Peak Performance

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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Cadet Erichsen's been performing badly in his recent tests. What is he gonna do when he is assigned on a special mission with Commander Druff, the special instructor?

Peak Performance




This is a commission for avatar?user=334230&character=0&clevel=2 Rod_Erich , in the "In bed with (D)Gruffy range, featuring his wolf sona and that tiger daddy, of course! Rod gave me a very cheeky premise for this one, and it's been a pleasure putting it down into words. It is very much fun to have characters one can put into new situations and adapt for many widely different premises. It really expands the things and lets me do fun things that I wouldn't usually do.

Hope you'll have a good time reading, and I will look forward to your comments! Remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!



The Sixteenth Squad was relaxing at the Watering Hole bar when the PA system came into life with a message nobody ever wanted to hear.


The young man in question looked up from his portapad in surprise.

"Uh oh!" Niepce grinned from across the table. The young wolf gave a gawking look at the wolverine, who seemed all too cheerful after hearing the public announcement.

"That can't be good," Lu, another of Rod's squadmates, commented.

Rod gave a quick glance at the vixen as well. Everyone seemed amused rather than concerned, although the wolf himself could not see the reasoning behind their reaction. He couldn't think of any circumstances where being called to the Commander's office could mean something good rather than disastrous.

"You better hurry up, Roddy!" the wolverine told the wolf while still smirking. "I doubt Jesper is up to waiting for long."

Rod shook his head as he got up and picked his portapad with him and tucked it under his arm.

"I don't really want to know," he mumbled, "but I guess I should hurry."

"You better!" Lu giggled. "Remember what happened to Hoshi when she - "

"I don't want to hear!" Rod huffed.

"Go, go!" Niepce chuckled. "You better tell us all about it when you're back!"

"Yeah, right..." Rod muttered, "alright, I guess I better go..."

"We're rooting for ya!" Lu smiled.

The wolf hurried out of the rec room and into the atrium deck. It was quite bustling at this time, as it was always. Station McDuncan never rested, the Cadet thought idly while he crossed the deck towards the bank of Instalifts that continued to swallow and expel crewmembers moving to and fro different parts of the orbital facility. Rod found an unoccupied one and stepped inside the cylindrical elevator car once it was cleared for use.

"Destination, please," the polite computer voice questioned.

"Commander Jesper's office," Rod said.


The elevator whirred into life. The atrium disappeared from his view through the transparent doors of the Instalift car and were replaced by the muted gray of the elevator shaft. The quiet, peaceful surroundings did not soothe Rod's mind. He couldn't think why the Officer in Charge of Academic performance for his year of the Academy would want to meet up with him. His appointments with the Commander had been rather cursory in the past and only concerned his curriculum. Being suddenly summoned into his office was not good news, at least in Rod's mind. He didn't expect any good news.

The swift magnetic lift took him across a dozen levels and also past several sections on the horizontal plane in less than 30 seconds before the Instalift came to a stop and he stepped out on deck 14, DIDACTIC SERVICES. Rod remembered the way and did not have to consult his portapad for directions. He only had to walk down the hallway and past the glass doors into another section. He had to snap into attention twice due to senior officers passing him, and that did not help with his nerves when it came to dealing with intimidating senior staff.

The young Cadet came to a halt outside the door marked with the Commander's name and rank and duty, and pressed the button on the intercom panel. It let out a confirming beep.

"YES?" a voice replied. "STATE YOUR BUSINESS."

"Cadet Second Class Roderic Erichsen reporting to Commander Jesper as ordered."

"PROCESSING," the voice said.

Rod's ears flicked curiously. The Commander appeared to have the services of a Roboclerk at his disposal, and was letting the automated secretary handle the coming visitors as well. The wolf wondered why these AI things couldn't have a bit more personality programmed to them. Maybe people would've felt better about coming to visit scary senior officers if someone nice met them first.


The door opened, and Rod stepped into the Commander's office anteroom. The large glaring red eye on the wall signified where the Roboclerk resided in a computer bank. His entry into the anteroom triggered the inner door to open as well.


"Thanks," Rod spoke to the computer, out of habit.

Commander Jesper held court behind the large circular desk in his office. The dectopus' mood was hard to determine from his face, considering he barely had one besides a large circular mouth on one corner of his cephalopod and two huge eyes to the sides of his forehead of sorts. This gave the appearance of poor forward vision, but it was but a misguided idea. He could see everything and everyone, and was rumored to even have telepathic powers, although Rod was sure that was just a story to tease new Cadets with.

"Ah!" the Commander croaked.

Rod snapped into attention, tail and all, the model of a good Cadet as much as he could under the circumstances.

"Cadet Second Class Roderic Erichsen reporting for duty, sir!" the wolf announced himself.

"At ease," the dectopus replied.

Rod found it difficult to do so in the Commander's presence. His current pose gave him the appearance of levitation, considering that he had no legs to speak of but rather held himself up on eight of his tentacles and employed the remaining two of his sucker-coated limbs both as arms to operate his computer terminal with as well as using them for general intimidation aids by having them swirl above his head, casually like that.

"How are you doing today, Cadet?" the dectopus asked.

Rod was taken aback by the question. He hadn't expected such a casual, almost a friendly thing to come from the sometimes ill-tempered officer.

"I am...well, sir," the wolf replied. "I am currently off-duty after I have finished my assignments for today."

"Yes..." the dectopus hissed.

A tap from one of his tentacles lit up a holographic display that caused text to hover over the desk. The Commander looked at Rod through this wall of text that now floated between them while he read through it.

"I have your report card here, Cadet," Commander Jesper noted, "I have been informed that your performance as of late has been noticeably poorer than expected."

Rod's ears flattened, despite his best efforts to appear calm and cool under the Officer's scrutiny. His resolve failed as soon as the dectopus turned the topic to his grades. He hadn't heard of the latest reports yet, but it appeared the Commander had access to them before he did.

"I...I was not aware of that sir," Rod said.

"You received a 3 on your Polymathematics examination, and a 2 on your Applied Engineering Studies...which would be adequate at this point, but your Cybermechanics grade so far is only a 4 and I have been informed by Commander Sands that your Xenoculturology simulation work left much to be desired."

Rod's cheeks heated up with embarrassment. He hadn't forgotten the holographic simulation from a week ago where he had effectively insulted an entire culture and gotten him and his squad pelted with virtual rocks until the whole thing had been called off by the instructor.

"Does....does that mean that my Xenoculturology grade has not been determined yet, sir?" he asked.

