Training the Jock Part 1

Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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An old post I killed but have reposted. A group of girls, soccer players but ignored by their school, get revenge on one of their brothers a cocky colt in ways he is unlikley to forget but enjoys far too much. Their ringleader, a big cow, has more in store for our poor colt.

Lots of femdom, for those that enjoy like me :)

The four girls were feeling no pain, thanks to a suitable amount of vodka and lemonade. All of them had some bruises, and their bodies ached in places, but victory was it's own painkiller, and with the addition of some alcohol, they were on a high.

They were members of their school's female soccer team, and the team was a roaring success. They had just dispatched their bitter rivals on a Friday after school on their home ground, and the four had come back to one of their number's home to celebrate.

The selection of their location for a bit of a party was an easy one; Terri had a pool, a nice big house, and her parents were out for the evening. For the four seniors, it was a no brainer.

After a dip in the pool, minus clothes, they had returned to their star midfielder's room to talk. The filly was a good talker at school, though in this company she tended to shut up. That was because their captain, and their natural leader, was in session.

Maria was an imposing figure. The cow was eighteen but could pass for older if she wanted, and in fact she often did, as her fake ID was the source of their stash of booze for the evening. Big, broad and imposing, she was an unstoppable force in the penalty area, a striker to be feared with a header that was responsible for a full third of their goals this season. She was a force of nature on and off the pitch.

The other three were impressive in their own ways; Terri the tall and athletic filly, a paint mare with a big smile hiding a fierce intelligence and a real determination. The enigmatic leopardess Jelena, intense and dark, a Serb with a slight accent even after several years, and a very Serbian sense of humour, who played a shut down role in defence with uncompromising toughness. And finally, the doe Gabriela, fast on her hooves, bubbly and full of jokes, a threat on the wing or in class where she liked to pull practical jokes.

Even amongst these three though, the cow was in charge. All deferred to her, even Jelena, though when asked why she usually just smiled and shrugged her shoulders. Jelena did not like explaining herself, to anyone.

On this Friday night, under the influence of the release of victory, and the booze, they began to mutter; and the things they muttered about were grievances long held in check.

"So, anyone think we will get any kudos in school at all?" The question came from the filly Terri, but they all knew the answer. Scowls and curses were the norm. As always, it was Maria who voiced their thoughts.

"Nothing. Fucking nothing. The football team has a crap season, but all they need is one win and the whole school falls at their hooves. They get everything they want, all the money, all the attention, whether they do any good or not, and we get zilch."

Their anger built with a few more sips, and the targets broadened and merged. One constant remained though; and it was the male gender who was the problem.

"Your brother Dylan is on the football team Maria, does it give you the shits seeing him getting preferential treatment?" The leopardess asked it nonchalantly, with a half smile, but she knew what she was doing. Jelena liked a bit of needle.

The cow bristled. Her little brother was a bit of a sore point; she liked to protect him, on the one hand, but on the other, he was a member of the enemy.

"He isn't too bad, not one of the worst. At least he doesn't get up to the shit your brother does Terri. That colt is a problem."

The filly bristled now, not because she was protective, but because she was sick of being held to account for her brother's antics.

"What has Rick done now the fucking bastard?" it was said with long suffering grace and a nicker of disgust. They all laughed, but they all had stories.

"Well, there was fucking Samantha Rickman while he was supposed to be going out with Melissa, at her own birthday party..."

"And mooning the church social along with the quarterback..."

"And making Melissa give him head even when she didn't want to, and it made her feel sick..."

"And being a genuine, low down, scumsucking fucking bully bastard to all and sundry!"

The last came from Maria; she had her own reasons for some personal animus, and though she normally kept it under wraps with Terri, tonight she was going to town.

"You know, I saw him spying on us from his window when we were in the pool..." the leopardess said it casually, as if it was nothing, but it had the desired effect. The assembled company was scandalised; and thinking of revenge.

