Seeing Red (March Patreon Teaser)
#5 of Patreon
After a mysterious red skinned "demon" is spotted in New York, Elisa thinks it is Brooklyn, but he decides to do a little investigating on his own
"Seeing Red"
"Look, Elisa I don't know what you're talking about. I haven't been to Green-Wood Cemetery, hell I haven't even been to Brooklyn in the last month."
Brooklyn looked into Elisa's eyes, having just awakened from a long day's slumber to her accusing him of being spotted the night before. She was already irritated, he could tell with the fact that her arms were crossed. A gust of cool night air brushed back her raven dark hair, which brushed the bangs of her hair across her face. "But I heard at least three eyewitness statements of a large red demon-like monster hanging out at the cathedral over the last few nights. It's almost unmistakeable."
"You have been wrong in assuming before, Elisa." Goliath said. "Brooklyn was keeping watch here last night, protecting the castle while the rest of us were on patrol."
Elisa's mouth hung open as though she were about to say something, but realized that he was right; there was a time where she had mistaken Thailog for Goliath. "You don't think one of the clones--"
"Nah, that's impossible." Brooklyn shook his head. "I mean none of them are red, right?" He said. "Maybe I should go check this thing out."
"Ya think you'll be needin' some backup, lad?" Hudson, who had been standing nearby asked as he approached the other three. "I don't think you should do this alone."
"No, it's about time I patrolled out that way anyway." Brooklyn said. "I'll check it out, if I need help I'll come get you guys."
"Alright here." Elisa said, reaching into her jacket and pulling out her cell phone. "Just call if you need anything. The castle's number is programmed in--"
Brooklyn put up a hand and shook his head. "Thanks, but I think I'll be fine." He said. "I'll check it out, and hey if it's friendly, maybe we'll have a new friend come tomorrow morning."
"Just be careful." Goliath warned. "Not all of our kind are friendly."
"Even if he were our kind..." Hudson added.
Brooklyn nodded slightly, flicking his white hair back before leaping from the battlement and spreading his wings to the gusts of wind from below and taking off.
The night sky was rather clear with an impressive full moon out on complete display as he made his way toward the borough that was his namesake; taking care to stay high enough to remain out of human sight, he knew that while the humans of New York had begun to tolerate their presence, that he shouldn't take it for granted. He didn't want to scare the humans into doing irrational things like they were prone to doing. As he crossed the bridge separating the island of Manhattan from Brooklyn, he veered toward the familiar peaks he immediately recognized as the largest graveyard in the city. Taking care to avoid being seen, Brooklyn silently landed on the top of a mausoleum, hiding in the shadows of its dome-shaped roof and surveying the land around him. It was just after dark, and the idea of humans still wandering the graveyard wasn't entirely out of the question.
This place was massive and sprawling with plenty of good spots to hide, but instead of taking a roof-by-roof approach, Brooklyn spotted a marked trail that led through the cemetery and decided to take that instead. It was a rather warm night, even the cool breezes that came through the graveyard did little to comfort him and after a bit, he ran his arm across his forehead and sighed. "Man, Brooklyn. You really know how to pick the best nights for stuff like this." He said to himself. "Find a demon in the graveyard after dark on one of the hottest nights of the year. Brilliant idea."
The sound of something falling to the ground turned the gargoyle on his heel as he tried to find the source of the noise. The way it echoed, it could have come from anywhere. Brooklyn frowned a bit and continued down the path toward a large cathedral that stood above the other structures off in the distance. "Hello?" He called out. "Is anyone there?" Brooklyn paused, waiting for some sort of a response. "I'm a friend... or at least a potential friend. My name's Brooklyn."
He felt rather stupid, wandering through a large cemetery at night alone, calling to someone or something that might as well be blood thirsty wasn't the best idea either. But he was sure that whatever it was might be more receptive to a friendly voice than a sneaky gargoyle...
As he approached the cathedral, Brooklyn made note of the manufactured gargoyles that lined the roof and swallowed the lump in his throat. He sighed and called out again; "Hello? Is anybody there?" He asked, but still was met with silence. "I'm beginning to wonder if this whole thing is just some tabloid rumor." He said to himself. "It doesn't look like anyb--" He paused and narrowed his eyes toward the cathedral's shadowed roof. For a split second there, he'd thought maybe he had seen a white glow moving along the rooftop. He looked toward the sky again; there were some clouds that had moved in, partially obscuring the moon and adding a bit of darkness to the area. Brooklyn didn't like this one bit, it was too bad the chill to his spine didn't provide any relief from the warm night air.
Suddenly, he saw something standing on the roof. "Hey!" He called out as the creature stopped his trip along the cathedral. It turned to look at him with glowing white eyes that seemed unlike anything the gargoyle had seen before. "Why don't you come down here? I'm not going to hurt you."
"You will not hurt me?" The creature responded in an amused tone of voice...