Shuttle Bay Soles

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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In another chapter starring Kal and Kajiit, we have the pair of them getting ambushed by an...old acquaintance of Kajiit's. Kal helps handle it, but perhaps a little too well.

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Shuttle Bay Soles For Nfjrrjf By Draconicon

"So, you're finally cleared for active work again, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess I am. So, uh, can we get started?"

"Sure, just give us a minute to clear the data and process you."

The bobcat nodded as he stepped back from the spaceport clerk, shaking his head a few times as he took a seat in one of the many chairs outside the terminal. Pilots, passengers, and captains wandered hither and yon, but Kajiit knew better than to leave this spot. He had a claim for quick service, and he knew that if he left the clerk's line of sight, he'd end up surrendering that claim to the next person that pushed hard enough. He'd used that tactic before to get through spaceport security.

Kajiit was just glad to be getting back to work. He'd been planetbound for days, and he wasn't sure that his current employer would have kept the contract open for him much longer if Dr. Grao - Master Grao - hadn't cleared him for duty.

Then again...there was good reason he'd taken himself off of the solo pilot list for a bit, a reason that wriggled at the back of his head as it woke up.

_Mmmmph...that was a nice nap.

Hello, Kal.

Hey there, Kajiit. So, are we almost out? Are we gonna be in space again soon?_

He could hear the eagerness in the Crux's voice, and he chuckled a bit to himself. Despite the almost childish glee that the creature had for traveling, he couldn't help but feel something of the same need. There was just something about being in outer space, going from place to place without constraint.

_Almost. We just have to get our clearance, and then head to the ship.

Awwww, but I wanna go nooooow.

What did the good doctor say?

...I have to learn patience.

And what's the best way to do that?

By not just doing what I want right away.

Right. But don't worry. It's not going to be a long wait._

Kajiit settled back on his chair, looking around at some of the other pilots. He recognized a lot of them. Some worked freelance like him, while others were more cargo haulers, pulling different things from one part of the universe to another. He had worked with them in the past, but the exploration and charting business suited him better than cargo hauling.

Sometimes, you just didn't know what you were pulling until it was too late, and there were things that he really didn't want to touch.

He was just starting to look at one dragoness at the edge of view, thinking that the purple-scaled female looked almost familiar, when the clerk called him forward again. The bobcat got to his feet, adjusting his orange jumpsuit to get rid of any wrinkles, and walked over to the window.

"Alright, Kajiit. You're clear."

"Glad that there's no trouble."

"Heh, you're not the only one. The number of complaints -"

"So, my Diamondback still where I left her?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Docking bay 37."

"Thanks a lot."

"No problem."

The hydraulic door at his side suddenly opened, and he stepped through before the clerk decided to keep talking. Much as he liked to stay on their good side, there were days when they would talk about anything and everything to avoid having to think about their jobs too much. Particularly the ones that were subsisting off of various bribes.

He felt Kal getting more and more excited in the back of his head, and he smiled as he let the Crux get a bit of a view through his eyes. His feet knew the layout of the large spaceport almost better than he did, and he didn't need to see where he was going to know how to get to his ship.

As a result, his head whipped this way and that, taking in the small and large ships all around him. Bits of cargo were being wheeled around, fueling robots were topping up the different tanks in the ships, and the whole place was a whirlwind of activity.

_This is amazing!

Heh, I guess it is.

How does everyone know where to go? It's like they don't even have to look at each other anymore.

It's all part of what they do, Kal. It's practice.

It's awesome._

He supposed it was, to an outsider. To him, it was just general business, but it was still something fairly hyper-efficient compared to the other things in the city. Just another way to keep the money flowing.

Despite all the therapy that the pair of them had gone through, it still took more willpower than he expected to keep Kal from leaping out of his hiding place. A tiny bit of more shimmery blue stood out on his hand for a moment before he managed to suppress the Crux, and he grunted at the effort.

Thankfully, Kal was still biddable enough, going back to the back of his mind rather than taking control. It had taken their therapist quite a bit of work to convince his other half not to come out in public if at all possible. There was just too much danger to having something like the Crux running around without some sort of supervision. Most people wouldn't have heard of the creature, and considering how quickly he'd taken over Kajiit's body when they'd first met...

Well, quarantine would be the least of his worries if he got caught, and the caging was enough to frighten Kal into obedience. Usually.

They made it past the bigger freighters without incident - somehow, they didn't interest his other half as much - and soon reached docking bay 37. Kajiit tapped in his usual access code, and stepped through the hydraulic door, smiling as he finally saw his ship.

