Training the Jock Part 2
Second part with one to come. Terri the domineering cow has more punishment and humiliation in store for jock colt rick. And she uses her brother to do it...
The next day the colt trotted into the chagerooms at the school. He was early; very early for the game. He wore his training top, and his football shorts, and a pair of runners for now. His gear was in his locker, and he went to it as ordered.
The cow had been waiting for him.
"What took you so long Ricky..."
He looked up, and she saw the haunted look in his eyes. Where they had been bright blue pools of contempt, now they were almost grey. She wanted so much to kiss him, but first she had to break him some more.
"Couldn't get away from home."
She waggled a finger at him. His ears flattened, and she loved that look on him. It was the best look on a stallion.
"Well...don't you think of disobeying me sport. I own you..."
He whined and begged, but she was having none of it.
"I still have the video, and I still want to teach you some lessons colt. For my own reasons...let us say."
"Just do what I tell you colt, and do it well. And first I want you wearing your shoulder pads."
He looked at her as if she was deranged, then realised she probably was. His mane shook, and his tail swished, and he tried hard not to shake as he reached for his locker.
Taking out his gear, he slipped out of his football jersey and put the pads on. He looked at her uncertain, and she just grinned and patted a bag of her own.
"Now it's my turn."
As he watched, dumbfounded, she stripped. He saw her again, as he had last night, the big raw boned cow, with a massive set of tits. His eyes popped in spite of his predicament, and they zeroed in on the big fat nipples a huge brown areolae of the biggest set of tits he had ever seen in real life.
"Like what you see sport?"
He managed a cheeky grin, and she gave him a smouldering look of her own. She reached into the bag and pulled out a cheerleader uniform, and as he watched a little surprised, she pulled on the top and the skirt. He realised she was wearing no underwear, her breasts straining the fabric of her top showing off every contour and curve, and he could just imagine the feel of her hot snatch open to the world under the skirt. His loins stirred, and he let out a soft neigh.
The uniform clearly wasn't hers; he knew all the cheerleaders, of course, he had fucked more than his share of them, and the cow wasn't one of them. She barely fitted it in fact, and her tits definitely didn't, but the effect was mesmerising. He stared, and his cock tented his football pants obscenely. The cow noticed, of course, and walked over casually, her breasts swaying under the fabric, and gave his endowment a stroke through the fabric. His neigh turned into a full blown whinny, and he stiffened noticeably. His eyes stuck fastened on her chest.
"So stud, you have given me enough grief over the years. Looks like you missed the appeal of a bigger girl under all your football bro bluster. I thought if I dressed up like this you might find me a bit more attractive and find it easier to do your job this morning."
He was lost now, looking into her big brown eyes in wonder.
"Yeah stud...make me feel beautiful for once. Get on your knees pony."
She grabbed him by the ear, and led him over to the lockers. He followed of course; there wasn't much else a teenage stallion could do when a big cow had him by his soft little colty ear, the only thing worse would be...well, best not contemplated. She had him there metaphorically too.
With gentle but insistent pressure she forced him to his knees, right in front of his own locker, and she mounted the low wooden bench in front of it. With a flourish, she lifted her skirt, exposing a well tended bush and a set of pink pussy lips already swelling and moist from contemplating her domination of the cocky stud.
"Now me how you make a girl feel beautiful."
To his credit he needed no further instruction, and he even didn't need a finger and thumb twisting his sore ear. She let him go soon enough, as reward for efforts. His lips and his sweet tongue were doing a good enough job.
"Ohhh yes stud...better...much better..."
He lapped at her folds, alternating between the soft lips and the swelling clit just poking out from under a big fleshy hood. She used her hands on his mane now, guiding him, sometimes forcing him, even pushing him deeper into her snatch when she needed some serious deep tongue action. He kept licking, doing her bidding, and he even used his fingers on her, sliding one into her and stroking her folds while he concentrated on her clit.
"Ohhh fuck yes mister pony....fuck yes....yes...yes...fuck...fuck..."
She bathed him in the juices of her excitement, the orgasm producing a spray of female fluids that tasted sweet. Then with a wicked gleam in her eye, she forced him to lick more, and felt the urge build until she lost it.
