Peter jumped at that and ran up the stairs behind him and in a quick move, drew the ferret's pistol, cocked it, and rested it behind his furry ears.

Charlie stopped short and in a very surprised voice asked, "What the fuck are you doing Sarge?"

"Get of her now!" Kurth said in a full commanding voice.

"Why, you want her to yourself?" Charlie went on, not quite understanding the collie's objection.

Digging the pistol's barrel into the ferret's head Peter replied, "No, you don't touch her. You're a terrible example of the Federation. We're supposed to protect all, not rape and torture and kill everyone!"

Charlie huffed, "A 'terrible example?' Your fucking drunk Kurth, drop the fucking gun!"

"I don't go around raping furries, and your not going to, now get off of her!" he ordered.

The ferret finally complied and lifted himself of the terrified wolf. As scared as she was though she felt safe, she felt safe that Peter was protecting her. It was at that point she understood what Peter was about, what the Federation was about, and what the opinions on them by her kind was. Not all of them were bad. Most probably were but there were bad wolves too, and Peter wasn't one of the bad ones. He was a good furry and didn't want to hurt anyone or see anyone in pain. In this tense situation Tanya actually cracked a smile.

The collie moved Charlie down the stares, never removing the pistol from the back of his head. He walled the ferret over to the couch and sat him down.

"What's the deal Sarge?" he asked as Peter walked around in front of him, "Since when do you give a shit about wolves."

"I told you we're supposed to protect them, not hurt them," Peter answered.

"I bet you just fucked her and don't want to share the pussy," Charlie commented, crossing his paws over his chest.

Tanya, although a bit fearful of the ferret, walked down the stares and, avoiding Charlie, walked over and stood at an equal distance from them both.

"I didn't do anything with her, she has a son and is a widow," Peter reported, glancing at the wolf to make sure she was okay.

Charlie scrutinized the collie and believed him, for some reason.

"Okay, okay Sarge, fine, I just wanted to get you, we need to leave or do something," Charlie said, putting his paws up.

Calming down a bit Peter lowered the pistol and asked what he meant.

"We're in trouble-"

"You mean your in trouble, I didn't do anything," Peter pointed out.

The collie saw an angered scowl cover the ferret's muzzle and Charlie went on, "Well ya, anyway, Keith's dead and the MP's think it's my fault."

"It was your fault Charlie," Kurth pointed out, still a bit nervous over what the ferret was doing before, "If you hadn't been trying to rape that wolf before. Keith would have tried to save you. I mean God damn Charlie, Keith died saving you and what do you do? You try and rape Tanya!"

"Fuck you Sarge!" the ferret yelled, he always hated being reprimanded.

For a tense few seconds Tanya watched the two, seeing what she believe, what she knew were complete opposites. Peter was kind, loving, caring; he wanted to protect her and make sure that the ferret was far from her. Charlie on the other hand didn't care about others, he only wanted to please himself, and, apparently from what she just heard did so on a regular basis. Peter didn't care what species you were, but Charlie seemed to hate wolves for no real reason.

"Just get rid of him," Tanya whispered, wanting to be alone with Peter for a moment, she had to talk to him, she wanted to talk to him.

Charlie and Peter heard that and the ferret looked a bit nervous.

"Please," he pleaded, "What am I supposed to do? They want to throw me in jail."

The collie looked back at Tanya and his face said it all. She shook her head quickly but he looked at her.

"He's to nice..." the wolf thought to herself.

"You can stay here for a night," Peter said, turning back to the now surprised and relieved ferret, "after that you have to go. It will be Sunday and I'm going back to the base."

Although he didn't give it much thought, Peter was sure he heard a small unhappy sigh come from Tanya.

"Thanks Sarge..." Charlie whispered.

Tanya came up close behind him and whispered in his ear very quietly, "I wish you asked me Sergeant. Tie him up at least."

Being that it was her home, Peter listened to the wolf and, skillfully, tied up and restrained Charlie.

"Don't give me that look private," Peter commented, "You asked for a place to stay but it is Mrs. Petrova's home and it's her decision."

Charlie clenched his teeth and glared at the wolf, thinking of great ways to get her back.

Tanya motioned with her paw for him to come upstairs and Peter followed her back to her room, a little nervous over what had happened.

When she had shut the door behind her she turned and in a very sincere voice whispered, "Thank you Peter, you saved m-"

"No, don't thank me," he said, feeling guilty, "It was my fault, I let Charlie in."

Tanya stared at him for a moment, her tail making curious circles behind her. She thought for a moment and walked over and sat down on her bed.

"You are to nice..." she said in a full voice.

