A good nigth

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#3 of Full Circle

Skippy takes to Faith for a walk in the town, for everyone is clear the interes of him in the girl. Little John has special talk with skippy while Robin and Marian can enjoy a good swinger experiencie with Little John's parents

The following day Little John wakes up slowly feeling that his balls make contact with the ass of his mother, the bear yawns lightly and looks in silence at the female at his side.

He had not fucked her in so many years, she was with whom he lost virginity that night and now both had spent a great night. Little John gets out of bed with care and he takes his clothes to get dressed.

The bear walks toward the door and he opens it, Little John takes out his head to see the exterior of the bedroom. He only sees that Skippy with calm and care slips out by the door of the bedroom of Marian and Robin.

The boy gets surprised and crosses looks with Little John. He smiles at the boy with complicity and Skippy smiles him moment before walking to his bedroom, Little John gets out of the bedroom and closes the door.

His steps are calmed and slow to not wake up nobody, mainly his sister.

Moments after Little John is in front of the door of his bedroom, he opens it and enters to close it behind him. It is not surprise to see his father leant backwards with his head on his hands while he enjoys a good fellatio from Ruth and Dana.

The two females lick the erection of the father of Little John. He moans and growls smoothly with pleasure, Lowell opens his eyes and notices that his son looks at him, Little John makes a funny gesture to his father.

The older bear understands and separates the two females with care. Dana and Ruth get disappointed seeing that Lowell takes his clothes and he gets dressed with a little bit of speed.

"They are incredible." Lowell says when he passes close to his son and gets out of the bedroom closing the door. Little John smiles seeing the two women, he takes off his clothes and gets on the bed.

"I guess that you had a really good time with my father." Little John says before kissing his two women on mouth.

"It was fun, he fucks as you do." Ruth says while she takes the balls of the bear and pampers them just like her daughter. Little John leans upon his left side, he does a grin to Dana.

She smiles and rapidly she positions herself to begin to lick the balls of the bear. Little John growls with pleasure when Ruth's tongue touches his anus. The female uses her hand to raise the left gluteus of the bear to have a good access to the posterior hole.

Ruth licks with care the bear's sphincter, she moves her tongue circularly on the brown and closed hole, and the woman enjoys the taste and the grunts of pleasure of the father of her cubs.

Dana licks Little John's balls, she sucks the big furry orbs. She sees that the shaft of the bear begins to harden, it is a good moment and Dana raises her head opening her mouth to take the cock in it.

She likes the savor completely, the shaft of the bear gets cover with saliva. Dana does not surprises when Little John pushes his penis he slides in the throat of the girl, he growls feeling that muscles squeeze his manhood.

Little John moans with pleasure by the united work of mother and daughter. Ruth takes the balls of the bear from behind and she massages them slowly. The doe pushes her tongue, Little John gasps and moans with pleasure.

The woman's tongue moves in his rectum caressing his anal walls and getting them wet with warm and sticky saliva.

Dana feels as the spurts of precum sprinkle her mouth, she sucks with more eagerness the bear's palpitating cock. Little John moans and growls with more force, his pleasure grows rapidly in his body.

Little John pulls his penis out and reclines backwards almost at the same time that spurts of semen begin to be fired from the opening of his member. Dana and her mother immediately begin to lick the cock while the semen that falls sprinkles their faces.

They lick the genitals of the bear with pleasure and savor the seed that drips from the tip.

The small brooks of semen are licked rapidly.

Little John pants content while the two women continue licking his penis that keeps on going flat slowly. Ruth licks his mouth and she cleans her face just like his daughter, both lean back next to Little John.

He embraces them and kisses them on their mouth while they give the bear's balls a soft squeeze.

A couple of hours later Little John wakes up alone in his bed, he rubs eyes at the same time that he stretches his body. The bear relaxes some minutes before getting out of the bed to take his clothes and get dress.

The bear goes down to the kitchen where he finds his mother with Marian and Ruth.

The three are preparing lunch while they chat.

"Well look who woke up." Leanna says while she sees over her shoulder, Ruth and Marian smoothly smile at Little John.

"With a night like that, anyone wakes up late." Little John says while he smiles at the three women.

"Little John... I was talking with Skippy last night." Marian says turning over and looking at the bear. Little John looks closely at her expecting the following words from the vixen.

"The boy is interested in Faith." Leanna says while she looks over her shoulder to Little John.

"You do not need mention it." The bear says laughing smoothly. For each person in the castle it is obvious that the rabbit has his attention put in Faith. Little John had noticed it since the moment that both did meet.

"Well it does not seem something bad for me." Leanna says looking at her son with care.

"What we want to know is... ok that that Skippy takes Faith out for a walk." Ruth says while she looks at Little John. She saw nothing bad in the fact that her son tries to get close to the sister of the bear.

"Your dad does not seem to disagree, but we do not know what you think." Leanna says while she looks at her son.

"There is no problem, but the important thing is what Skippy has in mind." Little John says thinking how about that maybe the boy wanted to speed up the things with his sister and to make what he knows to do better.

"Great." Marian says looking at the bear mischievously. Little John goes out to the living room and finds his sister reading a book with attention.

He greets her, his sister watches him a moment with some bother and she greets him too before placing the book in a close little table and next going out to the patio.

Little John realizes that something is different in the behavior of his sis.

The bear says absolutely nothing while he goes out to the patio where he finds his father seated in a bench reading a book of the few ones that there was in the castle.

Little John sits next to his father of his father and begins to chat with him.

"Faith is a little strange this morning." Little John says looking at his father. He stops reading to watch look at him.

"We noticed it, with us is the same thing perhaps she is angry that she lost the village festivity. It was the next night from our departure, she wanted to wait before coming here." Lowell says looking at Little John.

He nods and thinks that this will be perhaps the answer to Faith's attitude.

Meanwhile close to the fountain Dana and Faith take care of Matilde that is playing with some wood boats made by hand.

"Mmmm I wanted to ask you something, if it does not bother you." Faith says looking at Dana.

She shakes her head while she has an eye put in her young sister.

"How you and my brother with your mother... kids?" Faith asks looking at the girl at her side. Dana gets surprised and says nothing for some moments while she notices that her sister is very entertaining playing as paying attention to them.

"It was in the birthday of my brother, Little John came to my brother's party, when a part of the roof collapsed, and he repaired it." Dana says while she puts her attention in Matilde when she leans forward at the fountain.

"My mother searched a way to pay the favor and well... she decided already you know..." Dana says looking at Faith. She nods while she becomes uncomfortable and blushes a bit while she nods.

"I listened her plans by chance and I hid in the cupboard, your brother discovered me... and things got out of hand rapidly." Dana says looking at Faith.

"Didn't you felt pain... with when my brother? I mean...I guess that he is big..." Faith tells shamefacedly in the meantime she sees to Dana.

"Of course, the first time hurt, but I have gotten used and to I enjoy it." Dana says while she tries not to give a lot of details to Faith. She looks intelligent, but Little John had said maybe the best is that she did not know a lot about the subject just like Matilde.

"My brother should have several women to his around, a Lord attracts many of them." Faith says while she looks at Dana. She nods in silence and smiles impishly at the other girl that also smiles.

"Does it feels so good... you know?" Faith asks looking at Dana and next to Matilde that has still fun with the toys.

"It is the best of the world." Dana responds laughing impishly. Faith blushes and nods showing up in agreement. She does not have experience on the subject.

"Do you think that my brother have interests in girls of my age? The parents of Nottingham should hide their daughters." Faith says making a grin and laughing impishly.

Dana gets surprised and also she laughs.

"I guess so... he is not exactly a typical Lord." Dana says looking at her friend. Both laugh impishly for some moments.

They stop their laugh when they listen steps that stop near them. Both girls see that it is Skippy.

Skippy feels uncomfortable and he rubs his neck while he opens his mouth.

"Hi... mmm I was wondering...perhaps you wanted to know the town." Skippy says rapidly while he tries not to stammer feeling a great shame and shaking lightly.

His heart palpitates rapidly.

Fleur gets surprised and looks at Dana. She smiles with disguise seeing that her brother is completely nervous and tense.

"Of course." Faith says looking at Skippy. He gets surprised and he feels enthusiastic completely. Faith gets close to the boy and smiles at him while she looks at him.

Skippy sees the beautiful eyes of the girl for some moments before moving.

Both walk to get to the front door, when the drawbridge gets down, Skippy stops and he gets excited seeing that Robin Hood enters riding slowly and he stops close to them.

"Hi." Robin says while he dismounts and smiles to the boy. Skippy greets him while his spongy tail moves with joy because he sees his hero again.

"Who is the young lady?" Robin says taking Faith's hand to kiss it courteously.

Faith gets surprised and she becomes uncomfortable a little while she feels nervous by the deal of the man. Skippy feels a little jealous seeing Faith's reaction.

"She is my sister, Faith." Little John's voice says from behind. Robin turns over seeing as his friend comes closer. The fox moans with pain when his friend embraces him with force, Skippy laughs smoothly.

"I remember you that you already are married." Little John at the moment of freeing his friend from the hug.

"You do not need to mention it, but both know that things are different." The fox says while he does a friendly face to his friend. Little John laughs and gives a friendly pats to Robin.

"Well... let's get inside." Little John says embracing his friend to push him toward the inside of his house. The bear does a facial expression and the carriage that is near moves to stop in front of Skippy and Faith.

"Kid... remember that you should go with care." Little John says while he looks at the rabbit.

Skippy nods and opens the carriage door for Faith. He helps to the girl before entering in the carriage too.

Little John looks over his shoulder a he looks at Garrett and he does him a facial expression in order that he keeps an eye put in the couple. The wolf nods before taking the rein and beginning to drive the carriage to the town.

