Lovable Monster (SR Side Story)

Story by hellhoundswrath on SoFurry

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#8 of Sibling Rivalries

Ava and Scar have a child named Damian and it is his first day of school

This story was written by my lovely mate @Fluffy_Leopard. Enjoy

It was early in the morning on September 6th. The black cat Scar and his black leopard mate, Ava hurried their five year old son Damian to the car for his first day of school. Luckily, the little feline was excited so it was easy to get him going in the morning. They drove to the school and after a few minutes they parked in the visitor's parking lot. Scar turned off the car and Ava climbed out of the car to get Damian out of his car seat.

"Okay, my little Damian, remember what I told you?" She said as she set him on the ground.

The tiny feline looked up at her with a big gold and a purple eyes. Then cutely said "To be a good little kitty."

She patted his head and said "That's a good kitty now let's meet your teacher."

"YAY!" Damian giggled. His little tail swished happily behind him as he walked with his parents into the building.

Ava pulled a paper from her purse and looked at it then at Scar. "Room twenty three and the teacher is Mrs. Morrison."

Scar smiled at her then picked their son up. "Well let's go."

They started walking up to the school and into the office. While Ava signed in one of the women in the office tried to start flirting with Scar but Damian started talking to her. "I wouldn't be cute with my daddy. Mommy doesn't handle it well."

Ava just looked up and smiled at the woman. Even through that smile the message of, 'He's mine' was still clearly conveyed. The women saw this and quickly went to the back of the office out of sight then looked at her family. "Let's go."

They walked down the hallway to room twenty-three then walked in. The 3 felines were greeted by Mrs. Morrison, a young confident looking doe. She smiled at Damian who smiled back. "Ready for a great year?" she asked still smiling.

Damian wiggled in Scar's arms as his excitement grew, until Scar set him down with the grace and caution of a bomb disposal expert. He squeaked with happiness.

"Calm down Damian." Ava said and slowly he did. The teacher looked at the clock then back to Scar and Ava. "Class will be starting soon."

Ava handed her son his backpack then gave him a hug. Damian darted over to Scar, stood on his foot and hugged his father's leg and black and red ringed tail. Scar booped his nose. "You be good little monster." Scar said causing Damian to grin at him. Ava got ahold of her son again and hugged him once more. "Have a good day Damian. I love you."

Scar and Ava left and went back home. About five hours later Ava's cell phone started ringing. She ran down stair to get but it stopped just as she got to it so she listened to the voice mail. She listened to and Scar walked into the room in time to see her frown.

"What's the matter Ava?" Scar asked as her walked up to her. She hung up the phone and looked at him with worry in her purple eyes and her ears lowered alittle.

"That was the school. Damian is in the office." She said still frowning and grabbed her purse. "Well shit." Scar grumbled as he grabbed the keys from the bowl next to the door. "Let's see what the little monster did this time." He said as he opened the door and held it open for Ava who sighed as she walked by.

About twenty minutes later Ava and Scar sat down in the Principal's office. Damian smiled at them and the teacher was a mess.

"What happened Mrs. Morrison?" Ava asked a little worried.

"He.... He was all but climbing the walls. All I did was give everyone in the class one cookie each. ONE! A few minutes later he went crazy." Mrs. Morrison said while shaking. The principal coughed getting Ava's attention.

"We believe your son has ADHD." She said seriously. Ava and Scar looked at each other then at the Principal. Together they said, "No shit. We both have it."

This caused the teacher to start crying. Ava looked at the now crying teacher then to the principal.

"How bad was he?"

The principal gave her a slightly mortified look then started messing with the computer on her desk. A few minutes later, she had an image on the screen then turned it to them.

"We have cameras in all the classrooms to for cases of fights or even this. " The principal said as she pushed play on the footage. Ava and Scar lend in to watch what their son had done to make the poor teacher cry on the first day.

A few minutes in, the footage they saw the teacher pass out the cookies. Then after another few minutes Damian started bouncing in his chair causing the desk to shake. Then it looked like play time started. Damian jumped up and started yelling while running around the class then teacher tried to calm him which worked for two seconds but then he got worse. The teacher had a larger fish tank in one the corners on the classroom. Ava gasped as she watched her son burst into motion, climb a book shelf and dive into the fish tank sloshing water all over the teachers nice play rugs. Scar groaned as Damian got free of the fish tank and headed to the art corner then started painting his red and black spots different colors. While he was painting his arm the teacher tackled the phone. While she talked to the office she tried to chase him away from the markers but failed and he scribbled across the dry erase board. Before they could stop him he had ripped down some stars that the teacher had hanging from the ceiling. After a few minutes the assistant principal walked in and gather Damian up... well kind of. The felines had to give that guy points. He convinced Damian to ride on his back not caring if he got paint on his clothing but not before he started chasing the other students. Mostly a little girl lynx. I raised an eyebrow at that and Scar grinned.

After the footage ended Ava hugged the teacher and told her how sorry she was her son did that. Ava looked at her son now seeing how much paint was in his black spotted fur.

"We will take him home so you guys can breathe." Scar said as he glared at his son and Damian realized how much trouble he was in and started pouting. He gave Ava big sad purple and gold eyes hoping she wasn't as mad just to get glared at by his mom as well. As they walked out the teacher and principal could hear Ava fussing at her son on how wild he acted after eating only one cookie. Scar just looked ahead and kept walking, trying desperately not to burst out laughing. He winched as Damian pointed to him and said "it wasn't one cookie daddy gave me snacks for my book bag and I ate them in the bathroom."

Ava froze and glared at Scar.

Scar's ears instantly went flat against his head and whatever urge to laugh he had was now gone. He looked at Damian. "Damian, I think its quiet time now. You're going to get daddy killed."

He gave Scar a devilish look. As soon as he opened his mouth, Scar's black fur stood on end. "But why daddy? You just gave me some of mommy's Oreos. You said you had a bet with your friends that you could make the first day of school interesting."

Scar glared at him and put his hand over Damian's snout. "SHUT IT YOU!"

Ava screamed and nailed Scar in the head with her purse. Both Damian and Scar started running.

Three Way With A Twist

This is the sequal to the story An Unexpected Surprise. Enjoy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ava put down her phone and looked at the red and black seed...

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An Unexpected Surprise

Hello all and welcome to my story. In this piece we will be assuming the role of Ava, gorgeous 6'3 black leopard as she tries to go through her morning. But little does she know that she's not alone. This is the first time that I have ever done a...

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Fun At The Beach

This story is dedicated to my lovely mate, who has feeling a bit under the weather recently. I hope you feel better soon, my gorgeous little leopard. I love you...

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