'You're A Cute One' - Strawberry Fields (3/3)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Strawberry Fields

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Ambling through a strawberry field, or what I assumed was a strawberry field, I took in the most astounding sight I'd ever witnessed.

Bushes brimming with the plant, the fruit's vibrant currant colour couldn't be missed as it settled itself in a green home, stretched as far as I could see. Not that I could see particularly far; for these bushes were bigger than your average two floor house and the size each of the strawberries ranged from being bigger than me to being around the size of my chest. It was as if they'd been allowed to grow for dozens of years and had somehow escaped death.

Continuing, I walked down the dirt lane between the bushes and called out.

There was no response.

I tried again when I was a while on from where I'd last shouted.

Still, no response.

This was repeated until I was convinced, I was alone in this giant's field. That, more than anything else, scared me. Desperately, I tried to escape. I ran for what felt like hours, my body unable to become tired for some unknown reason. For the entire time I was following my previous tracks with no end in sight. I stopped running and flunked onto my knees, panting.

Did this strawberry field go on forever?

Instinct had me climb a strawberry, I dug my forepaws into the fruit and pulled myself up until I reached the top.

Strawberry field as far as I could see. Rows and rows of them. The only difference was a floating rock.

Where else was I going to go?

I began walking towards it and found myself at the base of it way faster than what was possible. It looked to be miles away when I was on top of the strawberry.

If there hadn't been singing to distract me, I would have freaked out about suddenly being at the rock.

A smooth, melodic voice around an alto pitch came from from on top of the platform. I couldn't understand the words, but a part of me knew it was a passionate ballad of love.

Unafraid of falling as I climbed, I used my strength to haul me up onto the next vine and the vine after that. My speed was impressive, even without that warped time I would have reached the top in under ten minutes. Hauling myself onto the top of the rock, I gazed forwards at the furson singing.

They were shrouded in a dark mist that also covered most of the area, obscuring their face and figure. I made out though that the strawberries up here were of normal size and in the middle of the ring of them was a marble structure, presumably a bath.

"Thompson?!" The figure gasped with a voice I recognized in an instant.

I was so in shock I couldn't even lift myself the extra bit onto the platform.

"Xavier?" I called, my arms shaking as I tried to pull myself up a little more.

"Thompson... " The cat's voice was a smooth as when they were singing.

He sounded relieved and almost tearful. But without a doubt, a part of his voice appeared as if it were begging for forgiveness.

The mist waved almost and the strawberry vines surrounding the bath sprung up, growing to incredible sizes and forming a sort of barrier around my Xavier.

"XAVIER!" I cried out, trying to kick myself up onto the platform.

But the vines I used to climb up had disappeared, dying and falling off in an instant.

I heard the cracking of roots, looking forwards I saw the wall of vines creeping forwards towards me. They'd grown nasty looking thorns, big enough to impale some small animal

. But I needed to reach Xavier. Though I couldn't get up yet, I thought that if I waited I'd be able to grab the thorns and use them to pull myself up. It didn't matter if it sounded foolish or not, I had to try.

Just as the thorns reached me, a woman's voice started calling my name. It beckoned me to just let myself fall, of course I didn't listen.

Reaching up, I took a hold of a thorn and pulled myself up. Then another and another and another... until I was about halfway up this wall of thorns, balancing on the thin, weak needles. Somehow, I made it to the top and with glee shouted out Xavier's name.

But it came out twisted, a pained scream like I'd made the night he'd left. The night he'd died.

The beautiful sight of the marble bath and the strawberries encircling it was gone, replaced by tarmac, fire, blood and two vehicles. One bike, one truck. I shut my eyes tight, not wanting to see this ever again...

"Thompson! Open your eyes!" The woman's voice shouted down my ear.

Jerking awake, I almost slapped her, but fortunately she was a lot quicker than I was. She moved backwards, kicking off the bed and onto her feet.

"I swear to God if you don't get up there'll be trouble, Fresa needs taking to school!" Alsek tugged on my leg. "Thompson!"

Wincing, I forced myself to get out of bed. My body was sore, not as if I'd been walking and climbing forever but as if I'd been fucked hard.

"We really need to stop having sex, if Fresa hears us she'll be terrified for life." I managed to joke, reaching under the quilts to rub my ass.

