West Islands Chapter 1: Another Journey Begins

Story by Volcan MacAingeal on SoFurry

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#20 of Pokemon Team Valiant

Within a day of returning to Port Azure, Volcan and Tristan are ready to put to sea again to find their home, seeking closure and answers for what happened the night of the Arc Island attack. During this time, Volcan begins to realize he may see Luke as more than just a friend...

The first chapter of Arc 3 is here!

Yeah I got sick of waiting to do this. I was halfway through the Arc in editing and it had been so long since I made any updates to this series. So, I capitulated, and decided to begin posting the chapters even though the cover is not yet in the works.

Despite that, I hope you all enjoy!

Support me and future projects by purchasing my published book! Broken Shackle

Four days after the conclusion of Team Warmachine's competition...

_ _

Port Azure...

To Luke, being one never to stray very far from his hometown, it was like coming back from a long journey as the town appeared in the distance, looking just the way he always liked to come back to see it. A safe, remote but beautiful town on the coast inhabited by peaceful Pokémon of many species and, despite its smaller size, was always full of life along the streets and around the docks, where all the town's economic trades would take place.

The time aboard Team Warmachine's massive yacht, the Kyogre's Rest, had been a restful time; the perfect way to wind down after several days of battling with some of the strongest Pokémon in the world, uncovering conspiracies within normally tightly-knit groups, and being named champions. Yes... they had won the tournament; they were returning home bearing the titles of Champions. Though the outcome of the match was not what anyone had anticipated, the sense of accomplishment permeated their hearts as their home neared, waiting to tell their families about the ordeal.

Much of their journey home had been spent relaxing, apart from a party hosted by a new friend they had made during their battles, who now stood with Luke at the bow of the ship; a Grovyle by the name of Sickle, standing to his left with his arms on the railing as he took in the sights of Azure ahead. Sickle was the captain of Rescue Team Kama; all other teams had disembarked at the Westport Harbour in the city before, but Team Kama had stayed on board as they were headed the same direction, and the Grovyle wanted to see Luke's home before he returned to his own hometown of Bluegrove in the woodlands to the north

"So, that's where you're from, huh?" Sickle asked as he studied the layout of the town from seaside, taking in the view from the yacht's deck "To be honest, it's not what I expected; it's actually nicer. No wonder you love it here."

Luke chuckled softly at Sickle's compliment to his town. "There's plenty of housing available if you ever do decide to move out here." The Lucario commented.

Sickle chuckled. "Thanks, but I'm no sea lizard," he replied. "I like boats fine, but I couldn't sleep without knowing the sound of a flock of Tailow would be there to greet me in the morning. The forest is where I belong." He smiled at Luke.

Luke nodded. "Understandable..." He said.

"Well," Sickle began. "I suppose we ought to go get ready. This is where I get off."

Luke answered Sickle with a nod. With that, they began to walk together down the deck, a long silence holding over them for a while, unsure of what to say to each other as they knew what was to happen soon. The Grovyle, finding it especially uncomfortable, finally ended it with a comment.

"So... my team has a new recruit," he said.

"Oh?" Luke asked, his ears perking up and looking over to Sickle with surprise. "Who is it?"

"A certain Charmeleon," replied Sickle, "the one who gave Volcan a Mega Stone."

Luke's ears twitched again, blinking in surprise. "You mean Kaen?" Luke asked. "Uh...why? If I may ask."

"To be honest, I'm not sure either; he just met me yesterday, said he was leaving Team Warmachine," replied Sickle. "He asked if I was recruiting. I told him maybe, and then he asked if he could join up with us." He shrugged his shoulders. "I was just as confused as you are; I don't know what would make him want to leave Team Warmachine behind. But thinking on it, I feel it was regarding that conversation we had in the hospital in Valvatna; you remember that?"

"I might need a refresher." Luke admitted.

"I brought up the differences between people who have come into wealth," Sickle explained. "The difference between those born to it, and those who _rise_to it."

"Oh yes. Now I remember." Luke said, clapping his paws together. "Sorry, in the heat of the action, I must have forgotten."

Sickle chuckled. "Happens to the best of us," he bade. "Anyway... I think what happened with Maggie and Bialo also influenced his decision. Kaen comes from a poor background, just like Torolf and Maggie did. We saw what it did to the latter; Kaen was brought into the high life even faster when he was brought into Warmachine, becoming their youngest fighter.

"But I think what he fears is that not earning that wealth himself will make him the same as Maggie and Bialo. So, he wants to join a smaller team, work his way up with his own strength, and I guess he thought of Team Kama."

"Because you started in a similar way." Luke said with a nod. "I can respect that, and frankly I'm glad he made the switch. I think he'd benefit a lot from your team."

Sickle nodded. "We may already have a Fire-type, but Kaen's shown he's a scrappy little guy, and he packs a mean Focus Punch. I think he'll be an excellent addition to the team. So, I accepted his request, made him a member. He's probably with Howler and Blaster now just waiting to go."

Upon him finishing that sentence, they reached a fork in the road; the deck carried on straight ahead, but also branched out to the right, towards the living areas. "And, speaking of which... this is where we part ways." He said, looking at Luke.

Luke's ears fell flat against his head as his face contorted into a frown "I guess so," the Lucario returned. His heart ached a bit, but he knew it had to be done. "I guess... I'll see you around?" He asked, blushing softly as he turned to look at Sickle.

"Yeah," Sickle replied, looking back with a weak smile. "For the record, even if we didn't really have much time... I've grown pretty fond of you, Luke, even if things didn't work out." He opened his arms, and welcomed Luke into a warm embrace. "You certainly know how to show someone a good time.

"Just as you know how to make someone feel like they're king of the world." Luke returned, holding onto Sickle tighter and gently kissing his cheek. "To which I still am incredibly grateful for."

Sickle chuckled, stroking Luke's back for a moment before they slowly pulled apart. "I was happy to do it," he said. "And, if ever you find yourself in Bluegrove, you're always welcome in my house."

Luke blushed heavily. "Now that you mention it, you did say I should try some of that honey when I next visit." He replied, pulling back from Sickle to look into his eyes. "Still might take you up on that offer one day."

"I'll make sure I have a jar set aside for you," he promised with that warm smile of his. "Now you take care of yourself, and your team, especially Volcan." He cocked his head back in a random direction.

"Yes," agreed Luke. "I still have to help him find his home, if he'll have me along for it"

"Are you sure that's for the best, to let him find it?" Sickle asked. "You saw that island, and you saw how he cracked at the sight of it too. You may be taking him to nothing more than a big cemetery..." He frowned. "And a really big heartache."

Luke's frown returned, his gaze lowering. "He won't find peace if he doesn't know the truth, for certain" he said. "Tristan couldn't give him answers either, but I gave him my word, and it is his choice." He elevated his gaze to look at Sickle again. "I'll watch over him as best I can, that I promise you." He said with a nod, slowly letting go of Sickle, but not before getting in a quick peck on Sickle's snout. "I guess we should get going now."

"Hey, chin up, pal," Sickle bade, keeping a claw on Luke's shoulder. "We'll see each other again. And don't forget, whenever you need help or just a friendly face, I'm only a day's run away."

Luke nodded slowly. "I'll remember...Goodbye, Sickle."

"Bye Luke," the Grovyle returned in a wavering tone, stepping away from Luke and then turning his back on him and made his way towards the living quarters.

Luke had to stifle a sob as he watched Sickle leave, wiping his eyes as they began to tear up. When Sickle was out of sight, he turned and headed back to rejoin his team. He would truly miss that Grovyle; their time together was short, but he adored him as he would, perhaps, any lover...