He looked so cute then, she thought. Angry, humbled, and very very pissed off. The best look for a stud, especially when he had a muzzle and head decorated by her piss. She clamped down for now, letting him wipe his eyes clear of the liquid, then she pulled him into a standing position, his muzzle just under hers.
She kissed him then, tasting the tang of her pussy and her piss on his muzzle. It made her horny as fuck, and she bit his lips until he screamed and she tasted blood to add to the tang. Breaking the kiss, she looked into his confused and terrified eyes and kissed his nose.
"Nice start stud, but now you need to do it properly. Fuck me, hard, and make me feel special."
He looked genuninely stumped now. She kissed his nose again and sighed. Then she wrapped her arms around his neck, and one leg around his waist. He slowly got the message.
"Up against your locker stud. The football jock claiming his girl..."
She wrapped her second leg round him now, and he used his arms to hold her up, taking the weight of the big cow with difficulty. He had the upper body strength for it though, a colt who never shirked the weights, and it paid off for him this time. Pushing his body forward, he slammed the cow into his locker, using the leverage to help hold her up. With her arms round his neck, and her legs now wrapped round his waist, he felt her groin suddenly push down against his, and the heat of a cow pulsed against his hardened cock.
"Fuck me it right or else..."
He used one arm to hold her, almost losing his grip, and the other to fumble with his pants. She helped him, a little, untying his waistband, while he pulled them down and managed to get his erection free of his jock. It slapped her ass hard and slid along her snatch, and he felt the heat and the wetness suddenly dripping all over his flare. It made him whinny now, and he kissed her, no longer caring about the tastes in his muzzle, and she reached down to help his cock slide into her pussy after a feew moments of fumbling.
"Ahhhhhyesssss. So good stud."
He had her stable now, pressed between his body and the locker. His muscles strained, almost breaking from fatigue, his biceps and his pecs on fire. She didn't care one little bit, just loving the feel of him pressing against her, the cold hardness of his padding, the rough heat of his naked abdomen, the pulse of his cock. He began to thrust uncertainly, hesitant, straining every muscle to do his duty, but he got into it, his hips and his ass providing the power while his arms and his chest took the weight of his partner. The locker creaked and groaned, the hinges bent and fractured, and the door caved in partly, the heat of their fuck breaking his prized man shrine but he didn't notice. All he knew was the tight wet heaven his cock had fallen into.
They kissed harder then, her tongue invading his throat and conquering, and he fought bac with his cock, pounding into her snatch. He felt the end coming, the delicious tension giving way to heat and pleasure and a deep throbbing in the base of his cock right back near his tail and he flagged wildly as he ground her cunt with his hips and shot a thick load of teenage spunk into her and he screamed out his ending into her throat.
As he stood panting, he looked into her eyes and saw her smouldering. He swallowed in fear. This didn't look good.
"Nice sport. But I didn't tell you you could cum did I?"
"Ahhh...I'm sorry, it was so hot, you were so hot..."
He realised the last part was true. She was hot; fucking nuclear in fact. The thought stunned him.
"Nice excuse...well, what do you do if you leave your girl high and dry stud?"
He knew of course, but he didn't want to. He had shot buckets, and he hadn't used a condom. She would be dripping his spunk.
"On your knees colt, I want you to suck every last drop of your filthy jizz out of me do you hear?"
He obeyed as best he could, in spite of the claggy taste of his own cum. He concentrated on licking her clit, it looked so beautiful and purple, he reasoned she must be close. Gentle, soothing licks, then harder, from just under the tip and over the length of her clit, while he slid her hood back and forward like a little foreskin. It seemed to do the trick, and though she leaked a river of his cum, he only swallowed a bit of it.
She gripped his shattered locker hard in her climax and broke the door further. He didn't care, it was already too far gone. She gripped his mane painfully then, and pressed her snatch up to his muzzle.
"Open wide stud."
He felt the heat, and tasted the acrid taste again, much more of it this time. She pissed out her bladder into his complaining muzzle, and he drank it down with barely a complaint. She stroked his head then, the soft after the hard. She was learning how to manage him; stallions were easy.
She almost wanted ot kiss him again then. He looked so wounded, but she knew it would never do to let him off the hook too early. Besides, the best as yet to come.
"Now stud, bend over that table there."