The collie tilted his head and asked, "What do you mean? You said that before too."

"I don't think I've ever met anyone as nice as you," she answered.

"What about your husband, Alex?" he pointed out, trying to keep her in check, but also testing her on what she felt, he was starting to feel something.

Tanya took a deep breath; he had a point, right? She had married him and had his pup but what about Peter? What about Peter? No, she couldn't be comparing the two; she had just met him how could she compare him to the wolf she married? But she had only known Alex for a short time before they were married and he left for war soon after that. She loved Alex though? Didn't she? Tanya was very confused.

She was being quiet and Kurth; a bit uncomfortable asked quietly, "You okay, he didn't hurt you did he? He really isn't a good furry, most Federals aren't like that."

Out of nowhere Tanya replied, "I don't care what other Federals are like, I'm just glad your nice."

Peter was taken back by the statement and Tanya could believe what she had said. Maybe she did love this Federal. He was certainly a nice guy, not bad looki- no, she can't be thinking that, but she was.

"You lay down, you need some rest," Peter whispered and walked out.

He walked downstairs and found Charlie squirming about.

Shrugging the collie said, "Don't even try, you'll never get out of those bounds."

"Why do you care about her?" the ferret asked, a bit annoyed, "You in love or something?"

"No," Peter replied, although he didn't believe his own statement, "She just needs to be protected from furries like you."

Charlie huffed.

"Why Charlie? Why? Why on earth do you hate wolves?" the collie asked.

"Oh and you don't?"

"No," Kurth replied, "I don't."

The ferret huffed again.

"See," he pointed out, "You have no reason to hate wolves. Their just our enemy in this war, that doesn't mean you have to hate their species."

Charlie didn't offer a rely. They sat there for at least a half hour, not talking.

When Charlie did break the silence it was in a challenging voice; "You do love her, it's as plain as day."

"She's a widow," Peter reasoned, not a real good one though.


"So... we're responsible for her husband's death. They could have been happy together with their son, their son Charlie, and he's dead. How could she ever love a Federal soldier after that," Peter replied, feeling a bit depressed.

Grinning Charlie added, "I didn't ask if she loves you, I said you love her."

This time Sergeant Kurth didn't offer a reply, causing the ferret to laugh deviously.

"I knew it," Charlie said in an excited voice, "I knew from the moment I saw you look at her! Of all the fucking bitches you could pick you want a wolf! A wolf! I'd fuck one but love! Ha! And your worried over what she thinks of you, about that dumb cunt's feeli-"

He was cut off by a furry fist.

"Don't you say another fucking word or I'll kill you right now," Peter whispered in an angry tone.

Charlie shut up because Peter still had his pistol; something the ferret knew he had to get back.

Not sure if he wanted to say anything else the collie got up and quickly scaled the stares. He needed to talk to Tanya, he had to ask her. Charlie had pinned him; he pined for the wolf and didn't want to even fathom such thoughts if there were no feelings from her towards him.

Just as he was about to turn into her room a small whimper came from the room opposite the hall. It came from her son's room and Peter was drawn to it as well. He walked in carefully and found the pup squirming about beneath his covers.

Peter didn't know if it was a good idea, but he knew it was the right idea and he walked up to the crib, scooped up the pup and started rocking him softly. The pup almost immediately calmed own and burped; a simple gas bubble. The pup's predicament put a smile on Peter's muzzle and made him chuckle softly.

What the collie didn't realize was that at the door Tanya was watching attentively. She had awoken at her son's first whimpers and caught Peter just entering his door. At first she had been terrified, as any good mother would have been, but then she watched him, watch how careful and soft he was with her pup. Kurth rocked him ever so gently that it wasn't long before the pup was back to sleep and the collie replaced him in his crib. Tanya put her paw over her maw and chocked back a tear. There wasn't a doubt in her mind, she must be falling for the Federal soldier, he was just too kind and of all things her own son seemed to be comfortable with him.

She saw Peter beginning to turn and she ran back to her room, trying to compose herself on the way. She only managed to step inside before she could hear him come in behind her.

Tanya turned to meet his eyes, her eyes a bit red from chocking back tears.

"Mrs. Petrova-"

She put her paw to his lips, he stopped mid sentence.

"Can you care for me, like make sure me and Samuel are safe?" she asked, figuring Peter must think she's nuts by now anyway, might as well try and covey what she felt for him in the meantime.

She saw his eyes light up and miss a breath, "Do you mind that I'm a Federation soldier and not a wolf?"

Both were stunned by the other's question. They had both been wracking their own brains over the other and they both felt suddenly relived of worry and expectation. Neither wanting to scare the other away they both stood their ground and didn't talk or move, they just stared at each other's eyes.

