Camping With Wolves Part 2

Story by Striped Charr on SoFurry

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#2 of Camping With Wolves

Lukas goes on a camping trip with his wolf friend Kallan.

Second part to my gift story for Lukas based on an idea I gave him a while ago. I admit I haven't edited this chapter much (not that i edit my stories much anyway), so I'll probably go back through at some point and clean it up a bit.

Hope you enjoy!

I know I've ended up in this position many times before. Me trapped against a solid object while Kal's hunched over me, observing me like I'm some sort of prey to be conquered. But we both know he's already conquered me, and this was just him re-enforcing his position; on top. Just moments ago I was riding passenger seat in my hot wolf friend's car. Yeah, sure, someone could bring up that I wasn't _totally_innocent to how the events played out, but come on how could I not suck that thick dick when it was all but shoved down my throat? But that was a simple blowjob while enclosed in the safety of Kal's car. This was just a meter away from an, admittedly empty, but still very public road!

"Can we at least go into the trees or something? Anyone driving by can see us!" I exclaimed. I knew it wouldn't do much good, but it couldn't hurt to try.

"No one's going to be driving past here." Kal said "Besides, I want to keep an eye on the car, you know, just in case someone does come by."

The pressure on my neck peeked when Kal forced me forward, my stomach and chest colliding with the still hot metal of the hood. I might have complained, but my mind was still reeling from how quick things were moving. I should be used to it by now, but the big wolf keeps finding ways to catch me off-guard.

Large paws gripped around my thighs and suddenly the world spun wildly until I landed back on the hood, this time face-up. From my new position I had a clear view of Kal looming over me, his paws still latched around my slim thighs. Kal stepped forward, squishing my legs against the front bumper of the car and flopping his cock along my own, dwarfing it with his size. His wet cock soaked my crotch and lower belly in his strong scent and my slick saliva. I blushed faintly when the oversized wolf rocked his hips gently, his fat knot pressing against my balls and the base of my cock.

"I think you've gotten me well enough prepared in the car, don't you little otter?" Kal asked me. I huffed and rolled my eyes at his eagerness to bury himself under my tail.

"If you're going to fuck me in public, you could at least have the decency to kiss me first." I said. The wolf grinned and wasted no time in leaning over my body, placing his paws on either side of my head and pressing his muzzle to mine. With his paws trapping my head, I had no escape from his thick wolf tongue forcing its way past my lips. Kal continued rocking his hips all during the kiss, stimulating my erect length and soaking my front side with spurts of precum. My mind went blank with lust, the wolf's tongue dominating mine, flooding my mouth with his saliva. It took me a few seconds to realise he had pulled away and was staring down at my far-off open mouthed gaze. "Wow... but as nice as that was, I was wanting a kiss somewhere lower." I grinned, coming to my senses.

"Kinky otter, I knew exactly what you meant." Kal licked my cheek. "I just couldn't resist stealing a proper kiss first." The wolf said, continuing licking my neck, then my chest, moving down my body slowly until he was kneeling in front of the car, but more importantly, in front of my tail. Me? Kinky? Well yeah, but come on, that's just the pot calling the kettle black! Kal was the one who introduced me to the joys of having a tongue under my tail in the first place! But before I could retort, the wolf leaned in and graced my hole with an initial kiss, right where I wanted it.

I chirred at the sensations and wrapped my legs around Kal's head to prevent him from pulling away. I had him just where I wanted him, and now I'll be the one to decide when I'm well enough prepared. At least that's what I liked to think, but we both knew I had no chance of matching the wolf's strength if he wanted to turn the tables. Thankfully he humoured me for now, applying a few more tame kisses before getting serious. Oh god, I always underestimate how thick a tongue could be. Even with Kal forcing it halfway down my throat only moments ago, it's a completely different feeling to have it spread apart my ring. I arched my back and moaned loudly, flexing my thighs to press the wolf's muzzle harder against my rump.

