The Horned Lord (Trade)

Story by rednerr on SoFurry

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My part of a trade with Skiesofsilver. Had a lot of fun with this one too. After his wife goes missing near the edge of the woods, a hunter sets out to find her. What he finds will change his life forever.

The Horned Lord

By Feder

Iver stood at the edge of the woods, his hand shaking as he held the lantern up to peer through the gnarled branches. He called Melody's name, then listened for a response, anything from his wife. It happened just an hour ago, he woke up and saw her missing from their bed and the door left hanging open. Then he saw her disappear into the woods from the window, but for just a moment, long enough to see the tail of her mauve nightdress vanish into the murky green of the overgrown brush.

His other hand came to rest on the sheathed dagger at his side as he stepped into the woods after her, mouthing a silent prayer that he did not have to use it. The sparse yellow light of his oil lantern flickered against the black soil, illuminating the tracks left in the moist earth by her bare feet. His heart pounded like a war drum in his chest as he paced warily along. The air carried the bitter smell of earth and old wood.

For a while, there was no sound but his boots on the dead leaves and short, scrubby grass. Then he heard a woman's giggle, it wasn't Melody's voice however. It has a playful quality to it, a sort of feminine grace that was uncommon, even unwelcome in the untamed woodlands. Iver gripped the hilt of his dagger, turning around on his heels to locate the source of the noise, but with no luck.

He pressed on, making a note to hasten his search. Then he noticed something, Melody's trail was accompanied by cloven hoof prints like those of a large deer. Deer tracks were nothing strange to Iver, being a hunter by a trade, but to see them so close to a person's own prints was unheard of. What deer could be that brave? And as he followed the trail, more and more pairs of deer prints showed up, close to but never quite right next to his wife's trail.

His search brought him to a small glade with a sparse canopy letting the soft moonlight shine down on the dew-dappled grass. Then he saw a curious sort of creature lounging on a woven straw mat in the clearing, it had the general figure of a woman, but with the brown-furred head of a deer and the powerful, lithe legs to match. Her figure was lean and light, with petite breasts covered in the white fur running down from her neck down her belly to her toned inner thighs. The deer woman's dark-colored eyes glinted with a disarming friendliness as she looked Iver over. She was an odd sight, wearing a skirt made of woven grass and wooden bands around her ankles and wrists, but Iver knew she meant him no harm.

"What brings you to our wood?" She said, speaking in a soft, breathy voice that reminded Iver of the barmaids in town. And from the brush behind her emerged two other denizens just like her. The deer women approached Iver like a child approaching a dog, their expressions curious and playful in equal measure. One of them took a particular fancy to Iver's lantern, bending down to look into the yellow flame dancing on the end of the wick.

"I'm looking for my wife," Iver said, trying not to stare at them, with little success. "Please, tell me if you've seen her. She's got red hair, green eyes." The deer on the rock ran her black-nailed finger under her chin thoughtfully.

"We have seen a woman of that description, but what's your rush?" She said, fluttering her long eyelashes as she spoke. "Won't you stay a while longer? We haven't seen a charming little thing like you in ages." The deer leaned on him, her cool nose brushing against his cheek, something about her touch made Iver shiver. She ran her hand through his raven hair, he let her touch linger for just a moment before gently pushing her away.

"Whoever you are, please hear me out. My wife, Melody... has she come through here?" Iver felt one of the deer girls tug on the sleeve of his coat, he couldn't help but blush at the attention. The deer women exchanged a few inscrutable glances, and then the deer at his side spoke up.

"We know where your Melody is. She is safe in the care of the Horned Lord," They circled around him, almost ethereal in their grace. Iver felt his hand reaching for his dagger.

"The Horned Lord? Where is he?" Iver said, "If he has Melody, I have to find him!" And as he spoke, his ears twitched and pulled out longer, taking on distinct points at the tips. A thin shock of sandy brown asserted itself in his black hair;the deer women pointed towards the east and off Iver went. As he walked, his hand was sweaty on the handle of the lantern. His skin felt itchy under his clothing as a wave of soft brown fur trailed down from his ears. His hearing popped and grew dull for just a moment, then returning to full clarity mere seconds later as his new cervine ears flicked around, listening for anything that would bring him closer to Melody.

He came to rest on an overturned log, he was sweating under his coat and the itching had only gotten worse. He felt hot all over; he pulled the coat off along with his white linen shirt and sawthe fur on his chest. Soft white fur growing in unevenly over his now-black nipples, with patches of fawn brown running down his arms and over his wrists

"God..." He hissed through clenched teeth as he threw his coat back on. This was not good, not good at all. He had to find the demon that took Melody before the hex took him. He left the lantern as he went on, it had burned out and his eyes had adjusted just fine to the velvety dark anyway. The trail continued through a patch of thistles, and every so often Iver had to pull his ill-fitting trousers back up to keep the thorny plants from pulling them down as he struggled through them.

