Giving In

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#1 of Struggling for Release (Chastity/BDSM Themes)

Rei, the kinky Alpha white tiger, has a rather curious request for Druff, the daddiest of dommy tigers. What does the white cat have in mind?

Giving In


_ Gruffy _

_ 2016 _


Hello everyone!

This is an "In Bed With Gruffy..." commission for avatar?user=201438&character=0&clevel=2 1mastermind who seems to have enjoyed the whole clan of Gruffies...and still hungry for seconds, I think! That dirty white tiger is surely a match for even the lustiest of felines...but I suggest you read on and find out just what he has gotten himself into this time around!

Remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!


Druff took considerable pride in the fact that he was considered a good host by many. Visitors to his home were treated to the best of times that the tiger could muster, and he would not pull any stops when it come to making sure that his guest enjoyed themselves.

The academic cat and his white and black-striped companion had retreated into his boudoir after a considerable amount of food and drink enjoyed in the academic tiger's dining room. The classical music that had played softly during their sumptuous meal followed them over to the living room as well and set a suitably fancy background for them to lounge on the large couch with whiskey snifters in their paws. The two could let the conversation flow between them, tails flicking about, both big cats enjoying their full bellies and the flavor of the expensive liquor over their tongues. Their purrs were amiable, and steady, relaxed to almost the point of slumber.

"Druff," said the white tiger, after clearing his throat.

The big feline flicked his ears cheerfully in his drinking buddy's direction.

"What goes through your mind, oh Mister Loire?"

The white tiger wrinkled his nosepad a little in amusement at such a formal manner of address coming from the cat he was in rather close terms with. He knew it to be exactly Druff's kind of dry humor.

"Many things as always, though I suspect not as many as in your mind, Herr Druff," the white tiger murmured.

Druff's smile broadened.

"Do you intend to flatter me now?" he questioned.

Rei's ears flickered appropriately.

"I know it to be the truth," he said. "Many things are always brewing in that head of yours."

Druff let out a pleased rumble.

"My job requires me to think a great deal," he said. "Think and ponder..."

Rei chuckled.

"Sometimes spending time to think up new story ideas for your son as well, I suspect."

Druff's smile flashed with his teeth. The tiger appeared to find the suggestion amusing.

"I usually prefer the ideas I put forward to him to be inspired by true events," said the tiger often known as the Professor.

Rei smirked.

"So that is why they are such raunchy stories?" the German tiger stated.

Druff flicked his ears sweetly.

"I don't even dare to tell him all the lurid details for the fear of embarrassing that poor boy," he said.

"Hmmmm," Rei sounded dubious.

Druff swirled the liquor around the snifter in his paw.

"So, before we began to exchange pleasantries, you appeared to have something on your mind," said the Druff, "I would like to hear that."

"Ach, yes," Rei nodded. "There is something indeed I would talk about."

"Jawohl!" mused the Druff. "I am listening."

He flicked his ears for emphasis and gave his most gregarious smile to the white tiger, the sort that would have surely made him suspect of Druff's well meaning expressions.

The white tiger contemplated his question for a moment before he spoke again.

"I think it is the best I show you," Rei said.

"Oh I like shows too..." purred the big tiger cheekily.

Rei chuffed at his naughty host before he went on to do his business. The white tiger placed his paw into his pocket and took out an object he held on his big palm while presenting it for Druff's scrutiny.

"This is what I had a in mind," said Rei, matter-of-fact.

Druff leaned forward a little to pry on the item in question. His ears gave a rather surprised flicker at recognition. The shiny metal contraption resting on the tiger's palm was indeed of a familiar shape, although curious enough to have the Professor exclaim with delight.

"My, my!"

Rei nodded in agreement.

"It is the latest model in the 'Zealous' range," the white tiger described, "designed for maximum comfort and effectiveness. Long term wear, obviously."

Druff let out a chuckle.

"You're talking about a chastity cage like you would talk about a new phone or another that sort of a gadget!" he chuckled happily and went for a sip of his drink.

Rei let out a chuff of his own, but he was smiling and nodding in agreement.


Druff reached out.

"May I?"

"Of course."