Kal was relentless with rimming me out, his tongue thrusting deep within me, spreading me open and flicking against my prostate before retreating for a fraction of a second. His paws gripped my ass cheeks and spread them apart for better access to my hole. I lost track of time, but I knew this wouldn't help our planned arrival. By the time he relented, I was like putty. My legs had long since slackened to drape useless over his shoulders. My eyes were glazed over, staring blankly up to the tree canopy above, and my precum had trickled down to form a river down my side.

"Still with us Lukey?" Kal chuckled, breaking me from my reverie with a start.

"Uugh... y-yeah, give me a sec." I mumbled. The feeling in my legs started to return, enough for me to lift them from Kal's shoulders while he rose to his feet. The wolf wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, clearing away the excess drool coating his muzzle. I groaned and arched my back to stretch out my spine, feeling it pop with a wave of relief. The car had cooled enough now to be a pleasant warmth instead of bordering on uncomfortable like it was initially. Kal meanwhile had stepped up to the car's hood and laid his throbbing wolfhood along my hips, his meat glistening with a thick coat of precum which partly rubbed along my own furn. Not that it mattered, my fur was clumped and had been reeking of sex for an hour or more.

"Now you're ready." Kal gripped his cock in a paw and positioned the tip at my entrance, pushing forward slightly to trap it so he could remove his paw. "And no, that wasn't a question." He clarified, pushing firmly but slowly to spread me open. Even with the rimming earlier and the copious amounts of precum and saliva dripping from both of us, the entry was still as much a challenge as it always is. I gasped sharply when the tip slipped in followed by the rest of his tapered head. After the first inch, Kal paused and allowed me to adjust to his size.

I lay panting and trying to relax for a good few minutes, the pain was still there but more of an afterthought than a burning flare. Kal leaned down and licked away a stray tear from my cheek and I smiled. He could be a brute sometimes, but overall he really was a loving wolf. Even if he sometimes showed it in strange ways. He leaned further down to nibble at my shoulder. I briefly wondered how it would look from an outside perspective. I wondered if I would even be visible beneath the mass of black fur, or if they'd just see a naked wolf hunched over the hood of his car. I grinned at the thought and wrapped my arms around the wolf, giving him a kiss on the top of his head to let him know I was ready to continue.

Kal immediately accepted my signal and turned his nibble into a sharp mating bite that left my flight instincts shouting at me, my mouth open in a soundless gasp. I felt the head of Kal's cock pop out of my rump before re-entering quickly, and this time he didn't stop. Seconds later, he'd re-sheathed his cock up to the knot inside me. I didn't even have the strength to moan. My arms shot up to latch around his thick neck, my legs doing the same as best they could around his hips, but without much luck.

Kal slowly dragged back out, his flesh grinding against my prostate all the while. Soon he was back to the tip, the rest of his shaft left in the cold where it didn't remain for long. Another sharp thrust buried him again, this time angled upwards to mash against my inner walls even harder. With the knot partially stretching me out, he rolled his hips in a circle a few times. The sensations made me close my eyes and moan as I regained my voice. The pace of this ride was solely up to him, and I wasn't allowed off until he let me.

Kal's initial rhythm was slow, but oh-so hard. Out to the tip, pause, back in to the knot, roll of the hips. Rinsing and repeating those steps led to a very overwhelmed but happy otter. The wolf finally released the scruff of his neck from between his jaws so he could stretch out along the car. He placed his oversized paws on either side of my head putting in perspective how much bigger he was than me. My head only came up to his chest, so he was well and truly blanketing me while his thrusting hips repeatedly spread apart my ass.

Suddenly, the wolf stopped his movement, his hips flush against me and his knot partially spreading me open. I groaned as my blissful mindset was interrupted. Before I could ask why he'd stopped, Kal answered my unspoken question.

"Looks like we're about to have company." He said, looking over the car and down the road to where we'd travelled from. Realising what he meant, I frightfully glanced over my shoulder as well. Relief washed over me when I saw the endless stretch of road was clear, disappearing over a small crest. "They're not in sight yet, but they will be soon." Kal stated, renewing my fears. His hearing was much better than mine, and I didn't see any reason for him to lie.

"We have to get in the car then!" I said frantically trying to sit up while still holding Kal's cock sheathed in my rear. With a single paw, Kal stopped my struggles by forcing me against the hood of the car.

