Summer Heat – Chapter 31: End of the second year

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#31 of Summer Heat

I thought I would not make it. I am not sure if I can make the next deadline because I am moving to a new appartment next month and have a lot to prepare.

I will try my best though. Hope you like this chapter.


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 31: End of the second year

The start of June was hogged by the exams. The girls worked hard to get ready for the final exams that has been sent by the ministry of education. There was more work for Dott and Minna now in helping Paula to care for the cubs because Bertha and Lena just recently got their own newborn. Bertha names the little otter boy Phil and Lena got a third girl that she named Anna. The mouse and the cheetah girl both sported big bellies as they were also soon to be due. Katherine now also was in class because her egg hatched and she got a little girl that she named Kim. Different than the other girls she did not give milk but they fed her with small cuts of normal food. Paula was a big help in selecting the right food because Katherine was overwhelmed and did not know the right food to choose. She calmed down a lot after her eggs hatched. The eggs of Samatha would hatch after the vacation and she asked Paula to take good care of them until she returned. All girls could concentrate on the material they learned in class and in the week of the final exam of the year they all were confident.

After Zen sent the tests to the ministry for evaluation, after the first checks by the teachers the grades were all good, it was time for their traditional sexual final exam, or to name the child by the name Zen mating especially the still virgin girls and have an orgy with the whole class. The belly of Lily only showed a bit but he caressed over it carefully when he took her at the start of the lesson. There were only three girls that still had their vaginal virginity: Nelly, the bear cub, and the two orphans Christine and Roana. The other girls prepared them with their muzzle and licked them to orgasm leaving the girls' pussies drenched in their own liquid. Zen decided to start with the oldest girl and Roana, the coyote, approached him a bit shy and hesitant. Zen was very soft and caring and started by caressing the arms and neck of Roana until she relaxed a bit and then he moved his paws over her dugs and clit and made her moan. He brought the coyote girl half way to her second orgasm and then had her assume the mating position on all fours. Mara filmed the whole scene in addition to the cameras around and Zen held her pussy open to allow Mara to tape the last shot at her hymen. "You will now become a big girl." He whispered into the ear of Roana and bit down at her neck before he mounted her and pushed his hard member slowly into her well lubricated snatch. Zen's loud moan overpowered the groan of Roana when he pushed into her tight snatch. She was much tighter than her species or size would have made suggest. In addition, she clamped down hard while he slowly pushed in and out of her running the length of his member through her tunnel that soon turned sore. Zen took his time even though he was highly aroused. He poked at her cervix for a few minutes until it slowly opened and allowed his member to slowly glide through her last defense into her innermost chamber. Now, that her tunnel went numb a little, she moaned between her groans but the groans turned into a shriek when Zen pushed his knot against her drenched folds and did not stop but pushed further. He did not pull back but applied more and more pressure to overpower the tight fit. The shriek turned into an uncomfortable groan but Zen moaned into her ear after he let go of her scruff and only held her with his body, that surrounded her from above and the sides. She had nowhere to go and she was too occupied with groaning, keeping her balance with the heavy weight on her and spreading her legs in the try to ease the pain of the overstretching by the knot. All the girls watched Zen go very slowly and place kisses on the ears and neck of the girl. "It will soon feel better." He promised. "I am almost in my sweet girl." With this he applied more pressure and even he groaned a bit from her tightness. He was in with half of his knot but the tight opening was still reluctant to let him slip in easily. Only a minute later, when he was over the thickest part, the closing labia helped him by pulling in the knot. Roana cried and huffed strong from the exhaustion and the pain but when Zen howled and came hard into her small cavern, she also emitted a loud moan and came around his thick member and knot. Zen moaned when he came down from his orgasm and pulled the exhausted Roana back into a sitting position, having her impaled on his dick while she was sitting on his lap. He caressed her engorged clit and made her moan while his spurts slowly subsided. He could feel a small bulge at her belly when he went over it with his paw. When his member stopped twitching he slowly made very small pushes that moved his knot inside her snatch. As a coyote, she was canine and therefore her pussy was built to have a knot inside. After a few minutes the girl started to moan but only very silent because her exhaustion caught up with her and she just sat in his lap and let him do as he pleased. Zen came two more times inside the girl before she got one final climax and then dropped out exhausted and slowly went so sleep while Zen still had his throbbing member inside her and waited for the knot to shrink down enough to pull out.