A Diamondback-class ship, it was a smaller vessel, suitable for one to three individuals, though he seldom left with anyone else. The yellow coat of paint had a few complimentary blue stripes down the side, making it look a little more streamlined than it actually was, though it had faded a bit during his time away.

Making a mental note to get it seen to after this contract, when he had some more money to make it work, Kajiit took a step forward -

"My, my. Fancy seeing you here."

He turned, but not before someone grabbed him by the arm. Before he could pull away, someone yanked him out of the doorway and to a side office. Metal shutters came down fast, cutting off the light, and the door slammed shut, hard and loud. Kajiit found himself getting shoved into a chair, grunting from the impact and fighting hard to keep Kal from leaping to the forefront of his mind again.


Maybe. Down.

But -


As his other half sunk further into his mind, the lights turned on. The bobcat sucked in a breath.

"Oh. It's you."

"Mmm, surprised to see me, Kajiit?"

"I was rather hoping not to deal with you again."

"Why, I'm hurt. Is that any way to treat a lady?"

A lady was putting it a little more politely than she deserved, in his opinion. The purple dragoness from before - someone he'd scarcely noticed during his people watching - pulled at his memory much more, now.

Derenath. A dragoness of some means, but only because of the 'goods' that she shipped across the galaxy. Usually slaves, but there were drugs and other contraband that she liked to get from one planet to another, as well. He growled in the back of his throat, but he knew better than to lash out or start a fight. Despite her long, shimmering gown, he knew that the dragoness was a powerful fighter. Too many implants to overcome in a direct confrontation.

Not to mention that she had security in her pocket, if he remembered right. More than one officer and squad leader had a paycheck coming from her that was more than double what the spaceport authorities paid.

He leaned back as casually as he could, trying to ignore the squabbling Crux in the back of his head.

"What do you want?"

"Quite a few things, but I'll settle for wiping away our debt."

"You know that was your fault."

"For running some popular goods to a place where they'd get a good price?"

"For asking me to do it."

"Now, now, you know that's not how it works. If you had just kept your nose out of the cargo hold..."

He shivered, keeping his memory of that time blocked off. There was no need to go back to that time and place, and no need to give the dragoness more power over him than she already had.

Instead, the bobcat just...shrugged.

Derenath walked around the office desk Kajiit sat behind, her dress rustling and her toe-claws clicking on the ground as she moved about. Every time that she walked in front of him, he could see the flicker of another implant, one just behind her eyes. The unnatural glow told him that she was studying him, taking in information before making her next move.

Let her. He had as good a poker face as he needed, and he doubted that she was able to read heartbeats yet. She was rich, but not that rich.

The purple dragoness's tail swished around behind her, and Kajiit resisted the urge to grip at his arms as she kept the silence going. He knew how this tactic worked. The longer that it went, the more likely he was to break down to hear something. Just knowing the tactic did little to help him, however.

Suddenly, the dragoness leaned in. Her snout almost touched his nose as her eyes flickered back and forth, staring into his own. This close, he could almost hear the soft whirrs of the implants, or at least, he imagined he did.

"Oh. Oh, ho ho...You have something else to hide from me, I see."

"What are you talking about?"

"You're not the only one in there anymore, are you, Kajiit?"

His eyes went wide before he could stop them, and Derenath grinned.

"I knew it. I could see something past your skin, something in your eyes, but I wasn't sure. Hmmm, now what sort of things live beneath the skin that nobody else would notice, that can copy biological materials and shield itself from others, and yet would be too benevolent for you to actually get rid of?"

"You can't be -"

"I would wager a Crux. Am I right?"

His jaw dropped as he stared at her. Even Dr. Grao hadn't immediately known all that much about Kal's species, and seeing her just guess it right off the bat was terrifying. It meant that he had even less of a chance of getting out of this, and she had all the more leverage to use him as she liked than he thought.

She sat down on the desk as she continued chortling, crossing her legs as she looked down at him.

"Looks like I'm right, if your face is anything to go by. My, my. Do you know how much a Crux can go for, in the proper host? They are some of the most valuable living commodities in the galaxy...a pity I don't know of any way to remove it at the moment, but business is business."

"What do you want?"

"I don't know...not yet, anyway."

She lifted one foot, and he grunted as she pressed her purple toes against his chest, shoving him against the back of the chair. It was just firm enough to keep him from getting up again, and the toe-claws were just sharp enough to sink past the orange material of his jumpsuit.