And unfortunately, the end of his time with Volcan could be coming soon. The Blaziken and his Aggron friend, Tristan, were sure to be eager to seek out their homeland; their boat was surely repaired by now and due to be set to sea very soon. Would Volcan invite Luke along, or would he prefer to take this with his own teammate?

'I suppose I will know soon enough,' he thought, and went to reunite himself with the rest of his team, heading up to their cabins on the next level above.

He arrived in time to see some of them already stepping out of their rooms, all their belongings that they had brought with them in tow. Volcan was the last one among them to exit his room, looking as if he had just woken up from a nap as he stretched his arms, adjusting the harness worn across his chest from the left shoulder to the right him, before he turned and saw Luke, giving him a warm smile of greeting.

"Hey, pal. Out for a walk?" He asked the Lucario.

"Yea, something like that," Luke replied. "Everyone all packed up and ready to return home then?"

"It appears so," Volcan returned, regarding the rest of the team; Wade, Kage, Katsumoto, Hank, and Eagle Eye, all gathered in the same corridor. "Are we close to Azure?"

"Yeah, we should arrive in the next few minutes or so." Luke said, smiling up at the Blaziken. "Personally, I'm glad to be able to return to my own place and cook my own food again. Not for nothing, but I prefer making my own meals."

"Personally, I can't wait to get back to my Gatr." Hank called as he hoisted his bag over his shoulder. "Poor bastard probably missed me so much he had to hug a pillow every night."

"I share that sentiment, except it's for my dearest Ray." Wade said. "I personally think she'll like the new me; she always was weak for big men," he said with a small, wry smile.

Volcan chuckled lightly at the two. "Speaking of, do you think Rigel made it home in time for the big moment?"

"I hope so." Mikhail replied. "It would mean the world to Trish if he did, but I suppose we'll find out when we reach port."

"Hey!" A voice boomed down the corridor, and the group turned to see a familiar Aggron hurrying down the deck towards them, each step making a _boom_as he jogged towards them. "Don't leave without me now."

"We were just waiting for you, Tristan," Volcan returned, adjusting his harness again. "Come on; let's get to the gangplanks and get ready to disembark; you're going to love Azure."

"Agreed." Luke said with a nod. "Let's get going. Azure awaits us." He added as Mikhail handed him his bags before he started leading his team from the ship.

But as the team wandered out to the starboard decks and made their way to the off-ramps, they found that the yacht wasn't pulling into the port, and much to their surprise they found Team Warmachine's tactician, Leon the Empoleon, standing there waiting as he directed a couple of motorized rafts be lowered into the bay below, operated by the sailors for the vessel. He looked up as they approached, hearing their footsteps and turning to them.

"Ah, just who I was waiting for," he said.

"For us?" Katsumoto inquired, curiously.

"What's going on?" Volcan asked.

"Unfortunately, Port Azure's docks are meant for large _fishing_boats, not for a ship the size of the Kyogre's Rest," Leon replied. "The water is too shallow to us to dock, so we have to send you ashore in the life boats."

"That sounds about right." Hank said with a shrug.

"Indeed. Its rare Azure gets any ship as large as this visiting her harbour." Katsu agreed. "I guess the town never saw any need to build a pier for one such as this."

"Peh, who needs boats when you can fly?" Eagle Eye asked rhetorically.

"One's for you, the other is for Team Kama when they get here," Leon added, stepping aside and gesturing them. "On behalf of Team Warmachine, we once more thank you for your help, and express our pleasure at having you on board. We look forward to seeing you again at the next tournament."

"Thank you, Leon." Like said with a nod.

"Yo, penguin boy." Hank said, getting Leon's attention. "Tell yer Ninetails chick I send my regards." He said with a wink.

"I'll... be sure she gets your message," returned Leon, arching an eyebrow.

But just as the group prepared to climb into the boat meant for them, a booming voice filling the air and made them jump at the fury that filled it. "Leon!"

All eyes turned in the direction of the voice, seeing a massive Swampert wearing a belt with a mega stone imbedded in the clasp, approaching the group, walking on all fours; Torolf, Team Warmachine's captain, looking rather irritated about something as he approached the Empoleon.

Leon turned to face him. "What's wrong, boss?" He asked.

"Who was the last one assigned to deliver the meals to Maggie and Bialo?" Torolf asked, sternly.

"I'm not sure, Torolf; it may have been one of the assistant cooks," Leon replied. "Why do you ask?"

"Because those two have flown the coop," returned Torolf.

Everyone on Team Valiant felt their hearts sink at the news. Maggie, the Mismagius and former coordinator for Team Warmachine, and her left-hand lackey, Bialo, a Malamar normally serving as an interrogator or the team, had been at the core of the conspiracy the team had worked to expose back at Valvatna. They had brainwashed Team Warmachine's elite members in their battle with Team Valiant in an effort to fix the match and guarantee the win for their side.

The plan had backfired, though, when Kaen, the Charmeleon mentioned by Sickle earlier, had revealed the whole conspiracy to Team Valiant, who thwarted the plot with help from Team Kama. After which, Torolf, on account of Maggie's actions, disqualified himself and his team from the tournament to name Luke's team the winners, while Maggie and Bialo were left confined to the brig until they returned to the island... or so everyone had thought.

"That's impossible! We haven't made landfall since we left Valvatna; where would they even go?" Leon demanded.

"By the looks of the food we've been leaving for them, they bailed from the ship not long after we left," returned Torolf. "Shamshir's searching for them now, but I know Maggie -she never lingers for long when someone's out to get her; she's long gone by now."

"If they have, where would they even go?" Luke asked. "I doubt they'd be very welcome back at Valvatna." He said.

Torolf turned to Luke. "If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say at that destroyed island," he said. "They must've slipped past Shamshir somehow. We had Siphon Chains on them too; I have no idea how they even got off the ship, but I guess they decided to take their chances in a place left in ruin than face my wrath back at our home."

"Cowards," Kage muttered lowly. "Don't even have the stomach to face trial for their crimes."

"What of Timber? Did he escape as well?" Katsu asked next.

"No; he's still in the reinforced holding room where we put him," replied Torolf. "Even he couldn't get out of there."

Volcan rolled his eyes. "Even left one of their own behind; those two really are a couple of backstabbers."

"It can't be helped, Volcan." Luke stated, touching Volcan's arm gingerly. "If we encounter them, we'll just apprehend them once more. For now, it's beyond our control."

"Yeah, I guess," returned Volcan, before he glanced at Torolf. "What's next for the Warmachine, then?"

"Well, Razorwing and our other two fliers are heading back to the island to try and find them," the Swampert replied, but then snorted angrily. "But if we don't find them, it matters little; far as I'm concerned they're dead to me."

Tristan grunted, leaning over to Volcan. "He's really takin' it hard," he said.

"Can you blame him?" Volcan returned. "Maggie was his partner for nearly thirty years; she helped him form his team. Even a tough old nut like him isn't going to get over it very soon."

"After that," the Swampert continued, "we'll begin the reconstruction ofour colosseum back on our island, get it ready for next year's tournament." He then put on a smile as he regarded the members of Team Valiant. "Which I hope you guys will attend. Maybe give me the pleasure of a proper rematch that isn't fixed by one of my own."

Luke smirked, stepping forward and holding out his paw to the Swampert. "Count on it." He said with a nod.

Given that the Swampert's hand was big enough to engulf Luke's entire head, he resorted to using only his finger and thumb to gingerly grasp Luke's paw and give him the best form of hand/paw shake he could muster, nodding to Luke. "You and your team are a special bunch," he said. "I am always glad to see the next generation prosper, so you six. Work hard, and when you return to face me again, give me a battle that'll make my fight with Groudon look like a joke."

