Os-Nadarra Earth Glossary

Story by Volcan MacAingeal on SoFurry

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Timeline of the Os-Nadarra Sentinels in the Earth setting


Though these arcs represent official events taking place with the Os-Nàdarra, there are many potential side-arcs that can and will be added. This document is subject to extensive editing and may be reposted from time to time as these edits take place.

Arc 1: Unity Falls Gang War

Origins of the Os-Nadarra

Span: May 15th 2009 - September 2, 2009

A violent uprising of gangs and criminal organizations sparks a city-wide conflict across Unity Falls, with her citizens caught in the crossfire and the police being the only line of defense for the poor citizens of the city. During this time, Volcan and his brother Lighris seek a means to stay out of the conflict and keep themselves and their mother safe, but they are pulled into the uprising when Volcan's mother is accosted by a local gang who ransacks her diner, steals her money, and violently assaults her. Volcan and Lighris arrive on scene, and they fight the thugs, driving them off but do not save the diner from the extensive damage.

With that incident, Volcan becomes increasingly aware of the escalating violence across the city, but struggles to ignore it. However, everything changes when his friend Brent and his family lose their home to a gang's arson attack -their target had been a neighbouring house, which turned out to belong to a notorious enforcer for one of the local extortion rackets, who had encroached on their territory. Their house had been caught in the blaze as well, despite their best efforts to combat it.

Finally Volcan had had enough, and took to the streets, unleashing his fiery powers upon the various gangs. After a while, he assists a police chase who are in pursuit of a street racer named Blair Harrison, a gryphon gangster and former boxer, who led the Chained Rims street crew. Blair had just gunned down two gangsters in a drive-by shooting, catching three pedestrians in the crossfire. Volcan eventually catches up to Blair, forcing him to lose control and crash against a lamp post; Blair gets out of the car virtually unharmed, and a fight ensues between him and the phoenix.

Though Volcan is able to triumph in his battle against Blair, he suffers multiple injuries including a fractured rid, broken wing and a dislocated shoulder from the fight, and is unable to flee the scene. But as the cops are arriving to arrest him and Blair, Volcan is inexplicably rescued by a pair of dragons; a blue Western Dragon male, and an amethyst purple Eastern Dragoness. The two introduce themselves as Rikyuu and Obsidian, and when Volcan heals from his injuries, the three join forces, along with Pavan, and take the fight to the streets.

In the closing days of the gang war, Volcan meets Tsume Mondiale at her family home, which had been intruded upon by enforcers of the Agostina Crime Syndicate who were running from the police. They entered the home intent on taking the family hostage, only to discover the entire family consisted of Earth Phoenixes; the enforcers were swiftly defeated by Tsume, her parents and her Grandmother, who effortlessly drove them out of their home and into the hands of the police. Volcan, who had been watching from a nearby building, would meet Tsume later on that same day when she tried to go home to her apartment, surprising both of them to find out they were actually neighbours! They hadn't met before now due to fairly conflicting schedules.

Later on the same week, the new vigilante team would find a gang that had been trying to stay out of the war, but were being hounded by another one and had all but been backed into a corner. The former gang would turn out to be meta-humanoids who had formed a band to protect each other from persecution because of their powers. Rikyuu, taking this especially to heart, begged the others that they help the young meta-humanoids, eventually convincing them to rescue the gang from being gunned down in a warehouse in the North Industrial Park. Rikyuu promised to assist these youngsters in learning how to use their powers responsibly and safely.

Things took a turn, however, when crime lord Russel Agostina, rattled by the interference of these vigilantes, hires an assassin known as Devilshade to eliminate them. Volcan is ambushed by Devilshade in the dead of night, and quickly overwhelmed by the incredibly skillful assassin; Volcan manages to disarm him of his weapons, but is surprised when he is struck by a fire extinguisher grenade that nearly kills the phoenix.

With his life in danger, a dormant, evil entity within Volcan awakens, and attacks Devilshade after possessing his body. The battle takes an unexpected turn with the now mad an cackling phoenix having become an uncontrollable monster, destroying everything in his path. Devilshade eventually is forced into a grapple with him and, using his mechanical left arm, he manages to catch Volcan in a choke hold.

While protected by his fire-proofed Kevlar coat, the assassin finishes Volcan off by strangling him to death, and begins to make his escape when he is ambushed by Lighris. Devilshade successfully fends off Lighris and escapes on a motorcycle before the lightning hawk can catch him.

Lighris descends into a mad rage, and scours the city in search of his brother's killer until he is confronted by Rikyuu and Pavan. Together, the two of the manage to subdue Lighris, bringing him home, where Degra reveals a way to bring Volcan back. As the damage to his body was actually quite minimal, it was possible that by burning his body at a pyre of a sufficient size, they would be able to resurrect him, as elementals draw all of their life force _from_their respective element. But even after this, the group remains unaware of the dark power that remained sleeping within their friend...

The crew gathers all of the wood they can, placing Volcan's body atop it and lighting it. The fire burns for several hours before they see the result; Volcan lives again, though is in a great deal of pain for the next month, forcing the team to limit their activity without being at their full strength.

Finally the gang war would reach its conclusion when Volcan and team closed in on the heart of the largest criminal organization in the city, the Sylvia Syndicate. Raiding their base, they reached the leader of the operation Elizabeth Silverstein -AKA the self-styled 'Queen Sylvia' of Unity Falls, forcing her and her lieutenants to surrender themselves to the police, and with help from Ayane Nagano, they would uncover evidence that guaranteed the incarceration of thousands of criminals, bringing a resounding end to the gang war.

Volcan and his new friends were granted pardons for their vigilantism due to their actions leading to the capture of imprisonment of the most notorious criminals in the city, and they were free to return to their own lives. Volcan formed a music band with Brent and Pavan, and now play in lounges and at parties and festivals for a living while maintaining part-time jobs. Obsidian enlisted at the police academy to join the UFPD, Rikyuu opened a dojo in the south side of the city to assist the young meta-humanoids from before alone with others who revealed themselves to learn under his tutelage. Life would go back to normal for them for a while

2: The Threat of the P.A.C.E Directive

Arrival of Vinge and Yurui, introduction of the science extremist group, 'Intelligence Task-force Of Unnatural Entities' led by Jacob Rex.

A year has passed since the Unity Falls Gang Wars. The presence of phoenixes in Unity Falls attracts the attention of the P.A.C.E Directive, who make plans to abduct Volcan Skilerain to become part of their experiments. They deploy one of their Retrieval Teams to apprehend him.

Volcan awakens in the morning to find himself subject to a surprise visit by his friends and family who sneak into his apartment while he is sleeping. Lighris, Obsidian, Rikyuu, Pavan, Ayane and Brent all come to see him, showering him with gifts and congratulation him for his eighteenth year. Among the gifts, provided by Ayane, is an emphatic weapon she called the morphing polearm -a staff that can literally transform into any pole weapon Volcan chooses.

Rikyuu offers Volcan a sparring match so that he can try out the weapon, and the two travel to an isolated location where they can spar in peace. Unknown to either of them, however, they're followed by the Retrieval Team sent to capture Volcan, and their sparring match is interrupted when Rikyuu hears the engines of the camouflaged VTOL craft called a 'Retriever'; Volcan confirms the intrusion via his infrared vision, and the two narrowly avoid a surprise attack as the militant troopers emerge from the cloaked craft and fire upon them.

In the midst of the battle Volcan discovers he can't use his powers, and he is left at the mercy of cybernetic soldiers employed by the retrieval team. Rikyuu, on a whim, discovers that _his_powers are still functional, and he attacks the Retrieval Team, successfully destroying the device that was locking out Volcan's powers, known as a Disruptor. With his powers back, Volcan successfully fights off the Cyborg soldiers, and the Retrieval Team is forced to flee. Later study of the device by Brent and Ayane would reveal that it was a machine that emitted a unique form of electromagnetic radiation that somehow prevented meta-humanoids from using their powers, and that it had not affected Rikyuu because his own powers came from nanotechnology and not from mutated genes or elemental affinity, rendering him immune to the effects of the disruptor.

