Order of the Black Foot, Chapter 8: Scouting the Borders

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#12 of Order of the Black Foot

Looks like FA: TeryxC decided to go and get himself into trouble. Scouting a camp shouldn't have been this hard...

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Order of the Black Foot Chapter 8: Scouting the Borders For TeryxC By Draconicon

The orders had been clear enough. Investigate the Theocracy base on the southern border, search for any sensitive documents or plans, and then report back. Teryx had thought that it would be a pretty simple assignment, and had signed on without thinking about back-up or anything of the sort. After all, the base was off of the beaten track, with only a small village about half a day's journey away. There shouldn't have been anything to worry about.

Yet, there it was.

The rain dragon hissed under his breath as he kept to cover, leaning behind one of the desert rocks as he looked down the cliff. White tents blended into the sand surprisingly well, particularly during the day. It left it looking more dazzling than it actually was, and he had to squint to get a good look at the men walking about.

At least two hundred paladins, he thought as he watched them, shaking his head. That's two full battalions of them down there. Do they know something?

The Church's forces must have some suspicions, at least. The paladins were the biggest force, but he could make out at least twice their number in unarmored soldiers, probably either forced conscripts or mercenaries from somewhere else. People that knew the desert, probably, someone to start combing through it to find their targets.

It wasn't a good sight.

Shaking his head again, Teryx reached down, pressing a hand to his chest and the footprint mark there. By now, it was easy to reach out to Draconicon, and he made contact in less than a second.

_Sir, this place is crawling with paladins.

How bad?

200, at least. And..._

Teryx looked around the rock again, shaking his head.

_And it looks like they're preparing for more. There's at least a thousand tents down there.


Anything that they might be looking for down here, sir?

The most I can think of is one of the southern camps, but that's much further off. Maybe it's a late attempt to find our ice mage, but still, that'd be very late..._

That's what he'd been thinking as well, but it still didn't make sense. Perhaps Draconicon wasn't telling him everything - and heavens knew, the black dragon kept things close to his chest - but as far as he knew, there was no reason for this many paladins to be down in the south. There had to be something else going on.

_Do you want me to withdraw?

...No, but keep on your toes. Even with help, you're not getting out of that unscathed if you get spotted.

Yeah...yeah, I can see that.

Good luck. I'll check in with you in a few minutes._

The connection faded, and Teryx took his hand from his chest. With the other dragon's mind fading from his, he was left with the usual feeling of emptiness...Well, almost emptiness.

Hatred burned in the back of his head, a fire that had been coming more and more often when he got in contact with the leader of the Order. Draconicon said that it was 'someone he used to know,' but that didn't mean anything to the rain dragon. Whatever it was, it was trying to take over. It had done so once, and made him rape a paladin that he'd only meant to question. If it did get in him again...

Well, he didn't want to think about it.

He forced the heat in the back of his mind away, suppressing it with as many calming thoughts as he could before reaching for his magic. The cool feeling of it helped even more, and he reached down, gathering moisture at his fingers, and set to work.


Tunneling beneath the camp had ended up being easier than he'd expected, particularly as the sand had continued to be rather loose and easy to work with. Water and sand to make mud, opening and shaping it to make a collapsing tunnel behind him was perfect for infiltration. It would have been horrible for trying to tunnel into something, particularly if he ever ran into rock, but for sneaking, he couldn't have asked for anything better.

Teryx came up under one of the tents, and he paused just beneath the layer of sand, feeling for vibrations or anything else that might give away the presence of someone above him. Hearing nothing, he pushed up.

A rug blocked him, and he slowly rolled it to the side. Nobody around, just a cot, a desk, and a couple of chests off to the side.

Perfect. I'm in.

He pulled himself out of the hole, packing the mud so that it would stay open behind him before turning to the desk. The dragon started pushing the papers around, looking for anything that seemed important. A few maps, a couple with drawn question marks and paths on them. Probably looking for something, but there were no hints as to what, just wheres. He marked them down in his head, intending to ask Draconicon if any of them were important before moving on to the others.

Not much in the way of communications. A couple of letters from the central part of the Theocracy, but beyond that, there was little to explain what was going on here. Maybe a letter from home, which meant nothing, and -

A seal at the bottom of one piece of paper caught his attention. The sunburst was the usual seal for the Church, but whenever it came from somewhere higher up, the sunburst was gilded with silver rather than just made with ink. He slowly dragged it out, and his heart fell at the first line.

