Super Torin-Ness

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#3 of Torin the 'Dragoness'

Another chapter of the slutty FA: Torin13 having one hell of a time with all the things going on. Now, he thinks he's a superhero. Well, he, or perhaps she, is a super something.

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Super Torin-ness For Torin By Draconicon

Super Torin was finally a real thing, and the gold dragon couldn't be happier. He giggled as he tossed his head back and forth, listening to a theme song in his head as he walked along.

_When there's problems, come and call on me!

I am all that you could ever need.

Golden dragon, covered up with seed -_

He paused, blinking. That didn't sound like the right lyrics...But it did have the right tone, and that was all that mattered. Torin smiled and got back to tossing his head back and forth, his new cape whipping around between his wings.

"Super Torin, Super Torin."


"Ah! Someone needs help! Super Torin to the rescue! Whooosh!"

He lunged forward, almost taking to the skies before the cape tangled up in his wings. Thumping to the ground, he pulled himself back to his feet and tried again...and again...and again...

He made it down a full block of leaps and belly flops before he gave up and just walked. The gold dragon walked up to the screaming female, leaning his head over to her as she fumbled with her phone.

"What's the problem?"

"I - oh, it's horrible. I need...I need to call the police."

"Maybe I can help."

"I don't know if a dragoness can help."

"Good thing I'm not one, then."

The wolfess looked at him, and he shrugged. It didn't matter so much today, and perhaps it was an even better disguise. No one would know that Super Torin was a really a dragon if they all thought he was actually a dragoness.

"What's the problem?"

"I...there's a bank robbery going on, and I -"

"Perfect! Something for me to help with. You stay right there and keep safe, citizen. I'll be back with everything that they're trying to steal."

"No, wait, you don't -"

But he was already gone, and Super Torin grinned to himself at the thought of doing something so helpful. Kilian had given him a potion to turn him into Super Torin, and the idea of actually having some real powers to take down bad guys had him giddier than a hatchling on their first break from school.

This was going to be amazing.

The bank was just a few blocks down, and the door had been blown open. Torin didn't waste any time, and jumped through it, the narrow feral dragon landing on his feet amidst the rubble.

"Never fear, citizens, Super Torin is here to save the -"



The gold dragon gulped as he was surrounded by four different anthros - horses and bulls, from the looks of them - with very big guns. They held them pointed at his head and his chest, and he doubted that he was super enough to deflect all those bullets. He certainly didn't want to try that one out.

"Uh, um...You're all under arrest!"

They didn't even move.

"Uh, alakazam! You're turned to stone!"


"Laser eyes!"


"Shazam! Solar flare! Super Torin Magic Stuff! ANYTHING!"

Absolutely nothing happened, and by the end of it, all of the gunmen were staring at him like he was some sort of crazy person. The gold dragon whimpered, wondering just what kind of power Kilian had actually given him. All the useful one seemed to be a no go, and he didn't know how much more stuff he could try and pull out of his butt.

One of the bulls walked around him, checking the street, before calling out to the others.

"Still no cops. Looks like this guy is just a nut."

"Yeah, man, I don't think this is a guy."

"What are you - Oh, fuck, that ass definitely belongs to a 'ness."

Torin's cheeks burned hotter than ever at that, and he shook his head.

"No, I'm a dragon! A super dragon!"

"Yeah,'re not that super, and you're not that much of a dragon."

He groaned, shaking his head a few times. There were a few other gunmen by the tellers of the bank, but they weren't paying him any attention. The four with guns, though...

Torin blinked as he looked back at the two horses and the bull in front of him. There was something different about them, almost like they they were getting attracted to something. Their eyes were kind of glazed over, and their pants were definitely getting tented. Getting very tented, for that matter, particularly in the horses' case. They looked like they were about ready to split their pants wide open.

He was about to ask when the other bull slammed a hand down on his rump. He yelped, feeling it ripple a lot more than it used to; it bounced and jiggled, pulling down on his ass, making it feel like it was rippling all over. Almost like a simple spank was a fuck, these days.

"Yeah, that's a bouncy 'ness ass. I think it needs a good stuffing, considering how she smells."

"Heh, yeah, you guys know how a dragoness in heat needs it."

Heat? But...but I'm not a -


Torin's thought broke off in a moan as the bull rammed two fingers right up his ass, sending his head right down to the ground. He let out a soft, whimpering moan as the fingers plunged in and out of him, his cock immediately getting hard from the feeling as the bull chuckled.

"Oh, that's one slutty 'ness, alright. Just a tiny finger inside of her, and she bends right over begging for more."

"Heh, I bet she's hungry for a good dick as well."

One of the horses unzipped, pulling out his cock. It was thick, long, and musky as all hell, particularly as it was shoved right up against Torin's lips. He shivered, feeling some sort of tingle running down his spine as that cock was ground against his face. It almost felt like his face was getting narrower, pulled in tighter as he was nudged and nuzzled with that shaft, but before he could talk about it, it slid right in.

The cock head felt almost spongy against his tongue, squishing against the inside of his cheeks and against the roof of his mouth, but damn it was musky. He could taste every bit of pre on it, and he shivered and moaned at the sensation.

He arched his back as the bull behind him started pulling him around, and the others stood at his sides, starting to jerk off over him. He felt one load splatter all over his back, soaking his cape, his scales, and his wings. It was humiliating, but at the same time -


His dick smacked against his belly, showing how he really felt about it. He blushed as the cock in his mouth kept sliding back and forth, feeding him pre and musk in equal measure, and it didn't get any easier for him as the bull started feeding him dick from the other end.

The longer that they went at it, the harder he got, and the harder he got, the more things started to change in the bank. The other gunmen started faltering, and the hostages all across the floor started putting their hands in their pockets, almost looking like they were stroking something as they started moaning. Those that weren't tied up soon were, and those gunmen that weren't busy started wandering over to him.

He felt the bull shoot a load down his ass, and before long, he was replaced by the other horse. A flared tip popped into his hole, pumping the cum already in him further down his gullet, while the horse fucking his face abruptly pulled out, stroking himself hard and fast as he looked down at him.

" know what a good, slutty 'ness needs?"

He groaned, shivering as he felt that tingle again, his ass almost feeling fatter than it was before, and his cock...his cock feeling smaller, barely six inches long now.


"A good facial."

The horse groaned, spurting his load all over the gold dragon's face, covering him in a spray of white and glop. He groaned, feeling it dripping over his horns, only to have them grabbed and his head dragged into the crotch of someone else, his throat rapidly filled again as the other gunmen decided that they deserved a turn...

Kilian was in the middle of working on a pie when the TV news came on, talking about a bank robbery and a gold dragon on the site. He sighed, using his tail to turn the oven to the right temperature, and then turned to the TV.

"Torin, I swear to god..."

The slutty dragoness was right in the middle of the shot, surrounded by horses, bulls, and a single, well-hung giraffe. All of them were fucking her, slamming into the dragoness from all sides, covering her in seed, and doing everything possible to drain themselves of the need that she had given them.

"Heh...maybe hyper pheromones weren't the thing to give Torin...but hey, at least she uses them well. Now, back to the pie..."

The End

Open-Minded Body

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