The victory is short lived, though. After the police collect the destroyed cybernetic soldiers defeated by Volcan and Rikyuu, the precinct's crime lab is attacked by a second P.A.C.E Directive retrieval team, killing countless police officers in the incursion and destroying all of the evidence related to the attempted kidnapping.

When Volcan and co. Learn about the attack on the precinct, Gregory Vinson, the chief of police, demands Volcan be put under police protection. Obsidian steps in to offer to be the officer to watch Volcan; Gregory is reluctant at first as protocol dictates a senior officer is required for protective missions, but Obsidian eventually convinces him, and agrees to let her be the one to look at Volcan. As part of a plan to help hide him from the P.A.C.E Directive, Brent lets them stay at his house in the countryside, where the phoenix would be safely hidden away from their retrieval teams if they were to try again.

Gregory Vinson personally leads the investigation on the P.A.C.E Directive, chasing every lead possible to find out as much as he can about them, including past accomplices. For a week, he finds nothing, but then one of his officers, Tanner Phillips, while in the process of retrieving some photographs for him, uncovers something that stands out. Video footage of an P.A.C.E raid that showed them in the company of the notorious assassin known as Devilshade, who had been contracted to kill Volcan in the gang war.

Determined to find Devilshade to gain information from him, Gregory diverts all of the resources of the investigation to finding him, but after his defeat by the hands of Lighris Skilerain, Devilshade has disappeared. But Gregory, refusing to give up, calls Obsidian back into duty, and goes with her to the night club owned by Russel Agostina. They confront him in his office, and try to convince him to reveal Devilshade's whereabouts, but the crow smugly refuses them, oblivious to the fact that he had already revealed what he knew to Obsidian, who had been reading his mind throughout the conversation at Gregory's request, knowing she was Psionic.

With Devilshade's location in hand, Gregory assembles a task force, accompanied by S.W.A.T to find Devilshade in the forests near Unity Falls. However, it turns out the P.A.C.E Directive had caught onto their investigation, and arrive to intervene, resulting in a three-way battle between the UFPD, the P.A.C.E Directive and the assassin both sides had come for, one to capture, the other to silence. In the end, Devilshade escapes again in the confusion, and Gregory and Obsidian, both wounded in the operation, are taken to the hospital back in the city.

When news reaches Volcan of the botched raid he visits the hospital, and is met by Gregory's second-in-command, Rachel Hernandez, who explains to the phoenix why they had been after Devilshade. Volcan is sickened by the thought that so many were putting their lives on the line for him, and that so many had _died_just for him...

Volcan teams up with his friends once again, and they begin their own hunt for the P.A.C.E Directive. They learn of a local boy who may have encountered them before -an avian named Vinge, and they go to his house to meet with him. He isn't home when they arrive, and, receiving a cell phone number from a neighbour, they try to call his mother, only to be surprised when the phone is picked up by a doctor at the Unity Falls General Hospital, who said that Janette, Vinge's mother, was in the hospital.

Concerned for the whereabouts of Vinge, the team begins a full search of the city for him. He is found later by Tsume, outside of a local bank; when the Earth Phoenix goes to speak with him, she is shocked to find that he has dressed himself for concealment and is in possession of a firearm, and realizes he is there to rob the bank. Tsume manages to talk Vinge down from making what might have been the biggest mistake of his life, and they are joined by Volcan. Between the two of them, they are able to convince Vinge to stand down and accompany them, especially when they mention the P.A.C.E Directive.

They learn that Vinge's father had been kidnapped by the P.A.C.E Directive almost ten years earlier, and that Vinge had been obsessively searching for him ever since; they were a group of Science Terrorists who captured meta-humanoids, elementals and even practitioners of magic for experimentation; Vinge was desperate to find his father, and had intended to rob the bank to get the money he would need to find them. But the sudden illness that had befallen his mother had ended his search, and Vinge, unable to pay for the treatments, had changed his plan to robbing the bank to save his mother. Volcan convinces Vinge that they can find another way, and promises to help Janette in exchange for his help in finding the P.A.C.E Directive.

Tsume asks her father to host a charity event to fund the treatment for Vinge's mother, and with this, they raise the money to save her. She remains in the hospital, visited every day by Vinge, who joins forces with Volcan and the team indefinitely to repay their kindness to him.

One night, Obsidian is called to respond to a disturbance at a local parking garage -a strange meta-humanoid figure that was wandering the lot and avoiding the on-site Security who were trying to help her. The felinoid was reported to be distraught, lacking any clothing and traumatized. Believing this may have been an escapee from the P.A.C.E Directive, Obsidian rushes to the scene, and contacts Volcan and Pavan for assistance.

The three of them arrive, and try to catch the felinoid -a snow leopard that appeared to barely be past her early teens, at the parking garage; at first she appears to possess super speed, but Pavan quickly deduces the lack of draft left behind when she moves, indicating she is not actually moving quickly, but seemed to have time accelerated around her.

It takes some time, but eventually the three manage to catch her ear; they talk with her for a moment. She reveals that she has no name or recollection of who she is; she's alone, and afraid but Volcan is able to convince her that they are no threat, and that they want to help her. She eventually warms up to him, and seeks comfort in him as they take her to the nearest hospital for examination.

Ayane arrives at the hospital later and performs a scan on the snow leopard girl. They are surprised to find out that she is not an ordinary leopard, but one of the 'Projects' of Dr. Nero Cornelius, just like Rikyuu himself. Her powers were derived from nanotechnology that allowed her to slow down time around herself. They deduced that she may have been a leftover from one of Nero's labs in Alberta, left behind in stasis but somehow escaped; she was a lost soul, with nowhere to go. Rikyuu voluntarily offers to let her stay with him, as he, more than anyone else, understands her pain.

After several weeks of searching, following every lead on the P.A.C.E Directive that the team can locate, they begin to realize how futile their efforts to find them are; if it were possible to find them, someone with far superior resources at their disposal would have done it long ago. Instead, Volcan and Vinge formulate a plan to trap and ambush them the next time they make an attempt to go after Volcan. The group distances themselves from one another, hoping to draw out the P.A.C.E Retrieval Teams again by making Volcan appear to have grown complacent and that he is spending most of his time alone.

It takes several more days, but eventually their efforts are rewarded by an attack by two Retrieval Teams, who attempt to ambush Volcan in the city. But, being aware of their stealth technology and focus on anonymity, Volcan spots them with his infrared vision and leads them on a merry chase throughout the city, buying his friends time to set the trap. When the time is right, he leads them to an airstrip owned by Vinge's family, closed down since the day his father had disappeared, and he waits for them to catch up to him again.

When the Retrieval Teams, housed in their stealth VTOL aircraft, catch up to Volcan they are blindsided by Lighris, who uses his lightning powers to disable their engines and force them to the ground. The teams deploy from their vehicles, but the trap is already set, and as they pour forth, they are stricken from all sides by Volcan's friends, prevented from activating their Disruptors to lock out their powers and all twelve militant soldiers are swiftly apprehended, except for one by the name of Kyle, who instead surrenders himself willingly.

But, before the police can arrive, the leader of the first team, Adrian Broadside, manages to activate the P.A.C.E Borg Soldiers on board their stealth craft, and the team is forced to battle eight of the hulking, half-metal monstrosities, who have been since upgraded with a more effective combat programming since the last encounter. Though some of the group is injured in the battle, they successfully manage to defeat the cybernetic soldiers. Adrian attempts to escape in the confusion, but is stopped by Tsume; the two engage in a brief battle, and Tsume manages to defeat Adrian after clawing him with her talons, but he still escapes via use of a flashbang, and stealing Lighris' motorcycle.

