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#9 of Cub

One week later, they moved to another town and the house was demolished again.

_ English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Please feel free to comment ^_^ _

In Chinese culture, the fifteenth day of the seventh month in the lunar calendar is called Ghost Day and the seventh month in general is regarded as the Ghost Month, in which ghosts and spirits, including those of the deceased ancestors, come out from the lower realm - the deceased are believed to visit the living.


Today was Hungry Ghost Festival.

Inside a house, a camel boy was possessed by unknown spirits and raped his own sister. When their parents returned home from night market, they rushed their daughter to the hospital. Their son did not recall anything and later they moved to other country. The house was demolished and now the place became a public playground.

** Ten years later.**

Today was Hungry Ghost Festival again.

** A blue skunk was playing with some friends on the playground. His house was located just beside the playground. After a while, he went to the back of the tree to pick up the ball. He saw a tiny box and opened it but it was empty, not knowing that it was a wooden tablet used as a symbol of the deceased. Immediately a white smoke came out from the box and possessed him. At that moment, he did not feel anything wrong. Later, he went home for dinner.**


** Snowy saw her brother sitting on the sofa. She was boring and wanted to play board games with him. She approached the blue skunk gently, he did not open his eyes and she thought that he was sleeping.**

** Suddenly, the blue skunk opened his eyes. His oddness frightened her, and then they were on the carpet, with him on top of her, groping at her, pulling her sundress up.**

*"Brother, what are you doing," the yellow skunk shouted. "Let go of me!" *

In response, Luke slapped Snowy across the face, hard. It stunned her long enough for him to rip off her panties. She stared up in his face with shock - he looked like a stranger. His blue face turned white and he was murmuring strange words.

"I am your sister," Snowy stammered. Luke just laughed, and fell on top of her, kissing her yellowish face, licking and sucking at her neck. His laugh was contagious, and sounded more like an evil cackle than an expression of amusement. Her futile struggles just inflamed his lust more. He gasped, as he pulled down his shorts. Suddenly, she kicked his balls but he burst into giggles. She grabbed and squeezed his scrotum but he smiled evilly.

Luke murmured weird words again. Snowy covered her eyes and started crying because she wanted nothing to do with that rocket ship shaped thing. He grinned and pried her legs open. She screamed, and tried to push him away, but it was no use - he was much too strong for her. She pleaded again when he forced-entered her. He felt the resistance of her hymen - a virgin - and he shoved again, brutally.

Snowy's was still a cub and her hymen was as thin as tissue paper. The mushroom head acted like a knife, piercing her hymen easily. The pain was too much for her. Her face turned pale, her head slumped to one side, and she fell into a faint. Luke was also a cub and he ejaculated very soon. After he fertilized her womb, he also dozed off.

Falling asleep and waking up nude together, Luke remembered nothing of his act earlier today. When their parents returned home, they quickly rushed their children to the hospital.

One week later, they moved to another town and the house was demolished.

The end.

Open Minded Family

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