Summer Heat – Chapter 29: The awaited spring

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#29 of Summer Heat

Sorry that I am a bit late today. I have not as much time at the moment as I would want to. I hope I will get next weeks release in time.


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 29: The awaited spring

The march passed by and Zen calmed down a bit. Without the cheetah in heat his libido was more under control and they made a lot of progress with their normal school material. The weather was warm enough to start with the swimming lessons again and Zen liked to watch them from the side of the swimming pool. Dott sat next to him together with Tina, Isabelle and Debra, who all showed big bellies and were due soon. Minna was helping Bertha with the swimming lessons. The otter also showed a very big belly while the belly of the mouse still only got a small bulge. Zen looked at the other girls swimming back and forth to the requests of the soft but firm lead of Bertha. Zen licked his lips entertained when he watched the girls weasel through the water. Samantha was the best one of all kids. The alligator dashed through the water like an arrow and left the other girls with no chance to catch her. Tammy and Sandy were the next after her, but with those three being species, whose ancestors once lived in the water or at least was in the water nearly all day, it was no wonder, that these three were very good at swimming.

"How is your mother doing?" Zen asked Dott. She sat directly next to him in the deckchair and he extended his arm to lay his paw on her slightly bulge of a belly and caress her soft nipples carefully. "She said she gained a bit of weight already and that Dad was confused but accepted the fact that he knocked her up again." Dott answered while she moaned lightly. "So he did not like it?" Zen dug deeper. "Oh, mom said he did not complain when she jumped him in the morning, but when she told him that she was pregnant he blamed her for it and ranted a bit. But in the end, he accepted it." "Why is your dad so against another cub?" Zen was curious. "You know?" Dott answered while her moans got louder, partly because Zen started to move to her pussy and caress her clit. "He wants to be there for the child and he knows that this is very hard with his job. He says that he is happy, but he is also worried that he might not be able to give his child enough time." "He sounds like a great dad to have." Zen hissed thinking of his own parents. "That he is." Dott moaned. Zen pushed his finger slightly into her pussy and stimulated her more. "And I know you are, too." Dott rolled over to his deckchair and onto Zen and spread her legs. His member was already half out but it twitched and grew stronger when her juices dropped on it. "You know, you forced me at first and there is no denying that you were an asshole." The girl said with a giggle. "But to be honest I do not think the life here is all that bad. I really like it here and once I got used to it, the pleasure to get rimmed by you is ten times stronger than the pain and agony you put me through. And with you around I am sure to never have to go through the stress of a strong heat ever again." She descended and pushed her pussy over his dick that slowly engulfed into her hot snatch. Her muzzle descended to his and her purr caused his member extra stimulations so that his knot started to form already. Zen let the girl do the work and bounce up and down slowly while he returned her kiss and gazed into the soft blue eyes of Dott. One of his paws caressed over the hind of Dott and massaged her tail base while his other arm extended to his other side and made Tina moan by fondling her big utters. He felt the milk leaking on his hand. He also let his hand roam over her big belly and felt the young one kick him once before returning to the utters. "I love it when you purr." He whispered into the ear of Dott after they broke their kiss and the purr got stronger. His forming knot soon made first attempts to limit the movement of Dott by reluctantly pop out of her snatch each time she pulled up and resisted to go back in when she bounced down. In the end it took five more minutes until it popped in with a moan of Dott and a climax around his base before it locked him inside her and the pumping of his meat introduced his own climax. "So you regret climbing that wall Dott?" he asked when both calmed down a bit. "Not a chance." Dott answered and Zen shook his head. "You are one crazy girl with criminal thoughts if you do not regret breaking into others property." He teased her. "Well, I would not have met you and found this life here without it, but I promise, I will not do it again." She kissed him again and Zen felt the last spurts adding to her already impregnated belly. After both regained a bit of their energy from the previous act and were finally able to part, Dott sat down next to Zen again and Zen watched the other girls getting ready to end the swimming lesson. Tina next to him moaned strong but suddenly he heard her groan. Something was different. When his paw glided down to her pussy, he felt her being drenched as much as if she had been in the pool. This only could mean one thing and he directly turned to the zebra girl. She was in labor. While Bertha directly came to them and helped Tina with the breath exercises, Dott dashed off to get Paula. Zen could do nothing more than holding her paw. It was not the first birth he witnessed, he had been there for all the births of his cubs, but he knew that he would be in the way of the more experienced women and therefore did his best to stay out of their way. All the girls stood around Tina and watched her giving birth. She was very fast, in comparison to the others, and when Paula came rushing by, the foal was already out and lay in the arms of the happy mother. Tina turned it around to let it nurse at her heavy utters and Paula did the medical checkup of mother and child before she declared that both were healthy. "My little Thaddius." She moaned because the drinking of the colt was stimulating her teats. Her face showed an exhausted but happy smile and Zen placed soft kisses on the forehead of Tina and the newborn foal. Zen carried the exhausted mother to the cottage for the cubs. They recently established a few rooms for mothers with their cubs to have a calm and isolated environment to rest up. They decided on that after Katherine lay her egg and now Zen moved Tina into the room next to the crane girl. The girl was sitting on her egg still, but she came by for a moment to congratulate Tina before she returned to her motherly duties. "You two get some rest now." Said Zen and caressed the head of the sleeping foal and gave Tina a kiss on her muzzle. "Congratulation Tina. He is gorgeous." He said this to all the girls but in this situation, none of them ever felt anything else than happy to hear it. Tina and her foal were the main topic at the dinner this evening and Isabelle was surrounded by Emily, Ida and Charlotte and they told her about their best wishes that the Giraffe would also soon deliver such a magnificent child.