The way he said that, it was almost like he was challenging them, getting them pumped up for the day they would meet him again. "Sounds like quite a tall order." Luke commented. "Then again...where's the fun if it's too easy?" He asked with a grin.

"Aye!" Katsu stated in agreement.

"Hmph..." Kage muttered, closing his eyes and turning away a bit.

"You can count on it, Torolf," Volcan returned.

The Swampert's mood seemed to have been greatly lifted by the enthusiasm of both Volcan and Luke, for he proceeded to let out a bellow of laughter before he clapped the two on the shoulders -hard enough they were nearly sent right off their feet. "That's the spirit, boys!" He hollered jollily, showing a side of himself they had not seen in the giant before. "I'll be looking forward to seeing ya then!"

"You bet'cha," Volcan returned, somewhat strained as he recovered from that love tap by Torolf. 'Even when he's holding back this guy packs a wallop!' He thought.

Luke grunted, managing to keep himself from buckling under Torolf's hand. "Take care of yourself, Torolf. Until we meet again."

"If you still want to assist in the reconstruction when it begins," began the Swampert. "I'll send you a letter to tell you when it starts. But don't worry your head over it; I've got so many construction crews lined up for the job and raring to go it'll be done in no time."

"I'll be sure to check my mailbox every day." Luke returned with a nod, looking back to his team and smiling. "Let's go, guys."

After the group climbed into the lifeboats to be taken ashore -or as Eagle Eye so aptly put those who required to be taken ashore, they were brought all the way to the docks, greeted by a crowd who was staring in wonderment at the massive yacht, clearly recognizing it as Team Warmachine's vessel -or, even if they didn't, it was not a sight commonly seen in Azure for a ship of such mass proportions to have anchors weighed in their bay.

Only a few even acknowledged the group as they came ashore, but when they saw them wearing the gold medals they had been given as proof of their victory by Leon, they knew that it was Port Azure's Rescue Team returning triumphant from one of the famous competitions of Team Warmachine. Many even applauded the group as they headed down the pier and more would quickly join in, cheering the team name excitedly.

They waved, but continued making their way into the heart of town; all of them just wanted to find their houses, and rest their still-weary bodies.

"Even if Azure isn't really my home," Volcan said, solemnly. "It's good to be back."

"I agree." Wade returned. "It does feel like it's been too long since we departed for the tournament." He stated. He then looked to his left and stopped for a moment before he smiled. "Sorry, one moment." He said as he began trotting off to meet what his eyes fell upon. The group turned to see Wade running over to a rather beautiful young Zangoose, whom he scooped up in his arms and held against his chest, sharing a couple tender moments together as they reunited with one another.

"I take it that Zangoose is Ray?" Volcan asked.

"Certainly is," replied Katsu.

Hank chuckled lightly. "She's really happy to have him back." He commented.

"Even when he's evolved, she still recognized him," Volcan remarked, smiling as he saw the two. "That is love right there."

"Speaking of." Hank said as his eyes wandered to his left. Then he suddenly vanished and a shout of surprise was heard nearby. Hank had pounced on a large Feraligatr in a doctor's coat from behind, embracing him around his neck. "Guess who's back baby?!" The Zoroark hollered down to the Feraligatr, then the two laughed heartily before they started sharing a few kisses with one another.

Luke saw them reuniting, a smile forming on his lips for a moment before fading again, his gaze averting from the sight a bit, as the sight of both Wade and Hank returning to their lovers left a bit of a sting in his heart, thinking back to Sickle for a moment, but then his mind drifted to Volcan shortly after, his gaze eventually wandering to the Blaziken, who was still watching Hank.

'I don't even know if he... well, 'swings' that way,' thought Luke, grimacing. 'Sickle has reminded me how to love again, but will Volcan ever feel the same way?' He managed to avert his gaze as Volcan started to turn.

Volcan, as though able to sense Luke's growing anxiety, looked at Luke. "Hey, you okay?"

"Hmm?" Luke looked up to Volcan in mild surprise. "Oh yea. I'm alright." He returned with a small smile.

Volcan didn't appear convinced, but he did not press Luke for more. "Why don't you and Mik go check on your brother?" Volcan offered.

"Yea we might just do that." Luke returned, sharing a nod with Mikhail. "You're welcome to come along if you'd like."

"Kind of feels more like a family matter to me," Volcan replied, shaking his head. "I hardly think I should be there."

Luke gave a nod. "Fair point. You know where the house is by now I presume."

Volcan nodded. "I do. But, that's not where I'm going first."

Luke looked to him for a moment, considering what he was saying. "...Oh right, your boat!" Luke remembered. "I imagine it should be fixed by now."

"That's number two on my list," Volcan corrected, only adding to Luke's confusion. "I decided on this last night; I'm going to the jail first, and I'm confronting that Gyarados we left there."

Luke stiffened. "Oh." He returned.

Volcan turned his gaze in the direction of the town jail, his eyes narrowing dangerously. "That Magikarp on steroids has information I want, and I'm going to get it from him."

"Volcan, don't do anything rash," Luke warned.

"I'm not going alone," Volcan stated.

"Damn right you're not," Tristan's voice rose up from behind him before Volcan felt a clap on his back that stumbled him slightly. "I'm goin' with ya, featherhead. We're on the same team and I'll always get your back."

Volcan nodded to the Aggron in appreciation. "I know, Tristan; I was actually going to ask you to come along." He turned back to Luke. "If anything happens, I'll have him to back me up, at least. But before I go looking for my home, I want to know why it was attacked, and by who; that Gallade and that other figure -the shadowy Blaziken I see glaring down at me in my nightmares..." He visibly shuddered, but calmed himself down. "I have to find out who they are and, if possible, _where._They're going to keep hurting people if we don't find them."

Luke wanted to argue, and warn Volcan that this might not be the best course of action, but he knew that Volcan had made up his mind -and besides, he had a right to want answers. "I understand," he said in surrender. "But please be careful, alright?"

"I know he's dangerous, but Tristan and I..." he looked at the Aggron. "We both want answers. That Gyarados is the only link to that information we have, so I'm going there, and even if I have to get into his cell with him and beat it out of him, he's going to give me answers."

"Sounds like something Kage would say." Luke muttered. "Well ok. I'll meet you back at my place. Just knock on the door when you get there."

Volcan arched an eyebrow at him. "I... actually half-expected you to try and talk me out of going, or at the very least offering to come with me," he said. "You think I can handle this on my own?"

"If it'll help, I'll ask Kage to go with you as well. He has... methods of making people talk." Luke returned.

"...I'm standing right here..." He says in a low tone, looking to the three of them. "And I'm curious myself about that Gyarados' motives, so I _will_be joining you." He said to Volcan.

Volcan was sometimes still wary of Kage, never certain if he wanted to have the Greninja nearby, but after fighting at his side in Torolf's tournament, it'd be a lie to say he didn't at least trust the Greninja. Whether or not he liked Kage was a question he wasn't sure he could answer but if Luke said he was a good interrogator, then having him along would be an asset.

He nodded in agreement to Kage. "Okay," he said.

"Tell Rigel I said hi," Tristan remarked, chuckling. "Though I dunno how happy he'll be to know the guy who beat him is in town."

"Strictly speaking, you won by a technicality." Mikhail pointed out. "But yes. I'll spread the word to him." With that, he and Luke turned and began making their way to Rigel and Trish's residence. "Take care!" He called back.

Volcan waved them goodbye, before he turned to Tristan and Kage, particularly the latter. "Mind leading the way?" He requested.

"Follow me" Kage said in a low tone, turning and heading west through the town at a moderate pace. "And try to keep up; especially you," He added, jabbing a bit at Tristan.