The bear and his friend enter in the house with the purpose of later on entering in the kitchen, Robin is taken by surprise completely by an effusive and strong hug of Lowell.

Marian and the other ones laugh seeing that the fox lacks the air after some moments.

Lowell places Robin in the floor again and he can again breathe.

"Boy, it is good seeing you again." Lowell says while he shakes the hand of Robin with force.

"The same to you, sir." Robin says while he sees his best friend's father.

"Always with good manners." Lowell says smiling while he looks at Robin content.

"Of course like every good man." Leanna says while he looks at the fox with a pleasant and friendly smile. Robin takes his hat and bows to salute at the woman, Leanna laughs smoothly.

"You have a great fame boy." Lowell says giving two friendly pats to the fox.

Little John laughs seeing that his friend loses balance lightly, Marian comes closer and kiss her husband in the cheek while she charges little Robin in her arms.

Robin feels happy for the kiss of his wife and he deviates his attention to little cub that sucks the teat of his mother.

"What envy." Robin says while he makes out a facial expression of phony bother. They all laugh in the kitchen.

"Robin already was setting the eye on Faith." Little John says looking at his friend.

He gets surprised and he gets uncomfortable by that comment. The fox gets surprised when his friend's parents burst into laughter.

"It does not surprise... with everything that happens here." Marian says while she looks at Robin with a soft smile, Ruth and Dana laugh also seeing the attitude of the husband of Marian.

Marian feels that the suction on her nipple finishes and she looks at her cub to see that her eyes are closed. The vixen covers her tit for disappointment of Lowell.

"Bueno he his sleep, let's take him to the cradle." Marian says looking at her husband.

Robin nods and both walk toward the section of the bedrooms and they find theirs.

Robin opens the door and permits that Marian enters first, she charges the cub to the cradle and with care she leans him there.

The vixen covers his cub with a blanket and smiles just like Robin.

"Did you solve the subject in London?" Marian asks looking at her husband.

"Yes, I will give the details to you." Robin says while he catches his wife and in a fast way open he opens the front of the dress of Marian freeing her tits that bounce lightly.

"I also want a good warm milk." Robin says placing on his hands on the breasts of his wife and giving them a soft squeeze, two drops of white milk get out from the nipples.

Robin leans forward and closes his mouth around the left nipple of Marian, he sucks it smoothly, some moments later the first milk squirts gets in his mouth.

The fox savors it and continues sucking smoothly, Marian moans and pants enjoying the lips on her erect and sensitive nipple. The woman feels that her crotch begins to get wet with her juices.

Robin perceive the aroma that comes from the slit of Marian, she shakes when Robin's hand gets under her skirt and between her thighs. The fox uses his fingers to masturbate his female.

"Robin!" Marian says feeling that her slit is rubbed by the palm of the hand of her husband.

She trembles when two fingers enter in her vagina and her walls are caressed with each motion.

Robin feels that his fingers and his hand get wet with juice of his wife, the fox changes the nipple to drink more of the delicious nectar that his son enjoys every day.

Marian moans and pants with more force, her body begins to shake lightly. Her legs squeeze Robin's hand with force. Her fingers are caught in the hot and moist vagina of the vixen.

Robin stops the sucking of the nipple and he sees as she shakes with orgasmic pleasure.

Marian whimpers while she fastens her husband that does not move, Marian's juices soaks the hand of Robin.

Slowly the pleasure of the woman's orgasm disappears slowly and Robin's fingers can get out of the pink grotto of Marian. She pants rapidly and sees that Robin licks his fingers with pleasure.

"Since we are in this, Little John's father wants to spend a night with me... so I want to know, if you agree." Marian says while she recovers from the orgasm slowly.

"There is no problem... you know, but... if Leanna maybe... while you two are in... well you know, I could... make company to her." Robin says while he does a gesture to his wife.

"Do you want to fuck Leanna, huh?" Marian asks crossing arms and doing a feigned facial expression of surprise and indignation.

"Well yes... it was my fantasy since I began to masturbate." Robin says while he moans of phony pleasure. Marian laughs impishly for some moments.

"Well, it can be a quartet." She says looking at her husband with a coquettish and accessory smile. Robin smiles smoothly and embraces his wife and kisses her while he squeezes the buttocks of the vixen.

In Nottingham the carriage stops close to the main square, Garrett lets that Skippy and Faith come down from the carriage. The young wolf comes down from and sees at the distance as the two young people walk.

Skippy walks next to Faith with discomfort, he does not know what to make exactly, Faith for her part laughs internally knowing that the boy is nervous.

Both see like the people walk coming and going from one place to the other.

Skippy sees as a couple of teens pass in front of them and girls cling to the arms of the boys. The young rabbit glances furtively at Faith.

She says absolutely nothing before she clings to Skippy's arm. He gets surprised completely and he feels more content Faith smiles at him and they walk together, she feels happy next to the boy.

Faith had noticed that Skippy was interested in her, her prospect of a boyfriend would be a older one and experimented like Robin. But the fox would not clearly pay attention to her because he is married to Marian.

Some older and young men look closely at her and say hello with proper manners. Skippy feels a little upset, but he knows that he can do nothing.

"Robin is a great hero, isn't he?" Faith asks seeing an old poster of Robin nailed to a tree.

Skippy nods with enthusiasm.

"He helped the town a lot and went to my birthday party." Skippy tells with emotion in the meantime he looks at Faith.

"It is say that he is unbeatable with the arch, some people say that Robin is the best archer that exist." Faith says while she looks at Skippy while he remembers some comments that she listened from her father.

"I am also good with the arch." Skippy says proudly.

"Really?" Faith asks with certain incredulity. Certainly the boy tries to get her attention.

"I can demonstrate it." Skippy says with bother knowing that his maleness had been challenged. Skippy by chance sees a fair stall opened, it is a stall where the arch can be used.

Skippy takes Faith to the stall and pays some coins to be able to participate, he takes an arch and starts shooting to the targets. Faith's eyes open completely with surprise to see that Skippy one by one keeps on guessing right into the center of the bulls-eyes.

The owner of the stall also is surprised and he feels impotent to knowing that it would be a bad day. After some minutes after finishing his shoots, Skippy takes the rewards and turns himself to give them to Faith as gifts.

The girl gets excited while Skippy helps her to charge the rewards. She feels happy and attracted to the boy. The young rabbit with this move had won a place in the heart of the girl.

Both take a walk by the town one more hour and after they return to the carriage.

Garrett with pleasure helps the couple to put the rewards into the carriage, Skippy and Faith sit in opposed sites. The girl catches rewards and examines them feeling flattered that the boy won so many gifts for her.

The carriage moves on the way while it returns the home of Little John. When it gets there, everyone get surprised by the amount of rewards that Skippy had won for Faith.

Lowell is surprised and he looks at his son. Little John does him a gesture to tell him that he should give a chance to the boy. Lowell nods thinking that if the relation between his daughter and the boy actually takes place, it can be good for her.

It can be premature to think about that, but in future who knows it. Only time will say it.

"The boy seems to be very able with the arch." Lowell says while he looks at Skippy. He feels uncomfortable and the other ones laugh smoothly. Dana roars with laughter while Skippy looks at her with bother.

"Well he always had talent for that, I suppose that someday he would in any competition." Robin Hood says while he gives some soft pats on the shoulder of Skippy.

He smiles content, the other ones also look content. They all eat lunch pleasantly while Robin counts to Lowell some passages of his life living the forest next to Little John. The bear also contributes details to make more interesting the story.

After lunch they all relax and rest. Robin can finally rest after a long journey, Robin leans back in bed and sees the bedroom roof, and he closes his eyes while he feels tired.

The fox begins to doze in a few moments later, the male's eyes open completely and with surprise when he feels a lick on his penis.

Robin gets surprised seeing that his wife is between his legs, she smiles at him while she has his penis in his hand. In some point she had entered in the bedroom and had stimulated him.

Marian licks her husband's cock from the base to the tip, she delights in the taste of the hard meat. Robin moans with pleasure when the tongue gets to his member's tip.

The vixen licks the precum and she closes her lips around the swollen member. The female takes down her head and the hard shaft keeps on sliding in her throat, Marian's lips touch the knot.

She massages Robin's white balls while the walls of the throat of Marian squeezes his cock. The little spurts of precum spatter the throat of the vixen, she begins to move her head slowly without stopping to see her husband.

She feels as the penis enters and gets out of her throat. Her saliva drips by the shaft of Robin, the saliva gets wet the knot and balls. Robin looks at his wife while he moans, he feels as the wet mouth moves on his member.

Marian draws the penis from her mouth and licks it repeatedly, the female licks the retracted sheath for some moments before putting her attention in the testicles. She licks them slowly while her hand moves on the erection.

Robin closes his eyes and has a good time, his hard meat is caressed over and over again, and his balls are sucked smoothly. Marian sucks and pulls the two white balls.

Marian surprises Robin when she catches his hips and turns him over to place him face down. The fox growls when his wife's snout gets between his buttocks and she begins to lick his sphincter.

Robin pants and moans, his hole covers with saliva, the tip moves in circles on the brown small crease of the male. The saliva slides to the balls of the fox, he feels that his member hardens more and releases precum that get wet the bed.

Robin's eyes open when Marian pushes and the tongue penetrates into his body. Marian with pleasure moves her tongue in the rectal passage of her husband, her teeth sink in the gluteuses of Robin.

He growls with pain when his wife raises the head and obliges Robin to raise his ass. The female opens her mouth to continue touching Robin's inside using her tongue.

She intentionally puts the tip into the cracks, Robin quivers when he feels that, Marian's hand catches his cock and he masturbates him smoothly. The moans of pleasure of the fox fill the bedroom.

Robin pants in the meantime his ass is raised just like his tail giving a total access to his posterior hole. Marian feels that her husband's member throbs in her hand with force.