The tiger picked up the device and held it on his own fingers.

"Light," was his first comment.

"Titanium," Rei said. "Minimum thickness for maximum comfort and discreetness. It is designed to completely enclose the unaroused sheath to prevent all erections. Any arousal will be uncomfortable."

"German engineering?" Druff winked as he rolled the cage about in his fingers, feeling its shape expertly.

"Dutch," replied Rei.

"Naturally!" Druff chuckled.

He continued to investigate the cage with a keen eye. It had a ring that secured it around the testicles and metal rods that were mean to secure the device around a sheath and hence make sure that any erection would quickly be quenched out by the rigid metal. It all felt warm on his pads, having been in the white tiger's pocket and hence sharing his body's warmth.

"Yes...very fine make," Druff commented again, "perfectly smooth. Not prone for chafing, I presume."

"It ought not to," Rei said. "I have ensured to choose the model that is the best fit."

Druff smirked knowingly.

"Sounds like you've already got some unlucky bastard lined up to receive the honor of wearing this," the Professor commented.

Rei nodded.

"I do indeed," he said. "I intend to wear it myself."

Druff's previously quite mild expression grew instantly more involved at this remark. A glance at the serious countenance of the tiger sitting next to him told the Professor that Rei was not joking about the topic either.

"I see," purred the Professor.

He took another sip from his snifter. The heat of the alcohol going down his throat was nothing compared to the blaze that was quickly developing in his pants at the thought of what the white tiger had just spoken of.

"You appear doubtful," Rei commented.

Druff chuckled. He licked his lips clean of the drops that had stuck there, and let out a satisfied sigh.

"I am surprised, is all," he said, "Usually you are the one to snap such things on others."

Rei let out an amiable rumble.

"Of course," he murmured, "another reason why I intend to try it myself. Any good dom should know what he puts his subs through, from personal experience."

Druff nodded thoughtfully.

"That is an opinion some hold, yes," he said.

Rei chuffed.

"Not something you think then?" he proposed.

Druff rolled his snifter in his free paw thoughtfully.

"I find BDSM a rather...empathetic process," he said, "interpretation of all those subtle cues of domination and submission, and working the game accordingly. I've found that to be quite sufficient."

Rei smirked.

"So you think you can imagine what it is like?" he stated. "For the sub who has been in chastity for weeks and is exploding to climax, yet will not reach that orgasm until his Master finally decides he deserves that pleasure?"

Druff's erection did not subside under the florid description.

"I like to think so," the big tiger mused.

His black and white striped feline companion snuffled.

"Perhaps you can blame me for lack of imagination then, but I would rather experience the denial part myself," he said, "I have already experimented with holding myself back, which I find quite difficult. After one or two days the desire simply grows too great."

Druff chuckled at the sound of that.

"So you think that to get the perfect experience of blue balls you would..." he rolled the chastity cage over his palm like a toy, "rather be locked up into this thing and see just how bad it gets..."

Rei huffed. He was starting to sound as aroused as Druff was feeling. The thought pleased him.

"You seem to like the idea, Druff," the white tiger commented, "locking a fellow Alpha into chastity and watching him grow more and more lustful until he can't take it anymore and begs you to remove it to give him relief..."

Druff let out a growl. He could very well imagine it, and the idea was very arousing.

"You would beg?" he stated.

Rei let out a warning rumble.

"I did not say I would go that far," he said.

Druff winked.

"They've been known to beg under my paws..." the big tiger grinned.

Rei gave him a sharp look.

"You think you would make me beg?" he questioned.

Druff tapped the side of the chastity cage with a fingerpad.

"I did not claim that," Rei said, "although...perhaps that would add to the challenge..."

"Now what would?" said the Druff. The white tiger's thoughtful face gave him consternation.

Rei grinned sharply.

"If you manage to make me beg, you can keep me as your bottom boy for a week..." the white tiger said.

Druff could barely keep the aroused growl back at the idea of the big tiger in his service.

"...but I do hear a condition here," he managed to say.

Rei's eyes flashed mischievously.

"...and should you fail, you'll agree to wear a cage for a week yourself to find out what it really feels like to be in denial and constant need."