Maria led the counterattack.

"I don't know about you all, but I am sick and tired of these guys thinking they own the school, and thinking their shit don't stink. Everyone makes excuses for them, or lets them get away with murder. Well, not any more, not from me anyway. Who is in?"

By mutual accord it was on, and the approach would be stealthy.

In his room down the corridor, the object of their wrath tonight was blissfully unaware of his impending doom. Rick had indeed taken a quick peek at the four in the pool, and enjoyed himself in the process, but nothing there was really different to what he had seen several times. He had more than his fair share of girls falling over themselves to get into his pants, cheerleaders and all, and he didn't see any of the four as anything special. Besides, female athletes were definitely suspicious; surely they could stay on the sidelines cheering where they belonged?

Instead, and with no girlfriend currently on the horizon, he decided on some of his favourite personal time recreation. He did an intense set on his weights, until his chest and shoulder muscles popped nicely and he got some poses in, admiring his own reflection in a full size mirror in his room, and then he got down to serious business.

His self absorption prevented him from seeing his danger. A small crack had appeared in the doorway, where his four companions for the night had silently opened his door just enough, and deployed a smartphone camera to scope out their quarry.

They caught the tail end of his self admiration session, and it took a lot of control not to laugh at his bodybuilding poses and the way he grinned at the look of his own body. Oh, he was good, they all had to admit privately. A chestnut colt, with white feathering and a white blaze on his chest, and black mane, he was pretty in a boy next door way, and his muscles were impressive.

His body was the only admirable thing about him though, and as they watched, he jumped on his bed, fired up his laptop, and reached for a bedside unit, where he had already prepared some entertainment for the evening.

The bong was quite functional, but decorative, made from an old Jim Beam bottle. It's function was fairly obvious even to the slightly sheltered doe, and when he charged it up and took his first hit, the smoke filling his lungs before he puffed it out his nostrils like some teenage dragon, the look on his face was one of pure relaxed satisfaction.

He had his earphones in, watching the screen, and so missed the gasps from his sister. She was angry now all right; he had been busted once before, and his parents threatened dire consequences if he did it again. He had sworn black and blue that it was a once off, and he had learned. They had also questioned his older sister, wondering how she had let him go off the rails like this, as if she had any say in the matter. The thought of having to stick up for him again made her grind her teeth in rage.

If they could hear the soundtrack on the laptop, they would have been even less pleased. He had dialled up some of his favourite porn, and the more degrading the better he liked it. Petite girls being drilled by big studs, moaning and groaning as they were fucked, was his favourite. He had some on now and as the smoke buzzed through his body, he felt his hardon poking through his sweatpants and gave it a fond stroke.

Then his world went upside down.

The door was wide open, he saw the four girls framed in the opening, and two of them held smartphones and were obviously taking pics or film of him. The bong was by his side, his cock in his hand, and he sat there on the bed for long seconds like an idiot before the magnitude of it hit him.

"The fuck! Fuck off! What...what are you..."

He tried putting his cock away and hiding the bong at the same time, but it didn't really work. He just made it worse, upending the bong all over his bed, and letting his long horsehood slap his belly with a crack that added an excellent audio dimension to the video.

The four girls were laughing and jeering at his threats and pleas.

"Give me the fucking phones..."

He made his final mistake then, trying to use force. With four pretty strong girls all together, and all very much not minded to back off, even a football stud like Rick was on a hiding to nothing. When you added the fact that the leopardess was a black belt, he was toast. Jelena in fact did enjoy grabbing his flailing wrist and pulling it round behind his back, adding a nice malicious twist of pain just for fun. With the young stallion thus suitably under their control, she looked at the cow for instructions.

"Bring him back to Terri's room."

The little company trudged along the corridor, with a complaining colt yelping every step as the Serbian leopardess made sure he knew he was in trouble by adding extra force to her hold. By the time he arrived in his sister's room, he was one quite penitent colt.

