
Story by Striped Charr on SoFurry

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#2 of Kay's Adventures

NOTE: I changed Len's (the wolf) name to Cody (for no important reason).

Kay comes out to his wolf friend Cody, and reveals his secret. Further examples are needed to convince the wolf.

Whew! This took way too long for me to complete, mainly thanks to rewriting a significant portion of it. A bit more development and explanation in this one. Gotta get it out of the way now, so I can focus on all the good stuff later.

A sharp knock on his bedroom door awoke Kay from a deep dreamless sleep. With a stretch and mewl, he glanced at his bedside clock, revealing it to be well passed noon.

"Kay, get your spotted tail out of bed right now." The cheetah's mother yelled from the other side of the door.

"Uhg, it's _Saturday_mum." Kay complained. "Let me sleep."

To Kay's dismay, his mum wasn't about to let him off that easily. The older cheetah opened his door and stormed in like the fury of an approaching thunderstorm. Kay glowered as she drifted across his messy clothes-strewn floor and whipped his curtains open to flood his private space with invading light.

"Not going to happen mister." She said. "And clean up this room or Cody isn't allowed over this afternoon." She checked his bedside clock. "In fact, I thought you said he was coming over at one; that's in an hour!" And with her damage inflicted, Kay's mother left just as quickly as she'd appeared.

Kay groaned at the sudden brightness and covered his face with a pillow, but it was no use. His mother had woken him from his sleep, and fried his eyes with daylight. There was no hope of returning to his dreams now.

With nothing else to do until Cody arrived, Kay clambered out of bed and resigned himself to eating, showering and brushing his teeth. His mum made a second fly-by appearance a few minutes before Cody arrived and demanded him to clean his room, so with a grudging slowness, Kay shuffled some clothes into the dirty basket, and piled the rest under his bed.

Just before his mum could stomp past and complain for a third time, the doorbell rang announcing Cody's arrival. Kay's mum promised a continuation of their fight on a later date, but left the teenage cat to his own devices while she greeted Cody at the door. Kay sighed as he listened to his mum grill the poor wolf about his life since she last saw him only weeks ago. It'd be a while until Cody would be free, and Kay didn't much want to get caught in the cross-examination.

Eventually, after what felt like hours, Cody found his way out of the conversation, and politely excused himself. Kay was laying on his bed when the wolf slumped his way inside his exuberantly furnished room.

Thanks to his part time night shift job, and some generous presents from some thoughtful relatives, Kay really had no need to leave his room apart from food and drinks. His large king sized bed occupied less than a quarter of the room. A large gaming computer occupied the space next to his cluttered desk by the door, and a large flat screen TV was mounted to the wall opposite his bed. Underneath the TV was his beloved Xbox, four controllers and a plethora of the latest games. Add in the ensuite bathroom, toilet, and shower, and the reason is clear why the two preferred to waste time at Kay's.

"Geeze dude, I thought you said you'd be here at one. It's nearly two!" Kay exclaimed while barely succeeding in holding his grin from splitting across his face.

The wolf stared blankly at his friend for a moment before answering. "You could always help me out down there you know." Cody mumbled.

"Nah, you seemed to handle yourself just fine." The cheetah sat up, briefly inspecting the wolf and looking away before Cody caught him.

Cody seemed to grow taller each time Kay saw him. Even now, after only a few weeks since he came over, it seemed the wolf had grown taller at the very least. Even though they saw each other every day at school, it just wasn't until he stepped through the doorway into Kay's room that the cheetah saw how his canine ears brush across the top of the door frame. Kay swore that never used to happen before.

And that wasn't even mentioning the muscle Cody was cultivating. The wolf had taken up regular gym sessions, and each day it seemed to be showing more and more through his tawny fur and tight shirts. Kay tried going to the gym once, but didn't like the burn from lifting weights, and was too preoccupied focusing on the hot males strutting about to worry about doing much other than staring.

Kay didn't want to admit it, but he found Cody hot. Having been friends with the wolf for so long, he'd never really thought about him in that way. Not until a sleepover about a year ago anyway. The image of the fit wolf stripping down to his boxers with only the faint moonbeams illuminating his form was burned into Kay's mind, and had fuelled many a lustful night of fantasies.