"Why don't you start tending to these while I think about it?"

"Why would I -"

"Or I can call the quarantine team?"

He slowly reached down to her paw, shaking his head as he lifted it up. The bottom of the dragoness's foot was as smooth as any other part of her, which was to say, not very. Despite having smaller and more properly melded scales than a male dragon, there was always that slightly bumpy texture to the bottom of a dragon's paw. He could feel it against his skin, and he grumbled under his breath.

_Is this bad, Kajiit?

Not yet, but it could be bad.

I mean, her paws.

...That's what you're focusing on?

I don't understand the rest so well. But her paws are nice.

I - sometimes, I don't understand you.

I don't either. But let's have fun._

Much as he hated to admit it, his other half was probably right. The more he whimpered about this, the more that Derenath would probably enjoy it. If he could at least have a little fun, then maybe he'd be able to hurry this along.

He lifted her paw up to his face, pressing it against his cheek. Her toes were dainty rather than chunky, unlike a male dragon which would be the opposite, and she drummed them along his cheek. There was a soft scent coming off of it, not sweat or oil or anything like that, but something like...a floral scent, perhaps. Light, just something brushed over the scales, and he appreciated it.

She lifted her other paw, and they pressed against the sides of his face, rubbing up and down his muzzle. Kajiit groaned as he blushed, a small bulge getting bigger in the front of his jumpsuit, and his captor chuckled.

"I see that you still like these as much as you used to. Not getting enough paws in your face, my little pilot?"

"Shut up..."

"Oh, I think that's your job, actually."

POP went one of her toes past his lips, and he grunted in surprise as she dragged it along his tongue. Every time that she slid it along, he tasted a little more of that strange floral stuff, like some sort of garnish or accent to the general taste of her scales. Her toe flicked every now and then, the point of her claw tapping against his tongue as a reminder of who was in charge, and always, always it dragged along his tongue, cleaning itself.

As it was replaced with a second toe, he could feel Kal straining at the back of his mind, wanting to be involved, but he had to keep him back. The last thing he needed was Derenath -


She covered his nose with her other paw, making him take deep breaths of her scent. He flailed about for a moment, trying to push it away, but there was no way he could do that with his lack of leverage and the implants she had.

"Don't bother, feline. Just let it out, and enjoy yourself. You and I both know where this is going to end."

_Where is that, Kajiit?

With me all sorts of silly and her grinding her paws along my body.

Hmmm, maybe I should take a turn.

Wait, no, bad -_

But it was too late. Kal was coming, and Kajiit was too weak to stop him.

Kal slipped forward with a smile as he took command of the body. It wasn't that hard. Now that they were in private, and it was a 'fun' time, he had the command. It was one of the many conditions that Master Grao had set up, giving them a series of checks and balances where one person could be in charge for a while without the other getting in the way.

Besides, he could feel Kajiit getting all sorts of sleepy-headed, and it was more fun for him to be the one playing with paws, anyway.

As the blue shimmers ran down his body with the Crux's emergence, the dragoness stopped what she was doing. Kal stared out of the same eyes, but he felt the rubbery bits of himself coming into being, surrounding his head first before moving up his ears, and then down his chest and back. His body became a little more angular, less totally soft, and he grinned as he let the jumpsuit get completely consumed by the transformation.

"My this is what a Crux can do, is it?"

"Heehee, I can do a lot more than that. I can make all sorts of things disappear if I want to."

"Hmmm, good to know."

Derenath - he remembered the name from when Kajiit was thinking about it - lifted her paw again, dangling the damp toes in front of the Crux's face.

"Now, don't think that you're getting off lightly. He just started the work, and you still have to finish it."

"Ooooh, I don't mind doing that. Gimme!"

He grabbed for her ankle, and almost pulled her off of the desk. His mouth stretched around her toes as he flicked his tongue all over them, getting it to slide between them and then along the tops. With his more rubbery body, her claws were less intimidating, even when she pressed them down more firmly than she had ever done with Kajiit.

Even as she started looking at him with a more considering eye, he paid more attention to her paws than he did to her face. It was rather fun, playing with something that was already so big and so...different than Master Grao's or his own paws. They were soft and warm, and they seemed so nice smelling.

Nice, and happy.

He giggled a bit, feeling his mind swaying around further up in his head. It was like he was floating about, a little -

_High. You're getting high, Kal.

Oh, that's what it is. It's fun!


Hehehe, you high too?