When the police arrive to detain the P.A.C.E militants, Kyle agrees to reveal the location of the P.A.C.E Directivebase, having begun to regret being a member of the misguided science terrorists for so long, and through him, much about the P.A.C.E Directive is revealed. Their leader, Jacob Rex, is a former U.S Scientist who worked on secret projects for them during the Cold War, but disappeared after the Vietnam War, with no knowledge of what happened to him.

Five years after his disappearance, he reappears, having garnered a small group of supporters and forms a faction that is dedicated to the study and, possibly, the total eradication of meta-humanoids. According to interrogations of the other P.A.C.E Directive soldiers, he gathers his supporters by making them believe that meta-humanoids intend to replace all life on earth with their 'unnatural' selves. Kyle was won over by this during a tour in Iraq when he served the U.S Marine Corps, when his unit was wiped out in an ambush that only he survived; Rex approached him and tricked him into believing that his unit was intentionally sent into that ambush because Kyle's superiors wanted to replace his unit with a new regime consisting of meta-humanoids, believing that they were the key to military supremacy.

Kyle, in his grief-stricken mind, believed Rex, and for seven years served his ideals, but overtime he began to understand that Rex was wrong about meta-humanoids in general -that they wanted to live just like anyone else. Their entire mission to go after Volcan was under the pretense that he was a threat to society -that he was winning their trust only to betray them later, but Kyle didn't believe that to be true, and what was why he was helping them now.

After revealing the location of Rex's base to be in a hillside on the other side of the border, within days the U.S government deployed a special forces unit to locate and infiltrate the base. But upon their arrival, they were attacked by a new machine -a robotic mech resembling a wyvern, which wiped out half of the unit. Air support was called in to engage the machine but they too were defeated, and then the strange craft flew towards Unity Falls to begin wreaking havoc in the city.

Banding together once more, Volcan and his friends, now entitling themselves The Os-Nàdarra Sentinels, engaged the Cyber Wyvern, and with assistance from the air forces repeated missile attacks, they exposed a weak point in the hull of the mech. Brent, who joined the battle in his new, prototype battle armour that he had designed based on the specs of the P.A.C.E Borg troopers, managed to launch an explosive round into the hull of the wyvern, damaging its internal systems and sending it crashing to the streets, where Vinge permanently grounded it with his ice powers.

Before they could dismantle the cockpit and capture the pilot, who was none other than Jacob Rex himself, the wyvern's head suddenly dislodged and barrelled its way through the group, ascending over the city streets and escaping back to the American side. When the American special forces caught up to it and infiltrated the base, the P.A.C.E Directive had already made their escape, and the base was abandoned, with even Kyle unable to tell them whereabouts they would be.

Vinge is left mortified and shattered by their failure to catch Rex and returns home pained with grief, having been denied his first and only chance in ten years to find his father. Yurui follows him back to his house in the countryside, and comforts him in his time of need...

Arc 3: Demon's Fire

Origin of the Dark Phoenix

One year after the battle with Jacob Rex, the group's lives have taken a new turn. Volcan, Brent, Pavan and their newest vocalist, Vinge, have taken to the streets of Unity Falls as a music band with a focus on heavy metal music, naming themselves 'Winged Fury'. Gaining their first record deal, the four find themselves on the path to a promising career in music. Rikyuu's dojo has expanded and he has built himself a new home taking in other Projects like himself, including Yurui. During one of her off-days, Obsidian investigates the laboratory where Yurui had come from, in case that there may have been other abandoned projects hidden there.

Yurui tells her that the lab was somewhere up in the mountains north-west of Unity Falls. Preparing for a journey to the high ranges, Obsidian is joined by Tsume, who, with her ability to extend her senses through the earth itself, helps Obsidian find the laboratory.

They enter the lab, and encounter a primal Project that is wandering the halls and attacks them on sight - a giant, reptilian life form that closely resembles a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and proves to be invulnerable to their weapons, with a body harder than the strongest armour.

They manage to escape the renegade Project, venturing deeper within the laboratory, and in one of its many chambers they find an occupied stasis pod containing a seemingly adolescent male wolf. They release the wolf, and uncover files related to him that reveal he is known as 'Project I: MK 3', and his special power is complete invisibility -his predecessors, now gone, were capable of adequate camouflage but he himself was the final step. He turns out to be quite shy, and actually disappears on them for a while until they convince him that they are there to help him.

Another that they find is a dragoness with orange scales, who is identified as 'Project G MK XIII', G meaning 'Gravity' -she was a super dragon capable of manipulating Gravity itself, but like Yurui and Gray, she had been left behind when the lab was inexplicably abandoned, and based on her numeric designation, many, many others had come before her, and she was the first successful in the long line of attempts. Fortunately, she turns out to be more chipper and trusting than Gray, and despite her confused state initially, she decides to trust Tsume and Obsidian.

Before they are able to search the lab any further, the unstoppable Project they had encountered before found them again. Referring to the data files from before they learned his designation was Project J: MK II, J for 'Juggernaut'; he was created to be an invulnerable war machine, but in this early stage of the project, he was prone to giving in to feral instincts, and it turned out the scientists had done their job too well, as they had not been able to destroy him after his creation. Before long, he had broken loose one day, leading to the abandonment of the lab. He had been living here since then, using the laboratory as his lair and hunting in the surrounding wilderness, isolated from the world.

With no way to stop him, Obsidian and Tsume quickly escape from the lab, with the help of Project G using her gravitational powers to slow him down and Tsume's earth powers containing him long enough that they were able to leave the area and never look back.

The two projects are taken in to Rikyuu's new home; the wolf is renamed 'Grey', and the dragoness takes the name 'Terra'. Since this incident, no one in the group has ever returned to the laboratory again.

Later that year, Volcan begins to suffer regular nightmares, seeing himself going on a destructive rampage and hurting everyone and everything he cares about. These terrors escalate to the point where he often awakens in the night and discharges his powers accidentally, damaging his apartment bedroom with burned walls and a torched carpet that he later had to report to the landlady, and willingly paid for the damages. But the nightmares persist, and eventually turn to him hearing voices in his head, voices he strongly believed were not of his own mind.

Desperate to understand why this was happening to him, Volcan travels to Obsidian's house on the American side of Unity Falls, and asks her to telepathically scan his mind, to try and find the source of these voices. She reluctantly agrees to do so, and telepathically delves into his subconscious to seek out the presence that was torturing him. Much to her own shock, she finds a completely separate conscience hidden away in Volcan's psyche, more than just a simple split personality -it was as though the phoenix had become the vessel to a being of great evil. When and how this happened, she could not know.

What she did know, however, is that it was feeding upon Volcan's fear, anger and sadness, all of which was strengthened by the recent events and the calamities that he had been involved with over the years; they had fed the entity to the point that it had begun to evolve, transforming into a sentient, intelligent mind. She could only identify this entity as a demonic manifestation, as only they could feed upon negative emotions such as those.

Knowing it could not be left to fester within Volcan's mind, Obsidian attempts to purge the entity from her friend; she chases it through his subconscious, but it proves too powerful for her to destroy, eventually turning on her and seizing her telepathic projection with shadowy appendages, before it manifests into a figure closely resembling that of Volcan. The entity speaks to her, and tells her that once it has taken control of Volcan, it would take great pleasure in torturing her.

Obsidian breaks free of the hold when she senses her body is under attack in the physical world. She returns to retake control of her body, and is shocked to find that someone is assaulting her; using her police training she fights them off, but is shocked to find that her attacker was none other than Volcan! In her panicked state, she demands that the phoenix explain himself, but Volcan has no recollection of attacking her. However, when he spots the wounds on her body, and her blood upon his talons, it becomes immediately clear to him.

Horrified, Volcan flees from Obsidian's home and vanishes into the night, with the dragoness calling after him to no avail. She calls Lighris and Rikyuu for help, followed by Pavan and Vinge, and the five of them form a search party to look for him. They search all throughout the night, but are unable to locate Volcan anywhere in the city...