"Like you don't love rough sex. Besides, we can just get a gag." Alsek responded as she went around the room putting away the sex toys from last night.

"As if a gag will muffle the noise, nothing will stop me from screaming if you and Humber don't stop being so rough."

Getting out of bed, I limped over to my wardrobe and pulled on a pair of white briefs. My tastes had changed over the past ten years since Xavier had died in the crash, mostly because Alsek and Humber were so controlling. Not that I minded.

"Are these alright?" I asked, turning to her and doing my best not to crimp up my legs.

Seven years of dressing for the two polar bears and I still hadn't gotten used to showing off my body.

Alsek's eyes scanned for a little bit.

"Do you have any clients today?" She questioned, changing the subject. That was a bad sign.

"No, Ma'am." I answered.

"Make sure you wash your jockstraps then. When Humber gets back from work he's going to want you in the bed, ready for him with a few toys out. That underwear will need to be changed too."

Alsek sounded like a sharp secretary, which made sense considering she managed an entire company.

"Okay, Ma'am."

"As for your other clothes dress normally today, it's Fresa's first day at nursery so make a good impression."

The polar bear slipped into a dress that screamed 'Boss', I must admit I always found it sexy.

"Yes Ma'am. Are you leaving now?"

"Unfortunately yes, Humber's waiting for me in the car. I'll see you tonight okay?"

"Okay Ma'am."

I was allowed a chaste little kiss on the nose before Alsek was out the door of the bedroom. I watched from the window as she climbed into the car with our husband and went off down the road. Fresa must have heard it too, she called out to me the moment she could no longer hear the car.

"Daddy?" The cub's voice came.

"Coming sweet." I shouted back, for lack of a better word.

It was less of a shout and more of a loud hum I suppose.

I tugged some jeans over my thick lower half and hid my chiseled muscles under a sweatshirt, it probably wasn't a good idea to get the attention of Fresa's new nursery teachers.

Nor was it a good idea to leave Fresa on her own, she was a destructive little fur to say the least. Hurrying out of the bedroom, I went into hers and scooped her up off the floor, pulling her out the mountain of dolls she'd put up around her.

"Daddy!" She laughed in my arms as I held her up in the air.

She wore a pink polka dot dress, like the ones Alsek would wear when she wasn't on the job. Something in Fresa's face reminded me of her mother. Whether it was the deep colour of her eyes, her permanent smile or the shape of her nose I couldn't tell. I'd seen cub pictures of Alsek and Thompson, so I wasn't much surprised to see that Fresa still didn't have fur all over her face or on her paws. Though I was definitely surprised to see how long her hair had grown; it was already down to her shoulders! Alsek would never let Fresa's hair get dirty, so there was really no need to cut it. So until Fresa wanted it trimmed, snow white hair hung down to her shoulders.

"Humber and mommy fed you right?"

"Yes Daddy! I had beans!" Fresa beamed.

I placed her down and laughed as she tugged me towards the door.


For a cub, she was awfully strong. I tripped over my paws a little bit as she hauled me down the stairs and to the door. Managing to snatch the keys off the side, I helped her into her shoes and put mine on to.

"Now you know you'll be there all day right?" I reminded her.

I was expecting tears and protest, but so far Fresa couldn't be more excited about nursery.

"Yes! Mommy and Daddy told me so. Can't you stay though?"

"No, I need to do housework. Sorry dear."

"That sounds boring." The cub frowned.

"It is."

The drive to the nursery was short, only around ten minutes. But for the whole way Fresa wouldn't stop talking. The innocence in her voice stopped the chattering from getting annoying.

I payed little attention to her nursery teacher, a bombay I think. The teacher spoke a little about what would happen after Fresa had gone inside and when to collect her. That was the one thing I payed attention to.

"Thank you." I forced a smile as I climbed back into the car.

"No problem, Thompson." The feline smiled back.

First name basis already? Yikes. I couldn't have driven away faster.

When I got back home, I immediately undressed. Underwear, shirt and everything else. Being December, it was too cold to be naked even with my fur so I wrapped a blanket around myself and slumped down on the living room couch with his urn next to me.