"Don't be rash Lukas, nobody will care." Kal grinned, rocking his hips slightly to stir his buried length, churning my insides around and pressing firmly against my prostate. My struggles weakened slightly as I gasped out.

My mind caught up again, the pleasurable haze once again being wiped way with the cold hard truth of being exposed and mated in public. "So why'd you tell me? You knew I'd want to stop, why not wait until it was too late?" I questioned suspiciously.

Kal shrugged in return. "I knew you'd cause a scene. This way you can whine and complain now before our audience gets here. Besides I wanted to prepare you..." He leaned down closer to me. "I'm going to knot you when they pass." That thing I said earlier about him being loving? Yeah, all bullshit. The devil of a wolf grinned at me before looking back down the road "And look, here they come now."

I glanced behind again and sure enough the glint of metal crested the hill. Now I was truly worried. The glimmer of hope that Kal was joking was shattered when he resumed pistoning his hips back and forth. I weakly raised a leg to press against his chest, trying vainly to push him away. The wolf simply grabbed my ankle and forced my footpaw in front of his muzzle.

"You're right, this will give them a proper view of the finale" Kal chuckled and gave my foot paw a lick, never once missing a beat in his rhythm. I tried one last ditch attempt to reason with him, but when I opened my muzzle, I could only moan. I was getting close to my own finale, and the wolf no doubt knew it. The approaching car was close now, even my insensitive ears could pick up the rumble of the engine. And with the way our car was angled with the hood facing the road, I was afraid the other car would be able to see us long before they reached where we'd parked.

My fears were confirmed when the rumble got quieter, which could only mean one thing... they were slowing down. Kal knew his moment was nearly here, and he picked up his pace, thrusting wildly into me at a ferocious speed. Moments later, a simple four door rusty blue sedan rolled slowly passed. The side windows were rolled down and teenage furs were practically hanging out the window whistling out cat calls and laughing with each other. Kal chose that moment to act. Pressing my leg further against my own body exposed my stretched hole to our observers, and no doubt my leaking cock with it. One last thrust was all it took for Kal's knot to slip inside me, expanding to its full size in seconds and spreading out my inside in the process.

The outside world washed away in an instant, replaced by a sharp sting in my rear when Kal's knot slipped inside and ballooned out. The pain was quickly washed away by the sheer pleasure of having a knot expand right next to my prostate. It didn't matter that the car on the road had completely stopped, or that the furs inside were taking pictures of my arched body and cum-spurting cock. Kal was close behind me with his own orgasm. A few more chaste thrusts, limited by the thick ball of flesh preventing his exit, and he was unloading into my depths with enthusiasm. The warmth spread pleasantly within me, thoroughly breeding me with his essence. Every few seconds I could feel him pulse and I knew he'd deposited yet another heavy string of cum to flood my ass.

By the time I came down from my place amongst the clouds, my stomach had distended visibly with backed up wolf seed, sealed in thanks to Kal's still inflated knot. Knowing the wolf and how his body works, I estimated at least a twenty minute tie, so yeah, I suppose I'll have to get comfortable in the driver's seat. Remembering our audience, I turned to the side only to find an empty expanse of road. Kal snapped me from my thoughts with his baritone rumble.

"They left sometime in the last century while you were blankly staring up at the trees." The wolf teased me.

"Sh-shut up" I stammered, blushing at how long I'd been enjoying my mind-numbing orgasm. "Pick me up will you? I don't want to turn to dust while we wait for your knot to deflate." The wolf rolled his hips in response forcing a gasp and one last spurt of cum from me.

Kal placed his hands on my hips to assist in dragging me backwards along the hood of the car so he had room to wrap one muscled arm around my lower back, while his other paw clasped near my shoulder blades and hoisted me up from the car. With the upward momentum, I reached around his neck and held on for dear life as the wolf's cock punched deeper than I thought possible. Unfortunately neither of us took notice of my cum slickened front side, which made a squish noise as I collided with the wolf, smearing my seed along his chest and stomach. I laughed at the scowl the wolf gave me in response to dirtying his fur.

