You Took My Girl, I'll Take Yours

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by catsithx here on SF, we have one of the rare stories where a guy that was cheated on gets some revenge on the guy that tempted his girlfriend away, and before any of you say that he's just as bad as the guy who did it, please don't. It's a commission, and it's kinda mentioned in the story.

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You Took My Girl, I'll Take Yours For Catsithx By Draconicon

Simon was having a debate with himself, and he couldn't tell if he was winning or losing it. Considering what he was debating, he wasn't sure which side winning would be better for him.

As the debate continued to rage between heart and head, he turned to look up the line of cubicles towards the boss's office. The black cat's fingers curled around the edge of his desk as he looked at the smug dragon, and it took everything he had to stay seated as he watched the office manager continue his 'meeting' with his secretary.

Power-abusing, womanizing, ethics-breaking asshole, he thought as he turned back to his screen. He needed to not think of him, or it would push that internal debate that much further towards the heart side, and he needed to be sure that he wasn't taking this too far.

But it was hard. It was so, so hard.

Work was nothing to him. He did the same thing day in and day out every day, his fingers following the same mechanical motions as his mind wandered back to two weeks ago, when his life had gone to hell in a handbasket.

Kain, his boss, only got interested in the lives of his employees for one reason, and it was a reason that should have warned him right off the bat. As soon as the dragon had found out that he had a girlfriend, Kain had started asking him to bring his girlfriend in. Which he had - one didn't step on a dragon's toes, after all - but it was supposed to be a one-time thing. Then it turned into two times, and then four, and so on, until his girlfriend had become almost an unofficial employee.

Why didn't I see it coming? Why?

It was as obvious as a big red line through a page, in hindsight. His girlfriend - he'd blotted her name from his mind, to preserve his own sanity - had started spending the days with his boss, until one day he walked in to find her beneath Kain's desk, sucking the dragon off with abandon while he stood there, dumb and numb.

The relationship ended that day. She went off, thinking that Kain would take her in, but he never did. The dragon kicked her to the curb as soon as she and Simon had broken up, and that was the end of it. Simon hadn't taken her back; once a cheater, always a cheater, and he wasn't going to let her back into his life after that.

It wasn't enough, though. Sure, she had been punished, but Kain...

He was leaving claw marks on the table, and he couldn't stop himself. The cat kicked back from his table, letting his chair thunk into the other side of the cubicle. Ignoring the complaints from the other side, he stared up at the office ceiling.

Kain had to pay, somehow. The dragon, it turned out, had fucked the girlfriends and wives of almost half the employees of the office, driving most of the couples apart and damaging those that he didn't. No matter how many times it was brought up to him that the ethics of the office were being violated by his behavior, it never seemed to stop him. He just kept going after all the girls that he thought were 'taken,' just to test himself.

There were ways to make him pay, and Simon knew them. The question was, did he dare use them?

YES! his heart told him.

Think of the implications, his head insisted.

There were many. All legal channels were closed, but there were ways that he could torment Kain until he regretted being born, let alone what he had done to leave Simon single again. The cat had his ways, and it wouldn't even bring him to the attention of the police if he did it right.

The problem lay in what it was.

Mind control was something he'd learned how to use when he was younger, and back then, he'd abused the hell out of it as any kind would have. It was a power too strong to not do that. But he'd made a lot of mistakes, and it had taken him a lot of work to learn the discipline to not revert to it whenever he had a problem.

If he used it now, if he used it to get revenge, he was worried that he'd go down that path again, and start using it too much.

At the same time...

I have to hurt him, he thought, rolling his chair to the edge of the cubicle again. The dragon's feline secretary was already walking back to her desk, wiping her mouth from her under-the-desk activities, and it burned at him all the more. Kain was married, and even here, he kept on cheating on her.

His rage swelled, and he made the decision. Consequences or not, the dragon had to pay. And he'd be the one to make it happen.

It wasn't that hard to finish his quota before quitting time, and he made his way out of the office down to the parking garage. One by one, Simon watched the different employees leave, knowing that Kain would be the last one out of the office. Probably because he was banging the secretary over his desk one last time before he went home to his trophy wife.

He shook his head, his claws flicking out again and again as he kept his arms crossed over his chest. He felt so angry that it scared him, threatening to bubble over and burst all around him. The idea of taking revenge was just overpowering, and other plans kept pushing at his mind, trying to take over the one that he already had.

Simon forced himself to push away the ideas of making Kain walk off the roof, or drown himself, or other things of that nature. While it was technically possible, it was something that would hurt him in the long run, forcing the mind to do something so against the nature of survival. What he had in mind was something far more suitable to someone like Kain, something that the dragon would remember for the rest of his life.

