An Unexpected Surprise

Story by hellhoundswrath on SoFurry

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#6 of NSFW

Ava runs into a mysterious new plant and gets taken for a wild ride

Hello all and welcome to my story. In this piece we will be assuming the role of Ava, gorgeous 6'3 black leopard as she tries to go through her morning. But little does she know that she's not alone.

This is the first time that I have ever done a first person view from the eyes of a female character so if seems a bit wonky that's why. Enjoy =^.^=

It was 9:30 in the morning when the alarm on my phone started blaring from my bedside table. I rolled over and picked up the phone and looked at it with a glare. I swiped the screen, which shut off the alarm and grumbled to myself. "It's too early in the morning for this shit." I put my head back down on the pillow and tried to fall back asleep.

I was just about to when my secondary alarm woke me up. "Fuck!" I groaned. Unfortunately I knew myself well enough to know that I would try going back to sleep given half the chance. I grabbed the phone again and turned it off. I looked out the window to see a bright blue sky with the sun shining brightly.

"Why on earth did I have to get up anyway?" I tried to think of the reason but I couldn't remember for the life of me. As if on cue, the light on my phone lit up and showed that I had gotten a text. I opened it up to see a picture of my boyfriend Scar. The message read, "Good morning my gorgeous little leopard. I can't wait for our date day." A smiled a bit and typed my reply. "I can't wait either. I just need to hop in the shower. Didn't take one last night." I didn't even bother to put my phone down as I knew he would reply. Less than 5 seconds later he replied; "Ok. Have fun gorgeous."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I loved Scar but there are two things about him that drive me up a wall. The biggest one is his sense of punctuality. It drives me crazy, but things like that take time, and god knows I'm not leaving him any time soon.

I sat up as a long clump of my black hair swung in front of my eyes. I brushed it out of my face and got the usual morning urge and slowly shuffled to the edge of the bed. I sat there for a moment before attempting to stand. I stumbled for a moment before gaining my balance. My arms raised into the air and my back straightened with an audible popping sound. "Oh that felt nice," I purred.

I started walking towards the bathroom with my large, fluffy, black tail dragging lazily behind me. I opened the bathroom door and flipped on the light. My attention was drawn to the mirror hanging above the sink to my left. I quickly examined my dark grey and black spotted fur. I saw a small zit that was just barely poking through my fur. "Oh no you don't." I used my long feline claws to quickly pop it. After making sure it was all gone I smiled and ran my hands along my exposed fur, feeling for anymore of those annoying zits that might have been hiding under my fur.

I turned and started to walk over to the shower when I heard something hit the ground behind me. I assumed that my tail had just knocked something over again. "The curses of being a leopard. You have a sort and plushy tail that is great to cuddle with but it also knocks a lot of lot of shit over." I shrugged and continued towards the shower, whatever it was could wait until I'm clean. I grabbed the hem of my light blue nightshirt and peeled it over my head, tossing it behind me as I went. My 36D breasts bounced freely as I bent over and pushed my green and black pajama bottoms down my perfectly curved ass and toned legs before slinging them into a corner.

I walked a few steps more and peeled the red and black plastic shower curtain to the side. I looked down and grabbed hold of the cold steel knob and turned on the water. I put my hand in the stream and adjusted the knob until the water was at the right temperature. I purred and stepped in closing the curtain behind me. The warm jets of water started hitting the top of my breasts and cascaded down my body, soaking my matted fur. I sighed in bliss and closed my eyes for a moment to enjoy it. My mind began to wonder about what my devilish boyfriend had in store for me this time. Would we go on a nice walk through the woods or go for a nice drive with the windows down and the stereo blaring?

Suddenly a wave of naughty thoughts started going through my mind. Would he handcuff me and fuck we senseless in doggy style? Or would he put on his vibrating cock ring and fuck me that way? I absentmindedly let my hands drift down my body as my mind wondered. My left hand began gently pinching my nipples as my right continued south. I let out a quiet moan as my right hand reached my clit and began rubbing it. "Oooooh." I purred. After a while my fingers moved again and found my dripping wet slit. I slowly inserted my index and began rubbing my g-spot as another moan left my lips.

