Order of the Black Foot, Prequel: The Order Begins

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#2 of Order of the Black Foot

Another prequel story, this one happening a bit after the Burning Day but before Early Days. This time, FA: Trozeles comes in, revealing her backstory as Hanna and why she was sent to work with Draconicon, and perhaps a few other interesting tidbits as well.

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The Order Begins for Lynxy by Draconicon

Hanna wasn't sure what she'd expected in the southern lands. The former Empire had been a trading partner with her homeland, the Great Glaciers, but she had never had opportunity or inclination to visit it before. Now that it was the Theocracy, she imagined that it wasn't much different. After all, two years was hardly enough to actually change a land.

At least, so she thought.

The lynx stood up, wiping the blood off of her dagger as casually as she could as the wolf who'd attacked her continued to bleed out. It was still an effort to not show any reaction, even with all of her training. Something about someone dying before her, well, it had an effect.

"You know, it's not very polite to attack a lady."

"I didn't know...ugh..."

"Ah ah."

Bandits weren't the brightest of folks, but she hadn't thought that one needed to be very bright to know better than to talk when they were bleeding out, particularly when the person that cut them open was still unscathed. She pressed her boot to his chest, pushing him back down onto the snowy ground.

"I didn't say you could get up. Now, I have a couple of questions for you."

"Fine! What do you want to know?"

"I've been hearing about a dragon somewhere around here. A tall one, about seven feet or so, with black scales and a serious fury against the Church. You hear about him?"

"Why are you looking for him?"

She narrowed her eyes, pushing the toe of her boot a bit further into the wound on his chest. He screamed, not surprisingly.

"Did I say you could ask questions?"

"AAAGH! Stop it! Stop it!"

"Answer mine, and I'll think about it."

"Yes! Yes! I've heard about him! He killed a paladin here just last week!"

So her information was correct. That was something; she'd started to worry that the trail was too old to track properly. A week...now that was something better than she'd been hoping for. She eased her boot back, just enough to let the wolf breathe a little bit easier.

"Did he stick around?"

"He's...He's still around."

"That's wonderful for me. Where is he?"

"Down the mountain...one of the caves at the bottom."'

"Which one?"

"I don't know! We don't exactly bother each other."


Much as she wished that he could give her more information, it was pretty clear that he was tapped out. Frankly, she was amazed that she'd gotten as much out of a bandit as she had. Often brainless as well as spineless, she'd expected perhaps a little nudge in some direction, rather than something so specific as this.

Taking her boot off of his chest, she walked around him and looked down the side of the mountain. It was a fairly steep descent, but not so bad as the descent off of some of the glaciers. The rocks stood out at fairly even intervals, and even the more randomized ones looked like she could leap from one to another without too much trouble. This late in the season, the snow wouldn't have packed down to ice, and most of it would have run off, leaving it less slippery than it would have been a month ago.

The wolf panted behind her, and she looked over her shoulder. He looked up, and paused.

"Why the hell...are you sad?"

"Just because I'm good at this doesn't mean I like it."

"So...you're going to let me live?"

"For now."

After all, if the dragon's not down there, you're not going to be getting down the mountain without help...and I'll find you. Regrets or no regrets about killing, she couldn't just let him walk away after lying to her. That would set a horrible precedent.

And so she leaped off, feeling the wind rush up to meet her, her cloak fluttering in the air behind her as she began her descent.

She'd searched three caves before she found what she was looking for in the fourth. Even though it was scant proof of anything, the great footprint outside of the entrance in the gravel told her one thing. A dragon lived here, even if it wasn't the precise one that she was looking for.


The name was one that had spread over the last two years. The black dragon had become something of a terror all across the Theocracy after the fall of the magical guilds, and even her people had heard of the power that he brought to bear. Hanna had been one of those that had brought in an initial report on the one-man uprising that was going on, and had listened to some of her superiors predicting that the dragon wouldn't last more than two months before he was brought down or captured.

So far, he'd lasted two years.

He's not going to last much longer, though. Even someone this powerful isn't capable of everything, she thought as she walked into the cave. If he's going to take on the Theocracy, he needs some support.

Not that many of her superiors really wanted to see a success down here, and to be completely honest, Hanna wasn't sure that she wanted to see the dragon come to a victory. The idea of magic users running around free was a difficult one to come to terms with, but the Great Glaciers had made an accomodation with it. Mostly because it was happening in a land outside of their own.

The idea of a mage overthrowing a ruling government, however...

The idea was anathema to everything that the Great Glaciers believed in, and even she - something of a moderate back home - felt a little shiver go down her spine. There were reasons that mages needed to be watched over, overseen. Not killed, of course. The Theocracy took that way too far. But keeping them leashed and controlled, taken care of properly, that was the way.

Of course, she couldn't exactly say that to him, but that wasn't why she was here.

