The Helpline Chapter 7

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#7 of Helpline

The Helpline

Chapter 7 :


By Kendo Kawabata

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Contact : GrantTiger (Online)

9:58 PM DanielLion - GrantTiger Um, hey hun. *gives a hug.

10:04 PM DanielLion-GrantTiger *hugs tight. "You there hun?"

10:10 PM DanielLion - GrantTiger I...I hope I'm not bothering you...but, I need to talk. Are you there?

10:20 PM DanielLion - GrantTiger. I'm sorry to bother you. I'll try tomorrow.

10:21 PM GrantTiger - DanielLion Do you have any idea how late it is? I'm about to go to bed and you want to message me now?

10:23 PM DanielLion - GrantTiger I...I'm sorry. I thought you were online, because your status says your online. I just wanted to talk.

10:25 PM GrantTiger - DanielLion Well, like I said. I'm going to bed in a few. Is this important? Or can it wait?

10:27 PM DanielLion - GrantTiger I guess it's not that important. Can we talk tomorrow?

10:30 PM GrantTiger - DanielLion If we have to. Look, let me have some time in the morning to myself, I got stuff I need to do. Call me about 10, ok? We'll talk then.

10:32 PM DanielLion - GrantTiger Oh, Ok. We can do that. So, I'll see you tomorrow morning? At 10 AM? Promise?

10:35 PM GrantTiger - DanielLion Yeah sure, whatever. I need sleep.

10:36 PM DanielLion - GrantTiger Ok. I'll see you tomorrow.

10:37 PM GrantTiger - Offline

10:37 PM DanielLion - GrantTiger And, thank you. This means a lot to me.

Contact is offline. Message has been saved in storage.

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8:00 AM GrantTiger - Logging in.

8:15 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger Yo man. What's up?

8:17 AM GrantTiger - DiegoKK Ugh. Went to bed late last night. Not enough sleep for myself. How about you?

8:20 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger Me and the guys are heading out for coffee this morning. Then we're going bowling. Then gonna hit up the bar for the afternoon. You up for it?

8:22 AM GrantTiger - DiegoKK What time you meeting up for coffee? It sounds good right about now. I need a pick-me-up.

8:25 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger Meeting up at the Starbucks in town at 10ish. I know its your day off, you never do anything. Come on out with us.

8:27 AM GrantTiger - DiegoKK Who else is going?

8:30 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger Me, Eric and Paul. We didn't invite Daniel, he's a downer, so don't tell him if he texts you. He's been doing that a lot lately. Getting really annoying. Need a day without him, so we're going all undercover.

8:35 AM GrantTiger - Diego KK You know what, sounds great. I got nothing else going on either today. I'll jump in the shower and I'll join you guys soon.

8:36 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger Awesome. See you soon

8:36 AM DiegoKK - Offline

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9:50 AM DanielLion - Logging In.

Contact : GrantTiger (Online)

10:01 AM DanielLion - GrantTiger Hi hun. I'm... I'm sorry about last night. I'm sorry that I bothered you so late. I know I shouldn't have, but I really needed to talk to someone last night, and I saw you were still on. I'm....I'm sorry if I upset you or anything.

10:03 AM DanielLion - GrantTiger It's just....I'm not in a good place right now. I think I'm depressed. And I'm not having good thoughts either. And they've been appearing more and more into my mind every day, and nothing seems to be helping me. I'm....I'm scared.

10:05 AM DanielLion - GrantTiger Have you had any trouble talking to the others lately? I think... I think they might be avoiding me. I try sending a 'Hello' to them, but they don't reply. Sometimes they do, but I have to say 'hello' half a dozen times before they do, and ... I get the feeling they're irritated when they reply. But I know they're online, because it says so on the program. So, they have to see the alert when they get my greeting, right?

10:07 AM DanielLion - GrantTiger Why would they be avoiding me? I can't help but feel that they do. And I don't know what I did wrong. If I do get them to respond, they only say 'Hi' and 'I'm fine. How you doing?', and then I don't get a reply for an hour or more. I can't get them to talk to me, so how I can I know if I did anything wrong?

10:10 AM DanielLion - GrantTiger Did I do something wrong at the Fantasy Prime Con we went too last month? I know you were all planning to go for months, but you all seemed so eager and happy I was able to go as well. It was my first con ever, and I was so happy to get to meet you all because we hadn't been together in so long, and I know how hard it is for me to meet up since you all live on the other side of the country. I didn't know you had all made plans to do things before I got there.

10:11 AM DanielLion - GrantTiger I'm sorry I stayed in the hotel room for the whole con, but I was really upset. I could only take the weekend off and I know I didn't have a real costume so we could all fit in, but you all went off without me and left me behind and all I wanted to do was cry. I know it was selfish of me to do it, but if it offended you all and ruined your week, I am so, so sorry about it.

10:13 AM DanielLion - GrantTiger I just....I feel like I'm losing here. I don't understand why my friends are avoiding me, and I can't get anyone to talk to me, and I feel like I'm just losing myself.

10:14 AM DanielLion - GrantTiger I have a knife beside my bed. A freaking knife. Yesterday, I put it there because I tried talking to Paul, and I sent him a 'hello' and then he disconnected literally right after. Like, literally right after it got sent. I felt like I was slapped, and I just went to the kitchen and got it and I .... I rubbed it over my arm for like half an hour, just feeling the metal against it.

10:17 AM DanielLion - GrantTiger. I almost cut myself last night, and I almost did it. I swear, I was going to do it. That's why I tried talking to you. I'm sorry that I disturbed you, but I really, really needed to talk to you. And I'm really, really happy that you're listening to me and letting me say all this, it's means so much to me to know that you care enough to listen.

10:20 AM DanielLion - GrantTiger Grant, um... I'm sorry to lay all of this like this on you. I just...I really needed to get it all out, because I was starting to get afraid you wouldn't listen and I just had to say it all at once. So, I'm sorry I just went off like that, I just needed to get it all out before I ..... before I got cold feet.

10:23 AM DanielLion - GrantTiger So that...that's why I had to talk to you. I'm....I'm really happy you could listen to me like this. It means a lot to me.

