Spring in My Step: Chapter 5

Story by RedSkunk on SoFurry

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#6 of Spring in My Step

As expected, I woke the next morning to find her missing. She undoubtedly scurried off that night to save face. I had no idea what time it was, it could be early in the morning. Perhaps in her haste to leave she woke me without my knowledge, or it could be late in the afternoon the next day.

The only thing to do while locked away in this room was to watch the candles burn. I didn't recognize them though. They must have been switched while I was asleep. These new candles burned brighter and stronger than I remember. I stared at them in a trance; my vision tunneling with the only thing visible was the bright orange flame shuffling from left to right. As I watched the flame, I could hear jingling in the distance that perfectly matched to sway of the candle light. Maybe this noise was in my head, so I disregarded it as the fantasies of a crazy person. But I was dead wrong; from my peripheral vision I caught a glimpse of the party that had come by before; the priestess, guards, and servants. "Oh please not this crap again" I thought. The priestess began the same chant while the servants skipped the unclothing step as I had been nude the entire time, and began washing me. I yearned for Nyanni's familiar face, but to no avail. The abbot made her entrance like before while the servants maneuvered my member into her. Five minutes later the parade was over and everyone made their exit with haste. It was at that point that I felt the most alone now; before Nyanni was there to comfort me but hours passed without any contact with anyone. It was eerily quiet and the candles were making their last ditch effort to fight back the darkness. What felt like several hours had passed when the two servants from before made their way back into my room with food, "Hi!" I said.

"Greetings sir, we are here to feed you." Spoke one of the servants.

"Have either one of you seen Nyanni?" I asked, but they didn't reply, they were on a mission, throw some food down my throat and leave.

The daily rituals continued for what felt like several weeks with no sign of Nyanni. I was starting to worry now, what happened to her? She was the only one that would tell me what was going on, and without her, I wasn't entirely sure what was to become of me once my usefulness was exhausted. Though she had said before that I would be released, the treatment I received from the others wasn't reassuring. Perhaps I would be put to death to keep the secret of the burrow safe. To make matters worse I wasn't thrilled to be eating lettuce and other various vegetables every day. "I could go for a big juicy steak right about now..." I thought.

Having lost all hope that I would ever see the sky again, before my eyes I saw what was surely a hallucination. Long brown and white ears, bushy cotton tail and navy blue cloak. She scurried into the room and grabbed my hand. It had to be real if I could feel it right? "Nyanni? Is it really you?" I asked.

"Yes Colen! I missed you so much! But we haven't much time!" she exclaimed.

"Why what's the matter? And where have you been!?" I asked with sternness in my tone of voice.

"I'll explain later but right now it's important that we leave right away!" Nyanni said as she started unshackling me from the bench. She rushed me to stand up and follow her to the door but I hadn't walked in weeks and I collapsed on the floor. "Colen please get up! Get up!" she said as she did everything she could to put me to my feet. I stumbled to the wall and used it to brace myself until regained my motor skills.

"Nyanni, please tell me whats going on." I told her.

"Listen we are both in danger and we have got to leave immediately." She said.

"Ok just lead the way." She peaked out of the door way down the corridor to make sure the coast was clear. With consideration for my weakened state she walked slowly with me down the hall past the holes on the floor I had seen before. The hall was quiet dark with only faint glows emanating from around the bend. We didn't encounter any guards either; Nyanni must have planned this all along while she was away. We finally reached the exit of the burrow where we had entered before and Nyanni made her way out first. I followed close behind her. As I watched her, I could see that she was a bit larger than before, that must be why she wore the coat. "A modest bunny, how cute." I thought. At least she had something to wear as I was still in the buff. During our escape through the tunnel I could hear rustling from outside, and the soil we were crawling in was getting more and more moist. A shout of thunder and a flash of light was all the evidence I needed to know it was going to be a miserable walk home. Nyanni crawled out of the hole and turned around to help me out. I was drenched the moment I crawled out of the burrow. The rain was relentless and made for a cold get away. It made me happy to see that it was dark out, so no one would see me like this. In the midst of it all I still had a shred of humility.

"Colen, we must run as fast as we can! Hurry!" Nyanni shouted. She didn't have to tell me twice, at least her fur could give her some respite from the cold rain. I ran as fast as my weak legs could take me; dodging tree limbs and twisting around stones. She was getting too far ahead of me; it was raining so hard it was like a fog, hindering my vision to only short range.