Sighing, I opened up the urn and gazed inside as if I'd see Xavier. I did this every year on the twenty first, it was the day he died after all. I felt like it was the least I could do for my cat. Maybe it was because of the dream from earlier, but today looking into his ashes seemed extra special. They weren't completely his ashes, so what I had was probably his head, his torso, a leg and and an arm... Humber and Alsek had the rest. Humber scattered his portion by the pond, apparently it was a place they used to go a lot. Alsek kept her portion in a pendant that she always wore. I, however, couldn't bring myself to do anything with them. So, for as long as I could plan ahead, I'd just open them up and stare at them every 21st of December.

Closing the urn, I set it down on the coffee table and snuggled up with a throw pillow behind my neck. I followed the flower pattern on the urn with my eyes, tracing the strawberry vines as they weaved around and up and down and in every direction possible on the canvas.

The next I knew, I was back in the field.

Gigantic strawberries surrounding me with their pretty flowers in bloom, vines keeping them both captive, the dirt underneath my paws and the floating platform in the distance. I wasn't lost this time. I practically teleported to those creepers, then climbed up in record time.

Again I saw normal strawberries and the bath, with my Xavier singing from within.

"Xavier!" I called out as I climbed onto the platform.

I wasn't prepared to let the shadowy figure push up the thorn walls again.

Sprinting, I was at the figure's side before they could do anything. The mist disappeared from around Xavier and I was met with a sight I didn't think I would have seen in years.

"Hello, Thompson." He chuckled, shifting over to make space for me as if it hadn't been years since we'd seen each other.

Holding out a slender forepaw, he beckoned me to come closer. But all I could do was stare, paralyzed by the sight.

He was exactly how I remembered him: caramel colored fur, but with a brown mask around his facial features, paws and forepaws and ears too... Blue eyes, a cheerful smile, hair as unkempt as ever, tail constantly flicking... Tail?!

"You have a tail..." I managed to say. "I broke it."

"You don't see me for ten years and that's the first thing you say?" Xavier chuckled. "Thompson Wren Gareth Trahaearn you need to learn some manners."

"Sorry... I'm a little stunned. Is this heaven?" I asked.

"It's hard to explain... Normally I can't invite you here, but... you know, being the day of my death and you being ready to see me... I couldn't really let you go on not getting over me."

"I am over you!" I tried to argue.

"Please! You have sexual dreams about us, married my two best friends and look at my ashes constantly."

"It's only on your... death anniversary..." I looked at the water, each flick of Xavier's submerged tail sent ripples along the water.

"To me, once a year is actually quite often. I'm here forever after all." Xavier grinned as if such a thing wasn't so depressing.

"Oh." Was all I could respond with.

We sat in silence, but I soon scooted closer until my body was pressed against him. It was only then that I noticed I was naked, but (unlike how I acted around anyfur else) I was perfectly calm. Letting Xavier see me naked felt natural and relaxing almost.

"It's a shame we never had... it..." Xavier giggled as he took my forepaw and had me cradle him in my lap.

"I should have saved myself for you..."

"Thompson, you lost your virginity years before you met me..." Xavier laughed.

I suppose to him virginity didn't mean much, to me it meant everything. Losing such a precious thing should be a ceremony, yet fourteen year old me at practically tossed it in the trash.

"Yeah, but... If i'd known you existed, I would have said it all for you. And I wouldn't have dared lay a paw on something so beautiful..."

Admittedly I was getting lost in the moment, gazing down into his eyes and blinking whenever he did. Our breathing was in synch too and the way our tails swished and the way our hearts beated...

"Virginity or me?"


Giving a playful smile, I lifted him slightly so that I could get at this lips and gave him his answer. The Siamese parted his lips without a second thought, our tongues met in the middle and wrestled in the cave our mouth's formed. I pushed forwards, determined to win this little battle. As a result, I ended up pushing us both under the bath water, but with my eyes closed I couldn't tell at all.

We opened our eyes, much to both of our complaints, to find a sea of blue surrounding us.

I spun around, trying to find the walls of the bath or the bottom or the light from above or anything to say that I wasn't in the sea! Xavier recognized my panic and quickly tugged my forepaw, he indicated that I swim upwards with him.

When my head broke the surface, I saw that I was back where I was before with the cat emerging a step or two in front of me.


"Aengel you're cute when you're confused!"