The female takes out her tongue from the posterior hole of the male and with her hand she aims the hard cock towards back. Robin moans when his wife's mouth surrounds his member again.

She sucks with force while her hand massages Robin's testicles and suddenly a big squirt of warm and sticky seed, cum fills her mouth. Robin growls ferociously.

The two foxes listen that Robin junior begins to cry.

"You woke him up." Marian says taking out the penis from her husband and coming down from the bed while she licks her mouth.

"You also woke me up." Robin says panting in the meantime his ass is still in the air and from his penis the semen drips and forms a white puddle in bed.

"I woke you p for something important." Marian says while she uncovers her breasts and takes the little Robin.

"Uhmmm?" Robin asks while he sits in bed and his member touches over the puddle of cum.

"You need to talk with Lowell about this night." Marian says while she turns over and places her right nipple on the lips of her cub.

"Ok I am on it." Robin says while he collects his semen from his hand and he takes it to the mouth to taste it. He uses his fingers to clean the remains of his cum and to suck them.

Robin gets ready to get out of the bedroom.

In the terrace Little John and his father are taking a glass of wine while they chat and look at Nottingham. Little John takes a sip of wine while he does a funny face to his father.

"So tell me. Do you enjoyed fucking your mom? Did she change since that time?" Lowell asks while he looks at his son. They had been commenting what happened the previous night.

"Well I guess that nothing had changed." Little John says while he laughs. Lowell also laughs and remembers that night that he found his cub fucking his own mother that was tied to the bed.

"What seems to you my women? Little John asks while he raises a wineglass.

"Dana was incredible... she is the tightest female that I have fucked, besides her milk and the one of her mother is completely delicious. Do not savor something like that since you breast-feeded from the tit of your mom and when Faith was a cub." Lowell says looking at his son.

Little John nods. The milk of the two females is as delicious as the one of Marian. The bear sees that his friend gets close to them and he seems uncomfortable.

The fox greets the two bears that greet him, Little John invites to his friend a glass of wine. Robin accepts and he sits beside Lowell.

"Well kid what happens?" Lowell asks smiling openly at the fox that watches him a moment.

"Eh uhmmm I was talking with my wife she agrees in spend the night with you." Robin says stammering with discomfort.

"Great." Lowell says pleasure of being able to have opportunity to fuck so beautiful woman.

"I was thinking perhaps... Robin stammers with discomfort. Little John smiles seeing so nervous to his friend.

"Say it." Lowell says while he smiles and looks at the fox that avoids looking at him.

"I would like... mmm... your permission... your wife... maybe...." Robin says while he rubs his hands with discomfort. Little John says nothing and tries to not laugh.

"Do you want to fuck my wife?" Lowell asks while he does a friendly face to the fox.

"Ehh yes... sir... with your permission and the one of your wife." Robin tells rapidly in the meantime he looks at Lowell.

"Leave the formalisms boy, Leanna certainly wants it. She is an incredible female in bed." Lowell says looking at Robin. He gets surprised and clears his throat, the fox had always felt a lot of respect for the parents of his friend.

"She will leave your cock sore for tomorrow. I know it." Little John says while he looks at his friend. Robin gets surprised and he gets excited, that is noticed by the bears that laugh openly.

"Marian was thinking about a foursome or something like that." Robin says while he looks at Lowell with care.

"A good orgy always is in my list of good moments." The older bear says looking at Robin.

Little John sees that his friend looks happier, they see that Leanna gets close to them.

"So you three are here." Leanna says while she does a facial expression to her friend's son.

"Leanna, this young man here says that he wants to spend a night with you." Lowell says while he looks at his wife. Robin becomes uncomfortable and embarrasses noticing that the woman looks at him.

"That is something that I will enjoy." Leanna says looking at Robin that becomes uncomfortable even more. Little John and his father laugh seeing that Robin blushes.

After the dinner they spend time side by side having fun, Marian and Faith play a chess game. Little John smiles noticing that the vixen had finally found a good rival.

In addition he sees that his sister and Skippy talk, the boy tries to entertain the girl with good stories. His parents talk with Robin and Marian.

The four laugh between sentence and sentence. Robin and his wife apparently feel comfortable with his parents. In addition Ruth and Dana weave some clothes while they exchange opinions about many things.

Little John has fun with Matilde, the girl is very happy. The bear feels happy having the cubs near, in some years they will be surrounding him asking for a playtime or toy.

The first one in falling asleep is Matilde, Ruth takes her younger daughter to her bedroom with the help of Dana. Lowell indicates Faith that also is time to fall asleep, the girl without a lot of animus says good night and she heads toward her bedroom.

Lowell and Leanna smiles at Marian and Robin, the couple of foxes gets excited because they know that it is the moment of the most interesting. Little John sees that his parents and the couple of foxes stand up and they look for a good place.

"We could use Little John's bedroom again." Lowell says looking at his wife that laughs smoothly.

"No, we already take his space a lot, let's look for another place." Leanna says while she looks at her husband with phony disapproval.

"We can use our bedroom, we brought our bed of London and it is big." Marian says while he looks at the other couple, Robin nods.

"Well then it will be in your bedroom." Lowell says looking at Robin to the two women.

Little John gets close to Skippy and places a hand on his shoulder. The boy gets surprised and startles feeling the big hand of the bear.

"Come on kid, we will talk a little." Little John says looking at Skippy with a smile. The boy swallows hard and nods, Little John smiles at Skippy to imply to him that it is not a bad thing.

Skippy looks calmer and smiles at Little John. He with calm walks next to the boy, everything is in silence. Both walk until they get to Little John's bedroom.

The bear opens the door and enters with Skippy behind him, Little John closes the door and he chuckles at the boy before beginning to take off his clothes, the bear drops each clothe on the floor.

Little John turns over when he is totally naked, he sees that the boy takes off his last clothe. Skippy looks at him attentively and Little John does him a gesture with the purpose of later on look at the bed.

Skippy moves his tail and runs to the bed to jump in it. Little John smiles seeing as the boy bounces in bed. The bear comes closer and gets on the bed, Little John opens his legs largely revealing his crotch.

Skippy rapidly leans forward and seizes the balls of the bear and begins to massage them slowly, Little John enjoys the stimulation on his balls, Skippy sees as the erection of the bear begins to grow rapidly.

The boy looks as the shaft is complete hard after some minutes, a drop of precum shines in the tip. Little John moans smoothly when Skippy's tongue touches his penis head.

The boy's tongue moves in circles and picks up the precum that oozes of the opening, Skippy's mouth closes around the cock of Little John. Skippy's head begins to shake slowly.

Skippy feels the taste of the penis of Little John, it is a taste to which he is used and likes.

He only can take a portion of the member in his mouth, the precum sprinkles his palate.

Skippy's hands stimulate Little John's penis, a hand caresses and squeezes the big testicles of the bear, while the other one moves on the free portion that does not enter the mouth of Skippy.

Little John has his closed eyes enjoying the oral sex of Skippy. Little John's eyes open and he sees as the spongy tail of the boy moves showing that he is enjoying.

Little John places his middle finger on his mouth and sucks it while Skippy continues his work, the boy opens his eyes with surprise when Little John's finger gets between buttocks and it touches his anus.

Skippy moans when the finger begins to move circularly on his hole of slow and soft way.

Little John moans and has a good time feeling as the boy sucks his cock with pleasure.

The precum fall on the tongue of Skippy, he tastes it before swallowing it, a choked back groan escapes from the mouth of Skippy when Little John pushes his finger.

The bear feels as his finger is hedged in by the hot walls the rectum of Skippy, Little John does not stop the motion of his finger while he prepares the boy.

Skippy moves his head while he moans with pleasure, he gives a small jump when he feels that the fingertip touches his prostate. The boy takes out the penis from his mouth and he licks it, the tongue moves by the tip as his mother had taught him.

Little John growls smoothly. His penis again enters in the mouth of young rabbit, Skippy's saliva drips from the member to the bed.

After some minutes Little John stops Skippy and doing a facial expression he indicates the boy what he must do. Skippy nods and he turns over for Little John, he places his hands on the buttocks of the boy and he spreads them.

The bear smiles seeing Skippy's hole. Little John leans forward.

Skippy shakes and moans when he feels as Little John's big tongue moves from the base of hiss balls to his hole, the bear smiles when he sees that the rabbit quivers.

Her tongue's tip moves circularly on the little hole, Skippy has her closed eyes feeling that his sphincter gets cover with viscous saliva that drips to his balls.

Skippy feels that his penis releases little spurts of precum that sprinkle the bed below him. Little John pushes his tongue with force, he feels that the boy's sphincter opens.

A deep pant is heard when Skippy feels that his posterior passage is pierced by the tongue of the bear. The powerful tongue moves with freedom inside the anus of the boy.

The tip gets in the cracks pressing their inside, Little John's hand gets inside between the legs of Skippy to massage the balls and the boy's penis.

Skippy pants and moans, he feels that the hand closes around his penis and stimulates it for some moments. Little John stops and takes his penis to aim it down, the tip touches the boy's wet hole.

Little John pushes his hips and the head of his member begins to press Skippy's sphincter. The boy closes his eyes and takes his penis to masturbate slowly.

The pressure on his hole increases and the head of the penis of the bear suddenly opens his sphincter and enters. Skippy moans with a little bit of pain, Little John pants with pleasure when the heat of the passage surrounds his penis.

Little John pushes penetrating deeper inside Skippy, he pants while his anal walls keep on stretching while the cock keeps on entering slowly.

Little John enjoys the moment with closed eyes, his member slowly disappears between the white buttocks of the boy. After some moments Little John stops when his penis head presses the bottom of the posterior tunnel of Skippy.