Kinda...very hard...think...

Relax. I'll take care of us._

Despite his assurances, Kajiit didn't sound too happy about that, but really, was there much of a choice? Kajiit was already out of the main control, and he doubted that the bobcat could have held himself together. He remembered the time when he'd gotten them drunk, and Kajiit had been completely out of it while he had been completely fine.

Giggling, the Crux pulled the toes out of his mouth, licking along the underside of the paw more eagerly than he'd done anything in a long time. Soft but bumpy paws pressed down on his face, making his muzzle scrunch in a bit as the dragoness laughed.

Even as he licked along the bottom of that paw, the other one worked down towards his crotch. The toes parted and his cock slipped between them, making him jump at the sudden contact.

"Ah ah. Keep on licking, little Crux. I have a job for you after this, but I want you to finish your work first."

"Mmm, this is work? This is fun!"

"I'm glad you think so."


Ignoring the bobcat's barely decipherable thought, he kept up his work, dragging his tongue from one end of the scaly paw to the other. He licked up every bit of that floral scent, feeling it making his head fly all around with his thoughts scattering everywhere, but it wasn't bothering him. His thoughts did that anyway, and the only difference here was that it also came with a happy feeling to go with it.

As he dragged his tongue between her toes again, her other paw was quite busy between his legs, working over his cock and curling around the tip. She moved it around like someone else would drag a joystick hither and yon, pumping his cock in one direction, and then another, the constant squeezing and pressure around the head keeping him very content and satisfied.

Every now and then, she dragged her paw down his cock, letting it pop between two of her toes as she gave it a few strokes before going back to the head again, always teasing, always pleasing.

"Mmmm, you're - mmm - good."

"You're not bad yourself...What is your name, Crux?"

"It's Kal. Kal the Crux."

"Well, Kal, you're going to do something for me."

"Does it help Kajiit?"

"Oh, it will help him a lot, don't you worry about that."

He giggled, letting her cleaned paw drop to join the other at his crotch. They pressed from both sides around his cock, the dragoness's claws pressing down against the thicker part of his shaft as she started pumping him a little faster, dragging her paws up and down his shaft. They were soft and warm, and thanks to all his work, rather wet, as well.

It made for a lovely feeling, and he groaned as he almost melted back against the chair, his mouth hanging wide open.

As she kept pumping his cock, Kal had a hard time hearing the details, but he knew that it would still be in his head later. There was something about illegal drugs, transporting them to a planet somewhere near where they already had to go for the exploration that they had planned, something that would clear away a debt. It didn't matter. Those paws were too good.

He panted as he rocked himself back and forth, starting to thrust into her paws for a few seconds. He could feel an orgasm building up, his cock swelling, actually getting bigger for a moment before she suddenly stopped.

Groaning, Kal tried to reach for them, but she planted a large purple paw on his chest before he could. He grunted as she drummed her toes there, her other paw working over his shaft a little more, teasing the tip and pulling on it again.

"Pay attention, little Crux. You want to tell your other half what I said, right?"

"You want us to take some drugs to a planet - I can't remember the name - and then he gets rid of a debt, yes?"

"The planet's name is Verdonai 3, and he's taking them to a contact that will be named with the shipment."

"And that's all he has to do? Then he's good? You and he don't have any more debts?"

"Heh...In my experience, no slaver can escape their debts. No matter what they do, the scars always show."


Kal flashed back to their time in the marketplace, remembering the scar that ran up his other half's left side. It was hidden, and old, but Kajiit had never mentioned it until they had started talking about slavers in the market...And he somehow knew this dragoness, and had done work for her before.

Kajiit, are you -

His thought was interrupted by the dragoness nudge-kicking his cock, both of her paws going back around it. She pumped him harder and faster than ever, keeping him from following up on the thought as she milked him, teased him with her toes and soles, and he was quickly rendered a panting mess in the chair as she worked him over.

Derenath was all business with it, though her paws were as wonderful as ever. It was more that the efficiency seemed to be ramped up, as she seemed to find exactly what made him moan the loudest and focused there. Soon, one of her paws supported his cock, keeping it pointing up with the head directed towards his face, while the other ground right at the spot underneath the head, grinding into that super sensitive little fold of skin.

It was more than enough to push him over the edge.

Kal moaned in bliss as she pushed him over the edge, and even as he kept spurting, he obeyed as she pulled her paws from his crotch and pressed them against his face. What cum wasn't simply absorbed into his 'skin' was swallowed down eagerly, and he polished each of her toes with a lick and a nuzzle to the undersides.