_Inquisitor Atam,

You are tasked with rooting out the mage presence in the southern end of the Theocracy. You may use whatever means you deem necessary to ensure that the heathens are destroyed before they can use their powers to wreak havoc upon the faithful. Ensure that there are no survivors.

Included are a number of potential locations of mage strongholds, as well as places for subsequent fortifications. Ensure that they are staffed. Your initial force will be reinforced by the end of the month with four hundred paladins and twice their number in conscripts._

Walk in the light.

-Hierarch Vend

That was not what he wanted to see. Not what he wanted to see, at all. Teryx put the letter back, his arms shaking.

An Inquisitor... He remembered seeing one when he was with Havok before, seeing how fast and powerful they were. They were not weak individuals, and they had a level of power beyond the typical paladin.

If there was one here, he could easily end up dead.

The hole out of the camp called his name, but he knew that Draconicon would be getting in touch again soon. He needed to be ready to answer, and he couldn't do that while he was working his magic and sealing the hole. It wouldn't be long, he could wait...he hoped.

Nevertheless, he slipped under the desk, pushing himself into the darker part of the tent as he waited. He curled his legs up to his chest under his robes, and was just getting situated when he felt the tingle of contact. Immediately, he pressed his hand to his chest and the mark, again.

_I'm here.

What did you find?

Bad things. Very bad. There's an Inquisitor here, and he's looking to be reinforced by another four hundred paladins in a few days. We're going to have a serious problem if we don't do something to dislodge them; he's under orders to fortify and then root out all mages that he finds._

What was the name?


One of the stronger ones. Not good.

No. Get me out of here.

I will. Get back in your tunnel and get out of there. I'll get you in a -

"Well, well."

Teryx opened his eyes again, and froze in place. Standing in the opening of the tent was a bull, and a big one, at that. He had the armor of a paladin, but more importantly, he had the white cape of an Inquisitor, marked with the silver sunburst on the side.

I'm spotted.

Teryx leaped forward, going for the hole, but the bull was blindingly fast. A hoof lashed out, kicking him in the side and into the pile of chests on the far wall. He groaned, trying to pull himself up, but a fist came down into his face...and everything went black.

"Wake up, mage."

A slap to the cheek finished what the voice started, and Teryx gasped as he opened his eyes. He shook his head rapidly, trying to clear the blurriness, trying to figure out where he was, but it was rather difficult when he had a bull staring him in the face.

The Inquisitor, he remembered, and his heart started racing.

"How...where am I?"

"You're in the middle of a prison, mage. A prison that I don't expect you will be escaping from anytime soon."

Draconicon? Draconicon, I could really use some help here.

What was usually an instant connection was little more than fuzz in his head. Teryx closed his eyes, shaking his head a few times and tried again.

Draconicon...please, tell me that you can hear me...

"If you're trying to use your magic, mage, I should tell you that it won't work. Not down here."


"Look around you."

Doing so, the rain dragon realized that he'd been taken from the tents to somewhere completely different. It must have been somewhere underground, with all the stone soaring over him, and the metal bars all around it. It was just one of a hundred different cells, all of them spaced out like animal cages, and all of them shimmering in some strange way.

He hadn't been using magic, but as he reached out to his inner pool of it, it just...wasn't there. The dragon's breath caught in his throat, and he reached for it again, and again. Every time, he could just make out the edge of his power, the magic that he'd had for so long, but every time he tried to touch it, it just slipped away from him.

"What is this?! What have you done?!"

"This is the newest blessing from the Shining One. A simple prison, but one that none of you mages will be able to escape. You see these bars?"

The bull rapped a finger against one of them, the sound of armored gauntlet meeting metal echoing through the underground chamber.

"This is blessed by the Shining One and his priests. Instead of blocking magic from the outside, it suppresses the magic on the inside. You can't touch it, use it, or push it past you. Anything you have is gone; you won't be able to do a damn thing to us."


Not good. About as not good as it ever would be. All of the protection of being in the Order seemed to be a hundred miles away now, so far from him that it may as well have not existed in the slightest. He tried to stand up, only to hear the rattle of chains keeping him down. He glanced towards them -

And blushed even worse. His robes had been taken, leaving him completely naked. His wrists and ankles were chained up, with a sunburst symbol on the manacles and with chains short enough that he could barely sit up, let alone stand up.

