A new experiencie and a Royal fuck

Story by Janus Oberoth on SoFurry

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#4 of Like a King tales

Marian have a nice surprise for Robin waiting for him, but it is nothing compared with the visit of the King Richard to their house and bed.

A week later Marian is walking on the streets of London while she comes back from the market after having bought some necessary things for her home.

People pass near while they walk and talk. The vixen listens the people and the sound of the wheels of the carts when they move on the streets.

Marian feels uncomfortable for all of the noise, she had gotten used to the tranquility in Nottingham. There was not a lot of noise and most of her friends are there.

The vixen walks while some smoke fumaroles rise in the air from some chimneys. She can perceive some aromas that come from the kitchens of the near houses.

Marian takes one of the streets that will drive her directly to her home. She sees to a knew figure stopped without moving in a corner, she is in front an establishment of blacksmith's, one of the many that there is in London.

The vixen sees a she-wolf of silver color, she is her friend Mary. She is one of the friends that Marian has in London. Marian does not see them very frequently because they are busy at her own lives and families.

As usually she uses a green dress, is her favorite color. The she-wolf has always a happy and friendly attitude, but in this occasion she looks completely worried in addition to that seems fearful while she looks around with distrust.

"Hi Mary." Marian says while she comes closer and touches the shoulder of her friend, she gets startled and drops a canvas sack that she has in the hand. A metallic sound is heard when the sack hits the ground.

Mary rapidly crouches and rapidly catches the sack to raise it while she sees everywhere feeling very ashamed for some reason.

"What happens, Mary?" Marian says while she sees that her friend squeezes the sack with more apprehension.

"Come you can tell me, you are my friend." Marian says with true worry to see that her friend still looks around with distrust.

"Marian... not here." The she-wolf says while she looks at the vixen at the eyes with fear.

Marian nods and the two friends get away from the street and they go into a near alley.

Mary's so secret attitude confuses and worries Marian a lot, the two women get to the end of the alley and Mary makes sure that nobody looks at them.

"Mary... what's going on?" Marian asks looking at the other female. She watches a moment before bending one's head down.

"I... I do not know, if I can tell it to you..." Mary says shamefacedly.

"You can trust me I will not tell it to nobody." Marian says while she looks at her friend.

The she-wolf looks at her and nods while she sighs and squeezes the sack with more force.

"You see... some time ago I was talking with our friends Tabatha and Sofia, They said that... some men love... well some certain dirty things." Mary says while she blushes while she sees their friend.

"How what?" Marian asks while she has an obvious idea.

"Playing with their... no I cannot say it." Mary says while she looks at her friend.

"Nobody can hear us." Marian says while she is trying showing her support.

"With their asses." Mary says rapidly while her shame grows in her body.

"They told me that I could make it with Robert... and I believed them, they told me that I could talk with the blacksmith to get what I could need... I made it with difficulty and I obtained what I needed." Mary says shaking the sack lightly.

"May I?" Marian says while she looks at her friend. She nods shamefacedly and passes the sack to her friend. The vixen takes the sack and opens it to put its hand into the inside, she examines by touch some metallic objects and one very large.

Marian takes out the object and her eyes open completely when she sees two canine metallic big penises with a big knot in each one, both members of metal point in different directions , they are by piece of triangular hide.

Several leather straps hang from the object. Mary gets ashamed still more seeing that prohibited object.

"What did you plan to do with this?" Marian asks while she feels that her heart pumps faster.

"One is used... down there in us... while the other was supposed to be used in Robert's... hole... there back." Mary says shamefacedly. That is a perversion that a woman of her social status cannot do, she does not find an answer of how she could get so far in this.

"But when I gave the surprise to Robert... he became crazy completely saying that he was a real man and shutting, he ordered me that I should give back this to the blacksmith and return to the house with all the money that I did pay for this." Mary says while she refrains not to cry.

She whips away some tears of her eyes.

"But the blacksmith does not want it of return neither refund me the money." Mary says with complete fear of going back to her home with this sack and without money.

"I buy it to you." Marian says looking at her friend. She gets surprised completely.

"I have one ample patio where I can bury it and hide it without nobody learns about it, and you will obtain the money. Robert does not need to know this." Marian says while she looks at her friend.

"Would you do that by me?" Mary asks with joy and relief.

"Of course, everything to help a friend." Marian says smiling and in her inside she is feeling happy. This will add much pleasure to her sex life with Robin, she knows that your husband would love it.

After some minutes Marian pays the agreed price and introduces the sack with the other things that she had bought on the market. Her friend now feels completely relieved.

They come out of the alley and Mary embraces Marian showing her gratitude. Marian smiles at her friend, both separate and each one take her own road. The vixen feels that her crotch gets wet while she feels excited thinking about her new acquisition.

Marian walks with care being felt a little inconvenience having such object in the sack.

She tries to hurry up to get to her home the fastest possible, when she the front door of her home closes behind her, she feels relieved.

The vixen crosses the patio in the house and goes to the bedroom where she hides the toy below the bed. Marian laughs impishly and takes off her clothes she places them on the near cupboard.

She goes down to the kitchen and begins to prepare lunch. After a half-hour she sees that Robin enters by the front door charging firewood.

The fox enters and goes out while he keeps on introducing the firewood, after around twenty minutes Robin says good-bye to somebody and closes the door after him. A sigh slips from the mouth of Robin at the same time that he cleans his forehead.

Robin charges a pile of firewood toward the kitchen and when he gets in there, he sees as Marian is preparing lunch. He looks at her attentively without missing the last detail, she looks very beautiful naked.

Marian gets surprised and she laughs when Robin embraces her from behind and squeezes her tits with pleasure. The fox twists her wife's nipples, she closes her eyes and moans with pleasure.

Robin kisses his wife's neck and nuzzles it smoothly while his hips move pressing his crotch against the firm buttocks of Marian.

"Enough Robin... after lunch we will have fun." Marian says while she moves away from Robin. He makes a funny face before going out to the patio and continuing moving the firewood that he had bought.

Robin piles up the firewood at the place that is necessary, close to the chimney and kitchen stoves. After finishing he goes to his bedroom and he gets naked.

The fox leans backwards in bed and breathes with relief, the heat of the day is suffocating and the clothing bothers him or perhaps it was the fact that he felt more comfortable without wearing a single clothe.

Robin feels that his penis hardens inside his sheath when he thinks about her naked body.

The fox feels that his penis tip slides through the opening of the sheath, Robin shakes when he grabs his hard meat and begins to caress his genitals slowly.

His penis gets out completely and Robin closes his hand around his cock. He closes his eyes at the moment of beginning to masturbate, his hand moves back and forth on his erection.

A drop of precum drips from the opening of his penis and falls on his stomach.

His hand touches his swollen knot in the base of his penis repeatedly. Robin moans and pants with pleasure while he is completely absorbed at the time until he hears that somebody clears her throat.

Robin opens his eyes and raises the head to see that Marian is the doorstep.

"Lunch is ready." Marian says while she does a mischievous facial expression to her husband. She sees that Robin sits on bed before stopping, the female looks with attention at her husband's penis.

She loves to see it on every occasion that she has, the organ pleasures her a lot. Robin and Marian go down to the kitchen and Robin sits at the table, he waits until Marian serves the food.

They begin to eat with pleasure while they laugh and chat about their day. Marian learns that Robin had some difficulty finding the firewood and to bring it home.

Find firewood in Nottingham is not problem, but now they must buy it in the city. Marian tells him about her day avoiding to mention what she had bought to her friend, she knows that a very good surprise would be for Robin.

When both finish the lunch, Marian clears the table and puts things in order shortly before Robin again embraces her from behind and bites her neck smoothly.

"Do we go?" Robin asks while Marian laughs smoothly.

"Ok" She responds moving away from Robin a little. The vixen gives a shriek of surprise when Robin rapidly raises her of the floor to charge her in his arms.

He charges her with care to their bedroom, Robin opens the door with a soft kick. The vixen clings to Robin until he leans her on bed and he positions himself above her.