As they followed him, Tristan leaned close to Volcan, whispering to him. "You know if I had fur on my neck, this guy would make it stand on end; what's up with him?"

"It's just who he is, Tristan," replied Volcan, keeping his voice low too. "Whatever the case he's an excellent fighter and works well with his team; I for one am glad he's on our side."

"Bear in mind I can hear you..." Kage called back to them sharply. "It's not polite to talk in the third person about the subject when they're right in front of you." He added. "Let's go; we're wasting time."

"Geez; good ears for an amphibian," Tristan remarked.

Volcan said nothing more, and increased his pace a little as they tried to keep up with the Greninja. He led the two of them through Azure the quickest way he knew, keeping at a steady pace, as he wanted to get to the prison as soon as possible. Within minutes, the trio had arrived at the building used for Port Azure's Jail, and met on the on-site guard inside. Today it was a Hawlucha, who did not appear to be in a good mood even from the moment they walked in the door.

He looked up from the front desk, studying them. Kage, he seemed to recognize; probably due to him often being seen with the rest of Team Valiant. "Can I assist you in some way, senor?" He asked.

"We're here to see a prisoner." He said sharply, getting right to the point. "A Gyarados..."

"A Gyara... oh," he paused, and put a talon to his head as if trying to ease a headache. "I guess it was only a matter of time." He let out a sigh. 'Well, I hate to say it amigo but, that won't be possible."

"Why not?" Volcan asked.

"I'll show you," he replied, getting up from the desk and leading them to the back of the cells, towards the are meant for aquatic prisoners, and then further, to the very rear of the jail, intended for large beings such a Gyarados. There, he opened the door and showed them the inside, where a massive cage, half-submerged in water fed in from the bay, could be seen.

He directed their attention to the front of the cage, where the cell was fed directly by water from the sea. The bars at the front were bent outward and broken open, and the iron-reinforced gate that led out to the bay had been destroyed. And worst of all, the prisoner was nowhere to be seen...

"You have got to be kidding me," Volcan groaned. "He broke out?!"

"I'm afraid so," replied the Hawlucha. "Happened about 3 days ago; hasn't been a sign of him since."

Kage narrowed his eyes into a leer. "Damnit; we should have taken extra precautions..." He muttered. "You are too lenient sometimes, Luke..."

"You're not actually blamin' Luke for this?" Tristan asked. "I may not be the sharpest blade here, but how could he have known _this_would happen?"

"Nobody is at fault," the Hawlucha intervened. "I was on guard duty myself that night; that Gyarados was watching me the whole time while I came in here on my rounds, checked him, checked the gate, and then the moment I stepped out of the room, finishing my inspection..." He slapped one clenched talon into the palm of the other. "Smash! And he was out. Went through the bars _and_the gate in I'm guessing just one try, because I only heard the one sound. He went through solid iron; nobody couldn't have predicted that.

"I guess he was a lot stronger than we imagined; we thought iron bars and gates would be able to hold him," the Hawlucha went on. "Some Lucario woman tried to chase after him but once he was out in the deep water, even she couldn't get him."

"Luke's mother I imagine;" Kage said, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "As powerful as she is, there isn't much she can do against an opponent fleeing via water. For now, we'll have to keep a closer eye out, just in case he tries to attack again...And if he does." Kage tensed up a little. "...I won't be as gentle as before."

"I agree," Volcan returned. "But something bugs me; why'd he wait so long to break out? By the sounds of things, he could have busted out of here anytime."

"That wound on his chest," replied the Hawlucha. "He was in a lot of pain the first few days he was here. I wager he was just waiting until he healed enough to try it."

"The blast from Luke's Aura Storm," Volcan commented. "It must've crippled him for a time."

"Nevertheless, we'll have to be prepared for anything now, in case he comes back -especially with reinforcements," Kage said as he then turned on his heel. "We're done here..." He stated as he walked out of the prison.

Volcan sighed unhappily, disappointed that their one chance to get some answers from the Gyarados had now fled off across the sea. He had been hoping to learn more about the enemy who attacked his hometown, but now that opportunity was gone, and they would have to find answers the old-fashioned way...

Once they were out of the prison, Kage looked over his shoulder at the two. "I suggest you two check on your boat before heading back to find lodgings for the night." He commented, then looked to Tristan. "There are a few hostels you can sleep in for the time being."

Volcan nodded to the Greninja as he thanked him for his help. "And... sorry for wasting your time on this." He gestured back at the jail.

"It can't be helped. These things happen." He said, then he weaved a sign and was gone in a plume of water splashing around from where he once stood, leaving Volcan and Tristan alone.

"...I don't think I like him," Tristan mumbled.

"At least he told you where you can stay," Volcan returned. "We're guests here, Tristan; don't take it for granted before we can get home and find the others." He grunted. "Speaking of which, let's go get our boat while we're at it."

"Agreed," said Tristan. "Lead on, bud; you've been here more than me."

"This way," Volcan bade, taking the lead and proceeding in the direction of the docks, knowing he could follow the waterfront all the way where their boat was being repaired.

Weaving their way through the semi-crowded boardwalk, careful not to bump anyone carrying a heavy load, they eventually found the boat builder's workshop, and Volcan approached it to knock. A moment later, an Electabuzz answered the door -the same one that Volcan and Luke had met the night before the attack by the Gyarados. He seemed to recognize Volcan rather quickly.

"Ah, you're back. Here for your boat, then?"

"Yes please," Volcan replied.

"Alright; this way," he said, stepping out of the door and leading around the side of the building. "We just finished with it the day before yesterday."

As they circled around the building, Tristan glanced over to Volcan. "I still can't believe you crashed our boat," he mocked.

"I was injured, Tristan; barely even able to stand," Volcan retorted. "Not all of us have stone skin and steel armour."

As they stepped around the building, they stood by a railing overlooking the boat builder's private wharf, where boats they constructed or repaired could be seen floating in the water and tied to the dock. Among them was the wooden motorboat of Team Phalanx, looking as good as new. The hole left in the hull caused by crash was gone, the wrecked boards replied with new, freshly treated lumber. The window of the cabin had been replaced, giving it a proper windshield again.

Seeing the boat repaired brought a nostalgic warmth to Volcan's heart, which grew as the Electabuzz handed him the boat's key. "We also gave it some fuel," he said. "That'll be extra though, but I already got the memo to send it to Team Valiant's captain. However, I'll need payment for the number of nights we've had it here, if you can cover it."

Volcan reached into the pouch on his side, producing some Poke Dollars from the jobs he had worked with Luke prior to the tournament. "How much?" He asked.

"Two per night it has been staying out in the wharf, so, just four coins will do."

Volcan counted out the price; more than half of his earned money as he'd split the earnings with Luke after they had finished those missions. He passed the coins to the Electabuzz, dropping them into his hand, but then showed him two more. "Might I be able to keep it here for one more night?"

The Electabuzz grimaced. "I'm not running a parking spot, pal," he said. "But fine; it's your coin." He accepted the extra toll from the Blaziken.

"Thank you. I promise, no later than tomorrow evening, we'll take our boat out of here," he said.

"Yeah, okay. Enjoy your day and all that." He turned and headed back into his shop, leaving Volcan and Tristan to stare down at their boat for a bit.

"Do you need me to pitch in a bit? I've got some money," Tristan offered.

"I'm the one who crashed it," Volcan returned. "It's my expense. Besides, one of us needs to keep some money at least for our travels. Either way, we're going to have to be careful how we spend, staring with finding you somewhere to stay for the night first." He turned his gaze back towards the main part of town. "Kage said there are some hostels here that could put you up; let's go find one."

"Right with you," replied Tristan as the two of them headed back into town.

