The Gates of Hell, Chapter 1, Vanguard

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This is the first of a new series; I hope it is met with approval. Basic idea is that portals to another world we call Hell have started to open, and the denizens are coming for a visit with the intent of taking over. Some are just animals, some intelligent, all strange, so chaos reigns. Feedback would be appreciated, and welcomed.

The Gates of Hell, Chapter 1


By William W. Kelso

There is another world; reality, dimension, parallel world, or whatever you want to call it that exists next to our own. It is not a nice world like ours, it is very old and harsh, and evolution took many different routes there that it never tried in ours. Over the eons some of the inhabitants of this strange world have crossed over into ours, mostly by accident. Both intelligent and "animal" denizens have crossed over, but it is unknown if any humans crossed the other way. If they did they didn't survive very long. These "visitors" have been the source for many legends such as werewolves, vampires, dragons, and other monsters. We know this other world by many names, the most common of which is Hell and the occupants as demons which is as good a description as any. In order to explain these strange and "inhuman" alien visitors we have woven them into legends and religions in an effort to explain them. No doubt we are just as strange to them, but their evolutionary paths, and the severe nature of their environment, have given them a definite advantage over us in natural defenses.

The rifts between the two worlds are largely random and uncontrollable, but knowing of our world the intelligent demons have been trying to open up permanent rifts; or at least longer lived ones, for centuries as their world is dying, and to them our world offers their only hope of survival. Truly you cannot blame them for wanting their kind to survive and not become extinct when their world finally becomes uninhabitable. So; very simply, they want, and need our world, and if we don't feel the same way it's too bad. But they want us too, as livestock. It's survival of the fittest, and for the most part they are far more fit then we are.

The frequency and duration of the rifts is largely controlled by the alignment of the planets in their own, and our, realities. While the rifts are largely formed by the magnetic and gravitational pulls of the various heavenly bodies, they are also affected to some extent by natural events. A random rift is more likely to form in an electrical storm or other violent natural occurrence. But now a major conjunction of planets in both realities was about to occur, and December 2012 was going to be Hell on Earth, literally. Christmas would not be Merry that year or for a long time after. But the first "invaders" would be accidental, or scouts of some kind. They would help to prepare the way for the others.

November 10, 2009. With a sound like a large ripping static electric pop a small short lived rift opened between the two realities, a pulsing iridescent black nothingness that opened for less than a minute, then closed and vanished as if it had never existed. And something passed through. No trace of the rift remained other than a fading sulphurous smell, and the gentle breeze blowing through the woods quickly dissipated it. The thing that had fallen through the rift; much to its distressed surprise, stirred and looked around at the strange new world it had suddenly found itself in.

Glix cautiously extended his eye stalks and looked around nervously. He had no idea what had happened, one second he had been feeding on some fungus, the next he was here, but where WAS here? He didn't like it much; it was too bright and too cool. And being exposed in the open like this was NOT a good idea. Quickly he extended his body to its full length and slithered towards the beckoning shadow of a decomposing log. As he moved over the ground he extruded slick mucus so his foot pad could easily move over the rough ground.

Reaching the nice moist inside of the rotting hollow log he paused to take another look around, and evaluate his predicament. At the same time he extruded his tongue and fed on the rich soft mulch lining the bottom of the log. Glix was fairly harmless compared to most demons. He was also perfectly suited for survival just about anywhere. He was a pure omnivore to the max; and he could, and did, eat just about anything. He did not care if it was living, dead, or somewhere in-between. He was not a picky diner. He found the mulch in the log to be delicious and filling and grazed happily for quite some time using his long rasp like tongue to scrap the food into his toothless mouth.

Glix was what humans would call a demon, albeit a rather insignificant one. In his own world; or Hell as humans call it, he was considered vermin, way down on the evolutionary scale. The truth was that Hell, or "home" as the inhabitants called it, had nothing to do with religion, at least as far as the demons were concerned as they had no religion. If humans wanted to add that element to the relationship between the two realities then that was fine by the demons; after all humans were weird creatures and not terribly bright. Most openings; or rifts, between the worlds were random events. No one on either side knew what caused them. Fortunately most were small as well and short lived. And if vermin fell through, who cared? Somehow a few pesky humans figured out how to open rifts from time to time, and occasionally one of the more advanced denizens of "Hell" would pass through, often against their will. It was very annoying, and usually resulted in extreme displeasure on the part of the demon, so they got a reputation as being evil monstrous creatures. I mean, what would you do if a black glowing nothingness suddenly opened up in your living room and sucked you into another world? And to try to explain these strange occurrences humans often came up with religious explanations. Whatever made the humans happy, as far as the demons were concerned they were nuts. Frankly they wished we'd just leave them alone.

The environment of "Hell" was much harsher and more brutal then the human world, so the life forms there were more suited for survival in that reality. This meant a wide variety of life forms equipped with nasty ways of defending themselves or subduing prey, often in the form of fangs, claws, and other appendages that scared the crap out of humans. And to be honest most "demons" were pretty monstrous by human standards, though to themselves they were the "normal" ones. Their own evolutionary paths had been very different and included strange "powers" or "magic". But these "magic powers" were merely the result of different evolution, not hocus-pocus. The fact that humans were susceptible to them was the result of having no natural immunity to their effects. This made humans very susceptible to these powers, much to the delight of the demons, plus humans tasted good so that was a bonus. To modern humans most of these "powers" would be fairly easily explainable by scientists and biologists, if they could get the demon to sit still long enough to be examined, which was easier said than done. Demons could control one another with these powers to some extent; but with humans to a much greater extent due to our almost total lack of immunity. These included sexual and other pheromones, drugs their bodies produced, hypnosis and "mirages", empathy, etc. and even mind control as many demons are physic vampires of a kind. And like the human world "Hell" has intelligent races; though a much wider variety of types, but no true organized civilization. Some demons look very similar to human/animal hybrids of some kind; some are insectoid, and others much weirder. Even the vermin tended to be much smarter than their human world equivalents, but that wasn't saying much. And in a fight "demon vs human" the demons usually win because of their natural defensive and offensive characteristics. However a human with a machine gun could give a good account of himself as demons were; though long lived by human standards, certainly not immortal. But they did measure their lifespan in thousands of years by human standards. Some advantages humans had was: organization, efficient militaries, and there were so darn many of them.

Having calmed down; had a good meal, and convinced himself nothing was going to eat him, Glix decided to explore his new home. He was about a hundred years old by human means of reckoning time, but at home he was considered just barely a young adult. He slithered to the opening in the rotten log and looked out at the strange bright world. He was about fifteen inches long and bore an incredible resemblance to a slug, a Leopard Slug in particular. But Glix was pure "Hell" slug, and there were some major differences between him and the local slugs despite their similar appearance. Most slugs just ate by using their tongue; or radula, to scrape small pieces of food into their mouths, and so did Glix, but he was also capable of swallowing large prey much like a snake. He used the sharp teeth lining his trunk of a tongue to drag the prey into his mouth and his powerful mouth and throat muscles took over from there. His tongue was also different even though it did resemble a "normal" slugs tongue. For one thing it was more of a tube then a ribbon, and it had another tongue inside of it which could be extruded to help hold onto; and subdue, larger prey. Both tongues were covered with hundreds of nasty sharp specialized teeth of different kinds, as were the insides of his mouth flaps/lips. But they were also retractable so his tongue could also be smooth and slick with no teeth showing, which was useful in certain situations. The tongue was also long and prehensile enough to be used as a kind of tentacle to grip and manipulate objects to some extent, and it contained a retractable needle in the tip which could be used to inject prey with a paralyzing agent as helpless prey were much easier to swallow, and it served the same function for defensive purposes. The amazingly elastic tongue could shoot out like a spear for a distance almost as long as his body; and his aim was deadly. If the needle broke off it grew back like all his teeth which where a kind of chitin instead of ivory. But externally he was all slug; and like a slug he preferred moist damp places and extruded mucus to use for aiding in locomotion and other things. One thing that would make him stand out though was his coloring. He was a bright virulent scarlet red color on his back with black stripes and a darker red mantle with black spots. It was a warning to predators "No eatee!" His head was also a shiny red color and his eyestalks and sensory horns were black. His belly; or foot pad, was a dark pink in color, and his tongue was dark purple. In a way he was quite beautiful. His thick, tough, pebbled rubbery skin and shell like mantle protected the upper part of his body. His eyes were more developed then a "normal" slugs though, they were green with golden specks and a narrow vertical pupil like a reptiles. He thought he looked just fine, but even the other denizens of "Hell" thought he was nasty and slimy and would step on him given the chance. Like humans they usually killed slugs on sight, which the slugs didn't particularly care for. Another major internal difference was he wasn't a hermaphrodite; he was very much male and had one very large penis; and another organ that resembled one, that he extruded from two vents or cloaca like openings about two thirds of the way down his foot pad when he mated with a female slug. The openings were virtually invisible until he became aroused, but the penis and other organ only extended when he was in position to mount his mate. That way they wouldn't get in the way by dragging on the ground under him which would be very unpleasant.