10:30 AM DanielLion - GrantTiger Grant....can you say something please? I'm....I'm getting nervous again.

10:35 AM DanielLion - GrantTiger Grant, are you there? Please tell me that you're there.

10:40 AM DanielLion - GrantTiger You said you'd talk to me at 10. I waited till it got to ten. Why aren't you there?

10:50 AM DanielLion - GrantTiger Grant, please say something.

11:00 AM DanielLion - GrantTiger Grant, please say something.

11: 10 AM DanielLion - GrantTiger. Grant, please....please be there. Please.

11:20 AM DanielLion - GrantTiger Grant, please don't ignore me. I'm....I'm not.....I'm not good right now. Please speak to me.

11:25 AM DanielLion - GrantTiger I really, really need help. Please pick up. I think I can get help, this doe said she could help after I called the number, but I don't know how she could. And I'm scared to try. Please answer me, I need your help. I'm so scared right now.

11:30 AM DanielLion - GrantTiger. I'm going to call you. Please, please pick up. I really need your help. I'm not well, I just know I'm not. I feel like I'm getting worse.

11:35 AM. Please Select Contact. Contact : GrantTiger (Online) Calling Contact : GrantTiger (Online) Connecting ...

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11:45 AM. Please Select Contact. Contact : GrantTiger (Online) Calling Contact : GrantTiger (Online) Connecting ...

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11:55 AM. Please Select Contact. Contact : GrantTiger (Online) Calling Contact : GrantTiger (Online) Connecting ...

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12:00 PM GrantTiger - DanielLion. For fucks sake, if I don't answer, it means I don't want to talk to you. Get it? I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU. Stop ringing me and go bother someone else.

12:23 PM DanielLion - GrantTiger. I'm sorry Grant. I won't bother you any-more, I promise. Thanks for being my friend.

12:24 PM DanielLion - GrantTiger Goodbye.

Thank you for using Sierra Messaging Services. We are signing you out. Have a nice day.

'Suicide From Apartment Block - Young male lion throws himself from balcony after cutting own throat.

WARNING Distressing content ahead. Please do not click link if you do not wish to view.

A thirty-two year old victim, a male lion, has been identified by his neighbours as Daniel King, after he threw himself from his sixth floor apartment balcony after committing suicide.

Witnesses in the area report they saw him climb up onto the railing and stand on the edge, while holding a knife in his hand. Despite several shouts and calls from the witnesses not to jump, the victim then proceeded to cut his own throat before he fell forward from the balcony.

"It was was just horrible" one witness claimed. "I've lived beside him for years, and he's always been this quiet guy, never in any trouble. And then he just went up and did this. I've never seen so much blood."

Lisa Maria has lived in the area her whole life, and she has never seen such an act being committed before.

"It was just a tragedy. He was still young" she claimed. "why did he do this? Why would anyone just throw their life away? It's just tragic, because it doesn't make any sense.

Despite the attempts of witnesses at the scene to perform first aide, paramedics arrived on the scene and were unable to revive him. He was pronounced dead at one pm.

Kara Strapp, Yohan Seven News.

Welcome to Sierra Messaging Services. Please Select a contact to start your conversation.

Contact : DiegoKK (Online)

11:37 AM GrantTiger - DiegoKK Please tell me you saw the news last night when you guys got home.

11:38 AM Diego KK - GrantTiger Why? What did I miss?

11:39 AM GrantTiger - DiegoKK Seriously? You didn't watch it?

11:40 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger Dude, it's all about that stupid Kardashian bitch, or that orange soda can we call a president. What's so special about missing that?

11:40 AM GrantTiger - Diego KK Just click this link.

11:45 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger. Is this some kind of joke? Cause if it is, I'm not laughing.

11:50 AM GrantTiger - DiegoKK This isn't a joke. Daniel killed himself yesterday. While we were out bowling.

11:52 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger Seriously? You sure that's him?

11:55 AM GrantTiger - DiegoKK YES I am sure. That's his home town. That's his apartment. That was him. Look, it even has his freaking picture. Daniel killed himself.

11:58 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger Hold on, I'm getting the others into the chat. I showed them the link too.

11:59 AM Contact : PaulyD69 (Online) has joined the conversation.

12:00 PM Contact : DawgEric (Online) has joined the conversation.

12:01 PM DawgEric - Group What the hell is this link? You make up something in your spare time?

12:02 PM PaulyD69 - Group I have no idea. Ask Diego, he sent me the link.

12:03 PM DiegoKK - Group No, it was Grant. He sent the link. He thinks it's about Daniel.

12:04 PM DawgEric - Group Why would that weirdo be in the news?

12:05 PM GrantTiger - Group Because he killed himself. Did you even click the link?

12:06 PM DawgEric - Group Yes, I looked at the link. So some lion killed himself. So what?

12:08 PM GrantTiger - Group It wasn't some lion, it was Daniel. He killed himself yesterday. That's him in the article. I think he's been suicidal and depressed for a while.

12:10 PM DiegoKK - Group What makes you say that?

12:15 PM GrantTiger - Group I forgot I left the messenger on yesterday. He came online and tried talking to me. But I wasn't home. What he was talking about, guys, it was serious. I'm pretty sure he was well into depression if I'm reading this right. He got really upset really quickly when he realised I wasn't answering.

12:16 PM PaulyD69 - Group So what? He always gets upset when we don't talk him. It's nothing new.

12:18 PM GrantTiger - Group No, I mean he was VERY upset. He tried calling me, but I never got the alert cause my phone was on silent. And it was in my backpack. And I DIDN'T send him a message telling him he was annoying me. I would never say that to him.

12:20 PM DiegoKK - Group You were saying that over coffee yesterday. You kept saying how annoyed you were that he was always bugging you.

12:21 PM GrantTiger - Group Dude, I was still half asleep. I was just venting, I didn't actually mean it. And I didn't send that message to him. I think it pushed him over the edge cause he just said goodbye after it and logged off.

12:22 PM PaulyD69 - Group Over the Edge. LOL. Good one.