Meanwhile, on the other side of Azure, Luke and Mikhail had just arrived outside of Rigel and Trish's residence and were knocking on their door. The house was a moderate sized single floor abode -the perfect place for a starting family with a straightforward design and a small yard, but enough to support Rigel's now growing family. There was silence for a moment before the door finally opened, revealing their elder brother behind the door still partially wrapped up in fresh, clean gauze from his old burns he had suffered by overtaxing himself at the tournament when battling Tristan.

The elder Lucario grinned as he saw his brothers. "Hey, look what the Delcatty brought in." Rigel said with a laugh, until the three closed in together and shared an embrace in greeting. "I was beginning to wonder if you guys would ever return."

"Please, as if we'd even think of moving out of Azure." Luke returned with a smile as he gently squeezed his brother lovingly, until the three of them pulled apart. "I take it you arrived back in time for the delivery?" He asked.

"Just barely." Rigel returned. "When I got back, I heard from one of my neighbours that she had been picked up and taken to the clinic earlier that day; turns out she was in labour by the time I arrived." He explained. "Ma was there too; apparently, she was the one who had helped her over to the clinic after seeing her stumble out of the house. Shame really; was hoping to surprise her, but the Liepard was out of the bag when I got there."

"Well at least you made it back in time." Mikhail stated with a nod. "Is she home right now?"

"Ya-huh; one sec." Rigel replied before turning his head back over his shoulder. "Trish! Come on out, we got company!" He called back inside.

Within a few moments of Rigel calling back, A tall, female Blaziken stepped into view, protectively cradling an egg in her arms as she approached. At first glance, there wasn't really anything unique about her -a typical female Blaziken, with the same colours as Volcan but with shorter crests than him because her gender. One thing stood out about her; when one looked at her face, they would quickly see that her left eye was actually a Blazikenite, filling a void left by a missing eye.

How she managed to get that stone in there was a mystery even to Luke and his brothers, but that factor wasn't important. She was quite familiar with its use, but even without its power, for as long as Luke had known her, she had proven that she was as capable a fighter as any Blaziken.

She looked down at the two Lucario at her doorstep and smirked. "So, the two missing links finally show themselves." She said with a cocky tone.

"Good to see you too Trish," Luke returned, clearing his throat and adjusting his scarf a little. "How are you holding up?"

"Doing alright actually, especially now that this little sucker is out." She replied, rocking her egg back and forth. "Not exactly sure if it'll be a Torchic or a Riolu, but either one's fine with me, so long as we make sure this one gets a chance to live out its life to the fullest." She added, her voice sounding a little melancholic for a moment.

Rigel looked over and rubbed her arm. "Hey, c'mon; we're over that now, ok?" He asked, smirking up at her. "Besides, we both learned our lessons from that. I'd say we're as good as ready this time."

"I sure hope so." Luke returned.

"Just make sure it's properly fed and looked after. Get a babysitter if you have to should you guys decide to go out for the night and-"

Luke clamped his paw over Mikhail's mouth. "You're rambling again, Mikhail." Luke warned him, to which the scholarly Lucario blushed in embarrassment and apologized quickly. "Anyway, we just figured we'd drop by and say hi." Luke said to Trish and Rigel.

"No worries man, I got you. Duties and whatnot, right?" Rigel asked. "Before ya go, tell me; did you guys win?"

In response to the question, Luke lifted the medal he carried around his neck. "Clearly you didn't notice this then." He replied, allowing himself to sound a little cocky.

Rigel grinned widely and gave a nod. "I knew you'd kick their asses man," Rigel stated. "You always were the strongest out of the three of us, next to Ma of course." He added. "Anyway, you guys get on home. We've gotta get us some grub."

Luke nodded. "We'll see you around then Rigel." He said, then looked to Trish and smiled. "And congratulations on your baby." He added, earning a small nod and a smile from the Blaziken before they bid each other farewell and headed away from Trish and Rigel's home.

"Well, I should return home myself." Mikhail stated. "Mordecai will be happy to see that I'm back, and I can't wait to tell him about what happened during our trip. I can feel that he is going to be proud of me."

Luke chuckled. "You'll make a fine surgeon yet. Even Mordecai won't be able to deny the fact that you're almost ready to take on the job fully." He said, sharing one more loving hug with his brother before they stepped apart. "See you tomorrow sometime, Mikhail."

"You too, brother. Sleep well when you get home." Mikhail bade before he turned and started to follow the street back to his house.

Luke gave a sigh as he walked through the streets of Azure to find his home in the forest, a mixture of emotions running through his brain as he walked. He felt content, happy even, that he was finally home in Azure and could get back to a somewhat normal life again.

But at the same time, he was somewhat upset; that lonely feeling returning to him as he walked, especially after seeing both Wade and Hank reunite with their loved ones, and seeing Trish and Rigel with their soon to be hatched child; it made his heart sting some more, remembering how badly he himself wanted all of that. It made him grimace and tug at his scarf for a moment, even as he knelt and unlocked the latch on his door upon arriving at his home and falling inside, shutting the door behind him. From there he flopped back onto his sofa and sighed, leaning back and looking up toward the ceiling.

His mind drifted back to Sickle briefly, wishing he could have spent more time with the Grovyle. Sickle had made him feel so happy for just that one night they had spent together. How he wished the Grovyle could have at least stayed for another night, maybe even spent it with Luke...

"No... how could I ask that?" He asked himself, shaking his head. "I already know my feelings..."

It was at least an hour or so before the latch of his front door being lifted and pulled open, and he heard Volcan's sighing voice as the Blaziken dropped into the house, shutting the door behind him and once more bonking his head on the doorway as he entered. "Damn it..." He grunted as he ducked through, entering the kitchen and letting out a second sigh.

Luke stifled a chuckle. 'He still forgets to duck.'

The Blaziken proceeded to pour himself something to drink -a glass of juice from a carton he found in the fridge. It seemed he hadn't yet noticed Luke was home, as he did not call out to the Lucario, who was still in the living room, and roused when he heard the click of the cup. Luke stood up from the couch and headed out to the kitchen, announcing his entry with a tap on the wall.

Volcan turned upon hearing the tap with some alarm, but calmed himself as he saw who it was. "Oh, shit; didn't even see you there," he said. "I thought you'd still be at Rigel's, catching up with him."

"I was, but we didn't spend that long catching up. They were just about to get dinner when we arrived." Luke explained. "What about you? Did you get the answers you were looking for?"

At that, Volcan's expression soured, turning to a deep frown as he stared into the glass in his hand. "...No. That fucking Gyarados wasn't there; he broke out days ago."

Luke's mouth fell agape for a moment until he lowered his gaze and frowned. "Damnit...Kage was right; we should have taken extra precautions when we brought him in." He said, averting his gaze a bit. "Maybe he's right; maybe I am too lenient when it comes to dangerous criminals like that."

"To be fair, Luke, not even I thought he could break out of that cell; it looked solid enough to hold damn near anything to me. But apparently not," he added, shaking his head. "What's done is done, though; there's nothing else we can do about it. For now, we just need to watch in case he comes back."

"I agree." Luke returned, lifting his gaze back up to meet with Volcan's. "He could return at any given moment. We have to be ready for him when he does." He added. "On another note, how's your boat looking?"

Volcan's mood lightened a little at that, jerking his thumb up to Luke as he sipped his juice. "Like brand new," he said. "They did an excellent job on it."

Luke smiled. "That's good." He returned with a nod. "So, that means you'll be able to set sail to your town at any moment..." He trailed off a bit after he said that, his smile looking more forced than natural as the reality set in.

"Actually..." Volcan began. "Not just yet."

"Hmm?" Luke asked. "Why not?"