If only he knew what was coming, he may even have begged, and at this stage, it may even have helped. Alas for Rick, this was not to be his night.

He was forced to kneel before them, and his rapid breathing masked a mix of fear and anger. He looked at his sister for help, but she was clearly not going to be his saviour tonight. She looked the angriest of all.

"So Ricky...enjoying yourself?"

"What's it to you fat cow?"

The cow gave him a look of regret, pulled back a hand, and slapped his muzzle. The crac reverberated round the room, and the other girls looked stunned.

"That's for perving on us in the pool, horseboy. Not for insulting me. I still owe you...and I repeat, were you enjoying yourself?"


The filly had brought the incriminating evidence with her. The bong now sat on her side table, and the laptop was open and playing it's High Definition version of teenage male perfection for her disgusted gaze.

She turned it towards the others, who all voiced their disapproval. The cow put her muzzle right to his and stared into a pair of terrified male eyes. He was sweating, she could scent him. And she could scent his musk, and cum. Delicious...and intriguing, as she suspected.

First she had to break him.

"Terri here tells us you were busted by your parents once before."

"So?" he managed to sound nonchalant, and injured. They weren't buying though.

"So, what do you think would happen if we showed them the footage?"

He got the message now, crystal clear. Unfortunately, he went for bluster.

"Fuck off, you are not pure fucking saints, I will just tell them it was made up, you bitches...owww!"

That got him another slap, and he subsided.

"Very silly pony. And then there is the porn..."

"What about it?" Now he was definitely uncertain. Whats wrong with porn, after all?

The four managed to look scandalised.

"The problem, Ricky, is that this disgusting shit is exactly what is wrong with all you self entitled brats and football bros. You treat girls like shit, on the screen or in life. Melissa, for example? Samantha...I know there are plenty more."

He was defensive now, and he began to whine. The cow pursed her lips. She despised weakness; though it could be useful. And in the right stud, it could be quite arousing.

She grabbed one of his soft horsey ears, so silken in her grasp, and twisted.


Her muzzle met his pained ear, and whispered, but loudly enough for the others to hear.

"Well, I think it's about time for you to learn some lessons Ricky. About what it's like to be treated like a piece of meat instead of a rockstar. And we are starting right now."

She made him stand, and the others watched in awe. This was something new, something wonderful, and they felt intoxicated and not mainly due to the vodka. The colt looked positively deferential now, his ear down (the one not clenched in a pair of cow fingers), his tail flat, his whole body radiating submission. And he was smelling quite beautiful.

"Now, Terri, have you got some ties, from robes or anything?"

"Y...yes, but why..."

"Just get them hon. Your brother here is going to need some restraint."

He was wearing no top, having just finished his workout, and a pair of batter sweat shorts only. As he stood, the leopardess got the hint, and bent forward to strip him of his remaining dignity. He nickered but didn't fight it further, not when the cow reminded him of the videos.

"You are going to behave yourself pony, and you are going to learn to obey, or your life is toast."

So when the feline ran her claws down his hips and thighs, he shivered but didn't complain. He even lifted his hooves so she could remove his shorts...and then again, more reluctant, when she removed his briefs.

He was very exposed, very naked, and very uncertain now. He covered his genitals with his hands, which caused the cow to slap his rump hard and pull them away, revealing his full glory.

They had to admit, he was glorious. A thick plump sheath, fat testicles contained in a delightfully low hanging scrotum, muscled thighs and abdomen, a patch of pubes just above his sheath opening, and a little trail of fuzz between his balls meeting a circle of fuzz around the base of his sheath. The cow's eyes widened, drinking him in. He would be perfect...she could taste it.

"Now colt...on the bed."