He felt an unwelcome pressure just above his tailbone as a small nub of an appendage pressed outward from his lower back, with white and brown fur flowing over it. His new tail flicked angrily as he clambered over a fallen tree trunk. His trousers were now practically swimming over his thinning frame, muscle definition slimming into feminine curves as the fur spread slowly but surely, a constant reminder for Iver to hurry.

He found himself in another clearing, standing before him was another troupe of deer women. Iver could tell from their grass skirts and wooden jewelry that they were from the same tribe as the ones back in the moonlit glade. At least he was quite certain they were a tribe, they surely looked enough alike. He stood as imposing as his diminished stature could manage, having gone from six feet tall to five and a half in just a few moments of time. His joints ached as they contracted down into a leaner, overall smaller form.

"Where is the Horned Lord? He has taken my wife and placed a hex upon me," Iver said, his serious tone thwarted by a tinge of doubt. Was the Lord really a demon, and was his predicament his doing? "No harm will come to you if you cooperate." The hunter let his hand come to rest over his dagger, the ox-bone handle now quite large in his dainty hand, mostly overtaken by soft tawny fur. The creatures just stared at him for a while, their ears folded back apprehensively.

Then he saw it, one of the deer with more rust-colored fur had on her finger a golden wedding band bearing a single polished stone of turquoise. It was the ring he gave Melody, the exact same. His trousers hung low on his widening hips as he ran towards her, his breath heavy in his chest.

"Melody! Is that you?" The deer looked at him, but she did not respond. Then, all of the deer turned in the direction of a great, nut-brown shape pushing out of the trees and looking straight at Iver. The thing was a six foot monster of a stag-man, with broad chest and arms fit for a prizefighter. Its antlers were glossy under the moonlight and it wore only a woven grass loincloth that left little of its toned physique to the imagination. The thing stepped towards Iver, its thick black cloven hooves rustling noisily through the grass and fallen leaves.

The thing had to be the Horned Lord, it simply had to and Iver knew it. But something about the beast's gaze kept him from reaching the dagger at his side; there was something about the Lord's deep amber colored eyes that took the fight out of the hunter. He turned and ran, his coat billowing around him like a cape, only to fall forward onto the soft earth, his black leather boots sliding off his feet with comical ease.

The deer women picked him up, their breath warm on his cheeks as they looked him over and cleaned him up. It became all too clear to Iver what was going on. He was an offering, prey for the Horned Lord. They turned him around, holding him none-too-gently by the arms as the enormous buck looked him over. The Horned Lord's eyes met Iver's own blue eyes, now rapidly taking on a darker hazel color.

"Briar..." The stag said with a voice like smoke off a cooking fire, warm and rough, deep and guttural. He turned his head and saw Melody, or the deer-thing that once was Melody trot up to his side, there was something about the way she looked at him. It felt good, felt comfortable.

"That is your new name." The Melody-deer whispered as she pulled his coat off, laying bare his slender arms, now completely coated in short, brindle-brown fur. Iver's chest heaved as he took harsh, unsteady breaths in and out, in and out as he watched his chest grow. Two mounds of soft, supple flesh asserted themselves and grew out, out from Briar... Iver's chest. In just moments, they were already full and heavy B-cups. He couldn't help but blush as he saw them, felt them bounce and jiggle with every motion of his changing body.

"Just let it happen, love." The Melody-deer cooed as she cupped Iver's black-nippled teats. "We'll be together again, just let it happen."

"Melody..." Briar... no Iver moaned. "He did this to you? What's happening to me?" As he...she... he spoke, his jaw ached. It was only a faint unease at first, then the feeling grew more and more intense by the second as his face pushed out, out into a tapering snout and his darkening nose flattened against his muzzle. His vision blurred, then came back into focus as her new cervine visage finished growing in. Melody tugged down his pants with ease, showing off his ample, very feminine fawn-bearing hips.

"Melody, please..." Iver...Briar tried to speak but was silenced by Melody putting a finger to his mouth.

"Just relax, it won't be very long at all. The Horned Lord takes good care of his harem."

And before Briar... no... Iver could react, she pressed into a deep kiss. Briar picked his feet up, one then the other, letting his grayish wool socks drop to the ground. The joints in his toes popped quietly and painlessly as his toenails took on a glossy black color and grew out over the skin, bringing his toes together into graceful, dainty cloven hooves. Briar... no he was Iver... Iver felt his manhood pulse red hot as his underwear fell to the ground. The deer women surrounded Iver, crowding him and feeling all over him with their delicate hands. Their thick nails were smooth on his fur, they licked his body and whispered words of encouragement as they fitted him into a grass skirt. It was light, almost as if he was wearing nothing at all and it swished delicately with every move of his hips.

