Summer Heat – Chapter 33: Summer vacation – Part 1

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#33 of Summer Heat

I had to split this weeks chapter into two parts because it became longer and longer.

I am happy that I was able to air it this week. For next week I am not sure if I will manage in time because I am moving and I have guests at my new home.

I hope you like it anyways.


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 33: Summer vacation - Part 1

Zen was pumping in and out of Zina again. The panther gained even more endurance and Zen managed to hump her the whole next day without long breaks. Only during the meals he carried the exhausted and huffing girl to the table, just to continue there until he was knotted inside her and sat down with her to eat. The shy girl got more open with every hour. She even actively presented to Zen now every time he took a break and her heat made her pussy burn again. Zen had seen this love craziness before. Dott and Minna had been nearly as captured even though the big difference was that Zen did not tie up Zina, but the girl was extremely horny and was dripping juices everywhere she went. The little bunnies Diane and Ilia looked at him with big eyes for hours. Lily had told them about her pregnancy and about the rules here but for them it was very exciting to see Zen mate Zina in many different positions. He even started to teach them how to lick his balls and the clit of Zina while he was stuck inside her. Even though they were not too fond of the taste of his spunk, they started to like being treated like big girls and praised when they licked him good. Zen had them train with their sister in pleasing each other and Lily also showed them the best spots when performing fellatio on Zen. There were only a few hours where Zen regarded the little girls though. Most of the time he was captured by the heat of Zina the same way the panther girl was captured by the feeling of his member inside her and his musk. Zen wondered if Gilla had all this planned from the start and if the mother of Zina, Margot, knew about the real nature of this place. He was not even sure if Margot would have minded. She was at home getting the same treatment from her new boyfriend, Zen was sure at that. He was up for the challenge who would be pregnant first, the mother or the daughter. Over the next days the Heat of Zina got even stronger and the girl was mewling all the time and presenting for Zen. She was so strong in need that she was obedient to everything Zen did if he took her hard in return for it, which Zen was more than happy to do. He even took her anal a few times in in her high stimulation she did not protest and only groaned a little bit. At the third day of her heat she lay huffing on the bed with her muzzle, her ass and her pussy being drenched in cum and her fur was sticky and wet from their combined juices that Zen loved to massage into her fur. She smelled strongly about heat and his musk and Zen loved to wake up to this smell and push inside her sloppy snatch until he woke her up with a good knotting. The heat of Zina slowly declined but even at the day after her heat ended, she still was highly stimulated and presented to him. She groaned half of the time he pushed into her sore and overused pussy but something in the girl still craved for Zen to push into her. It was as if she had fallen for the wolf boy and got addicted to being mated all the time.

At this evening, after Zen came three times and made a bulge inside her belly without pulling out, Mara handed over the phone to Zen while he was still stuck in Zina. The girl only moaned very faint and was at the verge of falling asleep. Mara sat down next to Zen on the bed and caressed the head of the exhausted girl while she listened to the voice of Zen. "Hello? Zenith Moons speaking? ... Oh Mrs. Calligan, have Roana and Christine gotten to your orphanage good? ... that is nice to hear ..." he had to cover the speaker for a moment because a shifting of Zina made him moan silently. "... What? Oh here everything is okay ... Yes, they heard right. A few girls stayed here for a summer camp and ... If I would accept Roana and Christine back for the summer camp ..." Mara raised an eye brow and looked up to Zen. "... I understand ... yes I think we could manage ... in three days? That is not a problem and ... One more?" Mara was shaking her head. "Well that is a bit problematic. The summer camp was supposed to be only for school girls ... that would be possible if ... okay, can you send the formulas with her then? ... the ministry of education has already agreed? I think this should be fine then ... Don't worry about it. We are happy to help." Zen cut the line and let out a big moan while he spurted the last loads of his spunk into the black girl that was sitting on his lap. Mara looked at him with a curious look in her eyes. "This was Mrs. Calligan from the orphanage. It seems parts of the house were damaged in a storm and they do not have enough space for the kids. She asked if we could take Roana and Christine for the summer camp and one additional girl. She seems to be positive with putting her into school in the next year so I decided to agree. What do you think?" he asked Mara and the girl shook her head but then nodded. "Well, nothing we can do about it now and if they have such an emergency we need to help them. We planned to take additional girls for the next year anyways and I am sure you do not mind additional girls here." She chuckled and still caressed the head of Zina who started to purr tired. Mara removed her paws from the black head and slid her fingers against each other. "You two should definitely shower. I will call in the girls to help you." She laughed and stood up to leave the room. Zen laughed as well and took a deep breath from the scent of Zina. "I am not sure what she means. I think you smell wonderful." He joked and the girl giggled while Zen picked her up and turned to the door himself to go to the big shower. The other girls joined them soon and made sure both of their fur was silky and shiny after one hour of washing that was interrupted by a few mating by Zen. After he parted from Zina he also took Mara and Lily once. Lily's sisters were especially interested about watching Zen mate their sister and cheered when they saw him knot the bunny.

