Spring in My Step: Chapter 3

Story by RedSkunk on SoFurry

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#4 of Spring in My Step

She leaned in to assess my wound, as delicate as she tried to be, it stung when her fur grazed it. "I hope this heals well" She said. Unsatisfied with merely reaching over to examine the damage, Nyanni climbed onto the bench and sat beside me to take a closer look. Since I was completely nude, the cool air of the underground complex was just another piece of a massive discomfort puzzle, but Nyanni's fur was giving me much needed warmth in this cold environment. Regardless of my previous objections to having any sort of relations with rabbits, at this moment, the combination of the warmth she was inadvertently providing and the true sense of caring she was projecting, I wanted so bad to put my arm around her. Unable to do so, my only option was to just watch and hope that she could feel my appreciation as I was too embarrassed about these feelings to tell her. Something compelled her to stay with me that evening. Maybe the guilt of seeing what the fellow members of her society had done to me or perhaps this was part of her mission all along. I couldn't object though, I wanted her to stay too. Having lost all track of time, Nyanni fell asleep laying against me that night. Then I too fell asleep, without the expectation of freedom from a bizarre nightmare because I knew now that it was real.

I woke the next morning startled by the sounds of yelling down the corridor. Then I glanced down to see if Nyanni had woken up too but she was nowhere to be found. "What if they're yelling at Nyanni for staying with me?!" I thought. I couldn't just sit idly by if this was true. I furiously jerked the chains in a vain attempt to free myself. "NYANNI!! Leave her alone!!!" To my surprise, moments after I shouted, Nyanni ran into the room.

"Shhh!! Be quiet! I'm ok!"

"Oh good, but whats going on out there?" I asked.

"The Abbess is impatient, the mating ritual mating should have started yesterday after the ceremony but since you were cut, we had to let you rest. The servants dressed your wound while you slept." I looked down and sure enough there was some proper bandages around my arm replacing the previous dirty clothe.

"What happened to you last night? Where did you go?"

"I couldn't let them catch me in here or I could have been severely punished. But don't worry; when the ritual starts I will be here with you."

"You mean... you're gonna watch me and The Abbess do it??!" I gasped.

"Of course, there will be a lot of us in here when it happens! You will need to be stimulated in order to become erect. Being The Abbess' servants, that will be our duty."

This kept getting stranger and stranger. At that moment the yelling I heard down the corridor had ceased. The all too familiar jingling sound could be heard approaching again. I at least had a clue as to what was going to transpire this time however, much to my dismay. The priestess from the day earlier marched into the room with the same group that had accompanied her yesterday. This time though she brought two guards in here with her from the start. The two guards positioned themselves on either side of the door while the priestess, Nyanni, the two servants from before, and the light bearer backed against the wall opposite of the bench I was attached to. The room was getting rather crowded but still, more jingling was echoing down the corridor. This had to be the so called Abbess coming. Nyanni mentioned how beautiful she was, so I was a little anxious to see her for myself.

The Abbess walked leisurely into the room accompanied by two more guards who had a more complex set of armor than the guards already in the room. The four guards paired together, performed some kind of salute and The Abbess' guards relieved the original guards which in turn took positions outside of the room. Nyanni was right though, The Abbess was gorgeous. While Nyanni had a near complete rabbit form, The Abbess was certainly half human half rabbit. She walked perfectly on two feet like a human with hands and feet like a human standing roughly four and feet tall. She had to be the reason this burrow was so massively excavated. She wore what had to be the finest clothes she had since this was the most important occasion in her life. She had on a golden almost see-through silk skirt with a triangular cut between her thighs that went all the way to her stomach. From behind there was cut in the opposite direction but on a much smaller scale to allow for her cotton tail. Matching her skirt she had a tank top of the same fabric and color that stopped shy of her belly button. It was also see through exposing her ample set of breasts, yet another human trait she carried with her. Her ears were very long, flowing down behind her reaching the center of her back. Contrary to her stunning appearance, her eyes were cold and mean. Even her posture had a commanding and authoritarian over-tone. Once The Abbess finally spoke, every bunny in the room snapped to attention, "So this is it huh?" I would venture a guess that she had never seen a human in person her whole life.

"Yes your Excellency." The priestess replied.

The Abbess walked towards me, she was careful never to look me in the eye, then examined my penis and said, "I thought it was supposed to be bigger than this!" What a bitch.

Nyanni was quick to interject, "It will get bigger your Excellency, he just needs to be stimulated first."

"Well get to it, I don't have time to for this!"