"Been up to much lately?" Cody asked as he sat on the bed next to Kay. The cheetah was snapped out of his thoughts when he suddenly gravitated into the solid form of the wolf thanks to the heavy canine's depression in the bed.

"Did I say you could sit on my bed you fat oaf?" Kay pushed against the wolf to distance himself, only for the smirking wolf to bring him back with a powerful hug and wait for the cat to submit. "And nah not much, you?" Kay responded once he'd given in and been released.

"Eh just the usual, job and schoolwork. Got anything in mind for today or we just gonna playing some games?" Cody asked.

"What wrong with 'just playing games'?" Kay acted bewildered, staring at his friend as if he'd grown a third arm.

"You know what I mean." Cody sighed. "We going to the shops or movies?"

"Nah wasn't planning on it. Mum's going out, so we can blast the sound as loud as we want." Kay had a second reason, but didn't want to mention it right now. Both the furs ears perked in response to the padded footsteps approaching the room. "Speak of the devil."

The door opened to reveal Kay's mum just as she finished pinning a second earring to her left ear. "Alright Kay, I'm heading out now to meet your father for lunch. We won't be home until after the show late tonight, so money is on the bench downstairs for pizza, and don't make too much noise. We don't want the neighbours complaining for a third time this month."

The two friends said their goodbyes, and waited until they heard the telltale rumble of the garage door closing before turning on the TV and blasting halo with the volume near maximum.


They played for a few hours before Kay chose this moment to act. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves as the butterflies fluttering around his stomach threatened to make him sick. With a final heart-stopping moment of preparation, he metaphorically ran head first into the fray.

"Nice shot" He complimented Cody's aim. "... I'm gay." The cheetah added, trying to act casual, when in reality he felt like the rope in a game of tug-of-war; one side wanting to come out in earnest to Cody, and the other wanting him to jump out the window. Right. Now.

Cody's reaction was a bit tamer than Kay hoped for. The wolf's fingers slipped from the controller in his hands as he fumbled it from his grasp, and the dull thunk of the device landing on carpeted floor went unnoticed to the room's occupants. But he didn't go after it immediately, instead turning to the tense cheetah with puzzle look on his face.

"You... you're gay?" Cody asked, wanting to clarify what he thought he'd heard. Kay just nodded, His spotted ears were folded back against his head and it took all his willpower to not whimper, or run away with his tail between his legs.

"... So you interested in anyone in particular?" Cody asked curiously. The tawny canine had always suspected the cheetah was gay, but wanted to wait until Kay was comfortable to tell him. He just didn't expect it to be so out-of-the-blue.

"Umm... not really." Kay blushed and looked at the floor away from his friend, not wanting to hint at the lust he felt for Cody. One revelation was enough for now, and the cat was especially relieved Cody was taking it so well.

"Really, no one?" Cody looked a bit disappointed, his lupine ears folding along the back of his head.

"Well... I got with Rex in the school bathrooms during lunch." Kay blushed.

"... Got with Rex _how_exactly?" Cody asked.

"I had sex with him. As in, I sat on the bathroom counter, and he fucked me up the ass with his cock." Kay giggled, becoming more comfortable and returning to his old expressive self that Cody knew and loved.

"What? You had sex_with _Rex in the bathrooms?!" Cody exclaimed, standing up and waving his arms dramatically. "Nope, I'm calling bullshit on that. Maybe you mistook him beating you senseless for being affectionate?"

Kay laughed at Cody's reaction. "Nope! Just standard sex. And I can tell you he's a _very_productive puppy."

Cody sat back down on the bed and crossed his arms, staring straight at the cheetah across from him. The wolf's gaze turned intense as he focused on his friend.

"So you got the biggest, most homophobic school bully to have sex with you during school hours, in a public school bathroom." Kay nodded. "How?"

"Well this is the part that's hard to explain..." Kay trailed off, folding his hands in his lap as he tried to think of how to tell Cody about his ability. However, his drooped ears recovered when he realised Cody was at the tennis courts two weeks ago during gym when this whole thing started.

"Do you remember a few weeks ago when we started the tennis tournaments during gym class?" Kay asked.