Carefully, not sure how it would be received, Peter took a small step towards the wolf and saw that she didn't recoil. She matched his step and they stood close enough that their chests touch, yet their eyes never looked away.

Again, a bit worried that she would yelp, Peter placed his paws on her shoulders than moved them down her back. Again she matched his moved and the two hugged closely.

With her head resting on the collie's shoulder Tanya whispered, "What does this mean?"

"I think it means I love you Tanya, I don't now if you can love me back but I know I love you," he whispered, but not worried about what her reaction would be, he felt very peaceful at this moment.

Tanya let his words echo in his ears. No, she couldn't love him... but she was embracing him, maybe she did? How could she tell? Apparently he knew, he sounded sure and positive that he loved her, how could she know either way? What would be a test for herself? How could this dog, this Federal replace Alex? What about Alex, she couldn't forget him. He was the father of her pup and should she just fall for the first mate that comes around just because he's dead? But his letter... his letter said that he wanted her to be happy and it seemed that Peter made her happy. Was this what Alex had meant? Was this what he wanted? It was starting to appear to be what she wanted, but could she betray Alex?

All through her thinking the wolf had put her weight on Peter who took it with ease. He took real notice in how much smaller she was and lighter than him. Wolves were usually tall and strong, but Tanya was rather short, 5'4 maybe and very thin. Then it hit him she was malnourished. He remembered the previous night, how the only thing she had eaten was half a loaf of bread, that was it. Peter now thought of only a way to get her enough food.

He was about to ask her if she was hungry when the wolf moved her head off his shoulder, looked him in the eye and kissed him deeply. Although obviously surprised, Peter kissed her back just as deeply, moving his hands away from her back to the fur on her cheeks.

Now she was very confused. Tanya had no idea what to do now because she was enjoying this and could tell he was too. It hit her then; like someone had cut her loose and she had floated to happiness.

The wolf pulled back leaving a slightly startled but cheerful Peter.

"I-I..." he started but faltered, noticing that she looked nervous, but happy as well. He had passed a test he didn't even know he was taking; she loved him.

"I love you Peter, you can love me back?" she whimpered, a hopeful smile across her muzzle.

With a very warm smile on his Sergeant Kurth replied, "I do love you Tanya," and he moved in and kissed her more passionately than before.

Again he held her furry cheeks but this time she reached around and hugged him closely, so happy to have found someone, someone to love like this. They kissed for what felt like hours and when he did pull away, only a few inches from her muzzle, they were both out of breath and hot, but extremely happy.

"So what does this mean?" Peter asked, looking into the wolf's eyes; she was so beautiful.

Lifting her paws to his face she whispered, "All this means is that we love each other, from there we can do whatever we want..."

She trailed off; they both realized what this meant, what would happen if each of them was found to love the other. Kurth would be a traitor, Tanya would be an outcast.

Almost reading her mind Peter whispered, "I don't care what anyone thinks, I love you."

The wolf sighed happily and rested her body even more on him, realizing he was actually pretty strong. Peter remembered about the food.

"You have to be hungry," he whispered, "You haven't eaten anything and your too skinny."

"I'm fine," Tanya replied, although it didn't fool Peter for a moment. She didn't want to seem poor; she didn't want him to know she could barely feed her son, much less herself.

Kurth held her paws and stepped back, looked her in the eye and frowned, "You need to eat, we need to get some food in you, I can tell you don't eat much and how can you take care of your son if you get sick."

"You'll help... right?" she asked, which brought another realization to both of them.

Peter smiled and rubbed her paws, "Yes, yes I will, but you still need to eat."

The wolf smiled softly and almost fell into her arms. She had been just supporting Samuel, but now, now someone would help, someone would help her son and help her. She didn't so much want his help to get food, it was going to be nice to have someone to hold her when things seemed too much and tell her things were okay. Many a night she cried herself to sleep and Tanya now had dreams and visions of Peter comforting her and making sure she slept soundly and happily.

Although she tried hard to avoid it, Tanya started crying softly, but it was a happy cry. She felt a weight lift off her furry shoulders and she nuzzled Peter's soft face, both so happy that their tails waged and intertwined.

"Hey, hey it's fine, what's wrong?" he asked, patting her back.

Taking a deep breath Tanya replied, "You'll help me..."

"Ya of course, why wouldn't I?"

She took another deep breath and felt very, very tired.

Actually understanding now why she was crying Peter smiled and rubbed her back softly. He brought his paws to her face again and pushed away her tears, bringing a smile to her maw.

"Comon, I'm not joking, you need to eat something," he whispered in a fairly commanding tone.