Druff harrumphed.

"You drive a very..._hard..._bargain," he said.

"I know that you have to be handled with a firm paw to get the results I want," Rei said.

The tiger wondered if Rei was intentionally winding him up. He found it to be a clear possibility under the circumstances.

"The result...of being utterly dominated by need..."Druff said.

"I told you what I want," Rei stated. "And you just said it spot on."

Druff's ears flicked like two halves of a machinery clicking along in the process of thought. The tiger's proposal was wonderfully erotic, although carrying its inherent risk. He might risk losing his face should he end up playing into Rei's paws. The white tiger was as wily as his host, and Druff knew this for a fact. But the prospect of dominating someone so thoroughly, and in a new way as well, when it came to Druff's naughty interactions with his kinky fellow tiger.

"Well, damn..." said Druff, "I think I need another drink."

He peered at his empty snifter before getting up from the couch. His erection rubbed on the front of his pants when he moved. Druff bit his teeth together.

"Do I need to give you some time to consider this, Druff?" the still seated cat mused.

Druff moved to the drinks cabinet and poured more whiskey into the snifter.

"Do you want another whiskey?" he asked from Rei.

"I am good for now, thank you."

Druff sipped from the snifter. He realized that he still had the cage in his paw. It was starting to feel hot from all the physical contact. Druff glanced at the evil device and then at the white tiger relaxing on the couch. The white and black striped tail bounced playfully against one of Rei's legs. He looked to be completely at ease despite the weighty proposal he had just put on the table.

The Professor rumbled, feeling the alcohol do its job.

"I do wonder if you could handle it," Druff mused.

"What now?"

"The long denial," Druff said. "The desperation to cum."

Rei simply nodded.

"I believe it will make the eventual orgasm to be very satisfying and something worth waiting for," he spoke convincingly.

Druff's smile grew rather crooked, looking at the white tiger in question.

"And you think you would not beg for that release even if I was milking your prostate and playing with your nipples, telling you how all you needed to do to get that climax was to relent and say please?"

Druff rumbled after his own words. He was getting more and more worked up, even from his own description of how he wanted for things to play out. He could feel the heat growing by the minute.

Rei's nod was almost annoyingly calm.

"Riding your cock, I presume," he said. "What a better way to encourage a pent up male to give up his seed and cum without touching himself at all while still locked in chastity?"

Druff could practically imagine the pearls of seed dribbling away from the steel-colored cage while the tiger panted in desperation in his own sweaty heap of post-orgasmic bliss.

He had to resort to his drink once more. Rei chuckled at the sight.

"I can tell you enjoy the idea, Druff."

The tiger chuckled.

"Which one of us was the one who was supposed to dominate the other?" Druff muttered.

Rei flicked a companionable ear at his host.

"See, you are already learning new things about domination and submission," the white tiger said.

Druff chortled.

He only barely held back the urge to adjust the front of his pants. He could smell Rei's arousal as well. The masculine musk was as deep as his own, potent and strong almost beyond the tiger's physical size. It was no wonder to Druff that the white tiger commanded such respect with ease. Subs fell to their knees almost without an order from the big tiger. Just a look usually sufficed, or a whiff of the tiger's dark musk.

It made him want to snort his head clear.

"Right..." Druff stated.

"Yes?" questioned Rei.

Druff rumbled away.

"If we do it, it should be done properly, don't you agree?" the tiger murmured in his best tone.

Rei smirked toothily.

"I would not have it any other way, Druff," he said.


The definition for 'proper' gained a wholly new meaning when it came to the tiger duo of Druff and Rei. Only fifteen minutes passed from their earlier exchange of words and at the end of that time the white tiger was on all fours on the floor of Druff's private dungeon. The white tiger wore a black leather harness and a collar as signs of his role as the submissive party in their play, but the bondage extended beyond that as well. Druff fitted all four limbs of the white tiger into thickly padded leather sleeves that folded his arms and legs upon themselves so that once these heavily buckled and strapped devices were in place, the tiger was forced to stand on his elbows and his knees. The position was not particularly comfortable and put his limbs into odd positions that only added to his predicament in the situation.

