Happiness is a Warm Pouch Again

Story by rednerr on SoFurry

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#2 of Happiness Is A Warm Pouch

A continuation of Happiness is Still a Warm Pouch. A rubber opossum visits a human woman in the dead of night, the experience changes both of them.

Sally was thrown from a pleasant night's sleep by the sound of something in her house. The young woman sat upright with her covers bunched up in her hands, sitting still as her nerves would allow. She listened in the dark, hearing silence then the distinctive shuffling of footsteps. But there was something not quite right about them; there was an odd sort of 'squeakiness' to the footsteps, like wet sneakers on a tile floor. And every so often, she would hear them again. A torturously long few seconds of silence, then squeak.

And then Sally noticed it was getting closer, whatever it was. She swept her blonde hair out of her eyes and retrieved the heavy, shiny red self defense flashlight from the nightstand. She held it in a reverse grip with most of the foot-long handle ready to serve as a truncheon at a moment's notice and stepped out of the room slowly, sweeping the soft white light side to side as she made her way down the hall.

With every step Sally took, she felt like something was watching her. It was an unpleasant, crawling feeling like an insect on the back of one's neck. And with it, there was a curious oily smell, with a synthetic note mingling with it, like the smell of a rubber ball fresh out of its packaging. The smell had lead Sally to the den where she noticed an open window letting in a low, lonely breeze.

He heart skipped a beat, and then skipped two more when her flashlight caught what was on the floor.

Footprints, a long trail of them leading from the window tracked in a slick black substance. And they didn't belong to a person, which Sally was certain of when she knelt down in her pajamas to get a better look. The toes were longer, ending in claws long enough to leave little scuffs in the hardwood floor with two of the digits resembling thumbs.

She touched a finger to the shiny black grease staining her floor, and then brought it to her nose. It smelt so strongly of rubber that the smell caught in the back of her throat and almost made her gag. Sally knew that whatever was in her house was big and probably hungry, so she went over to the black plastic phone on the wall only to see the wire hanging in two limp pieces, chewed clean through.

She cursed, she cursed loudly and before her better judgment could stop her and almost as if answering her, there came a high-pitched, throaty hiss from the darkness behind her. Sally spun around just in time for a big dark blur to tackle her to the floor, sending the flashlight rolling to a corner of the room well out of reach.

She screamed, only for whatever was on top of her to thrust its paw over her mouth. She could smell that greasy rubber smell more than ever; it permeated every part of the beast's body. The thing leaned in closer and she could see just enough of it to know what it was.

It was a humanoid opossum, with a body that was both curvy and well-muscled for climbing, made entirely of shiny black rubber from whiskers to tail. Sally could tell it was a female thanks to the heavy, plump breasts it sported, with milky dark-gray latex trickling down from its puffy nipples in thin trickles.

The creature bared its shiny, needle like teeth in a bone-chilling grin as it spoke to Sally:


She looked up at it, silently asking a hundred questions with her blue eyes wide with shock, and the creature answered in its smooth, slippery voice. "I need a mate. You are it. Breed and we'll be a family. Happy family."

The thing withdrew its hand from her mouth, she took in a sharp breath and rushed to put words to the scattered jumbles of thoughts racing around in her mind. "What are you?"

The opossum thing only smiled. "Drink. Drink and be better." And before Sally could voice her objections, the freakish marsupial cupped the back of the human's head and thrust her open mouth toward its breast. Her lips landed squarely on the nipple, catching the first swallow of the lady opossum's synthetic milk.

The taste was overwhelming, like dark chocolate mixed with milk and a slight rubbery after taste to follow it. It compelled Sally to keep drinking as the first swallow went down her throat. And the more she drank from the opossum's breast, a pleasant numbness settled in her mind. She felt herself relax into the creature's tight, warm embrace as she suckled like a calf.

As Sally drank, she was blissfully unaware of the liquid rubber seeping down her cheek in flowing tendrils, caressing and gripping her fair skin as it coated her.

As her face was coated, the stuff started to bubble and squeak as her face was pulled out into a snout much like the creature's own, with little whiskers soon following. Her hearing popped as her ears migrated to the top of her head, growing wider and rounder to let new sounds in. Sally arched her back, moaning as the rubber flowed down, with her captor rubbing it into her body, spreading it further and faster with every gentle touch. The rubber rolled down Sally's chest, dissolving her pajama top and converting it into more rubber. Her chest tingled as the rubber flowed over her skin, constricting her breasts and pushing them flat against her body until they had entirely receded into a flat, broadening chest. Sally's bones ached as the shiny, squeaky stuff sculpted her shoulders and arms into broader, more muscular forms.

Her hands were next to be engulfed, her delicate human hands remolded into long-fingered claws perfect for climbing, for seizing prey. Rounded fingernails narrowed and sharpened into vicious looking claws shining obsidian black like the rest of her changed body.

The latex slid down over her hips, sending another wave of pleasantly dull aches as her hips were narrowed to shoulder length, feminine curves shifting to masculine shapes and musculature. When it reached her crotch, Sally felt something push out of her, bit by little bit. A fleshy, throbbing organ bulged out from the rippling, squeaking rubber, with two firm balls beneath. Sally let out a lusty moan as the latex sheath opened up, letting a nine inch cock emerge fully erect and leaking rubbery precum.

And that was not the only new addition to Sally's body. A long, tapering tail pulled out from the small of her back, right at the base of her spine and filled out its length quickly, sending creaking ripples through the rubber with every inch that pulled out. With a sound like a rubber band snapping, the new tail synced up with Sally's body, its four foot length curling around the opossum on top of her.

Finally, her feet were engulfed. The short human toes pulled out into agile claws, and she felt a rush of excitement knowing her metamorphosis was over. In her clouded mind, Sally knew something was wrong, but it felt good... very good.

"Breed now!" The she-opossum hissed, rubbing her rubber body against Sally. Sally let out a happy groan and licked her teeth.

"Yes," was all the former human could say before her...his mate thrust her body forward and hilted herself on the newly minted male. Their bodies squeaked as they rubbed together, with Sally bucking his hips against his eager mate. His new mate was so tight, her folds clenched firm around his engorged shaft making the wonderful squeaking noise all the louder as he pumped in and out, in and out harder and faster as they licked and nipped playfully at each other.

The she-opossum brought his head up to her chest, giving him another drink of her sweet, sweet milk as they coupled on the floor. They had settled into a brisk, indulgent rhythm; perfect for the both of them. Sally felt a rush of feeling in her loins, then a starburst of pleasure and release as he pumped load after load of hot, slippery latex seed into his mate. they cried out in orgasmic unison, their squealing echoing throughout the house, then they collapsed into each other's arms.

Sally felt a glow in her belly, she would bear his offspring. This was a certainty, and the idea of raising a new brood of rubbery marsupials made his heart flutter.

"Name?" the former human whispered, nuzzling his dear mate, his mistress and carrier of their spawn.

"Jen..." She replied, licking his neck. "Yours?"


"That is a handsome name" Jen sighed and rubbed her belly. Already she was starting to firm up there, it wouldn't be long at all until she had her first litter. Sal leaned over and licked her on the cheek, spent but totally satisfied. Sleep came to the both of them quickly. Tomorrow, they would leave this house in search of a safer den, but for now they were at peace, their dreams filled with visions of warm, happy pouches full of happy baby opossums.

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