"All's fair in love and war." I responded. "You deserve that for forcing me to cum in front of those furs."

"Yeah, yeah, you better hush Lukas, or I might need to mark my territory and remind you of your place." Kal growled. I instantly zipped my muzzle shut and allowed the wolf to carry me around to the driver's side in silence.

If I were any bigger, fitting two furs in the one seat might have been a problem. Luckily I wasn't, and Kal's car was already made for a larger fur, namely the wolf, so I was able to slot quite comfortably between the wolf's broad chest and the steering wheel behind me. Kal turned the engine back on, and drove the car back onto the road. Meanwhile I shuffled in his lap to get comfortable and closed my eyes, breathing a sigh as I settled in for a long drive.


"Wake up Lukas." I awoke to a low mumble and a lick on the cheek. Yawning loudly, I immediately noticed we'd stopped and pulled back over to the side of the road. I wiggled my hips slightly and noticed that Kal was barely still sheathed in my rump. In fact the slight movement allowed a trickle of cum to leak from my over-stuff belly and drip down into Kal's nether region.

"Are we there yet?" I yawned again, rubbing sleep from my eyes still groggy from my nap.

"Not yet I'm afraid, but I thought we'd get out of here before you destroyed the upholstery in my car." Kal said, rubbing my still slightly bulging stomach for emphasis.

"With your cum. If you weren't such an over productive fucking machine, than maybe after the after sex clean up would be a little easier"

"We both know how much you love cum Lukas, there's no point trying to pin this on me." Kal said. "And look, I even laid out a towel for you so stop getting your panties in a twist" Kal gestured to the passenger seat which indeed had a pair of towels covering the seat.

"How romantic, like who even says that shit anymore?" I said sarcastically. I held tight to the wolf while he opened his door and twisted around to step out, the slightly cool air betraying how far behind schedule we really were. Kal turned me around so I could lean against the car before he slowly extracted his length from my abused rear. I gasped at the empty feeling left where Kal's wolfhood had remained for well over an hour. Without the wolf sealing his cum within me, the flood gates were opened. I groaned and tried to clench to stop the flow, but gave up within moments. Warm seed flowed freely down the inside of my legs, making its way to the floor in mere seconds. Soon a pool had formed below me while I leaned helplessly against the car, and still I felt bloated.

"Geeze, how much did you unload in me? Feels like I could fill a swimming pool." I complained, looking at the growing pool.

"Don't blame me. You wouldn't stop clenching while asleep." The wolf shrugged. "And I'm not saying I did, but I certainly couldn't deny cumming a second time while driving." I sighed in response and laid my head on my arms which remained resting on the car.

"Typical wolf, are you sure you don't have a hint of fox in you? You sure how the libido of one." I said.

"Don't act like you aren't in love with every second of it." Kal responded. "Now you got much more to go? We _are_behind on our schedule." The wolf tapped an imaginary watch on his wrist.

"Yeah and whose fault is that?" I growled.

"Let's not get into whose fault it was.You're the one holding us up now, so come on." Kal grinned.

"Fine, I should be right now." I huffed. Still leaning heavily on the car, I starting limping my way around the car to the passenger side. Kal, like the gentleman he is, picked me up bridal style and whisked me into my towel-covered seat. He passed me another towel so I could clean my front and the inside of my legs and I mumbled a 'thanks' in return before he disappeared around to the driver's side.

I spent the next fifteen or so minutes furiously rubbing at the fur along my front and around my nether regions and ass, trying desperately to wipe off as much of the cum before it dried properly in my fur. I eventually gave up, the towel wasn't doing anything but painfully plucking out strains of fur. I'd need a nice long bath in order to properly clean up, and I was honestly afraid that it wouldn't be possible with where we were headed. Sighing softly I redressed and went back to staring out the window, albeit with a much more sore rump.


The rest of the drive flew by uneventfully. My mind was substantially more restful now that I'd been thoroughly worked over and my rump was just glad it could rest on soft seats. Another hour and Kal was once again waking me out of my trance.

