Stalled (Cock TF + Lizard + TFTG)

Story by Nequ on SoFurry

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Alternate title: "Room for one more", "Charlie Tango Foxtrot".

In early 2017, a popular fast-food chain decided to dye their burgers green.

This was, of course, a publicity stunt. They had had some success along similar lines in the past, and most popular fast food joints regularly add some kind of specialty item to the menu, to draw people in with curiosity, if nothing else.

This time, the gimmick was that the burgers were spicy, with bits of jalapeño baked right into the bun.

Kyle Reyes had grown up on Mexican food, and so merely found the burger a pleasant kick. After finishing his lunch, he returned to his workplace.

It should be noted that a small but statistically significant proportion of customers were stricken with severe...digestive problems, upon consuming the green burger.

An even smaller group would also have a more adverse reaction. Sadly, this group would never make it to trail, and the no doubt lucrative settlement they would've won.

Reyes hurried to the bathroom. He was starting to regret his lunch choice, and not just because it broke diet.

"Hey, Ky-" Noriko broke off, upon seeing her colleague clutching his gut. "What's wrong?"

"Food poisoning," Reyes muttered, as he brushed past.

"Well...feel better!" she called after him.

Reyes nodded, and entered the bathroom.

A glance at his sweating, drawn face in the mirror, and he sat down in the nearest stall.

After making sure it had toilet paper, of course. No repeats of the Saskatoon incident here.

Now, we can draw a curtain over what Reyes went through. All you need to know is that it left his work shirt soaked with sweat, his tie loosened, and his shirtsleeves rolled up. He tried to keep the groaning low, as his colon tried to evert itself.

Presently, he reached a lull in the waves, and leaned on his knees for a few moments, gasping. His entire body felt hot, and-


He had a boner.

He didn't remember getting hard, that was the thing. He had never had an erection while taking a crap before. He just looked down and boom, there it was.

Not even at half-chub. Just straight up horny.

He stared at it for a second. Two. Three. Ten.


Well, he had plenty of toilet paper.

Ss he got down to business, the first thing he noticed was how sensitive little Kyle was. It took him barely any effort at all before he was close to climax.

But it never came.

Instead, he found himself thinking of anal. Of driving his rod into a tight rear, over and over, his claws gripping curves, his partner moaning, until the other man looks over his shoulder with Kyle's face, eyes rolling back in his he-

Wait, what? Where did that come from?

Why was his dick getting bigger?

And why couldn't he stop?

Why did he just keep squeezing and rubbing, as it swelled and swelled in his hands?

Why did his eyes glaze over, as his mighty member grew to the size of an avocado? A basketball? A small child?

Did he not notice the lumps growing on the side? The way his dick narrowed near the head? The broad shoulders? The wiggling? The way his dick braced its arms against the walls? The growing weight in his lap?

The answer, of course, is no. No he didn't. Not until warmth swept through him, and he blinked, and realized he had his clone sitting on his lap, a clone that looked over his shoulder and went "hey".

"Hey," Reyes responded.

And then he realized where his dick was; firmly nestled up his clone's anus.

Strangely, the first thing he noticed was the complete lack of the normal stuff you'd expect to find in a rectum. His doppleganger might as well have been bleached.

"What-?" And that seemed self-explanatory, so Reyes went "how-?"

Reyes Junior shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine, boss." He pulled himself off his progenitor and reached for the lock.

"Where are you going? You're not wearing any clothes?"

Reyes' dick was clean. Just wet. No semen, no...mierda. It looked a little funny but wait where was Junior going.

"Stop! Get back here!"

Reyes stood up. He got about a foot up before he sat back down, and grabbed some toilet paper.

By the time he finished wiping, it was already too late.

Junior jerked himself off...himself.

Three turned around, and stared at his progenitor with vertical-slit eyes. Junior felt a tingle, and his eyes changed too. Same with Reyes classic, when he stumbled out of the stall.

He found his naked clone's feet vanishing into the air vent. The other clone had clearly just given him a boost.

"What did you do?"

"I gave him a boost."

"To where?"

The clone's nose wrinkled. "Can't you smell it?"

Reyes blinked, and closed his eyes. He could smell it, he really could.

The ladies room.

"What the-" someone said.

Reyes opened his eyes.

It was Carl. He had a coffee cup - no, tea - and a sandwich in a bag. Clearly there to wash his hands.

Reyes turned to the clone. Somehow, he knew, he knew that he was about to pounce.

"No, don't-"

That's the thing about offspring.

They're independent.

Judy sat down, wiggled around on the seat, got combfortable, and then there was a creaking noise above her head. What-

Someone fell on her.

This was rather startling.

She had just enough time to think Kyle? before something entered her mouth. Something-

Okay, she was a healthy young woman with a decent - a semi-decent sex life - so she had mongled a few dongles before. But not at that angle. Not while some naked man put his face in her crotch.