Xavi pounced onto me, digging his claws into my shoulders as he straddled me and starting to softly bite my neck. Responding, I let my predatorial and more primal side take over. Snarling as loud as I could, I dug my claws into the Siamese's hips and forced him to grind his sheath against mine.

"Stop acting tough, I know you're a bottom now!" The cat must have thought he was funny.

I pried a finger closer to his tailhole, then wormed my way between his bubbly ass cheeks and jabbed the digit at his pucker. Xavier gave a gasp, tensing for a moment before relaxing and biting harder into my neck. I went further too and started rubbing his pucker, Xavier responded by grinding into my sheath as hard as he could. This cycle continued until I had a finger lodged in the cat's ass and he his teeth and claws sunk into me. I found his prostate fairly quickly, tapped it then waited for him to give in and accept it felt too good to protest.

He kept his teeth and claws sunk into me, but the way he scrunched up his body so quickly told me I had already won.

Another tap, more tensing

Another tap, more squeezing

Another tap, a squeal as Xavier released me and very nearly collapsed back into the water

"Fuck you, Thompson!" He laughed, slapping my chest. "Just one finger though huh?"

Now what kind of furson would I be if I didn't indulge him?

Without hesitation, I added another and began massaging his prostate. Drawing them back and forth, I focused on nothing but that little nut. Circular motions all over it, feeling it pulse through his walls and his ass clenched around me as I milked the thing for the first time.

"A-aengel!" Xavier cried out, "Another one, please!"

Two became three and with that added digit, Xavier leaked pre all down my belly. I was surprised he was loose enough to take three without any lube, but then again I'd seen enough happen here to get the fact that anything could happen.

"Ready for my cock?"

"Not yet... Let me repay you." Xavier sunk down, so that his face was between my legs.

I'd imagined him going down on me plenty of times, his little mouth sucking up my length and swallowing it all, how it would feel, how I'd nut in his throat or across his face, how fast I'd blow... Believe me, I was right about most things.

Xavier was skilled at this, he must have done it with Humber and Alsek plenty of times. He bobbed his head forwards as his forepaw held my sack, giving it harmless squeezes to help me along. His other forepaw jerked off the base of my length, spreading the pre that leaked down from the top half of my cock.

"Oh jeez..." I panted, my eyes rolling back.

I rested a forepaw on Xavier's head and brought him down on my cock further, I just had to get him to deepthroat me. He did so with ease, bringing away his forepaw that had been jerking me off to swallow me down to my sheath. I could feel my knot swelling inside of his mouth, pushing at the walls of it and threatening to grow too big to remove. Yet, I was too caught up to warn him.

Xavier's tongue licked up the underside of my cock as his forepaws began playing with my balls some more. He rolled them in his palm, giving them a light squeeze once in awhile that caused me to gasp and squirt some pre. Each time, the cat greedily swallowed it and looked up at me with hungry eyes. Aengel, I'd missed those eyes.

His forepaws began to explore me more, his right one came to my left forepaw and held me reassuringly as he pulled off my cock. Replacing his mouth with a forepaw that slowly jerked me off to keep my hard, he said:

"I'm going to do something to you now that you haven't done before. Do you trust me?"

"Of course." i answered, slightly worried.

Swallowing my cock back up, Xavier slipped a finger into my sheath and rubbed me where no man had ever gone before. I cried out, slamming my cock deeper into his mouth. He didn't seem to mind, happily letting me fuck his mouth.

"P-please!" I begged, wanting him to do more to my sheath.

"Shhhhh..." I heard him giggle as two fingers came up to play with one of my nipples.

He twisted, tugged and pinched the erect tissue just to tease me that extra bit more. Although, my nipples had always been sensitive little things. Between having my nipple abused, my sheath plundered and my cock sucked I didn't stand a chance.

To no surprise, my cock spasmed and I blew my load into Xavier's mouth. His eyes went wild and his adventuring forepaws came to a halt before he snapped back into the moment and continued at a faster pace. Each second his finger thrusted into my sheath at least twice, he did at least three laps on my cock and my nipple saw more harm than it would if he'd put a clamp on it. Squirming, I moaned and groaned as my cock was milked for more than its worth. Xavier didn't spill a drop.

As I slumped back, my cock helpless spasming to try to pump out more cum, Xavier rose up and kissed my cheek.

"Aengel..." I whispered, unable to form a complex sentence.