"We're nearly there Lukas. Just passed this checkpoint, we'll ditch the car and head out on foot." Kal said. I glanced out the front window and immediately sat up straight at the sight of a fur in a ranger uniform standing by a nondescript jeep. Up ahead the road was intercepted by a boom gate with a small office attached to the side. The fur was an older wolf. His broad green hat partly obscured his face from our view, so I couldn't properly gauge his age. The fur saw our car approaching and held out a hand to hail us to the side of the road. Upon closer inspection I'd have to guess he was a red wolf based on his mixed white and rustic fur colour and probably closer to his forties than thirties.

"How's it going? You two here for a bit of camping?" He said when he reached our car, placing a paw on the roof and leaning down to the window.

"Yeah, just staying for a couple of days." Kal replied.

"Nice. Been here before? Or first time?" The older wolf asked. He was carrying a thick clipboard which looked fully stocked with information brochures, maps and all sorts of potentially useful documents. He extracted a map from the bundle and offered it through the window to Kal. "Feel free to take a map of the area, it can be rather treacherous to those who don't know the trails."

"Lukas might need it if he were with anyone else." Kal pointed over at me. "Me on the other paw, I was pretty much raised in these forests." He continued proudly. "My dad and I would come here every weekend during the summer. So yeah, I know these lands like Lukas knows my dick, which is to say exceedingly well." I spluttered in surprise at his comment, whipping my head around to confront my smirking companion and save my dignity.

The older wolf just chuckled, which I suppose is a good thing considering Kal all but announced we were both gay and planning on having sex all weekend. "I take it you two are here for a little more than... sight-seeing hmm?" he questioned. "But it doesn't matter to me, as long as you don't plan on hunting while you're here."

"Oh there will be _hunting_alright, just not the sort you need to worry about." Kal licked his lips while predatorily staring me down. "I wonder if we can answer the age old question; can the little otter outrun the big bad wolf?"

"Does the big bad wolf ever want sex again more like it." I muttered under my breath, and blushed when both pairs of sensitive wolf ears twitched as they picked up what I'd said.

"Well my names Jack and I'm the ranger working around these parts, it's a pleasure to meet fellow _nature_lovers like yourselves." Jack held out a paw for Kal to shake.

"Pleasures ours, Jack. I'm Kallan, and the little otter over there is Lukas." Kal nodded in my direction before returning his attention to the mature wolf.

"Lukas hmm, you got a little something on your cheek." Said Jack, indicating on his own cheek for reference. I was about to grab a tissue to clean up whatever was on my face when Kal turned around and reached over.

"Here Lukas, let me get that for you." A gentle paw wiped down the side of my face. Kal grinned knowingly at me, rubbing the substance between his fingers before turning back to the wolf. "Ahh it's probably just some of my precum from earlier."

The older wolf was caught off-guard. "... Umm... what?" I wasn't doing much better as my eyes widened in shock and a deep blush heated my cheeks. I must have missed a bit when I was wiping up earlier.

"Yeah, Lukas gets all squirmy when he takes long car rides. I got sick of it so I unzipped my pants shoved his head down." Kal continued. The black wolf looked back over to me and pressed his precum coated fingers to my lips. Obediently I opened my mouth, taking in a few of his fingers and licking off his fluid. "Mmmm he's got a _really_talented muzzle."

Jack looked like he'd recovered by now, if the lewd grin he shared with the other wolf was any indicator, staring at the way my tongue wrapped around the wolf's fingers. I suddenly realised how provocative I must look and turned away, covering my face with my paws to trying and ignore the attention.

"I bet he does. I think I can guess what the towel is for then..." Jack glanced down at the seat I was occupying, no doubt taking note of the bulge in my pants. I'd completely forgotten about the soiled bundle of towels next to me. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Jack knew what we had been up to the moment he reached the care based on the scent of cum emanating from my fur and the towels.

"Oh yeah, that's so he doesn't drip cum all over my seats from when I fucked him earlier. Right there on the car's hood, tied him and everything." Kal replied. The wolf next to me slipped a paw down my pants, cupping my balls and rubbing my sheathe along the way. Kal tried to act casual, but I could see a mischievous glint in his eyes. "He loves older guys by the way, can't get enough of 'em."