"Yeah of course, you seemed pretty distracted during that class." Cody nodded. The wolf smirked slightly before continuing. "I remember you were so cocky about beating us jocks in your favourite sport, only to get smashed yourself."

"Shut up about that, I was distracted." Kay said, defending his honour. "Do you remember anything strange about what I was wearing, or the reactions of our classmates?"

The cheetah was in unfamiliar territory here. Maybe he could counteract his effects by directly contradicting what he'd initially Convinced Cody into believing. But if this didn't work, he'd have to think of some other way to try convince Cody.

The wolf thought for a second. Remembering an arbitrary day two weeks ago was no easy task, and the only reason he could remember anything is because of the grief he gave Kay due to his tennis performance. After a brief pause, Cody came up blank.

"Nope, can't think of anything strange." Code said.

"Think hard about my pants -" The wolf snickered and received a punch to the shoulder for his immaturity. "Think about if they were ripped or not."

Again Cody fell deep into thought, trying to pick up the minute details Kay was asking about. "Hmm, yeah you'd ripped your pants from front to back, why?" Cody said.

"Don't you think that's strange though? My pants had a huge rip in them, and no one, not even you, paid it any attention." Kay asked.

"Not particularly." Cody shrugged. Kay felt a twinge of frustration fluster within him. He'd need to try another perspective; maybe if he turned the tables?

"What if you'd ripped your pants, how would you feel?" Kay asked.

"Pretty damn embarrassed." Cody admitted.

"And how would others react if it happened to you? Would they mock you?" Kay felt confident with this line of questioning. He chuckled to himself at his lawyer-esque approach.

"Yeah they probably would." Cody said, but to Kay's increasing frustration, he still made no hint of breaking through Kay's influence.

"So why did no one react to my situation? Wouldn't it make sense that furs mock me like they would anyone else?" Kay hoped this would be it. This should show a direct conflict between how Cody reacted to him compared to anyone else.

"But it's you. Why would anyone make fun of you for ripping your pants?" Cody was still genuinely confused. Kay hissed in annoyance and fell back on the bed, covering his face with a pillow and groaning in defeat. "What are you getting at anyway? I thought we were talking about how you and Rex hooked up."

Kay threw the pillow off the side of the bed and looked dejectedly at Cody. "I was trying to explain my ability to persuade people." He mumbled. At the very least if Cody started laughing at him, he could just Convince him not to.

But that's not what happened. Not at all. Instead, Kay watched as Cody's eyes widened in shock.

"Dude! You fucking ripped your pants in gym class!" Cody yelled. The wolf jumped up from the bed and let out an obnoxiously booming laugh. "How did I not say anything before?" Cody wiped a stray tear away from his eye.

"Thanks for your kind consideration." Kay grumbled, but perked his ears as he realised the significance behind Cody's sudden change of mind. "My hold over you is gone!" He exclaimed.

"Well... I now think you're crazy if that means anything." Cody said. "But I admit I have no idea what I was thinking earlier, or during gym class so who knows, maybe we're both crazy."

"I don't know what to say to convince you other than, how do you explain the sudden shift in your reaction?" Kay asked.

The wolf looked like he was about to say something, but stopped with his mouth open and slumped in thought. Cody hummed for a bit before lighting up again and making a proposal.

"How about you brain wash me again, make me do something, and then undo it? That way I'll be actively trying to resist it, and I'll know immediately afterwards if it worked when you break me out of my trance." He said.

After a moment of thought Kay agreed somewhat reluctantly, this was new territory after all. He'd never revealed his powers to anyone before, and didn't know how it would work with someone who knew he could Convince furs. Kay motioned for the wolf to rise from the bed and remain in front of him while he thought hard about Convincing Cody.

Kay opened his eyes, focused on the wolf and gave a simple command. "Cody, do a handstand."

The wolf's back stiffened suddenly, turned to the side and raised his hands above his head. For a moment Kay thought Cody had been Convinced just like the first time, but then the wolf flipped him the middle finger and stuck out his tongue.

"Hmm, it didn't work." Kay mumbled and pointedly ignored the wolf's immature antics.

"Ha, you're telling me. Here I was prepared to fight off some sort of evil brain washing, and then you just give me a command and expected me to follow it."