Though a pretty dense moron by most standards; human or demonic, Glix was still curious enough to want to explore his new world. As soon as the painfully bright light faded he set forth in his explorations, and was promptly eaten by a garter snake. As the snake swallowed him Glix wasn't terribly concerned. He thought about extruding a nasty toxin in his mucus that would make the snake release him, but decided on another course of action. As he slid down the snakes throat head first he thought it was rather pleasant as the warm moist slick inside of the snakes throat and mouth felt almost sensual as they caressed his body on his trip to the snake's stomach. He was quite a large meal, so it took a fairly long time for the snake to completely swallow him, but he relaxed and enjoyed it. Having reached the snakes stomach it was time to turn the tables, so Glix began to eat the snake alive from the inside out. The snake desperately tried to regurgitate him and thrashed at the pain in its entrails, but stopped after Glix reached the snakes heart and devoured it. The now dead snake kept writhing and coiling as Glix ate his way through its body from tail to head, and when he exited the snake's mouth a few hours later all that was left was its bones and skin. Its inside was a hollow shell as Glix had eaten everything; he was a very efficient predator and wasted no part of a meal. It had been a very enjoyable and pleasant feeding, so he hoped more of the local snakes would eat him as well. He was beginning to realize he had little to fear from the local predators.

For several days he poked around before finally denning up in a small cleft in the side of a rock outcrop. He was fat and happy as there was much more food available here than in his own reality, and very little competition. Plus the local predators tended to be harmless. Over the next few weeks he was "eaten" by two more kinds of snakes, and once by some kind of flying creature. And in return he ate them as well, and they were delicious. He did not consider what he did to be cruel or evil; it never occurred to him, he just needed to eat. In his defense Glix was not deliberately evil, but he did have a very aggressive and competitive nature as he had to in order to have survived for so long in his own reality. And if the local inhabitants didn't, tough, more power to him. His only real complaint was this reality was too damn cold, and in the winter he had to hibernate. He would cocoon himself in a thick bag-like covering of mucus and sleep until the warmer weather woke him again. But after a few years of easy living Glix found himself getting edgy and felt a need to do something. He was an adult now, and felt compelled to take the next step in his life cycle.

He could easily have spent his whole life like he was; as did the great majority of his species, as they were perfectly capable of breeding and he had done so many times, but if he was lucky he could metamorphose and enter into a higher level of existence. Very few of his kind ever had the chance due to their environment and natural obstacles and dangers; plus most other demonic life forms were immune and as such useless to him, but he hoped it might be different here. So he set out in search of what he needed, leaving behind his nice comfortable den and venturing out into the unknown. Because for him to "evolve" he had to find a suitable host with which to merge because he was a semi-symbiotic life form. He is not a parasite as he does not live off the other life form, he merely uses it to increase his own mass and intelligence.

Glix traveled mainly at night as the sun of this world was painfully bright and would blind and dehydrate him if he wasn't careful. He encountered several larger animals and considered; and rejected, them as possible "hosts". He was in no rush as he had plenty of time. And finally one night he was attracted by the glow and heat of a fire, the first he had seen in this world. In his reality fire was very common due to constant volcanic activity. He approached carefully and saw a large animal tending the fire and his mouth drooled at the smell of cooking meat. He liked cooked food as he often scavenged animals in his own reality that had died and been cooked by lava or boiling mud pits. He could stand extremely hot temperatures and had just burrowed into the carcasses along with fellow slugs and feasted until the food was gone. So this was the first cooked meat he had smelled in years. After the animal finished feeding and entered a small den nearby Glix approached the still burning fire in hopes of finding some scrapes, but was disappointed when there were none. As the night was cool he burrowed into the still hot coals and basked in the lovely heat for awhile. It was so nice! And Glix had been impressed by the animal as well, if it could control fire it must be intelligent, and he instinctively knew the more intelligent a host the better. So his next move was to merge with the animal he had chosen as his "host". What his chosen host might have thought about the situation was of no concern to Glix, it had no choice in the matter.

Glix left the lovely warm coals as they cooled off. He was a little stymied by the smooth material of the cocoon like den the animal was sleeping in, but eventually chewed a small hole through the tough material. Then he cautiously approached the animal, since it was unknown to him he didn't know what defenses it might have. Glix had no idea what the animal was, he had never seen anything like it, and had never even heard of humans. He slithered a few inches closer, then paused with his eyestalks fully extended and his senses tingling as he checked for danger. But apparently the animal was defenseless as it made no move to defend itself or wake up. Glix gently jabbed the neck of the sleeping animal with his tongue and injected a sleeping drug so it would not wake up during what was to come. In this reality no animals had any natural defenses or immunities against a creature like Glix, and to his great luck Glix had picked the best possible host in this reality for the next stage of his life cycle. The host would not be as fortunate.

Having made sure the animal was helpless Glix forced his way into the animal's mouth; which was easy to do, and forced his way down its throat and was helped when the animal instinctively swallowed. As soon as Glix reached the animals stomach he began to merge with it by allowing himself to be "digested". He didn't much like that part as it hurt some, but it didn't last long. Now a rich nutritious soup Glik was absorbed into the animal's blood stream as he passed through the animal's digestive system along with the other food in the stomach. And as he was absorbed his genetic material slowly spread to every cell in the animal's body, and when full saturation was reached he would began the next stage of merging. Simultaneously his genetic DNA would begin to change and "rewrite" his hosts. Though the host was so far unaware of what was happening he was now Glix.

And this is where I came in, because I was that host. My name is; was, Robert Hamilton, but that isn't important anymore as I'm gone now. I was one of the first humans to encounter a demon, and survive, in a way. I was camping out for the weekend by myself when Glix found me. I was totally unaware when he entered my body and we started to merge. So the rest of this story is mine as much as his, as I am Glix now, but an intelligent Glix, and Robert is long gone.

It was a great weekend for camping, and I took Thursday and Friday off and headed out to the family cabin. Trish would be joining me Friday evening; or Saturday morning, depending on how soon she could get off from her lousy job. I left early because I wanted to clean the place up some for our romantic rendezvous, and hopefully it would turn into a weekend of wild sex. I'd been trying to get in her pants since we'd started dating several weeks before, but she was pretty old-fashioned (i.e. repressed) so I didn't push her. I really, really liked her, and didn't want to scare her away by acting like a dog in heat. She had a great body and was smart too, which was a nice combination for a change. Most girls I'd met were either: gorgeous and about as smart as a brick, or plain and smarter then I was which I found annoying. So she was perfect as far as I was concerned and I hoped it would turn into a serious relationship. And in a way it did, but not in a way either of could possibly have imagined.