"Yes," the Commander said. "Since you have not yet successfully completed the coursework, you cannot be graded at this point, Cadet."

Rod could feel his ears droop even more. He hadn't expected things to be quite this bad. Maybe the dectopus was making it sound worse than it really was. He could always hope for the best.

"That is...that is not good, sir," Rod agreed.

The sucker-covered tentacles twirled through the air in a gesture that Rod did not find reassuring.

"There is definite room for improvement, Cadet," the dectopus said, "considering that your grades for the elementary classes were much better. It appears that you have suffered from a drop in your academic performance over the past six months."

"I...I haven't really thought about it, sir," Rod spoke up. He didn't want his voice to falter on him when his body talk was already speaking of defeat.

"I have discussed this matter with your instructors at the interdisciplinary meeting and we have come to the conclusion that some sort of an intervention may be required," Commander Jesper announced.

"An intervention, sir?" Rod questioned, in shock.

The dectopus tapped his console again and brought up another file.

"I have decided to place you on separate duty for the next ten days," the Commander explained, "Instead of taking part in your normal curriculum, you will be performing other duties your instructors think will benefit your growth as a future officer of the Fleet."

"Ten days, sir?" Rod practically exclaimed.

"You will report to the deckmaster at Hangar 4 at 2000 hours sharp," the dectopus did not sound like he was amenable to negotiation, "There you will meet your instructor for the duration of your special mission. You should now go to your quarters to pack your mission gear and any personal effects you might require."

Rod knew that it had been almost 1900 hours when he had been summoned to the Commander's office. He really would have to hurry if he wanted to make it in time.

"Uh...yes, sir," the wolf said.

"Make the best of this opportunity, Cadet!" the dectopus emphasized. "It is not everyone who receives such a special chance to work on official Fleet business while they are still but Cadets."

"Official business, sir?" Rod asked.

"You will be filled in by your senior officer for the mission, Cadet," the Commander sounded adamant about not giving any further information. "I would advice you to leave now so as not to run late."

"I...yes, sir," Rod said. "I know, sir. I shall be at it right away."

"You are dismissed!" the dectopus boomed. "And good luck to you, Cadet!"

"Thank you, sir," Rod said lamely.


"!" Rod's roommate questioned, standing by the bathroom door.

Rod was busy moving his carefully folded clothes from the drawers into his travel bag.

" I know, I know," the wolf mumbled in response to the curiously grinning rat, "but don't ask me for the details because I don't know anything else."

"Maybe it's a test, you know..." the rat suggested, "maybe they want to test you if you're ready for some sort of a special top secret training program!"

Rod shrugged. He put another pair of socks into his bag.

"I don't know, Den," he replied to the curious rat. "I just know that they think that I've been crashlanding my classes lately and this is some sort of an...intervention, whatever that means."

"Like checking whether you're serious about this whole Academy business at all?" the rat suggested.

Rod's ears flopped.

"I don't know, okay?!" he almost whined to the rat. "I just...I have to go..."

"And are they gonna fail your classes if you don't do well in whatever you are supposed to do now?" the rat asked.

"How am I supposed to know?" Rod whined. "Commander Jesper did not tell me anything else!"

"Pretty suspicious," said Den. "What do you think?"

"I don't think about anything except that I hope that whatever it is I'm doing there is gonna help me get my grades up!" Rod retorted. "If I fail Cybermechanics and Xenoculturology, they might make me do the whole year again!"

"You think?" the rat asked.

"I don't know what they'll ask me to do," Rod muttered, "Maybe they'll tell me to go to the NSS instead."

The rat chuckled. Any mention of the Neptune School of Spacefaring was bound to bring out an amused reaction, and both of them knew that.

"You'd probably be their best pilot in years, though," Den mused, "You did ace Piloting and Handling and Spatial Thinking. And didn't you say that Lieutenant Parser was really impressed about the Jupiter run you did?"

Rod dropped his toiletry pouch into the bag and closed the adhesive strip that sealed the top. He swung the bag over his shoulder.

"What does it matter if I can handle an FE-602 at 60 g's if I can't do the maths I need for my engineering qualifications, Den?" he posed the question to the rat.

Den scratched his neck.

"Uh...start filling out the NSS application forms?" the rat suggested.

"I'm going to have to run for it now," Rod said. "I don't know if I'll be able to send any comms when I'm out there so...will you tell everyone what happened, if the instructors won't? It's not like I'm going on a top secret mission...bah..."

"Sure, sure," the rat's tail danced behind him. "Just take care of yourself, okay?"

"Of course," Rod assured, though hated how hollow it sounded.

"That's my man!" the rat grinned.


Rod still felt nervous when he entered Hangar 4, but his feelings of unhappiness alleviated just a little once he had arrived to the flight deck. He simply couldn't feel too bad when he was surrounded by some of his favorite things in the known galaxy, by spacecraft. Hangar 4 might've been the launch facility for the utility shuttles assigned to the station and not the graceful fightercraft he was so adept at piloting, but Rod was always made happier by the sight of anything that had an engine and a control stick for him to grab. They didn't have to be pretty to be fun to fly.

He didn't have the chance to stand and ogle at the casually for long. Rod had to find the deckmaster whom apparently knew where he was supposed to go to next.

The goat wearing an olive green cap and a high visibility vest over his uniform was easy to locate for the wandering Cadet as well. He oversaw the operations from the floor level, portapad in paw.

"Sir!" Rod saluted the goat.

"Yes?" the goat looked at him curiously.

"Reporting for duty as ordered, sir!" Rod announced.

"On whose orders, Cadet?"

"Those of Commander Jesper, sir," Rod replied.

The goat tapped quickly on his pad.

"And your name?"

"Cadet Second Class, Roderic Erichsen," Rod said.

The personal information was input into the pad. The goat gave it only a brief extra look before he nodded thoughtfully.

" are expected at Pad 16," he said, "special dispension under Commander Jesper...hmm,yes."

Another few taps.

"Tap here for identity check," the goat indicated a lit area of the screen.

Rod did as he was told and got an affirming message from the pad.

"Alright, you are now checked out and qualified for flight," the deckmaster said. "Head over to Pad 16. I think they are expecting you."

Rod felt a nasty jolt in his stomach. It was almost as if the variable-gravity plating under his footpaws was malfunctioning and making the contents of his stomach float up to his throat.

"Thank you, sir!!"

"Yes, yes, hurry along now!" the goat replied, though not unkindly.