"You look very good now, Rei," the Druff commented on the state of his playmate, gazing down to him.

He had adorned himself with leather as was appropriate. Jock, harness, cuffs, collar, arm straps, even a cap of the military style that made him look especially naughty. Fingerless gloves completed the look of a bondage master, like something directly off the page of a fetish publication. He could have invented the style, or at least modeled it to perfection.


Rei's answer was a simple loud breath. Druff had filled his muzzle with a rubber gag he'd been made to bite on before it was strapped into place with leather around his neck and even about his muzzle, like something put on a misbehaving dog. Saliva flowed from the corners of his clenched teeth due to the tiger being unable to swallow properly for the moment. He already looked very cross, although his arousal was undeniable. A proud feline erection jutted from the apex of his beefy thighs and showed his fellow tiger that Rei was enjoying everything, including the humiliating bondage. The very smell of the leather embracing his body was an additional turn-on.

"We do have a problem, however..." said the Druff.

His eyes turned to his side. The chastity cage was sitting on a little stainless steel cart the tiger employed for holding any toys and accessories he might need at a moment's notice. A quick glance at the titanium device and the white tiger bound on the floor gave him an idea on the magnitude of the problem he was alluding to. He wasn't sure whether Rei thought of it despite his gesturing. He suspected the white tiger was only thinking that Druff intended to heckle him.

"What to do...what to do indeed..." Druff rubbed his chin.

Rei scowled at him. Druff knew that the position he was in was hardly comfortable. He would be sore, no matter what amount of time he was going to spend in such a posture - and both of them knew as much.

"Aha!" Druff snapped his fingers. "An idea..."

The white tiger looked at him quizzically. Druff grinned.

"Come here, boy."

He moved to the other side of the room and pointed out a particular spot.

"Come here."

Leather creaked when Rei moved awkwardly on his newly made stumps and to the indicated place in the bondage dungeon. Druff crouched down upon his approach and tousles the tiger's head furs.

"Good boy," he murmured while doing the patronizing gesture.

Rei growled again.

"Now, stay..."

Druff moved about the stationary tiger to bind him to the floor. D-rings on hinges were fitted that could be lifted up from their storage position and lock into place for occasions like this when someone had to be tied down on the floor in such a manner. It required relatively little effort for Druff to use firemen's hooks to secure the tiger's binders onto the floor. With both his arms and legs tied down in such a fashion, he would not be able to move away into any direction.


Stainless steel rattled when Rei tested whether it really was so.

Druff chuckled and swatted the tiger's ass with a tense paw. It made a satisfying clap and sent Rei's tail into the air. He growled again.

"Yes, I knew you would," the tiger chuckled.

Druff got up and moved about the room again to gather his wares. Rei could not see what the big tiger was up to, considering his movements happened for most part behind him. Druff kept glancing at the bound white tiger while he was at it. It was a rare treat to get such a large, dirty Alpha male as his sub in the dungeon. He was going to make the very best out of this all.

"Hmmm...I didn't really have anything prepared but you know me...I am always ready to improvise..." Druff chuckled.

He looked at the white tiger's tail lashing about. Druff decided to make some extra noise by banging cabinet doors and clinging items to one another in the hopes of riling Rei up some more. The movements of the tail were a good hint as to the success.

" I have everything ready..." he mused, and sounded more like someone wondering if they had remembered to buy the coffee filters and not whether kinky BDSM equipment rested in his paws or not.

He moved behind the white tiger, and knelt outright on the floor.

"Hmph...perhaps I should get one of those gardener's kneeling things..." the Druff commented.

Rei tried to turn to look at him. Druff stopped him by tugging on his tail hard. Rei let out a growl through his gag.

"Try to be a good boy're so close to getting your prize..." Druff purred.

He stroked along the tail, as if to work to soothe Rei for the moment. He did not keep that up for very long. He had other tasks to attend to, and the white tiger's rear was high on the list of targets. Druff ran his fingertips down into Rei's taint and stroked along the warm fur. He knew that it was a gentle touch, one to draw pleasure from. The soft undulation of the flesh under his pads told him that this was the effect now as well.

"Such a fine piece of maleness..." said Druff. "Splendid...beautiful..."