After Zen carefully put Roana down on one of the mats they put down at the outside schooling area to have her rest, he waved for Nelly to come closer. Christine got even more silent and shy than she usually was already after seeing her friend Roana crying so much during the act and she hid half behind the two horse girls Tanja and Sissy. Nelly trusted Zen and she was prepared for what would come. Zen had talked with her a lot before. Up to this point he only took her anal and the girl had found a liking to their sessions but today it would be popping her real cherry. Like before with Roana he prepared Nelly with his hands first, placed kissed over her body and even took a few licks at her dripping snatch. He moaned from the light but definite taste of the young girl and his member maxed out with the knot already growing again. Nelly did not need any advice how to crouch down, having seen it before and being eager to try it out. Zen took a good sniff of her arousal and then moved over her. Even though the girl was younger than Roana, she was bigger and therefore Zen managed to bite down and make her moan before he deflowered the girl with a long push. He asked her before if she would prefer an slow or a fast defloration and the girl decided to take the slow advance, even though it might hurt longer. Nelly groaned loud and tears formed in her eyes but she bit her teeth together when he breached her hymen and avoided screaming like Roana. Taking it into her coochie was new for her and even though she fought hard against letting out her groans it came out every now and then while Zen started to establish a slow rhythm of strong pushes. She was well lubricated and not as tight as Roana. As a bigger species she had the advantage of being customized for bigger members but other than Roana her body was not built to take a knot. When Zen bottomed out and breached her cervix his knot pushed against her snatch and she started to groan louder when he pushed and stretched her over the limits. The insertion and mating so far had been far easier than with Roana, but when it came to the knot it took Zen the extra time he saved to push it in entirely. Zen started to hammer hard and finally he pushed past the thickest part of his knot and her tunnel gulped down his knot until it rested thick and slimy right behind her slightly opened labia. The groaning of Nelly directly turned into moans when he started to inseminate her and the pain of the overstretching of her nether lips subsided a bit. She got used to the thick bulge just inside her folds quite fast. With Nelly being a bit pudgier than the other girls, there was no noticeable change at her belly even though Zen pumped a big load into her. Like with Roana he did not pull out until he had come two more times inside her. Nelly had more endurance than Roana but she also huffed tired after her third orgasm. Taking it into her vagina was much more stimulating than into her ass and in addition Zen started to poke a finger into her backdoor and stimulated her to come at the same time he did. Zen waited for his knot to shrink down before he pulled out and let Nelly clean up his dick. She licked over his organ and gulped down all his spunk. She was used to this task because this had normally been the foreplay before he took her in the tail hole in the last weeks. Just the amount of spunk was different but the bear girl seemed to not mind at all. After she cleaned Zen's member he took her two more times until she was knocked out as well with her fifth orgasm. Zen smiled and huffed a bit himself and placed the dripping Nelly next to Roana. Because it was a warm day they did not need to put a blanket over them.