He knew he had to fight it, this seduction. Iver broke away from the deer girls, storming off towards the edge of the clearing before turning back to look at Melody. "Melody, we're going home. This isn't us. This is not right."

"But Briar..."

"My name is..." But before Iver could finish, the Horned Lord took him and hauled him up in front of him, planting a deep, rough kiss on her snout, their tongues meeting each other. Briar's manhood ached, and the aching sensation flowed into his shaft and up his abdomen. He let out a low whimper as he felt it shrink the first inch into his body, the sensation was much like an unseen hand was pressing it inward and the flesh around it felt like it was pulling back to help it.

Another inch in, another shiver up Briar's spine. Another moment of tense, heavy silence and _she_felt her dwindling manhood pull taut then flattened and inverted into a very distinct cleft. Down, down, Briar could feel it traveling deeper and deeper into her as it vanished from sight. She bit her lip as her organs shifted around, changed and reorganized to accommodate the new womanhood. It was so strange, but so pleasant.A warm and fuzzy tingle deep inside.

Briar looked up into the Horned Lord's eyes. She had thought him as a demon, but in his eyes she could sense a sort of tenderness, his smile warm like the evening sun.

"Welcome to my herd." He said, running his big hands down her small waist, her plump hips. Briar smiled up at him, her long neck craned down in a submissive gesture. She felt a heat spread between her legs. His scent was musky, almost intoxicating. She needed him, wanted him.

"My master," She moaned, flattening her chest against his pecs. "I hope I am pretty enough for you."

"Oh you are, my dear." He chuckled, the tip of his member peeking out stark red against the soft off-white fur on his sheath. "I'm glad you could join your dear sister Melody. She had been asking about you."

And Briar turned to Melody, and Melody looked back at her. They exchanged a smile, they were at peace. Together at last in the service of their master, she closed her eyes as the Horned Lord gently pushed her onto her back on the soft green grass. She let out a grunt as he mounted her. The Horned Lord pressed forward, the stag rubbing his semi-erect shaft against her flat belly. Briar let out a low moan and licked his chest, spreading her in a silent invitation. This was her time, to serve and be bred by her master, her new lover. He shivered a bit, returning the lick to her neck. His cock slid another few inches out of his sheath as he rubbed against her tighter, their breath was on each other's faces.

He ran his hands over Briar's breasts, and in return her hands cupped his firm, shapely rump. Briar let out a soft, shuddering whimper as he leaned around to lick the side of her muzzle, his length growing stiff as he eased the first inch into her, taking stock of her reaction. He wanted his new doe's first breeding to be pleasurable, after all.

She gasped out a meek "Take me!" as he rested on his arms on top of her. Briar's body shuddered in anticipation as he slid in another two inches.

The Horned Lord slipped a finger into the doe for a moment. Then, he slid it back out, suckling on his finger lightly and rose up on his knees over her, the buck's rather large, thick length standing out, lifting up the front of his loincloth "Need this?" The buck's shaft was almost a foot long and at least four inches thick. She nodded yes, blushing red hot under her fur as she licked the tip of his turgid length. Her master shivered at the feeling of Briar's tongue on his shaft. "Alright, my dear. You want it so badly, you shall have it."

He thrusted into her tight entrance slowly, letting out a lusty grunt as a bit of his warm, thick pre leaked into Briar. They heard a soft, wet sound as he took her virginity; Briar crossed her legs around his waist and moaned "My master, my master" over and over. He hilted himself inside her, and Briar pushed back against him. At first, they went slowly, but they quickly built into a strong rhythm as she cried out in rapturous delight.

The buck let out a heavy moan as he pumped harder and faster into Briar's moist folds as their climax approached. She squealed and dug her hooves into the soft earth, clenching tight around him and panting as she braced herself against his chest. Then, they came at the same time. The Horned Lord's cock pulsed and twitched as it pumped load after load of potent seed into her. Briar could feel it inside her and she knew then she would bear his fawn.

The massive stag rolled off of Briar and Melody knelt beside her, rubbing her belly with a proud smile. "Your first fawn. It's a blessed event." Melody whispered into her sister's ear. And indeed Briar did feel blessed. She was under the loving care of the Horned Lord, chosen to bear the first fawn of the season out of all the does in the harem. She would be a good mother, she would be a good wife and servant. Briar knew this, and most importantly her Lord, that picture of cervine perfection knew it.

Briar leaned into Melody's arms and drifted off to sleep, spent but satisfied and perfectly ready for what the dawn would bring.

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