Rod moved through the long, cavernous hangar at a good pace, though not running. Running was for emergencies and for people who were late. He tried to spend the seconds he had to spend walking towards pad 16 in calming his mind down.

The young wolf didn't feel he was very successful while he approached the pad in question. It was marked both with painted lines on the floor as well as a lit up number above it near the ceiling. Most of the pad was occupied by the sizable bulk of a Type XXI shuttlecraft. To Rod it looked ready for launch, with the aft ramp closed and no umbilicals visible as far as he could tell.

Rod was still glancing about the spacecraft when a shape appeared from behind it. It was a tall tiger, dressed in a two-piece field uniform in gray, and wearing flip-up flight goggles that seemed somewhat out of place on him, was Rod's first impression. Besides that, he could tell that the cat was not going to cut him any slack. He didn't know who the tiger was, although that did not really surprise Rod. The Station staff numbered in the thousands and he was only really familiar with those who worked with his own training for most part.

"Cadet Erichsen!"

The tiger's voice boomed in the hangar. He snapped into attention instinctively, besides the training that had been drilled deep into him from the very first day in the Academy. The tiger simply appeared like someone to be obeyed.

"Yes, sir!" Rod called out.

The tiger stomped quickly over to him and stood only a foot apart from the wolf whom tried not to balk under his intense scrutiny. The tiger eyed him rather obviously, from his tall vantage point. It made Rod feel very self-conscious once again.

"I am Commander Druff," the tiger said. "Commander Jesper has requested me to take you on for the duration of my mission."


"Y-yes sir," Rod replied.

The tiger nodded sharply.

"This is going to be long haul," the tiger continued. "Do you think you can handle it, Cadet?"

Rod knew that there was only one way to answer or he would blow this from the start.

"Y-yes, yes sir!" Rod stated. "I will do my best!"

The tiger clicked his tongue. That did not make Rod feel any better. The tiger sounded doubtful.

"I am sure you will prove yourself, one way or another," said Commander Druff. "Let's hop onboard now. The ship is fueled and ready to go, and you are flying her out of the Station."

Rod's ears perked up, despite his persisting nerves. The chance of getting his paws on a shuttle's flight controls could bypass most causes of bad mood, and even now he could feel himself grow bit more buoyant.

"Yes, sir!" he did not question the tiger's orders. He was supposed to a confident young officer in the making, after all. He didn't have to feign it on this particular command.

"Come on then!" the Commander ordered. "Is that all your gear?"

He pointed out the wolf's singular bag.

"Yes, sir!"

"Good. There's not too much room, as you should know," the tiger said. "Let's board now."

Rod followed the tiger's swinging tail while they rounded the shuttle and entered it through the side hatch into the personnel airlock. They passed through the alcove and directly into the cockpit where everything seemed to be up and running already. Druff settled onto the high-backed seat dedicated for the Commander of the spacecraft.

"Take your position, Erichsen!" the tiger ordered.

Rod realized that they were really talking business. He dropped his bag behind the seat before he landed his butt on it and allowed the chair to adjust itself automatically for his height and size, pushing him closer to the console. His paws itched to get onto the lit up surfaces, displaying so many variables that most people would be overwhelmed by the sheer sight. Yet Rod, thanks to his training and natural adeptness, could see the logic in it, the patterns, and he enjoyed it.

"Check your readouts and tell me if we are a go for launch, Cadet!" said the tiger.

Rod set onto his task quickly and with precision. There were many systems to analyze, and the tiger was clearly expecting prompt and professional action.

"Yes, sir!" he announced. "Eh...all umbilicals clear and closed...reactor readout is in the green, auxiliary power reserves, deflectors, gravity drive, thrusters, fuel supply...system diagnostics seem...all clear, sir."

"As they were three minutes ago when I ran them myself," the tiger nodded. "Excellent. Since I have already filed our flight plan, you may request permission for launch from Deck Control."

"Hmmm...yes sir!"

Rod took the comms headset where it awaited him and placed it over his ear. The comforting buzz of radio static entered his ear before the device was connected into the system.


"Yes?" the tiger demanded.

"What is our call sign, sir?" Rod asked.

The tiger smirked.

"Predator One," the tiger's teeth flashed. "Give that to Deck Control. They know we're going out."

"Yes, sir!" said Rod. "Deck Control, Deck Control, this is..._Predator One,_requesting clearance to depart Hangar 4. Awaiting confirmation, over."

Rod awaited eagerly.

"_Predator One, this is Deck Control. Your flight plan has been approved by the Flight Authority. You are cleared for departure on ILS Control from beacons 4, 9 and 13. I repeat, program your ILS Control for beacons 4, 9 and 13 for station departure. Confirm via downlink, over."_

"That's a Roger, Deck Control," Rod replied excitedly. "Confirming departure guidance for beacons 4, 9 and 13. Confirming autopilot settings...and linking."

Rod punched in the commands into the flight computer and then transmitted the readout to the Station's own computer. The confirmation came on the displays.

"We are...ready to depart, sir," Rod told the tiger.

The Commander nodded.

"Take us out at your discretion, Cadet," the feline said.

The young wolf felt relatively confident when he input the commands for the control thrusters and the antigravity projectors to help him with the takeoff. Quick paws adjusted the power levels, and Rod's ears picked up the noise of the engines revving up, so to speak. He knew that the sound came from the coolant pumps needed for stopping the engines from melting down.

"Taking off now, sir," Rod said.

Rod put his paws onto the directional controllers - not of the joystick variety on the fighters, but instead a more automated setup of concerting circles that provided the various input for translation and rotation. Further controls were used to select speed and to choose which navigational information to display.

The wolf concentrated deeply. He knew that his every move was being evaluated even when the tiger appeared to be quite occupied watching his own duplicate instruments. Rod wondered if he was planning to jump in should the Cadet do some sort of a blunder.

The shuttlecraft lifted off effortlessly and hovered above the deckplates with the help of the invisible power radiating from its bottom. It was these same devices that gave Predator One the initial push to move towards the open hangar doors sealed by the forcefield that maintained the atmosphere.

"Maneuvering thrusters," Rod announced.

Taps on the control button gave out thrust that amounted to only a few puffs of superheated gas leaving the engine nozzles, but it was enough to push them past the atmospheric field. The transition into space could not be perceived onboard, and neither the moment when Rod activated the actual engines.

"ILS guidance is plotted in," Rod said, looking carefully at both the displays and the cockpit windows, "the route is clear."

"Steady as she goes," said the tiger.