But on the first day I hiked a short distance to my most favorite place in the whole world; a nice little clearing by a natural pond that was fed by a natural spring, it was just big and deep enough for a good swim. I wanted to make sure the place was nice as I planned on bringing Trish here for some outdoor "recreation". It was so far off the beaten track it didn't get many visitors, but on occasion I had found some trash lying around. Damn litterbugs. Since it had gotten later then I'd planned I decided to spend the night, which would be a major turning point in my life, and the end of it in a way. That night as I ate dinner; a lovely steak, and got ready to go to bed I didn't realize I was being watched and evaluated by a totally alien life form from another reality. And I felt nothing until the next morning when my life as a human began to end.

I woke up and stretched, and felt pretty good to start with. I took a quick dip in the pond; man was it cold, and breaking camp I headed back towards the cabin. It was about an hour later I started to feel sick to my stomach. Damn it, I thought, I hope that meat wasn't bad. I took some Tums and had a long drink of water, and feeling a little better set out again. But soon I had to stop and bend over more than once as nauseating cramps made my guts churn and gurgle. I stopped once to try and take a dump as I felt like I needed to, but nothing happened. And I was burning up too; I could tell I had a fever. It must be that nasty new bug the govt. types on TV had been yelling about. What crappy timing to get sick, Trish would be here soon and all I'd be able to do was blow my nose. Double crap.

By the time I reached the cabin the cramps were getting really bad and my whole abdomen felt taught and bloated and I could literally feel my insides churning and it really hurt. I cut a huge nasty fart and that helped a little, but not for long. It was hot as Hell in the cabin, so I stripped and got in the little shower and took a long cold bath, but while it helped cool me off a little I didn't feel much better. I'd always been healthy as a horse, and had never felt this bad before and was really getting worried. I needed to head into town to see a doctor. And as I toweled myself off I couldn't seem to get dry, my body stayed damp and sticky feeling. I rubbed at some slick looking stuff on my arm and my hand came away sticky with little strands of the stuff hanging from it. It looked like snot, and it was pouring from my mouth and nose now; I couldn't blow fast enough to get rid of the stuff. Another massive cramp hit me, and bending over and moaning I tried to make it to the bed in the hopes that lying down would help, but another cramp hit me before I got there, and with a sob I fell to my knees at the horrible pain, and then fell onto my side before rolling over on my back. I started screaming as my body went into powerful convulsions, and then suddenly they stopped and I felt a strange lethargy come over me, and a pleasant feeling of warmth spread over my sore and aching body. I gave small moans of pleasure as the warm feeling persisted and increased. I felt my penis harden, and reaching down I cupped my balls and stroked my shaft, gasping in pleasure. Moaning in pleasure I kept stroking myself until I had a violently pleasurable orgasm. Wow, I thought. I'd never been much on jacking off, but that had been special.

I felt something tickle my nose and reached up to scratch it, and when I saw my hand it was encased in a glove like coating of thick shiny mucus, and sitting up I was horrified to find my whole body was coated in the thick slimy stuff. It was so thick and gooey I was stuck to the floor. I tried to wipe some of it off, but all I could do was smear it around, it had the consistency of thick jelly. My penis was aching and throbbing, and using both hands I kept masturbating as I just couldn't stop myself, my lust was growing to the point it was almost unbearable. I had never been so aroused before, and I couldn't understand it considering the circumstances. Soon I had another massive orgasm, then another one, and was screaming from the agonizing pleasure, but I couldn't stop. I could feel an itching crawling feeling on my back, but couldn't see it, at least not at first. But it was spreading and increasing in intensity, and finally by turning my head to one side I could see what looked like the edge of a thick red leathery looking flange of skin growing to cover my shoulders, and I could also feel in on the back of my neck. The strange skin looked like it was covered with translucent scales (?) and shimmered almost iridescently, it looked wet and slick as it rippled and spread.

Jesus Christ, what the fuck is happening I thought? I felt a sudden warm tingling on my face, and reaching up to touch it again was horrified to find my nose was gone, and my whole face felt soft and spongy. What, what the hell? Suddenly pressure built up behind my eyes and I squeezed them shut at the pain, then there were popping sounds and the pressure disappeared and I gave a sigh of relief. Then when I opened my eyes again they were farther out from my body on the ends of stalks! Stalks that could move around and lengthen or shorten, and I could look in two different directions at the same time, and that was really weird. I felt two more pops on my cheeks and suddenly could smell again, and felt two something's waving around and tasting the air! Reaching up I found two smaller stalks had grown from my cheeks, and they were incredibly sensitive. With a wet gurgling scream I tried to get up again, but the thick coating of slime covering me gave me no purchase as it was slippery as hell. My cheeks felt like they were growing and sagging at the same time, and when I tried to scream again they flapped and I made wet gurgling noises, and with a loud slurp I ran my tongue out and licked some slime from my now bizarre feeling face. This can't be happening, I thought in growing panic. This can't be real, I must be so sick I'm hallucinating! The weird skin on my back had spread and felt tighter now, and I could tell it was part of me as I could feel it. Ohhh God, what IS this?

I bent my eye stalks and looked at my chest and saw the upper portion was covered in tough sandpaper textured pink skin covered in more of the clear slime and my nipples were gone, and tufts and strands of hair were falling from my head in a steady rain. When they landed on the goo it seemed to be absorbing them and they disappeared. My penis jutted up rock hard and rampant, and I kept desperately stroking it, trying to reach the release I needed so badly and the pleasure was incredible and helped take my mind off what was happening. I found I could even turn my eyes to look behind me and could see the thick red rubbery skin that covered my shoulders and back of my neck better. I watched as it stretched and grew over my shoulders to meet with the pink rough skin covering my chest, and as the edges of the two different skins met they joined to form a kind of ridge with little tubercles along the edge, and then they both began to push down my body joining at the edges as they slowly encased me in a shroud of thick rubbery hide, I felt like I was being swallowed by my own body. I raised my arms to try and pull them back, but was horrified to find my fingers were growing together and my arms felt strangely numb and flopped around uselessly, and I could no longer stroke my increasingly aching and throbbing penis, and I needed to come so badly it hurt. I kept rubbing my useless floppy arms against my penis but couldn't grip it anymore. And as the skins advanced down my body their edges kept joining on the way and they pushed my now useless arms into my sides until they had disappeared up to my elbows and the gelatinous tubes that remained visible flopped and curled like weak boneless tentacles.

"NUUURRRRRR!!" I screamed, and with a mighty heave managed to pull free of the thick sticky slime and stagger to my feet. I felt the pressure on my body continuing, and looking down saw the leading edges of skin start to slide over my stomach and past my elbows as the horrible change continued. Slobbering and sobbing; and utterly terrified now, I weaved around the cabin bumping into things aimlessly. Oh God, I thought, what's happening to me, please make it stop! I staggered into the small bedroom and came to sudden stop in front of the full length dressing mirror on the back of the closet door. And found myself staring in disbelieving horror at the monster that was standing there staring back at me, the monster that was me.

In horrified fascination I walked closer to the mirror, and so did the monster, it was human from the waist down and a THING from the waist up. I looked at the reflection of the horrible inhuman rubbery face with large fleshy hanging flaps for cheeks with an inverted "V" in the middle with a low raised seam in the center that ran up the center of its face and head from the juncture of the rubbery lip flaps. The green and gold colored reptilian eyes waved back and forth on the ends of stalks, and two smaller stalks farther down on the cheeks were also waving as they sensed the air. I could see a curved ridge of thick skin almost like a flap sticking up behind the things head, and as I opened my mouth to scream in terror at the hideous thing it opened its rubbery toothless hole of a mouth and a long purple tubular tongue came sliding out with a loud slurping noise. I looked down at the large tongue hanging down the front of my rapidly changing body and tried to scream again, but it seemed I no longer had any vocal cords. "GLORK, URRGLE!" the thing slobbered. And while I had been staring in shock and terror the two ridges of skin had kept pushing down my body and where now past my waist and speeding up as they flared and pushed over the obstacle of my hips. They had slid over my crotch and I could feel them pushing my legs together as they kept joining along their edges with a soft wet slurping sound, slowly and irresistibly. No, no, please! I still had a rock hard erection and to my surprise the pink skin on my belly flowed around its base and formed an opening for it to pass through, but my testicles were pushed under and absorbed. I was horribly aroused and wished I could reach myself and keep masturbating, but that was impossible as my arms were completely covered by the thick rubbery shroud of skin that almost entirely encased my body now. In some places the skin was almost translucent and I could see through it, see my bones, organs, and veins as they pumped dark fluid.