Meanwhile, across the world, in the sands of Egypt, another dark presence senses the awakening of a great evil thought destroyed long ago. Knowing that this darkness could not be allowed to be reborn, the being known as Izrail, the Servant of Anubis, departs from his hidden fortress of a Hamunaptra to seek and eliminate the vessel of evil...

The following evening, Obsidian, Lighris, Rikyuu, Pavan and Vinge discover that the forest west of Unity Falls in on fire. Believing it to be Volcan, they immediately head for the woods, and find it is indeed him, but the blaze is so intense they cannot reach him. Meanwhile, Volcan battles with the possessing spirit for control of his body, their internal struggle causing the fires around them to intensify. But Volcan is merely stalling for time; through their shared body, the entity hears the sound of an airplane engine, and realizes by scanning Volcan's mind that the phoenix intends to be extinguished by fire control planes, so that the entity cannot be allowed to take control.

Obsidian becomes aware of Volcan's plan after scanning his mind, projecting herself into him once more to try and save him, and realizing his plan she throws herself between Volcan and the water bombers above, using a telekinetic barrier to shield him. Volcan begs her to stop, to just let him die, but she refuses to allow it, and he is spared from the water bomber as its payload puts out the forest fires.

At that instant, Volcan loses control of himself to the dark entity, and once more attacks Obsidian; the others engage their friend to try and detain him, only to find that his fire powers can now hurt them when normally a phoenix cannot harm those that they care about. It becomes clear to them that their friend is gone, but even then they cannot bring themselves to hurt him, and he soundly defeats them all.

But then, Izrail appears, and shackles Volcan with magic, taking him into a portal to places unknown. The others pursue Izrail through the portal, appearing in Hamunaptra where Izrail performs an exorcism upon Volcan to try and remove the evil from him, erecting a ward over the ritual chamber to prevent the phoenixes friends from interfering. Assisting him in this endeavour is a white fox with eight tails, who commands Light elemental powers.

The results of the exorcism yield highly unexpected results, as a dark hand erupts from Volcan's lower back, and emerges as a shadow from within him, manifesting within the chamber as a shadowy, semi-corporeal entity. Izrail attempts to destroy the entity but with a strange, golden staff that appears in its hand, the entity deflects his attack and escapes through the barrier that was previously meant to stop Volcan's friends, vanishing into the hallways of Hamunaptra.

Before Izrail can pursue, Lighris barges into the room an attacks the Demigod, but is effortlessly thrown aside by the semi-divine being. Vinge manages to sneak up on him, and brandishes his sword at the neck of the Anubite, demanding that he explain himself. Izrail proceeds to do so, telling them that Volcan's body had become the vessel of a demonic entity called Lucarinai, or at least a small fragment of him. Overtime that entity had gained sentience by feeding upon Volcan's own psyche, until it evolved enough that it was able to think, feel and learn.

During this explanation, Akatsuki struggles to save Volcan from the jaws of death, healing the grotesque wound left behind by the emergence of the dark entity. He manages to stabilize the phoenix, but a malformed scar is left on his back -a scar that would never heal.

Volcan's friends take him home, to his mother's house, where Degra reveals to them a secret she had kept for the past nineteen years. When she was carrying Volcan as an egg, she had been out in countryside for a nature hike, and during her trek she encountered a strange miasma that immediately had her senses warning her of danger; she escaped the dark cloud before it could cause her any harm, but unfortunately it had already left a piece of itself within her unborn child, and that piece had become the possessing entity that had caused him his recent suffering. Degra swears to them that she had no idea this would ever happen, even knowing the cause, but Lighris, infuriated by her never telling him or doing something about it, storms out of the house.

Later Volcan awakens from his coma, and the others gather in his room to check on him. He is so weakened that he is unable to move, and barely speak. Among the few words he can muster is begging Obsidian's forgiveness for attacking her. She reassures him, telling him that she knows he would never intentionally harm her, and he then slips from consciousness. The others then leave him to his rest.

Meanwhile, in the sands of Egypt, the dark form that had emerged from Volcan finishes materializing into a body of flesh and bone, becoming the very image of Volcan himself, but with feathers as black as and with highlights of a bright purple. Carrying a golden staff, a matching cuirass forms over their body upper body, conforming to their anatomy, and thus the being that would become Calhoun Demonfire is born...

Over the course of a year, Volcan is left in his mother's care to recover. His friends reform the Os-Nàdarra team, and they all swear to hunt down and destroy the dark entity that had been born from Volcan. Obsidian tells them that she saw in its mind it wanted to kill Volcan; even though it had gained a body of its own now she did not want to take the chance that the creature would not still want to do so, and so they agreed that one of them should always be near Volcan at all time to protect him, as in his current state, he would be helpless against even the weakest of opponents.

Lighris moves back in with his mother temporarily for this task, and while he and Degra are away at work, Vinge or Obsidian come over to be with him until they too have to head to their own jobs. They manage to work out a system where Volcan is looked after all hours of the day, while the rest of the team maintains constant vigil, waiting for Calhoun to make his return. Meanwhile, Tsume and Vinge have put plans into motion for the team to establish their own headquarters; if they were to take an active role in defending society from threats the police could not handle, they needed their own base of operations -a place to hide and store equipment for later use. Tsume personally saw to finding a plot of land to build such a base, which would be found in due time...

Halfway through the year, Volcan is able to walk again -with assistance. Pavan takes over looking after him while Vinge attends a local martial arts tournament at Tsume's insistence. The two compete together in the competition, battling international martial artists from across the world, and eventually meet in the tournament themselves. Despite Vinge's superior tactical skill and more training, Tsume manages to defeat him thanks to her greater endurance and speed, and takes second place at the tournament after losing to a male dragon boxer named Tristan Mason.

But that night after the tournament, as the two go to visit Volcan, they are shocked to find Pavan in the yard, battling for his very life against a seven-tailed, black fox wielding feudal-era Japanese armaments employed typically by Ninja of ancient Japan. Pavan appears to be losing against the fox, prompting the other two phoenixes to intervene, and the three battle him in unison, but with skill that could only be born from experience the fox, outmanoeuvres and outfights all three of them at the same time.

Knowing that fighting this kitsune directly was futile, Vinge comes up with a strategy to catch him off guard, and engages the fox himself, using his training in fencing and kendo to fight defensively and buy Tsume and Pavan time to enact his plan. Tsume reaches out with her powers to take control of a nearby tree, and uses its branches to entangle Kumori in a stranglehold. Pavan decapitates the fox before he can density-shift through the branch, and they successfully defeat the kitsune.

Pavan reveals to them that the kitsune claimed to be under contract to kill Volcan, and noted how at the sight of the fire phoenix he hesitated, and commented that he looked identical to his employer...

Knowing that this 'employer' could only have been the dark entity from before, the group rallies again. They vote to appoint a new team leader, and the majority vote goes to Vinge, much to the dismay of the Ice Phoenix. Nevertheless he accepts the role, and assigns Brent and Ayane to search every information node available to begin tracking down anyone anyone that resembled Volcan in any way, while everyone else rotated shifts to protect him should another assassin show up. But as they would find out later, it was already too late; the dark phoenix, calling himself Calhoun Demonfire, was already back in Canada, and was travelling through Alberta in the dead of night to avoid detection, with Unity Falls in his sights...

Calhoun makes his move upon Degra's home, knocking on the front door in the twilight hour, and Degra is shocked when she sees the dark phoenix outside. Before she can do anything, he strikes her to the floor with his staff, and ascends the stairs towards Volcan's room. He opens the door, and spots the phoenix in his bed, who is helpless against him in his current state. However, unknown to Calhoun, the group had already learned of his coming, and found that the Volcan he attacked was nothing more than a robotic decoy, as was the Degra downstairs, created by Ayane to deceive him.