His murmurings were soft, but sounded almost threatening under the circumstances. The very light touch could turn into something else altogether without a warning. Druff knew very well that the white tiger drew a great thrill from that fact, the great unknown that came from letting someone else decide for him. That was the source of the white tiger's ultimate pleasure, and for Druff...being the provider was more than enough to get his blood going.

Druff decided to terminate such poetic ponderings by jamming fingers against the tiger's asshole. Rei let out a growl, even if the anus in question flexed encouragingly. Druff eased the touch to be a more pleasant one while he made simple circles around the white tiger's hole.

"...and with a very amusing hole to play with, too..."

He didn't keep the play simple for long. The tiger lifted one of the objects he had placed to the floor next to his bound playmate. It was an elongated black butt plug of a curious design, considering that two black tubes extended from the flared base. The plug already glistened with a copious amount of lubricant the tiger had slathered it with during his preparations.

"...and to fill..."

The Druff shoved the plug into Rei's ass without further warning. The white tiger growled at the sudden penetration, of feeling the slippery toy push past his pucker and into his ass. It's narrow shape meant that it went deep very quickly and made him clench around it. His dick throbbed, driven back and forth by the flexing of his muscles, in and out.

The tiger behind him smiled with pleasure at the sight of the toy moving ever so subtly from this internal propulsion.

"That's right..." the Druff mused.

He wasn't sure if the cat in front of him could imagine what would happen next, but he was about to find out. Druff began this process by taking a hold of a rubber bulb on the end of the one of the tubes now hanging along Rei's taint. A quick twist on a screw on top of the bulb closed a one-way valve and meant that when he squeezed on the bulb, air moved into the inflatable plug now lodged up Rei's ass.




"A splendid training aid, don't you think, my fellow Dom?" Druff used a particularly teasing tone when he enunciated Rei's usual sexual role.



The tiger growled again. His rear was getting stretched subtly but surely by every squeeze from the tiger's paw that pumped more air into the toy.



"Had enough yet?" Druff chuckled. He slapped the white tiger's ass and felt him tense, but once his paw went down and copped a feel of Rei's cock he found it still fully hard and rearing for action.

"Guess not..."



Druff grinned to himself. Hearing the tiger's noises was very arousing to him, yet he knew that he had only started yet.

"I don't think simply getting your ass stuffed is going to make that erection go down enough for me to lock you up..." he murmured in a soft tone that ended up simply sounding menacing under the circumstances, "but worry not, I have something else in mind that will surely do the trick. And if not..."

He let out another chuckle.

" must be a bigger masochist than I could have ever thought."

The bound tiger let out a dark huff.

"This will be uncomfortable," Druff said, "but I think that's exactly what we need now, isn't it?"

The tiger didn't even growl for an answer. Druff decided that Rei was probably not wanting to give away too much of his ire, let alone enjoyment of the dirty treatment.

Druff set onto action anew. He took hold of the second tube extending from the base of the inflatable plug. This one did not have a pump ball on the end but rather terminated in a port, as well as one of the screw vents. He twisted this one open and then attached a large blunt-tipped plastic syringe into the smooth rubber port. The surface of the large syringe was slick to touch when he picked it into one paw.

"Enjoy," Druff grumbled.

He used his other paw to empty the contents of the syringe into the tiger in a long, steady push.


Rei let out a sharp breath and a growl the moment he felt the fluid starting to flow into him. Druff had filled the syringe with simple water, but it was very cold, practically freezing, and gave a proper shock to the white tiger's insides when the daddy cat forced Rei's bowels to fill with the cold liquid. His insides coiled and clenched immediately from the unusual stimulation caused by not only being filled to a greater degree, but from the drop in temperature as well.

"I thought you would appreciate that" said the Druff.

He saw the tiger's entire body shuddering from the ruthless stimulation. Muscles flexed in a most attractive fashion, and the tiger's tail bounced erratically. Druff licked his lips. He closed the valve and pulled the syringe away from the port once he had deposited all of its contents into Rei's plugged ass.

"There, there..."