Even through my arousal induced daydream, I started to feel that something was... off. I opened my eyes and scanned the room but nothing moved nor was anything out of place. "Get a grip Ava. You're just being paranoid and jumpy." I reassured myself. I returned to what I was doing but I still couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. I continued fingering myself for a bit longer when I felt something brush against my leg. My eyes flew open and I looked down at the ground. I must have been going crazy, I must be.

There was thick green vine lying across the floor of the tub that hadn't been there when she checked a few seconds prior. At the end of it was a large flower with black dots. It looked beautiful and yet it was like nothing I had ever seen before. Was it a new species or had I just never noticed it growing around the house until now? "Wait a second, why am I wondering if it's a new species when I should be asking what the fuck it's doing in my damn bathroom." I bent down to pick it up and began examining it more closely. The petals of the flower felt oddly soft in my hands almost as though it was made of some kind of fabric. I got a bit more curious and tried to see if there was any smell to it. Just as it came within an inch of my nose I noticed the flower begin to open.

Red flags should have been going off in my head but I was too distracted. I put the now opened flower to my nose again. I was just starting to smell it when a small cloud of white dust expelled from the center.

"Oh fuck." I yipped. I dropped the bulb and tried to clean it off before my pollen allergies kicked in. Unfortunately for me, I soon realized that it wasn't pollen. Within seconds I could feel my body beginning to become more and more sensitive. I ran and shut the water off as even the feeling the water was enough to arouse me. I had to get out. I tore open the shower curtain find a wall of vines covering the door and the walls around it. Even though my mind was saying stop, I still stepped out of the shower and ran towards the vine covered door, pleading with a higher power that I could just yank it open and run out. I grabbed the exposed doorknob and tried in vain to make it open.

"Come on damn it. OPEN UP ALREADY!" I screamed. My blood went cold with fear as I started to hear rustling behind me. I slowly turned to see an army of green tentacles crawling towards me like snakes. "What the fuck are these things?" One lunged at me and wrap itself around my left arm. It felt strange as it attached, every nerve that it touched became pleasured. I panicked and started to slash at it with my claws. Just before my claws touched it a set of three tentacles wrapped around my arm and forced me to pull it over my head. I tried to get free by thrashing about. I kicked the air and tried to get the plant close enough that I could tear it with my teeth.

The plant had apparently gotten tired of my shit. I could feel the tentacles beginning to slither up the fur on my legs and prevented me from moving them. I felt myself being lifted off of the ground and my arms and legs being spread into an X position three feet above the ground. I tried calling for help but the plant had other ideas. As soon as I opened my mouth one of the tentacles jammed down my throat and kept me silent. I instinctively started to gag but the tentacle seemed to sense this and form itself in such and way that it didn't trigger the reflex. I was momentarily stunned by this before my thoughts returned to the current situation as the tentacle in my mouth began moving back and forth. It was slow at first but it quickly became faster.

I saw a large group of tentacles forming below me and rising to my position. Two broke off from the group and began hovering around my breasts. One became curious and poked one before it started to sway excitedly back and forth. It almost looked like it was happy with itself. But that happiness seemed to stop as it began wrapping itself around my tit. It coiled completely around it twice before it hovered above my nipple. I watched as the tip of it began splitting into three openings. I was beginning to wonder what it was doing when it suddenly latched onto the sensitive nub. I could feel it sucking and pulling in a way that I had never experienced before. It felt so good that I nearly had an orgasm when the other tentacle did the same thing.