"NUURRRR, URRGGLE" I moaned, and turning looked at my back over my shoulders with my eyestalks. There was a large raised hump of hard shell like material about where my shoulders used to be, and I could see a hole along the edge and felt air wheezing in and out of it, and noticed with a start I wasn't able to breathe through my mouth anymore. The raised hump was a darker red then my other back skin and covered in black splotchy spots, and the rest of my back had black stripes running down it, the skin rippling and quivering as it kept spreading and thickening. I could see the lip of the thick covering of rubbery skin pushing down the back of my legs and it came to a rounded point like a flap, and as it progressed it pushed my legs together and I could do nothing to stop it or even slow it down. It was sliding past my knees now and my arms were completely gone though I could feel them squirming inside the covering of skin as I desperately struggled. I gave a slobbering mewling wail of terror as I finally realized I was turning into a slug, a giant red slug!

"GLUUURRGG, URRRGGG!" I slobbered in abject terror, my hideous tongue flailing wildy. The two ridges of skin passed my knees, and I was finding it harder to stand as my legs were pushed closer together. Finally I slipped in the large pool of mucus that had collected at my feet as it oozed and ran down my body. I landed on my back with a loud splat, and squirming and convulsing I tried to get up again, and rearing up to a sitting position watched helplessly as the lip of the pink skin on my belly came to a halt about a foot from my toes, and the thicker rubbery red skin on my back grew up and over my toes and joined with the pink skin as the ridge formed, and the two skins sealed me inside as they joined and became one, and as I watched the outline of my toes disappeared as a large cluster of tubercles grew on the underside of the keel of my new tail. No, no, nooooo, I moaned in my mind, this is insane! "A-URRGGG, NUH, NUH, URGGGLLLE!

I suddenly realized I was getting an erection, but that was impossible, I was already rock hard. I looked in horrified fascination as my penis began to lengthen and thicken, and as it did it changed shape as well as it grew ridges and the glacis became pointed with a thick ridge around the base, and as I continued to watch mesmerized the head suddenly split open and bloomed like a flower with four petals, and a flexible tube like thing emerged, and several inches below it another penis pushed through the pink skin of my belly and became erect as well. But no, it wasn't a penis; somehow I knew it served a different function. NO, NO, NO, I thought, what IS that?? Desperately I humped and thrust at the air, the lust was driving me insane. Bending over I managed to wrap my tongue around my shaft and started stroking, my whole body quivering from the pain and pleasure. And the lust grew and grew until suddenly I came in the most powerful and long lasting orgasm I had ever had, and thick yellowish white ropes of sperm blasted from the tip of my strange new penis and splattered all over my chest and face, but it wasn't over yet. Again and again I humped upward and thrust as I stroked with my tongue, and kept spurting, my penis pumping and throbbing as I gave a wet mewling squeal of ecstasy. Then there was a brief respite as I lay gasping and slobbering. Then the lust returned even more intensely; my penis bobbing and quivering and I mewled again from the unbearable lust, and I came again, but this time frothy pink foam gushed from the tip of my bizarre looking penis and dripped in thick rivulets onto my belly. I slobbered and squealed in sexual ecstasy as it went on and on, but finally it stopped and the tip of my penis closed and it slowly withdrew into my body; along with the other penis like organ, and the two slits sealed behind it until they were barely even noticeable. Without even realizing I was doing it my tongue slithered out and licked the sweet tasting cum; both kinds, off of my face and belly. I had just had my last orgasm as a man as my loins voided themselves of my human seed to make way for a new alien one, and also my first orgasm as a giant slug. I lay gasping as the sexual pleasure faded and the horror of my situation came rushing back a hundred fold. Oh, God, please make it stop! I sobbed in my mind. Now that the pleasure had ended only the terrible reality of what was happening to me remained. I lay there whimpering, my eye stalks frantically bobbing around.

I could still see the outlines of my hips and knees under the heavy skin where my bones pushed against it, and frenziedly I kicked and tried to push them free of their covering. At first I was able to bend at the knees and sit up at the waist, but then I felt my hips collapse as they liquefied and with a splat fell back on my back and could only writhe helplessly as I felt the rest of my bones softening; and then they liquefied too as my body became a boneless bag of jelly and internal organs surrounded by tough rubbery skin. I gave a nasty belch as my internal organs finished changing and rearranging themselves, my body trembling and quivering from the strange feeling of my insides moving around. And it hurt horribly. Please, I thought, please make it stop!

Then it did stop for awhile, and I lay there with air whistling through the hole in my head as I tried to get enough. I was totally exhausted and felt so very strange and confused. Finally I opened my eyes and raised my head up on my supple neck and stared at my body. There was nothing human left, no outlines, no feeling of having bones, no recognizable human features of any kind. My body was a short squat semi rounded tube with a flat belly, or foot as I knew that's what a slug's belly was called. My belly was featureless except for two faint slits about three fourths of the way down, and I could feel something inside the slits, my penis and something else I had no name for. I squirmed and watched as muscular ripples started to run down my "foot" in little waves, and as if that was a signal I gave a wet gasp as my neck and head suddenly began to push forward and my tail began to stretch and grow at the same time as my body became thinner. With every ripple I grew longer as my body squeezed itself into its final new form. And as my head finished changing to its new form I felt my brain change as well, and was aware of a new presence in my mind. The presence grew and I tried to resist it, but it flowed into my mind as I flowed into its; and our minds joined and we became one and I gave one last final mental scream as my awareness emerged with a new awareness that was dominant. The merging was over, two had become one. Glix had entered the second stage of his life cycle.

With a tired gurgle I lay back down and drew my eyestalks into my head to rest. The change had totally exhausted me, but it was now finally complete. I didn't like being on my back though, so with a sinewy heave I flipped over on my foot and quickly slithered under a nearby structure, something that I somehow knew was called a bed, a nest animals slept in. Then, too tired to do anything else I feel into a deep sleep.

When I woke up it was still late Friday night, but I didn't know that. The change had taken over twenty four hours, but was now complete. I was still a slug, but an almost nine foot one weighing over two hundred pounds. I raised my eyestalks and looked at the strange; yet familiar, body. Who am I, WHAT am I? I had memories of a dark world of overcast skies and smoking volcanoes, lava flows and horrible creatures that seemed strange, but well known at the same time. I shut my eyes and tried to think, WHO am I?? Then a name came to me, Glix, I was Glix. But at the same time another name surfaced, a funny name, Robert? I realized that I was neither one nor the other, but both at the same time, a single mind with the memories of two. Confused I pulled my head under the protective lip of my thick rubbery hide and mantle, and pulled in my tail as much as I could and lay there in a puddle of mucus. I was still confused and a little disoriented. Plus I wasn't used to being so smart.

Finally I decided that I was Glix, that Robert had been the host whose body I had assimilated and changed in order to increase in size and enter the next stage of my existence. Because his mind had been so much more advanced and intelligent then my own simple animal awareness much of it had remained and my own new level of intelligence was as great as his/ours. It was a wonderful feeling to finally be fully sentient and aware. But while I had all his memories, or most of them, I was in charge even though my new outlook on life was probably somewhat affected by his. But there was no doubt I was still purely demonic, a product of my own reality, and a predator without mercy despite my new found intelligence. I was still Glix, and always would be. Robert was gone now like a fading dream, except for his memories and some vestigial feelings. I felt no remorse at all, it was an alien concept demons lack.