Terri was about to complain, but she was shut up with a look from Maria. Sacrificed had to be made, even if that meant her brother's despicable teenage colt germs all over her bed. He was ordered to lie back, with his hooves over the end, and his hands clasping the bedposts. They tied him down like that, arms wide, and his hooves tied to the legs at the foot of the bed. He was spread wide now, his thighs forming a nice V shape, his groin jutting up, and his whole front exposed to anything they might want. All of them were formulating ideas as to exactly what that might be, whether they admitted it or not.

He had withdrawn his cock under the multiple assaults. The cow looked at his groin, and decided that would not do.

"Ok colt...drop."


He was still learning. Her grip on his scrotum was just painful enough to give the message, not enough to damage permanently. He screamed, and he complied. One very long, very beautiful horsecock came into view.

"Hmmm impressive..."

Maria admired it. She had seen plenty, but this one was special. She reached out as the other hung back, and caressed, running her fingers along the underside. It jerked, and it twitched, and as they watched, the teenage stud cock swelled to full angry erection, the flare spreading to it's full dimensions and pulsing to his heartbeat.

"Now girls...time to show him what it's like to be used..."

One by one they joined in the play, as he first moaned, then cried out, then sniffled in silence. It was erotic, enticing, and so very humiliating. It was also never going to make him cum. They teased, they played like he was a toy, and they left him aching but nowhere near orgasm. His balls churned, and the cow moved to them instead, cupping them and squeezing as the others played with his cock.

Even his sister...that was the worst. She had been the last, he saw, but eventually Terri reached for her brother's cock and gave a tentative stroke on his flare. He let out a whinny, and shot a glob of pre, and she recoiled...but then she returned, and instead stroked just under his flare, right where he was most sensitive, and he arched his back against the bonds and tried not to let it get to him.

The doe decided on something new, and still grinning, she kissed his nose and then licked his chest. She was fascinated by his muscles, wanting to taste each one, his pectorals, his abdominals, and finally she zeroed in on a nipple and began to suckle and nibble and he writhed in agonised arousal.

He was leaking so much, a little pool developed on his belly. The doe licked that too, and let her tongue explore his navel, and his pubes.

"Ahhh please...just let me cum, you've had your fun..."

The four girls realised how much they were getting to him; and by unspoken agreement, decided not to give him the satisfaction of release. Not yet, anyway.

For an hour they tormented him, as he became increasingly desperate. Hands on his sensitive places, his flanks, his belly, his cock, his scrotum, his nipples. Muzzles, tongues, fingers, they used everything, even his sister's own tail on the tips of his nipples which made him scream as the sensation was matched by constant pressure by the cow on his flare. He squirmed, he writhed, he begged, he moaned, and he panted, and above all he leaked a copious amount of precum. The clear liquid fascinated them all, and they felt it on their fingers and tasted.

Then the cow decided to make things interesting. First, she brought fingers well smeared in pre to his muzzle and ordered him to lick.

"You want to cum...time to earn it pony."

"Please! Please!...oh God..."

He lapped at his own precum, ignoring the taste as much as possible. Tangy, sweet...oh God.

"Now Girls, I think it's time to use this stud as he was meant to be used."

She asked the filly for mane ties. Terri was confused, but obeyed. She had plenty, nice elastic mane ties in all sorts of colours. The cow selected several, testing their strength and width, and grinned as she held the helpless stud's cock. Then she asked for something that made the filly blush; she asked for a condom. Terri muttered, but produced a packet from her bedside drawer. The cow gave her a knowing smile as she palmed them

"Now stud, you are going to get your heart's desire. You are going to get to fuck, and to cum...that's all you football studs want isn't it?"

"Yes! Oh god...just, please let me cum!"

The other three girls watched on amazed as their leader went to work. First she rolled a condom onto thepoor colt's cock. It pulsed against the latex, the flare still obvious and precum continued to leak. Then she made use of the mane ties, and not in the way they were originally intended.