Rod couldn't see the Station from his current point of view, but knew that they were moving rapidly away from it. The surface of the planet was only visible as the absence of anything to be seen. The Station was currently on the night side and hence only the planet blacking out the stars told them that it indeed was still there.

"Approaching the first beacon."

The shuttle skimmed along an invisible path drawn between the Station and one of the free-floating navigational markers directing the traffic around the Academy facility. They could see the glowing running lights of several other ships, even then, going their own way.

"Heading out towards the next beacon on the ecliptic plane," Rod explained.

"Once we are past the third beacon, start preparations for gravity drive jump," the Commander ordered.

Rod nodded.

"Yes, sir," he said. "And our destination, sir?"

"P4X dash 403," the tiger replied. "It is in the standard list."

Rod wasn't familiar with the star system code, but he had the feeling that every aspect of this mission was on a need to know basis.

"Yes, sir. P4X-403, I shall input that right away to begin the calculations."

"Splendid!" rumbled the tiger.

He surprised Rod by getting up from his seat then, big tail swinging and all.

"I shall be in the mission bay, I have some things to review for our mission," Commander Druff explained. "I believe you can be trusted with the navigation and piloting for the time being."

"Y-yes sir!" the wolf replied.

"You have the conn, Cadet!" said the tiger.

Rod felt his ears snap into attention.

"Yes, sir!"

The tiger left through the sliding door. Rod was alone in the cockpit, which he found both unnerving in its own right due to the responsibilities involved, as well as a relief since the tiger Commander was no longer present. He let out his first proper deep breath ever since he'd been summoned into Commander Jesper's office.

Maybe it would all turn out for the best, he thought. This couldn't be too bad, the wolf mused.

Perhaps the tiger was a decent man.


"Cadet Erichsen, report to the crew quarters!"

Rod almost yelped at the sound of the tiger's voice in his ears. He'd been spending the last hour or so checking the systems and reviewing some things on his portapad to pass the time.

Rod tapped the communications headset he was still wearing.

"I'm on my way, sir!"


Rod made sure that all the ship's systems were under automatic control and that the computer would alarm him to anything being awry, before he made his way into the alcove behind the cockpit which offered access to the mission bay, the airlock, and the crew quarters. He had to tap the button by the door to open it and enter into the quarters themselves.

"Ah there you are!"

The tiger seemed to occupy most of the so-called quarters. Rod was sure that he had seen better sized escape pods during his training at the Academy. Two bunk beds on the walls, a food dispenser, a table and four chairs and a little door leading into the head were all that compromised the allocated space for a maximum crew of four. Rod wondered who had decided that so many people could live for days in such a small space, when even now with just two people it appeared crowded. Maybe the tiger's size caused the impression. Commander Druff sat in one of the chairs, a food tray and coffee in front of him and with his portapad propped against the coffee can.

"Sir!" Rod announced.

"What is the maximum light year range of a Type XXI shuttlecraft, Cadet?" the tiger snapped.

Rod wasn't expecting a pop quiz, but that seemed like a major case of shortsightedness in his part.

"Ah...approximately 100 light years, sir," the wolf replied. He was relatively confident about that tidbit being stored correctly in his brain, but the tiger sure had a way of unnerving him.

"Hmmmmmrr..." the tiger rumbled.

"Y-yes sir?" Rod asked. He wasn't sure if that was acknowledging a correct answer or not.

"What is the output of the primary shield generator?"

This one Rod was sure he knew.

"Approximately 1.2 terawatts when fully powered, sir," he said.

"Quite so," Druff mused. "Good, good."

The Commander made a few further questions at his charge. Rod was happy that he managed to answer most of them. Even the tiger seemed satisfied for the moment.

"...hmm..." hmmm'd the tiger. "Satisfactory so far. A bit rusty on the navigational data but...we'll work with that."

"Yes, sir," Rod's ears drooped just a little.

Druff stood up from the little mess table.

"Clean up all this, please," Druff pointed at his dinnerware, "I'll be in the mission bay. You may dine now yourself, after which you should review your xenoculturology materials from the past two months, and then you'll report to me in the cockpit at 2000 hours. Did you get that, Cadet?"

Rod nodded. Although it sounded like a heavy workload to him, it wasn't as bad as it could have been.



Rod almost banged his head on the bulkhead above his head. The transition from sleep into awakeness was sudden and left him momentarily disoriented. His brain required a moment to figure out just where he was, and to come to the conclusion that he was not in his own dorm at the Academy but cooped up in the crew quarters of the ominously named Predator One.


The tiger's face was very close to his own. Rod realized the Commander was standing next to Rod's top bunk and glaring at him. The tiger's proximity was such that the wolf could count every whisker on him. He looked entirely fresh, himself, and smelled that too, and he wore a fresh pair of tight blue Fleet issue shorts and a sleeveless undershirt that hugged onto his sizeable, and toned body.

Rod swallowed and felt the insides of his ears heating up.

"It is 0600 hours and time to start the day!" Commander Druff hollered. "Shower up and get yourself breakfast, we'll start physical exercise in fifteen minutes' time."

"P-physical exercise?" Rod mumbled.

"The small quarters are not an excuse to not to practice some calisthenics," the Commander lectured. "You've also wasted 35 seconds of those fifteen minutes of preparation time so far, and I would advice you not to lose any more of it. You're on the clock."

"Y-yes sir!"

"I will be in the cockpit," said the tiger.

Rod watched him disappear from the quarters before he scrambled out of his own sleep pod.

"Damn it!" the wolf muttered.


Rod had just finished lathering up and rinsing and turned on the integrated fur dryers inside the minuscule shower unit when the door into the crew quarters opened and the tiger burst in again. His unannounced entry surprised Rod who instinctively shied away and in the process collided with the wall of the shower unit. His tail was caught between the wall and his body and he let out a yelp.


Rod tried his best to recompose himself.

"S-sorry sir!" he called out while instinctively shying away from the Commander with his own nudity.

The tiger was still wearing the Fleet-issue undergarments and nothing else. To his horror, Rod realized that the tiger had walked all the way to the shower unit door and peered inside.

"Your time is out!" the tiger declared.

"But I didn't eat yet, sir!" Rod replied over the hum of the driers.

"You can eat while you review your engineering studies homework!" the tiger announced.

Rod felt a hungry grumble grow in his stomach. He hadn't eaten since last night.

"O-okay sir!"