"It could be some time before Tristan and I find our island," Volcan explained. "We both agree we need some travel money first, so I was hoping to ask you if we could do a couple of more jobs, so I could earn a bit."

Luke rolled his eyes. "Volcan if you needed some extra money, you could have always just asked me for it." He stated. "I would have lent you some without a second thought."

"I know you would," Volcan returned. "But I wanted to do a little more for the team. You've given me so much, I didn't think it was right for me to ask any more from you." He shook his head. "After all we've been through these last... almost three weeks now, it just didn't seem right."

There he went again, with that selfless nature. Sometimes Volcan was like that to a fault, never putting his needs ahead of anyone else or always actively trying to avoid doing something he felt would inconvenience others. But maybe that was one of the things Luke liked about him; the thing that they had in common.

He stared up at Volcan in silence for a bit, feeling that warmth well up in his chest once more. Every time he was alone with Volcan or whenever he said something so selfless, that warmth would work its way into his chest, and every time it would get stronger. Luke gave a sigh and took a step toward Volcan. "I swear, sometimes we're so alike I wonder if somehow we were cut from the same cloth." Luke commented, standing right in front of the Blaziken and tilting his head up to look him in the eyes.

Volcan chuckled, looking down at Luke as he set aside his now emptied glass. "Well wouldn't that be something," he said, chuckling. "I already have grown so fond of you, I already think of you like a brother." He smiled at Luke. Unknown to the Lucario, however, Volcan's words were being accompanied by a similar warmth in his own chest, which the Blaziken was unsure what it even was at that moment. His fondness of Luke was the truth, but was it really how he felt, he wondered...

Luke clenched his paw tightly at his side when he heard that, sensing the honesty in his words. "Like a brother huh...?" Luke asked, flattening his ears a little. "Well, I guess you could say the feeling's mutual then." He returned, trying to sound convincing. However, that part was a lie. The feeling wasn't mutual...not to him anyway. If anything, it was more than mutual...

Volcan seemed to have a thought at that moment, his gaze drifting off briefly. "Say, Luke?" He asked. "Do you... want to go with us?"

"Beg your pardon?" He asked, his ears suddenly perking up as his gaze shifted back to Volcan's.

"I don't think I can face this journey alone," Volcan admitted, averting his gaze a little as if ashamed. "I mean, I know Tristan's coming with me and all, but this journey will be just as hard for him as it will be for me... Maybe more so as he actually still _remembers_that night."

He sucked in a deep breath before turning to Luke; the Lucario could see in his eyes that the Blaziken was afraid. It was understandable; the only memories he retained were constantly coming back to him in recurring nightmares, and after seeing that destroyed island near Valvatna, when he had fallen into shock after suffering a complete breakdown, even Volcan knew that something traumatic awaited him, and he was not confident he had the strength to face it alone.

What he said next, it confirmed Luke's suspicion. "You've been the only thing keeping me going through all of this," he said. "I don't think I can face this without you, Luke. I know, you're not used to being away from Azure, and we just got back, but..." He choked on his words, unable to think of what more to say to express why he wished Luke to accompany him.

Luke's heart started to beat a mile a minute when Volcan admitted he needed his help to deal with whatever would be waiting for him on his home island, staring up at Volcan with a bit of surprise before he spoke. "I-It's alright." He said as he lifted his paws and rested them on the Blaziken's shoulders. "If it will help put your heart and your fears at ease, I'll gladly go with you." Luke returned, putting on a smile for him. "I'll continue to be your pillar of strength for these tough times ahead. That's a promise." He returned with a firm nod, blushing slightly.

Unknown to the Lucario, Volcan's heart rate was also increasing as Luke stood there and agreed to go with him, but unlike Luke, Volcan didn't know why this was happening to him. He managed to hide how gleeful he felt, but still hugged Luke gratuitously, surprising the Lucario. "Thank you, Luke," he said, in a surprisingly weak voice.

The Lucario's ears caught onto how weak Volcan's tone was, making him instinctively hold onto Volcan tighter and rub his back comfortingly. "It's no problem, Volcan..." He whispered lightly. He then flattened his ears, and tilted his head slightly to kiss Volcan's cheek gently. "I'm more than happy to help you whenever I can..." He added.

Volcan could still feel his heartbeat intensifying as he stood there holding Luke, feeling a warmth rising in his chest as well. If he could sweat, it would probably be coming down in beads as he stood there holding Luke. Fearing the Lucario might fear his thundering heart, he gently pulled back -enough so as not to seem suspicious.

"I... think I'm going to turn in. I know it's only the afternoon but, I'm feeling tired," he said.

"U-Understandable." Luke returned, hiding his paws behind his back and averting his gaze a little. "Get as much rest as you need, Volcan. If you ever need anything, just holler ok?" He asked, slowly sliding his gaze back toward Volcan.

"I will," Volcan promised. "Thanks again, Luke. I'll... see you later," he said, and carefully stepped around Luke before he headed to his guest room, shutting the door behind him and standing in the dark, letting out a breath he didn't realize he was holding until then.

'What the hell was coming over me out there?' He asked, rubbing the side of his head with one hand but putting the other over his heart. 'I never felt that way around him before... have I?'

His mind drifted back to the battle against Team Phobia, during Team Warmachine's Tournament, when he and Luke -in a fit of joy- had grabbed each other, and at one point locked gazes for an extended period, and then again after Volcan narrowly defeated Romulus, when Luke was praising him. His mind then drifted back to Hank's words at the Valvatna hospital.

"Don't wait too long to make your move."

_ _

Back then, Volcan hadn't really known what Hank was implying... but now, he thought that perhaps he was starting to get an idea. 'Can it be?' He thought, turning and looking at the door. 'Am I... falling in love... with Luke?'


Volcan eventually emerged from his room later in the evening when Luke asked him if he wanted some dinner. He would have politely declined, but his growling stomach would not allow him.

During their dinner that night, neither Volcan or Luke spoke much, as if feeling awkward towards one another. Both just passed it off as there not being much to talk about, eventually resorting to reliving their experiences in the tournament; their battles with Teams Drake, Martial, Kama and of course Phobia, their last trial before the final match with Team Warmachine. Sure, the experience had practically been ruined by Maggie and Bialo, but all the experience leading up to that; it was a cherished memory.

They retired fairly early, but both felt a bit restless for a while until sleep finally claimed them. They woke up the next morning, with Volcan packing up whatever belongings he had previously taken off the boat while it was being repaired. They spent another couple of days in town, with Tristan picking up the boat and finding another dock to keep it tied to until they were ready to use it. During this time, he and Volcan also gathered supplies for the journey, which they decided to begin on the third day since the return to Azure.

Luke, of course having woken up even earlier, knocked on the door to Volcan's room to see if he was awake, he found Volcan about to put the last item into a bag. The item was that photograph from the boat; the very thing he'd kept by his side until they had gone to the tournament. Once again, he was staring longingly at it, at the faces of the two remaining members of his team he was yet to find; a Vaporeon and another Lucario, wearing a long black coat. Serena and Minato, respectively. He was so fixated upon the picture that he barely even noticed Luke entering the room, but eventually pulled his gaze away to greet him.

"Morning," he said.

"Good morning." Luke bade him, slowly stepping inside the room. "Getting all your things packed already, I see." He commented.

"Yeah; just this left," he said, waving the photograph slightly before looking at it again. "Minato... And Serena," He said, almost in a whisper, sighing. "I dearly hope they're out there waiting for us. When I spoke to Tristan last night, he told me about a celebration the four of us had following one of the toughest missions we ever faced -I once again had to remind him, of course, that I couldn't remember it... but I began to get a picture in my mind as he told me about it; something about these Tentacool terrorizing a neighbouring island.