The wolf nodded quickly and the pair walked downstairs, mildly embraced. Thankfully Charlie had fallen asleep so they slipped into the kitchen unnoticed and Peter sat her down.

"Now you just sit and I'll make you something," he said and saw a very excited look on her face. It had been a very, very long time since someone had done something like that for her.

What Tanya didn't know was that Peter wasn't exactly a great cook. In fact he was terrible but for her he was going to learn real fast. To aid in his be anxiety Tanya didn't exactly have a lot to work with. There was a reason she had only offered him bread and water last night, that was really all she had. In the cupboard there was a few more loaves of bread, some rice, jars of food for her pup, and a few spices and things of that nature.

Peter frowned and grabbed a loaf of bread. The collie walked over to the refrigerator and looked in there. It was the same situation, almost empty. There were some eggs, a little milk, some butter, half a slab of ham, and a small brick of bacon.

He sighed and turned back to Tanya who looked embarrassed.

"Don't worry," Peter said, "We're going to fix this, you won't ever go hungry while I'm around."

The collie turned back and Tanya sank into her seat, feeling tired. He was this nice, he really did care this much, she was going to be safe and be loved; her son was going to be safe and be loved. She saw him holding Samuel; she knew that he would take care of the pup. Tanya had the sudden urge to go to his arms and hold him close.

Peter grabbed the butter and two eggs. He scrambled them and dipped a few pieces of bread in the eggs. After heating a pan and putting a bit of butter in it so that the room was filled with the hissing and smell of the butter frying, he placed the drenched pieces of bread in the pan and fried them carefully. After a few moments he removed them, put them on a plate, put a little bit of an appropriate spice on them, and presented it to the wolf.

Very touched she smiled at the plate and after he handed her a fork and knife she ate quite contently. Normally she would make each thing separately and she probably would have preferred to save the ingredients but the gesture, his want to take care of her just touched her in a way that love just melted into her heart.

Peter sat down across from her and watched her eat. She wolfed it down, enjoying the meal greatly. The collie was glad that she was enjoying it; he was worried it was going to come out terrible. When one piece was left she offered it to him but he put his paws up defensively and said, "No, I want you to eat it, I want you to have a full meal for a change."

She frowned and without a word cut it in half and handed a piece to him. Peter smiled and ate it. It wasn't that bad and he could see why she was enjoying it.

When she was done he took her plate, washed it, and returned everything to their respected spots. Peter walked back and sat down, but brought his chair right next to hers. The collie took Tanya's paws and moved his head in close, so close that they almost touched.

"Are you feeling better?" he whispered.

She nodded quickly; the situation had rendered her speechless.

"You have to go to work," he continued, "you have to make things look like normal."

Tanya felt a cold sweat form under her fur; work, she had forgotten.

"Oh... no, no I'll take a day off, I want to stay here with you," she whispered and laid her head down on his paws.

Peter smiled, "You have to. Its safer that way, I can watch Charlie, you go."

The wolf groaned, she really would rather stay. To put it lightly she wasn't a real fan of her job at the bar.

Seeing her discontent Kurth whisperer, "I'll be here when you come back, you just have to go."

She smiled and looked up, he really was too nice.

"I don't go to work until about 2 so I have plenty of time," Tanya said and lifted her head up to near his.

He had a peculiar look and she asked what's wrong.

"It's 1:30 Tanya," he said and frowned.

The wolf swung her head around and groaned.

"Common," he whispered and took her paw, urging her to stand.

Peter walked the wolf upstairs and ushered her into her room.

"You get ready and go, I'll watch things here," and he shut the door, leaving her to prepare for work.


Needless to say worked sucked for the wolf. She wanted so much to stay home and never leave. Thankfully though it was quite busy today so she didn't have time to think. She saw the "usuals," lots old wolves, former soldiers, a few Federal soldiers. A funny thing she noticed about herself was how much more courteous she was to them and how much nicer they treated her for that. She actually got a tip from one.

As quickly as the day went, the night dragged on forever, and to add to her problems the nice wolves and Federal soldiers left and were replaced by their opposites. These new souls were dirty, rude, and made Tanya uncomfortable. The old drunken wolves would pinch and touch her while the Federals stared with eyes full of lust.

From at least 2:35, since she got there late, until 11:30 she worked and when Tanya finally clocked out her mind was full of doubt and worry. Seeing the Federals, the bad Federals had worried her. She started having doubts about Peter.

Tanya walked home alone, taking her time. She questioned things, went over the last day and half in her head.

What if he really doesn't love me? He's only known me for a day, how could he love me already? What if he's just like those other soldiers, just wanting a piece of me? He did save me from that ferret.