12:23 PM GrantTiger - Group That wasn't funny and you know what I meant. Look, he mentioned he had a knife and was trying to cut himself. He tried calling out to me, and when he got that horrible message from 'me', he went and killed himself cause he thought no-one cared about him. And I know one of you guys sent that message while I was in the bathroom cause my phone wasn't in the same pocket in my bag where I left it.

12:25 PM DawgEric - Group Dude, look, if it was Daniel in the news, yeah, it's a bad thing. But honestly, I don't really care. He was getting annoying really fast, and well, as bad as it is, we don't have to deal with him any-more. So why make a fuss?

12:26 PM GrantTiger - Group You cannot be serious. He's dead, and you don't care?

12:28 PM PaulyD69 - Group Dude, I'm late for practice. Can we get a lecture from you another time? Say, about something actually important?

12:29 PM PaulyD69 has left the conversation.

12:29 PM Contact : Pauly69 (Offline)

12:30 PM DiegoKK - Group Good point. I gotta get the laundry on. Sorry about Daniel.

12:31 PM DeigoKK has left the conversation.

12:31 PM Contact : DiegoKK (Offline)

12:35 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric It was you, wasn't it?

12:36 PM DawgEric - GrantTiger What was me?

12:37 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric You sent him that message. You heard my phone vibrating. It's connected to the chat program, but I had the notifications for the messaging part off, but it could still get calls. You saw he was trying to reach me and you sent that horrible message to him, didn't you?

12:39 PM DawgEric - GrantTiger You think I did it? Where's your proof? You gonna dust the phone for prints or something?

12:41 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric. You were pretty full of yourself when I got back from the bathroom. Like you were proud of yourself. You did it, didn't you?

12:42 PM DawgEric - GrantTiger So what if I did? Blaming me for this doesn't do anything.

12:43 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric I can't believe you did that. He was reaching out for help from a bad place and you just blew him off? How could you?

12:45 PM DawgEric - GrantTiger It was surprisingly easy.

12:47 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric You FUCKER!! You pushed him into it, and you don't care, do you? He was our friend.

12:49 PM DawgEric - GrantTiger. Oh look, Mr High-and-mighty is looking down on me. Hey, you were the one that wasn't around to talk to him when he apparently needed it. Don't look your damn nose down at me because you were ignoring him too.

12:50 PM Contact : DawgEric (Offline)

Thank you for using Sierra Messaging Services. We are signing you out. Have a nice day.

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Contact : PaulyD69 (Online)

1:35 PM GrantTiger - PaulyD69 We need to talk. About the con.

1:55 PM PaulyD69 - GrantTiger The hell we need to talk about that for?

1:56 PM GrantTiger - PaulyD69 The hell took you so long to reply?

1:58 PM PaulyD69 - GrantTiger Oh, sorry mr quick fingers. Um, I have this thing I do called, sleeping? I was taking a nap. I got a shift in an hour.

2:00 PM GrantTiger - PaulyD69 So why didn't you sign out? It's like false advertising.

2:02 PM PaulyD69 - GrantTiger Great, now you're being picky. What the H do you want to talk about anyway? The con was like last month. Good time had by all. What's the deal?

2:05 PM GrantTiger - PaulyD69 We invited Daniel to the con, and we made a big deal about how good it was to have him actually with us for once. And then we all just made plans that didn't include him and he spent the weekend holed up in the hotel room upset.

2:07 PM PaulyD69 - GrantTiger That's what you want to talk about?

2:09 PM GrantTiger - PaulyD69 He blamed himself. He thought he had done something wrong, and he thought he was being selfish by staying in the room the whole time. He was looking forward to actually spending time with us, and we just left him behind like he was, a third wheel. And he hated himself for it.

2:11 PM PaulyD69 - GrantTiger Well, he was a damn third wheel.

2:11 PM GrantTiger - PaulyD69 No, he damn well wasn't.

2:12 PM PaulyD69 - GrantTiger Uh, yes he was. He found out about the con, and decided to invite himself along, hoping we would just change around all the plans we made for weeks to include him. The guy didn't even have a good costume to wear, it was just some cheap set of robes and a mask he bought off ebay.

2:14 PM GrantTiger - PaulyD69 No, he found out about the con because Eric told him about it. He bragged about it and made an obvious show about how we were all going and he wasn't. And then Paul said, "hey, if you want to come along, I have a spare ticket." Daniel came along because WE invited him. And then we completely blew him off.

2:15 PM PaulyD69 - GrantTiger Like we were going to stop hanging out with each other and not go to all those panels and shows we booked, just so he could feel included.

2:18 PM GrantTiger - PaulyD69 We did it on purpose. We deliberately hurt him, and it messed him up. I saw everything he wrote to me, and he blamed himself for what happened. It messed him up. And we did it to him.

2:20 PM PaulyD69 - GrantTiger Wait, you actually want to believe that we're the reason he killed himself? You can't talk.

2:21 PM GrantTiger - PaulyD69 I'm standing up for him here.

2:25 PM PaulyD69 - GrantTiger So why didn't you do that at the con huh? Way I remember it, you were just as annoyed with him as we were. You also decided we should go ahead with our panels and let him fend for himself. And, if I remember correctly, you told him "you should have booked ahead like we did."

2:27 PM GrantTiger - PaulyD69 That's not fair.

2:30 PM PaulyD69 - GrantTiger I'm also not the one, who makes costumes for cos-players for a living. And not once, did I ever hear you offer to make him anything. In fact, the few times he's enquired about it, you told him, it would be too expensive anyway, since you'd have to fly to him to deliver the costume, and you don't have the money. You knew, as well as we did, that he bought his cheap little costume from ebay. And you brought that whole extra suitcase full of costumes and accessories to sell over the con, and NOT ONCE did you offer to give him anything to wear over the weekend.

2:32 PM GrantTiger - PaulyD69 You know....I couldn't let him do that, because I couldn't take the chance they'd get ruined by accident.

2:35 PM PaulyD69 - GrantTiger You want to talk about the con huh? I think you just want to put blame on the situation, and you're talking down to me to make me feel guilty. When you were EQUALLY guilty of being a selfish shit to him.

2:37 PM GrantTiger - PaulyD69 Yeah, I do feel guilty. I feel horrible about what we did to him. I had absolutely no idea what he was going through, and now it's too late to help him. We need to take responsibility for what happened to him. It's everyone's fault here.