"Maybe that's the problem then." Kay theorised. "Maybe because I told you, you're now immune to it." The two fell silent for a few minutes while they thought about what to do next.

"How does your thing work exactly?" Cody asked curiously, breaking the momentary still air.

Kay scratched the back of his head, trying to think of a way to describe what he'd discovered so far. "Hmm... it's a bit hard to explain in words but... basically I can influence a fur's mindset into thinking something is 'normal' behaviour." Kay began. "I've taken to thinking of my ability as 'Convincing' because I'm, in a way, convincing their mind to disregard what would otherwise be an unusual occurrence or behaviour." He finished explaining.

"That's... weird." Cody said "How would it work if..." He trailed off as he tried to think up a situation. "Ok let's say for example you want someone to punch another fur in the face, how would you go about it."

Kay perked his spotted ears up and looked at Cody. In Cody's mind, he could almost picture a light bulb flaring to life above the cats head. "I've never really thought about using it for violence before... this could make things interesting."

"What, really?" Cody scoffed. "Gives me an idea of how far in the gutter your mind is if your only consideration was getting your tailhole filled."

"Yeah, yeah shush you." Kay rolled his eyes. "But in terms of your question, I'd tell the fur to punch the other in the face, but in my mind I'd convince them that punching the other is a normal, acceptable action to take."

"And how would the other fur; the one getting punch, react?" Cody asked.

"I'd say there's two possible reactions." Kay explained. "The first is if I only Convince the punching fur, then the result would be the punched fur reacting as any sane fur would after taking one to the face." The spotted cat held up his right paw and extended his index finger.

"Right, and the second option is if you paid off both furs instead of just one." Cody chuckled.

"No... well not exactly" Kay huffed. "The second reaction is if I Convince both of them that punching and being punched is normal behaviour, in which case they'll go about their daily business like nothing ever happened, just one will have a sore face." He extended his middle finger.

"You see. That right there sounds made up to me." Cody said, reaffirming his opinion.

"Come on then, I'll show you." Kay hopped off the bed and waved Cody over to follow him out his bedroom door.

"What are you going to show me?" Cody asked curiously looking side-on at his friend from where he sat on the bed. The wolf stood slowly but made no attempt of showing haste in following the cheetah out the bedroom.

"My ability of course." Kay said, beckoning to the wolf to quicken his pace and follow him outside. "You don't believe me, so what better way than showing you?" The cheetah continued. "Even though you do have proof already."

"Right, the _proof_that you had sex with the school's bully in a bathroom during lunch period." Cody rolled his eyes but continued to follow the cheetah down the hallway none the less.

"And what about the tennis thing?" Countered Kay, glancing over his shoulder to ensure the wolf was still following him. "Even you remember that, and you thought it was weird."

"Yeah I can't argue with that." The wolf shrugged. "But what's that razer thingo? You know, 'the more simple answer is usually the right one' or some shit." The wolf caught up to the cheetah and prodded him in the back with his finger.

"You mean Occam's Razer?" Kay snickered.

Again the wolf shrugged. "Yeah, whatever it's called. I'm still right though, your supposed ability is definitely not the simplest answer."

But Kay didn't respond. He knew he had something, some magical ability or psychic powers that allowed him to influence other people. He'd tried it out a few times at school, on the bus and at the shops during the week.

Nothing sexual like the first day, but simple stuff like dropping a book on the way to class and having a random fur nearby pick it up without hesitation. Or convincing the lunch ladies that his lunch was a dollar cheaper than it actually was. And... well, maybe copping a feel of that cute tiger boy's crotch during the bus ride to school was a little sexual, but he didn't take it any further than that.

The two friends opened the front door of Kay's house. Even though his parents weren't home he didn't lock the house up before closing the door behind them; they weren't planning on going far. Kay bounced down the three steps leading to the front porch of his house and came to a stop before sitting on the bottom step, facing the road and footpath. Cody made to follow after him, but stopped suddenly when the cheetah came to a halt. Cody soon followed suit, sitting on the step next to his friend.

Cody cleared his throat. "Sooo, what are we doing here?" The wolf questioned. "I thought you were going to show me your magical powers or something?"