Selecting two for extra strength, she doubled them over, and slipped them over the stud's cock, pulling them down, and then, as he screamed at the rough handling, over his balls. The ties sat nice and tight around the base of his cock now, an improvised cockring. She used two more to complete the ensemble, tieing off his scrotum up high against his groin. His swollen nuts bulged obscenely, and quivered in their bag, helpless and needy.

"Right, I am going to show you how to actually pleasure a woman. Get ready will be graded."

She dropped her skirt then, and stripped off her top. She unhooked her bra and threw it to the floor and stood almost naked, just wearing a pair of nickers. The colt's eyes bulged as he took in the sight of the big, strong cow, very obviously aroused. Her nickers were drenched, and as his nostrils flared, he caught the scent of cow in heat. His cock gave an involuntary jerk.

She finally dropped her nickers too, and sidled over the bound stud, letting the damp cloth cover his snout. He breathed her in as she kissed his chest, and then his chin, until she finally straddled his muzzle and let herself down onto him gradually while her hands played with his mane.

"Now it well, or I crush your puny nuts into paste."

He did his best, driven wild by the scent and now the taste of aroused cow. He lapped at her, driving his tongue into her depths and tasting thick sweet fluid, and feeling the fold swell and pulse against his invading tongue. Then under her painful urging, he found her clit, and licked for all he was worth while she bucked her hips over his snout and rode him to an orgasm that made the other girls watching on squirm with arousal. All had found their own sex, and all were furiously masturbating at this incredible sight.

Maria turned then to give them a wink.

"That's how you use a stud..."

She shuffled back, her dripping pussy now poised above his cock, and caressed his distressed organ.

"Anyone else want a go at his muzzle?"

He was perversely pleased when the doe took her place over him. At least it wasn', that was too humiliating to contemplate. The doe also tried something different, straddling his muzzle facing his hooves and not the wall. She wanted a view of this while he ate her out, she knew. Gabriele liked to watch almost as much as she liked to feel it.

He tasted doe, different and more subtle, but still full of the tang of arousal. Then as he licked, she slid her groin against his muzzle and drove her pert ass onto him, her little diamond tail slapping the bridge of his nose.

He felt the wrinkled ring of her ass, tasted the funk of her, and as she pressed down on him, he also felt the incredible, much needed touch of cow on his cock. He sighed, he moaned, and as his cock disappeared into the hot wet depths of Maria's snatch, his befuddled brain wen away leaving only sensual needs behind. His tongue licked the proffered anus, and then he probed and spread the doe's anus and ate out her ass with as much force as he ate the cow's cunt.

They rode him together, slowly and without caring about him at all. Had he been able to see, he would have seen them kissing finally, the doe and cow locked in a sensual embrace over his body, using his muzzle and his cock, and his jock body for their own pleasure. They kissed, and the doe suckled on her captain's breasts and bit her nipples while the pantheress and the filly watched on in admiration and embarrassed arousal. Then the cow threw her head back and mooed and her body shook with a violent orgasm.

Maria reached back to fondle the bound scrotum of the helpless jock colt. It was so full, and so taut. She lifted off his cock, hearing him scream in desperate need under the doe as his impending orgasm died so beautifully.

By the time the pantheress mounted him, he was in agony. If someone had offered to cut off his nuts, he may have agreed.

He finally drew an orgasm from the doe, her squeals of delight so cute, and she dismounted from his muzzle daintily and gave him a long tongue kiss so she could taste her own pussy on the stud. Jelena used his cock like a dildo, her expression blank and intense, eyes closed. She rode him for a long time, wanting this first before she used his muzzle. She always liked that; she had never found a guy able to last long enough to make it this good, but the mane ties and the condom seemed to be working wonders. Her own boyfriend was in for some shocks.

She was still rocking back and forward on his straining cock when he felt another on the bed, and looked up to see darkness descend. He smelt mare; and let out a whimper as his sister lowered her snatch already drooling fluid right onto her own brother's tormented muzzle.