"I hope that I didn't fry your brain..." My cat chuckled.

"What now?" I asked.

"For now, you're needed somewhere." Another kiss on my cheek. "I'll be here when you return, babe."

In the moment, I didn't understand what he was saying. Outside our little field didn't exist to me, I didn't know it at the time, but Xavier knew everything that wasn't happening in the real world and what would happen, or could even.

"Goodbye..." He whispered as I slipped out of consciousness.

I darted up, back on the sofa at home.

Humber was standing over me, dressed in a suit and tie and looking about as concerned as one could get.

"Humber!" I squealed and pulled my blanket up over my body, trying to cover the erection I'd gotten from what I assumed was one trippy dream.

"Thompson..." He sighed in relief, then smiled to me. "I was worried about you. No matter how much I shook you, you wouldn't get up."

"Oh... sorry, I was having a nice dream."

"Ah, well then I'm sorry for ending it." Sitting next to me, he kissed my forehead. "But it's not like you to be sleeping during the day. Alsek and I haven't been over-working you, have we?"

"No, not at all."

"Good, good."

He started stroking my hair, petting me as I curled up in his lap.

"What was your dream about?"

I didn't respond for a minute.


The petting stopped.

"Thompson, please don't tell me you're starting this again."

"But, I'm telling you- it feels real!"

"Thompson, stay here. I'll go get your pills."

Pushing me off of him, Humber stood up and headed for the kitchen. A part of me wanted to run the hell away, he was trying to get rid of Xavier!

"No! Humber! It's real!"

I heard the polar bear shifting around the medicine cabinet.

"Humber! Please, don't! I thought you loved me!"

"I do, that's why you need to take them."


"Thompson, the last time you got dreams about him you started hallucinating. You hurt Alsek and yourself. If it was real, we'd all have seen him there."

"But he was in the street!"

"The psychologist has been over this, you're just remembering what happened. The pills will help, you know this."

Humber came back with pills in his forepaw and glass of water just in case.

"NO!" I shouted, crawling back into the corner of the sofa with the blanket scrunched up in my chest.

"Thompson, they help. Don't make me call the psychologist up, she'll be gutted that you relapsed."

"I haven't relapsed! It's real!"

"Okay, okay. But if it's real, you'll see it even if you are on these pills. So why don't you take them anyway?"

"But they make me tired!"

"That's how you know they're working."

The two of us fell silent and stopped arguing for the moment. He held them out to me and for once, I listened. Taking them, I swallowed them both then flunked down on the arm of the sofa.

"Open your mouth, if you're tricking me there'll be trouble." Humber warned.

Opening it wide, I showed that I had indeed swallowed them.

"Thank you. Let's not tell Alsek about this, huh?"


"Come here then, I know I said I wanted to celebrate my last working day this year with some kink, but cuddling my favourite Akita is better."

I couldn't help but feel just a little bit special hearing him say that. Putting what had happened behind me, I climbed back into his lap and rested my head against his neck. In no time, I was back asleep.

I remember wanting all of what happened with Xavier to be real, meaning that the moment I closed my eyes I'd be back in his world. Only, I wasn't. In the back of my mind, I waited and waited. In fact, I slept for so long I missed dinner and soon awoke on my bed to the sounds of grunting and moaning.

Those two were at it again.

"Humber, Alsek?" I asked the darkness.

For a moment, Alsek's cries of pleasure stopped, only for her to then speak:

"Good midnight, sweetheart. Sorry that we woke you up-" She was cut off by her own gasp as Humber pulled out of her.

"No-no it's alright." I rolled over to meet her face, I noticed that she had cum plastered over it.

"No don't worry. We've been at it a while now, we can stop for you." Humber spoke. "I don't think we're going to finish soon anyway."

I felt him on the other side of me, pressing up into the crook of my back.

With everything that had happened today, I couldn't help but want a release.

"Could I join you guys instead? I want to... I like it when we do this stuff. But can I like..."

In the darkness, I saw Alsek's grin as she pressed up to me and felt between my legs for my balls.

"No problem at all, strawberry."

"... top..." I continued.

Alsek and Humber fell silent, surprised at my answer. In truth, I wanted to practice topping again so I'd be ready for Xavier. Assuming that I'd see him again.