He turned tearful eyes on the indicated furniture. In the middle of the locker room, they had a couple of wooden tables for gear, bolted down to the floor. He gave her a pleading look, but it was to no avail. With a sigh he trotted over and draped his large frame over the innocent timber.
Maria was whistling a tune as she went to her bag of tricks. She drew out a nice set of shackles, which drew a nicker from the stallion and a decided shudder of fear. His ears were down now, flat to his skull, and his tail nestled firmly between his legs. She gave his tail a fond stroke, then his ass, then his lower back. Such beautiful muscles, she thought. And the spot right at the base of his spine, the hollow just above his tail and the start of his ass cleft. That spot was pure magic.
Rubbing him there, she soothed his fears, so she could work. The manacles were leather and steel, and most study. In a flash he was tied down over the table, with his fetlocks secured to two legs, and his wrists to the far ones. His ass looked even better then, so tight, almost breaking through his football pants. She just had to pull them down now, and his cute little jock.
Giving his cock a friendly stroke, she brought him back to full hardness. He was a simple stud, she reflected, even last night she had seen it. In the end his cock and his nuts ruled, and with the right stimulus, she could control him. His flare pulsed and throbbed, and dripped clear precum and the last dregs of his previous orgasm. She could tell he wanted more though; for this stud, there was no such thing as enough. She could feel it when she stroked his scrotum and cupped his heavy testicles in her palm. They felt on fire.
"You have to learn how to pleasure your partner better stud...with your cock, as well as your muzzle. Thankfully I can give you lessons on that."
The colt was puzzled now. He was still wondering at her words when he watched her walk to the bag and take out something unusual...and once he worked it out, most disturbing.
" cant..."
She ignored him, calmly dropping her skirt to leave her naked down below, and putting on the harness. It had a very worthy stallion shaped cock dildo attached, in fact the one she had taken from the stallion's sister the previous night. Now it was settled into a bracket on an efficient harness around her waist and protruded from a most deliciously sensitive pussy just itching to feel what it would be like to pound a tight jock hole on an unwilling stallion.
"No, please, Im begging you!"
A hand stroked his head, rubbing his ears, then down his mane, along his back, lingering on the hollow of his spine, then under his tail, and over his cheeks. She loved the feel of a guy's ass; in fact, she thought the rump was the best part of a guy. Rick had an ass to die for, compact, muscled, seeming to rise out of his thighs and his back like two perfect almost square lumps of muscle. He had pronounced dimples on the side when he flexed, and a deep inviting cleft. As he whinnied and begged, she parted his cleft, exposing his long soft taint and the clenched pucker and jiggling sac of his scrotum. So good.
"Stop whining keep wanting to fuck girls with you massive horsecock, its only fair you take one occasionally...and maybe you will learn a thing or two."
She did take pity on him a little, and the dildo acquired a liberal coating of lube before she pressed the massive plastic flare to his tightly clenched ass and pushed. He resisted, but she just chucked and pushed harder. It only meant that when the moment finally came, it sank in to the medial and he cried out in pain and began to sob.
"Such a silly stud...and such a coward..."
"fuck you!"
"No, fuck you Rick. As often as I want."
She showed no mercy, slamming in to the hilt and drawing fresh cries and struggles. She knew the best way to break him though, and that wasn't by raping him like a viking. She had far worse in mind.
It took him a while to realise it wasn't hurting as much. She was fucking him all right, his poor ass stretched and pained, but she was doing it slowly, almost lovingly, and as he perked his ears up in wonder, her flare touched that place inside him and he moaned. His cock slapped the underside of the table, and shot a line of precum.
"Poor colt...finding it to your liking?"
"Awww lying wont help. I can read your ears pony, and your ass. It feels a lot easier, nicer, doesn't it? I can feel you opening wide and the way your body shakes when I touch you...there..."
"Now its my privilege to pleasure you stud...all the way to the end..."
She was in a rhythm now, massaging the jock's straining sphincter and his oversensitive teenage nut. He cried, he begged, and his eyes went wide as he realised his body was betraying him. He tried to stomp his hooves, and break free, but it was no use, the burning deep cock shaking cum built and suddenly it happened and he spurted a long continuous line of cum all over the floor as his body shuddered in a shameful climax.
He lay on the table crying as she stroked his mane, and then she used her grip to turn his head to one side. He gave a sudden start as he saw one of his teammates watching with a big grin on his muzzle. Dylan, the cow's younger brother, and one of the defensive linemen on the football team.