She thought of Charlie, what an evil being, she wanted to kill him. He represented everything bad; he was the one that killed Alex.

That brought another thought to her mind. How could she just forget her husband? She hadn't known him long but she loved him, she still loved him. He gave her Samuel; he had given her a home and hope. But her hope had died with him; she was living an empty, lonely life now that he was gone. Maybe Peter was supposed to fill that hole? All he had come to her though was for things, not to bring love. Sure he said he loved her but did he really? So many males said they "loved" her, all after the same thing, a good view of her rear, that's about it.

Then Tanya let the same thing that plagued her, her entire life, she feel into depression.

He's probably gone. He and his friend probably left. If I walk in and he's not at the door to greet me then he doesn't love and must have left.

About ten minutes later she walked up to her house and for the first time she didn't want to go inside, she didn't want to be within it's protecting walls.

Tanya walked up to the door, put her key in and slowly opened it. She was greeted by a dark interior and sighed unhappily. She felt her heart break and sink.

He's gone, I knew it. Why the hell did I kiss him? What kind of a whore am I? Some dog says he loves me so he can get a bed and food and I fall in love with him, what kind of self-respecting wolf am I? And that he was a Federal soldier only makes it that much better.

She walked in and shut the door behind her, but didn't lock it; she didn't care anymore. The wolf went upstairs to check on Samuel; at least someone still needed her.

When she opened the door she almost felt faint and rested on the door.

Peter sat in a chair with Sam on his lap, asleep, and an empty bottle in his little paws.

Tanya cried softly, she wouldn't forgive herself for thinking he had left, that all that he had said was a lie.

The collie awoke and after his eye's adjusted he noticed Tanya crying by the door. After carefully replacing the sleeping pup to his crib Peter dashed over and kneeled by her. The wolf instantly latched onto him and hugged him tightly.

"What happened? What's wrong?" he asked, a noticeable amount of concern and worry in his voice.

"I thought you left, I thought you didn't love me!" she cried.

Peter rubbed her back softly and whispered, "I'm never going to leave you, I never going to leave you because I love you."

While she had spent her day thinking he didn't love her, Peter had spent his day realizing how much he did love her. He loved her so much that for the first time in a long time he didn't have the urge to get drunk and fall asleep in some hole somewhere.

The collie picked up the stricken wolf and brought her to her room. He laid Tanya down and rolled the covers to her heels.

"Stay here, I'll be right back," Peter heard her miss a breath and added, "I swear, just stay here."

He left her and she propped herself up on her paws, resting her back against the wall. She took off her extra clothes; shoes socks and such, feeling much better. She felt grimy though; the first time she noticed it. The last few days' events had prevented her from showering and she knew she needed it. Then it hit her, where was the ferret?

When Peter returned he had a plate of food, ham and a piece of toast with some butter on it.

Tanya smiled and ate it graciously, giving him a piece to which as with breakfast, he offered to let her have but she insisted. Once they were done he left the room and went back downstairs, to clean the dishes. While he did she decided to change her clothes. She took off everything and for a moment considered taking a quick shower but figured that might be awkward, she still wanted to ask what happened to the ferret.

She managed to get her sleep pants on and was about to put on a bra when Peter walked in. The collie instantly adverted his eyes and shut the door, leaving a slightly surprised wolf inside her room.

Tanya inspected her self and smiled. For a moment she started walking to the door, to invite him back in, but she realized how he reacted had shown his true intentions, and she would respect that.

The wolf dressed completely and called him in. Peter walked in looking at the floor and Tanya actually giggled, something she hadn't done for so long she couldn't remember.

"It's okay Peter," she said, trying to reassure him.

"I'm so sorry Tanya," he replied, his face warm beneath his furry cheeks.

Remembering her query the wolf asked what happened to Charlie.

Peter sighed and walked over to the bed and sat down.

"I made a deal with him," the collie began, "I put a gun to his head and told him that he would go back to the base, get some money and food packages and return them here next week. In return I would, if needed, testify for him because he did something bad before I came here last night. I figure I can get a lot of money like that for a moment and when you need it I guess I can do something, if you know anywhere that will higher a runaway Fed soldier."

Tanya smiled and touched his cheeks, rubbing the fur softly. Peter smiled in turn and sat a bit closer, and held her closely.

"You look sad?" he whispered and kissed the top of her head softly.

"I was really worried that you didn't love me," she replied.


Tanya shrugged, she really didn't have a reason, it was a runaway mind that went to the worst possibility.

Peter smiled, "Well I do love you and I want to make sure you're happy and comfortable."