The warm air flowing on him was starting to tingle in ways that Rod was sure weren't appropriate while a senior officer was present. He hurried to turn off the dryers. This prompted him to face another challenge, that being having to leave the shower unit and to get to his bag of clothes while the tiger was watching. Rod knew that the sight wasn't particularly obscene, but likely might raise a brow. The tiger was certainly not making an effort to avoid looking at the wolf.

"Right! Get your athletic gear on and we'll do some stretching," said the tiger.

"Y-yes sir!"


By the time the second night rolled around, Rod was unsure of just where the tiger was getting all his energy from. He had to be double his own age, Rod suspected, yet the tiger appeared to have no bound to his activity. Even the small confines of the shuttle were not a hindrance to the antics of Commander Druff, who wouldn't let Rod have a moment's rest. If there wasn't systems data or homework to review, then there would be physical exercise or -

"GENERAL QUARTERS!" the tiger yelled suddenly while Rod was spooning down his dinner.

Rod almost dropped the spoon.


"The tiger was already on the move towards the door.

"To the cockpit!" he announced.

Rod was briefly confused but felt his training kick in. He rushed to follow the tiger who was just strapping himself down onto the Commander's seat when Rod entered the darkened cockpit. Alarm lights flashed.

"A simulated enemy raider attempting to intercept," the tiger noted, "begin evasive maneuvers, Cadet!"

The wolf hopped onto his seat and spent very little time on the seatbelts before he had his paws on the controls of the shuttlecraft. He saw a new target on the scanner display on the center of the main console, labeled "ENEMY ONE" and the numbers running below it showed it was gaining on them.

"Increasing speed to avoid pursuing spacecraft, sir!" Rod announced.

The Commander nodded.

"Tactical analysis shows the vessel to be more heavily armed than we are," he added to the tension while the thrum of the sublight engines increased, "propose next course of action."

Rod thought fast while he monitored the engine function and their course and heading.

"Transfer secondary systems power into the shield generators?" he suggested.

Druff made the adjustments on his own controls. Some of the panels on the side control console went dark as power was removed from them, channeled into more crucial functions while the ship's energy resources were redistributed.

"Shield power up to 120% of nominal level," Druff said.

Rod could see the enemy vessel gaining on them still. The blinking icon grew closer.

"Increasing engine power still," Rod announced.

"You are running to the performance limits, Cadet," the tiger said.

The coolant pumps were practically whining by then.

"The engines can take it, sir," Rod assured the tiger, and was surprised by how confident his voice sounded, speaking up like that.

"Incoming missile. Incoming missile."

The computer voice droned on while another more shrill alarm went off.

"Evade!" Druff yelled. "Launching countermeasures!"

Rod sent them onto a very sharp bank to the starboard side. He could feel himself pressing to his seat with the inertial dampeners not being able to immediately catch up to the sudden change in acceleration. He could see Druff working his own controls rapidly.


Rod swung the shuttlecraft to a yet new course and hoped that the flight controls were truly going to be able to handle the maneuver he had planned in his mind and now executed with a few swift punches of commands into the console.

"Whoooah!" he yelped involuntarily at the sinking sensation in his belly.

The G forces kept him stuck to his seat for several seconds until their acceleration leveled out and the computer let out a satisfied beep.


"There we go!" said Druff.

"Are they still pursuing?" Rod asked.

"Yep, and they'll be in range for another go at us soon if we don't do something else..." Druff said.

Rod could feel his heart pump even harder still.

"Calculating a firing solution for the anti-ship missiles," he announced.

"Remember that we aren't exactly overloaded with weaponry, Cadet," Druff warned the wolf. "You'll only get one or two shots at them, no more."

"I know, sir!" Rod replied. "Coming about - "

His next commands turned their shuttlecraft to face the enemy. Rod piloted them on a weaving path that took them directly towards their pursuer now.

"Enemy laser fire!" said the Druff. "Forward shields down to 80 percent!"

Rod sat resolute.


"60 percent!" Druff warned.

"Transfer reserve power to the shields!" the wolf snapped.

The tiger did as he had been told. Even more lights went out in the cabin.

"All secondary systems have been shut down to conserve power," Druff said. "Shields down to 35 percent!"


Rod hit the firing button and took them onto a yet new course in the most outrageous maneuver yet. The entire spacecraft shuddered with the forces impacted upon it, but the ship held. The wolf's resolution stood fast and he kept them steady on his chosen direction.

"Enemy vessel disabled...well done!" the tiger let out a pleased rumble.

Rod let out a breath he'd been holding. His face felt hot. The adrenaline was starting to go down and that brought the jitters. He pressed his paws more firmly onto the edges of the console.

"Coming...coming down to cruising speed, sir," Rod mumbled.

"Good work, Cadet, well done, well done indeed," said the Commander. He genuinely sounded pleased now. Rod found it flattering. He could feel a blush growing.

"Thank you, sir," he whispered.

Druff tapped on the controls and made the darkened parts of the cockpit return to their normal state.

"Combat simulation program terminated," he said. "I shall review the logs and give you my full report."

"Yes, sir," the tiger said.

Druff unbuckled himself from his seat and stood up.

"Now you'll check all systems," the tiger said, "manually. You put the ship through her paces. She needs to be thoroughly cleared."

Rod's ears leaped with surprise. That was going to take hours!

"Y-yes sir," he said.

The tiger let out a rumble and a purr.

"Good job, Cadet," he said.

The tiger surprised Rod once again. He reached over and tousled the young man's head furs. He finished that gesture with a grin.

"See you in crew quarters for your review of the systems in one hour," the tiger said.

This time Rod only managed to nod and watch him disappear into the alcove, tail swinging about.


Rod still felt edgy even after he finally decided that he had gone through every possible detail the Commander might be interested in, uploaded the report into his portapad, and went in search of the big cat. He was found from the crew quarters where the Commander was consuming yet another mug of coffee.

"And there's Cadet Erichsen!" announced the tiger. "The wolf who insists flying a shuttle like it's an FE-602!"

Rod felt his tail tuck between his legs out of shy embarrassment. He wasn't sure if the tiger was being genuinely friendly or just leering at him. It was hard to tell.

"I...I just tried my best, sir," the wolf said. "I have my report here..."

He came forward to offer the portapad. The tiger took it and placed it onto the table.

"Get yourself something to drink and sit down," Druff ordered. "You look like you need it, Cadet."

"Yes, sir," Rod mumbled.

The wolf opted for a simple juice. He didn't even dare to think about consuming something that had synthetic caffeine in it. His tail was still jittering when he settled opposite the tiger on the mess table.