The bull walked over to him, kneeling down until they were face to face. An armored finger reached out, tracing the boundaries of the black foot mark on his chest.

"Strange to see something like this on someone, but I suppose that it's to be expected. That damn leader of yours marking his property. I imagine that it comes naturally to you mages. Branding everything that belongs to you."


Silence. Silence was his friend here. They didn't know what it meant, or at least, he really hoped that they didn't. The mark's power was one of the only things that gave them an advantage over the paladins proper. If he could keep it secret...

The bull traced it a few more times before pulling his hand back.

"Tomorrow, you'll be taken for treatment."


"Heh. Yes. We've been trying to get our hands on one of your Order for a long time. The things that you can tell us will likely go a long way towards ending this war in our favor, after all."

"Do you seriously think that you can make me tell you anything?"

"Oh, I don't know about making you...but there are ways of breaking any mind. All it takes is the right amount of time, the right settings, the right humiliation...and the right techniques. Soon enough, if all goes well, you'll be begging to tell us everything about your little group."

"...You're bluffing."

"The Church has spent an inordinate amount of money towards setting up this base."

"Why? Just to root out a few mages?"

"Heh...so you did read the messages."

The bull patted him on the cheek, and Teryx felt a sudden chill.

"You...this was a trap. You set something up so big that we'd have to investigate -"

"So we could grab one of you when you came. Yes. Heh. And you fulfilled that part admirably, little dragon."

The bull patted his cheek again, slowly turning around and walking towards the cell door. The Inquisitor stopped, turning around as he held the door open.

"I would get some sleep, mage. I want to make sure that you're at your best when we start the pre-breaking entertainments..."

The Inquisitor chuckled as he walked out, leaving Teryx alone in the cell. The rain dragon shivered as he realized just how cut off from everything he was. Sure, Draconicon would know that something had gone wrong; there had been the last moment contact before he'd been knocked unconscious, and the leader of the Order had to know precisely where he'd been.

But then again, was he even where the camp had been set up? Was this prison somewhere else? Where could he have been taken? Would Draconicon risk the whole Order and their plans to rescue someone like him?

He honestly didn't know, and it terrified him.

Teryx curled up in a ball, hiding what he could of his privates as he leaned forward. His hands pressed to the mark, and he strained to feel something, anything. There had to be some sort of magic left that he could use. If he could get just one message out, then -

Hello, Teryx...

The hissing sound of fire surrounded that voice, and he recoiled from it. That had to be the someone, the thing that Draconicon warned him about. He wasn't going to start talking to her. Not now, not ever.


No, no, no. He wasn't going to take that risk, he wasn't going to get himself in that sort of trouble. Whatever that thing was, it was evil, and it was going to cause him more trouble than it solved. He would find another way. He had to.

Hours passed, though he wasn't sure how many. The rain dragon slept through a good number of them, his head drooping over his knees. It was a better way of spending his time than staying awake, particularly when the fire from the connection didn't fade as fast as it used to.

However, he was woken up abruptly with a splash of water, shaking him from his sleep and leaving him gasping again.

Laughter greeted him, and it didn't take long to find the source of it. Four different paladins looked down at him from outside the cage, one of them holding a collar attached to a metal chain, while two more held swords and the last held a bucket. Two were wolves, while the other two were a rabbit and a stag respectively. The rabbit held up the collar.

"Put it on, and then we open the door."


They glared at him, and he was reminded of the fact that he had no magic to fight them. All he could do was follow orders, if he didn't want to get hurt. The rabbit passed the collar through the bars, and Teryx slowly pulled it on.

It burned at his neck for a moment, and he groaned as his magic felt further away than ever, sealed past something that he couldn't reach through. If it was just gone, it might have almost been a mercy; as it was, he knew it was there, but was impossible to touch.

The other paladins opened the cell door and quickly undid his restraints, forcing him to his feet. One wolf squeezed at his ass, and he blushed as he realized that there were other humiliations to come before the 'breaking' that the Inquisitor had mentioned.

Pulling on the leash, the rabbit dragged him, naked, out of the cell. The rain dragon had no choice but to walk along, his arms pinned behind his back as he was pulled forward, and his body on complete display. Other paladins walked around them, and he groaned as every single one of them seemed to take pleasure in the fact that he was being marched naked through their little prison.