The darkness of the cave surrounded her as she went deeper and deeper, keeping one hand on the wall as she felt her way along. Her cloak was pulled tight around her, just to make sure it didn't catch on anything and give her away, while she kept her steps soft, quiet, and slow. Better not to make much progress than to catch someone's attention before she was ready.

As she walked, she tried to go over the plan, thinking about how this was supposed to work.

Draconicon was an upstart, a mage that was carrying out a, so far, successful war against an established theocratic ruling class. The rulers of the Great Glaciers weren't keen on the Theocracy; the idea of serving a god was worse than serving a mage, and considering the power of the Church, it was only a matter of time before the boundaries and borders between their countries started to shift.

What better way to do that than to start a civil war?

And he's probably angry enough for it, considering the reports, she thought as she remembered some of the incidents that other agents had collected information on. The burnt-out villages, the garrisons that had been torched to the ground, the people that had been sent fleeing from a sudden flood of geysers brought out from under a village. All of the things were signs of just how sneaky and powerful the dragon could be, and how willing he was to bring down destruction on all things that were contrary to what he believed the world should be.

She could use that. More importantly, she was pretty sure that she could direct that.

Hanna walked around another corner, and stopped as soon as she saw a flicker across the ground. It was barely there, nothing more than a shadow over a darker shadow, and she only saw it because of how well she could see in the dark, but it was there.

Someone was just up ahead.

Holding her breath to still herself, the lynx slowly moved her head along the wall, finding a gap in the stone to look around. As she did, she had to work to suppress a smile.

Found you.

Draconicon the terror, the black scourge of the entire Theocracy, was sitting a table with a quill scratching out over a book. A tiny little candle that didn't light up more than a few square feet burned by him, and the dragon seemed to shake as he was writing, almost like he was pained by what he did.

Yet, he hadn't seemed to notice her yet. A positive.

She took another step, and then another, feeling through the thin bottoms of her boots where she needed to place her feet to not make any sound. Another step, and then another, until she stood right behind him. She didn't want to frighten him, but at the same time, he needed to know that she was capable. Capability would imply credibility, and she needed that.

Bracing herself, she put a hand on his shoulder.

In the blink of an eye, he was on his feet, his fingers wrapped too tightly around her wrist for words. She bit back a gasp of pain, and slowly looked up at him.

He was even bigger in person than the reports made him out to be. The black scales made him seem to disappear into the darkness, and only his white eyes made him seem to be anything more than a shadow. He wore a robe that covered him from shoulders to ankles, and it seemed to shimmer with a magic of its own.

"How did you find me?"

Already looking for the loose end, she thought with a small nod. He knew how to keep himself safe.

"I talked to a bandit. There were enough rumors to point me down here."

"I hadn't talked to any..."

"No, but they might have seen you coming or going. There's not a lot of hiding places around the entrances of the caves."

"A point I'll remember for the future. Now a more important question. Who are you?"

There were many lies that she could tell, but they would only come back to bite her in the future. Besides, the truth was much better.

"I'm Hanna, of the Great Glaciers. And I'm here to serve you."

"...I'm sorry, what? I can't have heard that right."

She chuckled, and with a flick of her wrist and a twist of her shoulders, she managed to wriggle her hand free. Before the dragon could grab her again, she darted back, sliding further into the shadows. He could probably grab her with his magic, if he really wanted to, but why would he? She wasn't leaving, and she wasn't posing a threat.

When he continued to stare, she slowly shrugged.

"I don't know why it bothers you. I imagine that you would welcome the help."

"Not if the help comes with a leash and collar."

"It might, but not for you."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...that I am here to help you. There are sympathies in the north for what you're doing, and I am here to try and...deliver on that, I suppose you might say. And I am willing to do anything I have to in order to earn your trust."

And she did mean anything. This was her mission, admittedly, though it was funded and informed by more than just her own private reports. Several dozen high-placed people in the Great Glaciers wanted this to succeed, and had told her that she should do anything the dragon asked.


She looked around, and spotted a small bed that was just barely hidden in the shadows besides the dragon's larger one. She hadn't heard anything about a partner, but perhaps it was something that he kept for dalliances on the side. Regardless, Hanna sat on it once she was sure it was empty.

"You're fighting someone very powerful, Draconicon. You can't keep that up on your own."

"I have so far."

"So far."

"...You're right, of course. There's only so much damage even a mage can do. But what else can I do?"

"You could try putting together a group."

"A group? And paint a giant target for the entire Theocracy to strike at?"

She smiled.

"And this is why you need me. There are ways of coming together with a conspiracy, letting it grow until it's bigger than the sum of its parts, until it's too big to be stopped. All it needs is the proper...handling."

