Robot Untamed

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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What happens when you end up captured and converted into a robot to be used against those you love? Well, FA: DragonandWolf sure doesn't give up.

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Robot Untamed For DragonandWolf By Draconicon

Being tied to a table was never a good thing to wake up to, and neither was a pile of technology that he didn't recognize pointed at him. Blizzard had the immense misfortune to wake up to both.

The just off-white dragon groaned as he lifted his head from the metal table, shaking it back and forth a few times before he realized his situation. As soon as he saw that he was tied down, he tested the metal bindings. Thick and strong, and too tight to pull out of. He groaned, letting himself rest on the table again.

Okay, so there's someone around here who's tied me down. That's not altogether bad. The...ray gun thingies are a bit worrying, but...hey, it could be a decoration, right? Some people are kinky like that...

Even as he tried to persuade himself, it rang hollow, even for humor. He shook his head. Well. Someone would probably tell him what was going on soon enough. Villains loved to gloat, after all.

"Ah-hem. this this thing on?"

The idea that his captor might not know how to work an intercom wasn't an encouraging thought. Blizzard kept his mouth shut, not wanting to be too helpful. Normally, he didn't have a problem with 'educating' the elderly with machines, but, well, usually he wasn't kidnapped for it.

"Ah...good, it is. The little red light...yes, little red light is on. Attention, dragon."

"I assume you're referring to me?"

"You are a dragon, yes? Then yes. I, hm-hm. I would like to explain the situation in which you've found yourself."

"I'd say that you've more found it for me, but enlighten me, please. I'm kind of late for a date."

The intercom didn't answer, but the machines around him did. Blizzard jumped as one of the ones near his feet suddenly roared to life, buzzing and crackling with electric energy as it started glowing. It was a great ring that spread out along the table, and the table itself actually started glowing with light as well.

"What the -"

"You've been, hm-hm, selected for taming and empowerment. I've been studying dragons for some time, and they all share a similar feature. An inability to reach their full potential. You are too untamed for this. You require direction, discipline."

As the old man talked on the microphone, the ring started to roll down the dragon's body. Blizzard felt the crackling electricity near his toes, but it wasn't...painful, exactly. It didn't precisely feel good, but it did seem to be doing something different. As the ring started to slide down his feet, the table's restraints turned off, and he started floating. When he was suspended about two feet off of the table, the ring kept going down, leaving a criss-crossing network of bright blue light along his legs, and everywhere else it swallowed up.

"This process will refine your body. Refine and, hm-hm, empower you to carry out your new duties."

As the criss-crossing light reached up to his crotch, Blizzard gasped as it seemed to send a sharp shock through his body, moving down through his shaft all the way to his back, and into his spine. The further up the ring went, the more he felt the shocks, and the more he felt his body starting to move on its own.

He tensed his muscles, which stopped it, but it was a constant effort to stay still.

The ring passed over his head, leaving him cross-hatched with blue light. Another ring fired up, and started floating towards his legs.

"And why...why are you doing this to me?"

"...You didn't look like you had anyone else around."

"You realize I'm dating someone, right?"

"I could hope for an open relationship.

"Yeah, not happen - WHAT THE FUCK!?"

The new ring was doing something much, much different. As it spread down his feet, he saw little shards of what looked like metal or silicone raining down. It was the same color as his scales, but they fit between the little blue lines, forming into place like new scales. They were incredibly tiny and smooth looking, and when he wiggled his toes, while he could hear the click-click of metal on metal, it 'felt' the same as when he did it normally.


Oh, no, it's connected to my nerves?!

Further and further, the ring went, raining down its strange payload over him. It covered his knees, his thighs, looking so close to his own scales but at the same time, just a bit too big and a bit too obvious.

When it reached his cock, it seemed to skip over it, but his sack was less fortunate. It was coated in a thicker layer, and he felt the plates against his thighs in a way that he didn't feel the scales on his legs.