The scent of mare in heat went straight to his cock, and he drove his tongue in deep. She writhed over him, forcing herself right onto his muzzle and taking his tongue deeper than she knew possible. She knew it was wrong, all of it, but it felt so good, and the pantheress behind her reached forward and cupped her breasts and played with her nipples and she let herself loose on the sensations.

They both came together, the pantheress and the mare. Not the stallion though; he was lost in a world of torment with his cock on fire not quite able to reach climax, and he couldn't even beg with his muzzle drowning in mare juices.

Satisfied for the moment, they went back to teasing him, hands all over his coat. They found every sensitive spot on his body; his armpits, where they plucked his hairs with a pair of tweezers, and then his belly just above his cock, where they did the same to his pubes. Then the cow had a better idea.

"Untie his fetlocks, and lift his legs..."

He felt unyielding hands do just that, and he was bent double, with his hooves above his shoulders, and his ass open and exposed. The cow propped him up higher with a pillow, and he swallowed imagining all the terrible things they could do. If only he knew...

A grinning Maria decided on a little master class of her own. She addressed her companions, as if at a lecture.

"Now, guys are easy to control if you know how. And one way is knowing all their pressure points...oh, I know you know about the cock, their balls, and we have enjoyed Rick's nipples immensely. But you may not know about their other sensitive places."

The others looked blank, as the cow slid onto the bed and knelt next to an exposed colt ass.

"For example, a guy's perineum, right here between his balls and his sensitive."


Rick felt the touch then, and it left him reeling. She rubbed him in his most secret places, now spread wide and exposed shamefully. It felt so good, way too good, and his cock jerked and drooled more precum into his condom as the pleasures built and throbbed. His balls swelled until it looked like the skin would split.

"Now Terri...bring me your favourite vibrator."

"No fucking way!" The filly looked scandalised, and they all laughed at her expression. Eventually however, she knew the cow wasn't bluffing. She went to a cupboard and found the offending item. She had used it just the previous night, dreaming of a certain stud. The thought of it going into her brother's ass was both intriguing and horrifying.

The cow hefted it and grinned.

"My my...nice and big too, and stallion patterned. Almost as big as mister pony here...he should enjoy it."

The colt begged now, pleaded, whined, and then, as she pressed the flare to his tightly clenched pucker, he cried, tears streaming down his cheeks.

It did him no good. She twisted and pushed until the thick horse dildo penetrated his virgin pucker, the pain almost as bad as the humiliation. He wept now, but his cock twitched and throbbed, the painful penetration also feeling perversely good inside his ass. When she found his prostate, with much difficulty, he opened his eyes and let out a whinny of shock.

"There girls...a boy's most sensitive spot. Not his cock tip; his little boy nut, his prostate. Right there inside his ass, and if you can find it, you have him where you want him."

She drove the dildo in deep then and turned on the vibrator. It buzzed, the sensations maddening the lost stud. He let out a constant series of moans, every muscle in his body on fire. When she pulled it out, he didn't know whether to be grateful or disappointed. His orgasm was so close.

"Then you can always improvise need for a dildo..."

Thick strong cow fingers probed his wide spread hole. She stroked the ring of muscle, pressed at the opening, and as he watched horrified, she slid two fingers into his anus. Her fingerhooves found his nut again and he arched his back and let out a whinny of deepest need.

Her eyes blazed, and her companions watched in amazement as she toyed with a jock ass right there in front of him. She teased his opening, rubbing his pucker, then spreading it with fingers, letting them see his wide open straight boy hole. He clenched, then opened, then clenched as she stroked just inside his ass, fingerhooves rubbing over his most sensitive place of all.

His moan came from his hooves when she slid a third finger inside him, and his poor hole was filled painfully and completely. His cock jerked and twitched, and she fingered inside him, searching for his fat nut, primed and ready and oh so sensitive.

Then she rubbed, and rubbed, and pressed harder and harder, until he felt it coming and knew she wouldn't leave him on the edge. He could only say 'thank you...please...thank you...oh God...thank you..." as the end approached, his whole body tensed like a bowstring.