"That's exactly what I'm doing, we just need to find the right fur." Kay responded.

"Just any fur?" The wolf asked. "How about him?" He pointed to an old badger water his plants a few houses down the street.

"Bleh, no thanks." Kay said, scrunching up his face.

"Her?" Cody pointed at a young looking feline girl walking leisurely passed the house on the footpath.

"Nope." Kay declined again causing Cody to sigh with an annoyed expression plastered on his face. "Just let me pick, ok?"

"Sure, so you can pick a friend you planted, right?" Cody rolled his eyes.

"Nope." Kay said. "Look, just trust me with this. I promise I'm not pulling one over on you." The cheetah looked at Cody with a sincere expression on his face.

The wolf sighed and decided to leave it be for now. Kay could show him proof of this trick of his, and then just maybe the wolf would begin to believe him. The two continued talking briefly about what they had planned for the rest of the week when Kay's ears perked up and a smile split across his face.

"Ahh a _perfect_candidate." Kay grinned, spying a passing horse. The horse in question was tall, taller than even the jock wolf sitting next to Kay, and the muscle on his frame helped fill out a loose style shirt covering his brown and white short furred body.

Kay jumped up from the step and called out to the horse, but the horse had headphones in and was looking down at his phone, tapping away furiously at the screen. Not to be deterred, Kay ran up to the horse and tapped him lightly on the arm to get his attention.

Meanwhile Cody also jumped up from his seat, not expecting the thin cheetah to rush up and hassle a stranger over twice his size. Fear flashed through Cody's mind as he envisioned his boisterous friend giving the horse a stupid order only to receive a face full of fist, and he hurried over before Kay could earn himself a trip to the hospital. But before the wolf even made it half way across the lawn, Kay was eagerly leading the horse right back to him.

"Cody this is Markus, Markus this is Cody." Kay said, pointing to either fur when he said their name. Dumbfounded, Cody shook paws with the horse and turned back to face Kay.

"I know I said I'd trust you, but this is totally a planted fur... right?" Cody accused the cheetah.

"Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. Trust me though, this next part will have you convinced I'm telling the truth regardless of whether I've met Markus before." Kay replied to Cody before turning to his new friend. "Have a seat on the steps please Markus." He pointed to the solid wooden steps leading to the front door of his house. Wordlessly, Markus moved to obey, sitting down on the steps facing the two friends. "Now remove your pants and any underwear you're wearing."

Cody burst out laughing, unable to contain himself once the frisky cat revealed his plan. "So you're gonna get poor Markus here to do something perverted in broad daylight, because that means you'd need to have bribed everyone going past." Cody said as he watched the horse begin to unbuckle his belt.

"Exactly right. The only other explanation is that I'm telling the truth." Kay said. "You'll see, no one walking or driving by will give us a second glance."

By now the horse had shed his belt and was working on shimmying his jeans down his hips. The two friends watched, mesmerised as the fur they'd only met a scant few minutes ago was revealing his tree-trunk muscled thighs. Just as the horse discarded his pants, Kay stepped forward to stop him going any further.

"Here big guy, take a seat and let me deal with the rest." Kay gestured to the porch steps, and followed Markus as he obeyed the cheetah's commands.

Kay kneeled in front of Markus and took in the sight before him. The horse was left in only his silky boxers, and boy did they hug his thighs as tight as Lycra. Kay was pleased to see the horse's sheath was prominently displayed, even through the thin material remaining to hide his remaining modesty.

The cheetah took his time revealing his treat. At first he slowly glided a paw across the bulge, feeling it pulse lightly at the attention, and squeezed gently just before letting go. With precise movements, he hooked a finger from either paw under the waistband and slowly dragged downwards.

Kay could only stare with lust in his eyes when he revealed the horse's thick, brown furred sheathe to the pair of friends and any prying eyes in the neighbourhood. Cody rolled his eyes and sighed at his friend's expression, but stopped short of giving the cheetah any more grief.

"Uhhh Kay." Cody tapped the cheetah rapidly on the shoulder. "Your neighbour is watching us..." The wolf pointed across the road to the badger who had since forgotten the hose in his hand, and was staring with wide eyes at the now revealed horse.