The next days both Zen and Zina recovered and they started to do normal summer camp activities. For Zen this meant to take a bit of the job of watching over his many cubs. They played outside with the older cubs. Dina, Zoe, Mia, Lim, Rose and Theo were already able to walk on two legs while Malaika, the snow leopard girl, and Nico, the lynx boy, were just about to learn it. During school it had been mostly Paula and a few of the girls watching over the cubs and caring for them but now that Zen was not teaching or rimming one of the girls, and writing his reports or grading the tests, he found time to help out with the work. He even changed the diapers of the cubs, however it took him a few attempts to do it as fast as the women. He got a lot of practice with all his cubs. Three days later, Zen put on some clothes and got into his car to get the Roana, Christine and the other orphan, that should arrive at the town a few miles away by bus in the evening. He still did not know what species or age the third girl would be and was a bit curious about the newcomer. He arrived a bit early and while he waited for the bus he thought about the girls who waited for him back at the school grounds. Zina returned a bit to her shy character in the last days, even though towards Zen she was quite attached and cuddly still. The panther girl seemed to have imprinted on him and even sneaked into his bed at night just to lay next to him and have him put his arms over her. They did not mate but both of them enjoyed the warm body of the other and Zen still remembered the purr of the girl. In the few days that he knew her, he already learned to hold her deer. She did not have quite the same affection like Mara, but like all the girls Zen did love her as well. Even more because he knew that she would soon have a belly as big as Lily and carry his cub. The bus came late and Zen was totally lost in the thought about his girls and even started to put his hand into his pants and rub his member, before checking that no one could look into his car, which was easy because the bus stop was a bit outside of a very small village and no one was around. When the big bus approached the bus stop he pulled his paw out, set his clothes straight and waited for the bus to stop, which it did shortly after. Only three girls exited the bus and then the big vehicle pull off the bus stop and left. Zen directly recognized Roana and Christine, but there was one more girl with them. At first Zen thought it was a boy, because the girl was wearing pants instead of a dress like the others. She was much bigger than Roana. When she turned around Zen could see that she was a quite beautiful black wolf. Zen exited the car to welcome them. He noticed that the new girl was only slightly smaller than he was. "Welcome back Roana and Christine and welcome here, erm..." he looked at the girl that showed a forced smile and extended a paw for a greeting. "Tara Woods." She said with a challenging tone in her voice. Zen took the paw and with a smile he kissed it which threw the girl a bit off. She pulled away the hand and Zen directly noticed that she was a tomboy from the way she acted. "Put the luggage into the back and then we can leave for the school. It will take around one hour to get there." Zen could not resist to notice that with Tara wearing jeans, it was clearly visible by the bulge around her waist that she was also wearing the anti-scent underwear. "How old are you Tara?" he asked when all of them were seated. Tara had sat down next to him and the other two in the back. "Fifteen!" was the answer of the girl. Zen noticed that she sounded very forced and was not very fond of discussion. "I see." Answered Zen. "Then you only have one more year in school. We will do our best to prepare you for the graduation." He smiled and looked into the mirror to the other two girls while he pulled away from the bus station. "How are you? I heard there was some damage to the orphanage from a storm?" - "Yes!" Roana was the one answering. "But no one was hurt. Mrs. Calligan was very worried because half of the orphanage was not accessible. She managed to send a few of the girls to other orphanages but we asked to go to the summer camp. She could not find a place for Tara and so we came up with the idea that she could join us in school." Explained the coyote girl. "Tsssk." Made Tara and vented her frustration about being sent to this school. Zen was not sure if the girl was just trying to not show her excitement or if she was really angry about having to join them in school. "I think you will grow to like our school." Zen mentioned. "It is quite different from other schools, you will soon learn that, but at the time you get used to it you will probably like it. Is that right girls?" Christina and Roana nodded and agreed with Zen. Tara did only make a snarling sound again and looked out of the window. Zen let her be for the moment and started a conversation with the other two girls on the back seat.