"When we got back to our home island... we partied for the rest of the night, because that was the first big mission we accomplished as a team and to boot, it was the day of our first anniversary. And it's stuck with us ever since." His expression soured. "Well... most of us, anyway." He lowered the picture, that melancholic look once more returning to his face. "I can only picture the memory... but I don't have it anymore; I can only use my imagination."

"I'm sure the memory will return someday." He said, stepping forward and gently touching Volcan's chest with his paw. "And if it doesn't, then we'll just have to create another memory that resembles it." He added with a nod.

Volcan chuckled half-heartedly. "You make it sound so easy," he said, finally putting the photograph into the bag, settling for a pocket where it wouldn't get crushed.

"Well it helps to keep a positive outlook on things." Luke returned. "Anyway, I think we should get something to eat before we even think of setting out." He stated as he backed away and turned for the bedroom door. "Same as usual?" He asked.

"Eh... surprise me," Volcan replied, shrugging.

Once Luke was out of the room, he zipped up his bag, lifting to his shoulder and taking one more look around the guestroom that had been his home for a while. He didn't quite feel the appeal of an underground home, but it had been a comfortable and safe place to lay his head for a while. Of course, he'd probably be staying in it again sooner or later, but for now, he bid a silent goodbye to the room too, stepping out and heading into the living room where he set down his bag and waited for breakfast.

Luke did his best to surprise Volcan for his meal, making a large ham and cheese omelette with a couple of hash browns on the side. It was a meal Luke was very familiar with making, so it didn't take him very long. He had just finished flipping the omelettes over when Volcan walked in, then turned his attention to another pan where he cooked the hash browns and flipped those over as well and adding just the right amount of seasoning to them before letting them cook for a little longer. Once a small timer went off on his stove, he quickly served the food onto two plates and began walking to the living room to set down their breakfast on the table.

"Ah, delicious," Volcan said as he accepted the plate and a fork from Luke, proceeding to dig into the meal, humming in enjoyment as he tasted it. "I do really love your cooking."

"I'm glad." He returned as he sat down. "I take pride in my cooking, making sure it's as close to perfection as I can get it. No less." He stated in a rather proud tone as he dug into his omelette. "Besides, food always tastes better when you make it yourself."

"So you've said," Volcan reminded, chuckling. "Though come to think of it, I don't recall if I even know how to cook."

"Well I could always teach you." Luke offered. "It isn't really that hard. Anyone can learn to cook."

Volcan nodded. "I suppose if we have time. Though I think on the boat all we'll have is non-perishables."

Luke nodded back. "Still, if there's a stove I can at least give you some basic cooking skills." He stated, smiling a little more at him as he finished his last morsel of his omelette. "And there is of course, cooking over an open campfire; a little different, but doable."

Volcan shrugged. "I guess if the opportunity arises."

After a short while, the two finished their breakfast, feeling full and sated; Luke sighed as he patted his stomach a little after finishing the last of what was on his plate. "Hey, can you... wash up for me while I go pack a few things for the boat?"

Volcan nodded. "Sure; I can do that," he replied as he finished the last of his food and then reached out for Luke's plate, stacking it onto his own before standing up and heading to the kitchen, whistling as he turned on the faucet to let the sink fill up, adding soap and laying the plates down next to it.

Luke headed back to his room and gently shut the door behind him, then rather than start packing right away, he sighed heavily and leaned against his bedroom door, rubbing his chest a little. Once again, he felt that warmth in his chest and his heart beating a mile a minute, causing him to look at his now trembling paw. "...I guess I really am starting to develop feelings for him." Luke muttered to himself, then he grabbed a large bag and began packing a few supplies into it that he felt he'd need for the trip, all while thinking back to the events leading up to the night before

Calming himself down, he figured it wasn't worth worrying over now and would just let things carry on as they were...With another sigh, he stepped out of his room and made his way back to the living room. By the time he stepped out, Volcan had just finished washing the pans Luke had used for making their breakfast, placing them into the strainer to dry and nodding in approval. He heard Luke out in the living room, and after drying off his hands, and peered in to address him.

"Got everything?" He asked.

"Yes, I think I should be all set." Luke returned with a nod. "Just need to raise the team when we get to the boat and let them know what's going on."

"Agreed. Tristan's probably waiting for us by now."

"Then let's not keep him waiting any longer." He said as he unlocked the latch on his door and pushed it up, then he jumped out and held his arm down for Volcan to grab onto as he climbed out.

Out first went Volcan's bag, landing next to Luke before the Blaziken -_this_time remembering to duck, grasped Luke's paw as he was hoisted out and onto level ground, courteously shutting the door behind them before retrieving said bag while Luke locked the door. "I guess we're all set then."

Luke nodded. "I'll raise the team now and tell them to meet at the harbour." He said, then began walking ahead of Volcan while he put on his earpiece and turned it on to call his team.


Luke and Volcan kept a brisk pace as they made their way from Luke's house an into town and slowed only as they entered the streets so that they wouldn't run into anybody on their way down to the docks. Upon their arrival, they found Tristan already there, doing a thorough inspection of the boat as if to check for damage -even though it had literally just been repaired.

The Aggron spotted them out of the corner of his eye, and turned to meet them as they crossed the wharf to him. "Mornin', guys," he said.

"Good Morning Tristan." Luke returned with a nod. "I take it you found comfortable accommodations for the night?"

He nodded. "Yep; that hostel Kage told us about was pretty cozy," he replied before looking at each of them consecutively. "So, Volc; we ready to go?"

Volcan looked at Luke briefly, and then back at his teammate. "Actually Tristan, is it alright with you if Luke comes along as well?" Volcan asked.

Tristan tilted his head. "What for?" He asked.

"Well, Luke's been by my side ever since I landed here in Azure, and a lot of my past is still _really_foggy," Volcan replied. "I think... I'd just feel better if he came along."

Tristan shrugged. "No reason not to," he returned. "So, are both of you ready then?"

"Just about." Luke returned. "We just have to wait for the rest of the team."

"You called?" Hank suddenly shouted from behind Volcan. "BOO!!"

Volcan spouted some random nonsense as he spun around, arms flailing and trying to swing at Hank a couple of times, but the Zoroark, having expected it easily avoided each swipe by the Blaziken.

"Geez, Hank!" He exclaimed. "My heart can only take so much, you crazy hairball!"

Hank and laughed heartily. "HA! Shit never gets old!" He exclaimed.

A familiar whooping filled the air, drawing their attention upward, where they saw Eagle Eye swooping in from above, circling over them as he slowed himself down and landed gracefully on one of the support poles of the wharf. "Hey, whassup all?"

"Hey, Eagle Eye," Volcan bade the Talonflame.

"Hey, bud!" He raised his wing in greeting.

The rest of the team was not far behind the timely arrivals of Hank and Eagle, with Kage leading Katsu and Doug to the docks -although Doug had to step at the wharf, unable to advance any further due to being a Dugtrio confined to being partly underground. The others moved closer to him so that he could take part in the conversation, and once greetings were exchanged, the Dugtrio was the first to inquire about the reason for their gathering.

"So what'cha got this time boss?" Doug asked, and then one of his three heads turned and saw the boat. "Wait, we seeing the rookie off already?"

"Not exactly." Luke returned. "Volcan and Tristan are going to try and search for their own home -and, hopefully, find out what became of their friends and family."

"Lemme guess, he invited you along?" Hank asked Luke, crossing his arms with a smirk.

Luke looked over to the Zoroark in mild surprise, wondering how Hank could guess that so easily, but continued regardless. "Well yes. I've been invited to aid in his search. That said, I think just three Pokémon at sea won't be enough, so I was thinking of dividing the team up once more."

