Dinner Service

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by, who else, FA: FriskeCrisps as a sequel to the story found here: https://www.sofurry.com/view/954648 called Leprechaun Servant. And I heartily apologize to any irish people for what I did here.https://www.sofurry.com/view/1156077 Sequel here.

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Dinner Service For FriskeCrisps By Draconicon

Leprechauns weren't supposed to be real, but here they were, and here he was. Crisp shivered as he looked down at the ground, trying to ignore the reality of the situation as much as he could, but it was rather difficult when a red-haired, green-vested, floating old man drifted around at his side.

"Now, boyo, you'll have to remember the rules, ya know? Make sure that ye give service to the right members o' the clan at the right time, or you'll land yerself in a kettle of boiling water."

"Why can't I just wash the dishes, like usual?"

"Because, laddy, you're not really here on vacation any more. Are ye?"

The wolf shook his head slowly, rubbing the back of his neck. He wasn't sure how he had ever thought that this was a good idea. When the check had come in for the trip, the tickets a few days later, it had sounded amazing. Too amazing. But the chance to go traveling and see the world was something that he'd normally never have the chance to do. There'd been no turning something like that down.

And as a result, now he was here...trapped in a castle hotel, surrounded by leprechauns that were all too eager to keep reminding him of his place.

As a servant.

Hopefully they still let me go at the end, he thought as he kept looking down, staring at the cause of his servitude. The emerald shoes on his feet were still as bright green as they had been the night that they'd been slid on, and they might have even been a little shinier. He couldn't quite tell. But regardless, they glimmered with the magic of the leprechauns, a constant reminder that there was no way that he could get away even if he tried.

He had tried, once. But only once. The shoes had stopped him on the grounds, freezing him in place before turning him around. No matter how he'd tried to wiggle free, no matter how much he'd tried to throw himself on the ground and claw his way to freedom, the shoes had relentlessly dragged him back to the castle.

The clan had used him rather harshly after that. It had taken two days for him to walk normally again, after that, and his mouth still had the taste of old...

Don't think about that. It's not good stuff.

Shaking his head quickly, Crisp brought his attention back to the moment as the leprechaun stared at him. He realized that he'd been asked a question, and tried to remember what it was.

"Uh...I serve the...oldest one first, and then work down the left side of the table."

"Hehehe, very good, boyo, you were listening. Yes, yes, the left hand side, because the right side is, what?"

"Big people priority?"

"Aye, very good."

The leprechaun patted him on the shoulder before floating out towards the door of the wolf's room. He paused at the doorway and looked back, smirking.

"Make sure that you're dressed right, too. There's a new outfit for you in the chest at the foot of your bed."

"New -"

Clang. The door shut too fast for him to be able to question the leprechaun on particulars, but it was probably for the best. If he pushed things too hard, too fast, then the clan would probably start making things even harder for him. The last thing he needed was to lose his mind because he couldn't keep up with their duties, and even with the green shoes...

Crisp walked over to the chest that the leprechaun had mentioned and flipped it up. His eyes went wide, and he blushed worse than usual.

"Oh, no...not this..."

He pulled the clothes out of the chest and laid them on his bed, hoping that he was just imagining how bad they were, but it was just as bad as he'd thought. Very short, tight green pants were all they provided for his lower body, just big enough for him to fit into them and tight enough for him to show off everything whenever he moved. Hell, he was pretty sure that it would show off everything just by standing around. The golden buttons on the front would barely hold back his bulge, for that matter.

As for a shirt, it was a tight green vest, with no shirt to wear under it. It would essentially keep him barechested for the whole evening, making him show off his body to the leprechauns.

Are they trying to make me look silly? Or do they just like -

He didn't want to think further about that. He'd already been made to blow a couple of them, and offer his rump for fingers to others. If they did more than that tonight, he wasn't sure he could take it.

Even though it was humiliating, he knew he didn't have much of a choice. It was either show up in the new clothes and get stared at, or show up in his other clothes and get forced into the new ones. And if he was forced in, he knew he'd get a lot more than gropes and stares.

Better get it done quickly, he thought as he stripped off his pants and shirt. It wasn't much, barely more than green-stained jeans and a t-shirt, but he missed them as soon as they were peeled off. He winced as he looked at the other clothes again, wishing again that he hadn't gotten into this mess.

But it was too late now. He sat down, wiggling the pants over his shoes, and then up his legs. It was harder than it looked. Their sheer tightness kept him from being able to just slide them on, and since the green shoes wouldn't come off, he had to jam the pants around them. He swore that they must have been magical, because they didn't rip in the slightest despite his roughest handling.