The parking garage elevator dinged, and he looked up to see the dragon in question walking out. His tail was loose and his shirt was half unbuttoned, and Kain hadn't even bothered pulling his belt back on. It just hung loose over his zipper. Wide wings were tightly furled to the dragon's back, and only slightly twitched as the boss turned.

"Oh, Simon. Hadn't left yet, huh?"

"I was waiting for something."

"Heh, trying to find someone to replace that girl of yours, huh? Probably for the best. She wasn't as good as she thought she was."


"Oh, come on, you aren't still sore about that, are you? It was one girl. There's plenty more out there."

"The same could be said to you. Except you're married, and you still find it in you to shove your secretary over your desk and -"

"Watch it, Simon. I'm still your boss, after all."

The black cat slowly shook his head at the dragon. For all the differences between them, in stature, in authority, in muscles, Simon knew that he had two things that justified him in all others. He was the better man...and he was the smarter man.

"Do you ever know what you've done? Do you know what you're doing to everyone around you?"

"I'm making sure that I'm working at peak efficiency. After all, I'm hardly the one that needs distractions. I'm just making sure that everyone else provides me with what I need to do my job."

"You mean, to be an asshole?"

"I told you to watch -"

"I'm not the one that needs to watch himself!"

The dragon took a step towards him, but Simon had had enough. He dropped his hands to his hips and glared up at Kain, his voice shifting as he spoke.


It was a strange, almost multi-tonal voice as he talked, but it worked. The dragon stopped in his place, and his manager blinked twice as his legs no longer obeyed him. Simon walked right up to him and grabbed him by the arms, shaking him.

"You brought this on yourself, you idiot! You think that you can just ruin the worlds of everyone under you. Well, guess whose turn it is to be the one on the bottom!"

He shoved the dragon back, and Kain took two steps backwards before his legs froze again. Simon took a step forward himself, and then stopped. Control. He had to keep control. The worse he pushed it, the more he gave in, the worse things he might make Kain do. And he didn't want it to end, just yet.

"Go to your car and unlock it, but don't start it."

The dragon moved, mechanically, but he moved. There was no hesitation as they reached a buffed-out Cadillac, the car looking as shiny as the day it rolled off of the parking lot. Kain unlocked it, and was about to put the keys back in his pocket when Simon held out his hand.

"Give me the keys, and get in the passenger seat."

Once more, the boss did as he was told, moving slowly, almost as if he was trying to fight what he was doing. It wasn't possible, however, and the keys jingled as they landed in his palm. Simon shook his head as he got into the car, and waited for the dragon to slide in as well. As soon as he did, he muttered one last command.

"Unzip your pants and take out your dick. You are going to jerk off the whole way home, and you will not cum. And you will NOT talk."

Simon was grateful that Kain's car had a built-in GPS, and even more grateful that the dragon's car was programmed with the boss's home. Otherwise, he might never have gotten there in time. Sure, he could have told the asshole to give him the address, but it still would have been valuable time taken to get there.

His boss lived in a rather large and spacious two story house. He knew from the company parties that only the boss and his trophy wife, a dragon-tiger hybrid named Yasha, actually lived there. It was a pity. The place was big enough for three families, maybe four, and all that space was wasted on two people.

He made the dragon get out of the car with his dick in hand, and walk up to the door as if it was completely normal. Simon doubted that there were any neighbors looking around to see it, but it might as well be done. There was no dignity that he would allow Kain to keep. Not for his behavior.

Stepping inside, they made their way through an entry hall down to the living room. Simon directed the dragon to sit down, and asked a question.

"When will Yasha be home?"


He could tell that there was something trying to fight him, and he had to admit that he was surprised. The fact that the dragon could bring out some sort of willpower and restraint was something that he hadn't entirely expected.

At the same time, it only damned him further in the cat's eyes. If the dragon couldn't control himself around women, why should he be allowed to control himself at all.

"Wake up."

The first thing that Kain did was take his hand off of his cock. The second thing, Simon knew, would either be a retreat or a punch to his face. He was ready for either.

It ended up being a retreat. The cat shook his head as the dragon leaped over the couch, and let him get a good twenty feet down the hall before he called out again.


He heard the skitter of the dragon's shoes on the floor, and he shook his head. This time, he'd have to take it further.

"Take of your pants and your shoes, and come back."