2:40 PM PaulyD69 - GrantTiger Including yours. Look, I gotta start getting ready for work. You want to talk about being sorry, you start being sorry first before trying to make us feel guilty and get off your high horse about this.

2:42 PM GrantTiger - PaulyD69 You don't start work for another hour.

2:44 PM PaulyD69 - GrantTiger Well, maybe I just don't want to talk to you.

2:45 PM Contact : PaulyD69 (Offline)

Contact : DanielLion (Offline)

5:43 PM GrantTiger - DanielLion I know you're not going to get this, but, the con wasn't your fault. It was ours. You live on the other side of the country, and you hardly get the chance to visit. We goaded you into coming to the con at short notice, and we just blew you off. Maybe it would have just been easier for you if you didn't come. But... I know how hard it is to hear that we get to do things like that and there's nothing around in your area for you.

Contact is offline. Message has been saved in storage.

5:46 PM GrantTiger - DanielLion And I'm sorry I didn't give you a proper costume. I know you were interested in having an actual costume to wear, and I know you wanted one from me because it would mean more. But I didn't even try. I made up all that crap about it being too expensive to send to you, when I could have just delivered it in person. Honestly, I just didn't want to spend the money. And yet I made you spend all that money on plane tickets to come and see us. I should have made more of an effort.

Contact is offline. Message has been saved in storage.

5:49 PM GrantTiger - DanielLion And I know I promised to talk to you the other day. And I blew you off. I could tell you that I forgot, chalk it all up to me being half asleep and irritable, but that's no excuse. I should have made more of an effort, but I didn't. You were calling out to me, and I didn't want to talk to you. There's no excuse for that. And I can't even tell you how sorry I am for what I did to you, because you're not around to hear it any-more. I just wish I had realised it sooner.

Contact is offline. Message has been saved in storage.

Thank you for using Sierra Messaging Services. We are signing you out. Have a nice day.

Welcome to Sierra Messaging Services. Please Select a contact to start your conversation.

Contact : DiegoKK (Online)

9:04 AM GrantTiger - DiegoKK Hey man. We need to talk.

9:06 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger Sure. What's up? The guys are thinking of going out bowling again this weekend. You wanna join us? Go to the bar after?

9:08 AM GrantTiger - DiegoKK We can't. I called Daniels parents last night. His funeral is this weekend. I have all the details for it. We should all go.

9:09 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger Didn't you just read what I typed? We're going bowling again. Why would we want to cancel that for a funeral?

9:10 AM GrantTiger - DiegoKK It's Daniels funeral you insensitive jerk. You know, our friend?

9:11 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger Oh, that. You still harping on about that?

9:13 AM GrantTiger - Diego KK Dude, it's his funeral. We should be going to that, not go bowling.

9:14 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger I'm not flying across the country for the weekend for a funeral. You realise how much that is gonna cost? I can't just take extra time off work at short notice like this. You realise how much you're asking for here? It's better to just go bowling and have fun. Besides, it'll probably rain. It always rains at a funeral.

9:18 AM GrantTiger - DiegoKK Sorry, I just spaced out there for a moment. Did you honestly just say all that?

9:20 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger Well, I wouldn't have typed it if I didn't mean it now would have I?

9:22 AM GrantTiger - DiegoKK You can't be that insensitive and give such a crappy reason to not go.

9:25 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger It's not a crappy reason. It's a valid reason. I can't just take time off work and fly across the country on a whim.

9:27 AM GrantTiger - DiegoKK That didn't stop you from taking a few sick days off work two weeks ago to go to Vegas because that chick from the bar said she wrestling and there was that big event there.

9:30 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger Dude, it's a girl. Who likes WRESTLING. Do you have any idea how rare it is for a girl to actually WANT to wach wrestling and not get forced into watching it?

9:32 AM GrantTiger - DiegoKK That is not a good example. Or a good reason to justify your excuse.

9:35 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger Of course it was justified. I had awesome sex with her in the hotel after the big championship main event. New wrestling champion dude, I had to celebrate that with awesome hotel sex in Vegas.

9:37 AM GrantTiger - DiegoKK So, according to you, it's completely justifiable to take a few sick days cause some bar skank wants to see wrestling in Vegas, but to go to the funeral of someone we considered a friend, that's not gonna happen?

9:39 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger Well, yeah.

9:41 AM GrantTiger - DiegoKK How the hell can that make sense to you?

9:43 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger Because it does?

9:44 AM GrantTiger - DiegoKK No, it doesn't. That's just horrible to say. How can you be so casual over Daniels funeral like it's something you can miss?

9:46 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger Because I do not intend to go. Why is that so hard to accept?

9:47 AM GrantTiger - DiegoKK Because it's disgusting to hear you say that his funeral is less important then getting a skank in Vegas. You should be ashamed of yourself. He was our friend, how can you not act like it?

9:50 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger Look who's talking.

9:52 AM GrantTiger - DiegoKK The hell is that supposed to mean?

9:54 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger You didn't act like his friend now did you?

9:55 AM GrantTiger - DiegoKK I acted like a friend way more then you ever did.

9:57 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger Oh really? You remember last christmas? You remember what he got all of us?

9:59 AM GrantTiger - DiegoKK He got us pocketwatches.

10:01 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger Yeah, he did. He got us all pocketwatches. Not just the cheap ones you get at Wallmart, he got us proper ones from the jewellery store, with animals engraved on the front along with our names on the inside. Must have cost him a little fortune to get us all such a gift.

10:04 AM GrantTiger - DiegoKK Yeah, I remember. Mine had a tiger on it. Paul was the otter, Eric was the wolf and you had the cougar.

10:05 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger They were so nice and thoughtful. So tell me, what did you give him in return?

10:10 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger Since you didn't answer, I'll answer for you. You got him nothing.

10:12 AM GrantTiger - DiegoKK That wasn't my intention.

10:14 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger Yeah, but you still got him nothing. You know, I don't remember you ever showing it off. If you really did love his gift so much, you'd be wearing it everywhere. I'm pretty sure its in the bottom of some drawer gathering dust with all the other crap he sent us over the years.