Hell slugs like Glix used their natural ability to "assimilate" other animals in order to grow in size and intelligence. Most of the higher intelligent life forms in "Hell" had natural defenses and were almost impossible to assimilate, so they usually did so with the native animals. As they were a danger because of this ability most were destroyed even after assimilating with higher life forms, but in isolated areas some truly huge and extremely intelligent slugs survived. But they kept to themselves in order to avoid being destroyed as well. However the life forms in the reality in which Glix now found himself now had no such defenses and were completely vulnerable to assimilation and other demonic ways of changing and/or bending others to their will and/or service. They were perfect for assimilation, providing not only a larger body but true sentient intelligence.

I realized I was hungry, and having memories of the large boxlike object on the top of a counter containing food I slithered part way up the side of the counter and wrapping my tongue around it I pulled it to the floor. I didn't like the ice in it very much, and recoiled from the horrible cold, so I dumped out the contents and waited for the ice to melt. The now defrosted meat was a nice treat, and I also found some fruit and other plants of some kind in a bag and devoured those as well. It wasn't a big meal, but it blunted my appetite. I decided to leave the den and explore the immediate area, but was frustrated as I couldn't get a good grip on the doorknob; my tongue was too slick with mucus. I knew what a door was and how to open it, but just couldn't do it. I was still trying when I heard the sound of something large outside, something I remembered was called a car or truck. Quickly I dropped back down and slithered into the bedroom and hid under the bed again, the edges of the bedspread hung down quite low and no one could see me unless they bent over and lifted the spread up. I heard the "door" open and then the sound of a loud voice calling my, no, the name of the animal I had assimilated. But I recognized the voice, and for some reason felt affection and desire for the female animal, because it was female as I could tell from her scent.

Trish looked at the mess in the front room and kitchen of the cabin and didn't know what to think. She called out Robert's name, but there was no answer. He was probably out in the woods somewhere as his truck was outside. Some animal must have gotten in and ransacked the place, either that or he was a total slob. She hesitated, what if it had been a bear or something? But she didn't think there were any around here anymore. Most likely it was coons or a possum or something. Well, she'd clean up as best she could before he got back, but it looked like they'd be going into town for dinner; either that or have to live off of canned soup. She got a garbage bag and started to pick up the scattered debris, and, ewww, what WAS all this slimy crap? It was all over everything! It looked like snot. Gross.

I stirred under the bed, and cautiously stuck my head out and tested the air. I felt true affection for the strange female animal, and knew at one time I had very much desired to mate with her. They were strange feelings to have for a member of a different species, but not unpleasant. I knew by animal standards the female was considered quite desirable. And to my surprise I felt stirrings of actual lust, a growing desire to mate. I had mated untold times with females in my previous stage, and somehow knew in this stage it would be even more enjoyable. So I decided to take the female, whose name I now remembered was Trish, as my mate. I would assimilate her as well, but in a different way. At last I would be able to have sex with her! I began to prepare myself for our joining. It would take a little time, so I pulled in my head and tail and settled down to wait. I watched as she entered the room more than once to unpack some bags or do other things, and when she stood close to the bed I could smell her and wanted to reach out with my hand, no, my tongue or a sensory stalk and caress her, but knew that had to wait a little longer. But finally I was ready, and went to claim my mate. Whether she would want to be my mate did not matter to me in the least, she had no choice, but in the end she would desire me as much as I desired her.

I'm pretty quiet when I move; slithering on a cushion of slime doesn't make much noise. I slid out from under the bed thing, over to the door, and poked an eyestalk around the corner. The female was still busy in the eating, kitchen (?), area of this strange den. Silently I slithered up behind her scenting her lovely smell; my lust growing, and I guess she must have felt something because she turned around and gasped as she saw me. I tried to talk, momentarily forgetting I did not have that capability, so all I did was slobber and extrude my tongue. Then she screamed, really loud, and so I lashed out with my tongue and stabbed her with the needle on the tip of my inner tongue. She staggered, moaned, and slowly sank to the ground. I slithered over her and gently ran my sensor stalks over her face as I looked down at her. Part of me wished I could tell her not to be scared of me, that I meant her no harm. She stared back, but was unable to move or talk because of the paralyzing toxin I had injected. It would wear off in an hour or so, so there was more than enough time. I actually hesitated for a second as some faint memory considered what I was doing to be wrong, but that was stupid. She was female; I desired a mate, and this was perfectly natural for my kind. The irritating memory pushed aside I proceeded to claim my mate.

Trish didn't know what to think when she saw the THING. She thought she heard a kind of squishing sound, but when she turned around the last thing she expected to see was a giant red slug! The nasty thing must be eight or ten feet long! When it stuck its disgusting tongue out at her, and made slurping sounds she freaked out and screamed. God, she HATED gross slimy worms and stuff. As it pulled its tongue back in its mouth she got ready to run, but suddenly its tongue shot out again, almost too fast to see, and she felt a sting on her leg, then a wave of numbness washed over her body and; unable to stop, she slid to the floor. Then the nasty thing moved over and started to touch her! Oh, gross, gross, gross! What WAS it?

I slowly ran my sensor stalks down her body, her scent arousing me more and more. Though alien it was definitely female. But before joining with her I first had to remove those strange outer skins as they blocked access to her body. Clothes, that's what they were called. I had never heard of such a thing even though I remembered them now. They were alien to me; no one from my own reality had ever worn such things. But if you didn't have scales, hide, or fur I could understand the necessity for them. At first I was frustrated and "missed" having hands as I could remember the weird appendages and how useful they had been. But I quickly found the clothes were fragile, and using my strong tongue I ripped them from her body. I paused at the large soft lumps covering her upper chest, I liked the soft squishy feel and the small hard tips were fascinating. I sucked at them gently with my mouth, wrapping my tongue around them and rubbed the sensitive tip against her, nipples! That's what there were called, now I remember! I spent awhile enjoyed her breasts, and to my surprise the tips got larger and harder as I sucked on them enjoying the sweet taste of her body oils, how very interesting and strangely arousing. The last of her coverings was a strange scanty; and very fragile, piece of cloth that covered her genitals. I ran my tongue under it and removed it with one powerful tug, then I pulled it in my mouth and sucked on it for awhile as it was drenched with her scent and sexual pheromones, which though alien excited me very much. I sucked on it and enjoyed the taste, then spitting out the piece of cloth I explored her body again, before finally slithering between her legs and examining her genitals. I found them strange and wonderful at the same time.

Oh God, what IS it doing, Trish thought? She could feel it touching her, all over! She tried to scream again, but could only whimper as her vocal cords were paralyzed. It ran its nasty slimy tongue under her shirt, and then ripped it off. Next the tongue slide under her bra and across her boobs, and then it ripped her bra off too. She wanted to recoil from its surprisingly warm touch as it ran those weird tentacle things over her breasts; it seemed fascinated by her nipples, but couldn't move. But she could feel just fine. For quite a while it licked and caressed her breasts, even lowering what felt like a mouth over them and sucked for awhile. She was embarrassed to feel her nipples harden under the strangely soft gentle touches as the thing slobbered all over her. She was relieved when it moved down her body to her feet and pulled off her shoes and socks, but when she felt that horrible tongue sliding up her thighs and under her shorts she almost passed out, and with a rip it tore her shorts off and now she was nude except for her panties. Oh God, what does it want, she thought as the tongue ripped her panties off next, and then the thing started chewing on them for awhile, and then spit them out. Ohhh, that was just wrong! God damn it Robert, where the Hell are you?? Your girlfriend is being molested by a giant GROSS slug! Then it moved out of sight again, but she could hear it squishing around. Then it slid up between her legs and she felt its heavy warm body partially covering her legs. It paused at her crotch and she could see the horrible soft wet face of the thing as its tentacles waved in the air. Then it dipped its head, and oh God NO, started to EAT her PUSSY! "NErrrrrrgggg!" She whimpered.