The bear begins to move and fuck the boy with pleasure, his penis enters and gets out of the tight passage. Skippy moans and closes his eyes feeling that the hips of the bear hit his ass.

Little John smiles seeing as the spongy tail of the boy moves frantically. Skippy feels as the precum covers his anal walls, his penis wobbles on the air by the strong thrusts of the bear.

Little John's big balls rocks while the hard shaft moves without problems. The pushes of the bear slowdown to enjoy each thrust.

"Well boy, tell me. Do you have a genuine interest in my sis?" Little John asks looking at Skippy while he continues pumping his member in the tight passage of the boy.

"Yes sir." Skippy says growling while he feels as the penis of Little John enters and gets out of his anus rapidly.

"Won't it be that you just want to fuck her? You have a lot of pussy here for you." Little John asks while his hips hit Skippy's buttocks that shake at every moment.

Skippy moans feeling as the tip of the penis touches the bottom of his rectum repeatedly.

"No sir... that is not my intention." Skippy says growling while his fists squeeze the bedspread and the bed rocks. Little John smiles and gives a spank to the buttock to the boy.

Skippy moans with pain to feel that burning sensation on his right gluteus. The boy looks over his shoulder to Little John. The bear smiles at him while he continues fucking him rapidly.

"If that is true, it is ok kid, but my father will certainly have a most interesting talk with you." Little John says while he winks an eye. Skippy nods and closes his eyes to concentrate.

He feels that each part of his rectum is stimulated, Skippy gasps when Little John's hand closes around his penis and he begins to masturbate him at the same time that he pumps his penis.

The bear has his closed eyes as the sphincter of Skippy moves on his cock back and forth. Little John feels that Skippy's penis gets a little harder.

Skippy pants and moans, Little John's thick penis presses and his prostate with each motion. The little spurts of precum begin to come out with more fluidity from the tip of the penis of Skippy.

Little John increases the velocity of his pushes, soon he feels that his pleasure increases rapidly and his balls these are ready to release his seed.

Skippy moans while he pushes back his ass and suddenly his body shake. Little John feels that the boy's anal walls squeeze his penis with more force.

Little John stops and pushes with force while he clenches his teeth and semen is shoot out from the opening of his penis and smear the anal walls of the young rabbit.

Little John feels the anal spasms of the boy that does not move while he moans and has his closed eyes. Skippy feels as semen is released by the tip of his penis when he has a great climax.

Neither of them moves for some time. Skippy gets surprised when Little John's hand catches his penis and he begins to masturbate him slowly. His hands and move back and forth slowly.

Little John listens to Skippy's moans, the bear feels that the boy's penis does not lose its hardness and some precum escapes from the opening of his penis and drips the bed.

Little John's hips slowly move back and his cock begins to go out. After some moments his cock's head slips outside.

Semen drips from it in long drops before separating and fall in bed, from dilated hole a thick yarn of semen slides to the balls of the boy.

Skippy turns over and feels as the seed of Little John drips from his tail hole.

Little John breathes agitatedly and he leans on his chest while he lays his head on his crossed arms while he closes his eyes.

"Come on boy, have fun." The bear says while he gives some soft pats to his ass. Skippy opens his eyes with surprise and with enthusiasm he positions himself behind Little John.

The bear feels that the penis tip gets between his cheeks.

"Don't you forget anything?" Little John asks while he makes Skippy a grin. He gets surprised a little and nods before moving to take a new position.

Little John moans and growls of pleasure when he feels the boy's hands they divide his buttocks and the tongue touches his hole.

"I Love that feeling." Little John says for himself at the time that he closes his eyes. The tongue moves down from above in his crack, the saliva covers the bear's anus completely.

Skippy moves his tongue's tip and pushes it with force, Little John moans with force when his anal passage is pierced by the tongue of Skippy that does not go very deep in his ass.

Little John moans with pleasure while he feels as the tongue moves getting in a couple of cracks and the saliva covers them. The bear does not move while Skippy does not stop until the boy cannot expect more.

The motion in bed is felt when Skippy positions himself on Little John, he smiles feeling that the boy's penis gets between his buttocks and he moves it up and down.

Skippy finds Little John's sphincter shortly, the boy's hips rush down. Little John does a light wince of pain when the boy's cock enters in him.

A groan of pleasure is heard from Skippy at the moment that he feels as each part of his member is wrapped up by the hot entrails of the bear. Skippy immediately begins to pump his penis inside the ass of Little John.

He feels as the penis of the boy enters and gets rapidly out of his posterior passage and the hips of the boy hit his gluteuses rapidly. Skippy moans with pleasure with each thrust.

Little John's anal walls squeeze his member with force, his little spurts of precum spatter the inside of the man. Her penis tip gets occasionally in any crack of the rectum of Little John.

The bear does not move a single muscle listening Skippy's sluggish and fast respiration, Little John enjoys the moment since the tip touches his prostate giving him intense peaks of pleasing that last for some moments.

His hard penis is pressed by his stomach and it liberates precum in long and thick drops.

Little John moans and growls feeling as the hips of the boy hit his buttocks.

Skippy increases the tempo and growls with more force while he feels that his pleasure is growing rapidly inside his body.

Little John feels it, his look is placed on the head of the bed. The creaks of the bed is heard and stops suddenly when Skippy stops and moans with force at the same time that he pushes his penis against the ass of Little John.

The bear feels as the semen sprinkle his anal walls. Little John laughs smoothly listening to the boy to growl while he unloads his balls.

When cum runs out, Skippy moves and falls at the side of Little John. The bear laughs smoothly seeing that the boy gets back his breath.

Little John leans upon his left-hand side to see Skippy.

"Well boy as you are responsible for this, you should solve it." Little John caressing his erection of slow way and he does a friendly and comic facial expression to the boy.

Little John leans upon his back and he relaxes resting his head on his arms while he sees Skippy. The young rabbit positions himself on the groin of the bear.

Skippy has his cock on the penis of Little John. He clearly sees the difference of sizes between both. Skippy lifts his ass in the meantime he takes Little John's erection to aim it.

Little John feels as the head of his penis gets between the buttocks of Skippy, when the cock tip touches his sphincter, Skippy begins to take down his ass. The pressure in its hole lasts for some moments until the member of the bear slips without difficulty in his stretched tail hole.

A groan of pleasure slips from the mouth of Little John, he feels as his penis enters without problems in the posterior tunnel of the boy. Its semen remains help a lot.

Skippy's eyes are closed, he feels as part of his rectum is touched and stretched by the erection of Little John. Skippy places his hands on the chest of Little John and begins to move his ass rapidly.

Little John's penis enters and gets out of his ass without stopping, the tip touches his passage bottom every time that he takes down his hips. Little John moans and pants with pleasure, Skippy's ass is very tight.

The heat that surrounds his cock is completely delicious, each part of his hard meat is caressed with each motion of the boy. The bear half-opens an eye to see what happens.

Skippy's wobbling penis catches rapidly his attention. The little spurts of precum are shoot out from the tip and they get wet the stomach of the bear in different places.

Skippy moans and takes a breath when Little John's hand closes around his penis, Little John begins to masturbate the boy rapidly. Skippy moans and growls while he increases the motion of his ass that bounces with more speed.

Little John growls and moans with pleasure, he begins to pump his penis inside the body of the boy, the penis tip hits the bottom of the tunnel with more speed. His pleasure is intense just like the one of Skippy

He feels like his penis moves in the fist of Little John, and that pleasure adds to the one that provides him the cock with the bear in his rectum. Both moan and growl, Skippy shakes with pleasure and he stops when his body becomes taut.

The boy moans and the little squirts of seed are shoot out of his penis landing on the chest of Little John. The bear fails to pay attention to this since he pushes his penis and growls of pleasure.

The anal walls squeezes his cock with more force and it takes him to the climax, Little John begins to ejaculate a great quantity of semen in the anus of Skippy flooding the cracks in the anal walls.

The white seed oozes from the hole and it slides to the balls of Little John.

"Damm kid... I love to talk to you." Little John says while he sees Skippy. He nods while he breathes agitatedly and feels as his anus is full with meat and Little John's seed.

Robin feels excited just like his wife. Marian expects that Lowell fuck as well as his son.

They the couple of foxes take to the parents of Little John to their bedroom.

When all of them get there, Robin opens the door with Marian he invites the other couple to enter, the two bears enter in the bedroom next to Marian. Robin closes the door, and sees like Lowell already is close to Marian.

The fox sees that Leanna winks the eye before beginning to take off her clothes that she permits to fall on the floor. The female sees as Robin looks at her attentively without moving, in her mind Leanna thinks that the male is very good-looking and certainly she will enjoy the moment.

Lowell does not pay attention to his wife, his concentration is focused on Marian, his eyes rest on the breasts that are hidden under the dress of the woman.

The bear had been interested in her since the first that he saw her, he had heard from Little John that his friend had married a beautiful woman, but he never thought that she would be a really beautiful female.

Marian smiles at the older male and begins to unbutton her clothing and helping him to get undressed. Lowell with calm keeps on taking off his clothes while he sees that your wife gets undressed slowly and Robin follows attentively each motion of her.

Robin swallows hard when he sees that she without low shame the front part of her dress, with an arm she covers her breasts while he drops the clothing to the floor.

She winks an eye to the fox before moving her arm to leave her body in the open. Leanna does not cover herself up in the meantime she permits that Robin looks at her, she hopes that her body attracts him.

The fox does not move while he contemplates the woman's body, he never in his life expected to have this opportunity. The light brown fur covers it, and there is no indications of some white fur.

Robin's look travels on the nudity of the bear, her big tits attract him completely, it is what more Robin wanted to see since he was a cub he enjoyed feeling them every time that the woman embraced him.

They are not firm, but still look incredible, the pink nipples stand out from the fur crowning the two breasts.