It was embarrassing how well it 'cupped' at his groin as he pulled the shorts tight. The green fabric almost seemed to mold itself to his crotch, showing off everything even more clearly than his underwear did.

Probably because it's groping me or something, he thought with a blush. All leprechaun clothes seemed designed to do something to embarrass him further than he already was.

Trying to keep his blush off his face, Crisp turned to the vest. At least it looked relatively normal, though 'normal' was a relative term when it was greener than grass and forest with brassy buttons along the sides. It was such an old style that he almost wanted to throw it away from its ugliness, but there was no way that he could offend his 'hosts' like that. He had to wear it.

As he pulled it on, there was a tingle across his arms and shoulders, and he groaned. He knew the touch of magic by now, and the wolf wondered what else they could possibly be throwing at him.

There was no time to consider. He'd barely pulled the clothes on and getting them situated before he heard the soft bell ringing through the hallways, summoning him down to the dining hall.

"Well...time to face the music..."

As soon as Crisp stepped into the dining hall, he felt the green shoes take command of his body. His heels clicked together as he danced down the side of the great table in the middle of the room, each step no more than a jig and no less than a caper. He bit off a groan as he made his way down the table, trying to avoid the stares that came from every gnarled old leprechaun around it.

The music for the dance flickered in his head, keeping him on beat and on point all the way down, and he swore it was getting more familiar all the time. By the time this vacation ended, he was pretty sure he would be able to hum it from start to finish without the slightest bit of prompting.

Finally coming to a stop at the head of the table, Crisp panted as he bowed to the oldest of the clan. More gnarled and wrinkled than anyone else, the older leprechaun had not one, but two canes at his sides, and looked at the wolf through eyebrows thicker than his actual eyes.

"Oy, boyo, you forgot the food."

"I'm sorry, sir. I just got -"

"Get the food and bring it out, pronto. The clan ain't gonna wait on dinner."

"Yes, sir, right away."

He tried to run, but again, the music seized control of him, making him tap-dance his way out of the back of the dining hall and into the kitchen. As the door swung shut behind him, he was relieved to find the shoes releasing their control. Even if it was only temporary, it was still something, still a thing that he could be grateful for.

The kitchen itself was empty, with only some magic keeping the food hot and the pots stirred. It was warmer than any other room of the castle, as well, and he immediately broke out in a sweat as he reached for the bowls for the night's stew. He knew just where they were; he'd gotten so used to the kitchen that he didn't even need to think about it anymore.

The first night he'd worked here, he'd been shocked at the speed and coordination that the green shoes lent him. He'd run from one side of the kitchen to the other - over fifty feet - in the space of two seconds, sometimes less if the clan needed something done quickly. He still could do that, but it no longer inspired the wonder that it had the first time. He knew that he needed to be that fast, or he'd get into trouble.

But he was glad of it. Anything that helped him get through this 'vacation' with his sanity intact was something to be glad of.

He dished out a hearty helping of the stew and quickly buttered some bread rolls for the head of the clan, and then made double sure that all the silverware was brass or wood, rather than the dreaded iron or silver.

Crisp paused for a moment, realizing that he was actually doing that on his own. No command had forced him to look out for the leprechauns that way, but...

He shook his head. He'd think about it later.

Gathering up the hard bread platter and the various foods on it, he carried it back to the dining hall. He was ready for the dance that hit him as soon as he walked through the door, and he was able to carry the tray without spilling a single drop. It was a massive improvement on the first time that he'd worked down here, carrying things around without anybody around.

The wolf came to a halt by the head of the table, and set the platter down. As he had been instructed, Crisp waited for the old man's permission to continue...and kept on waiting as the old man stayed quiet.

The leprechaun poked and prodded at the bowl, using both bread and wooden spoon, and didn't say anything. Crisp shifted from foot to foot, occasionally giving a quick rat-a-tat of his heels when the music couldn't be suppressed any longer.

Why isn't he saying anything? Did I do something wrong? Is it not to his tastes? What if he -


He yelped as the old man suddenly grabbed him by the crotch, squeezing at his balls for a moment before working up a little higher. In such tight shorts, even the lightest touch would have gotten a reaction, and this was far from light. In less than a second, his cock was starting to rise, and the lecherous old leprechaun chuckled.

"Look at that, me clan. Our little dancing boy is getting hard already. Looks like we'll get dinner and a show tonight."