The plants had plans for me as a group of 8 approached my crotch. Each one was a different size. One of the smaller ones arrived at my dripping wet slit and began rubbing up and down between my lips. Another small tentacle came up and began rubbing itself hard against my clit. I moaned again as I felt myself being thrown into a monstrous orgasm that shook my body to the core. The plant seemed to pick up on this fact as they began moving faster than before. A large tentacle approached pressed itself against my slit and began pressing against it. It applied more and more pressure until it realized it wasn't going to fit. Two more slender tentacles reaching in and spread me apart, making me wide open. The large tentacle returned and tried forcing itself inside of me again. I could feel my walls being stretched open as it slowly gained access. With a final push it was able to slid it. I moaned around the tentacle. I couldn't believe this. All of the feelings at once was too much to resist. I started relaxing and began enjoying the attention that I was being given.

But the plant wasn't finished yet. I felt several tentacles gliding between the cheeks of my ass. I hopped that they would just move along but I was soon shown otherwise. I could feel my ass getting spread as a few more tentacles began probing my ass. I now realized something else shocking, whatever this thing had given me was making every single area pleasurable. Two thin tentacles managed to slide into me and I could feel them squirming around inside of me. But this feeling didn't last long. I felt them as they began to stretch my walls apart and I knew that something bigger was coming but I couldn't see it. That answer was made very clear to me as one of the slightly larger tentacles began pushing in there as well.

I was officially stuffed to the brim and was loving every single second of it. Each tentacle was moving in different ways making it impossible to get used to one particular movement. I soon began entranced by what was happening. After three hours I was brought back into this plain of existence. By now the tentacles had been fucking me senseless. There were multiple puddles of arousal from the countless number of orgasms that I had. But now something had changed in the demeanor of the plants.

The plant seemed to go into a frenzy. More tentacles began to appear and were darting for my holes. Tentacles of all sizes began to press themselves against me. My ass was suddenly being stretched as two more small tentacles forced their way inside. The same happened with my pussy. I couldn't tell what was going on but I sensed something.

Within 10 minutes of the frenzy starting I felt the plants expand. The went harder and harder until I felt something from one of the other tentacles sprayed across my back. The plant was cumming. THE PLANT WAS FUCKING CUMMING! I screamed in my head.

One by one the tentacles began squirting a thick orange substance in every hole and all over my body. My holes quickly became filled and the plants cum began pouring out of my holes. The plant in my mouth also started this and shot a large amount of it straight down my throat. After 2 minutes the tentacles that came started to blow away and disappear into thin air. The final plant finished depositing its load inside of my pussy and disappeared. I found myself laying on the floor in the sticky mess that the plants had left. The orange substance leaked from every hole. The most confusing part was that I didn't feel any pain. I slowly got up and looked around at the mess. But I noticed something. There was a large red and black seed lying on the ground in front of her. I picked it up and smiled. "I might want to hold onto this. I might be fun later."

I opened the door and ran into my room, leaving a thick trail of cum behind me. I picked up my phone and looked at the time. It was 11:30 am. A wave of panic went through me. "Oh shit! Scar is going to have my ass for being .... So ... late."

I picked up the phone and called him.

He answered on the first ring. "Ava what the hell is going on? Where are you? Are you ok?"

I laughed as I looked at the seed in my hand. "Scar calm down. I need you to come over here now. And bring the slutty bat chick. I forget her name."

Scar went silent. "Why the hell do you want me to do all of that? I don't..."

I cut him off. "Just do it. You'll see when you get here." I hung up on him and sighed. "This is going to be very fucking fun."

Fun At The Beach

This story is dedicated to my lovely mate, who has feeling a bit under the weather recently. I hope you feel better soon, my gorgeous little leopard. I love you...

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Paralyzed with Fear (Edited)

This short story is based on a real dream that I have experienced. Some things may be exaggerated slightly to make things seem more interesting. Enjoy...

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Sibling Rivalries 5: Love Struck Feline

This story is dedicated to my lovely mate, @Fluffy\_Leopard. I love you gorgeous * * * It was 2:30 in the afternoon on Monday February 13th. Ava strolled through the house in a pair of green and black pajamas and a plain black tank top. With music...

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