His stomach is not flat and it shows some flabbiness as it would be usual in a woman of her age, but in spite of that, it is everything that Robin waited.

Leanna laughs smoothly seeing that the fox does not forget to examine her a single moment.

"Come on Robin she is there, you told me that she was one of your fantasy objects of cub." Marian tells impishly in the meantime she helps to Lowell to undress her.

"Uhmm... boy... I did not expect it from you." Leanna says while she does a feigned surprised look to Robin. He gets surprised and embarrasses while the female bear indicates to him that he come closer.

Robin gives some steps to position himself in front of the woman, Leanna takes off his cap and she throws it before beginning to undress him slowly to enjoy the moment.

Her husband also enjoys the moment when finally he manages to take off Marian's kerchief from her head. Now he can take off the part that really interested to him.

Marian stands up and she turns over, Lowell stretches his hands and unties the strings of the top of the dress of Marian. When it is done, Marian shakes off a little and the dress slides out from her shoulders.

The dress slides down and Lowell has a very good sight of the ass of the female, the two round cheeks attract Lowell's attention completely.

Marian moves her tail slowly and opens her legs lightly showing some of her private part to the bear. Leanna takes off the clothes of the body from Robin and she throws it aside.

The female looks at the fox up and down, she smiles smoothly seeing the fox's clear-cut chest. He no longer is the boy that she remembered, his look focuses on the crotch of the male.

His sheath and white balls makes her happy. Robin almost jumps when Leanna's hand touches his balls. The female squeezes and caresses his testicles with calm, they do not have the size of the balls of her husband and her son, but should still have a delicious load of seed.

Marian believes that it is moment of stopping the teasing to Lowell. She turns over and moves her arms, the female smiles seeing like the eyes of the man open completely.

Lowell swallows hard and he licks his mouth seeing the round and turgescent breasts of the vixen. Breasts are covered with a white fur and with two pink nipples on both.

The low look of Lowell travels to Marian's now flat stomach. The bear does not doubt that even pregnant she looked incredible. The vaginal lips are seen partially being hidden by the thighs of Marian.

Lowell places his hands on the thighs of Marian and separates them largely to see the slit in middle of both, the vixen shakes when the finger of the bear goes over her vulva slowly.

Lowell's finger gets wet with juice that secrete the female's vaginal walls, the bear takes his finger to his mouth and with relish tastes the savor.

"This is delicious." Lowell says looking at the female before placing his snout between the legs of Marian and using his tongue to gather more of the delicious juice.

Marian moans and trembles with pleasure at the moment that Lowell's tongue pass on her clitoris. She feels as her vaginal lips divide with each motion of the tongue of Lowell.

The bear feels as his body reacts to the female's taste, his penis hardens between his legs. His tongue moves circularly on the rosy point.

Marian's hands squeeze his shoulders while she holds to him, the vixen opens her legs a little more and the tongue can move with more facility on her pussy.

Lowell pushes the tip against the pink opening. Marian closes her eyes while she hears that Robin is moaning with pleasure. The fox moans feeling as the hand of Leanna moves for his member.

Leanna is sit at the edge of the bed and Robin in front of her.

Leanna masturbates Robin slowly, she feels the hardness of the shaft in her hand, her other hand takes care of the balls of the male. She laughs smoothly while she thinks in how Robin was when he was a boy.

He was very polite and he continues being it, which is attractive to her. The bear perceives the aroma that comes from the swollen member in front of her face. She loves it and she begins to lick Robin's knot.

He shakes and moans with pleasure, the tongue moves for all his knot without stopping covering it with saliva. The female gives him oral soft pleasure while she enjoys the taste of meat.

Leanna can perceive the different taste to her son's and Lowell's penis, her mouth moves down and she begins to suck the balls of Robin. She takes firstly care of the left testicle.

Robin's white skin is pulled and his ball is suctioned, he moans and pants with pleasure.

He never thought that this could happen, not even when his friend told him that his parents would visit him.

Leanna licks the balls before putting attention in the other testicle while her hand continues moving on the penis of Robin. Some drops of precum fall on her head.

Marian has her closed eyes while he feels as the tongue of Lowell zigzags in her vagina, the lips of the man are stuck closed around her slit.

Lowell places his hands on the buttocks of Marian and squeezes them with pleasure, he feels their firmness and expects to be able to place his cock between them to fuck the vixen's posterior hole.

He drinks the juices that fall on his mouth while Marian's warm and inside grips his tongue with force. The female shakes when the tip touches some special points in her inside.

Lowell's tongue moves and Marian growls with surprise at the same time that her body shakes and she fastens with more force to the shoulders of Lowell.

He moves his tongue's tip on that place achieving that the vixen kept on moaning, his penis releases little squirts of precum that fall into the bedroom's floor.

The vixen begins to move her hips in circles trying to increase her pleasure, she recognizes that Lowell is very experienced using her tongue in a pussy.

Lowell sees as his wife has fun with the young male on the other side.

Leanna licks the erection from the knot to the tip, she licks a drop of precum. The different taste is unique, the taste changes from one species to other one. The canine seed is interesting.

Robin shakes with pleasure when the woman's mouth closes around his penis, Leanna begins to move his head slowly sucking Robin's erection.

He moans and pants with his closed eyes, the warm and wet mouth of the female bear moves on his penis, he moans when he feels that his member's length enters in the throat of Leanna.

She does not have problems to take the shaft, her lips touch Robin's knot in the meantime she massage the white balls of the fox. Leanna perceives the aroma of the fur of Robin.

She uses the muscles of her throat to pleasure the fox, the squeeze makes Robin quivers lightly, and his precum spatters the inside of the mouth of Leanna.

After some moments she moves his head and the penis slips out from her mouth, Robin moans as he sees like the woman licks again his penis slowly, she caresses his cock tip with her right forefinger.

His precum covers it while she is going steady and bites Robin's balls covering them with viscous saliva smoothly. Leanna with calm takes the erection in her mouth again and Robin closes his eyes.

The fox gets startled when he feels that a finger gets between his buttocks, he feels as the finger of Leanna moves up and down in his crack slowly.

Leanna sucks smoothly, his finger tracks Robin's hole until it finds it. The fox pants with surprise at the moment that his anus is pressed with force until it opens.

The finger enters completely in his rectum and it begins to move. The precum increase and Leanna enjoys it, she sucks with pleasure in the meantime she moves her finger in the anus of the male.

Heat surrounds her finger that moves circularly, in many instances she had made this with Lowell, so she knows how to achieve that Robin had an incredible moment.

The female soon finds Robin's prostate and she begins to caress it with the tip of her finger. She feels content when the fox begins to growl with force and moving his hips to fuck her mouth.

Robin moans with pleasure and pumps rapidly, his knot hits the lips rapidly. The fox pumps with force, his member shoots spurts of precum in the mouth of Leanna that does not stop her motions in the anus of Robin.

"Ma'am..." Robin says when her pleasure intensifies much more and the climax is near.

"Do not call me like that anymore." Leanna says taking the penis off from her mouth and looking at Robin. He growls when she presses his prostate with force and his member throbs with more force.

"I am sorry... I ..." Robin says panting and looking at Leanna.

"Having said before." Leanna says simpering and putting the member into her mouth again. The caresses in the prostate of Robin, he clenches his teeth and pushes his hips when his penis begins to shoot semen in the mouth of Leanna.

She feels as cum covers her tongue, she savors it and continues sucking to taste more of the seed. Robin growls while he has his closed eyes, Leanna's finger still moves in his ass and stimulating his prostate.

Leanna stops the motion of her finger in the anus of Robin and slowly withdraws it, she sucks smoothly while he sees that the young fox pants with the eyes closed.

The fingertip slips outside and the female bear opens her mouth slowly, the member slips out of her mouth covered of saliva. Robin has still his closed eyes and he gets surprised when he is pulled toward the floor and he promptly is on his hands and knees between the legs of Leanna.

His head is between the thighs of the mother of his best friend.

Robin's eyes open completely seeing the pink vulva surrounded by brown hair.

"Come here cub, begins to eat." Leanna says pushing Robin's head toward her crotch.

She growls when Robin's tongue goes by her vulva, the tip divides the vaginal lips. Robin savors the taste of the female, the taste is different to the ones of Marian and the other women.

They are stronger, but Robin finds them delicious, his tongue moves up and down down on the pink slit, the tongue gets cover in juice and the tip touches Leanna's clitoris, she shakes with pleasure.

The female looks at the fox and smiles at him smoothly, Robin continues and he begins to push his tongue against the pink opening that keeps on opening slowly, heat and wetness surround his tongue.

Leanna moans and sees as the other female shakes and moans of pleasure. Marian pants feeling as the tongue of the bear moves in her vagina, her inside is stimulated completely.

Her juices drip in abundance while Lowell's mouth is closed around his vulva. Marian moves her hips circularly while he moans, her tail moves from one side to other one.

Marian closes her eyes and begins to stimulate her tits squeezing them and twisting the nipples to increase her pleasure. Little John's father is as good as his son in the use of the tongue.

Lowell moves his tongue with pleasure, his tongue moves circularly and the tip touches special points inside Marian. The bear feels content while he sees as the woman moans of pleasure.

Hot- milk squirts fall on his head and his back in the meantime he moves his tongue, his hands press Marian's buttocks with pleasure.

Marian opens her eyes and gasps when Lowell's forefinger gets in the crack of her ass.

The finger moves up and down slowly caressing that place, Marian moans when the tip passes over her hole. Lowell feels pleased and begins to stimulate that little place.

His finger moves circularly, the bear tries the resistance of the anus of the woman and he feels pleased seeing that she is used to anal action. Lowell takes out his tongue and he closes his mouth around the clitoris of Marian.