The two servant bunnies along with the light bearer walked over, and the two servants began adjusting the restrains so I could be laid down. After what happened last time, I was weary of starting a ruckus so I just complied. They servants began stroking my dick; their paws were so soft it didn't take long for me to become fully erect. I turned my head to look at Nyanni hoping for some kind of approval or reassurance, to my surprise she wore that cute smile I had seen many times before, clearly she approved, but I wasn't certain if I did.

"Is it ready?" exclaimed The Abbess. Being called an "it" was really starting to get on my nerves.

"Yes your Excellency!" the servants replied concurrently.

With a casual 'sigh' The Abbess steamed over grabbed her skirt, to uncover her bare hips, as she wasn't wearing any undergarments, and mounted me. So as not to look at me directly she instead opted for a reverse missionary position facing my feet. She hovered a few inches above my member and waited for one of the servants to maneuver it into her cunt. Much emphasis was placed on getting me 'ready' for the ritual; unfortunately for me she was not as prepared. She was dry as a bone. The impracticality of fucking a dry pussy was unmistakable; to the end the servants rubbed my dick under The Abbess until she got wet enough for sex. It took some work however; The Abbess was clearly a virgin to human penises. Once I was inside her, it definitely felt divine; soft, slick, and tight. This Queen amongst bunnies started to moan quite audibly to the point that her guards glared at me as though I was intentionally administering pain to their leader.

"Everything is fine." The priestess reassured the guards.

One of the servants began caressing my balls whilst the other was rubbing The Abbess' stomach as if it would aid in copulation. The priestess nodded to Nyanni giving her a signal to help in some way. Nyanni came to me, grabbed my hand and said, "You're doing great! But you need to climax as soon as you can ok?" There was no doubt about it; I was going to climax before too long. With her other paw, Nyanni stroked my cheek and gave me a kiss. That was just enough to send me over the edge, I could no longer hold off and I filled The Abbess with more than she could handle. Her "excellency" dismounted with my legacy dripping down her inner thighs. Nyanni only just then stopped kissing me, but her eyes stayed fixated on mine. She was glad to see that I had done my part and she didn't let go of my hand. "That was fantastic Colen! You did great!" Nyanni said excitedly.

The servants were still working on my genitals, squeezing out what had remained inside my member, after which they cleaned them up for me. The priestess made her way to The Abbess to perform a blessing of some kind on her stomach, waving incense and speaking in tongue. The Abbess then made her way out of the room with her personal guards in tow.

"Nyanni, how long will it be until we learn if she is pregnant or not?" I asked.

"From what I learned in school, The Abbesses will have their first litter around one month after copulation."

I coughed at what I had just heard, "A litter!!?"

"Yes! You will be a father many times over! Isn't that sweet?" she giggled. I didn't feel like I was going to be a father at all. I was certain that I wasn't going to see any of my offspring nor would I want to. Something inside me however wanted just to agree with whatever Nyanni was saying. I felt we had a connection earlier during the mating ritual. Being held captive only two days and already I must be losing it in order to have feelings for another species. The feelings were real though.

Nyanni helped reposition me to an upright sitting position to which I thanked her. At least sitting upright I could see the entrance to the room better and with it a sense of awareness. I didn't want to be oblivious if someone walked into the room. I had to take what I could get. With that Nyanni said, "See you in a bit OK?" I nodded and she darted out of the room down the corridor.

With what little light was making its way to the room, I passed the time by staring blankly at the walls, watching the light bounce and shuffle among the imperfections inherent to a wall made of dirt and excavated by bunnies. Having not eaten since I arrived, my mind was playing tricks on me. I started seeing shapes in the shadows and light that looked familiar to me like people and belongings, but I swore I saw Nyanni in those scenes too. I began wondering if my feelings for her were merely the result of the only interpersonal connection I was able to forge in the place. Exhaustion was setting in too. No food or water since I arrived, and also being forced to have sex while restrained would make any man face his limits. My mouth was dry and and my stomach had stopped growling hours ago. Perhaps hunger makes a man sense things that aren't there, but I could smell something fresh getting more potent by the moment.

Spring in My Step: Chapter 4

"Who's hungry!?" Nyanni blared, bursting in the room with food and water for me. "You're a life saver! I'm starving!" I yelled. "Of course you are! I brought you some lettuce!" she replied. How ironic it was that she would give me lettuce in return....

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Spring in My Step: Chapter 2

"Shhh! There's no time to explain, please just stay calm!" A squad of Rabbits wearing similar attire as Nyanni and roughly the same size marched in in a ceremonious fashion. There were four in total, all walking on their hind legs with two servant...

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Spring in My Step: Chapter 1

It was spring time, around late April. I had just finished planting my first garden in my backyard. I wanted to try a few simple vegetables to start, pumpkins, peas, and carrots. It took a bit of work to get the earth tilled and the make-shift fence...

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