I looked at; and scented, the female's sex, and then ran my tongue out; keeping my teeth retracted, and stroked and tasted the slit between her legs. I was pleasantly surprised at how wet and warm it was inside and slowly slid my tongue in as far as I could, and was again surprised at how far it went inside the female. Her sexual fluids were sweet, and by sliding my tongue in and out of her it caused her to produce more sexual juices which I enjoyed the taste of very much. The fluids were very slick and not unlike my own mucus, very nice. I opened my mouth and sealed it over her crotch and sucked as hard as I could as I stimulated her with my tongue, and felt myself becoming even more aroused. I had never had sex outside of my own species and found the experience of being aroused by an alien female very interesting and enjoyable. I think she appreciated my attentions as despite the paralyzing toxin her body was shuddering slightly and she made strange gasping and moaning whimpers. More than once her body heaved as she gave louder squeals, and larger amounts of fluids flowed from her sex as I eagerly sucked and lapped at her, Mmmm! Finally; reluctantly, I lifted my head and started to slide further up her body. It was time for us to mate, I could wait no longer. I paused at her breast briefly, the slid over them enjoyed their soft flesh against my footpad.

This was NOT happening, Trish thought, even as the monsters tongue slid in and out of her pussy. The damn thing was huge, and it felt like she was being stretched to the maximum, and damn but it felt GOOD! She was getting the best tongue job of her life from a giant slug! Under other circumstances it might have been more enjoyable, but she was still unable to prevent herself from coming several times, especially after the thing started sucking her dry. She kept trying to scream from the horror and pleasure, but could only whimper and moan as her body shuddered through several intense orgasms. She was almost sorry when the slug lifted its head, strands mucus and fluids dripping from its mouth and tongue. With a wet slurp it pulled its tongue back into its gaping toothes maw of a mouth. Thank God, she thought, it's over. Robert, where ARE you!?! God, what would her think if he walked in and saw THIS?

I slithered up over her thighs and onto her stomach, my lust increasing rapidly and I felt my penis start to slide from its vent. First thick lubricating fluid began to leak from me, and then the tip of my penis pushed out. As my head reached her (?) breast, that's what they were, I felt my penis press against; and began to penetrate, her wet, slick, hot sex and I slobbered in lust, but then I ran into a problem. I had two sexual organs, my penis and the other which was used to help stimulate a female's egg sac and make sure all the eggs were fertilized. And as this female did not yet have the opening to accept my other organ I needed to keep it retracted, which was hard to do. But I was able to, and I knew her scent would tell when the time was right to insert the other organ. With a gurgle of lust I began to thrust into her, penetrating her deeper as I kept sliding forward, shuddering from the pleasure.

I slid forward until the fringe of my foot pad completely covered the female's body with only her head showing, and wriggling a little bit I settled in place. She was now completely covered except for her head. The poison was wearing of by now and she was struggling harder, but I had her pinned with my body weight. I began to stroke the entire length of her warm soft body with the muscles in my footpad, gentle ripples flowing down its length as I caressed my lover and my own body quivered in pleasure. She was held firmly in place by my weight, and I began to thrust into her powerfully with my throbbing penis. It had been a long time since I had mated, but it had never been this good even with females of my own species. At first I couldn't achieve complete penetration due to the large size of my penis; nor did I open the tip to insert the insemination tube, but that would change soon. Now came the final joining, so I spread my lip flaps wide and lowered them over her head as I ran my tongue deep into her throat. Then I swallowed her head and my lip flaps sealed around the back of her head and neck and she could no longer be seen. The only thing visible was my quivering straining body as I mated with; and started to assimilate, the female pinned underneath me. And it was wonderful.

Glik's penis is about twenty inches long and almost three inches thick and the tip is pointed with a large flared lip or corona around the base of the glans. The shaft is lined with small ridges and knobs that are very sensitive, and there is a locking ring about three inches from the base. Once it has penetrated a mate the ring swells to lock him inside of her until he is finished mating. Once he has achieved full joining the tip of his penis "blossoms" and he insert a small tube directly into the females egg sac to insure all the sperm reaches it. His other sexual organ resembles a penis as well, but once it penetrated the female's egg laying vent it opens up into four separate tentacles, these then manipulate the egg sac and rotate the eggs to ensure that each egg is fertilized as the penis deposits sperm. It can take hours for two Hell slugs to mate with both orgasming constantly as the male spurts sperm onto each egg as it rubs against his insemination tube. His internal single testicle is huge in order to provide the required sperm and other fluids for such a protracted and thorough coupling. It so efficient the female rarely has non-fertilized eggs after a mating. Whatever else you can say about Hell slugs their sex is fantastic, and like humans they mate strictly for pleasure as well. So Trish was definitely uncomfortable, at least at first.

"Nuuuggghhhh!" Trish moaned as she felt what could only be a penis; a huge one, as it began to penetrate her sopping wet vagina. It kept going in, and in, and in! It was a good thing she was already well lubricated and stretched as it made the penetration almost bearable. And, ooooh God, it felt like he was wearing some sort of a ribbed novelty condom, for the slug was definitely a he. I can NOT, uh,uh,uh, believe, ugggghhhh! I'm being, oooohhh, raped by a, uggghhh! SLUG! And even worse, enjoying it! Oh God, such pleasure! She thought as she helplessly endured the coupling, and it was still going deeper and deeper into her! She felt like she was being split in two. But damn it, it felt so good! She looked up at her "lovers" strange face, and as she watched it opened its mouth like some sort of strange flower and she could see the large fleshy pucker that was its mouth and lowering its head it began to swallow her own head with its soft spongy lips (?)!

Oh nooo, it's going to eat my face! She sobbed. Its mouth was covered in thick mucus and she felt its huge lips (?) easily slide over the back of her head and then its horrible tongue forced its way into her mouth and slid down her throat and she tried to bite it, but it was like rubber over steel. She felt the tongue push past her esophagus and enter her stomach. She gagged, but could do nothing about the intrusion. She could feel that her head was completely inside the things mouth now, its flesh soft and warm, and its body completely pinned and covered her own body. It picked up the speed of its thrusts, and she moaned around the tongue in her throat as a massive orgasm rocked her body. Oh God, she thought, Robert, where the hell are you? Please help me, please make it STOP! She had no idea that it was Robert who was fucking her, at least in a way.

Glix shuddered in ecstasy as he ejaculated for the first of many times, but it was not sperm he injected into the female's body, not yet. The thick fluid was similar to that he had become when his "host" had digested him, but the female would be assimilated in a different manner, she would not become part of him, but would instead become a completely separate female Hell slug, and his mate. At the same time he was pumping more of the assimilation fluid into her stomach through his tongue. As soon as enough of the fluid had been injected into her body she would undergo rapid and complete cellular differentiation into a totally new life form. Glix kept up his steady copulation with the female, his whole body quivering and shuddering in pleasure as he pumped her full of fluid. Only when her transmogrification into his mate was complete would he truly mate with her and inject her with his sperm. The change would take several hours, and the actual mating two more or longer. It would be exquisite, the most pleasure either of them had ever known.

Trish was totally helpless to resist what the horrible creature was doing to her; she was enjoying it too much. She moaned and slobbered around the tongue in her throat as orgasm after orgasm racked her body. Oh God, she thought, it feels so good, how can anything so horrible feel so good? She could feel the thing shuddering as it came and its hot seed spurted deep inside her vagina, to be quickly absorbed to spread throughout her body. Ohhhh, won't it ever stop? And she could feel the things tongue pulsing as it pumped fluid into her. The tongue also provided her with oxygen so she would not suffocate. The things belly rippled in smooth slick gently muscular waves as it caressed her body, and its feel against her skin was unlike anything she'd ever experienced, she'd never felt such pleasure from a mere touch before. The feel on her nipples was incredible, she'd never felt so much pleasure from just having her breasts caressed. She gave a deep muffled moan as another orgasm rocked her body. She stopped caring what was happening so long as the pleasure continued, and gave herself completely over to her strange horrible lover as he thrust ever deeper into her writhing willing body, and she did her best to open herself to him even more, it felt like every thrust was penetrating her even deeper. Ohhhhhh GOOOODD, she thought as she came again and again.