It took almost a minute, but Simon wasn't bothered. He knew that the struggles were exhausting the dragon more and more with each successive second that he put into fighting the commands. The more he wanted to fight, the better. It meant that the later commands would just work, rather than having to fight past all the willpower the dragon seemed to summon.

Kain walked back with his shirt looking a bit sweaty and his lower half bare. The dragon's cock was almost invisible, tucked up inside of him, but Simon remembered how it looked. He would never forget the sight of the rather large rod pistoning in and out of his girl's mouth.

The dragon stopped in front of him, his face burning red.

"I imagine that you have some questions."

" This is impossible!"

"This is what happens when you mess with people, Kain. You think that you can just ruin lives without even thinking about it? Maybe, maybe you could have, if you were like me. But with you? You were just waiting to run into someone like me. It was just a matter of time until you decided to try something that would get someone to take you down. And that day has come.

"I am going to spell this out for you, because I am a good person. I am not a liar. I am not a cheater. And I never will be. You will know exactly what I'm going to do with you before I start."

Simon sat down on one of the smaller chairs in the room, taking a deep breath. Even now, he could feel the rage inside of him, bubbling and churning and begging to be let loose, but he put it down. It was not time, and it was not the place for something like that. He needed to keep his cool. Just for a bit longer.

"I am controlling your body. By the end of the night, I will be controlling your mind. Every command I give you sinks a little deeper than the last one, and it won't be long until you're doing more than just obeying me. You'll be thinking precisely how I want you to think. Feeling just how I want you to feel. Unlike your manipulation of all the girls around you, however, this will be a real change. You will be the person I tell you to be.

"And you will not be the only one. For everything that you've done, I'm going to let you see Yasha treat me how every other girl has treated you. It will be the last thing you see before I break you completely."

"Yasha? You...You asshole! You can't do this to me!"

"I'm already doing it, Kain. It's too late now."

Shaking his head, Simon leaned back and spread his legs a little bit. It was the same position that he'd seen Kain in, that fateful day, and he could already feel himself getting a little shamefully aroused at what he planned on doing to the dragon. He smiled as he saw the dragon's eyes drift down, knowing that he was figuring it out.

As straight as Kain was, he wouldn't be by the time this was over.

The black cat gestured at his crotch, and the dragon shook his head. The usual protests of being straight, of not doing what he was told, came raining down. Insults at Simon's ancestry, shouts for help, all of it came.

He let Kain have it. It was more than Kain had let anyone else have.

"Kneel between my legs."

The voice called the dragon forward, and this time, there was less hesitation. Much, much less hesitation. Kain stumbled around the couch and went down so fast that his knees clicked off of the ground. His head was half bent forward before he stopped himself, and even then, it was only because Simon hadn't said the word.

"Unzip me."

Trembling hands reached for his crotch, tugging at the button and the zipper of his pants. The cat sighed softly as his khakis came down, revealing an utter lack of underwear. His cock was already rising upwards, the tip pointing towards the dragon's chest, and then at his muzzle.

It was so rewarding to look at him, then and there. Seeing the fear on his face, the rage, the embarrassment. It was almost precisely the bundle of emotions he'd felt when he'd walked into the dragon's office. Simon felt a chuckle coming, and he allowed himself one. Just one, though.

He reached down, pulling the dragon's hand up to his cock, and said one fateful word.


And just like that, the dreaded dragon's head came down around his cock, those scaly lips bobbing up and down along the length of his shaft. Simon leaned his head back, groaning under his breath as that hot mouth swallowed his cock, encouraging it to keep growing, throbbing harder along Kain's tongue.

Best of all were the whimpers. Soft, embarrassed whimpers that begged to be let loose, but the dragon was bound by the cat's control. There was no way for Kain to get free. He knew that; he'd tested it with the harshest of commands on the strongest wills he could find when he was younger. Now, he could use it with impunity.

Up, down, up, down that mouth moved, each time taking in a bit more of the cat's cock as it grew and grew. Simon gasped softly, panting as that forked tongue wrapped around his shaft, pulling on it, tugging it and squeezing it. It was like a hand and tongue at the same time, wet and warm, but flexible as fingers as it squeezed at him. He reached down, rubbing Kain's head.

"You just love sucking cock, don't you?"

This was where it started. The words that would sink deeper than others. The words that would turn Kain into the little bitch that he deserved to be. In and out, in and out, each time a little bit faster, each time a little bit more eager. Simon smiled, nodding.

"Yes...just a little cock sucker. A little, dick loving dragon. Not much point in a wife for you, is there? After all, all the pussy chasing is just an act for you. You don't want to fuck them. You just want to look like you fuck them. You need to make sure that nobody thinks that you're just a cock sucker..."