She was going to say something, but then he pulled back and thrusted, cracking her head against the wall. He pulled back, and her head came forward with it. He thrust again, gentler this time.

She was getting a headache.

And the licking this guy was doing was starting to And pointy.

Soon he was bobbing up and down on the thing protruding from her crotch, something that started to look a lot more like...a dick.

Her suitor pulled himself out of her mouth with a pop, and gave her an upside-down smile. "You know what to do."

And then he crawled under the wall and out of her life.

Judy stared at her brand-new rock-hard penis. Her head still hurt, but a little less now.

And didn't her ex say that jerking off always helped with headaches?

Her dick started to swell almost immediately, and it didn't seem strange, didn't seem strange at all as it grew to the size of an avocado. A basketball...

Mabel Hart had worked at the company for over twenty years. She was experienced, she was reliable, she was unflappable.

And she had never heard anything like what was going on in the stalls.

Sure, she had heard sex before. Even made the noises herself, sometimes. But this wasn't sex, not exactly. Not human, anyway.

What was going on in there?

"-And that's when we called you, Mrs. Hart," one of the girls said. They were trying not to look like they were hiding behind her.

"Miss, dear." Hart licked her dry lips. What was that smell? "I think we should ca-"

Maybe she should call se-

The stall burst open, and people poured out.

No, not people. Not exactly. Not unless the company had hired a bunch of shemales with slitted eyes very recently.

One of them reached Hart, wrapped its arms around her waist, and kissed her.


It broke, grinned at her, and while Hart tried to recover, it...she?...reached up and pulled Hart's greying hair loose from the tie.

Then it spun her around, and pinned her to the counter chest down.

She could feel the heat in her throat, feel that pain in her knee vanishing. She could feel her breasts firming up, and most importantly, she could feel the creature ripping her hose and underwear open, then driving right in.


Oh, wow.

But what she could see, in the mirror, was her eyes going yellow and slitted. In fact, the creature behind her had slitted eyes already, but now they turned golden too.

Someone else - another girl - landed on the counter next to Mabel, one of the girls who called her in the first place. Her tongue hung out of her mouth, and her eyes rolled back in her head.

In fact, her tongue looked rather long, and Mabel's tongue felt strange in her mouth too.

Someone cried out over by the hand dryer, and Mabel turned her head that way. The girl over there was slowly turning black and read, like ink dropped in a glass of water.

MAbel raised her own hand, stared at it. Black and yellow. Like that lizard she saw in a book once. The


creature behind her was going a rather stereotypical green.

Something budded at Mabel's crotch.

As it happened, the changing bed could support two rutting people. Well, one lizard person, and one human woman, with a rapidly shifting face. Something protruded from her highly professional pants, but she was too busy throwing her head back to care, even as her muzzle grew out.

In the men's room, Reyes was alone on the floor. He could feel them all. Every twitch, every pulse, every change of every muscle, the collective heat of all of them, the desire-

He squeezed his golden eyes shut, and clutched his head, and tried to keep the fire from consuming him.

The lizards in the ladies' room flooded into the hall, in a wave of tails and spikes and muscles. where their brothers had already gotten started. They converted new brothers and sisters and then immediately got them them off, making new siblings to join the fun.

One of Mabel's sisters had one of her brothers up against the side of a cubicle, his claws cutting into the cloth even as his chest blossomed and waist narrowed. Someone's hand...their claw reached around and squeezed his dick, which was already swelling-

Darius Green adjusted his glasses, and stuck his head in the fridge. The warm, golden light of the bulb lit his brown skin, and bright green frames. He reached in with one hand-

Someone entered the room behind him.

"Hey," he said, "did you move my bag? I thought I left it-"

A powerful hand grabbed him and shoved him into the fridge, sending food all over the front of his shirt.

"Hey! What are you-"

The hand held him in there, now it was joined by others. Keeping him pinned. Something cold ran down his spine, and it wasn't just the freon.

"This isn't funny, guys!"

He wasn't exactly a small guy, but he couldn't get enough purchase on the fridge to get out. Or to stop them when they reached around his waist and unbuckled his pants.

"Wait, wait a second-"

Something hot and wet and long engulfed his cock, wrapped around it

"Stop that!"

The mouth...that mouth was the wrong shape. Tongues shouldn't be that long, and occasionally he felt the prick of what had to be teeth.

Someone drove their cock into his rear.

He couldn't get a good look, couldn't turn his head around very far. Enough to see that whatever was giving him a blowjob, it was either not human, or wearing a very expensive costume.

He braced again, pushed-

And his waist abruptly narrowed, leaving him gasping for breath. The extra flesh - okay, he had a bit of a spare tire down there - went upward, turning his chest into jiggling mounds.