An intense groan of pleasure is heard when she feels like her little pink point is sucked giving her an intense pleasure and at the same time the finger enters in her anus.

Lowell moves his finger circularly, he feels the strong squeeze of the rectal walls around his finger. Lowell pulls his clitoris smoothly and releases it, Marian shakes and feels that she lacks forces, that motion take her almost to the orgasm.

Marian and Lowell look at each other, the bear smiles at her and again he pushes his tongue against the pink opening. Marian's vaginal walls one more time distend while she moans of pleasure.

Leanna moans and growls caressing Robin's head with her left hand while she feels as the young male devours her slit with pleasure. Her juices drip in abundance getting wet Robin's chin.

The fox does not stop while he moves tongue inside the mature woman, his snout touches the clitoris and his hot respiration increases the pleasure of the female bear. Robin listens the growling, his erection hardens feeling the aroma of the vagina of Leanna.

Leanna holds Robin's head pushing her toward her crotch with force at the moment that she growls and begins to release juice squirts that get wet Robin's face.

The female feels a great orgasm, her vaginal walls are squeezing with force and secreting juices in abundance.

While Leanna shakes with pleasure, Lowell increase his efforts of stimulation in the passages of the vixen. His finger moves more rapidly in the posterior hole.

The sphincter moves back and forth, Marian feels that the maximum moment of pleasure comes closer. Her orgasm is free in its body, each part of his body shakes and Lowell delights in the juice that is released in his mouth.

The bear sucks each drop, his look is on Marian's breasts. She presses them and two white warm- milk squirts are fired crossing on the air and forming a visible x before breaking on the air.

Marian pants rapidly while she feels as two thin small brooks of milk gush out from her nipples and they run along the sides of her breasts, the vixen sees as Lowell licks his mouth.

Marian climbs on the bead and she leans on her back while she looks at Lowell. He with a soft smile moves to place himself on Marian while the bed trembles lightly, the tip of the swollen member of Lowell touches the vixen's clitoris.

A drop of precum drains by the opening and covers up the rosy point completely, Lowell takes his penis and he moves it in order that this in the correct position, the bear pushes and the vaginal lips of Marian open to receive his cock.

He closes his eyes when the female's interior heat begins to surround his shaft, his penis slowly is disappearing in the vixen, and she is wet and soft.

Marian moans closing her eyes, the penis enters stretching her vaginal walls tightly as Little John's penis makes it. Lowell's member goes to her filled while it gets cover with juice.

Marian gasps when Lowell's crotch touches her slit, the man is fully inside her. It is a feeling that rapidly gets better when the bear begins to pump his cock.

Leanna sees as her husband begins to fuck Robin's woman with pleasure, she sees like the tits of the vixen he rocks with each thrust of her husband. The female bear looks at him and she leans back on the bed that bounces a little. Leanna sees at Robin, he kneels down between her legs with his penis in his hand.

Leanna places her right hand on her vulva and spreads her vaginal lips for the fox. Robin understands the invitation and with calm he aligns his cock with the pink slit.

He trembles a bit when his penis tip is between the vaginal lips, Robin pushes his penis with calm. He begins to pant in the meantime his cock slowly he slides in the woman.

Robin perceives as the vaginal walls of Leanna surround his member. The fox cannot believe that he be doing this, something with what he fantasized when he was a boy.

Leanna enjoys every moment too, her vaginal walls are caressed and they secrete more juices, Robin's knot finally touches Leanna's vulva, the female bear smiles at the boy smoothly.

"Come on boy, show me as much as you grew up." Leanna says while he smiles at Robin.

He nods and he begins to pump his penis in the woman, she moans and pants with pleasure.

The hard cock enters and gets out of her vagina rapidly, the spurts of precum sprinkle her vaginal walls blending in with the juices in her inside, Robin's knot hits her vulva and presses her clitoris.

She moans and pants while he sees as the fox moves rapidly, he has his closed eyes while he growls and continues pumping. Leanna laughs smoothly, she cannot believe that the polite boy could be fucking her with such a force and fierceness.

Some Robin's saliva falls on her breasts, Robin gets surprised when the woman pushes her head toward her tits. Robin continues moving at the same time as he takes the left nipple of the female in his mouth.

Marian moans of pleasure with each powerful push of the bear, Lowell's penis enters and rushes out. She feels that each thrust gives her a great pleasure, while her tits rock uncontrollably.

Her vagina is full with hard meat and a sound of splashing is heard when her wet vulva is hit by the groin of Lowell. She clings to the neck of the father of Little John.

The growling of the bear fills her ears, Marian gasps when Lowell's mouth closes around her right nipple.

Lowell sucks her tit smoothly, his mouth fills up on the milk of the female, and it is warm and delicious. Marian's inside is tight and soft, Lowell fucks with lust the vixen without stopping.

His tongue hits the sensitive nipple and pulls it. Lowell releases the nipple and he closes his mouth around the other one. He feels as the legs of Marian close around his hips the best that she can.

The four moan and growl of pleasure in the orgy. After some minutes Lowell stops to take out his penis from the vagina of the vixen with a pull, when the head slides out of the pink grotto, Lowell holds the female for the hips and rolls her over.

Marian leans on her knees and elbows, Lowell takes his member and he aims it down, he begins to push the moment that head is touched by the pink entrance. A groan of pleasure slips from the mouth of the vixen.

The shaft again slides in her inside. Lowell holds the hips of the vixen and begins to pump.

Marian moans with pleasure when the member begins to enter and getting out of her body again.

Her vaginal walls are caressed with each push, the member fills her and the little spurts of precum cover her walls. Lowell moans and pants with pleasure while his crotch hits Marian's buttocks.

The female's tits wobble on the air distributing drops of milk on the bed. Marian has her closed eyes enjoying each strong push of the bear.

Robin moves his ass rapidly, but he is taken by surprise when Leanna leans him on bed in a twinkle. The fox looks at the woman with the eyes opened by surprise.

She smiles and she positions herself on the crotch of Robin, Leanna moves her hips on the hard shaft and she moans when her clitoris is rubbed on smoothly. Some moments later the female catches Robin's cock and directs it to the middle of her crotch.

Robin moans when Leanna takes down her hips and his penis slowly enters in the pink and soft tunnel of the female bear. Leanna takes down her hips slowly until the knot touches her vulva.

She leans her hands on the chest of Robin and she begins to ride the fox, Robin moans and the bed squeaks lightly with each motion of the female. The passage is as hot and wet as the one of Marian.

Robin puts his attention in the woman's breasts, even without having the former firmness they bounce majestically, the fox does not wait for and takes the breasts with his hands to squeezes and caresses them.

Leanna growls when her two nipples are twisted, she opens an eye to see as the young male has fun with her tits. That makes the pleasure of Leanna increase, she moans while her ass moves up and down.

Her tail moves rapidly showing that she enjoys the moment, Robin's penis is different to the one of her husband and not so big, she expects that the knot feel incredible and cannot wait for enjoying it in her.

Leanna takes down her hips with force and growls with pleasure when Robin's knot enters in her vagina. She feels as that part of the hard cock distends her vaginal walls insuring that the fox is stuck in her.

Robin pants feeling as each part of his penis is surrounded by the high-temperature inside. Leanna looks at him and again he begins to move. She growls while Robin's balls bounce with the motions in bed.

The fox places his hands on the ass of Leanna and he presses the two cheeks while the woman keeps on riding him rapidly, Robin fails to pay attention to Marian while he feels as his balls begin to release semen.

Robin clenches his teeth and pushes his hips at the moment that he shoots a load of seed with force from the tip of his penis and spatters the vaginal walls of the female bear.

Leanna stops and growls when cum hit her wet inside. Each spurt of semen makes her shake and she cannot resist when the orgasm in body becomes activated.

Leanna's body becomes taut while she stops suddenly, a great quantity of juices are freed and her vaginal walls squeeze with more force the fox's cock.

Marian moans with the closed eyes, she feels as Lowell's big hands go over her body until they take her breasts. Lowell pumps while he stimulate the firm breasts.

Some milk squirts are shoot out from the nipples of Marian and get the bed wet, the vixen moans when forefingers and the male's thumb begin to twist her nipples.

Marian moans and pants with pleasure until Lowell suddenly stops and pushes with force at the moment that he growls, his member throbs with force and releases powerful semen spurts that cover Marian's vaginal walls.

She shakes and bites the pillow when the orgasm rockets in her inside. Each nerve fiber of her body becomes taut while her juices are freed covering Lowell's penis.

Marian's vaginal walls contract with more force around the palpitating cock of the bear while they seek to extract more seed. Lowell growls while his groin presses Marian's buttocks.

Each semen squirt makes shaking to Marian, Lowell has closed until the shoots of cum stop, and he takes out his member with a pull. A waterfall of thick seed falls from the opening of the vixen.

Lowell looks as his wife pants completely satisfied while she lies on Robin, she looks at him and smiles softly. Lowell nods and surprises Marian when he catches her and he leans her backwards in bed.

Marian sees as Lowell positions himself on her chest, the swollen member is in front of his face and semen drips from it. The bear places his shaft between the tits of the vixen.

She smiles and uses her hands to close her breasts around the wet member, Lowell begins to move slowly. He moans feeling warmth and softness of the fur that covers Marian's breasts.

"My husband likes very much your wife's tits. Do you like mi tits?" Leanna asks smiling at the fox that is below her.

"They are incredible, ma'am." Robin responds looking at the woman. The bear frowns a little and smiles smoothly. She reclines her right nipple to the mouth of Robin, he immediately begins to suck it.

Leanna's vaginal walls contract and distend around his penis, he moans of pleasure smoothly while he sucks the nipple. Marian feels as the spurts of precum sprinkle her face while Lowell's member moves back and forth.