Marian looks at him and she kisses him smoothly, she and Robin have their mouths united while their tongues touch and rub mutually, the vixen catches Robin and rolls him over rapidly to lean him on bed.

The female stretches her arm to catch her kerchief and to use it to bandage Robin's eyes.

The fox is surprised and he does not move, Marian licks her mouth with desire and turns over pushing her vulva against the lips of Robin. He feels the taste of the juices on his tongue.

Both now are in position of sixty nine.

Marian moans when she feels that Robin's tongue begins to move on her vulva, the tip divides her vaginal lips with each lick getting in her tunnel lightly.

The vixen sees as the member of her husband releases precum that drips slowly. She takes the erection and caresses it using her hand, she enjoys the hardness of the cock.

Her free hand caresses Robin's balls, she opens her mouth and closes it around the tip.

Robin moans and shakes when the tip enters in the mouth of Marian.

He feels the warm and wet inside of the mouth of Marian. The female's tongue dances on the tip of his member, Marian enjoys the taste of the precum that fall on her tongue.

She keeps on taking more of the masculinity of Robin in her mouth. The fox moans and pants with pleasure, Robin sticks his lips to his wife's vulva and pushes his tongue that penetrates into the tunnel of the love of Marian.

The body of the vixen shakes feeling as the tongue of Robin zigzags her pussy caressing her vaginal walls release juices abundantly, they are enjoyed by Robin.

His lips and mouth get wet with the delicious juice of his wife. Marian sucks and tastes the palpitating meat in her mouth completely, the little spurts of precum splashes her palate and fall on her tongue.

She moves her head slowly and her lips touch Robin's knot repeatly getting it wet in saliva.

Robin feels as his penis enters and gets out of the throat of Marian.

The fox moans while he continues eating the pink slit, the moans fill the room until Marian stops and moves taking out the erection of her lips. She turns over sitting on Robin's stomach.

Robin pants rapidly while his member throbs with force, Marian looks at him smiling smoothly.

"We are going to make this more entertained." She says. The fox gets surprised and nods with enthusiasm without having a clue about his wife's plans. He cannot see nothing and makes this more interesting for him.

He trembles with emotion.

Marian kisses him smoothly on the lips and she begins to caress his chest slowly.

The hand moves circularly, the vixen's forefinger gets to Robin's stomach. He feels as the tip moves slowly in different directions before getting to his navel.

The fox trembles when the tip gets in that place, Marian moves her finger circularly before to stop it. She moves and her finger continues moving further down and Robin moans when his wife's hand closes around his shaft.

He feels as the soft hand moves up and down on his meat, a couple of drops drip from the opening and they fall on his stomach.

The sensation stops after some moments, Robin pants rapidly while he feels some motion in bed, his wife rolls him to lean him on his chest on bed.

Marian takes Robin's hands and she pulls them a little to surprise him at the moment that she ties them to the head of the bed. Robin tries to move his hands, but they are firmly tied.

He does not know what Marian has in mind, in some moments later Robin feels Marian's weight when she sits on his back with calm. The female's hands rest on his shoulders.

The two hands begin to caress and to massage his shoulders slowly, Robin enjoys it completely and he relaxes, Marian's hands begin to go down his back slowly.

She surprisingly catches his tail and begins to play with it.

"Honey... that place is delicate." Robin says while he feels that his wife pulls his tail playfully. Marian laughs smoothly and places her mouth next to the ear of Robin.

"Of course, but I know that you have another sensitive spot." Marian says whispering in her husband's ear. Robin gets surprised when he feels that one of the forefingers of Marian gets in the crack of his ass.

Robin shakes and his penis hardens more feeling that the fingertip of his wife caresses his brown wrinkle hole with circular movements. The sensation is pleasurable, his precum sprouts of the tip and gets wet the bed in addition to the fur of his stomach.

The finger presses smoothly his sphincter trying to enter, pressure is soft and it stops after some moments. Marian takes her husband's hips to raise them.

Robin obeys and he leans forward raising his ass on the air, the fox shakes with emotion while his penis hangs between his legs. Marian's hands rest on his buttocks.

They are squeezed and the claws of the vixen dive in his flesh. Robin feels that his wife has fun with his anus, a finger moves in his crack up and down.

The tip moves circularly, Robin pants when a hand gets inside between his legs and takes his balls. Being unable to see makes the senses of Robin intensify even more.

His testicles are caressed and squeezed with calm, Robin enjoys it completely, and the hand moves to take his member. It moves back and forward on his cock.

Robin moans and pants at the moment that he begins to move his hips. Marian feels that her husband's penis hardens while he growls of pleasure with each push.

The ass of Robin moves back and forth and his penis moves in the fist of Marian. She enjoys the hard rubbing of the hard member in the palm of her hand.

Robin's moans fill the room, its precum sprinkles the bed. Robin moves his hips until his wife's fist opens liberating his member that throbs with force.

The fox feels that Marian's hands rest on his buttocks and they spread them completely.

Marian sees Robin's posterior hole among the firm cheeks.

She licks her mouth slowly, Robin quivers with pleasure and jumps with surprise when Marian's tongue touches his hole. He moans and pants with pleasure at the moment that his sphincter gets wet in warm and viscous saliva.

Marian's tongue moves in his crack slowly, Marian enjoys the moment seeing that her husband moans and shakes with pleasure, she licks smoothly between the two cheeks.

Her tongue's tip whirls with slowness, the female uses her hand to massage Robin's balls and to pull them smoothly without stopping, she takes down her snout and licks the two furry orbs from behind.

Robin's testicles are raised on the air with each lick, Robin moans and pants with pleasure. Marian's lips close around his sphincter and the tip begins to press his entrance with force.

The fox grunts with pleasure and his body shakes when the tongue penetrates into his posterior passage. The heat of the entrails of Robin wraps Marian's tongue up.

The female pushes her tongue the deepest while she uses it to examine Robin's inside, her tongue gets in the cracks examining them.

Robin shakes and pants while his wife eats his ass in an incredible way, she maintains the buttocks of Robin separated. Her nose is below the tail of Robin.

The vixen sees like the tail of her husband moves showing his happiness. Marian stops after some minutes, she begins to withdraw her tongue slowly.

Robin pants while the tongue keeps on sliding outside, he shakes lightly when the tip goes out. Marian squeezes Robin's cheeks and she smiles seeing the shining anus and lightly open.

Marian takes the bag that is under the bed and she sits reclining her ass on her calves and takes a long string of balls of metal joined by a thick string. Marian takes a small bottle of oil that she found in the bag.

Robin does not move and his anxiety grows a little without feeling nothing, he suddenly gets startled feeling that his sphincter is pressed by something, it is something hard and circular in addition to slippery.

The pressure increases and the object suddenly enters in his anal passage, for the form the fox deduces that it is a ball or something like that. The sensation is strange, a second little ball enters in his anus and the next balls are bigger.

Marian has fun while she keeps on pushing one to one the oil-covered balls. She enjoys seeing as the sphincter of Robin opens lightly every time that she pushes one with her finger until it enters.

The sensation is strange for Robin while his anus keeps on filling slowly up on the metal balls until the last one enters in him. Marian smiles and introduces her right hand between the legs of Robin looking for his cock.

She feels that her husband shakes lightly, the female points the penis toward back to introduce between Robin's tights. She opens her mouth and closes it around the swollen and hard shaft.

Robin growls smoothly while he cannot move, Marian's mouth moves on her penis slowly.

His cock is sucked with pleasure and calm, Marian enjoys the taste of the member in her mouth.

The little spurts of precum fall on her tongue with each motion of her head, the tip gets to the entrance of her throat. Marian sucks listening as the respiration of his husband becomes more laborious and fast.

She takes the string fastener while her sucking gains force. The female gives a rapid pull and the little balls of the anus of Robin get out. The fox opens his eyes and gasps before moaning with pleasure.