He was led past a line of cells to a standing piece of metal, laid out like an x. He was shoved face-first into it, feeling a hole under where his crotch was, and felt everything get pressed through that, his cock and balls hanging down there, while his hands and legs were tied down to the different parts of the metal x.

One of the paladins stepped off to the side, and he heard the creak, creak, creak of a gear being turned. The x rotated until he was leaning forward more, almost at a forty-five degree angle, leaving him facing the ground but his back facing towards the ceiling.

"Heh, never thought that a mage would have an ass that fine."

Oh no.

"Yeah. Think those heathens use this one as a whore?"

They're not...seriously...

"He's marked as property already. I wouldn't be surprised."

"Well, the Inquisitor said that we could use him as we saw fit. Let's see if he can take it as well as it looks like he can."

Teryx's eyes went wide as he realized just how much trouble he was in. He squirmed, but the restraints held him still as one of the wolves walked up to him. He could tell it was a wolf immediately; neither of the others would have had something shaped like that. Rough fingers pulled his ass cheeks apart, and he groaned as he felt something spitting onto his hole, leaving it damp.

The tip of the wolf's cock ground against him, working that glob into his pucker, and he shivered, trying again to reach out -


The burning hate was there, and he almost grabbed for it, but stopped himself at the last moment. No, no. He couldn't release that. Not here, not now. He had no magic, and it would only burn hotter as he was -


He screamed as he was suddenly penetrated, his ass spread open wide around the wolf's thick cock. The paladin didn't bother going slow, ramming in to the hilt on the first thrust and going faster with each subsequent thrust. The rain dragon groaned, his head pressed down against the frame with pressure from behind, and he was helpless to do anything but take it. Take it hard.

The other paladins laughed, and he shuddered as he heard the wet smacks of hands on flesh all around him. They were getting ready for their turns, and it wouldn't be long before they had their hands on him, as well.

As the wolf hammered into him, Teryx shuddered again and again, feeling like his body was getting filled to the brim with every thrust. He gasped and shuddered, feeling that thick bit of flesh opening him up, knowing he was being stared at, feeling every eye on his ass and -

"Heh, look at that. I think his cock is starting to twitch."

No, no, don't do that now!

He shook his head rapidly as one of the paladins - the rabbit, he thought - walked around to the front of the frame. The church knight slapped his cock, making it wobble and making him wince, but it still -

"Oh, he's hard alright. He's liking this..."

"Trust one of these mages to actually enjoy punishment."

"Hmmm, I wonder, is he the only one that likes it? Perhaps that's why he's just property."

"Heh, we should ask."

The wolf grabbed him by the back of the neck, pulling his head back.

"Tell us, mage-whore. Do all of your kind like it up the ass?"

Teryx whimpered, shaking his head, trying not to speak. He tried to ignore his growing erection, but it was so difficult when the rabbit kept smacking it around, making it bounce off of the metal that held him down.

The wolf shook his head.

"Heh, let's just assume they all love it..."

The paladin pulled out of him, though, and he shivered as he felt his ass hanging open. He didn't end up shivering for long, though. One of the others walked up, and rammed in, giving him a hell of a filling. That had to be the stag, had to be...

"Brace yourself, mage."

Two hours later...

One thing that he could give them credit for was stamina, though he wished he couldn't. They never came in him. Whether it was an oath or part of the humiliation, they never came. All they did was make him cum. Over, and over, and over again, forcing him to blow his load over the cavern floor, make him show his 'appreciation' for paladin cocks. He screamed, he shouted, he begged them to stop, but they never did. They just kept fucking him.

When the Inquisitor finally came, the bull only chuckled, undoing him from the straps.

"Almost asleep, I see...The treatment won't affect you so well, like this. Tomorrow, perhaps."

He was tossed back in his cell, manacled so that his ass was pressed against the sides of the cell. Teryx knew that others would use him...but he had to hold on. Just for a while...just for a bit longer...

Even as that hateful voice offered him a rescue, he had to hold back....

The End

Order of the Black Foot, Chapter 9: Joan Unleashed

Order of the Black Foot Chapter 9: Joan Unleashed For TeryxC By Draconicon Three days in captivity, and the cycle had settled down into something that Teryx understood all too well. Mornings were taken up by him being used by...

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