Birth of Black Gatomon

Story by Renamon_Lovers on SoFurry

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#4 of Digimon

Gatomon was converted into Black Gatomon.

_ English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. I don't own digimon; all characters are copyrights of TOEI and their respective companies. I am very poor and I do not get any rewards from writing stories, so please don't try to sue me. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^_^ _

Birth of Black Gatomon

** One night, three Digimon broke into Gatomon's house. "The secret information is correct, Patamon really is not here," a Digimon whispered to his friends. Each of them wore a mask and then threw a ball into the bedroom. Gatomon yawned and woke up slowly, she was shocked to see the smoke and tried to run out from her bedroom. In less than one minute, she slept on the carpet. The three Digimon picked up the ball and carried her back to their headquarter.**

** The next morning, Gatomon woke up and saw the ceiling, and then she saw three Digimon. She was surprised to see the cat Digimon. "I am Mikemon and was created from your DNA," he said with a smile, as he pushed back his chair from the breakfast-table.**

Mikemon was a cat Digimon with the Calico cat breed's white, orange tabby and black coloration. He has yellow eyes and wore brown gloves with claws on them and shared the same general shape as Gatomon, though he lacked that Digimon's Holy Ring. "I am not qualified to equip the Holy Ring because I am a Demon Beast Digimon but I am not regret."

Gatomon was chained and could not escape. She looked at them with a puzzled expression.

"What do you want from me?" she asked.

"I am Dark Coronamon. We are going to convert all Chosen Digimon into Demon Digimon just like us, because they are our natural enemies."

"I am Phascomon, welcome to the family."

Gatomon's face had begun to grow red and angry.

"I am not going to join you, a Chosen Digimon will never surrender to the evils," she answered.

"You know why we didn't convert you while you're sleeping? Honestly, we also don't know the reason," Mikemon said, in his languid fashion.

"HAHA! Very funny, can I leave now?" Gatomon said with a grin.

"Jokes time over, see this?" Dark Coronamon said, with his enigmatical smile as he showed Gatomon a small dark pill. "This is not an ordinary pill. It is a 'program' and it is designed to corrupt Vaccine Digimon. Once your data is corrupted, it will re-write your data and after it is done re-writing, you will no longer be a Chosen Holy Beast Digimon, but a Demon Beast Digimon with virus attribute just like us."

Gatomon gave a start of astonishment.

Mikemon began to laugh. "Corrupt means erase. This mean you'll lose all your memories but don't worry, I'll marry you and then we live simple and happy lives," he said.

"Please stop, I don't want to die," Gatomon whined incessantly.

Phascomon smiled indulgently. "Don't be afraid, it is not painful at all. In fact, you won't feel anything. Close your eyes, relax, and prepare to welcome your new life together with your new husband," he explained.

Gatomon started, and turned her malignant eyes upon Phascomon.

"Painful or not, I refuse to join your team and my husband is Patamon," she said.

Dark Coronamon rubbed his paws and chuckled with delight.

"Say 'Ah' and swallow the pill," he said.

Gatomon shut her muzzle and refused to swallow the pill.

A look of annoyance passed over Phascomon's face.

"Never mind. You can shut your mouth but you can't shut your ears," Dark Coronamon said and then he squeezed the tiny pill into Gatomon's left ear. He was right, she could not shut her ears. She could feel the pill rolled into her brain. Her brow was dark with anxiety.

"Now we are going to destroy your Holy Ring since it can purify the pill," Mikemon said, earnestly. "And we are going to use the sexy way to do it."

Sexy way? I have sex every night with hubby but my Holy Ring did not break. Oh no, are they going to chop down my lovely tail? Gatomon thought.

"Sexy way means once you reached climax - small or big - the pill shall enrage and break the ring," Phascomon said in a soothing voice.

"You're crazy!" Gatomon cried, fiercely.