His sphincter opens and little balls rush out, when they go out they caress Robin's prostate in succession. This stimulate triggers the climax in Robin, he shakes and bucks while his strong growl comes to the ears of Marian.

Her mouth fills up with an abrupt shoot of semen, it makes that her cheeks swell up completely.

She likes very much the unequalled taste of the cream of Robin, the vixen swallows with pleasure while Robin moans and continues ejaculating a lot of semen.

Semen slowly keeps on becoming exhausted until the last drops are enjoyed by Marian.

She moves and permits that the member slip of her lips, Robin's cock wobbles lightly on the air between his legs.

Marian puts her hand into the bag to get the next toy to use in her husband, she shakes with emotion when he takes out the strapon from the bag. The female catches Robin's penis to stimulate it slowly.

Robin moans and pants feeling as the hand moves on his sensible erection, it is a painful and pleasurable feeling.

"Marian... no more." Robin moans and quivers. The hand of her wife loses his shaft and she concentrates on stimulating his balls. Robin pants content that the stimulation on his sensitive meat stopped.

Marian moves her hand on the two soft balls and lightly weighed, she caresses them with care. After some moments she stops before taking the strapon.

Robin again becomes tense when he feels not nothing, neither a single caress nor stimulation from Marian. Minutes pass and Marian enjoys seeing that her husband is restless, but she wants to continue with the next movement.

A pant of tranquility escapes from the mouth of Robin when he feels again motion in bed.

The mattress sinks with the crawling motion of Marian, she positions herself next to Robin.

The fox gets surprised when Marian presses something against his lips.

"Come dear, open that mouth." Marian says rubbing the tip of the strapon against the lips of Robin. He obeys and his mouth opens slowly, Robin gets surprised when Marian pushes introducing the toy by force.

Robin feels the metallic taste of iron, it is somewhat long and thick like the penis of Little John. Robin begins to suck with calm while Marian caresses his head.

"That is Robin." She says while he moves his hips lightly and the knot of the strapon touches Robin's lips. The fox says absolutely nothing while he sucks the object in his mouth with calm.

He feels as the hands of Marian move behind his head when she unties the bandage knot and she takes it off. Robin blinks repeatedly in the meantime his eyes again get accustomed in the light.

His eyes open when he sees the knot of the strapon in front of his snout, the fox looks up to see his wife that smiles at him smoothly. Marian pulls out the toy from the mouth of Robin.

For first time Robin can appreciate that toy, it is large and thick. It is shaped like a canine metal penis that shines by his saliva, the knot in the base is big, and the length of the false penis is similar to the one of Tucker.

It is tied to Marian's hips by black leather straps. Marian moves her hips and the toy wobbles on the air.

The vixen stands up and surrounds Robin, he follows with the look each Marian's movement.

She smiles when Robin bends over forward again and raises his ass and tail.

Marian takes the small bottle of oil and opens it, Robin shakes a little when oil is spilled in the crack of his ass. Oil runs down passing over the sphincter of Robin getting to the fox's balls.

Robin shakes lightly feeling as the cold oil pass by his brown small crease. Marian places herself in position holding the strapon in her hand, she introduces it between the buttocks of Robin and the tip touches her husband's sphincter.

He closes his eyes when Marian begins to push the toy, the tip press with force while Marian does not stop and forces her loved fox's posterior entrance.

Robin moans with pain when the tip enters in his anus. Marian spreads the cheeks of the anus and sees as the sphincter of Robin closes with force around the toy.

She enjoys the sight and pushes her hips, Robin pants feeling that his anal walls keep on swelling out and molding upon the thickness of the toy that keeps on entering in his ass.

Metal this cold and that makes him shake, his member hardens more. Marian stops when the tip touches the bottom, the knot is between the buttocks of her husband.

She begins to move and pump. He moans and pants with pleasure feeling as his inside is caressed by the shaft that keeps on getting warm rapidly.

Robin pants and moans with pleasure, with each push his buttocks are hit by the hips of his wife. The fox feels as his member wobbles on the air with each thrust.

Marian moans smoothly, her clitoris is caressed by a bulk well located in addition to the other part of the toy that is in her vagina, her vaginal walls are caressed and her moans add to the moans of Robin.

His penis hits his stomach with each bounce, Marian squeezes his husband's buttocks without stopping to move. She enjoys having the control in this occasion, the female sees as the sphincter of Robin moves on the metallic shaft that enters and that goes out.

"Do you like it?" Marian asks digging her claws into the buttocks of Robin.

"Ohh of course Yessss!" Robin responds pushing his ass against the crotch of Marian.

She smiles and she moves faster, Robin leans forward he raises his ass higher.

He enjoys each push. His prostate is rubbed and stimulated, his precum is dripping more abundantly. Marian holds with force the hips of Robin and pushes the knot with determination of knotting to her husband.

Robin moans with pain feeling that his hole is forced to open, she sees as the knot keeps on opening the back door of Robin, she has half knot in him. Marian pushes with force.

A gasp of surprise and pain slips from the mouth of Robin when the knot slides completely his ass. The fox feels full like few times in his life.

Marian again begins to pump the toy in the anus of her husband, she moans and moves her hips circularly achieving that Robin moaned with pleasure, in addition to stimulate her clitoris.

Her juices are dripping from her opening getting wet the strap that pass between her thighs.

Robin's penis begins to throb and suddenly begins to release white semen spurts that fall in bed. Robin growls and clenches his teeth while his climax reaches his body.

Marian pushes with force and moves her hips, she sees like the body of her husband is tense while he continues ejaculating. After some minutes Robin is breathing agitatedly.

The fox moans with force when Marian begins to pull the penis to take it out, Robin clenches his teeth and his hole again opens slowly. Marian sees like the knot slowly keeps on appearing.

She is pulls out with more force and the knot slides outside, Robin pants with relief, he gets surprised when Marian catches him and he turns him over rapidly to lean him backwards in bed.

She gets comfortable between her legs and takes his penis with her two hands.

"Marian!!!" Robin says panting at the moment that Marian's hands begin to masturbate him slowly. Her right hand moves on the cock and the other one takes care of the knot and balls.

"Maybe you already had finished but I am not satisfied yet." Marian says doing a gesture to her husband.

Robin is a surprised and he moans feeling a different pain when his sensitive shaft is stimulated.

Marian has fun with the penis of her husband until she is sure that it is hard again. Robin sees that she holds catches a pillow, the vixen places a pillow below the back of Robin.

His ass is lightly raised on the air, the female kneels down between the thighs of her lover and catches the false penis in her hand. She the aims it introducing the tip between the buttocks of Robin.

The tip moves up and down slowly tracking the fox's hole. She stops when he sees that Robin does her a grin. Marian pushes his with force and Robin pants when the toy slides without difficulty in his rectum.

The knot touches the sphincter. Marian positions herself on Robin and she begins to move to fuck him again, she pumps with slowness and lack of coordination because this is the first time that she makes it.

"It is not so easy, uh?" Robin asks mockingly while he moans.

"Shut up." Marian says before kissing Robin on mouth. They moan in the meantime Marian continues moving her ass. Her breasts press Robin's chest, His member is pressed against the stomach of Marian.

Both share a passionate kiss that it breaks after some moments, Marian separates her mouth and closes her eyes while she continues pumping.

Robin moans feeling as his anal walls are caressed by the hard toy, his look is on the bouncing breasts of Marian. She notices it and a she reclines forward a little more in order that her nipple is at the reach of her husband.

He rapidly closes his mouth around the right nipple of his wife and sucks it, Robin releases his penis to take the other tit and to stimulate it. Marian enjoys the spare pleasure.

Her hips move, the knot touches Robin's sphincter repeatly. The bed creaks with each thrust of the vixen, Robin releases the nipple to use his hands on the two tits.

He twists nipples seeing content as his wife moans with more force, she stops after some moments. She moves her hips back and the toy slides out of the anus of Robin.

"Now it is your turn of moving you while I rest." Marian says caressing her husband's chest slowly.