This was the delicate part. She needed to work this in, seduce him with the idea and, more importantly, with her. There were too many ways that this could go wrong if the dragon mage decided to try doing this on his own. She needed to be there. She needed to make sure that it was done right.

And if she needed to put out an offer of herself as well, then that was something she would do.

As she leaned back, she let her cloak slide on its own. She hadn't worn much below it, little more than a thin dress that would keep her modesty intact if the cloak blew around her. Still, the red cloth it was made of slipped around even when she wasn't trying to do things with it, and as she leaned back, it came down low along her breasts, almost exposing them.

She crossed her legs, letting the bottom of it slide up to her thighs. To her relief, it definitely caught his eyes. He watched, he saw what she was doing, and he seemed...intrigued, for lack of a better word, by it.

"I know how to form these groups. You know how to strike hard enough to make a difference. Let me make you an army, Draconicon."

"I don't want an army."

"Why is that?"

"Because an army can be spied on. An army can be convinced to leave. Just like the Imperial Army left the Empire to its new rulers. I need something more loyal than that."

"I can give you that, too."

"And what is that?"

"A cult, I guess. A cult that is devoted to a symbol, to a cause. Zealotry is a little less subtle, but there's more that can be done with it."

He opened his mouth, and then paused. Hanna blinked as he seemed to be listening to someone from far off, turning his head to look into the darkness. She heard nothing, and she knew that her hearing was better than a dragon's. She'd tested it before. She'd been trained to catch the slightest whispers.

Is he going mad?

It was one of the bigger fears back home. If he was, then there was another danger that they had to deal with. A dragon of this power that had lost his mind might be taken in quicker than otherwise, but he would do a lot more damage in the meantime.

She gripped her dagger for a moment, but then let it go. She couldn't be sure, and they needed him too much for her to do anything but be sure.

"A cult..."

"Or an order, if you feel that is better."

"It is less insulting."

"Heh...then an order you shall have."

"And what do you get out of this?"

"Personally? Very little. I have no grudge against the Theocracy, personally, but my country does. The Great Glaciers do not want to see the Church spread any further than it currently has, and they know that it will if it is given time. If we can find a way to bring it down, or even delay it, then my people will be happy."

"Your people have surprisingly low standards. Don't they...No. No, they wouldn't, would they?"

Hanna slowly shook her head, watching as the dragon sat down on the bed beside her. She could feel that she was slowly getting through to him, gradually working into his mind. The art of manipulation was so easy when the other person had something that they wanted...and a part of her hated how well she could do it, just like she hated how easily she could give in to killing.

If I had to be good at something, why couldn't it be something that didn't involve hurting other people to get what I want? she thought to herself, slowly shaking her head again. She reached out slowly, and took the dragon's hand.

"My people may not care about what's going on to your mages, but they care enough to send me to help stop the Church from getting stronger. And you could not ask for someone better."

"Considering how easily you snuck up on me, I'm not surprised. But what's to tell me that you're telling the truth?"

"You think I would come here for a different reason?"

"I think that there's a hundred different reasons you could have come here, and not all of them involve killing me. I've heard of the stories, where mages on the border would disappear, only to be found by a diplomat in the Glaciers, some pet to a noble family member. Whose to say that isn't why you're here? Looking for a prize of prizes..."

"Heh, a bit arrogant, aren't you?"

Not wrong, though, she thought as she looked him over. He would have been quite the catch, if she'd been down here for that. The dragon's body was just muscular enough to tower over and entice her, and just slender enough to make her imagine him as a submissive pet rather than the hulking beast that he could otherwise be.

The idea of a collar around his neck...was a temptation she would have to decline. It was not time for that, and it would still leave the problem of the Theocracy if she took him away.

Hanna leaned over, stroking a hand on his arm.

"What will it take, then, to show my loyalty to you? I told you, I will do...anything...anything at all."



"...I have two things, then."

"Mmm, then tell me."

Well, I didn't think we'd be leaping to this so soon, but if that's the case...

Hanna looked at her cloak, boots, and dress off to the side, momentarily wondering if this was a good idea. It was too late to turn back, though, and the naked lynx turned to the dragon in the candlelight.

As he pulled off his robe, she was rather surprised to see how well-built he was. Despite living on the run for who knew how long, Draconicon still had some decent size to him, and didn't look like the starving specimen some of her fellow agents had assumed he would be, at this point. While not looking overfed, he certainly looked healthy...

And endowed. Despite herself, Hanna blushed as the dragon removed his loincloth, revealing a shaft that was bigger than any of the other felines back home. She doubted she could have squeezed her fingers around the soft size without using both hands, and she shuddered at the idea of what it was going to do to her.

This is for the mission, not for him, she told herself, even as her body was already moistening to the thought of how it would feel.

He still hadn't told her what it was that he wanted, though, only for her to get undressed. She sat up on the bed, crossing her arms under her breasts as he stood in front of her.