Infuriated, Calhoun leaves the house to resume his hunt for Volcan, but when he steps outside, the Os-Nàdarra are waiting for him, and quickly surround him. Vinge explains that the decoys were designed to alert them the moment that they were attacked, and now Calhoun had been caught in a trap set up by Vinge and Ayane, while the real Volcan, Degra and Lighris were safely hidden somewhere that Calhoun would never find him.

Calhoun praises the group for their ingenuity, and then a battle between them ensues. Rikyuu attacks first, using powers copied from Lighris, but Calhoun absorbs the attack into his staff and turns it on Tsume as she attempts to attack him from behind, shocking her into a seizure-like state, and then uses another bolt on Rikyuu as he tries to change to another element. The course of the battle reveals Calhoun's intimate knowledge of the group and their fighting styles, revealing that he possesses all of the knowledge of them that Volcan himself had.

Ayane was the first to fall to him when Calhoun used his super-heating vision to destroy her weapons, and then conclusively knocks her unconscious. Vinge and Pavan are next to attack, but Calhoun's dark flames eat through their respective elements and leave both of them with severe burns. Rikyuu and Tsume return to the battle, but Tsume is felled by a stab to her side, saved from a mortal blow only by her toughened skin, leaving only Rikyuu and Obsidian to fight him. By this point, Calhoun is fatigued by the prolonged battle and falls to their combined strength. He sets a nearby house on fire to distract them and escapes before they can finish him off...

Volcan is put under investigation when witness claim they saw him causing the fire, but is quickly cleared when Gregory is taken to him and finds him in his near paraplegic state, as well as a traffic camera showing the colour difference between Volcan and the true arsonist. Vinge is forced to tell Gregory the truth about Calhoun, and though at first the hawk doesn't believe him, there is no other explanation to go on and decides to go with the story. With that, the hawk presents the evidence to a judge and the charges against Volcan are dropped, but Calhoun remains at large.

Lighris is furious with the team, blaming them for the fact that Volcan is still in danger because they failed to defeat Calhoun, and leaves the Os-Nàdarra Sentinels, declaring that if they cannot stop Calhoun and protect his brother, he would do it by himself...

Arc 4: The Overlords

Tyrants of the new Era

Part 1: The Dark Queen

Two months after Calhoun's attempts on Volcan's life, Vinge and the Os-Nàdarra learn of strange happenings up in the Yukon Territories of Canada; a sudden outbreak of lycanthropes is spreading across the Canadian wilderness, threatening hundreds of small communities. Though Canada's armed forces are present and attempting to contain the outbreak before it can become an epidemic, the source of the outbreak remains a mystery. The situation is made more grave by the belief that there may be more than one pack and that the two are fighting over territory, with the towns being caught in the crossfire.

After some consideration, the Os-Nàdarra Sentinels deploy to the north lands, travelling to the Yukon to lend their aid to contain the growing outbreak and hopefully find the source of it before it could spread further.

With the help of a local ranger, they find the site of one of the biggest conflicts of the two packs, brought to the site of a massacre littered with the bodies of dead lycans. But on closer inspection, Vinge is quick to realize that the ones who slew these lycans could not have been other werewolves; he determined this by examining the injuries of the newly did, finding that the claw mark wounds on their bodies were inconsistent with those of a lycanthrope's claws. He determined them to be from the claws of a cat-like creature, meaning that the second 'pack' was not a pack at all -this was the work of Werecats.

Knowing that Therianthropes were more attuned to their feral brethren, and that felines, by nature, were introverted and likely to travel in smaller groups or alone as opposed to wolves, Vinge knew the Werecats were probably hiding somewhere nearby -somewhere remote, easily defended, and where they would feel safe against the superior numbers of the lycan pack. Turning to the ranger for help once again, Vinge receives a detailed map of the area, and narrows down some possibilities based on the local terrain, before dispatching Pavan on a recon mission to explore each location and seek signs of the werecats.

Later on, however, Pavan failed to report back after checking the fourth of Vinge's determined sites. Though it didn't seem strange to the others due to his tendency to goof off, Vinge suspected something else at work, and so they left to seek out their friend at the mountain near Yellowknife, YT, where the Wind Phoenix had been bound for on his last check-in.

Upon their arrival, the team was ambushed by a trio of werecats, who swiftly subdued them, but one among them ordered them not to harm them, surprising the Os-Nadarra with their ability to speak. They were then brought before a single, large, female werecat who demanded answers from them -the first of which being why they were there.

Vinge went on to explain that they had come to the Yukon after hearing of a Werewolf crisis. The Werecat, introducing herself as Buniq -the leader of a small clan of Aiuranthropes, told him that they were not involved in whatever crisis had brought them there. Tsume demanded to know what had happened to Pavan, at which Buniq had the Wind Phoenix brought forward, unharmed, explaining that he had landed in their village and frightened several inhabitants.

They had thought he may have been a spy for their enemies who just so happened to be the leader of the werewolves; a wolf woman calling herself 'Assiminik' who, Buniq had discovered, had her sights set on the city of Yellowknife, intent on infecting its entire populace to grow her pack into an army that she likely intended to use for a war of a much greater scale...

Vinge spoke with Buniq in private, begging her to help them defend Yellowknife. But she refused, believing her people would be massacred if they became involved -they had been running from Assiminik for years already, and were afraid to confront her when her power had grown as it had. With that, she demanded that the Os-Nadarra leave her village, and to tell nobody of their location, or she would personally hunt them down...

With their options few, Vinge sought to notify the military of the impending threat. After Brent successfully hacked into their frequency, he was fortunate to make contact with Volcan's grandfather, Joseph MacAingeal of the Royal Canadian Air Force. Having already been made aware of the growing werewolf threat, Joseph believed Vinge's claim about them being poised to attack Yellowknife, and offered to inform the rest of the military of the impending attack, but warned it would take some time for them to mobilize. With no other options, it fell upon the Os-Nadarra and the Yellowknife Law Enforcement to defend the city until they arrived...

Within a day of waiting within the city limits, Tsume detected the presence of multiple large beings encroaching upon the city limits; the lycans were coming. The police were already in the process of evacuating the city, although there were few places that they could go and time was against them. As Vinge tried to come up with a plan, Buniq arrived with half a dozen Werecats accompanying her, and told Vinge that she would assist -simply because she knew that if Assiminik's attack succeeded, her people would just be on the run for the rest of their days.

Vinge's solution to defend Yellowknife was to form an ice dome over it to prevent the lycans from getting through, while leaving an opening large enough for them to get out unseen by the beasts; the terrain around the city made this even more applicable as there were few approaches to the city without crossing the deathly cold river that flowed around it, or over the mountain that shadowed it. Using all of his strength and drawing power from the icy weather around them, Vinge successfully conjured the dome to shield the city, but the act of doing so rendered him comatose, leaving him out of commission for the battle and the team without a leader.

Out of Pavan, Tsume and Brent, none of the other Os-Nadarra were suited for taking on the role of leader, and so Buniq was forced to step up; she was not a strategist on par with Vinge, but she knew werewolves and how to fight them, and she was the only one who knew anything about Assiminik. Although leery of her at first, Tsume supported her proposal to take the lead, and neither Brent or Pavan were in a position to argue.

After assessing that Assiminik would attempt to find weak points to the dome Vinge had created, they needed a way to keep the Lycans confined to one area. Pavan was left to keep them from climbing the dome to get to the hole in the top, while the others covered an entrance that they made over the road as a choke point to thin out the pack, and take advantage of the firepower offered by Brent's armour and Tsume being able to plug the hole with her earth powers if necessary.

The battle for Yellowknife turned into a literal bloodbath as Assiminik's minions descended upon the city. The team managed to hold on until the military arrived and engaged the pack, all except for Assiminik who had been driven into the city by their initial attack. Buniq and Tsume together managed to defeat the werewolf queen, and were about to leave her to the military when Calhoun arrived, wounded Buniq and departed with Assiminik in tow, leaving the group wondering why he had come for her.