Suddenly Kal wrenched my pants halfway down my thighs and exposed my straining otter cock. Despite my best efforts I could do nothing to stop the wolf from trailing his paw further down until a finger glanced over my still aching hole. "I'd let you have a round with him, he wouldn't say 'No'." Even though I anticipated the penetration, I couldn't stop a gasp escaping my muzzle when Kal shoved his finger past my rim, soaking his fur with his own cum.

"Ohhh fuck, is that right Lukas?" Jack asked me.

Kal nudged me with his elbow. "Go on otter, answer him." He said.

"Ye-Yeah I'd let you fuck me." What else could I say? I really did have a thing for older furs. They were so commanding and experienced. I loved to snuggle up to their side and breathe in their musk after a long day of work. And then I'd fish out their thick cock and help them release their tension down my throat or under my tail.

Kal smacked my across the back of my head lightly with his free paw. "That's no way to speak to your elders, now tell him exactly what you'd let him do and remember to address him properly as 'Sir'."

"I- uh." I stuttered. "I-I'd let you fuck me... un-until you shoved your fat knot inside me and filled me with your cum." I was getting more into it now, Kal's thrusting finger applying a constant pressure to my prostate, the resulting flashes of intense pleasure getting me all hot and bothered. "I'd let you bend me over your Jeep and take me as hard as you wanted, moaning in bliss for anyone to hear. I'd get on my knees and swallow your cock and then if you needed to piss, I'd swallow that too... Sir." By now I had grasped Kal's paw with my own and held it in place so I could grind my butt down on his probing finger. My cock was pulsing thick beads of musky otter precum all over my chest and stomach.

Just as quickly as it had started, Kal removed his paw from where I attempted to hold it hostage and wiped his cum slickened paw down my already messy front. I glanced over to Jack and blushed. The older wolf was leaning in through the open window and panting heavily, eyes fixated on my still exposed nether regions. With my clouded mind clearing I got my bearings back and hastily pull my pants up.

"He really is a slut, I could take my pants off in a crowded street and he'd still jump into my lap." Kal said. "If we had more time, I'm sure he'd do the same for you. But we really need to get a move on so we can set up camp before it gets dark." He continued, and shifted the car to 'drive'. "If you're here on our way back on Monday, I'll let you go the full twelve rounds with him."

"Well I did have last Monday off work... but I'm sure there wouldn't be any complaints if I took another Monday off as well." Jack chuckled, backing away from the car. "Have a safe trip and don't tire Lukas out too much. I still want him to have some... bounce for Monday." The older wolf grab his blatant bulge, outlining his thickness and causing me to gulp in anticipation. It's always nice to try out a new cock. Kal raised his paw in farewell before driving back up to the boom gate, waiting for Jack to let us through. Jack disappeared momentarily inside the office, and a few seconds later the gate raised up to let us pass.

"See you on Monday, Lukas." Jack called after us, making me squirm in mixed apprehension and arousal. I don't know when I gripped my cock, or when I shoved two fingers up my ass. At least not until I gasped in orgasm, cum splattering along my shirt and further messing up my pants.


Kal continued driving for another half hour, meanwhile I was trying to sort out my now sticky clothes. The road had remained empty besides from us for a long time now, and the mixed seed was starting to become unbearable so I decided to strip naked. Of course I'd packed spare sets of clothes, but they were in the boot somewhere and not accessible at the time and judging by the growl rumbling from my side, Kal was perfectly fine with my new outfit.

"Will we have to hike very far?" I asked while slumped against the car window.

"Don't worry your little rudder butt, it's only a short distance. And I'll be carrying most of the stuff anyway." The wolf reassured me. He turned to me with a twinkle in his eye. "Why? Are you feeling a little... sore?"

I rolled my eyes. "Of course I fucking feeling sore, would you possibly have any idea why?" The dull ache in my behind made itself present again and I huffed in annoyance.

"If you're going to bitch and blame my cock for your problems, then I'll just have to keep it in my pants for the rest of the weekend, won't I?" Kal shrugged.

"Now, now, don't get hasty." I said. "Maybe if you give me a kiss where it's sore, I'm pretty sure I can forgive you." Kal chuckled and gave me a pat on the knee. His hand lingered a little too long on my thigh and a lot too close to my crotch.