Christine looked a bit afraid when Zen asked her to come to him and it took a minute and Nina stepping to the side and pushing the ape girl forward for her to approach him. Zen took his time to make her feel comfortable. He had her come once from his tongue and prepared her with his fingers to have the snatch stretched without yet touching her hymen. She moaned and relaxed but it took Zen half an hour before the girls was so captured in her arousal, that she followed his request to crouch down on all fours and forgot about her fear. Christine was a bit shorter than Roana but Zen still managed to bite her in the neck. Even the first insertion was hard for him because she was so tight and the head of his member was not completely in when he brushed the hymen and felt her snatch opening only very reluctantly. To avoid immense pain from slowly forcing her snatch open and having the breaking of the hymen prolonged, he took momentum and then speared down her tight tunnel and breached the tight fit open. She let out a scream nearly as loud as Roana before and his member stopped right before her cervix being not in to the knot yet. Her tight fit and her clamping muscles put so much pressure on his dick that it nearly hurt but he just held it inside and gave Christine time to get used to the feeling. Very slowly she relaxed a bit and he started a slow rhythm back and forth with small movements. She cried and groaned and even Zen groaned this time because she was this tight. Tammy had been tighter but not only did Christine not stretch as much but the girl was clenching her tunnel hard at every movement from the pain and did not relax. Zen tried to make it more comfortable and have her relax her tunnel by stimulating her dugs and clit but even when she juiced up, she still clenched hard. After a less pleasurable fuck than the once before Zen managed to breach her cervix eventually and with his knot resting right at her quivering pussy he inseminated the infertile young ape. He could feel her belly grow under his paw that caressed from the chest to her pussy and he stopped moving and let her soak in the feeling of being filled for the first time. She moaned for the first time and he felt her tight walls twitching. At the end of his climax she came down with a small climax herself which made her relax a bit finally. Zen took this additional liberty to start pumping again and the girl only moaned and huffed under him while experiencing the thick member inside her still climaxing tunnel. Zen went faster, now that he could slide in easier, and his knot poked at her entrance which stretched much better but was still too tight for him to enter. A very hard push made her scream and start crying again as his knot popped into her tight snatch. It was stretched so far, that her muscles could not even clamp down anymore. The knot also only went in to three fourth of the length and her snatch stayed a bit spread with the knot clearly showing at her entrance. The tunnel further down was too tight and with her clamping muscles was not able to take the big knot. Zen did not mind though. He added another sticky contribution to the girl's womb making her belly bulge out strong so that she looked more pregnant than Lilly. Zen pulled her back into a sitting position just like the other girls and his knot was slowly pushed further by gravity and the relaxing tunnel of the girl who lost all her energy and just hung at a thread to not fall asleep from the exhaustion. Zen let her adjust to his knot and the big pressure in her womb while he waited for his knot to shrink down and untie them. Christine hung in there groaning until he could pull out. With a stream of his spunk that went over his member and balls and a sigh of Christine he let the girl slowly drop to the ground and she was asleep just a minute later, finally being able to relax and totally exhausted from all the action.

Zen continued with the other girls and took each of them once to finalize the school year. Most of them were happily taking his dick inside their muzzles or snatch and at the end of the day even Zen was exhausted and dropped into the bed. The results of the exam soon came in and they all got the best grades, proving once again that the school did prepare them good. The end of the term came fast and the days were flying by until it was the day the parents would get their children. They all prepared, put on clothes and for the older girls the special underwear but even with a lot of thinking by Zen and Mara, they had not come up with a good strategy for Lily. The girl only showed a small bulge right now, hidden nicely by her summer dress, but the summer vacation was over one month and they worried that she might show more than would be explained with her just eating a bit too much and getting fat.

Summer Heat – Chapter 32: Summer plans

# Summer Heat - Chapter 32: Summer plans The end of the school year came faster than Zen would have wanted it to. They began the preparations a few days before the parents would get their children. The clothes of the girls were recovered from their 10...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 30: Bunny heat

# Summer Heat - Chapter 30: Bunny heat May started with a surprise. A bit earlier as expected Paula went into labor and at the evening of the first May she got a small girl that she named Sandra. Because everyone liked Paula and she was the one caring...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 29: The awaited spring

# Summer Heat - Chapter 29: The awaited spring The march passed by and Zen calmed down a bit. Without the cheetah in heat his libido was more under control and they made a lot of progress with their normal school material. The weather was warm enough...

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