The whole room burst out in laughter, and Crisp shivered as he felt his cock continue to rise under the old man's deliberate, firm rubs. Every time that those old fingers dragged along the outside of his pants, he felt his cock getting firmer, harder, thicker. He didn't dare look down, but he knew that it had to be getting more obvious, as well, too obvious to miss and too hard to avoid seeing.

There was no mercy, no matter how hard he blushed, and the shoes kept him from moving backwards. Every time he leaned back, trying to avoid the touch, the shoes clipped and tapped him forward again, pushing him right into the old leprechaun's hand.

It only stopped when he was as hard as he could get, and Crisp was burning like the sun when the leprechaun took his hand away.

"There we go, boyo. Now, get ye to the kitchen, and serve the rest of the clan."

Crisp ran as fast as he could, feeling his boner rubbing against the inside of his shorts the whole way. There was something to them, now, almost like a formed divot or channel for his dick. Every clip-clopping dance step shoved his cock up and down through that channel, making him feel like he was humping against a pillow or his bed or something.

It was no easier when he was walking in the kitchen, either. Even when he took slower steps, something nearly impossible in the green shoes, he could feel his dick grinding against the front of his pants, getting harder and harder with each successive step.

By the time he had the next two platters ready, he wasn't just hard. He was dripping. And the green pants were just light enough to make sure that the wet spot could be seen.

Just...just be fast. If you're fast, you can get this done without anyone getting too much of an eyeful.

He ran out of the kitchen, kicking off of the ground in a heel-clicking move as soon as he was past the doorway. The wolf whimpered, feeling his cock bouncing around, and imagining that it looked like this great, wobbling piece of meat in his pants. He tried not to think about it too much, but it had to look insanely silly.

Somehow, the mental image only made him harder as he clippity-clopped his dancing self over to the left-hand side of the table. The leprechauns were laughing in conversation with themselves, and he desperately hoped that he might be able to serve them and then move on without showing off his cock.

It started out alright, letting him put the food down to one without any comment. As he turned, laying the second platter down, the wolf actually felt that there was a chance of success -

"Haha, the boyo's got a nice butt there."

SMACK. He jumped at the sudden spank, the tight pants making the spank all the harder. He felt it ripple across his ass, and the jump -

"Hehe, looks like the pervy lad is trying to hump me face."

His eyes went wide as he realized he had ground his cock against the leprechaun's face, and he immediately pulled back, his feet moving in a helpless, loud jig as he tried not to be any closer. Click, click, tap, click, click, tap they went as he held up his hands.

"I'm sorry! I didn't, I mean, I wasn't trying to -"

"Dance that boner back to the kitchen, laddy. You got more work to do than hump an old man."

The crowd laughed again, and Crisp's cheeks burned hotter as he ran off, trying to keep himself from showing his own excitement.

The pattern continued. In and out of the kitchen he went, each time carrying two platters of stew and bread to the table. Every time, he managed to come close to getting away, and every time the hope was ripped away from him by the perverted leprechauns. Either they would spank him and talk about his butt, or they would point out the dancing boner in the front of his pants, wiggling and begging for attention all the time.

No matter what he tried, he couldn't get free of the pattern, always dragged back. The shoes controlled him as much as they helped him, and he couldn't do anything to fight against the power of the wee folk.

He was halfway around the table and coming up the right-hand side of it when it got worse. His cock had been bouncing around in his pants for a while, throbbing, but not particularly horribly. He'd gotten used to the feeling to some degree, and it wasn't as distracting as it had been at the start of the evening.

Then one of the leprechauns grabbed him again.

Crisp froze in place, only his feet still moving, as that hard hand groped and grabbed at him. The kicking and clicking of the shoes almost made it look like he was humping the leprechaun's hand, and the table started giggling.

"Look at the boyo, can't even control himself."

"Hehehe, looks like he's a regular old humper."

"Hump away, laddy; soak those little shorts."

He blushed worse and worse as they kept pushing at him, and the fingers tightened into a tunnel around his bulge. The magic of the shoes kept him thrusting forward to the time of the dance, keeping him from pulling away or doing anything to save himself. He whimpered, the wolf turning so red in the face as he felt his orgasm getting closer and closer.

"Hehe, turning almost forest green, ain't they?"

"Yep, those shorts getting soaked."

"Drippy laddy."

"Boner boyo."

This can't be happening. This can't be happening, Crisp thought even as his cock swelled to the hardest it had been in...well, a day. They pushed him through so much that he was almost always hard, but this felt particularly needy.