He could see the glimmer of resistance in the dragon's eyes. It was to be expected. Kain was as straight as an arrow, but everything would break, given sufficient pushing.

Letting the blowjob continue would be a simple pleasure in and of itself, and it would help drive the words deeper into the dragon's skull. Simon smiled, and leaned back, waiting to see it happen.

It wasn't long. Slowly, that tongue got more eager, and the whimpers turned into soft, panting moans as his cock slipped down the dragon's throat. It was no longer a slow bob, but an eager, self-facefucking that was going on. Everything that the dragon did reflected his growing eagerness for cock, the need to have it in his mouth.

But perhaps the most telling sign was his erection.

Simon smiled as he looked down at it. It was something of a monster, and for a moment, he was tempted to get rid of the dragon's ability to get hard altogether. It was possible, certainly. The body obeyed the mind, and the mind obeyed him.

But perhaps another time. For now...he had another idea.

Ten minutes, now, he thought, remembering how long he had until Yasha would come home. That should be long enough.

"Stop. Stand up, and then bend over the nearest couch."

The dragon did as he was told, though his face was burning with a blush. Somewhere inside, he knew what he was doing was wrong, that this wasn't him. If it wasn't for his own surety of power, Simon would have been afraid.

But he wasn't, even when he walked up behind Kain. Even bent over, the dragon was still taller than the cat. It didn't matter. His ass was just where it needed to be.

He grabbed those scaly ass cheeks, pulling them apart so that the pucker between was revealed. It was so tight looking, pulled together out of sheer fear, more than likely. Simon reached down, dragging a finger over it, and it twitched.

"Perhaps you aren't just a cock sucker. Perhaps you are an anal whore, as well."

His words caused that hole to twitch right off the bat, clenching and releasing twice before it slowed.

"This is what is going to happen. You are going to get as hard as you have ever been in your life."

THUNK! The dragon's cock hit the back of the couch, but he wasn't done.

"You are going to be right on the edge of orgasm for as long as my cock is inside of you. And as soon as Yasha walks through the front door, then, and only then, will you be allowed to cum."

"! Ooooh!"

The dragon's moans were music to his ears as he plunged his cock deep inside of his boss. Kain was moaning loud enough to set the room echoing with it, and his cock seemed to be particularly productive, oozing pre all over the couch and dripping onto the cushions with abandon. Even the tight, not-nearly-ready hole was eager for him, squeezing on him and pulling him deeper.

Simon let his anger loose, then. He let himself rut that hole as hard and as fast as he could, his claws raking along the couch, ripping the back of it up as he pulled himself forward hard and fast. He muttered things - in his normal voice - that had been burning in his heart since that day, shouting him down. Every insult he had, he flung at the dragon as he hate-fucked him right into the couch.

Every thrust, every hilting slam, shoved the dragon's new status into his head all the harder. Simon could see it. Everything from the slitted eyes to the dripping cock, from the posture that became increasingly eager to the drooling, dim-witted expression that the dragon had showed him that the control was taking over. Bit by bit, he was becoming the whore, the cock sucker, the bottom slut that Simon had described.

In and out, in and out, each time smacking loud and hard against that scaly ass. He panted, feeling some exhaustion set in, his body already getting close. He needed to cum soon, but he needed Yasha. He needed the wife to walk in on this.

The screech of a car coming down the drive was all he needed. The cat picked up his pace, his hands under the dragon's thighs, putting one scaly foot up on the back of the couch and opening that hole all the more.

In, out, in, out. Smack, smack, smack went his balls against the dragon's drenched pair, his cock getting pulled into that wrecked hole.



The door opened.

"I'm an anal slut!"


The dragon turned, and so did he. At the front door was a many-colored woman, her head adorned with curled back horns, and her wings tucked towards her back like Kain's had been. Scales covered one side of her arms, but her wings were feathery rather than leathery, and the rest of her body was covered in fur.

As soon as he saw her, Kain came, and Simon pulled free just in time. The dragon's clenching hole would have been the end of him, and he wanted to save his cum for the lady.

"Come in."

She followed his command even more eagerly than her husband, walking into the living room quickly. She sat down, staring as Kain finally stopped cum, collapsing in a puddle of his own juices.


"I'm one of his employees, Yasha. And I'm here because of what he's been doing."

"What - He's - I don't understand."

"You don't have to."

The black cat walked behind her, putting his hands on her shoulders as his cock very nearly rubbed against the back of her head. He kept her staring at the wreck that was her husband, shaking his head.