Glix shuddered in pleasure again as he pumped more fluids into the female, he could feel; and scent, the first part of her change starting. He extruded extra mucus to coat her body and keep it moist. Her transformation would be less strenuous then when he had merged with Robert, and would not take as long. Because he would be keeping her at an extreme level of sexual arousal and pleasure she would suffer little, and the change would be less traumatizing to her mind. Because as in the case of Glix the new female would retain much of the memories of the human female she had originally been, but also like Glix her mind would be that of a Hell slug. The human memories would be of use though. Yes, it was definitely underway, he could feel; and taste, her own body which was protective layer of mucus. She would basically liquefy within the mucus sac as her outer skin formed, and reform into her new body. His body shuddered again as he pumped more genetic fluid into her. Rivulets of mucus began to ooze from around the edges of his foot pad as the female was entirely encased in the thick gelatinous sack. When she emerged from the sack it would be as an entirely new being.

Trish felt strange, the sexual pleasure was incredible, but there was something else now too. She felt disoriented and lethargic as a burning warmth spread throughout her body, almost like she was daydreaming or dozing and half awake. Her body felt heavy and shapeless, like a sack of jelly. She tried moving her toes and fingers, and while she could for awhile eventually that feeling faded. Slowly she lost her sense of feeling with her body and drifted into a state of constant sexual euphoria. What, she thought, what's happening? I feel so, so weird. Her legs grew together and her arms were slowly absorbed into her body. Her bones began to liquefy and break down to be used to fuel the transformation, and her internal organs began to change and rearrange themselves as her body weakly convulsed. Her skull liquefied and her head changed shape, becoming spongy and shapeless, then growing eyestalks and sensors, but they stayed withdrawn for now. And the sexual pleasure increased even though she could no longer feel her nipples. Her teeth and nose disappeared and her mouth enlarged into a wet maw as her chin and cheeks became large rubbery flaps and her own growing tongue started to caress the one in her mouth. As her body lost the last of its human shape a red tough rubbery skin began to form over her back and a mantle grew to cover her lower back about where her collar bones had once been. Her breasts and nipples shrank and the disappeared without a trace and another vent developed several inches below her vaginal vent. And her sexual euphoria reached new almost unbearable levels. Her belly and thighs grew a pinkish colored sandpaper textured skin that formed into a foot pad and tubercles grew along her sides and in a cluster under the keel of her new tail. Her own foot pad began to respond to the caresses of her mate and soon small muscular ripples of her own were running down its length matching his, which signaled her mate to start depositing sperm as her change was almost complete, and to penetrate her new vent with his other sexual organ in order to gently caress her eggs and make sure each was fertilized by spreading his foamy sperm over them. And that act was also extremely pleasurable as well, the both orgasmed every time he pumped in a new spurt of sperm as he carefully fertilized each egg.

Her mind was the last to go as it slowly became something more primitive; but still as intelligent as the human mind could make it. She felt it happening, but for some reason wasn't worried as it felt right even as her human awareness faded away. And while retaining the Trish memories, the new mind was entirely demonic. And as with Robert she was still Trish in a way, but with an entirely new outlook on existence and life in general. And as her mate continued to deposit sperm through his rapidly thrusting penis she woke up and began to twist and writhe underneath his pinning weight as she had her first orgasms as a fully formed female Hell Slug, and her struggles drove him to greater efforts to pleasure her, at which he succeeded admirably. She stroked and caressed him back and knew she had a strong and desirable mate as she felt his seed fill her and his other member gently caress the eggs in her sac. She carried almost a thousand of them now, but would only lay about a hundred at a time, and constantly produced more eggs that needed fertilizing on a regular basis. Hell slugs were prolific breeders due to the high morality rate of their kind in their native reality. In their native world only about two out of a hundred lived to reach maturity, in this world almost all would.

Glix was quite pleased; the transformation was proceeding quickly and without any distractions or problems. Even had he been forced to dismount from his mate to defend her; or for some other reason, the change would continue to its completion. Once started, it was irreversible. But it was much more enjoyable if they stayed coupled. He felt the females form become more even as her shape changed and her boney interior structure collapsed as she became less human, felt her smooth slick skin become rougher and began to respond to his constant caresses, and he shuddered in delight. Her felt her lower vent form and open to him, and felt her own tongue start to grow and caress his own. He did not withdraw his own tongue yet as he had to keep her supplied with oxygen until he released her as otherwise she would suffocate as her breathing hole was blocked for now. But the feel of her own large fleshly lip flaps sucking and rubbing against the inside his throat was most enjoyable. He felt the exact moment when the change was completed, but did not dismount yet as he kept mating with her. Finally; quite some time later, he climaxed one last time and was spent. He kept his manipulator organ inside her for awhile to ensure the eggs were all fertilized by gently rotating and caressing the precious orbs and smearing his semen over them.

Her struggles were becoming stronger, so reluctantly he pulled his organs from her and let her head slide out of his mouth. She instantly extended her eye stalks and sensory tentacles, and while their sensory tentacles rubbed and tasted one another their eyes stared into the others with interest and love as they met for the first time, and each liked what they saw very much. They were the eyes of Hell Slugs, but bright with intelligence. Finally he removed his tongue from her throat and hers caressed it the whole time, and they stayed entwined for a while longer. Then they pressed their large lip flaps together and ran their tongues down one another's throats as they "kissed" passionately, their eyes staring into the others with pure love in them. Then he quickly slid off of her in a fluid slithering movement, well lubricated by the thick mucus still covering her body. As soon as his weight was gone she flipped over on her foot and extending and raising her eyestalks she looked around. Glix slithered over to her side and quickly licked the thick mucus from her breathing hole and with a deep wheezing sound she started breathing through it. Then he tenderly and gently began to stroke her lovely body with his tongue and eat the mucus coating it; it would be a shame to let such nutritious mucus go to waste, she was so very beautiful he thought, enchanted by her smooth rubbery hide.

Trish/slug felt her mate shudder one last time as he spurted again, and then as his penis slid from her she orgasmed one final time, and he let her head slide from his mouth. She extended her eyestalks and saw her mate for the first time; that is as another slug. She rubbed against his own sensor tentacles to taste and get to know him better and stared into his own reptilian eyes. She saw love and adoration in his eyes, and in turn realized she loved him. He had been a gentle considerate mate, and she could feel her eggs and knew they had been fertilized. She gave a wet gurgle as his tongue slid from her mouth and she held onto it with her own as she tasted him and they pressed their mouth lips together briefly and kissed, and then his weight left her body as he slid off of her. With a mighty heave she flipped over onto her foot pad, and he quickly moved to her side and she turned her head and watched as he licked a thick coating of mucus from her breathing hole and with a gasp she took a deep breath. Then he began to gently lick the rest of the mucus off her body, and she joined him as she was hungry and the mucus was delicious. The pair of them quickly had her body clean and shiny, and then they turned their attentions to the large puddle on the floor. She looked at him from time to time and thought the patterns of his spots and stripes were very handsome, and he was young and strong. Yes, she was very satisfied and happy with this mate, he was magnificent and virile.