He felt himself getting so close, bubbles of pre pushing through the front of his pants, and he bit his lip as he felt a howl of climax pushing up the back of his neck. He was so close, so very close. If he didn't get some -

"Alright, Seamus, stop it."

The leprechaun at the head of the table ended it there, and the hand came away. Crisp almost fell over, and would have if it weren't for the green shoes catching him. He was made to dance up the whole length of the table - complete with comments about his boner and the soaked front of his pants - until he was standing by the head of the clan again.

The oldest leprechaun made him turn around, and the wolf did, his hands forced behind his back by the magic as he kept dancing, his feet kicking out to the side and making him bounce up and down.

"Hehehe, this, me clan, is the perfect example of why the big folk are never going to get rid of us. They don't want to be in charge. They just want to show off. Heh, like this pervert boner boyo here.

"Look at him. Bigger dicky than any of us, but can't do a thing with it. So hard, so drippy, getting off by us controlling him. Heh. And ye are enjoying it, aren't ye, laddy?"

Crisp tried to shake his head, but he remembered something that one of the other leprechauns had said on his second day here. That the shoes would only affect someone this strongly if they really wanted it. The idea that he could possibly want this...

He rapidly pushed that thought out of his head, but found that he was already nodding. The magic...

The entire room burst out laughing, and his cheeks burned hotter than ever, and his cock throbbed even more, feeling like it might burst through the cloth and show itself off to everyone no matter how horrible that would be.

Before it could, the head of the clan flicked a finger, and Crisp started dancing back to the kitchen.

"Feed the rest of us, boyo, then you can head to bed. The dishes will be done in the morning."

It was the only bit of mercy that he'd get, and it was more than he had expected. In that moment, Crisp felt like he might have sucked the old leprechaun's dick without being forced, just in thanks for not being made to show off an orgasm in front of everyone.

The wolf panted as he arrived back in his room later that night, falling into bed with a groan and a whimper. His entire body ached from the constant dancing, his legs on fire and his arms so tired from carrying food around all night. He hadn't thought that he could get tired still, but the leprechauns had found ways of making it happen.

Always sending me running around, making me think I was done only to make me get more water, more food, more rolls, more stew, seconds, thirds...

He groaned as he rolled onto his belly, and then immediately rolled back on his side as he was reminded of his hard, throbbing boner. It was standing up tall and proud, now, and he shivered as he realized how sensitive it was. Just laying on it had almost made him blow his load. If he had ground at all...

God...I'm soaked already...

The front of the green shorts were almost like latex from how soaked with pre they were, form-fitting to his cock completely. It was like it was just green paint, at this point, and he shivered as he realized how many of the clan had seen him just like this. He could see his cock twitching and throbbing, begging for release.

And he was tempted. So tempted, in fact, that he had to sit on his hands so that he didn't reach down and touch his cock then and there. If he even touched the buttons, he'd cum before he got his cock out of there, and he wasn't going to cum in his pants and ruin another pair of underwear. It was getting out of hand now, and he didn't have that many pairs left.

Let alone what would happen if he had to wear this again. It was going to be bad enough if it was just stained with pre, but what if they made him wear it soaked with cum, too, without letting him wash it? That would be horrible. He'd smell like sex all the time, and it'd just draw more mockery from the entire clan. He had to have some self-control. He had to make sure that he didn't indulge himself. Just for tonight.

Even as he made the decision, he felt the tingle of magic again, and this time, it was from down in the shoes.

"Oh no..."

There wasn't even a chance to brace himself. One moment, he was lying down, and the next he was in the air. He landed with a hard click, and the movement sent a tingle right up his legs, making his cock bounce and throb in the pants. Crisp gasped and whimpered, trying to keep his head from filling with the ideas of his cock cumming.

That was impossible. The image of his cock spurting seed filled his mind, and only a hard bite to his tongue kept it from becoming a reality then and there.

It wasn't enough to keep him from throbbing and leaking again, though, fresh bubbles of pre already coming out of his cock and oozing through the front of his bulge. As his feet clicked off of the stone floor, carrying him around the room, Crisp could feel his hips getting in on the action. They thrust forward and back, grinding his cock against and into the tight tunnel of soaked cloth every few seconds.

"Oh god...please...please no!"

His begging did nothing for the shoes, which continued to carry him around the room. There was no mercy, no relief as they danced him about, forcing his burning legs to keep on dancing, his feet to keep on moving, his heels to keep on clicking. Again and again, they brought him around, and each time, his will to resist an orgasm came down another few notches, his need for climax getting that much harder to resist.