April just started and everyone waited for Isabelle to give birth, when something happened that Zen awaited for a long time already. At April 3 he noticed a scent at the breakfast and it was easy to spot the dripping pussy of Samantha. Her scales glistered in the light and she was very occupied by this feeling and moaned when Zen put his hand on her shoulder. Like most of the times when one of the girls went into heat he did not hesitate long. He pulled her up from the sopping wet chair and had her stand on the chair while he pushed her forward and had her place the hands on the table. All kids and even the adult women turned to the pair and Samantha let out an embarrassed yipp when Zen licked over her drenched folds. She held her wide tail up and allowed him to bring her to her orgasm while her eyes were shut in her embarrassment. Her climax was a sloppy one and she sprayed her juices all over the head of Zen who could not hold back at this point. He was hard and ready for her already and while the girl still twitched and moaned he positioned behind her and aimed for her snatch. A loud groan escaped the girl when he penetrated her with one push and her eyes popped open. His member had been more massive than she had thought but soon after she started to moan strongly from the high stimulations on her sensitive tunnel. Zen felt her climax around him already when his knot just collided with her wet labia and he felt his own orgasm being drawn out by her milking tunnel. With a last push, he cramped in his knot and his member penetrated her cervix. Even though Samantha was an oviparous species, she was much tighter than Katherine and she emitted a mix of groan and moan at the top of her orgasm until he slipped in completely and her folds pulled him in. The tunnel around his knot pulsed and kneaded him to the orgasm. Only seconds later he felt heavy spurts of semen gush into her womb. Both, the girl and Zen, moaned loud in unison and Zen leaned forward over the alligator girl. All other girls were still watching them but neither Zen nor Samantha regarded them anymore. The girl huffed and moaned and wiggled her hind against Zen's hip while he rested his upper body on her back, sandwiching her big tail between their bodies, and licked her neck. Zen had expected her tunnel to be like Katherine's and allow him to pull out his knot but after a few tugs he noticed that she locked him in just like any other girl. After he caught his breath, Zen rose and pulled her upper body with him. He then sat down on the drenched chair and while he did small pushes up and made both of them moan from his shifting knot, they slowly started to eat the breakfast together. During the meal, Zen baited out three more orgasms from the girl and he himself also got two climaxes without slipping out of her once. Her belly bulged from the sheer quantity and with him bottling her up, the only moisture on the chair was her girlcum.