When Zen pulled through the gates he noticed that Tara got a bit more interested and looked around. He could even see a bit of excitement that the girl could not hide when he looked to the side. "You can choose a room that is free for the summer camp." He told Roana and Christine. "Show Tara around the house, I will be with you in a moment." And with this he let them exit the car and parked it in the garage. The girls got their bags when they exited the car and went inside the house. Zen went to his room and undressed first. Then he sat down on his laptop and looked at the cameras that were across the house. Roana seemed to be in a fight with Tara. There was no sound but from their gestures it was clear that Tara was not fond of the idea of stripping and refused to lose her clothes. The tomboy girl would be a handful to tame, Zen thought and started to go over the documents. In addition to the admission documents there was a letter from Mrs. Calligan.

Dear Mr. Moons,

Thank you for taking back Roana and Christine before the end of the summer vacation and also accepting Tara. I apologize for having to burden you with this in your days off. I hope that Tara will not make too much of problems for you. She is a very headstrong girl and usually acts more like a boy. She gets very moody, especially during her circle. I packed her an extra spec to ensure that she is covered. Here at the orphanage she is a loner and she gets into fights a lot. She also is not used to the orphanage or being part of a big family. She just joined us half a year ago, after her parents died in a car accident. She still is very sensitive to the topic, so I suggest you to not mention her parents much. I added all the papers as well as the documents for being responsible for the girl until she turns 16. This is the age when they leave the orphanage and so Tara will not return to us. I hope that you can prepare her to pick up a job and make sure that she gets back into live until the end of the school year. I have to admit that it is a load off my shoulders that you take her and cannot thank you enough for agreeing. Yours sincerely Abigale Calligan

Zen looked back at the documents. It was not rare that in case of no legal guardians the schools took over the responsibility to prepare the girls for the live and he was sure that the philosophy of the school, at least the official one, was one reason that Mrs. Calligan thought of him as the best person to prepare Tara for her adulthood. He looked at the monitors and saw the girls moving to the showers. The other girls were naked already but Tara still had her clothes on and a towel over her shoulder. Zen watched them entering the shower and here Tara finally undressed. When she bent forward to pick up her shirt, that fell down on the ground, he could see a shot at her drenched and slightly opened pussy. With the zoom, he got a shot at her hymen, that was faintly visible, and he created a folder and added this picture to it. Then he went to the room, the girls had chosen, and picked up the bags of the girls to store them in the storage room. He then went to the changing room of the showers and collected the rest of the clothes of Tara to lock them away as well. He thought that this way she would accept the rule the fastest. The smell from the special underwear was strong and Zen pushed his nose into it and felt his member creep out of his sheath. He threw the underwear into his room before he returned to the shower.