Robin takes Marian for the writs and he rolls her over, she now is leant backwards. The vixen sees with attention as her husband positions himself above her and takes the toy to aim it down.

He feels as the tip gets in his crack and in some moments after it touches his sphincter.

Robin takes down his ass and moans at the moment that his rectum is one more time invaded by the hard metal.

He takes down his ass slowly until his buttocks touch the knot.

"It is an interesting sight." Marian says while she smiles at Robin. The fox does her a facial expression and he begins to ride her. Robin reclines his hands on the tits of his wife to stimulate them while he moves his ass with pleasure.

Marian feels as her breast are pressed by the hands of Robin, she closes her right hand around the penis and caresses it back and forth while her free hand takes care of the balls.

Robin moves his ass and moans with pleasure for the double pleasure in his body, his wife moans too. The toy in her vagina moves up and down with each motion of Robin.

She enjoys to it, her vaginal walls are stimulated. Marian sees that Robin's tail moves showing the pleasure that he feels.

Robin moves with more speed and he yelps with pain the moment that his sphincter opens and slides wrapping the toy knot up. The ass of Robin moves circularly and his member hardens more.

The spurts of precum drip from his cock, Marian moves her hands in the hard meat rapidly while her eyes are closed. Her juices accumulate in her inside and they begin to ooze to the exterior.

Robin clenches his teeth and his penis does eruption on Marian. She shakes in her own moment of pleasure in the orgasm without being important that her husband's sperm sprinkles her face and body.

Robin does not move while he moans and they concentrate on his own pleasure.

Robin pants and breathes agitatedly just like Marian. The fox opens his eyes and sees as the stomach, breasts and the face of Marian is covered with his seed.

White semen brooks go over the tits of Marian covering her nipples. The female opens her eyes and smiles smoothly, she with her fingers collects semen from her stomach and she takes it to the mouth.

"This was great... we are going to make this often." Marian says while she licks her mouth and enjoys the taste of semen. Robin nods again and squeezes his wife's tits with pleasure feeling its firmness and softness.

A month later Robin is walking on the drawbridge of the castle of the King Richard, the day before the king had requested his presence in the palace. The fox crosses the main patio that has a great well-kept garden. Soldiers and people walk up and down chatting.

The day is sunny and hot, Robin gets close to the door of the great tower of stone. Robin stops in front of the door and he uses the cap that he wears to create one light breeze on his face.

The use of elegant clothing inconveniences him, but he is being going to see the king and he should look presentable. The wooden door opens slowly, Robin sees the inside of the great construction at the moment that he enters in the great hall.

The fox begins to walk in a straight line, everything is perfectly illuminated thanks to the big large windows on the top of the wall. His steps are heard clearly on the ground.

The servants move of one side to the other one just like several people, Robin gets on the road to the middle of the place where the king Richard on his throne is sitting.

The Lion looks imposing while he is slanting towards the right indicating something in a parchment. Men nod while they listen to the king, Robin notices that there are a lot of soldiers and officers, something out of the common.

Robin gets close to the throne and the assistant of the king announces his presence to the monarch.

"Your majesty." Robin says taking out his sword and kneeling down on the floor of solemn way at the same time that he leans the sword tip on the floor.

"Robin you can get up." The king Richard says roaring with a smile before the formalism of Robin. The fox gets up and makes a curtsy.

"Your majesty required my presence." Robin says while he looks with respect at the king and expects his words. The lion laughs a little, he gets up to come down from his throne and to get close to the fox.

"Yes, let's go to walk a little, I need to get up once in a while." The king says while a hand places on the shoulder of Robin and giving him a soft squeeze.

Robin nods and next to the lion, they get out of the living room to the patio to walk.

To a couple of meters guards follow them to give space and privacy to the king.

"I love to see you boy..." The king Richard says while he watches content to Robin content.

Robin nods showing that feeling is mutual. The king Richard had been very generous with him and Marian.

"How is a married man's life?" He asks while he nods when he sees that some soldiers say hello respectfully when he and Robin pass near them.

"My Lord... it is great, is all that I had waited." Robin responds looking at the lion. He laughs smoothly and nods while both keep on walking slowly.

"How is your sex life with her? Is everything OK between both?" The king asks looking at Robin and winking an eye. The fox gets surprised completely by the question, he takes a moment to respond

"Ehhh very well your majesty... we understand ourselves very well." Robin says feeling uncomfortable. This had been something completely unexpected.

"That it is great because what I need to speak with you too, this also concerns her." The king Richard says while his attention focuses on a couple of females that pass near.

Robin again gets surprised and sees as the king looks at the two women with lust. His tail moves with enthusiasm until the two women get out of view.

"What is it about? My King." Robin asks with care. In his mind he begin to elaborate create an obvious idea for himself of where this goes.

"We will not make it here. I will go your house after the evening. I want to try one of the delicious foods of my niece again." The king says while he gives a friendly slap on the back to Robin.

Robin nods seeing that the king looks content and smiles.

"That is everything. I will see you later." The king says to see that a couple of men indicate to him that somewhat is ready. Robin only can nod before to see that the king returns to the great hall letting Robin alone and a bit excited.

His heart throbs fast and he also feels that his penis hardens imagining the king fucking his wife. The conversation suggests that direction, Robin takes some minutes to calm down and to avoid walking with a visible erection.

Robin returns to his home with calm, he fails to pay attention to the sounds of the people that walks on the streets in their own matters. The fox gets to his home and he breathes calmly after closing the front door.

Some sheets fall in front of his feet, he walks toward the kitchen while he takes a deep breathing and enjoy the aroma of the food that Marian is cooking. She always does great dishes.

Robin gets to the kitchen and enters there, he licks his mouth seeing Marian cooking completely naked, she is forward-tilted lightly and the sight of her round ass is enjoyed by the fox.

"I am home." Robin says looking at Marian. She turns over listening to him. The vixen smiles and she comes close to kiss him on the mouth. Robin's hands squeezes his wife's tits and his penis hardens getting out of the sheath.

"Mmmm this is interesting." Marian says smiling and caressing Robin's penis over the pants.

"What did the king want?" But first put on comfortable that food already is almost ready." Marian says smiling and helping her husband to take off his clothes.

When the last clothe is off the body of the body of Robin. The vixen kneels down and takes the swollen cock in her mouth. She begins to move her head to suck the hard shaft.

Robin moans and pants with pleasure closing his eyes. He feels as the lips of his wife she moves her and on the hard and sensitive meat giving him a relief than he as much needs.

Marian sucks Robin's penis slowly, he likes the taste of the meat, and her tongue picks up the precum that gets out from the tip in great quantity. Her right hand caresses the white balls.

Robin does not move while the saliva covers his cock, Marian moves her head slowly, she loves to listen to Robin's moans of pleasure. The female takes out the penis from her mouth and begins to lick the knot with calm.

Robin moans with pain and pleasure when he feels as the sharpened teeth of Marian sink softly in his meat. This is something that Marian had learned with care exploring his husband's genitals with attention and pleasure.

She takes down her snout and licks the two white orbs for some moments before putting Robin's penis into her mouth to reassuming the member's sucking. She sucks rapidly and the moans of the fox increase.

Robin's respiration also accelerates while her pleasure increases rapidly by the oral stimulation of his penis. Robin holds Marian's head and begins to pump his penis rapidly.

His knot hits the mouth and Marian's nose with force and speed. Marian holds the ass of Robin while he moves. In some moments later he stops and growls an unloading reproductive cream in his wife.

Marian sucks the seed with pleasure, she swallows it after savoring it. Robin pants while he sees as his wife sucks his penis smoothly for some moments.

She takes out the penis from her mouth and licks it completely to clean the rests of cum.

"Well... now tell me what the king wanted." Marian says while she stands up and kisses smoothly Robin on his lips.

"He wants to fuck you." Robin says directly. Marian's eyes open wide with surprise. Robin did not expected less, Marian serves at the table and Robin tells her what happened during his conversation with the king.