"It's fine." Kay said, waving at the badger. Cody couldn't hide his surprise when he saw the badger visibly relax and return his attention back to the garden.

"Ok, you might have convinced me now." Cody said. "So what, you Convinced him not to care about you jerking off a horse outside your house?"

"Kinda." Kay said, and tried to explain more along the lines of what he did. "I didn't Convince him to not cause us any problems. I changed his overall opinion of us engaging in public sex, and more importantly, that it wasn't an issue to be concerned about."

Cody hummed to himself lost in thought. "So that means any other fur can do the same thing we're doing, and he won't react?" He asked curiously.

"Probably not. To be honest, I haven't tried anything like that before, but I Convinced him not to worry about us in particular. If I wanted to, I think it could work for everyone, but it depends heavily on what I Convince him of." Kay clarified for the wolf.

During their conversation, Kay had laid his paw along Markus's sheath and began stroking the Horse's fuzzy holster. Markus's hidden cock pulse beneath the cat's paw, and the broad tip of his black and white mottled cock peeked out into the open air.

"Keep watch for me Cody. We wouldn't want our horsie friend aching for attention much longer." Kay mumbled distractedly.

Without waiting for an answer, Kay leaned down close to the horse's balls and breathed deeply, inhaling Markus's spicy musk and shuddered as the scent flooded his senses, wiping all logical thought from his mind and replacing it with nothing but his dirtiest thoughts. Kay's breathing turned to shallow panting and only resulted in more of the horse's musky smell invading his system.

"Looks like you're having fun there." Cody said, snapping Kay out of his trance. The cheetah leaned back away from Markus and shook his head slightly to clear his thoughts. He hadn't noticed before, but it was now impossible to avoid thinking about how Markus's twelve inch stallion cock stuck up like a perverted flagpole.

"I'm kinda in the middle of something." Kay said.

"I can see that, but I'm just worried that while you've got your head shoved into Markus's lap, someone could walk by and see." Cody said, glancing behind to make sure the coast was still clear. "I still don't really know how this thing works, but it seems like you need to manually convince them."

Kay sighed in frustration. He knew Cody had a point. If anyone walked by and he had his head shoved into his new friend's crotch, he wouldn't be alert enough to Convince them before they got away.

"Yeah, you're right I suppose." Kay relented. The cat released his hold on the horse cock and stood up, arching his back slightly to stretch out his spine.

"You can still help him out, just hop in his lap and give him a hand. At least that way you can watch out for people at the same time." Cody suggested.

Kay seemed to be revived by Cody's idea and happily followed the wolf's advice by climbing onto Markus's lap and relaxing his back against the stud's broad chest. With a bit more manoeuvring, Kay spread his thighs apart and draped his legs on either side of Markus's. From this position Markus's lengthy cock poked up passed Kay's crotch and gave the cheetah more than enough of a target to tackle.

Kay felt his paw back up along Markus's length, feeling the spongy but firm flesh compress slightly under his grip. Tentatively, he ran his gentle paw up to the broad, unflared tip and felt the slight drip of horse precum coat along his paw causing the fur to stick together in clumps. Kay's now slickened paw allowed his to stroke back down the length with ease, spreading the fluid liberally on the way down.

Each time Kay returned his paw to the tip, he collected more and more precum to spread back down the length. In a matter of minutes, Markus's cock was shining in the sunlight with musky fluid and Kay's paw was flying up and down, rubbing teasingly across the medial ring half way down while making shlick noises all the while.

Kay stared longingly down at the cock, temptation pulling at his mind trying to convince him to move this inside where he could give this delicious treat in his hand a proper home under his tail. But he'd already made up his mind that he would bring the horse to orgasm outside, in full view of the street, to once and for all prove to Cody that his ability was real.

A piercing squeal pulled his attention from down below when he whipped his head up with a start. In front of him on the path was a young lion girl, her hands covering her mouth and her eyes wipe in surprise as she stared at Kay's hand travelling up and down the slick length of cock jutting from the horse below him. Cody looked at him with an expecting look on his face, but before he could say anything, Kay rolled his eyes and Convinced the young girl that all was normal.