10:16 AM GrantTiger - DiegoKK He was being nice to us.

10:17 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger. He was being needy.

10:18 AM GrantTiger - DiegoKK He thought we actually liked getting gifts from us.

10:26 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger Well, I didn't. You think I liked getting garbage from him all the time? Just cause it had a damn otter on it? I know I'm an otter, that doesn't mean I have to advertise it on everything. The fish cookbook, the stupid otter socks, the stationary. Hell, the only thing I ever enjoyed getting from him was that collectors edition game that had sold out over here. Only reason he sent it to me was because I nagged him about how much I was disappointed it was sold out.

10:28 AM GrantTiger - DiegoKK You took advantage of his nature.

10:30 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger Maybe I did. Doesn't matter anymore. He's dead, I do'nt care. Going to his funeral isn't going to do anything anyway except waste valuable bowling time. Besides, he's dead. He'll never know. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get going.

10:30 AM GrantTiger - DiegoKK If I'm so bad with what I did with my gift, tell me what you did with yours.

10:31 AM DiegoKK - GrantTiger I took off all the stickers from it, took it to the jewellers and put ''FROM'' engraved above my name, stuck it in a new box and sent it back. Cost me five bucks. Told him we must have had the same idea. He totally bought it. It made him happy to actually think I cared so it counts.

10:32 AM Contact : DiegoKK (Offline)

Contact : DanielLion (Offline)

8:12 PM GrantTiger - DanielLion I know I didn't get you anything for Christmas, and I know you must have been hurt to be waiting so long for something from me. I can't help but wonder how long you waited till you had to give up and accept you weren't getting anything? Was it the day after Christmas? Or was it New Years? Did you go to the mailbox every day, hoping to see a gift for you? How long until you stopped going? Somehow, I think you just kept hoping.

User is Offline. Message has been saved in storage.

8:15 PM GrantTiger - DanielLion I know Diego thought he had you fooled by posing your gift as one from him. But, I hope for your sake you believed it. It might have been kinder, to believe something like that. Or maybe it would have been better to see through it and know the truth, instead of believing a lie for so long. I still have your gift. To be honest, I was touched.

User is Offline. Message has been saved in storage.

8:18 PM GrantTiger - DanielLion I never took it anywhere, because I was scared to get it wrecked. It's not buried in a drawer somewhere, it's sitting on my dresser, still in the box. I got my new iPhone for my birthday last year, and I dropped it on the floor right after I took it out of the box. Brand new phone, cracked screen. I was afraid I'd do the same thing to the watch you sent me. I just didn't want to break it. And I still don't, because it's the only thing I have that you gave me that has real meaning to it. I'm sorry that you had to wait so long for nothing. If that watch had touched me so much, I should have gotten you something just as touching. But there is no excuse for that. There just isn't.

User is Offline. Message has been saved in storage.

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Contact : DawgEric (Online)

4:01 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric Hey man.

4:03 PM DawgEric - GrantTiger Yo dude.

4:05 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric You ok to talk?

4:07 PM DawgEric - GrantTiger Actually, gimme a bit. Gotta go for a walk for a while. Been inside all day, need to stretch me legs and all. I'll let you know what I get back, should be about an hour, ok?

4:09 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric Alright. See you in an hour.

5: 15 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric Hey man, you back yet?

5:25 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric Been an hour man. Talk to me.

5:40 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric Man, you should be back by now. You home or what?

5:55 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric Dude, this is not funny.

6:00 PM DawgEric - GrantTiger Dude, sorry about that. Got home an hour ago and went to get dinner organised. It's just about done.

6:02 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric. I see.

6:04 PM DawgEric - GrantTiger Yeah, gonna finish cooking it and then I'll be eating. Give me about half an hour to get the dishwasher filled and then I'll chat with you.

6:06 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric Fine. I'll be here waiting.

6:40 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric Alright, it's been half an hour. So lets talk.

6:47 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric Dude, you stacking your dishwasher 'alphabetically' again?

6:55 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric Dude, this is not funny. It's getting annoying.

7:15 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric Dude, speak up already.

7:20 PM DawgEric - GrantTiger Oh hey there. Didn't know you were on.

7:22 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric You're bullshitting me.

7:25 PM DawgEric - GrantTiger No. No I'm not. I didn't know you were still online. I'm sitting here chatting with my guildies and I thought you were off doing something else.

7:27 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric I've been trying to get your attention since you finished dinner.

7:30 PM DawgEric - GrantTiger Oh that. I finished dinner like ten minutes after I got back from my walk. I got on the comp to organise a guild run of the veteran immortal dungeon event this weekend.

7:32 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric So, you went for a walk, came home, had a quick dinner, and went straight into your stupid game without letting me know?

7:35 PM DawgEric - GrantTiger Well, if ou want to put it that way, then yeah.

7:37 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric. Are you... avoiding me? On purpose?

7:39 PM DawgEric - GrantTiger Well, yeah. Diego told me you hassled him yesterday and I figured you'd be hassling me today, and the answer to your question is going to be 'NO' anyway, so I don't want to talk about it, K? 7:41 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric So you know that Daniels funeral is this weekend, and you've already decided your not going?

7:44 PM DawgEric - GrantTiger Um, yeah. Told you, there's that dungeon event me and my guildies are going to run this weekend. Can't pass that up.

7:47 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric Wait, are you playing that Immortally Eternal fantasy game?

7:48 PM DawgEric - GrantTiger Um, yeah. Been playing it for years.

7:51 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric Wait, you told Daniel two months ago that you stopped playing. After spending six weeks bugging him to buy it and install it, then quitting after he was playing for a month with you.

7:52 PM DawgEric - GrantTiger He told me he stopped playing because it wasn't fun. So I got back into it, and guess what? It's fun again.

7:54 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric He stopped playing because you were never on whenever he asked you to play, and your character didn't wait around for him to level up, and you kept getting pissed because he didn't know how to run a dungeon with his class type. You screwed him up on the game on purpose, didn't you?