"Rod, isn't it?" the tiger questioned.

"S-sir?" the wolf almost spluttered.

The tiger smirked.

"Your friends call you Rod, isn't that right?"

Rod was surprised by the sudden familiarity, almost more than the earlier tousle of his head furs. The tiger had seemed such a stickler for rules so far.

"Yes, sir," he said, "Rod or Roddy, almost never Roderic, sir."

"Heh heh," the tiger chuffed. "Splendid."

"It is?" Rod asked.

The tiger grinned.

"Of course it is," the Commander said. "Popular man. Popular boy."

Rod felt the blush on his cheeks and the insides of his ears intensify. He glanced down at the tabletop.

"It's true!" the tiger enthused. "It's good to be popular at your age. Gives you the confidence of being yourself, to do all the things you are capable of."

"I don't know about that, sir," Rod replied.

"You're still searching," the tiger commented. "That is good too, another part of your age."

Rod snuffled.

"Well you've seen my report card, sir," he said. "I guess that tells you what I'm good at."

The tiger did a dismissive wave of his paw.

"Pfft. Academics are just one thing. That report card does not speak of your character," Druff said.

"We get evaluated for that too, sir, don't you remember?" Rod said meekly.

Druff chortled.

"I didn't read yours," the tiger said. "I don't need someone else's opinion to cloud my own judgment of you."

The tiger's eyes on him made Rod felt judged indeed. Rod could barely stop himself from fidgeting on his seat. The Commander was entirely calm, coffee sipping and all.

"Yes, sir," Rod said. He didn't know how else to reply to such a comment.

"Do not worry," said Druff, "My impressions will be recorded in the report on this mission."

Rod hoped it would not be too damning on him. The tiger was entirely unreadable to the wolf. He couldn't really tell what the Commander was thinking at any given time. He wondered if that was typical feline mystique or just Druff being himself. The tiger didn't let much out.

"Yes, sir.," Rod said.

The tiger winked.

"Don't keep sounding like you expect it to be a damning review," the tiger said. "You've been working very hard."

"Thank you sir," Rod said quickly.

"Although..." the Druff mused, "I need a reactor diagnostics done before you are free for tonight. Report to the engine room and perform the diagnostics now."

Rod almost deflated upon the order. It had been a day full of hard work. He wanted to climb into his bunk and relax before a good night's sleep. His rest would have to wait, it seemed.

"Yes, sir."

Rod finished his juice hastily, disposed of the cup, and then headed out for yet another chore.


Rod disliked engineering diagnostics of the sort he had to do because he didn't learn anything about them. The system was working at a full efficiency, generating the immense amount of power required for the faster-than-light drive to operate, with a little trickle going for the other onboard systems and equipment as well. The computer agreed with all of the safety guidelines programmed into it. The reactor was running just fine. This meant that the 20 minutes Rod had to spend manually checking the readouts from each component ended up being quite superfluous.

He still expected the tiger to drill him on it, to make him read every single result out and then tell the Commander what their significance was.

The wolf slipped back into the crew quarters. He was surprised to not to find the Commander still propped by the table to enjoy his reading and his drink. Rod's initial suspicion that the tiger had gone to the cockpit was quickly dashed away too. The gold and black striped figure was inside the shower, back turned toward the door so that the first thing Rod saw of him was a toned rump and a tail pointing at him.

Rod stopped. He gawked at the surprising sight and forgot to move his eyes, let alone the rest of himself away in time. The tiger turned around, awkwardly in the tiny space of the shower, and was then looking over at the wolf through the transparent door. A smug expression appeared over his face.

Why they'd made the door that way, Rod could not figure out, but the sight of the big tiger under the dryers was what met him now that he had caught the naked Commander showering. And the tiger had most definitely caught him too. He saw the shocked wolf standing on the doorway.

The tiger tapped the blowers shut and pulled the door open. He was fully naked, and mostly dry, too, it appeared, sleek despite his size and with his fur sufficiently bouffant after the hot air treatment. His built physique was more than clear now that he was in the nude, bulging from all the appropriate places with his movements. They were the smooth motions of an athlete, not those of a spaceman rendered lame by artificial gravity.

"S-sir - " Rod mumbled.

The tiger walked closer to him, tail flicking and swinging behind him. It sounded like he was purring.

"Impeccable timing, as always," the Commander chuckled.

Rod tried to look away, flustered as he was. The tiger grabbed his arm, above the paw that held the portapad, and prompted Rod to look at him again.

"No need to look away now, Cadet," the Druff murmured, "you were obviously enjoying the show."

Rod thought his face was going to melt from the power of the blush that developed in record time to a new high.

"Commander - " he mumbled.

"Oh it can't be easy for you..." the tiger rumbled on, "this confined space, all that youthful enthusiasm..."

The tiger was so close that Rod could see his nostrils flaring while he drew in air, and the scent of the wolf. Druff's purr was more than evident as well.

"Wh-what do you mean sir?"

Druff clicked his tongue.

"Oh the way you say it, it's going to make it difficult for me to hear it being used in the proper context..." the tiger murmured.

Rod couldn't really believe that it was happening, but even he wasn't daft enough so as to miss the cues. The fact that someone who was hotter than a solar eruption was coming onto him was both flattering, terrifying, and also incredibly arousing. He knew the tiger could smell it, and probably see it, too. The uniforms pants weren't exactly good at hiding that sort of a thing and he had found that out the hard way during his first year in the Academy.

The presence of the big and erotically alluring tiger in such proximity meant that his pants stood no chance. The nude cat's grin only widened when he perceived this obvious sight of arousal, in addition to the scent that he had already picked up.

His free paw took the portapad from Rod's frozen fingers and set it aside. Then he took hold of the wolf's other wrist and placed the Cadet's paw flat against his chest. Rod's eyes widened at the feel of the fur that was still warm from the hot air blowers, not to mention the firm muscle and the rumbling that still went on.

"There you go, Cadet," the tiger stated, "feel all you like. See if it's as good as you hoped it would be."

The wolf appeared quite speechless at the prospect. His fingers were frozen in place, despite all the joys that were available to touch. Druff noted this state of affair soon and chuckled.

"Silly," he rumbled. "Guess I'll have to do the work myself, then."

The tiger pressed his fingertips against a particular spot on the wolf's collar and then drew them down. The touch detached the adherent strip that kept the uniform top closed, and this maneuver allowed him to tug on the clothing to reveal the wolf's own toned upper body.

"Splendid..." said the Druff.