Glix watched, entranced, as his mate ate her share of the mucus that had coated her body during her rebirth. She was a darker red then him and also had black spots on her mantle and black stripes on her back. Her head was black and her eyestalks were red in color, her sensory stalks dainty and feminine. He thought she was absolutely the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, sleek and smooth, sensuous and graceful. Now that they had eaten she had become still and seemed confused and unsure of herself. Their kind could not talk, but they had other ways to communicate. He slithered over to her and gently rubbed his eyestalks against hers, carefully and tenderly, his touch light and soft. He changed his scent to let her know he was hers, now and for the rest of their lives. It was his way of showing his love for her. After a slight hesitation she returned his feelings, and they pressed their lips together and curled their tongues around one another's; with the teeth retraced of course. He felt her hesitation and uncertainty fade as the slug mind completely took over. She was still Trish in a way, but at the same time an entirely new being. He knew how she felt; he had felt the same way after becoming Glix/Robert.

Her stomach full Trish finally stopped eating to try and understand, to comprehend, what had happened to her. She did not find it horrible or wrong in any way, just strange and wonderful. Her mate approached her and gently let his love for her be known, and she let him know of her love for him. It was done with both touch and scent, and they passionately "kissed" for a long time. She could remember she had been different once, but it was a faded memory, of no real importance. She still thought of herself as Trish, but Trish slug, the human Trish was gone. She knew exactly what she was as her more primitive mind had that knowledge built into it, an ancestral memory of some kind? But that was of no importance as well, she just knew she knew. The main thing was she had a strong and handsome mate, and her belly was full of fertilized eggs. What more could she want? The strange human memories did not bother her, Trish was gone, her Hell slug name was Glixna, which meant "mate of Glix". That was just fine with her, it was a good name. Since they couldn't speak this "name" was actually her scent, and any other slug would know it. A life mated slug has a different scent from an unmated one. A female can choose a mate just for breeding, but not for a life mate. Some females may produce thousands of young, but never accept a mate for life. The same with males, some prefer to be "playboys" and just mate with females and leave them, will other prefer to settle down with a harem of life mates. This does help to spread the gene pool around as even a slug that is mated for life will accept other mates temporarily.

It was time to find a better den, this one; house (?), was not a very good one. It was too bright and dry, and while there was food it was not the best kind. They finished eating the rest of the mucus, found the trash can and got a few goodies out of it, then finding an open window they both exited and she followed her mate into the woods. Glixna had no regrets about what she was leaving behind, that was gone forever. Her mate politely left a thick trail of mucus for her as she followed him, and she reabsorbed it into her body as she slithered after him. In that way they left no trail by which they could be tracked by a predator, but they need not have worried, in this world they had no predators. In fact they were now near the top of the food chain.

They found a nice large wet cave full of fungus and mold to eat, and the woods provided a fairly good supply of prey animals. About a month later Trish laid her clutch of eggs, a hundred grayish pearl shaped spheres. She still had many more eggs in her sack, but did not want to lay too many at a time. She remained close by until they hatched a few weeks later and Glix dutifully kept her supplied with food by regurgitating it for her. Unlike normal slugs they guarded and protected their young diligently. The baby slugs, unlike their parents, were still basic Hell slugs, full grown they would be about fifteen inches long until they could find; and assimilate, a "host". Until then they had the primitive minds of slugs. They would ride on the backs of their parents; either one or both, until they were full grown. But after that they still stayed together in a kind of loose colony as they instinctively knew the larger slugs would provide protection. But soon enough the young would need to set off on their own as the local environment would not be able to support so many slugs for very long as the local food supply would become exhausted.

Glix began to realize he needed to find an even better home for his "family". He now had another mate in addition to his first as he had caught a pair of the human animals hiking in his territory. He had transformed and mated with the new female, and while he did that his first mate had stripped and swallowed the male human alive as she ate him. It had been easy as he was still paralyzed and helpless. Her powerful lips and mouth muscles had pulled him in slowly and easily and she had savored his salty taste. When he had finished transforming and mating with the new female slug they had both introduced themselves too her, but Glixna had a little trouble because of the still wriggling toes sticking out of her mouth, but finally with several more powerful swallows they had slid out of sight. After that Glixna had to let her massively swollen body rest for several days until the meal was digested before she could move easily. Neither she nor Glix had any qualms or hesitation about feeding on the animals they had once been; despite their human memories to their slug minds they were just food, or potential hosts or mates. However only males could assimilate females as mates. Each of Glix's mates had the same name of Glixna, but it was not confusing to them at all as they identified each other by sight and scent, not sound, and each had a unique scent. It did not matter if one was his first mate, or last, they were all equal in his eyes and he loved them all, and they loved him. And the females had no hierarchy or pecking order. They all cared equally for the young, whether they had hatched from their eggs or another females. They considered all the young to be their own. And Glix and any of his mates would fight to death to defend their young. In their first stage the young would have been on their own, but now they were intelligent enough to have very strong paternal instincts. And if a young went missing; or died for some reason, they would all get together in a huddle and mourn as that was one human emotion they retained.

Finally Glix decided it was time to find a new den, and leading his three mates (he had added a former female park ranger to his harem) with clusters of young riding on their backs had led them into the sewer system of a nearby medium sized city. They found the sewers to be perfectly delightful homes. They we not bothered by the filth or anything else. And slowly they spread as they were prolific breeders, each female laying about fifty to a hundred eggs once a month. The eggs hatched in four to six weeks depending on the environment, and the young slugs became mature in about a year. In five years they were capable of assimilating a host. And like humans then enjoyed sex for the mere pleasure, and females carrying eggs remained sexually active and continuously produced more eggs requiring fertilization. Glix added another dozen females to his harem, and the first of their young were now large enough to start finding mates and/or hosts as well. Glix had now reached a stage where his main duty was keeping his mates serviced, and his body became thicker in the center to accommodate his greatly enlarged testicle and he was capable of mating with up to six females a day. The females now took care of him and brought him most of his food as he was too busy servicing his mates to hunt. Both human females and males could be assimilated directly, but only females could be assimilated by mating with them while still human. Either way they became new Hell slugs. Because of the 50 to 1 ratio of female to male slugs most males had very large harems, but they had no trouble keeping the females well serviced and their eggs fertilized. A dominant male slug lived in constant sexual euphoria.

Of course eventually they were noticed as so many people started disappearing, or more often being reborn as Hell slugs. But by then it was way too late as they had spread to every continent on earth. Young had accidently; or deliberately, stowed away in food shipments onboard ships and planes, traveled by land or water, or whatever other means available. They were now among the top predator in the food chain, and despite having no technology or weapons other than their natural ones they were more than a match for humankind. Slugs with human memories knew how to use human technology against them, and they were virtually immune to human weapons. Fire had no effect on them, chemicals and toxins just fed them, bullets had little effect, and while they could be blown apart their parts just regenerated into new slugs. Even a nuclear blast had little effect, unless they were within a short distance of ground zero. Compared to the environment in which they had evolved this reality was a paradise. Plenty of food, plenty of hosts, and soon large colonies of intelligent slugs were thriving.

Of course by the time they were noticed and had become a serious threat the humans had much more to worry about as the Portals of Hell had opened and the invasion had begun. And compared to the other creatures that came pouring through the slugs were a minor nuisance. And in many cases communities of slugs even allied themselves with humans against other demons as they were now intelligent enough to know that it was for their own best interests as most other demons would only destroy them as vermin if they took control. And since all the giant slugs had once been human communication was not as difficult as you would think, and they felt an affinity for the race that provided them the opportunity to become intelligent beings. Eventually they stopped feeding on humans as they realized it was almost a form of cannibalism. It was an odd concept for predators like the Hell slugs, but once accepted they did not break the taboo. No more humans for food, hosts or mates only. Many humans actually volunteered to be "assimilated" to provide more valuable slug soldiers in the ongoing conflict since they were immune to most of the "magic" used by the other denizens of Hell. So humanity acquired powerful new; very strange, allies in their battle against the invaders as the Gates of Hell opened.

The End, for now.


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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Forlorn Dragon, Chapter 1 By William W. Kelso The Dragoness shifted in the darkness, trying uselessly to find a more comfortable position on the cold stone floor of the chamber in which she had...

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