Suddenly, Dark Coronamon parted Gatomon's legs. She turned her head to the side to avert her gaze, but the sudden rosiness of her cheeks gave her away. Mikemon began to rub her pudenda with a finger, she tried not to expose her sex but she failed. Her slit slowly emerged from the hidden skin, thinking that her husband was going to make love with her. Soon, her whole pussy was fully exposed.

The smile of Phascomon was the smile of a conqueror.

"We'll continue with our breakfast," Dark Coronamon said, as his keen eyes darted over Gatomon, "and then we'll enrage the pill later."

Mikemon got between Gatomon's legs, and positioned his erected cock against her wet opening. He rubbed his cock up and down her slit to get her wet enough to fuck. He savored the moment as his cock slid into her tight cunt.

I must not cum! Or else my Holy Ring will break! Gatomon thought.

Gatomon grunted and groaned as Mikemon slowly pushed his rock hard dick into her. One hard thrust took him all the way inside her tight cunt, until he was hilted. He felt her cunt muscles squeeze against the intrusion trying to push his dick out, but he was firmly planted in her. He began slow and deliberate movements, pulling back then ramming back in her until his balls slapped against her ass. "Resistant is futile, surrender to me now," he said.


Mikemon started to fuck Gatomon hard. She closed her eyes and rejected to enjoy the sensation. He pounded her at a furious pace, at last he pushed in one last time as his cock started to spurt. He filled her cunt with his hot seed until he could cum no more. He withdrew from inside her, she did not cum and her Holy Ring did not break.

Dark Coronamon chuckled and rubbed his paws. "Ok, my turn," he said.

Gatomon's eyes were blankly staring at the wall. Dark Coronamon brought his cock to her vagina and slowly inserted the head into her cunt hole. The head pushed aside the lips stretching the hole as they entered. Then inch by inch his long thick pole forced its way into her pussy.

After a while, both Dark Coronamon and Phascomon failed to make Gatomon cum. Please no more, I will surely cum this time. She thought. A muscle twitched involuntarily at the corner of her right eye, her muzzle formed a rigid grimace.

"Wow, you sure can endure," Dark Coronamon observed.

"Now we are going to make you cum in a very hard way," Mikemon said. With his palm facing up, inserted two fingers inside, pressing his fingertips against the center of the upper vaginal wall.

Damn! He is finding my G-spot!** Gatomon thought. **** She clenched her fists tightly, until her nails dug into the palm of her paw, but she barely notices. The only thing she was really aware of, was the sound of her heart throbbing against the cage of her chest.**

"Good Lord! What shall I do?" Gatomon cried, in an ecstasy of despair. "I don't want to be corrupted!"

When Mikemon rubbed Gatomon's G-spot, she meowed loudly and then squirted. It was a deep almost aching feeling that builds and builds until it reached a peak. Then it became waves of pleasure that radiate through the whole body. They were surprised to see her squirted for about five minutes. After she stopped, the pill enraged and the Holy Ring shattered into data.

"Good! The 'corrupt' process will start now," Phascomon said, laughing.

Since the pill was inside Gatomon's ear, it began to corrupt her cat head first. Soon, her whole head turned into black color and she was losing memories fast. Finally, she closed her eyes and stopped struggling. Her brain and memories were being re-writing. Her front body slowly turned into black color, finally her legs also turned into black color.

"A new Digimon is born," Dark Coronamon said in a very amiable tone.

Their laughter resounded through the room.

"She looks like Sleeping Beauty now," Phascomon said, smiling.

Finally, Gatomon opened her eyes again.

Mikemon chuckled. "What is your name?"

"My name don't know my name...who am I?"

** Mikemon could hardly contain her joy. "I am Mikemon. Your name is Black Gatomon and you are my wife."**

** Black Gatomon's face moved a little too slowly, as she was taking in the surroundings more than anyone else. Then she grinned. As she did so the temperature of the room fell a little. Yes, he is my husband and I loved him. The new memories sent her this message.**

The end.

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