The affect was immediate. The lion dropped her hands to her side, closed her mouth and looked around, probably wondering why she'd stopped and why she was so startled in the first place. Shrugging, she waved at the three males, ignoring the one that seemed to be watching her with close interest, and continued on her way.

Kay snickered at the wolf's reaction, earning him a light punch on the shoulder from his friend. "That was not funny. Pay more attention to being our lookout so that shit doesn't happen."

"But how would that be fair to poor little Markus here." Kay whined.

"I hardly think _anything_about Markus counts as little." Cody rolled his eyes.

"Aww, thanks mate." The two friends were startled when Markus spoke up for himself without either prompting him.

"Wha-... is he Convinced or not?!" Cody asked.

"I... think so?" Kay paused masturbating the horse again and answered uncertainly. He'd definitely Convinced the horse earlier, and he was sure it had worked. Unless there was a second way to break him out of the trance apart from directly telling him, then horse should still be Convinced. "... Maybe they can retain their own thoughts? It makes sense, I suppose, that they remain themselves in every way that isn't related to their affected ideologies."

"Right, if that's the case then I have a few questions for Markus." Cody said. The horse nodded his consent, and groaned softly as Kay's nimble spotted paw continued teasing along his length. "First, how do you feel right now?" He asked.

"Mmm, pretty good to be honest." Markus groaned, leaning his head back and exhaling a huff of air. A shiver rolled down his spine, and a short spurt of precum leaked out across the back of Kay's paw.

"What do you think of a stranger, specifically Kay, stroking your cock in broad daylight only minutes after meeting you for the first time?" The wolf sat down next to the pair and placed his own paw on the fat tip of Markus's hardness. "How do you feel about me stroking you as well?"

"Ahh, makes me feel even better." Markus panted. "Fu- ahck, I think I'm going to cum."

Sure enough, the cock head poking up from below Kay began to flare, and his musky lubricating fluid flowed like a leaky tap. But at Cody's gesture, Kay released the horse's cock from his grip, denying the horse while on the brink of his orgasm.

"Last question, well, more like a statement really." Cody said. "Kay has you under a sort of mind control spell he calls Convincing, It's where he makes another fur alter their beliefs according to his own whims." Kay tensed suddenly. His tail fluffed out and stiffened as he prepared for his living seat to break out of his trance and take action on the two furs violating him.

But nothing of the sort happened. In fact, Markus bellowed out a deep laugh. Kay was shocked to feel the rumble of the horse laughing beneath him but never-the-less, he was beyond glad the horse wasn't about to hurt him.

"That must be the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard." Markus said after he calmed down from his outburst.

Kay took a deep breath and tried to relax his racing heart. Adrenaline pumped through his veins, and only now realised how tightly he gripped the poor horse in his paws, and eased up to allow blood flow back to the horse's cock.

Once he realised he was safe, Kay's adrenaline turned to rage and he whipped his head around to Cody with the intention of ripping him a new hole.

"What the fuck was that?" Kay snarled. Cody's eyes widened and he took a careful step back from the bristling cat. He opened his mouth to speak, but was overridden by Kay as he cat unleashed a torrent of abuse targeted at the wolf.

"No, shut the fuck_up Cody." Kay fumed, the horse forgotten for the moment. "You _knew revealing my abilities could break him out of his trance. And if that happened, who would be the one taking the first beating?"

Cody folded his ears down and tried to look as apologetic as possible, even going as far as to pulling the puppy dog face, but Kay wasn't about to let something so simple calm his anger. Instead the trio sat in silence for a moment while the adrenaline left Kay's system and he stopped glaring at the wolf.

"Ok, now you can talk." Kay huffed.

"... I'm sorry Kay, I didn't think it through enough." Cody looked his friend in the eyes and apologised. "But! I didn't think anyone else could break them out of the trance, only you can."

"You didn't _think_you could break him out? How would you know!?" The cowed wolf backed off again and lowered his gaze to study the pavement beneath his paws. "What if it worked, and he went on an unstoppable rampage?"

"I'm not _that_much smaller than him, geeze give me a break." Cody mumbled. "But again, I'm really sorry Kay."

Kay took another deep breath, and lightened his expression. "No it's ok Cody, I'm sorry I snapped at you like that. At least we know only I can un-Convince people, regardless of the danger you put me in." Kay said.