"I think we can work something out." Kal grinned knowingly at me before returning his focus to the road ahead. We only drove for another few minutes until Kal pulled the car off into a gravelled area to the side of the road. A few signs were littered around the place warning anyone parking here to be careful to lock up properly and that the safety of their property was their own responsibility. Kal turned his car keys, killing the engine. "We're here."

I stepped out of the car and arched my back, placing my paws in the small of my back and pressing until my spine cracked pleasantly. I released a sigh of content and begun to properly survey the area. The parking space was just a gravelled section big enough for maybe four to five cars to comfortably park. A few green bins were littered on either side to allow for rubbish disposal, and a single decrepit family picnic bench which showed more rust and dirt than the green paint originally coating it. Still it provided the two of us a surface to place our equipment and bags. The forest started immediately as soon as the gravelled parking space ended. The tree trunks were think and ancient, the roots crept from the ground like coiled snakes. A simple dirt path cut through the foliage; no doubt this would be our pathway. To the side was a large billboard covered with multiple layers of dirt and mud, but enough of the image underneath still showed through to hint towards a map laying beneath.

Curiously I walked over to the billboard and tried to peer through the filth covering it, but to no avail. I trotted quickly back to the car and retrieved my soiled pair of shorts to use as a rag. I blushed when I felt the squish of cum when I gripped them in my paw. We made quite the mess it seems. I returned to the billboard and worked away with my rag, clearing the dirt from the board to reveal a rough map outlining the forest which lay in front of me.

Judging from the map I was now studying, the forest was expansive. If we went far enough north, there was even a mountain! Not a hill, but a cloud-scraping beast! Not to mention the multiple large rivers and lakes. Nervously I glanced back to where Kal was continuing to unpack and sort the equipment we were taking with us.

"Are you sure you don't need a map? It looks like we could get lost pretty easily in there." I gulped.

"I told you I know this area, you don't need to worry." Kal reassured me. "Besides, we really aren't going very far in. Three hour hike at the most."

"Three hours?!" I exclaimed. "I thought you said it was a short hike!" I let out a pitiful whine at the thought of trudging over tree roots, through spider webs and through muddy rivers. Kal turned to me with a disbelieving look on his face.

"You're kidding me right? Three hours is nothing! Trust me, it'll pass by in the blink of an eye." Kal turned back to unpacking, and by the looks of it he was almost done. I grumbled in response and walked over to grab my pre-made pack. A shiver worked down my spine as I bent over to my pack, like I was being stalked by an unseen predator. The predator soon made himself noticed as Kal grabbed my hips from behind and pressed his bulge up under my tail. "You might want to put some clothes on first Lukas." He growled in my ear. "I won't be held accountable for what will happen to your rump if I have to hike with your tail wagging in my face."

I yelped in surprise and straightened up immediately, elbowing the wolf in the stomach until he released me and pranced away chuckling. He was right though, I really should put on some clothes. I was a little ashamed with how relaxed I'd become being naked in public, regardless of how isolated we were at the moment. I also didn't feel secure walking through dense forest while so exposed. Reaching into my pack, I pulled out one of my many sets of shorts along with a slightly torn older shirt. After I'd redressed, I turned around the see how Kal was coming along only to find the wolf strapping the tent to his backpack and hefting his burden into a more agreeable spot on his back.

"Ready to go Lukas?" Kal asked me.

"Yeah, you got everything we need?" I responded.

"Nah, I left our food at home and I ditched the phone" He said sarcastically. "Of course I have everything, silly otter. This isn't my first camping trip." He started walking to the path which led from the billboard I'd studied earlier deep into the depths of the forest. "Come along then, you take lead so I don't lose you, just follow my directions and we'll be good."

I secured my own pack and trotted to the start of the path. Looking forward into the looming darkness really set into perspective just what we were about to do, and my heart rate increased with nerves. I backed up a bit only to bump into the solid form of the wolf who had snuck up behind me again.

"I-I don't think I want to do this anymore." I stammered, turning to the wolf with pleading eyes. Kal's facial features softened when he saw how distressed I had become.

