Deprogramming and Reprogramming

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by FA: Torin13 is this little story of the dragon losing some of his triggers...and getting some new ones.

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Deprogramming and Reprogramming For Torin By Draconicon

"Kilian, do I have to do this?"

"If you want to get those triggers out of your head, yes."

"Awwww, but I wanted to -"

"Tail heat."

The gold dragon grumbled, immediately feeling his pucker start twitching beneath his tail. He had to pull his tail down hard to keep it from rising right over his back, and even then it was a struggle to keep from flaunting his butt as he walked down the sidewalk. He shuffled his feet a bit, the four-legged dragon blushing up a storm.

"That wasn't fair."

"No, but it makes you want it gone, doesn't it?"


Much as he didn't want to admit it, the bigger blue dragon at his side had a point. The triggers were getting to be too much, particularly with how many of them there were. The scroll incident with all the anthro dragons hadn't helped, either, reinforcing them until they were making him go nuts. Like the one Kilian had just used. 'Tail Heat' usually took four repetitions to make his hole start squeezing down on empty air like this; now it only took one.

He followed behind his friend, not quite knowing where they were going but trusting Kilian not to take him anywhere bad. They walked down the street for about ten minutes, though it felt more like twenty with how much he was squeezing to hold his cock in and ignore the way his tail wanted to come flying over his back.

He was about ready to start whimpering when the blue dragon suddenly turned, and his huge bulge brought the other dragon along with him, turning up towards a moderately large one story house.

"This is it?"

"Yeah. What's the matter?"

"I dunno...thought it'd be bigger, or a store, or -"

"You've been banned from half the stores in the city with all the 'puddles' and 'glazes' you've left behind."

"Come oooooon, that's not my -"

"It's your fault for going out with so many triggers up and not paying attention. Now, let's see if this guy can help you."

They walked up to the front door, and Kilian rung the bell. Torin cocked his head to the side as he heard movement in the house, and pulled his head back in alarm at several large crashes and one loud explosion on the inside.

"What the -"

"Don't worry. He does this."

"What...that's weird!"

"Heh, so are you. You'll get along fine."

Finally, the front door opened, and standing there...was a surprisingly tall black dragon. Not well dressed - at least, rather underdressed, with a robe that covered him more by happenstance than design - and still holding a cup of coffee, but very tall at seven feet in height. He could actually just about meet Torin in the eye, if the feral dragon didn't have his head cocked back too far.

"Mmmph. What is it? What time is it, anyway?"

"About 1:30, Draconicon?"

"In the afternoon?"

Silence ruled as the blue dragon pointed one paw towards the sky, where the sun was hanging over them. Torin was a little...surprised, but he supposed that someone might have slept in this late. Might have.

The black dragon shook his head.

"Alright, alright, what is it, though?"

"I was hoping to get my friend de-programmed with some of the triggers in his mind. They've been reinforced by potions and scrolls, so -"

"Hmmm, that much reinforcement...Hmmm..."

"Do what you need. See you, Torin."

"Huh? Wait, wha -"

He started turning, grabbing for Kilian's tail, but the black dragon was faster. With a yoink, this Draconicon pulled him through the front door - which bizarrely seemed to stretch around him - and then pulled him through a succeedingly weirder set of hallways. Bookcases faded into otherworldly paintings, which faded into smoking cauldrons, which faded into a couple of demons tied to walls -

This place is like Halloween gone crazy.

Until they finally reached a sitting room. When the black dragon let go of him, Torin was still trying to figure out how Draconicon had pulled him that far, that easily.

He wasn't given much of a chance before Draconicon was in his face, the black dragon forcing his mouth open and stroking a finger along his tongue. Torin gagged, but he hadn't even recovered from that when he got a flash of light in his eyes, almost blinding him. Pokes and prods came from every direction, and he even felt something slick and slimy go into his ear-fins before he could stop it.

"Hmmm, as your friend said, you are deeply in need of deprogramming."

"Ack...are you...done?"

"For the moment."

Torin started to get up -

"Sit. Stay."

His butt slammed right down on the floor, hard enough to send a shock of impact up his spine. Several small knick-knacks went clattering off of shelves, though the black dragon barely seemed to notice. Instead, he walked over to a couch and dragged it along, only to stand on it and stand on his tiptoes, looking Torin right in the eye.

There was something...weird...about Draconicon's eyes, too. Torin wasn't sure what it was, but it kind of spooked him. They were white. Not just milky, covering some color the way that some eyes were. They were pure white, no sign of an iris or pupil, and the whiteness seemed to move, swirling around like a storm of clouds. Or a whirlpool.

"Torin. I want you to look right at me - no looking away, blinking, or closing your eyes - and just let me in."


"Your head."

"How -"

"Oh, let me worry about that. You just keep on staring."

It seemed a little too easy for all that Kilian was concerned about him, but...well, what was the harm in looking? And it was less weird than all the other stuff in this house, by a long shot. He stared straight ahead, looking into those pure white eyes.

It didn't take him long to lose himself in that strange gaze, finding the whiteness swallowing him up in short order. It was like he was falling into some foggy room, or steamy sauna. So soft and relaxing. So misty, so hard to see, but he didn't need to see. He just needed to stare ahead, and relax. Enjoy the...the feelings...

He kept staring, even as he felt those scaly fingers on his cheeks again, rubbing against different parts of his face. Every now and then, he felt something like a pinch, something that left him feeling...lighter, better, in a way, but it was never enough to knock him out of this happy, relaxed state.

He said, well, something, but he didn't know what it was. The eyes nodded, however, so he was pretty sure it was something good, or at least the right thing to say. The eyes stared back, swallowing him up. He felt like he was dropping further and further into the mist, feeling it all around him, the eyes getting closer and closer until the mist was everywhere...until he couldn't think about anything.


"...And that's Tail Heat out of your head. Can you feel any more tight spots, any more snarls?"


Drool. The gold dragon was drooling. Sighing, the dragon picked up the corner of his robe and dabbed it at the side of Torin's face, wiping away the last of it.

Well, at least that was a few hours of work done. It was always easier when he could put their brains to sleep and then work from there. Kilian refused to let him do it ever since the incident where the blue dragon splashed around in mud and then humped his own hind-feet, but that was beside the point.

Whoever put all those commands in his head really wanted to keep him under control. And for a lot of sexy stuff, too.

Draconicon looked up at the gold dragon, seeing him look as blissed out as any other dragon ever had, and he could smell the sheer musk of the other dragon's cock hanging out as a result of that bliss. Torin was probably as close to a real slut as most dragons got, so it wasn't that hard for the commands to settle in deep.

He paused in mid-motion, about to take Torin out of the trance before he thought better of it. The commands were removed, but they could always be put back in. Unless he had something else in there, first.

And why not have a little fun of his own?

Chuckling, Draconicon gently guided Torin's head down, down, down, right into the gap in the front of his robe. He let the gold dragon get a few good huffs of his musk, right off of his balls, before he started talking.

"Let's start with a scent lock. No falling into trance without getting the proper dose of musk first. You have to smell musk - this musk, not another dragon's - before you can actually be triggered. Then, here are your new triggers...."

The End

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