"Nyanni slow down! I can't see you!" I yelled.

"I'm here Colen! Follow my voice!" she hollered back. She stopped briefly next to a tree as I ran to her just to start running again when I reached her. In no time we were back at my house, at which time I made a bee-line for my backdoor. I held the door open against the wind to let Nyanni in. Come to think of it, this was the first time I had anything resembling a girlfriend into this house. Once she was inside I shut the door and locked it. Next, I locked the front door then all the windows. Closed the curtains and turned off the lights.

"Ok Nyanni, we're safe; now what happened exactly, tell me everything." I said.

"I'm pregnant Colen..." she said as she began to cry. "This is all my fault..." she whimpered with tears filling her eyes.

"Well... who's the father? Are you not allowed to have kids?"

"No, I'm not allowed to have kids, and especially not those from a human!" she sobbed.

"WHAT!? Are you saying that I'm the father!?"

"Yes! And it's forbidden. I tried to hide my figure but everyone in the burrow was getting suspicious; it couldn't wait any longer."

"When are you due?" I asked.

"Could be a week or two..."

Complete shock overwhelmed me. I suppose this is possible considering what I had seen recently. I guess it should be no surprise at all, especially after we had shared that moment in the burrow. However the sheer gravity of it all was too much to consider at the time. Nyanni was hanging her head in shame, but she didn't have to, this wasn't all her fault, we got ourselves into this mess. I kneeled down to her, grabbed her paw, and gave her a kiss and led her towards my room.

"Nyanni, I'll admit that I am still a bit shocked about all of this, we're being chased by what I would assume is your extended family..." she giggled a bit still with tears in her eyes, "and now you're pregnant, but rest assured that I'm not going to abandon you, not now, not ever!" After I said those kind words, she flew into my chest.

"Thank you Colin..." she sobbed. Her fur was still wet from the rain, as was I, but it didn't stop us. I ran my hand over her forehead, gently pushing her ears back. She looked up to me, somewhat expecting what was to come, for me to kiss her, alleviating her fear in one sweet moment. She didn't have to wait, because I wanted to as well. Being slightly uncomfortable leaning down, I picked her up and took her to my room. Needless to say we were both consenting, but regardless of this obvious mutual sentiment, I was still nervous, like it was the first time. I recalled how messy my room was; it wasn't really necessary to keep it clean when you live alone. She didn't mind, nor did she notice. We were completely fixated on each other. I laid her down on my bed, pushing her arms up above her head.

"Oh kit.. is now the best time?" she asked, the tone in her voice told me she wanted this. So I neglected to respond, my actions alone would let her know where this was going. I was getting erect the more we kissed, my anticipation was mounting as it were. Nyanni opened her legs, a form of non-verbal solicitation for me to take her, to which complied. Though we had done it before, she was still far too tight for me to penetrate her easily. I rubbed my penis against her furiously. Moans of pleasure forced themselves from her lips. I moved my hand from her paws to her chest, with the other hand maneuvering my penis inside her wet gentiles. Her eyes clinched with every thrust as I inched my way inside her. She was so tight, it was just as much of a chore to pull out as it was to thrust in. "Kit, please slow down..." she cried.

"Just a little bit more baby...ahhhh..." I moaned. Just as I was about to finish, there was a crash in the living room. "What the hell was that?!" I whispered.

"I think it came from the other room! They must of followed us!" Nyanni exclaimed.

Spring in My Step: Chapter 4

"Who's hungry!?" Nyanni blared, bursting in the room with food and water for me. "You're a life saver! I'm starving!" I yelled. "Of course you are! I brought you some lettuce!" she replied. How ironic it was that she would give me lettuce in return....

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Spring in My Step: Chapter 3

She leaned in to assess my wound, as delicate as she tried to be, it stung when her fur grazed it. "I hope this heals well" She said. Unsatisfied with merely reaching over to examine the damage, Nyanni climbed onto the bench and sat beside me to take a...

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Spring in My Step: Chapter 2

"Shhh! There's no time to explain, please just stay calm!" A squad of Rabbits wearing similar attire as Nyanni and roughly the same size marched in in a ceremonious fashion. There were four in total, all walking on their hind legs with two servant...

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