His breasts got bigger.


Bigger still. They felt real too, even when he tasted them with his tongue.

Wait, tongue?

His tongue was a lot longer now, and if he crossed his eyes, he could see his nose pushing out, going from brown With bright pink stripes?


Her tail uncoiled, and curled around his suitor. Felt like they were roughly the same shape as him-


Darius pushed back with his massive rear, braced himself by digging his claws into the cheap linoleum floor, the inside of the fridge.


How had he never noticed the smell before? The chicken soup. The spices in his ham sandwich. The mold on the spaghetti that got lost behind the milk bottle.

And the


thing sucking his dick pulled off.


Wait...what was that feeling?

He looked down again. Yeah it was getting bigger. Fast, too.

His dick was huge, and it was changing, and he came-

He closed his eyes and rode it out. It went on and on, until her dick slid out of something-

Something hit the underside of the fridge rack he was leaning on. Darius looked down: another lizard-girl who probably looked a lot like he did now. Smelled good too.

"Hey," he said.

Her sister grinned up at her. "Hey."

"You got something on your chest."

"Oh." She looked down, ran a finger through the mess, popped it into her mouth, and sucked it off. "Can you help me with this?"

What were they?

Noriko Rin hid in the cupboard and tried not to whimper, not to cry, not to breathe.

She could still hear those things outside, those lizard things with their things that turned people into more lizard-things with things of their own that turned into lizard-things.

This was worse than that Amway pitchman.

She could try and dial out, but her phone wasn't on silent - and if she got out of this, she'd keep it on Vibrate for the rest of her life - and those things might hear her, hear the soft click when her phone unlocked, hear the friction of the power button rubbing against the case, there was no way to tell!

Okay. Okay. She had to be calm. Breathe in, ichi, ni, san, shi, breathe out, ichi, ni, san, shi, bre-

Sniffing outside.

Noriko held her breath.

The sniffing stopped.

And then; "we can smell you, girl."

They dragged her out, kicking and screaming. Nothing but the lizards, everywhere she looked. Huge dicks, naked breasts, what was left of their clothes. In fact, some of them, some of the "women", looked like they had been wearing ties-

What were they all waiting for?

A path cleared.

This lizard-thing was more of a lizard-man. It was big; the spikes on its head brushed the drop-ceiling. It had muscles. It had presence, it had confidence. It had-

Noriko glanced down, looked up at the thing's face, then did a double-take. That wasn't a penis, that was a blunt instrument.

What...what was that smell?

"Please..." She swallowed. "I'll...I'll do anything you want."

It had reptilian eyes. Books said that about people, sometimes, but they were literally reptilian. Dull gold. Vertical pupils. And they looked down at her like a gecko watching a fly.

An insect.

"Just don't...don't turn me into..."

He didn't move. Didn't blink. None of the lizards moved either. Except for the two holding her, who just let go-

She didn't run.

Where would she run to?

The big guy put a hand on her shoulder. She flinched as a claw traced her cheekbones, like some kind of messed-up boyfriend.

And then he smiled.

" Kneel."

Stalled 2017 Nequ CC By-SA-NC Fan stories welcome.

The trigger is based on my experiences with that Burger King A1 Steak Sauce black burger they had for Halloween one year. Ever crapped green? I have. I don't recommend it.

You know all those TF stories where some meteor falls to Earth and then transforms a hapless human into something much more...stimulating?

I wrote that, except in reverse. The meteor was a human digitized into nanoprobes, who turns an alien insect into a human. I called it Vanguard.

And I wanted to do the same thing with Cock Transformation, which I dislike.

I'm not slagging off people for liking it, but I don't like the idea of loss of agency. Playing with it, sure. Corruption, mind control, bimbofication, eh. Becoming nothing but an dick? What if your host gets a nasty infection? What if they get in a fight with someone who hits low?

And that's not even counting the stories where the person's mind explicitly dies while being transformed into an underslung launcher, so to speak. Who's going to water their houseplants and feed the cat?

So, here we are. I posted this on April Fools so people wouldn't yell at me. Well, not as much as they might.

Any questions?

Obeysance: Tiger Tyger (latex corruption TFTG)

TRIGGER WARNING: This story contains latex transformation, a tiger, bondage, femdom, inflation, gender shifting, non-consensual sexual activity, slightly less non-consensual sexual activity, consensual sexual activity, anal, reverse anal, gratuitous...

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The Spray (Latex TF/Herm/Lizard/Rat/Goo/Eggs/Fdm)

**WARNING** : This story depicts abuse of magical rubber spray sealants. If you have any magical rubber spray sealants, do not use them to seal a mascot costume to someone's head and then stuff then in a locker. In fact, that's a pretty bad idea in...

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