When both finish off lunch they feel satisfied.

"I did not expected that from the king, although he being such a good-looking and powerful man he can have any woman that he desires." Marian says laughing smoothly and doing a funny facial expression to Robin.

"Well?" Robin asks while he sees Marian.

"What?" Marian asks raising an eyebrow.

"Do we agree?" Robin asks while he looks at her a little annoying. Marian laughs impishly.

"Dear, he is the king, you cannot say no to him." Marian says laughing smoothly and mischievously. Robin laughs smoothly, he already knew from the start that this was going to be the answer.

Marian and Robin set in order their home to receive the visit of the most important man of the whole kingdom. While she is cleaning, Marian feels excited at the thought of that she will have opportunity to fuck with the king.

She in many occasions had listened like a lot of ladies of the court room always whispered and they exchanged views and desires of fucking with the monarch.

Some of them said that they had had opportunity to make it and the lion was fierce in bed.

Marian did not know if she should believe to them, but seeing the physique and very self-confidence of the king was something that she could be considered true.

Besides he is her uncle, she expects that this come out all right too. Marian never considered that the king Richard's lust could go up to his relatives. The vixen shakes her head to concentrate on cleanliness and later in dinner.

Robin also is nervous, the man that would fuck his wife was not another one than the king in person. The fox does not feel bother at all considering that the king Richard had been very generous with both.

In his mind Robin gets worried, he knows that Marian is very good in bed and expects that that be enough for the king.

The couple works on cleanliness and Marian prepares dinner. She puts all her effort in preparing food. The vixen tries to put into practice each kitchen lesson that Lady Kluck had taught her.

While it is getting dark giving the last beams of light of the day, Robin turns on the torches that illuminate the entrance, from the front door toward the entrance of his home. Trees light up with the glare of the fire.

Marian turns on candles and other internal torches of the inside of her house. After making it she goes down to the kitchen to continue cooking and finishing dinner.

When Robin finishes turning on torches, Robin hears that the wheels of a carriage stop in front of the door. After some moments somebody knocks at the door.

Robin rapidly hurries up to the front door and he opens it, as he had waited the carriage of the king was out of his home. A couple of guards stand behind and in front of the carriage.

For the window of the carriage Robin can see that the king is sitting inside, an assistant opens the door and makes a curtsy before the lion comes down from the carriage with calm and with an ample smile.

"Welcome to my home, my king." Robin says opening doors wide and doing a reverence to invite the monarch to enter in his house. The king looks at him doing a friendly face and enters in the house.

He does a facial expression to his soldiers, they nod and organize to protect the front door. When the lion stops by the doorstep, Robin closes it and he is surprised by a big hug of the king.

"Boy I enjoy being natural with you, I hate the protocol." The king Richard tells to break the hug and to place his arm on Robin of friendly way.

"I know it, but it is difficult not to be respectful with your majesty." Robin says in a sincere and kind way. He would like treating the king like a friend, but in spite of the fact that he is an incredible guy, education and respect with his title is first.

"Well boy, let's see my niece." The king says laughing before walking with Robin at his side. The fox feels content and expects that everything will be fine.

Both cross the patio and they enters in the living room of the house. Marian is there expecting them.

"Welcome my king." Marian says doing an educated reverence.

"Dear Marian." The king says while he gets close to the vixen and embraces her. She embraces the lion that smiles feeling the affection of the female in addition to her breasts pressing his chest.

Both break the hug after some moments.

"Well niece, I cannot wait to taste your exquisite food again. It smell delicious." The lion says laughing smoothly while he sees the vixen.

"I am sorry my king, the dinner is not ready yet." Marian says with discomfort.

"There is no problem, I can wait." The king says while he smiles kindly at the vixen. She smiles and returns to the kitchen.

"We can talk until it is ready." The king says looking at Robin. He nods and both sit down to chat, Robin offers the king a cup of best wine in the house.

Both chat of different themes, until the dinner is ready. Marian serves it and the three promptly sit at the table to eat. The king is sitting on the head of the table while Marian and Robin are sitting to each one of his sides.

The three eat and chat animatedly while they take glasses of wine.

Robin and Marian enjoy the presence of the king. Some jokes and funny comments make that the dinner becomes a nice experience.

The couple and their guest finally finish dinner.

"I am full... Marian dear I could not expect less from you." The king says congratulating the vixen. She smiles content while she sees her husband, Robin smiles at him also, he is sure that Marian is a very good cook.

"So my Lord... which one was the subject that you wanted to treat with us?" Marian says while he sees Robin. The fox swallows hard and waits until the king talks.

"Oh of course... I almost forget it." The king says laughing and looking at the couple.

"I did not want to say nothing of this in palace, it is not the right moment that this be of public domain... I will depart to the crusade again." The king Richard says while he sees the two foxes.

Both open their eyes with surprise, Robin now understands the unusual movement in the castle of the king.

"As I said before this concerns you two... Robin I need you with me." The lion says while he sees Robin. He gets surprised just like Marian, the woman immediately gets worried to knowing that his loved fox would go to war.

Robin also feels a great worry, he and Marian look at each other for some moments. Their looks get connected and they exchange opinions for some moments.

"Of course my King... it will be an honor to accompany it." Robin says while he makes a respectful facial expression with his head.

"Dear Marian. I did not wish that this happen, but things are not well in the battlefront, if I do not supervise you. When I returned to England to see how the things were... I came across something terrible, but now I must return to direct everything and I need my best men with me." The king Richard says while he sees at the woman with plead that she understood the situation.

"It is ok... I know that it is Robin's duty to accompany our King." Marian says while he feels a great sadness.

"Do not worry, he will be out of danger. Robin will be near me all the times, I will not permit that my niece lose her husband so easily." The lion says looking at Marian and winking an eye.

She looks at him a little more content, Robin would not be in a battle that puts in risks his life. For his part Robin also feels calmer a little.

But he knows that things can many times get out of the plans and have a bad end.

Robin expects that this would not going to be the situation with his presence in war.

"The second thing that I want to talk with both is that in my absence I need somebody of confidence in the event my brother tries something again. When he learns about it, my brother would think that he will be in charge again, but I will not permit that." The king says while he sees Robin, he agrees just like Marian.

"I was thinking about letting to Little John the protection of the crown. I will give him more power in order that he can handle any problem that could happen." The king Richard says while he sees the couple.

The two foxes get surprised completely listening the news.

"I know that he is reliable, but I want your opinion." The king says while he sees the couple that looks at each other and smile smoothly.

"I have lived with him for a long time in the forest and I assure you that he is complete trustable, my King, Little John will take care very well of your throne and of the people." Robin says looking at the king.

The lion looks at Marian, she nods showing up completely agreeing with her husband.

"Well... we made a mistake about the subject that would bring the king here." Marian says laughing impishly while she sees her husband.

"What did you think that it could be?" The king Richard asks laughing while he sees the couple. Both get surprised and they become uncomfortable.

"I am sorry my king. I thought that you desired fucking my wife." Robin says swallowing hard while he sees as the king that opens his eyes with complete surprise. Robin expects that the truth will not make the king angry.

"Why did you think that?" The lion asks with surprise.

"Well my King.... when you and I walked in the patio... you asked me about my sex life with Marian... and you saw a couple of women with lust, besides you said that the subject concerned both of us." Robin says with discomfort.

For surprise the couple the king bursts into laughter that fills the room.

"Oh I just... I just wanted to know, if everything was ok. I was not sure, if Lady Kluck taught Marian more than weaving or cooking with excellent seasoning. In my personal experience... if I did not fuck frequently, I would become crazy." The king says while he does a friendly facial expression and moves the tail content.

"The king must have a lot of women willing to serve him." Marian says looking at the lion.

"Of course, being the king has advantages. But dear without being offensive, the tits that you have certainly are succulent." The king says while he looks at the vixen. Marian gets surprised by the daring comment of the monarch.

She blushes lightly and smiles smoothly. She looks at Robin of a special way and Robin gets surprised and he makes out a facial expression of approval.