It was the same going up his belly and chest. His sides and arms were given the same small, smooth scales, but his chest received thicker, slightly darker plates, long lines of them that went from one side of his torso to the other, coming to a stop right when it would have slid down his thighs. They felt...they felt heavier, too, as if they were weighing on his body differently.

When it came to his head, his eyes were not spared. Different colors landed over his face, lying against his eye-lids like some sort of lens. He was afraid to open them.

"Of course, discipline must be maintained, and so must control. We will have to deal with that over the next phase, yes. Hm-hm. Hm-hm. Yes, we will."

The coughing was annoying, but it was far better than what came next. Wires pressed against his ears, and the dragon arched his back as electrical currents suddenly shot through his body. It wasn't painful - nothing had been painful, yet - but it was wrong. Sparking his mind to think of other things, to control him, to -

His eyes opened. Past the lenses, which were pressing themselves tighter and tighter to his face, he could see things that he couldn't before. The energy flow going on was tracked, measured instantly. His own health was being routed back to a HUD in his own vision. Heart rate was replaced by battery power, somehow, and more...

He looked down, and saw that his cock was standing tall. As soon as he looked at it, his HUD gave it a read-out of 21% arousal.


Another blast through his ears, and when he looked down again, his cock was standing up, taller, prouder than before. The HUD registered it at 55% arousal.

Blizzard panted, feeling his brain being altered. It wasn't right. He had someone else out in the real world, waiting for him. Canis...his mate...

"Discipline is essential for new models. You must -"


"You must go through the last phase."

A third ring came up, and it slid down faster than the others. Unlike the lights and scales, this one seemed intent on raining down something else. Some sort of shimmery layer of...rubber, or silicone, or something else shined up. It wrapped over his feet and then down his legs, making him feel like it was wrapping around him like shrink-wrap, sealing itself to his body and making it impossible to pull off.

It dragged his tail into it, and his rump, coating his - he realized it was rubbery - tailhole in it, and his cock likewise, leaving it shiny in a way that it never had been before. Even at his most aroused, it had never gleamed like that, but now it looked almost..fake.

The ring passed over his chest, and the plates pushed down firmly against him. Blizzard realized that he couldn't feel his own scales beneath the plates anymore, and knew that it was part of the change. He'd lost so much of the biological side, probably only having it as a frame for the rest of the skeleton to rest on.

Then the wires were removed, and the layer of shimmery stuff pulled over his neck, and then his head. He was terrified that it might cover his mouth and seal it shut, but it seemed instead to form to the roof of his mouth and beneath his tongue...and coated his tongue in the substance as well.

Finally, the floatation field came to a stop, and he was let down. He immediately rolled off the table -


The plates on his body locked up, and Blizzard gasped as he realized that he was being more fully controlled. He felt it, like a signal running through all his new mechanized parts. It wasn't...wasn't...

"Good dragons are rewarded."

A button press, and his shimmery, silicone-looking cock rose up, throbbing. He panted, his voice coming out as if through a vocoder. Another signal, and his cock throbbed harder still, some sort of vibration going through it, making it feel like he was right on the edge of orgasm...but couldn't quite go over.

"You want to be a good dragon...good dragons get....get this."

He could almost hear the button being pressed, and the pleasure that rushed through him - no matter how artificial - still knocked him off his feet. If it wasn't for his legs being locked, that would have been a literal fall. As it was, his upper body just slumped forward, his cock twitching dryly.

"Excellent. You will be a fine model. Model # -"

" I'm not...a model."

Blizzard panted, shaking his head as he forced the image of his mate into his mind. His love. His Canis. He squeezed one hand, then the other. He felt the strength in the body. He just needed...strength of mind.

With a growl, he wrenched one leg forward, then the other. He made himself walk the whole way to the wall, and slammed a metal fist through it. The entire thing crumbled.

" I'm Blizzard...and I'm out of here..."

It was a hard fight, and several times the pleasure of his body and the wracking difficulties it gave him almost made him give up. But when he took flight, his crackling metal wings spread wide, he knew it was worth it.

He could never leave Canis. And he never matter what body he had.

The End

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