7:58 PM DawgEric - GrantTiger He was getting boring to play with.

8:01 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric I can't believe all of you guys fucked around with him. It's no wonder he was so damn depressed and unhappy. You were just playing around with his feelings.

8:03 PM DawgEric - GrantTiger We got our uses out of him, and then we left him out to pasture or whatever. Not our fault he clung to us like a bad smell.

8:05 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric Is that all he was to us? Just a bad smell?

8:06 PM DawgEric - GrantTiger Yeah, pretty much. And before you decide to try and guilt trip me about how badly I treated him, just remember, I know how badly you treated him and I can put you right on the guilt trip as well. And No, I am not going to his funeral, nor do I want to, and nor do I particularly care that it's even on. So don't even bother try talking me into it because I'm not going. End of story.

8:09 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric You bastard.

8:12 PM DawgEric - GrantTiger Indeed I am. And I'm guessing you still intend to go?

8:15 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric I've already booked the flights and the hotel. Of course I'm going.

8:17 PM DawgEric - GrantTiger So, your choosing him, over your friends?

8:17 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric I guess I am.

8:20 PM DawgEric - GrantTiger Well, the guys and I thought this would happen after all the crap you've been annoying us about all week. Consider this our official warning. If you go to that funeral and blow us off, don't expect us to still be so friendly when you get back.

8:21 PM GrantTiger - DawgEric The hell are you saying?

8:22 PM DawgEric - GrantTiger What we're saying is, if you choose that dead corpse over your own living friends, then we just won't be friends with you. We'll drop you. Just like we did Daniel. Except I'm pretty sure you're not gonna cry like a little bitch over it. So make your choice. You either come with us and go bowling and actually be our friend, or you go to that waste of time funeral and prove you're not one of us. Think about it.

8:23 PM Contact : DawgEric (Offline)

Contact : DanielLion (Offline)

9:47 PM GrantTiger - DanielLion It's either you or them. I called Diego and Paul, and they confirmed what Eric said. If I go to your funeral, then it's basically giving them the middle finger and showing I care more about you then I do them. They think they actually have the nerve to talk about how much friendship means to them. I'm still going. I think....I think I kind of knew how big of a jerk they all were this whole time, I just didn't realise who obvious it really was. I can't say I'm surprised.

Contact is Offline. Message has been saved to storage.

9:49 PM GrantTiger - DanielLion You mentioned earlier, you were giving a chance to get help from a doe? Well, about half an hour ago, I got a flyer under my door. A gold one, with a number on it. Well, you probably wouldn't believe me, I mean I saw it all first hand and I still have trouble believing it happened. I guess... well, I called the number and I think I met the same Doe you did. Because she mentioned you. She said, I can take on your offered help in your place, since I'm basically asking the same kind of help. I didn't even know what kind of help I was asking for, but she seemed to know I guess.

Contact is Offline. Message has been saved to storage.

9:52 PM GrantTiger - DanielLion Why didn't you take it? I've been asking that since I kinda came back from the phone call, and I think the closest answer I can give you, is that you wanted our help first. Maybe you just didn't see the point since we didn't even want to help you after all. And what we did, there is no excuse. We treated your life like it was a joke, like you were a joke. And, they don't care that you're gone. It might have taken me too long to realise it, but I'm still at fault, regardless if I feel guilty or not. I allowed it to happen, and ... I guess in a way, I wanted it too.

Contact is Offline. Message has been saved to storage.

9:55 PM GrantTiger - DanielLion I'm sorry, I am so sorry for what happened. But, you're gone, and we're still here. It isn't fair, no matter how you look at it. And we haven't been punished for it. And I don't think we ever will be. We deserve whatever we get. And I'll accept it. I wish for help.

Contact is Offline. Message has been saved to storage.

Thank you for using Sierra Messaging Services. We are logging you out. Have a nice day.

Welcome to Sierra Messaging Services. Please select a contact so start judgement.

9:55 PM Contact : PaulyD69 (Online) has joined the conversation.

9:55 PM Contact : DawgEric (Online) has joined the conversation.

9:55 PM Contact : DiegoKK (Online) has joined the conversation.

9:55 PM DawgEric - Group Hey guys. What's happening?

9:55 PM PaulyD69 - Group You know, this is kinda late for starting a group chat.

9:55 PM DawgEric - Group Not really. Was on earlier with my guildies. Had to tell Grant the deal.

9:55 PM DiegoKK - Group Oh yeah, how did that go? Did he listen?

9:55 PM DawgEric - Group Yep. I haven't heard back from him, so I think he's taking this seriously.

9:55 PM PaulyD69 - Group He called me up earlier. Stupid idiot thought we were joking.

9:55 PM DiegoKK - Group Yeah, he called me too. Guess he got the point to just let it go and be done with it already. It was getting annoying.

9:55 PM DawgEric - Group We really do not need a Daniel situation again. It was hard enough pretending to like the stupid idiot. Can't believe he didn't catch on sooner. He might have offed himself quicker and we would've been better off for longer.

9:55 PM PaulyD69 - Group Amen to that.

9:55 PM DiegoKK - Group Yeah, can't argue there. So, why did we group up? We changing our plans tomorrow?

9:55 PM PaulyD69 - Group No, we're still going bowling and then go to the bar again. We didn't change the plans for tomorrow.

9:55 PM DiegoKK - Group So, why are we group chatting?

9:55 PM DawgEric - Group Hell if I know. You guys invited me.

9:55 PM DiegoKK - Group Uh, no I didn't. You guys invited me.

9:55 PM DawgEric - Group I got invited, I didn't do the inviting.

9:55 PM PaulyD69 - Group Don't lie dude. I got the invite from you. At least, I think I did.

9:55 PM DiegoKK - Group Hang on, let me check.

9:55 PM DawgEric - Group That's odd, I didn't actually get an invite.

9:55 PM PaulyD69 - Group Odd. Neither did I. The notification just says ''You've been added''.

9:55 PM DiegoKK - Group Same here. That's weird. Anyway, it's late and I need sleep. I'm logging out.

9:55 PM Contact : DeigoKK is unable to log out. Please try again later.

9:55PM DiegoKK - Group The hell?