His shock and horror reached a peak when he saw the young bull had his phone pointed at them both, filming the colt's anal rape for all to see. His tears flowed afresh.
"Nice work sis..."
Reluctantly she pulled out of the broken stud. His ass tried to close, the abused pucker still wide open though thanks to the unfamiliar rough treatment. When the dildo finally left him with an audible pop, he let out a sigh of relief, and tried to close his poor tailhole. Oh God it hurt...
Rick fixed eyes on his teammate and pleaded with all his might.
"Please bro, call your sister off. Untie me, please. I've been punished enough..."
The young bull trotted over to his teammate with a big grin on his muzzle and stroked the colt's mane, then his back, and finally his pert ass. The colt was shaking now, feeling a guy's hands on him just as lovingly as the cow. Dylan rubbed his tail, just as his sister had, and slid a finger under to tickle his dock and play with his ass. He felt the slick remains of the lube, and one very pliable pony ass just begging to be taken. He gave his sister a grin.
"Got him well opened sis...awesome."
"Please bro! AHHHH!"
The jock bull was angry now, his grin turning to a snarl. He wrapped the colt's silken tail round his wrist and pulled it high, stretching one already sore pony anus and making his taint throb. Rick screamed, suddenly realising his predicament.
"Bro? Bro? First time I've heard you call me that punk. Fatso, beefy, oh yeah, I seem to remember "Wagyu". That made everyone laugh didn't it? I didn't know what the fuck it meant till I looked it up. Some nice beef all full of fat; everyone got the joke but me, and I felt like a cunt. You slimy asshole!"
"Owww! Please, I'm sorry!"
The bull gave him a hard lap on the rump, then another when the colt screamed and he enjoyed the way his rump jiggled from the blow. A couple more had him in a very penitent frame of mind, and he bent down to place his muzzle nice and close to the jock stallion's ears.
"Now hear this pony. You get to look a fucking hero out there on offence, makin touchdowns, screwing all the cheerleaders. And when you fuck up a nice simple pass, who saves your ass? Yeah, the big grunts like me in the defence. We stop them so you can go out there and be a hero again. And do you thank me? Do you help me in training, or run beside me on the track and tell me you are my bro? No, you call me fatso and laugh when I puke. Well if you want to be my bro, asshole, this is the way to do it. Bent over with your ass mine for the taking. And I think that's what I'm gonna do."
Rick was shaking his head now, unable to take in what was going to happen, even when the angry bull pulled down his own football shorts to unleash a thick throbbing bullcock. It had a fat bulbous head all purple exposed from a foreskin now retracted, a shaft pulsing with veins, and a massive set of nuts. He also had a body built for punishment, wide hips, big belly, and a huge rump made just to thrust that cock as hard and often as possible. It seemed like that was about to happen pretty soon.
He gave his cock a nice little stroke, drawing precum from the tip to coat the swollen head. It glistened in the light of the changeroom, and Maria made sure to get a nice closeup of it on Dylan's camera phone right when it was pressed to a helpless colt hole and the head disappeared with a scream from the owner of the hole and a grunt from the owner of the cock. She reached down and touched herself, frigging her clit as she watched the proud stud have his cherry stolen by her own brother, and she couldn't help but notice his cock remained hard and leaking all the time the bull sank into his guts.
"Yeah now that's my bro. On the end of my dick, nice and tight and hot. Fuck you are tight pony...tightest Ive ever had..."
"Oh god...oh god..."
Dylan was in heaven now. A junior, he had lusted after the senior stud ever since he had been a freshman. The arrogant colt had never given him the time of day, and when he joined the team, expecting that to make him notice him, even treat him as an equal, he had instead endured put down after put down. Revenge was so fucking sweet, as sweet as a virgin pony hole could be wrapped round his dick. He gave him long sweet strokes, letting the colt feel the full thickness and length of an aroused bull spreading his tunnel.
For Rick this was the worst. The dildo had been bad enough, but at least it felt cold and impersonal. This was hot, throbbing, and very much alive and it belonged to a dude, one of his teammates. He cried as his ass was taken, and the cow licked off his tears even as she frigged her clit to multiple orgasms watching his violation. The bull was good too, gripping his hips to thrust harder, then as the burn built to a sigh built to a throb in his balls, he felt a hand on his cock and he broke.