His orgasm was like a flood, leaking from the base of his cock and from his guts and tumbling from his cock in waves of pleasure and relief. It went on and on, not like a normal cum, more a constant stream, until the throb in his nut became a burn and he squirmed and his ass suddenly felt so sore.

Maria pulled her fingers out, and brought them to his muzzle.


He obeyed, whining all the time, as her hand caressed his now empty balls. The message was clear, and it only took one squeeze for him to get the message.

"Any one else want a turn?"

They all did, it seemed. It was the leopardess who got him to cum the second time, her rough prodding of his sensitive nut with the dildo too much to resist. He squealed, and he came, even as he felt his sister hold his cock so she could feel the sensation of his orgasm. For Terri, it was a disturbing pleasure holding her brothers cock, knowing he was totally under her control like this. She enjoyed it; and she wanted more of the same.

They were not quite done with him yet though. First he was forced to drink his own cum, the condom pulled off his sore cock and emptied into his muzzle. They took more pictures then, of his muzzle drenched in jizz. Then they decided he deserved another little souvenir.

The leopardess was an accomplished jeweller and piercer in her own right. She had fashioned some nice ones for her fellow teammates, and they had agreed tonight to get them done in the way teenagers do sometimes when they get on a roll. She had her kit with her, a set of piercing needles, and several different rings. They had intended to get nipple rings, and they thought the colt deserved one too for being such a good sport.

The quiet Serb ignored his babbling pleas, telling him girls took this all the time without complaint. She rammed a thick 10 gague open needle through his left nipple, smirking at his scream, and threaded a nice sterling silver bar to give the colt a shiny new barbell piercing on his nipple. The vodka had come in handy as disinfectant.

Now eyeing up the bound stud, she had an even better idea.

"You know, if he is going to fuck so many girls, he should at least be modified to give them a good time because he is such a selfish fuck otherwise."

And so he found himself begging, pleading, as the leopardess held his cock with the tip of a piercing needle against his flare. She drove it through nice and slow, tasting his screams like fine wine, watching his cock pulse and throb with its own response to the touch. The cow noticed too and grinned; this colt liked it rough indeed. She had some ideas of her own.

He was given a nice curved barbell, with a quite fat ball on the end. The leopardess told him it would be very popular; if he mounted a girl like a stallion from behind, the piercing would rub her G-spot just right.

"My own boyfriend has one; only reason I keep him."

When they finally released him and let him go back to his room, he curled up in a ball and held his abused genitals. He was horrified to find he was still hard though; and when he touched the sore spot on his flare and played with his piercing, he came.

His dreams were tormented, erotic and many. And by morning, his sheets were dripping with sweat and cum, and his brain was in a world of hurt. He ate his cereal with a blank expression, and when his sister came down to join him, he picked up the wild scent of her sex and had to excuse himself. The memories were too fresh.

Terri noticed his discomfort, but not the depth of it. Instead, she called her friend the cow, and congratulated her on making her brother slightly less cocksure.

If only she knew precisely what Maria was planning, she might not be quite so unconditionally appreciative. Or maybe she would...

Training the Jock Part 2

The next day the colt trotted into the chagerooms at the school. He was early; very early for the game. He wore his training top, and his football shorts, and a pair of runners for now. His gear was in his locker, and he went to it as ordered. The cow...

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Memory is a funny thing. I can't remember how many guys I've fucked over the journey. It has to be a lot, and most of them are just a blur. Some stand out though. Some stand out a lot. Some I wish I could forget. Some I wish I could remember. Some I...

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I Like to Watch...Ninth Glance

The needs had been growing for weeks now. Those deep gnawing needs, those cravings. I could slap them down for a while, even ignore them, but they were always there tormenting my dreams and interrupting me in meetings. Just yesterday I had been sitting...

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