"I don't mean to butt in, but I don't have any reason to hurt either of you guys." Markus pointed out. "Did you want me to leave?" He asked.

Kay turned his attention back to horse below him and snarled, but the playful look on his face removed the threatening aspect. "You're not going anywhere horsie, not until I make you cum."

Markus grinned happily and settled back on the porch step he was currently using as a seat as he allowed Kay to resume stroking him. Kay didn't start at half measure either. His paw went from stationary to full speed like a turbo charged race car. The cheetah's attention was focused mainly on the medial ring half way down the horse's cock, rubbing both paws continuously over it and marvelling at how the flesh thickened significantly along the bottom half.

Cody on the other paw, still had hold of Markus's unflared tip and restarted his own actions in rubbing the tip like he was polishing a door handle. It didn't take long for Markus to resume leaking precum at a prodigious rate.

Markus was quickly reached his threshold, the dual attention of two furs stroking across his dripping erection was too much for him. He leaned back further, spreading his legs as wide as Kay's thighs allowed him and groaned out in bliss as Cody felt and saw flare widen in preparation.

The first stream of pearlescent cum trailed through the air like a bullet from a gun, reaching much further than either the wolf and cheetah thought was possible, only to splash across the sun warmed pavement. A second quickly followed, and a third, fourth, fifth... on and on, and while the distance lessened each time, the quantity only seemed to increase.

Within seconds the stench of horse cum permeated the air, and the noses of all three furs huddle around the porch step. It was fortunate no one happened passed them in that moment, as Kay was much too distracted by the spectacle before his eyes.

In fact, Kay could feel each pump shooting up from Markus's balls, through the hose-like cock nestled between his legs and out the tip.

Maybe if the cheetah was more aware, he'd have been able to stop what Cody did next.

It was almost too easy for Cody to adjust Markus's spurting cock. The horse fired his sixth shot, and he chose that time to act, arching the stiff flesh back slightly so the next voluminous shot splattered across a very surprised cheetah's face.

Kay's first reaction to a face full of horse cum was to splutter. His second was to try defend himself. And his third was to give up as his arms, chest and face was plastered with the remainder of Markus's load. Eventually the moaning horse's productive balls ran dry, and his last dribble of cum trailed down to the top side of this cock to add to Kay's ruined fur.

"Thanks for the thoughtful shower, stupid mutt." Kay grumbled, trying in vain to wipe the thick virile seed from his vision.

"Eh what can I say, you seemed to be eager for a closer view." Cody grinned.

The two friends said their farewells to Markus, Kay going one step further and giving the softened and retreating horse cock a teasing lick with his raspy tongue before the horse could stuff it back into his pants. After the horse left, Kay fetched a hose from around the side of the house to hose down the evidence of the horse's pleasure, the two chatting indifferent to the act of sodomy they just committed.

"Well for a straight guy, you sure didn't seem to mind touching another male's dick." Kay said.

"Hey, I never said anything about not liking a bit of cock every now and then... in fact, there's a certain spotted cheetah I've been eyeing for a while now..." Cody raised his eyebrows to emphasis his obvious suggestion.

The look he got in response made him shrink back with worry. Despite his height and muscle advantage, Cody suddenly felt like he was a piece of meat in the market, and Kay was the hungry customer. Without a word, Kay turned off the hose, grabbed hold of Cody's paw and dragged him towards the front door.

"Where are we going?" Cody asked.

"My room. We've got a lot of lost time to make up for."

Don't Curl in the Rack

Evening had fallen hours prior, the dying light of the sun faded only to be replaced with the flood of incandescent street lamps. The gentle rumble of a car engine revved as the driver steered the vehicle into the sparsely occupied car park. After...

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The high pitch piercing sound of the school bell rung throughout the high school campus, signalling a change over in periods. Within seconds, the hallways and pathways were flooded with the chit chat of young furs as they made their way to their next...

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Camping With Wolves Part 2

I know I've ended up in this position many times before. Me trapped against a solid object while Kal's hunched over me, observing me like I'm some sort of prey to be conquered. But we both know he's already conquered me, and this was just him...

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