"Have you girls told her about the rules already?" he asked and Tara emitted a surprised shriek when she saw the male wolf enter the showers and tried to cover herself. Her eyes were glued to his full extended dick. "Not yet." Answered Roana. "We only told her that we do not wear clothes here but she did not like the idea." Zen smiled to Roana and then approached Tara. He could see that it was dripping between her legs from the spot that Tara tried to hide with her paws and that it was not all water. "You do not need to be shy or afraid." He said when he approached her but Tara seemed to start to panic. She turned around and put her tail between her legs that were now crossed. Zen moved directly behind her and put his head on her shoulder while his arms softly wrapped around the girl. "It is okay Tara. I will explain you the rules." He said and fought off the weak attempts of Tara to get free from his soft embrace and push him away. "You already got explained that we are naked all the time, right? Then if you are in heat ..." he slid his paw down her belly, over her dugs, towards her pussy and he heard a very faint moan that the girl tried to suppress. "... you have to tell me or Mara, who you will meet later, however I do not think that this will be needed for some time." He took in the strong scent from the girl. It was a mix from her heat and the wet fur from showering. "We do not hide from each other, we watch and learn from each other and you have to do what I, Mara or any other teacher tells you." He explained while he pushed the paws that tried to contest for the spot on her snatch away and scratched her labia and clit. He felt her legs loosen up from the stimulations and attempting a slightly spread stance while the girl still tried to push his arms off with weak attempts. She shivered and Zen noticed that she was captured by the strong stimulations and her heat but at the same time maybe a bit afraid of what she was feeling and the taboo that she was breaking. "And one rule I also have to mention." He said and he pushed her upper body forward with his own body which forced the girl to extend her arms and push against the wall to not topple over. He held her around her waist and with one paw roamed over her dugs. He could feel her strength and resistance weaken under his paws and loosen up in soft moans that she could not suppress. "When you are in heat, I will take care of you and you will get pregnant and bear my cub." He whispered into her ear, spared one lick over her neck and then bit down softly. The black wolf girl shrieked loud when his penis caught in her snatch and pushed through her hymen with one hard push. Zen did not go slow but hammered her with fast and hard pushes that made his knot slap against her labia every time. She was incredible hot and drenched and also very tight because the girl clenched her inner muscles hard. She groaned with each push but could do nothing more than push with her hands against the wall to not topple over. Her tail twitched between her back and his belly, where Zen moved it with one paw, and her legs slipped a bit more into a spread stance. Zen enjoyed the ride much more than the girl. With her muscles still clenching hard to push him out she felt as tight as his sister had felt on their first time. Her groans got louder when Zen pushed hard and his now fully formed knot spread her pussy a bit more with each hard push. The girl never stopped groaning and another shriek echoed through the shower when Zen pushed extra strong and sent his knot past her labia and breached her cervix in one go. Zen felt his balls contracting and the knot and dick throbbing inside her snatch. Her folds had closed behind his knot and rested against his base while he felt spurt after spurt of his thick spunk pushing through his dick into her womb and for the first time the girl moan and he felt her twitch around him. Then she put her head into the back and started a low howl and Zen joined in while he let loose of all his barriers and filled her so fast and hard that he felt her belly bulge slightly under his paw. He let go of her nap and licked over her neck and ear. "See ..." he whispered. "... It feels good, right? It will feel even better. We will do this all the time as long as your heat lasts and you will have my cub in no time." He heard the girl huff exhausted and moan weakly while his last spurts entered her womb and her twitches also started to slow down.