The bear moans smoothly and he stops after some minutes, he moves for back and sees as Marian licks her mouth content savoring the precum.

Lowell turns over Marian, she leans her on her hands and knees. The bear seizes the long and stuffed tail of the vixen to push it aside. Marian feels as the two hands of the man rest on her buttocks and he spreads them.

Some moments after she gasps and moans with force when she feels a slow lick that moves in her crack passing over her sphincter. She moans and Little John's father begins to eat the tail hole with slowness and whim.

Lowell licks the crack while his hand gets between the thighs of the female, she shakes when his vulva is caressed slowly, the bear's forefinger enters in her vagina.

The vaginal walls squeeze the finger that moves circularly, the vixen enjoys the pleasure in addition to the tongue that moves circularly on his hole.

Lowell pushes with force and the tip presses the sphincter Marian moans with more force and she grips the bedspreads when the tip penetrates into her. The tongue enters deeply and touches her anal walls.

She moves her ass and Lowell feels content while her nose is below the root of the tail of Marian. The bear perceives the aroma of the fur of the female, his tongue in the cracks and gets wet the tunnel with saliva.

Marian's moans fill the bedroom until Lowell stops he takes out his tongue and his finger from the inside of Marian. The vixen moans when the finger bathed in juices penetrates into her anus.

Lowell moves his finger circularly while he sees as his wife and Robin moans at the moment that they separate. Leanna takes moans with some pain when Robin's knot stretches her vaginal opening and it slides out of her body.

The fox feels as his penis covered of juices hits his stomach. The female bear looks at him and making a grimace he takes him by the hand to pull him and helping him to get up.

Robin sees as Leanna positions herself next to Marian in the same position, the fox positions himself behind the female and spreads the buttocks of the mother of his friend to see the hole in middle of them.

The female bear moans when Robin's tongue touches his anus, she has a good time with each lick. She laughs smoothly thinking that this is the least that she would have expected from this well-raised boy.

Robin moves his tongue up and down without stopping getting wet in saliva the woman's posterior entrance.

"Fuck her kid, she is not as delicate as you think." Lowell says laughing smoothly while he positions himself and he gets ready to penetrate to his sexual partner of the night.

The bed rocks a little and the penis head touches Marian's sphincter, she feels that her hole begins to be under pressure. The precum gets it wet completely, the vixen relaxes and moans with pain when the penis enters in her rectum.

Lowell moans with pleasure, he pushes his cock in the anus of the vixen slowly.

"Tight." Lowell says closing his eyes enjoying each centimeter of the tight and hot passage. The anal walls stretch around the thick erection of the bear.

Lowell's groin touches the female's buttocks, he holds the feminine hips when he begins to move. Meanwhile Leanna reclines forward raising more her ass.

Robin understands the message and in a few moments his penis tip touches Leanna's posterior entrance. She feels as the fox begins to push with determination.

The bear is used to be fucked there as soon as Robin's penis opens the female's sphincter and the cock slides inside without difficulty. Robin closes his eyes and his knot gets in the crack of Leanna.

"Come on tiger." Leanna says laughing impishly in the meantime look down on Robin.

He immediately begins to fuck his best friend's mother, the fox moves his hips slowly. The woman's sphincter moves on his shaft back and forth.

The spurts of precum sprinkle Marian's rectum, she moans of pleasure. Lowell's penis gets deep in her rectum touching bottom just as the penis of his son does it.

She feels as her buttocks shake when they are hit by the groin of Lowell, her juices drip from her opening and her breast wobble on the air releasing milk squirts.

Lowell moves in and out his penis fucking rapidly the anal passage, this female just like the other ones in the home of his son are incredible. His balls hit Marian's vagina repeatedly and they get wet in juices that come from the wet slit.

At his side Robin and Leanna growl of pleasure. Robin's tail moves on the air showing the joy pounding the female's anus, in spite of certainly she had a lot of action in these years, the hole is too tight and it squeezes with force the member of the fox.

Robin pumps without stopping, his knot is ringing the posterior entrance repeatedly, and his precum sprinkles the anal walls. He kneads Leanna's buttocks with pleasure while his hips keep on moving.

The female bear moans with each push, she loves the anal sex with her husband, and with Robin she enjoys it. She places her right hand on her crotch and she begins to rub her vulva slowly.

She stimulates her clitoris increasing her pleasure. Her anal walls are rubbed on by the hard and hot meat. The form of the canine penis gives her a different pleasure, but a very good one.

Leanna puts two fingers into her vagina and she begins to masturbate more directly.

The orgy continues for several minutes which four members moan and pant with pleasure. Robin pushes his knot with force forcing the hole of the female bear to open.

Leanna moans with surprise and pain when her sphincter surrounds the swollen knot of the fox, Robin does not move for some moments feeling that all of his member is surrounded by the heat of the entrails of Leanna.

She moves her ass and Robin resumes his thrust, he moans and pants with pleasure just like Leanna. The fox cannot stop feeling that his pleasure increases rapidly. Some minutes later he begins to grunt.

He clenches his teeth and his claws sink in the buttocks of the bear. Robin growls with force and his member frees spurts of sticky seed in the rectum of Leanna.

She shakes and her anal walls squeeze with more force the canine cock at the moment that her orgasm returns with unexpected force. The female bear growls ferociously and her juices are shoot out of their vagina getting her thighs wet and the bed.

Marian listens the fierce growl of the other female in addition to the groan of her husband, the vixen knows that he had come to his orgasm. She moans with pleasure and pain when Lowell twists her nipples with his fingers and he pumps his cock.

He the bear moves rapidly and fierceness, his penis enters and rushes out. The head hits with force the bottom of the anus of the woman. He releases the firm tits to catch Marian's hips.

She moans of pleasure, her crotch this soaked with her juices that drip abundantly.

Marian bites the pillow and grips the bedspread when she feels the spasm of her vaginal walls and they begin to untie much more juices.

Her orgasm begins makes her to squirt getting wet Lowell's balls. The bear stops and growls savagely when the anal walls squeezes his shaft with much force.

Semen spurts bathe the rectum and fill cracks completely. The spare sensation pleasures more Marian. She reclines forward and raises ass that still is filled with reproductive material.

Leanna lets herself fall in bed dragging along with her Robin. The fox feels as his semen surrounds his cock while he lies on the female. Lowell laughs smoothly and takes out his member from the anus of Marian slowly.

She moans smoothly until the member's head gets out of her rectum, a great deal of semen drains from the gaping hole. Lowell separates Marian's buttocks and smiles content seeing his work well accomplished.

Marian looks as like her husband is on the other woman, she looks content while she has closed eyes. Lowell raises his hands when the woman moves and she sits in bed.

Lowell passes her a cloth and Marian can clean the semen that drains from her posterior hole. When she finishes, the woman gets out of the bed and takes her clothes beginning to get dressed.

"I will go to see how the baby is and I will return." Marian says smiling at her husband a moment looking at Lowell too. He nods content and sees as the vixen gets out of the room and closes the door.

"Well boy. What does my wife seem to you? Is it all that you dreamt?" Lowell asks looking at Robin with a friendly look.

"Yes sir." Robin responds moaning smoothly when Leanna's anal walls give his penis a squeeze.

"You can take it out boy." Leanna says simpering while he sees Robin. The fox gets up a little and begins to pull his cock out, his knot presses bear's sphincter and slowly obliges it to open.

Leanna moans smoothly while he feels that her hole keeps on opening and the knot slips out with calm, when half of it is out Robin does a final pull and his penis appears completely from the inside.

He pants and from his penis his seed drips, a white thread runs down from the opened hole of Leanna. Robin takes a cloth and begins to clean the crack off the female bear.

"Even in sex this boy is polite." Leanna says laughing smoothly and looking at her husband, he nods and does a funny face. Robin blushes lightly.

The couple thought much of the boy since he was a cub, he always was a very well manner boy and a good friend of their son, he neither his parents permitted that the social standing of both families get in the way in their friendship.

When Robin finishes cleanliness, he gets startled when Lowell catches him and he seats him at his side.

"Well boy this is a moment that I never expected to share with you. Your wife is incredible." Lowell says embracing Robin and giving him a strong and friendly squeeze.

"I neither, your wife is also, sir." Robin says with some shame.

"Both of us are Lucky." Lowell says looking at Robin and shaking him a little. The fox nods.

"Uhmmm dear... don't you wanted discussing anything with Robin?" Leanna asks while she looks at the fox and does a friendly facial expression. Robin opens his eyes and sees Lowell, he sees that the bear smiles in a friendly way and gives him a squeeze in the soft shoulder.

"My son told me that you have often fun side by side, that way boy I want it does not matter I want to see, if you can handled my tool as well as your wife." Lowell says doing a friendly face to the fox.

Robin swallows hard and says absolutely nothing some moments before nodding, The bear at his side smiles and he stands up to get himself in front of Robin, he kneels down.

He looks at Lowell's crotch, his attention focuses on the two big balls and the sheath, Lowell smiles when Robin and he takes his balls with a hand.

Robin massages the furry orbs with calm, they are heavy like the ones of Little John, the left hand of Robin closes around the sheath and it begins to give it soft pulls.

The fox feels the heat of the fur of the father of his friend while he stimulates the genitals.

Robin's hand pulls the testicles of the bear smoothly, Lowell smiles at his wife.

Leanna nods content while he takes a close look at the scene, she never saw two males having sex and expects to see Robin to moan with pleasure with the penis of her husband.

Robin brings closer his face to Lowell's crotch and he begins to lick his balls slowly, his tongue raises them a little while his saliva gets them wet, he sees as the head Lowell's cock appears.

The bear moans when the hand of the fox closes around his penis that grows on length.

Robin feels his hardness and heat, he sucks balls with calm while he masturbates the older man.