He whimpered as the green shoes glowed beneath him, casting spotlights beneath his feet that were getting brighter with each lap around the room. It was like they were making him into a perverted star, a one-man show that was getting lewder and sillier every time that he indulged in this.

Ah...ah, please...I can't...I can't take this!

He couldn't even talk anymore, the wolf's speech reduced to whimpers, gasps, moans, and yelps of pleasure. Every time the heels clicked together, his cock jumped that much harder, and he swore that the laces were tightening the shoes around his feet, almost squeezing them in a strange fabric-hug.

The green light spread along his socks, running up the green stripes that extended almost to his knees. They were like a Christmas tree as they lit up, adding to the strange spotlight lightning in the room, and he shivered as he felt the strange light shooting over his crotch. Seeing the outline of his cock in silhouette on the wall only made him harder, which made the shadows look even bigger.

Please...don't let anyone come in here...please...

He was losing his mind, and losing the battle. He knew it was only a matter of time until they made him cum, only a matter of time until he soaked the inside of his pants. The only mercy he could expect now was that he wouldn't have an audience when it happened.

Crisp jigged around the room another time, and then another. He was leaving puddles of pre in his wake, his shoes splashing in them as he came around again, and then leaving shoe-prints in the stone in his wake.

He was gasping for breath on the tenth lap, his eyes rolling back in his head, his cheeks burning from the control, and his cock dripping like a faucet. The wolf slumped back, his upper body going limp as his lower body kept on tormenting him, his feet stomping away, doubtlessly sending their endless beat down a few floors, but he was so overwhelmed that he didn't care anymore.

Cum? Don't cum? Why did it matter? He couldn't stop it...he needed it...his cock was as hard as it had ever been, more so. His shorts were soaked to the point of looking like a dark forest green rather than the emerald green that they'd started the night in, and he could feel that slimy clutch of the shorts around his cock now. There was no getting away from it...he had to surrender.

As soon as he thought that, the shorts seemed to squeeze him, and the shoes lit up like the sun. His legs kicked off of the ground, carrying him almost to the high ceiling of his room, and the heels clicked.

The impact of heel on heel took him right over the edge. Crisp threw his head back in a howl that he couldn't silence, his cock thrusting right against the shorts. It throbbed so hard that he felt a button give, but that was all; everything else, his shorts, his underwear, stayed wrapped around his cock, and he flooded them as he came, HARD.

He kept howling as he fell, feeling almost like he was falling in slow motion as his back arched and his cum kept shooting out, soaking his shorts completely. A bubble or two splattered through the drenched fabric before a rope of cum shot out and landed across his bare chest, followed by another, stronger one that almost hit him in the face. It shot past him, instead, and landed somewhere else.

His back hit the bed, and his head hit the pillows as the orgasm went on and on, three, four, five more shots of cum shooting past his shorts with tremendous force and landing on him. He slumped back, his hips twitching weakly as the orgasm slowly began to fade away, but the pleasure still rushed through him like a shock from an electrical socket.

Crisp panted, his breath coming weak and ragged as he slowly came back to himself. Even in afterglow, he could feel his cheeks still burning. His cock and crotch felt like they were drenched in slime, and he could feel some of it on the back of his head, as well. It must have soaked the pillows too, before he landed.

He couldn't move. He was too tired, too exhausted to get up and change, to clean up, anything. All the wolf could do was lay there, panting and shivering, and try and pull himself together.

That...was...intense, he thought, at a loss for words as his body continued to shake from his head to his toes. Everything felt like it was just an inch away from another orgasm, but with the light of the shoes fading, he felt like he might have finally reached the end of the night's torment.

After that, he wasn't sure whether he could whimper, cry, or just lay there and enjoy the remnants of that pleasure. The humiliation was there, that he'd been controlled and used, but at the same time, he hadn't had it happen in front of an audience. He had managed to enjoy himself in isolation. That was worth something, even if he was sure that some leprechaun or another had been watching this, somehow.

Even with that...

Even with that, a part of him had enjoyed it, and not just his cock. Crisp could admit that he had gotten off on it in a way that he hadn't expected, and he shuddered at the change.

First, he had started looking out for the leprechauns. Then he'd been humping that one member of the clan's hand almost willingly. Then he'd given in to the idea of cumming for all of them. And now...now he was enjoying the dancing that the shoes put him through. Enjoying it...a lot.

What's happening to me? he wondered. What are they doing to me?

The End

The Witch's Plans

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