Tanya smiled as well, looked up and kissed him. He rubbed her face softly, caressing each and every inch of fur, which made her smile and sigh as he kissed her back.

When their lips finally separated they were both still smiling and Peter laid her back down, covered her up and started to walk out, saying goodnight when he reached the door.

Just as he was about to shut it behind him Tanya called back, "Peter, where are you going?"

She said it in a tone as if she was making fun of him, like he had made a stupid mistake. The collie turned to see her smiling softly and he smiled back.

He knew what was going on but he still felt the need to toy with her so Peter asked, "What?"

"Oh what! You'd rather sleep on the carppy couch then in this nice warm bed?" she replied, rubbing the mattress. It wasn't the bed that was nice in his mind.

Smiling broadly and shaking his head Peter walked back. He tried to hide his excitement but his tail gave him away. It didn't matter, Tanya's tail was making excited wags under the covers and they both were amused over it.

Peter sat and laid down next to her, carefully wrapping a paw over her shoulder. He didn't want to scare her but he certainly had ideas, particularly after walking in on her. Tanya had similar ideas and she slid over to him, rubbing her chest against his body. She had to admit in her mind, he really was pretty good looking. Not overly strong looking but not oafish, his light brown hair was very short for what she figured a collie would have but she allotted that to him being in the Federal army.

The wolf rubbed his chest and Peter leaned in and kissed her neck, giving it soft love-bites. She cooed and the collie could swear he felt her dry hump his leg, if only a little. Although it certainly wasn't the time of year for her to mate, Tanya was getting more and more into the idea with each passing moment. She twirled her tail around his and began removing her clothes, seeing how far he would let her go, if he would stop her at all.

She didn't get far before Peter grabbed her paws as she got to the second button on her shirt.

"Are-are you sure?" he asked, a bit nervous. Of all the things he had imagined he had never imagined doing this with a wolf.

Tanya nodded and nuzzled his face, "I can't think of a reason why not, can you?"

The collie didn't offer a response.

She continued nuzzling his face and added, "Well then lets go. I love you and you love me and I know I want this," she paused for a moment, "Your okay with this right."

Peter pulled his head back and kissed her very deeply, rubbing part of her exposed furry chest. His touch sent shivers through her body, but good ones. It was about as big a yes as he could ever offer.

The wolf continued removing her sleep shirt, revealing her naked chest. In turn he continued giving her soft bites on her neck, something she was really enjoying. It was nice having a dominant partner again.

On Peter's end of the spectrum this was just as great. Of all the females he had been with he had never been so... so into it. He wasn't rushing, something he usually did, he was worried about himself or just his own quick gratification; he was enjoying this foreplay for the moment.

A bit clumsily she kicked off her sleep pants and reached down from his chest, by which now she had revealed, and pulled down her panties. Peter's gaze shifted down to her open pussy lips, glistening even in the low lights with her juices. He went back to her neck but he let his paws start rubbing her out, being very slow and deliberate, not wanting to ruin the moment.

Tanya went back to stripping the collie; pushing his shirt back and for a moment he let his paws leave her pussy lips to slip it off his shoulders. The wolf quickly removed his pants, stopping at his boxers. She had been about to remove them but he slipped part of his paw inside her soft love folds and she had yelped in pleasure. He continued holding her neck in his jaw and as her breathing fastened he rubbed her out more powerfully, letting his paw roll over her from back to front.

"Ohh..." she moaned, but it was muffled by his grip on her throat. Her heart beat fast behind her breast and she remembered how to use her paws and shot them down into his boxers.

Peter froze up for a second from the sudden invasion of her paw but soon continued. She cradled his cock in her paw, softly rubbing it from base to tip while rolling her paw at the same time. He couldn't help but thrust into her movements. She was so soft and playful that he had to pray that he didn't cum yet.

Being that she was nude she pressed herself against his chest, wanting her tits to rub and caress his fur. He never stopped petting her pussy while he pulled her on top of him, but then figured a better idea and, carefully, laid her on her back and lowered his maw to her pussy. He was actually sad at how light she was, maybe a hundred pounds, maybe; he was going to fix that.

Having not expected him to do that Tanya began to sit up but as soon as his hot tongue came in contact with her neither regions her head shot back and her mouth was left agape in ecstasy.

Peter grinned into her cunny, glad to cause that reaction in her. He sent his tongue deep inside her lips; soft and tight and tasty he lapped up her juices inside of her.

"Oh... oh yes..." she moaned softly, rubbing her own soft tits.

The collie slipped his muzzle into her pussy and she started trusting into his head, resting her paws on his furry ears.

"Ne... oh God!" she moaned, this time quite loud.