The dragoness patted him on the head with one of her paws and slid off of the desk. She walked over to the door and unlocked it before turning around to look at him again.

"Some of my men will be by soon to give you the cargo. Make sure that you are quite collected, Kal. I don't want any of it to go missing...or be detected."

"But - but I have a question."

" don't want to ask me questions, little Crux. That was what got Kajiit in so much trouble. You want to be smarter than him, don't you?"

She chuckled, almost seeming to flaunt her paws as she walked off, disappearing from the docking bay in short order. The Crux stared after her, trying to figure out what had just happened, and trying to solve the mystery that she'd left him with.

Everything that had happened told him that Kajiit knew the dragoness very well, and she'd just about admitted that she was a slaver. His host had said that too, that she kept running those as well as everything else. But...

But it almost sounded like his other half had done something like that, too. And the idea of being bonded to someone that had put people into cages, had used them as slaves like was horrible.

Kal could still think of how he had felt in the market, seeing the cages. The idea of being locked up, of being kept away from everything else in life, of being so limited and so trapped...

It left him crying for a few seconds.

True to her word, Derenath's men made a delivery to the docking bay, if by delivery it meant pushing something up to the door, shoving it in, and then walking away. The Crux had recovered by then, and walked over to it. He couldn't tell what was in the dozen tiny boxes, but he had a feeling - mostly from some of Kajiit's surface thoughts - that it was worth quite a bit of money. Probably over half a million credits, whatever that meant.

He shrugged, laying over the pile of boxes and slowly pulling them in. He felt them absorbing into his particular body, and he knew that they'd be safe until they got around to making the delivery. Considering that he could hide himself from all the scanners that the spaceport had, he was pretty sure that anything in him would be hidden as well. There'd be nothing to worry about.

At least, not about the delivery.

As he walked their body over to the ship, Kal tried not to picture his other half as a slaver. The idea was horrible, and he had to be overreacting...but what if it was true? What if Kal hadn't been someone that fought slavers, who tried to free slaves, but instead was someone that had been part of the business? What if he was only sliced open when he decided he was done with it rather than because he had been something of a hero?

Kajiit...what are you? Why can't I figure this out? Would you cage me? Is that that why we went to Grao?

The idea made more sense than he wanted it to. What if Kajiit thought that it would be easier to cage him and enslave him if he took it slowly? What if Grao was a business partner rather than a nice therapist and master that he looked like? What if, what if, what if?

The complex thoughts were scaring him, and he was happy when the bobcat started waking up in the back of his head again. Kal pulled all of his worries in and buried them, buried them deeper than the drugs that were inside of his body. Deeper than some of the skeletons from back on his home planet.

He slipped back, the latex covering on the bobcat disappearing little by little as the Crux gave back control. By the time that he was down to Kajiit's waist, the feline had taken control.

"Mmmph...I hate her. I hate her so much."

Does she always knock you out like that?

"She tries to. It's something about making me get to a point where I can't think and I just agree to whatever she says."

She had a deal for getting rid of some debt. She put drugs out there for me to take with us on the trip.

"Oh, damnit. Where does she want them?'

Verdonai 3.

Kajiit sighed.

"Well, at least it's on the way rather than all the way off on the other side of the galaxy. Was there anything else she said? I can't remember any of it."


Maybe it was a little too quick in the way he said it, because Kajiit did pause and 'look' at him, in the way that the bobcat did in their shared mind. But he didn't say anything else, and soon they were inside of the ship, making their way to the cockpit.

There was one good thing about all the therapy going on. For all that he didn't like the idea of Grao - he was forcing himself not to use the word 'master' in case he was right about him being a business partner instead of a therapist - making him so separate and below Kajiit at times, it had been good at giving him some privacy. Their thoughts weren't always mixing, so he wasn't being forced to show his other half what he was thinking. Whatever worries he had, he wouldn't tip off the feline if he was right about the dangers that lay ahead.

Neither would Grao, either. Where they were going, with black holes all along the way, communications would be sparse, and Kal was pretty sure that he could keep himself 'asleep' and let Kajiit do all the talking. The bobcat tended to like doing that, anyway, and he could play into that.

He just...he needed to figure this out, and he couldn't do that if Kajiit knew what was going on.

The Crux pulled himself to the back of his other half's mind, putting himself to sleep as the ship started taking off. What had been something he'd looked forward to for weeks was now something he wished had never happened at all.

The End

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