"Sorry!" I mumbled under my breath. "It's alright if you don't want me to I completely understand and I shouldn't have asked I mean like I haven't topped in forever and Humber you don't bottom and-"

"Shush, Thompson." Alsek giggled. "You can top if you want. Humber might not bottom, but I do."

The larger polar bear chuckled and slipped into bed behind me.

"Sure sure!" His voice boomed. "But I'm so fucking your ass whilst you do it. Got that, slut? Everytime you top I'm going to have something in your ass to remind you of how it really is."

I found myself stammering and blushing as I rolled over onto my belly and shoved my ass in the air:

"Y-you can fuck me first! For a warm up!"

"Apparently you don't want to top too much." Alsek joked as she slid under me.

In the darkness of the room I could just about make out her form, those supple breasts that had given her so much joy, her pink scruffy hair and the colour of her eyes. She reached up to pull me down and soon my erect cock was grinding against her abdomen, just waiting to penetrate her.

I knew that I wouldn't have control of the situation, Humber would be practically fucking both me and Alsek just by pushing me. And, I wasn't too surprised when Alsek slipped a collar around my neck.

"You're still my pet though... Cum before I do and you'll regret it." She gave my ear a soft bite as she whispered.

Whimpering, I nodded and reached back to spread my ass cheeks for Humber.

The polar bear had pumped his cock up to full mast with his forepaw then drowned the thing in lube. The same slippery, but God send of a liquid poured down my ass cheeks and was worked into my depths by two thick fingers. I had no choice in the matter as I grunted, groaned and tried not to cry out as he plundered me.

Two fingers back and forth, I could have easily mistaken them for a dildo or your average sized cock. But, then again, Humber had a way of doing things. He liked to go straight for my prostate and get me worked up quickly. It was hard not to pay attention to the way his fingers pressed down hard on my prostate and squeezed out a little bit of pre from the tip of my cock. It pooled in Alsek's fur. When I feel that my ass was dripping lube, I begged Humber to screw me. He happily stepped up.


My eyes rolled back, my body jerked forwards and my forepaws dug into the sheets as Humber ploughed forwards with his cock.

"Normally you want me to fist you first, two fingers isn't exactly a warm up with me is it?" Humber reminded me as he struggled to fit the fat head of his cock in my tailhole.

"Keep going!" I cried out and pushed back, desperate to get that monstrous bulb in me.

His foreskin rolled back and forth as Humber bucked his hips, getting it sort of jammed in my crack. With a forceful shove, the head was inside and the real fun began. Nothing delighted me more than the feeling of that cock in me, well that's a lie... The feeling of having that cock in me and the feeling of having my cock in Alsek was quite the thrill.

"Ready you big fluffy bitch?" I heard Alsek say.

Humber gave me a shove down and I soon found myself with my knot pressing against Alsek's pussy.

"Oh!" I noised as warmth, wetness and stickiness consumed my member.

"Forgot to tell you...!" Humber grunted as he shoved more and more of his thick endowment into my ass. "Fucked her before you, must have dumped my load once or twice."

That explained why it felt so disgusting. But I must admit, nothing said 'bitch boy' like being given the sloppy seconds.

"Don't worry, it means I'm already close to finishing so you're chances of having your head bitten off are very low."

By that point I couldn't respond, as Humber was now somehow balls deep in me. I'd broken down into a sweat and my ass felt as if it were bloated, furthermore I could feel the tip of his cock making a bulge in my stomach...

Now, the polar bear started a rhythm. As he moved his hips forwards I had no choice but to move my cock further into Alsek and risk knotting her, but always at the last moment Humber dragged me back by the waist and pulled out to the tip... only to slam his cock home in me and consequently my cock in Alsek.

Alsek laughed at my visage, reaching up to stroke my face.

"You're doing good, doggy. How about you come here and give me a kiss?"

How could I deny her?

Coming down, I accidentally interrupted the rhythm and gasped as my knot popped inside of Alsek's vagina, tying me there. At the same moment, Alsek locked lips with me and passionately started exploring my mouth with her tongue. Groaning, one more thrust from the big bear himself sent me over the edge.

Almost like a flash flood or a sudden volcanic eruption, my doghood exploded inside of Alsek and sent my seed as far as it could go inside of her. Alsek felt it too, but instead of getting angry she laughed and reached down to finger herself slightly.