"Your husband has been a horrible person. He's wrecked dozens of relationships, and ruined so many people. Now, he's getting his just desserts. And you're going to help me finish this."

"Finish - you mean -"

"You are going to be mine, Yasha. He's weak. I am what you need."

"What I..."

No wonder she was considered something of a trophy wife. No one else had submitted so easily to a thought alteration before. He could feel her reaching back, rubbing at his hands, and she didn't even budge when she leaned her head back and his dick rubbed against the back of her head.


"You need me. You want me."

"Oh, I want you..."

The hybrid panted as she turned in the chair, her eyes already drawn down to his cock. She dragged her tongue up along the underside, and as she took it into her mouth, he turned his head to look at her husband.

The big dragon was still panting, but there was enough of him left behind to see what was happening. His wife, sucking on the cock of a tinier, weaker feline. An employee. Nothing but a subordinate.

Simon loved the shattering pride that he saw in the dragon's eyes.

Smiling, he pulled his cock free, and pointed to the wall.

"Strip, and go over there. Show off your pussy."

She couldn't have been more eager. The winged hybrid was out of her clothes so fast that he wondered if she had gotten her position of 'wife' by fucking her way into it. Her wings spread wide as she pushed herself against the wall, her tail going up and her pussy exposed. It dripped down her legs, and she wiggled her ass back and forth.

Simon needed no further invitation. He walked over and grabbed her by the base of her tail, his cock grinding between her thighs before he found where he needed to be.

"Beg for your husband how much you need me instead of him."

"Oh, please, please, I need it. Fuck me hard, kitty cat. I need that thick piece of meat inside me, now. It's so much better than his!"


"Shut up! I need him! I need him bad!"

So easy. She was already cheating on him, Simon imagined. This girl was too beautiful to not be using her body in other projects, and he doubted that he was the first person to fuck her like this. Probably the first person to get her to be honest with herself about what she needed, however.

He pulled back, and slammed in. Wet pussy welcomed him in, and she moaned and yowled as he worked himself in and out, in and out. He could hear the soft, slick sounds of her sex squeezing around him, and he moaned at the top of his lungs.

"Ooooh, yes..."

He wanted Kain to hear him. He wanted Kain to know just how badly he'd been beaten. Not just ass-fucked, but having his wife taken like this. Not just seeing his wife giving a blowjob, but seeing her begging for someone else. Someone better.

The thought spurred him on, his hands coming down in hard, sharp spanks on that shapely ass, making it jiggle around his cock as he pounded into her harder, faster. He lifted one of her legs, making her sink down on his cock, making her gasp with every successive thrust that pushed her harder against the wall.

Simon moaned, his balls starting to draw up as he felt his climax coming on. Even with the break between Kain's ass and her pussy, it wasn't enough to bring him that far down. The cat pulled her back, turning her around and forcing her against Kain's couch. He kicked the dragon down to the floor, forcing him to look up as the cat fucked her, making the dragon see his wife - Simon's toy - getting filled by someone else's cock.

"This is mine, now...She's mine now."

"Yours now..."

"Yours now..."

"I'll be here to use her, and you'll know that you can't satisfy her. You pretend you can, but you can't."

"He can't. Never has."

"Never have."

"You are mine, from now on. This is your punishment."



"Get ready to lick out another man's cum, Kain. This will be the closest you ever get to your wife again."

He couldn't last much longer after that. With a deep moan, Simon slammed in up to the hilt, driving his cock all the way into that tight little pussy. It squeezed down around him as Yasha went over the edge as well, the hybrid's wings flaring out at the same time that she came. It was a powerful moment, for both of them.

Particularly as he knew that he was leaving his cum in her. It was unlikely, but perhaps he might visit the ultimate humiliation on the pair of them, if chance favored him.

Slowly, he pulled out, letting her pussy drip his seed out. As soon as he took a few steps back, Kain slid up, the dragon pushing his lips against the hybrid's sex, his tongue slipping inside of her and cleaning her out. It would continue for some time, he was sure.

In the meantime, he needed to rest. Simon pulled his pants up, and gathered Kain's car keys. The pair of them would be at this for the rest of the night, or until Yasha worked up the brains to tell her husband to stop. Simon wasn't sure which would happen; she didn't seem to be the brightest bulb in the box.

But he would find out in the morning, he supposed. He walked out of the house and started the dragon's car. He'd be back in the morning, just early enough to put Kain in his place before work, and let Yasha have her satisfaction.

And maybe...

No, he should resist the temptation. At least, for now.

The End

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