"So...how do I prove I'm trustworthy, hmm? Or is this just a way to get yourself between my legs?"

"Partially the latter, I admit. But...lay down."


She laid down, her arms over her head in the sultriest pose she could muster. She saw his cock twitch at the sight of her, and hid a smile.

"Like this?"

"As long as you don't move."

"You prefer them submissive, then?"

"I prefer to not mess up the mark, the first time."


He nodded a few times.

"Just...something. Indulge me."

"Mmm...whatever you say."

He lifted one of his feet off of the ground, and she saw just how huge he was. The footprint outside must have been from a bandit rather than him, because that five-toed foot was enormous. He rested the heel well below the bottom of her breasts, and the toes still managed to reach up to her chin. She could feel the heat coming off of it, and she shivered at the contrast of temperature from the cool cave and warm scales.

She thought it was a little damp, and at first thought he was indulging a personal fantasy, of 'marking' a female for his own, and she smiled. It was rather cute, if a little bit contrary to what her own tastes were, but it would be easy to indulge.

Then she felt the ooze.

Hanna's eyes went wide as she felt the dripping along the bottom of his foot, then felt her fur start to clump beneath it, smeared in a goo that had come from nowhere. She started to sit up, only for him to push down harder with his foot, almost knocking the air out of her lungs.

"What is this?!"

"The mark of loyalty. If you are to help me, you'll be mine."

She stared down at her chest. Even in the low candlelight, she could see the glimmer of light off of something half-liquid, half-solid, and it was spreading and pooling along the bottom of the dragon's foot. Worse, she felt the tingle of it, of the magic within it spreading along her body, filling her up to the brim with it and then collecting back, right over her heart.


You were not honest with me._

Her eyes almost bugged out of her head as she realized that she was hearing the dragon in her mind. His foot lifted off of her, and she gasped, arching her back as she felt a sudden surge of power, a connection rushing between her and him...with her on the bottom.

You were here to kill me, if I wasn't sane! You're here to try and control me!

"No! I swear, that was only a possibility. They ordered many things, all from different positions, all from different -"

Then what were you here for? I can see everything. You can't lie to me. Don't try.

She could feel that; he was in her head, and there was no getting away from him. Fast, too. She couldn't lie. She couldn't even think. She had to be faster than that.

"We are free agents. We work as we see fit. I was given a goal, and advice on different ways that I could achieve that goal. Death, capture, control, they were all options that I could take."

All true. All things that were entirely true. Had to continue, couldn't let him look too close.

"I came here because I was the best at what I do. I think fast, I adapt, I get things accomplished in new and different ways. Most want me to keep the conflict going. But here, I do what you want. Not what they want."

...This feels true.

And it felt right to her, as well, particularly with the slight backwash of thoughts coming through the connection. She might have been on the bottom, the servant of the bonding, but she could see some things. The magic was there, and he didn't know how to reverse it. More, it could...force...things, and she couldn't afford that. She had to stay a reliable agent on her own.

Hanna made herself smile.

"I will do whatever you ask. I promise. In this, you are the master, and I...am the servant."

"And you...will not forget that."

She felt the warmth of the mark surge, suddenly, and the semi-solid imprint soaked into her, pressing down through her fur all the way to her flesh. The lynx shuddered, feeling like it might never be removed. Her fate was sealed.

"There...you've marked me. What is the second thing?"

"The second thing will be...more pleasurable, I imagine, for both of us. At least, if you are at all...experienced."

He walked over to her, and she felt her legs getting lifted up in the air, her feet pointed towards the ceiling as his cock pressed against her. Not to her sex, but further down, and she gasped as his tip pressed against her pucker.



Oh dear... She'd taken things under her tail before, but this would be a record...but she nodded anyway. There was no going back.

As he slid forward, gradually opening her up, Hanna leaned her head back and bit her lip. The heat and size of him was immense, but her body was bending to him already. She didn't know if it was the magic, shock, or exhaustion, but there was no resistance to his cock as he slid inside of her rump. The soft burning that came from his cock stretching her out didn't hurt; if anything, it only enhanced the experience.

Draconicon loomed over her as he bottomed out inside of her, and she gasped again as she felt his balls clap softly against her rear. He held himself there, and she panted slowly, catching her breath as it had been stolen from her.

"You are...very tight..."

"I'm more than that..."

She squeezed down, and he groaned over her. She felt his heat inside of her, his cock oozing pre already, and squeezed again, milking him.

"I'll be the best lover you can get..."

"That...that remains to be seen."

"Then let me prove it."

As she rolled over onto all fours, she considered the mark on her chest. A part of her was still considering how she would get the cult - or order, she supposed - that he wanted, but this mark was a start.

An order under his feet, she thought as he lined up. The Order of the Black Foot - nnnngh!

The End

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