Having won the battle, Vinge and Buniq spoke to each other again, and Buniq revealed that her tribe were in fact Inuit villagers from Nunavut who had been on the run from Assiminik for nearly a decade, and that she herself was not actually Inuit, but a foster child to the former village leader, Adlartok. She was an orphan, left alone in the wilderness to be found by this man, and raised as his daughter, only to take his place as the leader after Asya murdered him and turned half of her village into lycans.

Deciding that she wanted to find out where she had really come from, and take this opportunity to see the rest of the world she had been born into, the Os-Nadarra returned home to Unity Falls, this time accompanied by Buniq.

Part 2: The Predator

Six months after the battle in the Yukon...

The Os-Nadarra are called upon once again when a string of sexual assaults on civilians hiking near Unity Falls sets the police on high alert. The victims are left unable to recollect who or what their attacker was; only where it happened and how long they had been tortured by them. The most recent victim, a vixen woman who had been walking with her nine year old daughter, reported the same, but her daughter was not affected and had witnessed her mother's abduction; she described the attacker as having a very long tail, which he had ensnared her mother with.

Suspecting the work of a Psionic life form, Obsidian turns to the Os-Nadarra for help, offering to use herself as bait to try and draw out the attacker; Volcan opposes the idea, fearing that something might happen to her, but after detailing her plan, supported by Vinge and Tsume, he reluctantly agreed to let her take the mission.

With the help of Buniq, the team tracked where this predator was living, following his scent back to a cave network, but after a brief search they found that the cave had been recently abandoned -the assailant had moved on. Buniq followed a fresher trail to the edge of the forest, and to the horror of the team they realized that the scent led right towards the city; the Psionic predator was no longer willing to hide and wait for his 'prey' to come to him.

Volcan, despite his weakened state, offered to stay and watch the caves in case the creature returned; the others agreed, as long as he promised not to confront them himself -he was still far too weak for a prolonged fight, especially against a Psionic life form. With that, the team headed for the city, tracking the Psionic creature to an old part of the industrial sector, where they were forced to split up to cover more ground, desperately hoping to find this predator before he struck again.

Obsidian's search led her to an old office building belonging to a construction company that had since relocated to a new location, leaving the building and its surrounding yard for sale. She discovered that the lock on the building had been forced open, and realized that she had come upon a break-in; she didn't know if it was connected with her current mission but she contacted her dispatch to let them know, and stayed on the scene to monitor.

But as she waited, she felt a strange compulsion -like a voice in her head, urging her to enter the building. It did not take long for her to realize that someone was probing her mind, but she ignored her first instinct to shield herself, knowing what this meant. There was a Psionic nearby, trying to bait her into a trap and she was willing to bet that it was the very same one she was after. She contacted the rest of the team with her telepathy, carefully transmitting to them without alerting the predator to her own Psionic powers as she approached the building, letting them know where she was before she stepped inside.

She searched the building for only a moment before she was set upon by the predator; after walking past an checking an open office, they emerged from a neighbouring one and accosted the dragoness. Obsidian struggled, but quickly found herself entrapped in a long, powerful tail, which brought her face-to-face with her attacker. A naga, with a hungry gleam in his eyes as his tail tightened around her body while he introduced himself as 'Rovdyr', and shared with her the rather unpleasant things he would do to her.

She felt him attempt to probe her mind; she shielded herself this time, surprising the naga when he met resistance from her. Angered by her resistance, he resorted to constricting Obsidian with his tail, forcing the air from her body in his crushing grip while demanding she submit to him. On the verge of passing out, Pavan arrived at the scene, bursting in through the office entrance and striking the naga from behind with his whip; the lash startled the naga so much that he released Obsidian from his grip, and turned his attention to the wind phoenix.

Pavan's quick-footedness and constantly spouting nonsensical words confused and irritated the naga to the point that he was unable to concentrate, disrupting him long enough for Obsidian to recover. Just in time, too, as Rovdyr collected himself long enough to blast Pavan telekinetically, but as he moved to attack, Obsidian shot Rovdyr in the shoulder with her service pistol. Pavan, after recovering from the hit he took, blasted Rovdyr with a gale of wind that sent him smashing through the garage door and back outside.

The hit had knocked him unconscious, and Vinge had arrived just in time to help restrain the naga. However, Pavan saw Vinge brandishing a knife and lunging at Obsidian, narrowly managing to blow her out of the way with a burst of wind, and then attacked Vinge with the same. When he saw the dark violet, pupiless eyes the ice phoenix had he realized it was Kumori Yaiba in disguise; the real Vinge arrived as Kumori moved to attack, but the nogitsune did not remain long, seizing Rovdyr in a veil of shadows and escaping with him.

Meanwhile, Volcan, acting as a sentry over Rovdyr's apparent lair, saw someone entering the cave as he watched. Believing that it was the Psionic predator himself, Volcan called the others, and once more Pavan was the first to arrive. They proceeded into the cave, and there they encountered another naga, but Pavan confirmed that this was not Rovdyr; this naga was female, and much paler than Rovdyr, showing traits of albinism including white scales and pink eyes. The naga introduces herself as Kodaku, and reveals that Rovdyr is in fact, her older brother.

Kodaku volunteers to help the team deal with her brother; knowing that having another Psionic on the team would be helpful -especially with Obsidian balancing her place on the team with police work, Volcan accepts her into the Os-Nadarra, and even gives her a place to live at their new base once it is completed. At first she is reluctant, believing she wouldn't fit in among the others, given what she was, to which Volcan comically replied:

"We're four phoenixes of opposing elements, three dragons -one of whom is a psychic alien and another who along with a snow leopard that controls time and a wolf who can turn invisible, was born and grown in a laboratory. Then we have a techie hyena, and a Werecat from the Canada Wilderness who was raised by Eskimos. You will fit in justfine."

Amused and feeling confident in Volcan's words, Kodaku agreed, and left the cave in the company of the two phoenixes...

Part 3: There can only be one...

Prior to winter of the same year of Assiminik and Rovdyr's appearance, Volcan is visited at his home by Obsidian and another police officer, who place him under arrest for the murder of a local citizen that lived near his apartment. Volcan is confused, but he offers no resistance as the officers take him away to the precinct, all the while with Obsidian questioning Volcan about his whereabouts, which Volcan answered honestly, while pretending not to notice how disturbed the dragoness was by having to arrest her own friend.

Volcan's alibi was confirmed; at the time of the victim's death, he was performing at a local lounge with Vinge, Brent and Pavan, all of whom could confirm his whereabouts along with all of the lounge staff who were working that same night. Obsidian was relieved when she was able to let Volcan go, and even gave him a ride home after he was released. During that, Volcan fights with an inner need to tell Obsidian about his true feelings for her, but he holds it back, feeling that it was not the right time.

Unfortunately, things would take a turn for the worse the following night. After arriving home from work, Obsidian is visited by none other than Calhoun, who breaks into her house and throws himself upon the dragoness. She is unable to fight him off when she realizes his mind is psionically shielded and with his superhumanoid strength he easily overpowers her, proceeding to molest the dragoness and filling her with the corrupted demonic essence that followed through his body; she becomes possessed by his evil spirit, and falls under his control...

Volcan is arrested again the following night; Obsidian had failed to come into work, and an officer in the area had gone to check on her only to find the house had been vandalized. DNA evidence found on the scene was traced back to Volcan as an identical match, and this time Gregory himself took the phoenix in. This time, Volcan had no alibi to protect himself. He knew it had to be Calhoun, for both of the crimes, but Gregory and his partner, Detective Benson, are unconvinced -even though Gregory was told of Calhoun before, he did not know just how deeply connected he and Volcan were, and was forced to place Volcan in a holding cell to await trial.