The circle of Zen's rut did not change with Samantha. It was just the same as with most of the other girls. The alligator was barely able to follow the classes every now and then because most of the time she was moaning from her heat and the invading rod that was inserted into her. She was by now used to the knot and did only moan when he pushed it in. Her snatch was drenched all the time and provided the lubricant to help him slip into her nice and easy. Zen moved to fuck her while facing Samantha. Not only could he kiss her this way, something that the alligator got really frond of, but her thick tail had been some problem when he was having her sit on his lap. Where it still was okay when he took her from behind, it was too thick and crafty to push to the side and therefore it was always between his chest and her back. The girl seemed to not mind much because the underside of her tail was very sensitive and even when he did mate her facing her front and rubbing his chest against the scales at hers, she moaned strongly when he massaged her tail with both of his hands. A few days later Isabelle gave birth to a cute little giraffe girl that she called Elizabeth. Because the heat of Samantha was still strong, Zen only moved his mating to the room where Isabell was giving birth. The giraffe girl was so occupied that she did not regard it but some of the other girls, who helped her, were a bit distracted every now and then by the strong moans of Zen and Samantha. The alligator girl was only barely clinging on to sanity as her face always showed the pure bliss and unbearable burning of her heat and she had the eyes half closed most of the times. Zen and Samantha achieved three climaxes each during the full labor of Isabell, with the last one being exactly at the time the young girl was born. Zen, still knotted to Samantha, moved over to her, taking the alligator girl that lay limp in his arms because she was knocked out by her last orgasm with him. He kissed Isabelle and fondled her utters where the young filly already was suckling hastily. Zen had Samantha rest afterwards and lay her into her bed while he cared for Isabell for a few hours and got his sex drive a bit more under control. That only lasted until the alligator girl woke up again and directly went straight to the room in the cottage where Isabelle has been moved. Zen was just discussing to prepare a room for giving birth close to the cottage, so it would be closer to move them there afterwards, when the heavy scent of Samantha caught his attention and had the girl moan strongly only a few seconds after, because he picked her up and pushed her down on his lap impaling her on his fast-growing member. It needed a few lectures by Mara to have Zen leave the room of Isabelle for their sessions to not disturb the fresh mother and the scaled girl and Zen soon returned to the main mansion and continued their love making in his room.

The heat of Samantha lasted four days and it took one more week until she lay her eggs. There were two eggs and Zen understood now why she had been much tighter than Katherine. Not only did she only lay eggs once a year but the eggs also were much smaller in comparison to Katherines eggs. The egg laying was quick and they brought the eggs to the cottage where they were stored under warm covers. Other than Katherine, Samantha seemed to be not so protective. She just kissed them a few times, made sure that they were warm and securely stored and then moved back to the mansion with Zen. In the evening, Zen completed his private study report. His conclusion was that because of this very different behavior towards the eggs, this was most likely one of the reasons why alligators were such a rare species. On the other hand, it was very rare for alligators to meet and being able to breed and other species were always very careful around them because it was said that they were easy to get into a rage and very dangerous at that. He could not confirm that. Samantha was a very nice, calm and caring girl. Even though she seemed to not be over protective for her eggs, he noticed that she went to them once a day and stayed at the cottage for a few hours. He heard from Paula that she did not lay down on them or guard them all the time but she definitely was drawn in by them and spend her time at a close perimeter.

The cottage got more and more cramped, not only because of the cubs that were so lively that Lena, Gilla and Mina had all paws full to take care of them, but also because more mothers gave birth now and moved over. Debra joined a week after Samantha's heat ended and gave birth to a healthy little goat girl, that she named Diana. April slowly passed by and then May started with a sunny warm day.

Summer Heat – Chapter 30: Bunny heat

# Summer Heat - Chapter 30: Bunny heat May started with a surprise. A bit earlier as expected Paula went into labor and at the evening of the first May she got a small girl that she named Sandra. Because everyone liked Paula and she was the one caring...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 28: Paula’s decision

# Summer Heat - Chapter 28: Paula's decision Another month passed and spring started. March went by rather uneventful and the tests for all topics went good. The girls worked good to learn all about the regular classes and Zen was pleased by their...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 27: Reasons

# Summer Heat - Chapter 27: Reasons When Mara got into Zen's room the next day she saw to her surprise that Zen was pounding the chirping and mewling Ida hard and on the chair there was a bound cheetah who was crazy from her need. She first thought...

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