Rod remained still even while he was being undressed by the larger man. Druff didn't stop at his jacket but also opened the pants as well. The gray Fleet issue underwear was bulging appropriately.

"Tsk tsk..." noted the tiger.

Fingers brushed on the wolf's bulge and made him moan and whimper. It looked like his eyes were about to roll back with shock and pleasure. Druff felt the wolf throb under his fingers.

"Yes...virile young man..." the tiger chuckled roughly.

Druff grabbed the wolf's paw again and moved it from his own chest to his sheath. He gave the wolf a first paw experience on what it felt like to have a tiger cock grow hard under his grip. It looked like he found it to be a great wonder, the way the pink meat emerged from its sheath. It felt hot and dangerous when it finally pulsed against Rod's palm.

"Take a hold of it if you know it wants to..." Druff noted.

The wolf clasped the feline cock with reverence suitable for such an action. He looked down at it, too, where his paw met the Commmander's large shaft. Druff let out a pleased rumble at the action.

"Good boy."

Rod whimpered at the sound of such a moniker bestowed on him. The tiger grinned and wrapped his tail around Rod's leg.

"It's not your first time, is it, Cadet?" asked the Druff.

Rod shook his head.

"Nn-not really..." he replied.

He hadn't exactly done much, he knew, so it wasn't an outright lie, but it almost felt like he was stretching the truth. He had definitely never done anything quite as adventurous as what was happening right then.

"Good," said the tiger. "As much fun as that would be, there are only so many days of this mission left, so it's best that we don't have to start with the very first lesson..."

That sounded really dirty. Rod found it oddly appropriate, too.

Commander Druff, Sex Instructor.

He whimpered with the arousal that resulted from the lewd idea. Druff chuckled at the sound and clapped his paw over the wolf's butt. His tail made a jump.

"You're a sexy young man, did anyone ever tell you that?"

"N-no sir..." Rod whispered.

The Druff cupped the wolf's muzzle and planted a big old-fashioned tiger kiss. It caught Rod by surprise, as it was bound to do. He almost mewled at the feel of the big feline tongue brushing on his lips and then burying itself into his muzzle. The tongue was as dominant as the rest of the tiger, big and confident, playing with Rod expertly. The cat's paws busied themselves with the undressing of the wolf. He got Rod's jacket down and began to pull on the undershirt.

"Handsome young wolf..." the tiger crooned.

"S-sir..." Rod moaned.

The tiger let out a pleased growl.

"That's take off your pants!"

The tiger's command sounded incredibly erotic. Rod knew that he had no chance but to comply. He wanted it as painfully as his cock throbbed with arousal now. Soon the tiger was going to see it, too.

"A proud young stalk," was the Druff's opinion on the penis in question.

Rod whimpered at the sound of that, even before the tiger's fingers wrapped themselves on his tool.

"Uhhhh - "

The tiger kissed him again. Rod was pinned against the wall while the tiger showed him how big cats made out with horny little wolves. Huge paws held to the younger male's hips and caressed the muscles that were found there.

"Hmm...that Academy calisthenics training is doing great work..." the Druff commented.

Rod moaned at both the words and the feel of the paws gripping his rear. The cat's erection poked in his belly.


Druff gave the wolf's hips a little push.

"I'm sure you'd like to give it a taste," the tiger said.

Rod was on his knees before he could say a chipper 'yes,sir' in agreement. Seen from such close quarters- sniffing distance, since he could smell the musk that emanated from the barbed pole - it looked positively huge. The big paw that landed on the top of his head said even more about what the tiger wanted.

The wolf swallowed.


He'd seen a few cocks in his day but the Commander's was a captivating sight. The scent, the look of it...and oh yes, the taste, when Rod dipped his muzzle to kiss on the tip.

"Hmm...good boy."

Rod opened his maw and tried to take as much as he could into his slobbering muzzle. His eyes glanced up towards the Commander, whose sagely gaze met his.

"Play with it all you like, Cadet," the tiger murmured.

Rod knew that it was awkward, especially with such girth, but he tried bobbing his head up and down on the tiger's thick cock. His canines brushed along the sides of the Commander's shaft and added a curious extra stimulation to the head that he was more than eager to give for the wonderful-smelling tiger. The fleshy, salty flavor made it even better. He didn't even mind the barbs tickling on his palate while even more of the Commander-cock slipped inside him.

Druff rumbled and tousled the wolf's head furs into a mess.

"That's good."

Rod moaned with his own submissive pleasure. His cock was dripping, rigid and standing up between his thighs. The tiger's sheer sexiness combined with the fact that it'd been three days since had masturbated had him sent into remarkable heights of lust. The tiger's constant rumbles and rubs of encouragement made Rod want to service the Commander's cock in any way he could.

It felt wonderful in his maw, so alive and masculine, a proper manly tool that dominated him easily. Rod knew that the tiger knew. He was on his knees worshipping on the Commander's dick. How could the tiger not know? That smirk on his lips told him all he needed to know.

When the tiger pulled himself out of the wolf's muzzle, Rod was left gaping. He drew a quick breath and looked bashfully away from the tiger and his dripping dick.

"I think I know what you need next, Cadet."

Rod looked up shyly.

"S-sir?" he asked while looking up at the tiger.

"I'm sure you can imagine what else you can do for me.." the tiger said meaningfully.

Rod's cock twitched with arousal. The message was more than clear for him. He knew what the tier wanted.

"It's...b-big sir..." he stammered.

The Druff tousled his head furs again.

"I know what I'm doing," he said smugly.


The tiger went over to a wall locker, both cock and tail swinging about, and rummaged through the locker to withdraw a bottle from it.

"Come on," he said, "we'll go to the cockpit."

"The cockpit?" Rod's eyes widened.

Druff purred all the way across the room and to the wolf's side again.

"Seems most appropriate."

He grabbed the wolf's tail and gave it a tug. Rod whimpered.

"S-sir - "

"Let's go."

Rod allowed himself led to the cockpit, his favorite place in the world, really, that was about to become even more interesting when he was ordered to brace against the main control console.

"Delicious," was Druff's opinion on the sight of the shy wolf bent over the controls of the shuttle.


The tiger moved behind him. He spent some time admiring the wolf's butt and the curve of his back before he clasped the lupine buns in question and squeezed both of them firmly.


"I'd almost call this pretty," Druff snickered. He fondled the wolf's butt some more after his comment and enjoyed seeing the Cadet's ears flicker down in embarrassment. The tiger raised the stakes by popping open the bottle of personal lubricant he had fetched from his bag for the occasion.