As Volcan's friends work to try and find Calhoun and prove Volcan's innocence, the phoenix is visited by his attorney despite not having asked for one yet. His attorney introduces herself as Asya Franz, but no sooner does she secure Volcan's release that Gregory confronts her in the hall, presenting her credentials as forged and that the outfit she claimed to work for did not have anyone by the name of 'Asya Franz' working for them...

Asya suddenly transforms into a lycanthrope and assaults Gregory, nearly killing him with a swipe of her claws. Volcan realizes who this werewolf was and, after breaking his handcuffs, attacks her; the two battle in the halls of the police station, with other officers confused and wondering what was going on, uncertain of just who it was they were to subdue.

After Volcan deals her a serious burn, Assiminik escapes from the police station, and EMT's are called to assist Gregory. Volcan wishes to pursue Assiminik, to catch her and make her reveal where Calhoun is, but he knows the cops will never let him leave. Except, much to his surprise, Gregory's partner, Benson, allows Volcan to pursue her, as long as he swore that he would come back, with or without the werewolf. Volcan vows to come back, and leaves the police station to pursue Assiminik.

Meanwhile, downtown Unity Falls comes under attack by a horde of lycanthropes, who emerge among the populace and attack people in the streets. The rest of the team, led by Vinge, responds; Tsume, Brent, Pavan, Rikyuu, Ayane and Yurui are all present for the battle, and working together with the other police forces of the city they are able to achieve containment of the lycans, but come under attack by Rovdyr and Kumori. Brent assists the police in maintaining the containment with his new Power Armour, leaving the others to handle the naga and assassin.

Working together, Rikyuu and Ayane manage to defeat Kumori when Rikyuu copies the Nogitsune's powers and turning them against him, giving Ayane the opportunity to finish him off with a well-placed shot. Rovdyr manages to defeat Pavan and Tsume, but with Yurui's help, Vinge is able to defeat the psionic snake thanks to the snow leopard slowing time around the naga, making Vinge appear to move faster than lightning to him until the Ice Phoenix incapacitated with wave of bitter cold that was especially effective against the cold-blooded snake.

Meanwhile, Volcan has followed Assiminik out of the city, where he loses sight of her. While searching for the werewolf he is ambushed by Calhoun, and a fight ensues between the two. Although Volcan is nearly healed over their separation a year before, he is still far too weak to defeat the dark phoenix, and falls, mortally wounded, before him.

Before Calhoun can deliver the final blow, Lighris appears, and engages Calhoun. At first, Calhoun appears to have the advantage; Lighris' anger towards him feeds Calhoun with energy, but even that does not help him in the end, for Lighris too became more powerful with his rage, and after disarming Calhoun of his staff, Lighris delivered a powerful lightning bolt that nearly kills the dark phoenix, and is prepared to execute him when Obsidian suddenly appears and attacks Lighris.

The dragoness is corrupted by Calhoun's essence from when he'd molested her, leaving her a malformed, twisted version of herself. Volcan's heart shatters at the sight of the dragoness, but that heartbreak explodes into a rage, throwing himself at Calhoun and pinning him to the ground, where the phoenix proceeds to strangle him. But once again, Assiminik intervenes, striking Volcan off of Calhoun and escaping into the woods with him, leaving Lighris to subdue the corrupted Obsidian. He manages by stunning her with a charged bolt of electricity, but this faces them with the question of how to purge the demonic essence from her body and bring her back to normal.

Taking her to Ayane's lab, the group discovers that Obsidian is still fighting the corruption, shielding her core self with Psionic energy to prevent a complete takeover of her body. Realizing there is still a chance to save her, Ayane and Brent build a cell to contain Obsidian, followed by a device to project the same Light Elemental energy Ayane had harnessed to create Volcan's Morphing Polearm, and projects it into the cell in small doses. This energy purges the corruption from Obsidian, and she awakens days later from a small coma.

Volcan meets with Obsidian later on the following day, telling her that she needs to relocate to somewhere she would be safe. Obsidian tries to assure him she can handle herself and won't be caught off guard again, but Volcan is insistent, saying that he knows Calhoun will keep targeting her until he can destroy Volcan through her. Obsidian asks Volcan how he is so sure of this, forcing Volcan to finally admit his true feelings for Obsidian, and had been for some time; Calhoun knew this due to their shared memories over the last eighteen years, and as such, Volcan knew that as long as he was in love with her, she would never be safe...

Obsidian kisses Volcan, and promises that she will relocate to live with Rikyuu, as there is nowhere safer in the city. Volcan agrees, and they are last seen embracing one another lovingly, but Volcan is crying, for he knows he can't be with her until Calhoun is destroyed...

Part 4

Realizing he need to become stronger and obtain a weapon that would be powerful enough to challenge Calhoun and his new allies, now calling themselves The Overlords of the New Era, Volcan meets with his mother and asks her if there is anyone in their family who could help him find what he seeks. Degra tells Volcan of their ancestral home in Scotland -Castle MacAingeal, and with an enchanted stone known as a transport rune that she had been safekeeping for many years, the two travel to Scotland nigh instantaneously, and appear in the walls of the stronghold.

Volcan is aghast at the sight of the magnificent, and very well maintained castle around him -especially with the fact that it belongs to his family. But that pales in comparison to the shocked feeling that follows the appearance of an ancient phoenix that turned out to be his ancestor, Boswell MacAingeal, who descended from the towers above to meet them.

Volcan tells Boswell of his predicament, begging his distant relative to aid him in defeating Calhoun. Eventually giving in to Volcan's plea, Boswell leads them to a stairwell leading below the castle, opening a massive door of solid bronze, through which they proceed, and crossing the vault beyond to a sword on a pedestal, which Boswell introduces as 'Aingeal Cridhe' -or 'Fireheart' in English,saying that it was the best sword he and his brother, Aingeal -the namesake of the clan- had ever forged together. Boswell himself refused to use the sword as it brought back to many painful memories for him, but he told Volcan that if the young phoenix could wield it, he was free to claim it.

Volcan took up the sword, finding he was quite comfortable with it, and then asked his uncle to teach him how to fight using it. Boswell spent the next month teaching Volcan ancient Celtic sword-fighting techniques, but by the end of that month, Volcan was forced to return home as his year of absence was finally up, and his band needed to get back into business. He left with a promise that he would keep practising, to which Boswell assured him that if he needed more training, he could return to the castle whenever time would allow.

Volcan returned home, gathering his friends at the now completed Os-Nadarra headquarters, declaring that from that day forth, destroying the Overlords would be their primary directive, as well as stopping the P.A.C.E Directive -whom they were certain would return one day, and any other supernatural threats that would appear, and the whole team agreed that it was up to them to confront these threats, and it was here that the Os-Nadarra Sentinels had officially been formed...


The Arcs listed below are not numbered due to the possibility of additional story lines being added as time passes, but all are currently blank as most of them are canonically collaborations, and though they are all largely pre-planned, they have not been detailed yet. The order of them overall however, remains consistent, though some additional stories may be added between.