"If you think that my King, it will be an honor to invite you to make sure by yourself." Marian says while she looks at the king. The lion opens his eyes with surprise listening to his niece, he feels a light trembling of excitation.

"Do you agree with this, Robin?" The king asks excitedly while he rubs his hands.

"Of course my king, it is a privilege that I cannot deny to Marian and showing you how satisfied she has me." Robin says tilting the light head and in the meantime Marian also respectfully does a light reverence.

"Great. I will go to talk with my men in order that they do not interfere." The king says getting up and being heading for the door of the living room with the purpose of later on going to the front door of the house.

Robin and Marian expect some minutes while both feel a little worried and excited at the same time. This is not the first time that she and Robin make this, but in this occasion it is the king in person.

After some minutes they see that the king Richard enters in the place again.

"Well everything is settled, my men will not bother us for the rest of the night." The lion says watching content to the couple. Marian and Robin look at each other for some moments, the vixen looks at the king smiling.

"Please my King... follow me." Marian says while she starts to walk and guiding the king through the house, the lion follows her content while Robin looks at them without moving.

Marian walks toward the bedroom while she feels nervous, her slit begins to get wet. She gets to the bedroom and opens the door while the lion walks behind her.

When they enter, Marian sees as the king places his crown at the table and he begins getting undressed with calm in front of her, his clothes one by one are piled in the table.

The vixen looks with surprise the half-naked body of the lion, has she expected the king is in form with his pecs well defined. The king continues taking off his clothes.

The lion with a smile takes off the last clothing showing his genitals, Marian opens wide her eyes, she sees to the two big balls surrounded of soft brown fur between the legs of the king.

The king Richard puts again his crown on his head and he sees Marian attentively, he sees that the vixen gets surprised a bit and she begins getting undressed. Marian takes off her head's kerchief with the purpose of later on untying her dress's straps.

The eyes of the king open a little more when Marian's breasts get free and seem bigger, he cannot wait to squeeze and suck them. Marian swallows hard when she slides the dress of her shoulders and this falls to the floor.

She sees that the eyes of the king open completely seeing her naked body, her look goes over her up and down. The king Richard looks at his niece's sculptural body with relish.

As he had imagined her teats are big and attractive, the pink nipples stand out between the white fur that surrounds them. Her stomach is flat and covered with beautiful white fur.

"Oh dear, you are a delight for any man, show me that ass." The king says while he licks his mouth and looks at the vixen. She with calm turns over and lifts her tail up for the king.

"Bend over." The king says with excitation. Marian obeys and her ass gets more exposed on sight of the king. The lion rubs his hands and he comes closer.

Marian pants when the king places his hands on her buttocks. He squeezes them with pleasure and roars with relish feeling their firmness. Big hands separate buttocks in order that the little pink orifice be in sight.

The king licks his mouth seeing it, he is going to enjoy to fuck that hole, Marian opens her eyes and pants when the king obliges her to open her legs, a finger moves back and forward on her vulva.

Her vaginal lips open a little and the finger of the king explores her inside. The lion smiles feeling the moist of the passage of the love of his niece. Marian moans with pleasure.

Her vaginal walls are caressed and she quivers when the fingertip touches a sensitive place in her vagina. The vixen understands that the king knows very well what he makes, only a knot could stimulate that part of so direct way.

The king takes out his finger and he takes it to the mouth. He sucks and enjoys the juice of the love of Marian.

"Oh Dear... you are delicious." The king says while he looks at Marian. She blushes a little and smiles content for the comment.

The lion sits at the edge of the bed and opens his legs wide for the vixen, Marian comes closer and she kneels down between the legs of the king. She sees the two orbs and the sheath.

The right hand of Marian catches balls and begins to stimulate them slowly, they are heavy and bigger orbs than those of Robin, perhaps like the ones of Little John.

The fur that covers them is fine and soft, Marian lays her nose on the two balls and breathes in with depth permitting that the aroma fills her nose, she begins to lick her left testicle while her right hand caresses the other ball.

The king enjoys the licks on his furry orbs, Marian's tongue covers them with saliva. She does not stop and soon she sees that a red thin tip slides out by the opening of the sheath.

The female sucks and pulls the two balls repeatedly while her look is focused in the growing cock. Marian's eyes open when he sees that the royal member slides outside.

The form surprises her, it is red and as it keeps on growing up thickening more and more in the base. The barbs cover the head of the penis, that Marian did not expect it, she continues her work until the king stops her.

She sees the feline shaft, is large like the member of Little John. The king Richard laughs below softly seeing the look of surprise of his niece, he uses his hand to aim his penis at Marian's lips.

She takes down the head like reverence before opening her mouth and taking the swollen cock in her mouth. A soft roar of pleasure is heard when the king feels that the female begins to suck his penis.

Marian perceives the taste of the meat of the king, it is a different taste to Robin's or Little John's penis. She moves her tongue on the tip of the penis in circular way achieving that the king moaned with pleasure.

"Dear... good." The king Richard says while he has his closed. The right hand of Marian stimulates the testicles of the lion. Marian with her tongue touches the barbs and the king shudders with pleasure.

She moves the tip between them the best that he can and the king growls, the female's head shakes. Marian's saliva slides on the feline shaft to the retracted sheath.

Marian continues the sucking and feels as the king's hand rests on her nape and he pushes her head forward. She opens her eyes when the king pushes his penis.

The tip touches the entrance of the throat of Marian, she does not stop the king when he pushes the rest of his cock. The monarch growls when his penis enters the throat of the woman.

The lips of the vixen touch the case sheath on the base of the penis. Her nose perceives the aroma of the fur of the king.

Marian feels as barbs meddle in the foldings of her throat, the lion feels as muscles move stimulating them. The hips of the king begin to move

The precum spatters the throat with the vixen that does not protests, she feels somewhat strange feeling as barbs move in her throat. The king Richard does not stop while he moans of pleasure.

His balls rock lightly and hit the vixen's chin. In a few minutes the King begins to roar with force the moment that he shoots seed from his member.

Marian feels as semen spatters her throat and she slides towards her stomach. Some the royal seed falls on her tongue and she savors it, she likes the taste completely.

The lion pushes his hips against the face of female while he continues ejaculating. The watery and delicious semen slides down through her throat slowly.

The king pushes and has his closed eyes until semen finishes flowed, the lion with a pull takes out his penis from the mouth of Marian. He sees as his seed leaks by the corners of the mouth of his niece.

"Well dear, that was pretty good." The king Richard says looking at the vixen. She licks her mouth. Marian moves her content tail, she stands up and gets on the bed to lean backwards and opening her legs.

The king moves his tail while he places himself between the legs of his niece, his attention focuses on the breasts of the female, Marian moans when the monarch's hands squeezes her tits.

"As I imagined them." The king says caressing Marian's breasts. He feels their firmness and softness, the hands of the lion knead the two breasts while Marian pants smoothly.

She moans when her two erect and sensitive nipples are twisted by the fingers of the lion.

She closes her eyes and permits that the king have fun with her breasts as much he desires.

The king pulls the two nipples smoothly before releasing them, he bends over and takes the right nipple in his mouth to suck it with calm and pleasure. Marian moans while he sees as the man breast-feeds her.

She feels as the sharp teeth dive smoothly in her tit in the meantime he with a free hand kneads the left soft mount. Marian's moans fill the room.

She feels as the monarch opens his mouth to release her nipple, she sees as the lion changes tit to suck the other one. The tongue of the king hits the nipple, the vixen moans and she trembles when the right hand of male gets between her thighs to caress and stimulate her clitoris.

Some minutes after the king stops and smiling he moves down until his head is between the thighs of Marian. The whiskers of the lion move lightly and he smiles smoothly.

The king Richard takes a deep breathing permitting that the aroma of the excited female filled his nostrils.

"¡My King!" Marian moans when the tongue of the lion surprisingly penetrates into her vagina and he begins to move it in her inside. The king has his mouth closed around the pink slit.