Roana and Christine watched the show and when Zen pulled his attention away from the moaning and huffing girl in front of him he saw the masturbating in the corner of his eye. The sight of the younger girls masturbating gave him a little extra arousal and he started to do some small pushes with his knot still tied within her. Like his sister, Tara was accustomed to have a knot inside her, even if this was the first time she learned about her body this way. She did not groan anymore but only moaned with each of his soft pushes. Zen hugged her and pulled her a bit away from the wall and then lead her to crouch down on the tiles of the shower. The water was not running anymore but the tiles were still wet from it. Zen established a medium rhythm of small pushes while he rested on the body of the now crouching girl that had her legs spread by instinct now to give him the best access to breed her. Her heat pushed away her worries, her disgust, her tomboyish nature. All that was left was a beautiful wolf girl that was captured by her heat and trebled in arousal and moaned from the stimulation of his thick organ in her love tunnel and sacred cavern. Zen felt himself getting ready to blow yet another load and shortly after he felt her belly bulge stronger under his paws when his member stopped and throbbed and spew out his sticky love juice. Zen let out a small howl while the girl under him still tried to catch her breath from her constant moans. She was athletic and had endurance but Zen noticed that she would not last much longer. He stimulated her with his paws at the teats and clit and at the moment, his member got softer and the knot shrank, he felt her grip around his meat and her twitching pussy orgasmed again. Her arms and legs began to tremble and Zen noticed that the they got weaker. When his knot shrank enough to pull out, she sighed and a strong stream of pee hit the tiles of the shower. Zen took in the hormone filled smell of her urine, turned her on her back and raised her hunched. His half erect member touched her slightly open lips and by instinct they gripped at it and squeezed it which made him hard within seconds again and his member pushed through her labia and into her tunnel again. The speed of Zen did not drop but even increased and her bred her hard while the other two girls watched and masturbated. Zen felt the energy of Tara fade away. Even though she was quite athletic and a tomboy, her endurance was not as good as those of some other girls he had. Her juices and the cum, that leaked out of her when he pulled out, made the fur around her pussy, her tail base and around her tail hole, where it dropped now, that he turned her around, slimy and slippery. He pussy, still stretched from his previous actions, did not deny his entry as hard as before. He slipped in and out easily and with increasing speed and she could do nothing but lay under him and huff and moan in the same rhythm he pushed. It took Zen only a few minutes before his knot made smacking sounds against her snatch and then with a groan, the first in half an hour, he pushed his knot in to the hilt and with a wet smack his balls collided with her sticky tail base and tail hole. He felt like this third orgasm pumped as much semen into the girl as both previous loads together. Her belly, which shrank down while she could empty out, bulged again and she also got down with another small orgasm while her huffs, that got weaker with each second, showed that she was at the limit of her energy. Zen bent forward and placed a deep kiss on her muzzle that she returned weakly. Zen put his paws and arms into her back and pulled her against him while he pulled back until he was first in a crouching stance and then standing in the middle of the shower with the girl impaled on his dick, knotted and slowly drifting into sleep while their muzzles were still connected and Zen looked into her closing eyes. When the girl fell asleep completely, still with his knot deep inside and carried by Zen like a little cub, he broke the kiss and lay her head over his shoulder. "Why don't you help to clean us up?" he asked the girls that now looked up. The had been in an afterglow of a small climax they achieved by masturbating while watching him mate. He pointed at the sticky hind of Tara and the girls understood. They began to clean them up with their tongues, starting with Tara, who did not react. They licked her fur clean as well as her tail and tail base. Then they continued with Zen's balls and the fur at his legs that got a few sprinklers. "You are good girls." He praised them after he got to another climax and added a small amount of cum to the already massive amount in the womb of the sleeping girl. They also helped Zen to dry his own fur and the fur of Tara before all four of them went out to join the others. Zen still carried Tara in front of him and had his knot stuck deep inside the girl. ...

Summer Heat – Chapter 34: Summer vacation – Part 2

# Summer Heat - Chapter 34: Summer vacation - Part 2 ... Zen walked slowly and his knot did not shrink because it constantly moved a bit inside the girl with each of his steps and she pushed a bit stronger against his base from gravity. Her legs...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 32: Summer plans

# Summer Heat - Chapter 32: Summer plans The end of the school year came faster than Zen would have wanted it to. They began the preparations a few days before the parents would get their children. The clothes of the girls were recovered from their 10...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 31: End of the second year

# Summer Heat - Chapter 31: End of the second year The start of June was hogged by the exams. The girls worked hard to get ready for the final exams that has been sent by the ministry of education. There was more work for Dott and Minna now in helping...

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