"Y-you're gonna - " Rod stammered.

Druff squirted lube onto his paw.

"I most certainly will," the tiger replied.

"W-wow..." Rod huffed.

"As long as you'll enjoy such a thing, of course" said the tiger. "I'd hate to...displease you..."

Slick fingers pushed themselves under Rod's tail. They knew where they were going, and found his hole with ease. Rod felt his muscles clench, and so did the tiger. The wolf's tail gave a nervous shuffle.


The tiger continued to finger the wolf's rear with intent. Rod clasped the edges of the console. He could see his own reflection from one of the darkened panels, a wolf grimacing with pleasure and nerves more than with discomfort. He wasn't exactly a stranger to what the tiger was doing, although it had rarely felt as thrilling as it was at the moment.

"Gotta be well prepared for something like this," Druff opined while wriggling a finger up the wolf's butt, "You know how it goes..."

"Y-yes..." Rod moaned.

Druff patted the wolf's rump and smirked to himself. The sight of the young Cadet's submission was remarkably arousing to him as well and kept his own cock fully hard during the initial play. He knew what the wolf wanted, even if he was intimidated by the prospect. He could be patient, too, given the need for it.

To a certain point at least.

"Hmph, I think you're ready," said the tiger. "let's see then..."

Rod's paws clasped the console, expecting an immediate penetration to take place, but instead he felt big paws on his hips, nudging him aside.

"I have a better idea."

The tiger directed the Captain's seat backwards to make room between the chair and the console, and then settled down while pulling the wolf down with himself.

"I think my paws are rather occupied for have to guide it into place..." the tiger murmured into the wolf's ear. "Be the pilot again, Cadet..."

He laughed dirtily. Both the noise and the hot breath made the wolf's neck scruff prickle.

"Y-yes sir..."

Rod's paws fumbled worse than he though they had ever done when he reached behind himself and sought the tiger's shaft. He discovered it, hard and slick from the lubricant, as hot and intimidating as it ever would be, he knew. The tiger purred in approval at the feel of fingers on himself.

"Put it where it's needed, boy."

Rod knew that he needed it, even if he was probably going to be incredibly sore afterwards. He'd never handled a feline cock like that, let alone -

"There we are!" announced the tiger.

His paws held onto Rod's hips more tightly. The wolf trembled at the feel of the hot poker on his rump. It felt like it was going to burst in at any given moment.

"Hmm...right there..."

The tiger was going to fuck the wolf and Rod knew that it was inevitable by then. He'd already started to let allow the wolf to fall down so that his own weight was going to make him get it up the butt.


It didn't hurt, although it was intense. Rod's eyes first clenched shut and then opened as far as they would, and he huffed, grunted, squirmed while the pressure grew and grew and he was stretched wide.

"Hhmmm...splendid..." the tiger rumbled, nuzzling onto the wolf's back.

Rod bit his teeth together. Strangely enough, clenching his teeth seemed to make it easier to relax another part of him. Not that there was much choice anymore, now that the slick head had popped in and the shaft gained ground inside the young wolf's body. The location of their mating made it feel even naughtier, of course. They were practically desecrating the whole Star Fleet by their actions, and the tiger was to blame.

Maybe the wolf, too, Rod would think afterwards. He had been more than a willing participant in the whole thing that involved him bouncing on the Commander's thick tiger pole.

"Ohhwwww..." the wolf moaned.

Druff wrapped his arms around the wolf's torso. Cadet Erichsen was a lithe man but weightless he wasn't. His muscled things pumped as did his arms when he began to raise and lower him up and down, and with his hips working in unison to set up a rhythm.

"Ohohhhhh!" gasped Rod at the feel of the tiger beginning to properly thurst into him.

"Hmmmh...that's the way..." Druff nuzzled the wolf's shoulder before giving it a playful bite, "just like that..."

Rod didn't know what he was supposed to do. For the moment all he could do was to enjoy the ride, perhaps, considering that the tiger was doing all the work.

"Ah..." Rod's eyes rolled back in his head when the barbed tip reached his prostate, pushed past it, and his entirely body was lifted so that the shaft slipped back, and then over again. His cock throbbed wildly and he moaned loudly, practically purring with the intensity of the feelings.

Druff chuckled roughly.

"Always the right spot..."

He pumped himself happily into the wolf's tight rear. The Cadet's tail brushed over his chest and added to the arousal when it rubbed on his nipples. He rewarded this by rubbing the wolf's belly all the while continuing to thrust up the Cadet's rump.

The tiger purred decadently throughout this rut. Rod bounced on the Commander's lap and took it deep inside him. He might've been biting his lip, but his cock slapped and bounced his belly while his body jumped up and down on the tiger's shaft. He was pretty sure they shouldn't have been doing it, but for now all Rod could think was the fact that the incredibly sexy Commander was fucking him in the ass.

Doing it in the glow of the Captain's tactical display seemed almost appropriate under those circumstances.

Rod panted and moaned as he got thoughly fucked. The feelings coming from his rear were so intense that he barely noticed when the tiger's paw began to jerk him off alongside the deep, hard thrusts coming faster now.


He saw stars, quite literally, when his orgasm exploded through his stomach and caused him to spew all over the tiger's paw and arm and his own chest. Another 20 seconds of thrusting later the tiger joined in. He huffed and panted and bit down on the wolf's shoulder again, but this time in a sign of his mating frenzy when he blew his seed deep into the wolf's burning ass.

It smelled incredibly dirty in the cockpit, with their combined musk. The air filters were not removing it quickly, the sweaty wolf learned, with burning ears, when he was seated on Druff's lap for a kind of a post-coital cuddle, although he still had a big dick in his ass while a huffing and puffing tiger relaxed on the Captain's seat.

Rod was sure that he was going to be feeling this for quite some time.

Even more pressing piece of knowledge was that there were still six more days of the mission left.

Rod wondered if his ass could take that much riding.


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Always Available by Gruffy 2016 Hey, folks! This is a commission for [![avatar?user=30753&character=0&clevel=2](

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**Drenched** Heheh. Another sequel to an oldie but goodie by me, featuring a randy and raunchy couple doing what they like best. For those who enjoy this kind of fare, I wish you the most enjoyable read! I shall look forward to your comments and...

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Christmas Ornaments

**Christmas Ornaments** \* Heya! This is a _little_surprise for Atimist,[]( likes _small_things, Oreos, _minor_ amusements and _tiny titillations_when it comes to...

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