"Half stays to watch over Azure and half stays to help Volc and Tristan find their home?" Eagle Eye asked. "I can dig that; count me in."

"We only have enough room for one more," Tristan reminded. "So, only one of you can tag along."

"Ah, bummer," grumbled the Talonflame.

"I feel I have done enough travelling for a while." Katsu stated. "I shall remain here to safeguard Azure until you return."

"Guess that means I'm staying too." Doug said. "Can't go on the boat anyway."

"I'll tag along." Hank offered. "Could be interesting to see where things go..." He said with another wink, eyeing Volcan especially.

The Blaziken turned his gaze away, knowing exactly what Hank was implying. But, after clearing his throat, he turned back to the Zoroark again. "We'd be glad to have you along," Volcan replied. He had become good friends with Hank in the time they had spent together -especially when they had fought together against Team Phobia back in Valvatna -even tag-teaming against their Captain, Romulus. Volcan had no qualms about spending a little more time with Hank too.

"I feel I should come too," Kage commented. "Someone has to make sure you don't go out of control, Hank." He said, eying Hank.

Hank laughed. "As if. You just don't want get left behind, besides the fact you'd miss me too much." He stated. "And don't forget, metal head already said the boat only seats four."

Kage shot Hank a dirty look for a moment, then gave an exasperated sigh. "...How anyone puts up with you is a mystery."

"Hello kettle, name's pot. Have we met?" Hank retorted. Kage scoffed at him, turning his head away and scowling. Hank snickered. "I think he's jealous."

"You utter one more word, and I'll carve out your tongue..." Kage stated coldly.

"Empty threats, my Froggie friend." Hank retorted.

"Knock it off you two," Luke stepped in, breaking up the argument. "Kage's going to have to lead the team while Hank and I are gone; are the rest of you in agreement?" He asked his fellow rescuers, whom all nodded in reply. "Then the rest of us are off to the West Islands, to search for Arc Island."

"So, it's me, Bird boy, Luke, and the metal head," Hank clarified. "Seems like a balanced team; got our muscle, got our brains -the whole shebang.

Taking the opportunity, Volcan stepped forward to address the rest of the team as well, quickly finding the words he wanted to say -and doing his best not to sound choked up, knowing that this might be the last time he would see them. "I just want to say, guys," he began, pausing briefly. "It's been great staying here in Azure with you all, and especially fighting by your side in the tournament." He paused again. "You all treated me like one of your own, despite the circumstances of how we met. To put it short, thank you -all of you, for giving me a place to belong, even if it wasn't very long at all."

Katsu stepped forward, rearing up on his hind legs to rest a paw on Volcan's shoulder. "You will always be welcome here, Volcan," he bade the Blaziken, and then looked past him at Tristan. "You as well, Tristan."

"I wish you safe travels, guys." Doug said, waving all his heads back and forth to them.

Kage only snorted, turning his back completely to the rest of the group. Volcan frowned at Kage, turning his attention to Eagle Eye, lifting one talon up to the Talonflame, who responded in kind by lifting and clenching one of his feet, tapping it against Volcan's clenched fist. "You're alright, big guy," Eagle Eye said. "Don't be a stranger now, right?"

"Same to you, speedy," Volcan returned. He then turned his attention to Doug. "Sorry that we didn't get much chance to socialize."

"Eh, it's alright man." The Dugtrio returned. "Was still nice meeting you regardless. Now get goin', yer pals are probably waiting for you."

Volcan nodded. "Yes, you're right. And don't worry; I'll bring your teammates back safe and sound." He promised in addition.

"Hey, I know you will, don't need to promise me anything." Doug said.

Volcan nodded to him, and then turned his attention to Katsu. "Mind lending a hand?" He asked, gesturing to the boat.

"Certainly," he returned, turning to the water and hopping off the dock into the water as Volcan and his group climbed aboard the boat and the Blaziken proceeded to untie the boat from the dock. Once it was free, the Samurott gave it a push, and maneuvered the boat until it was facing out towards open sea.

With everyone aboard and the boat in position, Katsu swam back to shore and joined the rest of Team Valiant at the end of the dock. When Katsu was clear, Tristan started the engine, waiting until it sputtered to life before he entered the cabin and took the helm, with Luke, Volcan and Hank waving goodbye to their team as they began to move away from the shore.

"See you all soon!" Volcan called to them.

"We'll be back before ya know it!" Hank said with a grin.

Before long, the boat was quickly moving out of sight of Port Azure, with the two groups waving to one another until the were no longer visible. With that, Volcan, Luke and Hank ducked into the cabin to make themselves comfortable. Luke and Hank seated themselves at the table with the chess set, which wasn't currently set up, while Volcan walked up front to the helm, standing behind Tristan as they travelled further out to sea.

"Do I even know how to drive this thing?" Volcan asked, studying the controls over Tristan's shoulder.

"You brought it here, didn't ya?" Tristan asked.

"I crashed."

Tristan chuckled. "Fortunately for you, I do recall how to drive this thing."

"Well then I'd say we're in good hands...err...claws." Luke commented.

"Right," Volcan agreed.

Luke turned his gaze back out the door, feeling a little melancholic as he saw the shores of Azure fading from sight, his ears lowering slightly. "Well... goodbye again, Port Azure," he said.

He felt Volcan's talon grip his shoulder, looking up at the Blaziken. "I'll make sure not to keep you away for too long," Volcan promised.

Luke looked at Volcan's hand, then back up to Volcan and placed his own paw over Volcan's hand. "As much as I appreciate that, I think I'll be alright. After all, I said I'd see you through this till the end, right?" He asked. "Even if I have to spend days, months at sea, I'll make sure we find your home one way or another..."

"Hopefully it won't take months," Tristan called from the front. "We just need to find the West Islands, about halfway between here and the West Continent; one of the islands there is our home."

"Wait, you don't remember specifically where your own island is?" Hank asked.

"Not from here I don't," replied Tristan.

"Do I even need to say?" Volcan asked rhetorically.

Hank's mouth hung agape as one of his eyes twitched. "Well shit," he cursed. "Is it too late to go back to Azure?" He asked as he stood up from his chair, walking up front to stand by Tristan and peer out to sea through the window.

Volcan turned to Luke with a rather tortured smile. "Maybe this is going to take a little longer than I planned," he said, sheepishly.

Luke rubbed the back of his head a little. "Well. no going back now." Luke said. "We can always ask for directions at one of the other islands there; the West Islands Region is widely inhabited."

Volcan nodded to Luke, and then his gaze drifted to the table and the empty chess set resting on top of it, blinking a few times before turning back to Luke again. "Ever played chess?" He asked. "I think we're going to be doing a lot of that."

Luke laughed. "How else do you think I keep my strategic intuition sharp?" He said as he stretched a bit. "Though with your intuition, I feel I might be in for a challenging game each time."

"Only one way to find out," Volcan replied, lifting his hand from Luke's shoulder and taking a seat across from him and retrieving the pieces from a box under the table, where Luke helped him set up for a game...

West Islands Chapter 2: Enemies from the Past

Two days after leaving Port Azure, the team had reached the vicinity of the area known as the West Islands region; though it was more of a central location resting between the East and West Continents of the world, its name was derived from explorer...

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Beyond the League: Chapter 12

After ten blistering hours of walking, Mark and Randy had finally made it back to the city, hungry, ragged and ready for a rest. They brought their Pokémon to the nurse at the Pokémon Center, ensuring they received some professional care, healing the...

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Os-Nadarra Earth Glossary

Timeline of the Os-Nadarra Sentinels in the Earth setting NOTE: Though these arcs represent official events taking place with the Os-Nàdarra, there are many potential side-arcs that can and will be added. This document is subject to extensive editing...