Druff pet the tiger's butt, despite knowing the turmoil he had caused inside Rei's ass. The white tiger was huffing, growling and panting, obviously in a great deal of discomfort from the curious anal treatment. His tail wouldn't stay still either. Even his stomach growled, besides his throat.

"Enjoying this, baby?" Druff smirked.

"_Hghrrrr!"_Rei growled through his gag.

"I'm sure this is exactly what you need..."

Druff felt the tiger up again.

"Ah, is working indeed..."

The tiger's erection was wilting rapidly.

"Maybe I should've brought some ice, too...use it more directly..."

He snapped the tip of Rei's member with his fingertips and listened to the resulting grumble. The terror of the ice water enema was truly working. Druff was encouraged to pick up the titanium chastity device from where he had left on the floor along with his other wares.

"I think this is going to be interesting..." Druff mused.

He had to lie down on the floor to get his paws to the area between Rei's thighs. As much fun as the bondage arrangement was to look at, it did not offer the best work ergonomics for a dom daddy intending to lock his playmate up in chastity.

"...hmm...upside down view...curious..."

Druff gripped the tiger's balls into one paw and held onto them for balance while he moved the cage into place. The tiger's dick had mercifully shrunken to the effect that it placing the chastity device down over his sheath did not mean that he was squishing anything too badly. The attachment of the ring that kept it all nice and locked down was not difficult to wriggle around the tiger's balls and then push up towards his pulsing taint.


"I am sure that is remarkably uncomfortable..." the Druff mused cheerfully.

The tiger let out another growl. An extra reason for its intensity was likely the fact that Druf had just finished closing the cage. A loud snap told him that its internal locking mechanism had latched into place and he was now truly at Druff's mercy. With the device he had handed over the responsibility for his pleasure to the big tiger lying down next to him and admiring the sight of the metallic device now covering Rei's tigerhood.

"...but this looks like it belongs there...oh yes..."

The cat licked his lips. It was an alluring sight, and he was tempted to fool around with the white tiger's cock for a moment longer. Yet he knew that Rei was most likely not enjoying himself a great deal at the time.

"But perhaps some relief is appropriate first, now that we've got you nice and snug."

Druff climbed up from the floor and got up to his feet, only enough to walk over to the tiger's clenching rear end. He gave it a final swat before he crouched down and pulled on another ring on the floor, although this time it did not reveal further bondage implements but a stainless steel grille set into the floor.

"Always gotta be prepared, my friend..."

The tiger daddy picked up the pump hose and quickly unscrewed the vent. Air began to escape from the plug with a whiny hissing noise.

_"Ghhh..."_Rei growled.

Druff moved swiftly. He grabbed the base of the plug and pulled. The white tiger groaned deeply. The black, shiny plug was followed by a rush of the water that had been forced into him by the mischievous dom. The noise Rei made was one of relief, although surely, Druff knew, his ears burnt with the embarrassment of having to undergo this loud and wet act of submission.

"Bet that feels good now..." Druff rumbled to himself.

Rei's maw spluttered much like his rear end did, until the water finally subsided. His body was keen to expel what had been forcibly pumped inside him. Druff fondled his own chest and the bulge on his leather jock for a moment, to draw extra pleasure from the spectacle. The white tiger's submission was something to behold, and Druff intended to play for quite some time yet now that he had Rei where he liked him to be.

"You'll deserve a right treat after all this, I think..." Druff purred. "But I'm afraid that's going to take me a moment to set up...I hope you don't mind staying like that for a little longer."

It wasn't like Rei had any choice on the matter. He was bound, gagged, and now had his dick enclosed in the titanium cage. With all of his limbs tied to the floor, he was not going anywhere. For the moment all he could do was to listen to the tiger shuffling and rattling about the room again before taking a place behind Rei.

"For your trouble..."

A new toy was introduced at Rei's hole and pushed in with a quick thrust. It popped into place without much trouble, a plug of moderate size.

"Just to take the" said Druff while caressing the white tiger's striped rump.

A tap on the base of the plug activated the vibrator built into it. Rei grumbled into his gag when the oscillations reached into his prostate. Hot sparks began to fly through his lower body, making his asshole clenched on the toy and his cock throb, although it did not try to grow hard yet despite the firm, cool grip of metal on his sheath.