9:55 PM Contact : DoeCarrie (Online) has joined the conversation.

9:55 PM DawgEric - Group Since when can't you log out? That's weird. Must be a glitch. I'm gonna try. See you guys tomorrow.

9:55 PM Contact : DawgEric is unable to log out. Please try again later.

9:55 PM DawgEric - Group Well that's stupid. It won't let me log out too.

9:55 PM PaulyD69 - Group Hey, you guys notice we got a new person in the chat? Who sent the invite?

9:55 PM DiegoKK - Group It wasn't me. I'm gonna try logging out again.

9:55 PM Contact : DiegoKK is unable to log out. Please try again later.

9:55 PM DiegoKK - Group The hell? It's never done that before.

9:55 PM CarrieDoe - Goup It must be an interesting feeling, feeling helpless when you need help.

9:55 PM DawgEric - Group The hell is that supposed to mean?

9:55 PM PaulyD69 - Group Who the hell are you anyway? I didn't invite you to the group.

9:55 PM DiegoKK - Group Guys, something weird is going on.

9:55 PM DawgEric - Group Well no shit sherlock.

9:55 PM Contact : PaulyD69 is unable to log out. Please try again later.

9:55 PM PaulyD69 - Group Now it's doing it to me too. The hell is going on?

9:55 PM CarrieDoe - Group Unable to leave. Unable to move forward. How isolating it must feel to be so helpless.

9:55 PM DiegoKK - Group This is just getting stupid. I'm turning off the computer. Goodnight.

9:55 PM Contact : DiegoKK is unable to log out. That will not work.

9:55 PM DiegoKK - Group The hell? The power button won't respond.

9:55 PM Contact : ConnorHorse (Online) has joined the conversation.

9:55 PM DawgEric - Group I'm gonna try too.

9:55 PM Contact : DawgEric is unable to log out. That will not work.

9:55 PM DawgEric - Group The fuck? My computer won't turn off.

9:55 PM ConnorHorse - Group I wonder if this reminds them of anyone, do you think?

9:55 PM CarrieDoe - Group More then likely not. They don't seem to understand.


9:55 PM PaulyD69 - GROUP Dude, I just pulled the power cord out of my computer. It's still running.

9:55 PM DawgEric - Group Ok, that's weird. Something fully weird is going on right now.

9:55 PM CarrieDoe - Group All the options are starting to run out one by one. It's not a good feeling is it, to feel like your getting trapped.

9:55 PM ConnorHorse - Group I would imagine so. Can't imagine how Daniel must have felt, feeling so trapped with no way out.

9:55 PM DiegoKK - Group Who the hell is that?

9:55 PM DawgEric - Group I couldn't care right now. Nothing on my computer is responding.

9:55 PM CarrieDoe - Group You know that most people simply say ''it's all in your head'' when they try and reach out to their friends?

9:55 PM ConnorHorse - Group Or they tell them "go take a walk" or "get over it", as if it's something they can, as if it was that simple. It really isn't, you know?

9:55 PM CarrieDoe - Group It's not as easy as that.

9:55 PM DawgEric - Group Are these two assholes having a conversation and ignoring us?

9:55 PM DiegoKK - Group Hey, you two. Quit ignoring us and help us out. Something's going wrong here.

9:55 PM PaulyD69 - Group Guys...guys something horrible is going on. I can't get out of my room.

9:55 PM CarrieDoe - Group Did you hear something? Sounded like someone was crying for help.

9:55 PM ConnorHorse - Group No, I didn't hear anything. I'd probably ignore it if I did, it's not like it would be anyone important anyway.

9:55 PM PaulyD69 - Group I can't get out of my room. The door and the window.... they're gone. It's like they were never there. It's just a wall.

9:55 PM DiegoKK - Group Oh dear christ, so are mine. I just checked. Mine are gone too. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?

9:55 PM DawgEric - Group Mine are too. What the hell? This....this is not possible.

9:55 PM PaulyD69 - Group What the hell is going on here?

9:55 PM CarrieDoe - Group A lot of people don't know they're trapped until it's too late. Must be a horrible feeling, to be so trapped and no-one wants to hear your cries of help.

9:55 PM ConnorHorse - Group Because nobody wants to hear it.

9:55 PM DeigoKK - Group Why the hell are these two ignoring us? What the hell did we do?

9:55 PM PaulyD69 Guys...I'm not typing this....

9:55 PM DawgEric - Group WHAT?

9:55 PM PaulyD69 - Group I just ripped my keyboard out of the computer. I can't actually type this, but it's typing. I'm watching it on the screen, I'm......I'm not typing it....the programs typing what i'm saying.

9:55 PM DawgEric - Group That is such bullshit. You are such a whiney little bitch sometimes.....

9:55 PM DawgEric - Group I didn't type that. I actually said it. The comps doing that to me too.

9:55 PM DiegoKK - Group Me too. Guys.....what the hell is going on?

9:55 PM CarrieDoe - Group Do you think we should go bowling tomorrow? I mean, it's not like anyone needs us right now. We could call our friend for the first time in forever and see how he is doing, but I think bowling is more important.

9:55 PM ConnorHorse - Group Yeah, bowling sounds good. Wouldn't matter if anyone needed us right now, it's not like we'd actually listen anyway.

9:55 PM Contact : DawgEric is unable to log out. Please refrain from trying. It is no use.

(:%% PM DawgEric - Group What the FUCK is up with this program?

(:%% PM DiegoKK - Group Guys, I'm scared.

(:%% PM PaulyD69 - Group What the hell is going on? Are we being punished?

(:%% PM DawgEric - Group No, someones just screwing with us. Who would punish us? What did we do wrong?

(:%% PM DiegoKK - Group Guys, my phone doesn't work either. It just says on the screen ''Calling is unavailable. No-one wants to talk to you anyway."

(:%% PM PaulyD69 - Group I just checked my phone. It says the same thing.

(:%% PM DawgEric - Group The hell? So does mine. Something....we've been hacked. That has to be it.

(:%% PM DiegoKK - Group What the hell did we do to deserve this? I'm so scared right now. Please....please someone help us.