Marian's juices cover his tongue completely, are delicious like the ones of any other female, but with its own distinctive taste. The tongue caresses the vaginal walls.

Marian moans and kneads her tits twisting her nipples adding pleasure to her oral experience. The king eats his pussy with a lot of ability, the whiskers of the lion move while he moves his tail with pleasure.

Marian's moans get more noise and his body suddenly becomes taut, the mouth of the king gets wet with the juices of the woman. The king sucks and he drinks the juice while Marian arches of pleasure.

The king stops and takes out his tongue slowly, Marian breathes agitatedly and moans when the tongue goes over her vulva a couple of times more to collect the rests from juice.

Marian sees as the lion places himself in position with his cock in his hand, the king Richard with emotion points his cock and the tip gets between the vaginal labia.

The lion pushes his penis sinking it completely in a single thrust in the cave of the love of Marian. She opens her eyes and gasps when her vagina is invaded completely by the royal cock.

The king roars with pleasure when the affectionate and velvety inside of Marian wraps his penis up, the lion begins to move rapidly inside the woman.

The spurts of precum sprinkle Marian's inside while the bed creaks with each powerful push of the monarch, he pumps up and closes his mouth around of the left nipple of Marian.

She moans and pants with pleasure, the feeling in her pussy is incredible. The barbs in the feline member of the king incrust in the internal cracks in her vaginal walls, they pull this parts of the vaginal walls with each motion.

Marian wraps up her legs around the ass of the lion that fucks her with fierceness, the vixen gets surprised when the king kisses her passionately. He pushes his tongue in the mouth of Marian.

She catches the snout of the king while she responds the kiss, it breaks some moments later, and the lion resumes her violent thrust in Marian. The king Richard's crotch hits the vulva repeatedly.

The savage mating is heard out of the bedroom, Marian's juices drip out from her opening getting wet the feline balls that bounce on the air.

The king growls enjoying the vagina of his niece, his pleasure increases with each push that he does. His tail moves more rapidly on the air until the lion pushes with force and roars with force when royal sperm is shoot out by the tip of his member.

Marian's eyes open and she howls with pleasure, semen sprinkles her vagina freeing her orgasm. Her body becomes taut in the meantime the roar of the king fills the bedroom completely.

Her vaginal walls squeeze with more force the feline cock, he the king Richard pushes with force while he empties his balls in the vixen. Marian moans and shakes with pleasure, after some moments the shoot of seed stops.

Marian moans when the king takes out his member, the penis barbs yank her vaginal walls for some moments before getting free completely. She moans and sees as the feline member of the king even is erect.

She feels as the royal seed drips from her vagina getting the bed wet.

"Do not surprise, a lion should have a good sexual potency to get pregnant all his females." The king says smiling and moving his tail on the air from one side to the other.

Marian does not move while the king stands up to position himself over chest of Marian and taking down his hips.

"Dear Marian the royal ass requires that tongue." The King says moving his ass in front of the face of Marian. She introduces her snout between the buttocks of the monarch and takes out her tongue.

The lion growls when he feels the first lick on his orifice, Marian's tongue moves up and down in his crack. The king places his hands on the tits of the vixen and closes them around his penis.

He begins to move his hips fucking Marian's breasts and enjoying the tongue on his hole.

"Come on Robin, join the fun." The lion says while he sees the door to that is half-way open. Outside of the room Robin is supporting his swollen member that releases spurts of precum that fall on the floor of stone.

The fox had gone after his wife and the king, Robin could not avoid spying on them to see what happens. Robin enters in the bedroom and he strips to the skin to get on the bed.

Marian pushes her tongue with force and penetrates into the rectum of the lion, the king growls with pleasure feeling as the tongue of vixen moves in his posterior tunnel.

The female touches the inside of the king putting her tongue's tip into the cracks, she sees as the tail moves showing that he loves what she is doing. Marian moans when he feels as the penis of his husband enters in her vagina.

Robin feels as his cock is surrounded by the royal seed that still remains in the cave of the love of his wife. The fox begins to move again and to enjoy his wife's affectionate inside.

She moans in the meantime he the king moves fucking her tits with pleasure, Robin sees as the thick cock of the lion appears and disappears between the breasts of Marian releasing squirts of precum.

Robin's precum combines with the semen inside of Marian, Robin pumps with pleasure and slowly while his wife moans with pleasure. She feels as the knot of Robin touches her vulva time after time.

The sound of splashing is heard at every moment when the knot hits the vixen's wet vulva.

Marian does not stop the motion of her tongue in the rectum of the king.

The lion moans feeling as the firm and soft tits of his niece caress his hard meat, he moans every time that barbs dive in the meat of Marian that is under the fur.

"Robin... this one great service to the crown." The king says while he roars with pleasure and sees the fox that fucks his wife with pleasure.

"My king both of us can give you a great service." Marian says drawing her tongue from the anal passage of the lion. The king moves and he sits beside, Marian looks at Robin and smiles at him when she moves to place her head between the king's legs and beginning to lick the feline axis.

"I see." The king says with emotion and surprise when Robin joins his wife in pleasure him. The king looks with open eyes as his best man opens his mouth and takes his cock in it.

Robin sucks smoothly, he feels the member's taste. It is a very different taste to what had tasted in his life, his tongue touches barbs and the king shudders with pleasure.

The precum spatters the mouth of the fox while Marian licks his two testicles, she sucks them and bites smoothly while his husband moves his head, Robin draws the penis from his mouth and licks it completely.

The member shines completely, Marian releases balls and begins to lick the penis together with his husband. The king watches pleasure as the couple is kissing while they have his cock in the middle.

"My king my husband's ass is as good as mine." Marian says licking the feline penis tip while Robin licks the base.

"That will be judge by me." The Lion says smiling and stopping the couple.

The king Richard takes Marian to place her on the correct position, she is on her hands and knees. The king puts to Robin is in the same position at her side.

The right hand of the king rest on the buttocks of Marian and the left hand on the ass of Robin. The couple feels as the king examines their buttocks by touch and squeezing them.

The tail moves with more enthusiasm, the king finds both firm and desirable asses. The bed shakes when the king positions himself behind Marian, she gives a groan of pleasure when the swollen member enters in her pussy in a single push.

The king Richard holds Marian's hips and he begins to fuck her with force, Marian moans and enjoys each thrust of the monarch, her tits oscillate violently on the air while the penis enters and it gets out of her cave of love rapidly.

Robin does not move while he sees the action, he feels as his precum drips from the tip of his penis and gets the bed wet. The king stops after some moments and takes out his penis.

Juices drip abundantly, the drops fall from the barbs. The hand of the Lion aims his penis and the tip touches Marian's sphincter. She moans when her uncle begins to push in his penis with force.

The king growls and he does not permit that the hole resists to his intend, he increases the force and Marian gasps and moans with pain when the feline member slips in her again, but in occasion is in her tailhole.

"Incredibly tight!" The lion says growling. His hands hold Marian's hips and he begins to pump rapidly. Marian moans and pants with pleasure.

The penis gives her a different and intense pleasure to the vixen, the thrust of the king are strong and violent. The sound of splashing is heard every time that the balls hits the wet slit of the vixen.

Marian's sphincter moves back and forward on the barbs of the penis of the lion, he growls every time that his barbs are stimulated by the tight anus of his niece.

The monarch's pushes are so strong that he drops the head crown.

"Uhmmm damm." The king says bending over lightly to pick up the crown and to put on his head again before resuming his movements. Robin and Marian laugh smoothly before the vixen again moans.

The groin of the king hit Marian's buttocks, she feels as her juices drip from her vulva.

The king accelerates his tempo and his growling of pleasure increase, the tight passage is delicious.

Around five minutes later every motion stops when the king roars and the spurts of feline seed sprinkle Marian's anal walls. She shakes feeling it and her body reacts.

A whining of pleasure slips from her mouth when his orgasm rockets in her body, her body becomes taut and his fists squeezes bedspread when juice squirts are shoot out from her vagina.