Arc -: Sons of Kleetra

The bounty of the Immortal

Arc -: Overseas Escapade

A vacation interrupted

Arc -: Rise of the Overlords

Friends become enemies, and a new nation is born

Arc -: The Year of Training

To reach the limit of one's strength

Arc -: Liberation

Overthrowing the tyrants

Arc -: Missing in Action

A Demon's Hunger


(This section contains spoilers of characters due to be introduced in future installments)

Os-Nàdarra Sentinels

Volcan Skilerain/MacAingeal

Os-Nàdarra Leader

MacAingeal Heir

Fire Phoenix

First appearance: Unity Falls Gang War

Founding member

Vinge Glaseros

Os-Nàdarra Tactician

Student of Sun Tzu

Ice Phoenix

First Appearance: Threat of the P.A.C.E Directive

Founding Member

Tsume Mondiale

Os-Nàdarra Assassin

Martial Arts Competititor

Earth Phoenix

First Appearance: Unity Falls Gang War

Joined team: Threat of the P.A.C.E Directive

Lighris Skilerain

Os-Nàdarra Saboteur

Professional Mechanic

Lightning Hawk

Founding member

Left team: Demon's Fire

Rejoined Team: Sons of Kleetra

Pavan Stevenson

Os-Nàdarra Scout

Wind Phoenix

First Appearance: Unity Falls Gang War

Founding Member

Brent Tetherson

Os-Nàdarra Engineer

Future founder of Tether-Nagano Energy Company

First Appearance: Unity Falls Gang War

Joined team: Threat of the P.A.C.E Directive

Kyle Darwinson

Os-Nàdarra Specialist

P.A.C.E Counter-Meta Trooper

Former USMC (Deserted)

First Appearance: Threat of the P.A.C.E Directive

Joined team: Sons of Kleetra


Os-Nàdarra Reconnaissance



First Appearance and joined team: The Overlords


Os-Nàdarra Psychic

Psionic Naga

First Appearance and joined team: The Overlords


Os-Nàdarra Healer


First Appearance and joined team: Overseas Escapade

Tristan Mason

Os-Nàdarra Tank

Professional Fighter

First Appearance: Demon's Fire

Joined Team: The Year of Training

Other characters:

(Some of these characters belong to other FA users; see description)

Gregory Vinson

UFPD Chief of Police

First Appearance: Unity Falls Gang War

Tanner Phillips

UFPD Constable

First Appearance: Unity Falls Gang War

Harley Benson

UFPD Detective

First Appearance: Threat of the I.T.O.U.E

Michael Jenkins

UFPD Constable

First Appearance: Unity Falls Gang War

Rachel Hernandez

UFPD Lieutenant

First Appearance: Unity Falls Gang War

Project X MK II 'Rikyuu'

Genetically Engineered Dragon

Os-Nàdarra Part-timer

First Appearance: Unity Falls Gang War

Obsidian Kimoyama

Psionic Life Form

Unity Falls Police Officer

Os-Nàdarra Part-timer

First Appearance: Unity Falls Gang War

Ayane Nagano

Brilliant Inventor

First Appearance: Unity Falls Gang War

Project G MK XIII 'Terra'

Genetically Engineered Dragon

First Appearance: Demon's Fire

Project T MK VI 'Yurui'

Genetically Engineered Snow Leopard

Os-Nàdarra Part-timer

First Appearance: Threat of the I.T.O.U.E

Project I MK III 'Gray'

Genetically Engineered Wolf

First Appearance: Demon's Fire


Half-Immortal Husky

Son of Kleetra

Bounty Hunter

Os-Nàdarra Part-timer

First Appearance: Sons of Kleetra



Bounty Hunter

Os-Nàdarra Part-timer

First Appearance: Sons of Kleetra


Chi Fighter

Os-Nàdarra Part-timer

First Appearance: ???


Wind Sage

Os-Nàdarra Part-timer

First Appearance: ???


Witch Hunter

First Appearance: ???

Boswell MacAingeal

Ancient Phoenix

Patriarch of the MacAingeal Clan

Ruler of the independent Emerald Highlands

Owner of MacAingeal Castle

First Appearance: The Overlords

Degra MacAingeal

Mother of Volcan and Lighris

First Appearance: Unity Falls Gang War

Joseph MacAingeal

Royal Canadian Air Force

Captain of Hornet Squadron

First Appearance: Threat of the I.T.O.U.E


Demigod of the Underworld

Sultan of Hamunaptra

Servant of Anubis

Keeper of the Underworld Passage of Egypt

Creator of Necromancy

First Appearance: Demon's Fire

Yaiba Akatsuki

Ronin Samurai


Celestial Kitsune

First Appearance: Demon's Fire

Vernardo Glaseros

Father of Vinge

First Appearance: Sons of Kleetra

Janette Glaseros

Mother of Vinge

First Appearance: Threat of the I.T.O.U.E

Louise Mondiale

Real-Estate Entrepreneur

Father of Tsume

Tasina Mondiale

Rwandan Refugee

Mother of Tsume

Penelope Mondiale

Sister of Tsume

Tamira Mondiale

Sister of Tsume

Rosetta Rusenagen

Grandmother of Tsume

Richard Stevenson

British Immigrant


Father of Pavan

Nero Cornelius

Master of Genetics and Nanotechnology

Creator of the Projects, such as Rikyuu, Yurui and Terra

Currently MIA


The P.A.C.E Directive

Jacob Rex

Doctor of Genetics and Cybernetics

Founder and Leader of the P.A.C.E Directive

Former U.S Classified Research (Disavowed)

First Appearance: Threat of the P.A.C.E Directive

Adrian Broadside

I.T.O.U.E Counter Meta Trooper

Squad Commander

Former U.S Delta Force (Deserted)

First Appearance: Threat of the P.A.C.E Directive

The Overlords

Calhoun Demonfire

Founder and Leader of the Overlords

Spawn of Lucarinai

Fire Phoenix/Demon Hybrid

First Appearance: Demon's Fire

Asya Boleslav

Overlords Strategist

Former Russian Intelligence/Assassin

Queen of Lycanthria

First Appearance: The Overlords

Yaiba Kumori


Shadow/Void Nogitsune

Overlords Assassin

First Appearance: Demon's Fire


Psionic Naga

Overlords Psychic

Stalker and Assailant

First Appearance: The Overlords

Project S MK III 'Hayagake'

Overlords Scout


Genetically Engineered Velociraptor

First Appearance: Rise of the Overlords

Cyber Project: Dawn

Overlords Engineer

Genetically Engineered Wyvern

I.T.O.U.E Cyborg

First Appearance: Rise of the Overlords

Tory 'Devilshade' Destrason

Contracted Assassin

Explosives and Demolitions Expert

Gunship Pilot

First Appearance: Unity Falls Gang War

Abdul Al-Hakam

Overlords Sorcerer

Former Saracen Caliph

Cursed undead human

Potions Master

First Appearance: Liberation


Son of Kleetra

Immortal Dark Knight

King of Lycanthria

First Appearance: Sons of Kleetra


Njall 'Red Snow', AKA Njall 'Egg Breaker'

Ice Phoenix Warlord

Son of the first Ice Phoenix

Nemesis of Boswell MacAingeal

First Appearance: ???

Carlos Chang 'Chu-ko-Nu'

Professional Hitman

Thug for Hire

First Appearance: ???

Blair Harrison

Leader of the Chained Rims gang

Street Racer

Underground Street Boxer

Professional Boxer and Racer (Disgraced, Banned from all tracks and rings)

First Appearance: Unity Falls Gang War

Daniri Santiago

Member of the Chained Rims Gang


Illegal Immigrant

First Appearance: Unity Falls Gang War

Russel Agostina

Crime Boss

Founder of the Agostina Syndicate

Night Club Owner

First Appearance: Unity Falls Gang War

Project J MK II 'Hunter'

Genetically Engineered Tyrannosaurus Rex


First Appearance: Demon's Fire

Clone Nero

Genetic copy of Nero Cornelius

First Appearance: ???

Challenge the Warmachine Chapter 12: Triumph and Agony

As the evening sun stood high in the sky, beaming down on the Colosseum from above, audiences gathered in readiness to witness the final battle of Team Warmachine's competition; Team Warmachine themselves, versus their latest challengers, Team Valiant....

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Tsume's Relaxing Bath

Tsume stepped through the door to her apartment with a long, tired sight as she wiped the rainwater from her eyes, shivering slightly from the cold dampness soaking her feathers. 'What a day for a thunderstorm to hit,' she thought. While attending to...

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Challenge the Warmachine Chapter 11: Misguided

The team met up for breakfast that morning following the morning rush, having slept in after their gruelling battle with Team Phobia. The sheer scale of the battle had exhausted all of them, even Mikhail who had spent most of the night tending to the...

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