(:%% PM CarrieDoe - Group I swear, there's something important that we should be doing right now. But, I can't for the life of me think what's so important. Didn't we promise to talk to someone today?

(:%% PM ConnorHorse - Group I can't for the life of me remember such a promise. It's not like I have anything better to do. I just thought I'd jump on Infinitely Eternal and do that dungeon run. Because you know, that's so important.

(:%% PM DawgEric - Guilty The fuck are you two talking about? Help us goddammit.

(:%% PM PaulyD69 - Guilty They're not helping us. They're ignoring us. They don't want to help us.

(:%% PM DeigoKK - Guilty What did we do? Please..I'm sorry for whatever we did. I'm so sorry, just please...let us go.

(:%% PM CarrieDoe - Group No you're not.

(:%% PM ConnorHorse - Group Of course they're not. They've made it quite plainly clear that they're not sorry for what they did.

(:%% PM CarrieDoe - Group Poor Daniel. All he wanted was for his friends to notice he even existed and to help him when he needed it.

(:%% PM ConnorHorse - Group And all of you made it quite clear, you didn't want to help him. So no, you're not sorry.

(:%% PM DiegoKK - Guilty This...this is what it's about? About Daniel? OK OK, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I ignored him. I'm sorry I treated him like he didn't exist. Just .... just please...make it stop. Please make it stop.

(:%% PM PaulyD69 - Guilty Ok, I'm sorry too. I ignored him on purpose, I treated him like a third wheel. Please...I'm so sorry...Just don't do this to us. Please make it stop.

(:%% PM DawgEric - Guitly FUCK HIM. I don't care about him. I never did. You two freaks, just make this stop right now. This is NOT funny. I do not deserve what is going on. None of us do. He was a leech in our lives that we needed to cut loose. It is perfectly ok to cut out toxic people in our lives, and he was a toxic little leech. NOW STOP THIS SHIT RIGHT NOW!!

9:55 PM Contact : Pharaoh Hotep (Online) Has joined the judgement.

9:55 PM ConnorHorse - Group So what do you think? Do they deserve a pass for what they have done?

9:55 PM CarrieDoe - Group What is your say on the matter? Have they suffered like Daniel has?

9:55 PM PharaohHotep - Guilty I've already decided. They're not sorry.

9:55 PM DawgEric - Guilty Who the fuck are you? Just get us out of here. I will find out who you are and I will end your miserable existence. Don't think I don't know how to hack back.

9:55 PM DiegoKK - Guilty I'm not guilty.... I swear I'm not. Please..I'm sorry....I'm on my knees here....please...please make this stop.

9:55 PM PaulyD69 - Guilty I don't want to be punished. Please....just make it stop. Please....

9:55 PM PharaohHotep - Judgement "I am the morning and evening star. I command the sun to rise and the moon to fall. The waters of the Nile drown my enemies and the burning sands of Egypt scar those who wish wrong. I am the voice of my people, and the law of my kingdom. And I have passed judgement upon you. And that Judgement, is guilty.

9:55 PM PaulyD69 - Guilty THE HELL IS THAT THING?

9:55 PM DiegoKK - Guilty IT....IT'S A MONSTER...DON'T COME NEAR ME


9:55 PM PharaohHotep - DivineBeastAmmit Ammit. Feed.

9:55 PM DivineBeastAmmit - Guilty343ht'qw0t4iu8 hq0A;FOUNWA9[UBVAVARG A[BU04HTIEDTA.FM O[U435NYQ] BH2HUOB2 6 'LJJGRRV[O 49T3[AV' LSJ N204 0[GU3BN JL JO484843407945Y6#$^ bnuahfb@ u%#u35Y 7BQYAY#&* n&.................................................. ....................................................... ...................................................... ......................................................

9:56 PM Contact : DiegoKK has been deleted.

9:56 PM Contact : PaulyD69 has been deleted.

9:56 PM Contact : DawgEric has been deleted.

Thank you for using The Helpline. Judgement has been passed. Have a nice day.

Welcome to Sierra Messaging Services. Please select a contact to start your conversation.

Contact : DanielLion (Offline)

9:22 AM GrantTiger - DanielLion I tried reaching the guys this morning. Their profiles have been deleted from my contacts list. I tried calling them, and their numbers were disconnected too. I think they're gone. I don't think they'll be coming back. I'm....I'm not sad. I think this is why you didn't use the help that was offered. You didn't want to do this to us. Even after everything we did, you wanted to spare us.

Contact is Offline. Message has been saved in storage.

9:24 AM GrantTiger - DanielLion I'm at the airport right now. Can you believe it? I'm finally going out to see you for the first time. It's'll be the last time too. The only trip I'm ever going to take to go and see you, and it's to say goodbye in person. All that time I bitched about how much it would cost and how much effort it would take, to go and see you. The flights I'm taking, they're so damn cheap I could seen you dozen times or more in the past year alone. I...I can't come up with a single excuse for that. There is none that exists.

Contact is Offline. Message has been saved in storage.

9:26 AM GrantTiger - DanielLion I'm equally as guilty here. Doesn't matter how bad I feel about this or how much I admit about my part in this, I still was a part of it. I .... I don't know why I was left behind. Why wasn't I taken too and punished for this? I'm going to have to live with the guilt of what I've done for the rest of my life, knowing that I did this to you. Maybe....maybe that's why I was left behind. Maybe that's my punishment. To live with the guilt.

Contact is Offline. Message has been saved in storage.

9:28 AM GrantTiger - DanielLion I'm going to say this for the rest of my life. I'll say it at your funeral, I'll say it to your cold dead face, I'll say it wherever I go. But I know it won't make any difference. I am sorry, for what I did. And I wish that I could take it back, I wish I could take back everything I did and just redo it all. But....that'll never happen, no matter how much I want it too. This is going to be the last message I send to you. I have to look forward, but I'll never forget you. I don't think this mark on my chest is going to make me forget you anytime soon. It's going to remind me about you for the rest of my life. Maybe in the next life..... you could forgive me.

Contact is offline. Message has been saved in storage.

Contact : DanielLion has been selected for deletion. Deleting this contact will also delete chat history. Do you wish to delete this contact?




YES. Contact has been deleted.

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