Her anal walls squeeze with more force the royal cock, the king pushes with more force depositing more seed in his niece. When the shoot-out of semen finishes, with a pull the king withdraws his penis.

Robin sees as the sticky semen hangs on a long thread from the tip of the feline cock.

The fox gets surprised when immediately his king positions behind him.

The king Richard spreads Robin's buttocks and he delights in the image of the closed hole of his vassal. Robin feels as the hand of Marian takes his, the fox looks at his wife and smiles.

The king sucks his right forefinger for some moments, he places it between the buttocks of Robin and he pushes in. The fox moans when his rectum is invaded suddenly.

"Mmmm... interesting." The lion says content feeling as the inside of Robin presses his finger with force. The finger moves circularly and Robin moans smoothly while his member hardens more between his legs.

He the king stops and takes out the finger before placing himself in position.

Robin moves his tail to one side to make easy the access for the king, he feels as the tip touches his anus. The king without expecting more pushes with force obliging to Robin hole to receive his cock.

The fox opens his eyes with surprise and clenches his teeth, in some moments the retracted sheath of the lion touches Robin's sphincter.

"Dear you are right, your husband's ass is incredible." The lion says with pleasure.

Robin's tail hole has nothing to envy to Marian's ass. The king begins to pump his penis in the anal passage of Robin. He moans and growls with each strong push of the monarch.

Robin feels as barbs get in the cracks of his rectum and they stretch them with each motion. It is an incredible sensation that I do not provide him no other penis.

The spurts of precum sprinkle his entrails and the heavy royal balls hit his balls with force.

The sound of slap of meat is heard and the buttocks of Robin shake with each impact.

The king moves without stopping, he gives a resounding spank to Robin, he moans and his wife laughs smoothly seeing that Robin moans with pleasure. She feels as semen keeps on dripping from her posterior hole, her look is placed on the bouncing cock of her husband that shoots precum in great quantity.

The pleasure of the two males is big and the king suddenly stops and takes his penis out, Robin's hole lightly is open.

"Well I guess that is the better way to give my blessing to your marriage." The king says while he leans backwards in bed and takes Robin to move him, the lion impales Robin in his cock again.

Robin moans with pain when the feline member enters totally in his anus.

Marian sees that the king smiling gives her some indications, she gets surprised and nods when she stands up and she positions herself on Robin that is panting heavily and he is leant backwards on the chest of the king.

Marian takes down her hips while she takes the member of her husband and aims it to her vulva, she moans when the cock tip divide her vaginal lips, her cave of love begins to fill up on the hard meat of Robin.

The fox moans feeling as the soft and wet inside of his wife wraps his penis up until the knot touches the vulva. Marian places her hands on the chest of Robin at the moment that the king begins to pump in the fox.

Marian gives a groan of surprise when her body rises a little and her husband moans with pleasure. She fastens better and begins to moan next to Robin and the king.

For the lion it is not a problem to fuck Robin, the anal passage is tight and warm like the one of any woman, his barbs move back and forth and his precum sprinkles the anal walls.

The bed creaks while Robin's anus is sodomized by the king, the fox moans of pleasure, the penis barbs prick his prostate smoothly and this increases his pleasure.

His passage is full with the meat of the king and he loves it completely. His balls rock in air banging into the biggest balls of the king. Marian's tail budges uncontrollably.

She feels as the penis of Robin enters his vagina every time that his uncle pushes in, it is a pleasurable sensation, her juices mix with the abundantly fox's precum.

Marian moans with more force when the king takes her tits to caress them and to twist the nipples. Robin moans seeing as the breasts of her wife are used with pleasure by the king.

The fox cannot resist, neither he wishes to make it. Minutes pass and the couple gets surprised by the vitality and force of the king to fuck them without decreasing the tempo, he is not tired after all.

The king Richard pushes with force forcing to Robin to knot to Marian. She gasps when the knot slides in her vagina. The king holds Marian's arms and pulls her to lean her on Robin.

The vixen feels as her uncle close her arms around her body and he begins to pump of a most violent way.

Robin moans with surprise and pleasure, the creaks of the bed is heard with more force just like the moans of the king and the couple. Around five minutes later the king pushes with force and begins to ejaculate in Robin.

The roar overcomes the couple's moans, but that does not matter, Robin becomes tense and clenches his teeth when semen spurts begin to shoot out of his member and sprinkling Marian's vaginal walls leading her to the orgasm.

The vixen convulses of pleasure while her vaginal walls squeezes Robin's penis with more force and they surround it with much more juices.

On the following day Robin wakes up feeling motion in the bed and his body bounces a little, he opens his eyes with slowness while he yawns. He sees as Marian's wobbling breasts hit his face.

"The king woke up early." Marian moans feeling as the penis of the king moves in her ass. Two pushes later she moans when semen sprinkle her anal walls.

The king of a pull his penis out, he sees satisfied as the hole of his niece is open and semen oozes from it. Robin is taken by surprise when the king catches him and he reclines him on his hands and knees.

The king with a push penetrates him to the bottom, the fox growls with some pain and his king begins to fuck him.

"Dear Marian. Can you prepare breakfast? I am hungry." The king Richard says while he pumps and caresses his own stomach. Marian smiling comes down from the bed and does a reverence before going to the kitchen.

She with calm prepares the best breakfast, she takes the time that she needs to do it well, and she chooses some fruit in addition to the loaves of bread and a cup of milk that she would give him the king.

The vixen places everything on a tray and returns to the bedroom, when she enters in there, she sees like the king is leaned backwards while her head relaxes on the pillow on his crossed arms.

Robin is turning the back on him riding the king's member. Marian comes closer with the tray to the bed.

"Thanks dear, now I am busy and I need some help." The king says doing a comic face.

Marian laughs and splits some bread to begin to feed the king.

The king enjoys breakfast and Robin's ass at the same time, the fox pants and he does not stop while his member wobbles uncontrollably on the air sprinkling the bed and the floor.

When Marian finishes feeding the king, she returns to the kitchen to leave the tray and to go back to the bedroom.

"Dear... your husband has provided a great service to me and I believe that you should reward him." The king says looking at Marian. She nods and gets on the bed to catch Robin's penis with her mouth to suck it.

This makes the fox does not resist more of two minutes before beginning to ejaculate, his anal walls squeeze the royal cock with more force and in a few moments they are bathed with feline semen while the king growls smoothly.

Marian sucks her husband's penis until the seed runs out, Robin gets up and quits falling at the side of the bed. Marian sees a thread of semen slides on the left buttock of her husband and gets to the bed forming a white puddle.

The vixen looks for a cloth and spreads her husband's buttocks, she sees the hole gaping hole of Robin. The female begins to clean the crack with calm.

"It was a great night. I thank to the two of you and for your bad luck, I will fuck your wife many times more from now on." The king says sitting and looking at Robin that turns over with weariness.

"It will an honor my king to see you enjoying my wife." Robin says smiling at the king.

"And dear Marian. I sure you that Robin will not be far away from me, the crown needs of his abilities and his ass." The king Richard says looking at the vixen that nods with respect and smiles smoothly.

The king gets dressed before saying good-bye to the couple and returning the castle.

They see as the monarch crosses the patio being heading for the front door and he goes out to the exterior of the house.

"Robin, I think that we should visit Little John again. Have some fun with him." Marian says caressing softly her husband's chest. Both still are naked in bed.

"I agree, you know that we can make many things with him." Robin says looking at his wife. She nods and smiles impishly because she wishes to feel the cock of the friend of her husband again.

The couple of foxes rests a moment before writing letter to her friend Little John to let him know that they would visit him. They decide to make it in three weeks and to take the opportunity to visit Skippy's family because it would be the boy's birthday.

When the letter this ready, Robin seals it and goes to the post office to send it to his friend.

Robin, Little John, Marian and Lady Chuck, King Richard are © Disney

Tucker is my character

Written by Janus Oberoth

The talk

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Hot night

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