"Heh," Druff smirked.

He left the tiger to enjoy the prostate vibrator for a moment while he did further preparations. This involved Druff moving by the wall, where a lit control panel resided. It looked almost industrial compared to everything else in the room, but the Druff liked the aesthetic it added to things.

A quick tap on a big green button caused a motor to whir. A Pair of metal bars suspended from wires descended from the ceiling and terminated themselves only inches away from Rei's back and hips. Now Druff had to move over to him again, this time to attach the sizeable hooks on the bars to the sturdy D-rings on Rei's bondage gear. The whole contraption looked rather ominous now with all the wires and the gear, oiled leather and black painted metal in unison.

"Very ,very good..."

Druff went to his panel to hit another button. This one, followed by another tap, released the rings on the floor while the motor began to work again and hauled Rei straight off the floor without concern for the tiger's weight. Rei growled when his bulk became redistributed again, with the leather bindings now pushing on him on a different manner when he was lifted up, up until he hung five feet above the floor with wires going up to the ceiling and down to the floor into the niches where they had emerged from their hidden spools. It truly was an engineering wonder and meant that with the wires pulled tight by the motor, the tiger was quite suspended in one spot, not able to swing himself to the sides nor back and forth to any great degree.

Druff watched the tiger's ascent with another lewd smirk on his lips. Surely the tiger had not expected such a treatment. This piece of gear was something he hadn't introduce to Rei yet, even if the white tiger had visited his dungeon before.

It was good to have some secrets, Druff thought, as he walked back over to the tiger.


He caressed the tiger's shoulders and enjoyed the feel of the muscles being forced to work against the big cat's weight. This was bound to grow very uncomfortable should he be suspended there for any length of time.

Rei hissed in bad temper and tried to flick his tail at his Dom. It only had the effect of clenching his anal muscles and sending the plug more firmly to probe his prostate.

Druff only laughed at the demonstration.

"You obviously haven't had enough discipline yet, then," he mused. "You still have a lot of fight left. We'll have to see just how much."

The newly suspended tiger was at a much more convenient height for Druff to set up the next part of his game. He even needed the cart for it, for his wares were numerous. He began with nipple clamps that he snapped onto the tiger's buds, and made him growl when the combination of pleasure and pain hit him hard. This was followed elastic bands of about one inch of width that secured together from the ends with Velcro to form loops, should that be wished. Druff placed such bands around the white tiger's shoulders and thigh, about the place where the leather binders locked his limbs together. Shorter bands were wrapped around the base of Rei's tail and his furry ballsack.

It didn't feel like much, but it didn't need to, not yet, Druff thought.

"I think you'll probably guess what these are for..." said the tiger.

Rei only grumbled, and drew a deep breath. He did not struggle when Druff began to attach wire leads into the bands with little button connectors that locked into place with clicks. The leads all ended up in the box that sat on the cart Druff pushed under the suspended white tiger to ensure that all the cables and wires would be long enough to reach their ultimate destination.

"Let's hope this doesn't get too much for you..." Druff murmured.

He hit on the power and set the intensity to moderate, before putting the e-stim box onto random shuffle mode. This meant that the tiger would never know when the pulses should come and zap him.


His body jerked when impulses flashed through him, from the electrodes sewn into the bands and kept in full contact with his skin thanks to the tight grip of the elastics. Even his tail jumped when electricity was led into it and it was forced to jump repeatedly, with the shocks going through him.


Sometimes all of the electrodes discharged at once, sometimes just a single one would. Occasionally the machine would even run them in a sequence, from head to tail, and make the tiger jerk about in his pitifully bound stage.

"I'm sparing your prostate for now, Rei," Druff whispered into the sweaty white tiger's ear. "I think you'll want that particular organ of yours to be in top notch condition're not getting that cage off your dick before I've got you dripping cum from a hands-free orgasm..."

Rei let out a deep growl, both from the indignation of his bondage, the pleasure-pain of the e-stim, and the utter eroticism of the promise the tiger made, hissed into his ear.

Druff tousled the white tiger's head furs.

"Good boy," he smirked at the gagged tiger.


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