His hand moves up and down, the member promptly fits its full-size. Now more of fence he sees that it is similar in size to the one of his friend.

Robin leaves Lowell's balls and begins to lick the base of penis. Lowell closes his eyes and has a good time, the tongue of the fox moves for the length of his member.

The taste of the hard meat pleases Robin, the aroma of the fur of Lowell gets to his nose.

His tongue trails a vein in the shaft of the man and in some moments later his tongue touches the head.

Lowell shakes lightly when the fox begins to lick his penis head, he feels as the wrinkled tongue touches that sensitive part of his member, Robin's hand moves on his hard meat.

Robin feels the taste of the precum that sprouts by the opening, the drops disappear when being licked rapidly. After some moments Robin's mouth opens and he points the cock.

Lowell pushes his hips. The bear moans when his swollen member enters in the mouth of the male.

The spurts of precum fall on the tongue of Robin and he begins to shake and to suck the member with calm. His lips move on the hard shaft without stopping.

"Honey... he makes it very well." Lowell makes a comment looking at his wife while the sound of sucking is heard in the bedroom. Leanna smiles content and she moves a little.

Robin feels as the female takes his tail and she moves it of the way, the eyes of the fox open when he feels as the finger of Leanna begins to move up and down in his crack.

Leanna with the tip of her finger tracks Robin's posterior hole, she finds it. The finger begins to move delicately in circles on the anus of the male.

Robin shakes lightly, he feels as a hand of Leanna catches his sheath and she begins giving fast pulls on it. The female bear feels pleased when she feels like the member rapidly it begins to harden inside the sheath of the fox.

The spurts of precum fall on the tongue of Robin while he feels like his penis rapidly grows and the knot swells in the base of his penis, his eyes open and he growls when Leanna pushes her finger with force.

Robin's sphincter opens without a lot of resistance and the finger of Leanna enters until the last knuckle. The bear smiles seeing that the male shakes lightly, she feels the squeeze of the entrails.

Her finger begins to move circularly, stretching Robin's sphincter before moving it inside him. Lowell smiles smoothly when the fox gives a choked back groan.

He sees that his wife looks at him and she does him a grin to indicate him that she localized the sensible point in the body of Robin. He moans when his friend's mother begins to caress his prostate

Robin moans of pleasure and his ass moves in the meantime he continues sucking, he moans when a second finger enters in his and Lowell begins to move his hips fucking his face.

The three enjoy the moment and two minutes later the door opens again and Marian enters.

She looks at with surprise the scene, the vixen had fed her cub for some minutes without expecting that this happened. Marian sees as her husband sucks a penis and two fingers fucks his anus.

"I did not expected this." Marian says while she takes off her clothes and again gets on the bed. Robin feels that fingers leave his hole.

"Lowell wants to enjoy a good ass as yours. My son said that both are incredible." Leanna says looking at Marian that sits in front of her and crosses her legs.

"Yeah, he often pounds us occasionally." Marian says simpering while she sees as Lowell fucks her husband's face.

"How is the little one?" Leanna asks while he sees Marian a moment before seeing her husband again and Robin.

"Ruth and her daughter very well take good care of him just like their own children. I fed him a little." Marian responds looking at Leanna while she climbs on the bead and she sits in front of the female bear.

"Do you mind?" Leanna says stretching her arms and putting her hands on the tits of Marian.

The vixen shakes her head and she gets surprised a little.

Leanna squeezes her breasts smoothly, they are big due the milk that they contain in their inside. Marian moans when the other female twists her nipples lightly.

Some drops of milk drain behind the erect and sensitive nipples of the vixen and get wet Leanna's fingers.

"It is delicious." Lowell says in the meantime even he moves his hips and he looks at his wife.

She says absolutely nothing when she leans forward and closes her mouth around the right nipple of Marian. She gasps and moans with pleasure when the female bear begins to suck her tit.

Leanna sucks and feels as a first milk squirt in her mouth, the taste is unique and delicious. Her mouth extracts more while her left hand stimulates the other breast.

Marian moans and places her hands on the tits of Leanna, she begins to knead and stimulate them with pleasure. Her fingers twist nipples, the other female moans with pleasure while she continues drinking milk.

Lowell feels that his penis hardens more seeing Marian and Leanna. He takes out his cock from the mouth of Robin. The viscous and lukewarm saliva drips from his member.

"Well boy, it is moment of the most interesting." Lowell says looking at Robin and smiling to him. Robin turns over leaning on his elbows and knees on the bed.

He raises his ass in addition to move his tail. Lowell places his hands on the gluteuses of Robin and squeezes them. They are firm like the ones of his wife, the bear takes his shaft and he aims it down.

Robin feels that his posterior hole is touched by the tip of the cock, Lowell begins to press his member's head against the sphincter of the fox. The precum gets it wet.

The bear pushes with more force and he moans with relish when the ring opens and hedges the head of his penis. Robin growls with pain being penetrated by the thick manhood of Lowell.

The fox pants when the hard meat of the father of his friend begins to make way for itself in his ass. He sees that his wife now sucks Leanna's tits smoothly, the bear moans smoothly while the other woman nibbles her nipple and kneads his other tit.

"Very tight boy, as good as your wife." Lowell says giving two spanks to Robin's right gluteus. He moans with some pain while Lowell laughs and continues pushing.

His cock is disappearing between the buttocks of Robin until the head touches the anal passage bottom. Lowell holds Robin's hips and begins to pump his penis with calm and slowness.

He enjoys each thrust feeling as the anal walls caresses his penis, Robin's ring moves on his shaft with each motion, the fox moans of pleasure.

The penis of the father of Little John fills him completely, his anal walls are caressed in addition to his prostate. His hard penis releases spurts of precum that fall in bed.

"Come on, let's do something more interesting." Leanna proposes while she stops Marian.

She nods and sees as the other woman leans backwards in bed and she opens her legs completely.

Marian perceives the idea and she positions herself on the woman, but she takes a different position to be in position for sixty nine with the other female. Marian takes down her hips and moans when Leanna's tongue enters touches her vulva.

Leanna perceives the first-time-ever taste of the juices of another woman, the taste is somewhat strange and no disagreeable. She moans when Marian's tongue goes by her pink slit.

Her clitoris is licked by the vixen slowly, she savors the female bear's juice, and her tongue divides the vaginal lips with each motion. Leanna takes out her tongue and gives back the favor to the other female, she moves her tongue's tip on the rosy point of Marian.

They moan and pant with pleasure while the bed shakes by the thrust of Lowell. Robin's buttocks shake with each strong hit of the crotch of the bear.

The weigh balls of Lowell rock on the air and hit Robin's white testicles. He moans and he reclines forward raising his ass, his hands grips the bedspreads.

Robin's eyes are closed, the precum covers his anal walls and fills some cracks. Lowell pumps without stopping, he spreads the buttocks of the friend of his son to see as his erection enters and it gets out of the tight anus.

A smile appears in the face of the bear thinking that the friendship between his son and Robin had come to this. This is the last thing that Lowell had waited considering the education that Robin had received.

Lowell begins to pump with more speed in the ass of the fox and meat slapping sound becomes intense, Robin moans noisily. He gasps with surprise when Lowell's right hand closes around his member.

The bear begins to masturbate him at the same time that he fucks him, Lowell feels the hardness of the member of Robin and he feels content seeing the boy is enjoying the fuck a lot too.

He has also his attention put in the two women, Lowell never saw his wife in a lesbian relation and he would not miss it not for any price.

Heavy breathing and whining of pleasure fill the bedroom, Leanna moves his tongue in the vagina of Marian, the juices drip of the opening getting wet her lips and chin.

Marian moves her tail content, she eats up Leanna's vagina with pleasure, and her tongue touches sensitive parts in the vagina. The vixen uses her right forefinger to collect some juice that runs over from the hot and moist passage of Leanna.

She growls with surprise when Marian's finger enters in her anus and it begins to move inside and out. The internal heat surrounds Marian's finger that moves in and out, the vixen moans and takes a breath when Leanna gives back the favor pushing a finger in the ass of the vixen.

Both women close their mouths around the slit of their partner and expedite the motion of their tongues, Marian's body begins to shake and she pushes their crotch against the snout of Leanna.

The female bear receives the juice that comes from Marian with pleasure, she moans and suddenly feels as a hot liquid squirts hits the entrance of her throat when Leanna has an orgasm.

Marian sucks sipping the woman's juices, both moan and do not take off their mouths of their slits while their husbands begin to moan with more force.

Lowell pushes with force and growls ferociously when his member shoots powerful semen spurts that flood Robin's rectum completely. Lowell's hand squeezes the fox's penis with force.

Robin's member throbs with more force and he howls smoothly at the moment that his semen is shoot out from his penis and it smears in his chest and the bed.

The spasms of the anal walls of Robin make Lowell push stronger and the fox is obliged to lean his chest in bed while Lowell continues ejaculating in him.

The grunts of pleasure in the bedroom fades away slowly, they all pant and get back their breath. Lowell gets up and takes out his member with a pull.

"Damm kid l can understand without doubt why my son certainly fucks your ass regularly, it is very good." Lowell says at the moment of giving two spanks to Robin.

He moans quietly while he feels as his posterior hole is open and Lowell's semen oozes from the inside and it slips passing by his balls to drip to the bed.

Robin Hood, Little John, Marian, Skippy and King Richard (all of them from the animated movie) © Disney

Ruth, Dana and Matilde © Disney (they appear in the movie, but they don't have names)

Lowell, Leanna, Faith are my characters.

Written by Janus Oberoth

The talk

The next morning Nolan wakes up slowly, he growls smoothly while his body rolls from side to side trying to find a good position to sleep. He boy sits and he rubs his eyes some moments while he is sleepy, Nolan sees that in the other two beds that are...

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