With his muzzle already penetrating her pussy Peter slipped his tongue into her, reaching deeper than before.

This was too much for the wolf and she started to cum, bring her paws to hold her muzzle closed. Her body went ridged, her tail stiff against his and she yelled and moaned. As her pussy muscles began to clamp down Peter removed his snout and brought himself high as she came. Tanya hugged him tightly as he did and squeezed onto his body, her hips rocking against the feeling that remained within her pussy.

When her orgasm had ceased and her after shocks died down Tanya became aware of the situation and found herself clutching onto Peter like a little pup. She looked up and smiled at him, and she was glad to find him smiling back down at her.

"You enjoyed yourself I take it?" Peter said with a little bit of humor in his voice.

She replied with a submissive kiss as she felt the warmth of his fur against her fur. The wolf tasted her juices one his lips and she felt the fuel of a new fire being made deep inside her cunny; she wanted more of him and she wanted him now.

Carefully she turned herself under the collie, Peter understanding what she was doing and pushed himself up while she flipped underneath. He laid back down on top of her and moved his muzzle up and down her fur, smelling and rubbing his face in it, loving every moment of it.

"So soft..." he murmured into the back of her furry head.

Peter was very surprised. The only wolves he had ever managed to touch were males, and moreover, they were dead. They were stiff and their fur was tough and think but Tanya's was so soft, softer than his own.

She was just stuck in smile over his comment. Sure she had many things said to her but this was sincere, this was beautiful. She liked being wanted by Peter, she liked him loving her.

The collie had been just rubbing his body against hers when Tanya found herself more eager than she would have imagined and she whispered, "Peter..."

"Yes?" he asked in an equally quiet whisper.

"Lets go, please fuck me," she begged, wanting to feel him inside.

She felt him nod into the back of her head and heard him lower his boxers. The wolf looked back and caught a glimpse of his cock. He was smaller than Alex had been but by no means was he small. He would fill her up quite nicely and she would love every inch of it.

Peter kissed the top of her head and lowered himself on top of Tanya's rear. She looked so great he almost didn't want to let himself drop but when the tip of his cock touched her pussy lips he melted into her body and slipped himself inside.

The wolf instantly moaned graciously and Peter let his head rest on her shoulder. Her tail swayed softly between their legs and he felt her hind legs squirm beneath them.

Slightly tilting her head around Tanya whispered, "Hold onto my neck."

"With my teeth? You like that?" he asked, not thinking it hurt her but he liked hearing her ask for things from him.

She moaned a yes and nibbled on her whole neck. After he had his entire mouth clasped around it he began thrusting in and out; slow at first but he gradually sped up. Peter heard a muffled groan come from Tanya but kept his maw around her neck. He didn't bite down but he held her in place with his teeth.

She was loving this. It felt just to good. His cock wiggled and tensed inside her pussy, sending shocks through her body. Also his grip on her neck was great, it made her feel like he was really doing her, it made it feel like she was his.

Tanya always preferred being submissive and the way she had sex showed it well. She rarely liked being on top, she always let her lovers have their way with her, even if it went to far with some but Peter was so nice that even him gripping her neck in his muzzle she felt like an equal. Sure she was giving herself to him she felt a different kind of feeling she couldn't put her paw on.

"Mmmmm!" she moaned.

Her thoughts were interrupted by him thrusting deep, making a soft rustling sound as his furry groin came in contact with her ass.

Peter forced his paws underneath her and held her chest right below her breasts, playing with the fur in his paws. He felt her neck vibrate as she moaned happily and humped her a little bit harder, at a rate now that would end it in only a few more minutes.

"Oh God!" was all that raced through Tanya's mind and she moaned at his fucking. He was really good and she loved him so much now. Had his hold on her neck been so pleasurable she would have had him let go and told him how much she loved him.

For Peter things had turned a bit to worry. As hard as he tried he couldn't help it, he was going to cum soon. He always had a minor problem with cumming to soon but this was one of the first instances he prayed he could last. He never wanted his cock to come out of her pussy, he never wanted to leave this position, he never wanted to release her or, although she didn't realize it, her release him. Her paws had a pretty tight grip on his and it just stirred up all sorts of feelings deep inside Peter, feelings he had never had before.

Her pussy was too good and too soft and he was worried about cuming inside her.

A few minutes more of pounding solidified his mind and Peter whispered in the wolf's ear, "Tanya, I'm about to cum."

His worries transferred to Tanya. She had thought about it for about a second, but his fucking was to good and the thought had flown from her mind. Now it was brought to the forefront and she didn't know what to do. She could have him cum inside her and risk that but then again she could have him cum ou-

Her thoughts were cut off by Peter groaning and she felt it for the first time, his knot had formed.