"Shh, shh don't worry little otter, I'm here to guide and protect you." He cooed, wrapping his arms around me to rub along my lower back, below my backpack. He leaned down slowly and tilted his muzzle, connecting with mine and sending sparks flying through my brain. He coaxed my mouth open with his tongue and gently invaded my maw. He was remarkably compassionate, in fact, I could count on one paw how many times he'd kissed me like this, but boy, it was something I could get used to. When he finally pulled away, I was breathless and relying solely on his embrace to keep me upright.

"Now, we really need to get a move on if we want to set up camp while it's still light." Kal mumbled to me. I nodded slightly and allowed him to turn me back around. Still dazed, I followed his instructions and got moving with a slight stumble, my mind blank from the passionate kiss. When my brain caught up to my body, we were already deep into the forest. Towering tree trunks surrounded me on all sides and looking up, I could barely see the setting sun through the dense canopy high above our heads. My breathing and heart rate began to pick up again, but a reassuring paw on my shoulder from the wolf behind me calmed me back down.

"Just a little further Lukas, you're doing great." I smiled at Kal's encouragement and continued along the overgrown dirt path that lead us deeper into the heart of the forest. We proceeded to walk for what seemed like an eternity. Eventually my nerves disappeared completely only to be replaced with boredom and aching footpaws. Not to mention my stretched tailhole began complaining again, and a slight trickle of warm wolf cum dripped into my underwear causing me to stumble and blush. Even hours later and Kal's load of cum was still making its presence noticed.

Normally I'm fine with a bit of an ache. Aching muscles after a gym session meant I'd done a good job, and an aching tailhole meant someone else had done a good job. But my paws had passed that satisfied point into 'ouch, fuck, stop walking please' territory. I was about to risk a small complaint to see how much further we had left when the god's answered my prayers. We reached a small clearing and after a quick appraisal, Kal decided it would do as our camp grounds.

A silent agreement hung between us now. We were both too tired from the drive and the hike to have any energy reserved for sex; we could break in our tent, campgrounds, lake and several surrounding trees tomorrow. We'd brought two sets of tents with us in the car, but only carried (Kal carried I should say) one tent with us. It didn't make sense for us to carry the second all the way up to our spot when we were undoubtable going to be sleeping in the same tent. Hell, I even zipped our sleeping bags together so I could snuggle up to the hot wolf for warmth and other... naughty reasons. After a long car ride and an even longer hike, I was more than happy to strip nude, settle down and rest my poor abused rump and footpaws.

I heard the tent flaps swish apart followed by the sound of a zipper as Kal entered and zipped the tent closed, blocking the light from the dying red embers outside and plunging us into sudden darkness. The soft ruffle of clothes filled the silent tent while the large fur shed his clothes, I'm assuming until he was as naked as I was. I felt my sleeping bag shift as Kal climbed in behind me, wrapping his paws around my chest and stomach and pulling me flat against his body. Yep, definitely as naked as I was, that sheathe is hard to miss.

The big wolf was satisfyingly warm. His thick, black fur coat was wonderful to relax back into, my own coat being a lot shorter meant the cold elements affected me more. It was by no means freezing, but the temperature had fallen rapidly during the period we were setting up camp, so I was not going to spurn Kal's warmth. His arms cradling around me made me feel secure, and the steady rhythm of his heartbeat lulled me to a peaceful sleep.

Camping With Wolves Part 1

There's this wolf, Kal, short for Kallen, who I've known since way back. We first met during primary school; he moved into our block and started attending my school. So of course my parents got to know his parents and as always, forced their cubs, us,...

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Midweek Work Night

Darkness had taken over the city streets, the faint moonlight from a crescent moon barely aided the bright yellow street lamps illuminating the night. The occasional car drove past a small grouping of shops, but the parking lot remained nearly empty....

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Cuffed to a Tree

How the _fuck_did I get in the position? Oh right, like the stupid little lion I am, I believed him when he 'only wanted to go for a walk.' And now my hands are handcuffed together, over a tree branch above my head with a blindfold blocking my sight....

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