" god...harder....harder...harder...please I need to cum...please...harder..."
He was so close. So close...then a big rough mitt closed on his flare and a fat bull cockhead rammed his nut.
He still had enough in his balls to produce a respectable gush, enough to coat the young bull's hand. His body was on fire now, any touch so arousing, and he shuddered to the cow's exploration of his flanks even as the bull leaned over him, resting a substantial belly on his rump, and fed him his own load. He lapped it up as if it were the sweetest milk.
"Fucking bro all right...sweet ass pony."
The grunt of pain when the bull pulled out was part regret too. That cock felt so proper inside him. Now his ass gaped and he felt cum dripping down his taint to coat his balls in tingly sticky reminder of his shame.
"You get that sis?"
Maria nodded from behind the camera phone. This was going to be priceless; in fact, she had promised it to all the girls there last night, and after a moments hesitation at the sheer wickedness of what she was proposing, all had eventually agreed. Even the filly had shamefacedly requested a copy; she said it was for a friend.
Dylan held his formidable cock in his hand for now, idly stroking it. He knew he needed a second nut to relieve the tension, and he had the means right there.
"Open wide bro..."
Hand now wrapped in colt mane, he guided his length into the unwilling muzzle. Fuck it felt so hot...he thought it may even beat the feel of pony ass, if that were possible. He let the lost colt have half only, but that was enough. Those sweet lips spread wide to take it, sliding down his shaft and over the stretched skin of his foreskin just under the head, and a pony tongue touched his piss slit and licked at his frenum. It didn't take too long, he was already so on the boil, and he let out a deep moo and scrunched up his eyes as he dumped a second thick load into his jock teammate's muzzle and the colt struggled to swallow every drop.
He failed; his lips dripped with bull milk, and his chin. Dylan pulled out, his cock was way too sensitive for more right now, and he began to lose his hardon, the thick meat still sporting a decent semi. He loved the look of the colt right no so much, so lost, so broken, too lot even to cry. He bent down and gave him a long sloppy kiss, loving the taste of his own spunk on the colt. He also tasted something else.
"Fucking hell sis, did you piss in his muzz?"
She gave her brother a nonchalant shoulder shrug. He shook his head.
"I'm glad I'm not on your enemy list any more are one twisted cow."
"Got a problem brother of mine?"
He looked thoughtful then and shook his head.
"No...matter of fact, you may have given me an idea..."
Aiming his semi hard bull meat, he told the colt to open wide. Rick refused, his eyes wide as he stared at the angry purple head of the cock that had taken his virginity. The piss slit opened so wide, and suddenly a stream of steaming urine splashed all over him, and he closed his eyes. The bull didn't mind much, he enjoyed pissing all over his nemesis, coating his head, his muzzle, his mane, even right down his back. The jock stallion was dripping in bull piss, as well as bull cum that leaked from his muzzle and his red raw ass.
All he could do was shake then. The two bovines watched him, taking in the broken colt they had made. He seemed more than broken enough.
"Think we should leave him here for the team to find sis?"
She was tempted, sorely tempted, but Maria could tell they had pushed the jock beyond his limits this time. He lay there shaking, even after she took pity on him and untied him. His cock was still hard though, dripping precum. She ran a finger along the cleft of his ass, and wondered as his hole clenched and opened and his balls danced for her entertainment.
"I think he had learned a bit brother. Perhaps we should give him a break for the moment."
Dylan wasn't so sure, but he knew better than to argue. Together they pulled the colt off the table, and into the shower. He continued to shake all the time they washed out his coat, removing the piss at least from there though he could still taste it in his muzzle. The young bull even tended to his ass, rubbing the ridge of his pucker soothingly as his sister jacked his cock.
Both of them were surprised when he came, flooding the shower with a fresh load of spunk. He collapsed in their arms, still shaking, and rocked back and forward between the two bovines.
"You going to give some support to your teammates today bro?"
He played his worst individual game of all that day, but he laid more blocks and gave more vocal support to the defence than ever before. Everyone wondered at this slightly odd version of Rick they had found, but apart from the coach, who had to give up running plays through his star receiver, most seemed content. Especially one big bull with a quiet grin on his muzzle under the helmet.