"Oh no... I'm sorry Tanya I forgot- your just so perfect that I didn't noti- I'm sorry," he apologized, ceasing him movement for a second but the feeling of his orgasm was fast approaching.

Tanya nodded but didn't answer, only bucking her hips a little involuntarily from the swelling of his cock. The fact was she wasn't really into the idea of him cumming inside her now but she didn't have a choice. Her body was enjoying the situation however and the walls of her pussy tried to force out a big load deep inside her.

Peter released his grip on her neck and instead nuzzled the back of her head and whispered, "It's okay Tanya, I love you so much."

At that she was a little better with him cumming in her, she loved him now that was for sure; his cock felt so good.

Tanya felt the collie strain and groan and she almost yelled out, "Bite my neck!"

His mouth was right around her neck as she said it and it muffled her yelp. Peter's orgasm was strong, very strong. It shot up high and deep into her womb and filled her. It was powerful enough that it triggered her own orgasm. Her pussy convulsed and she shook and groaned underneath his comforting hold on her body. As her pussy muscles shuddered she felt them coaxing her new mate's cum deep inside her and up along her tubes.

Then it hit her, she was glad he came in her because he was her new mate. That was it, he loved her, she certainly loved him, she was willing to have sex with him, he was her mate.

Peter couldn't hold her neck because of his orgasm and released her groaning, "Oh God Tanya!"

"Oh Peter! Oh fuck Peter it's so good!" as a wave of orgasmic pleasure rolled over the wolf.

They tied and Peter and Tanya felt so warm and comfortable; a high-like state brought on by their orgasms joining their minds in a way that one can't describe.

When their orgasms did die down it left them both weak and tired, not able to move, not that they really could, they were going to be tied for the night likely but it was a good thing.

"I love you Tanya..." Peter whispered into the wolf's ear.

She smiled and replied, "I love you too. You're my mate now."

Peter smiled as well and answered, "Yes, and your mine."

Tanya was very happy now, she was glad to be someone's mate again.

The collie kicked the blankets up and covered them both up. He reached around again and held her in his paws, stroking her body softly and kissing her neck and muzzle. Tanya sighed happily and let her mind drift.

"You'll be here forever?" she asked, just thinking how happy she was now.

"You're my mate right?" he answered, "Why would I want to leave you? I love you Tanya and I want to take care of you."

The wolf smiled and pulled a pillow up under her head, a gesture Peter found cute; he always like sleeping with his lover but this, this was much better than anything he had done before.

Peter let his paws roll all the way down her body and back up to her muzzle and he asked, "Will you marry me? I mean since we do love each other and I want you to be my mate forever."

That woke her up. I didn't perk her up but it definitely brought her mind to bear. The last furry she married had died only a few months ago, could she just join Peter like that so soon? She loved him though and wanted him to be with her and give her more pups, shouldn't she be his wife? At that moment she wished she had been facing him, so that she could look into his eyes to give him her answer. Actually that was stupid, she was joined right now in a way deeper and more loving than sight alone; his seed was swirling around inside her womb and his knot tied them together.

"Yes Peter, I will be your wife if you will take care of me and Samuel," she replied, feeling a sense of joy be renewed in her heart, a feeling that she had thought had died forever.

His reaction was little different and she felt air leave his lungs and his body sink on top of hers. The collie let his muzzle lay right next to hers and he licked to the side and licked her lips, making her giggle and nuzzle his face meekly.

"I really love you Tanya," he whispered, liking how that sounded that he wanted to say it all night.

She was all to glad to reply, "I love you to Peter."

Both knowing they were about to fall asleep Peter wrapped their bodies together; tails, hind legs, arms and paws. She liked that, she liked this a lot.

Peter fell asleep first, nuzzling the back of the wolf's head and Tanya was close behind, sleeping with a smile.


Any of those out there that have read my other stories, this one takes place during the same war as Ranger's Tail, but near the beginning, long before Steve and Cathy met each other; that story takes place around 5249, this one take place in...

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**A Ranger's Tail** **Book 7: Family** **Chapter 1 Hatred** The Reynolds' Cabin On Earth 12:09AM Local Time "Cathy?" Steve asked out loud, looking around the ribbons that had been their nice cabin a few seconds ago. "I'm alright Steve, we have to...

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**A Ranger's Tail** **Book 6: Marriage** **Chapter 1 Preparation** Consular's Estate 7:24 AM Local Time "Morning Cathy..." Steve said lovingly, his vixen still half asleep under him. Smiling she replied, "Morning Steve..." He lowered...

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