Humber didn't exactly slow down and instead started humping me with even more primal rage. I couldn't hear Alsek's orgasm over the growls Humber made as he emptied a tidal wave of his cum in my ass.

When the last of it was finished, the bear pulled out and gave a tug on my hips to free me from Alsek.

"How was that? I don't think we've fucked like that in years..." Humber admitted.

"Yeah, even if you are going loopy again you're still our husband." Alsek giggled.


"Pardon?!" I snorted.

"Oh come on, Thompson. You've started seeing him again. Xavier's in your head. Xavier isn't coming back."

All I saw was red as Alsek opened her mouth and said his name:

"NO!" I yelled, darting up and kicking my legs.

I'm not quite sure what I did exactly, but before Humber or Alsek could do anything I was on the floor. I scrambled to my paws shortly after and tossed the books that were on the nightstand at them.

"Thompson!" The two bears shouted together.

Half crying half yelling, I screamed at the two of them that I wasn't insane as I stormed out of our bedroom.

"Where are you going?!" I heard one of them yell and spring up.

The house filled with noises, the clunking of wood straining as I descended the stairs, the creak of the bed, the wailing of our cub and more. I think that either Alsek or I was crying.

Naked, I broke into a sprint as I left, leaving Alsek and Humber standing in the door screaming for me to come back.

"What was that?!" Alsek panicked. "Why did he flip out like that?! We need to call the police! And his psychologist!"

"Honey, calm it down. I can explain."

"What you predicted that our husband would run out into the night naked?"

"No..." Humber sighed. "But earlier, Thompson confessed he was getting those delusions about Alsek."

"Oh dear. You don't think he's chasing some imaginary Xavier do you?"


"Let's get cleaned up, we both know where he's going for Aengel's sake."

It was a painful silence, not the cringy type after some fur's made a shitty joke, but the type where you know you fucked up. Bad. He, Xavier, was sitting in the water perfectly still.


"Shut up, Thompson. Stay right there on the edge and try to come up with a reason why I shouldn't tear your throat out." He hissed, not even turning his head to me.

Whimpering, I shuffled back to the edge of the floating platform and thought.

'I-i did it for us.' Was the best excuse I had.

Xavier didn't respond for a moment. Eventually, he beckoned me closer.

As I shuffled forwards, he whispered:


And again.


Then once more, so that now I was sitting in the water with him like a puppy waiting for a treat.

Admittedly, I cried like one after he slapped me with the back of his forepaw.

It was a solid, audible and painful (in the sense that it hurt to just hear it) slap right across the cheek. Following up, the cat pinched exactly where he'd slapped and pulled.

"Why the fuck would you kill yourself for us? You don't even know how the afterlife works! I was going to fucking use my last fucking favour to keep you out of hell! But nooooo, you just had to go fucking up my plan! Worse yet, you just fucked that guy's life over! He flew through the bloody windscreen!"

I winced, not just from the burning in my cheek.

"I'm sorry-"

"Tell him that. Tell his family that."

Unable to think of anything to respond with, I slumped on the floor and sniffled, burying my head between my legs.

Sighing, the siamese knelt down and licked the side of my neck.

"It's alright, it's alright. But, a car accident? Really?"

"I thought you were here because you died in a car accident."

"I'm here because I don't have closure." Xavier explained. "And that, is because you haven't moved on."

"What do you mean? I married Alsek and Humber-"

"Yes and, trust me, you love them more than anything else. But, you don't feel as close to them as you were with me."

"So I need to meet that next furson?"

"Yes. Though, that'll take several years without a little intervention..."

Xavier rambled on as he brought me over to the pool, helping me into it until we were sinking into the water. I tuned him out, being more interested in the water. I was submerged, yet I could breathe, see and talk perfectly fine.

"Where are we going?" I questioned.

"Nowhere, we're still going to be in the pool. But there's something you need to see."

As we went further and further in, I began to see things in the depths of the water. Upon closer inspection, they looked like TV screens.

"Float here." Xavier instructed , I did so and the cat clung to me seeing as how he'd never been able to float too well.

I was wrong and right about the TV screen. There was a sort of hovering image in the water, only it wasn't seeing as how no matter where I looked at it from it was directly facing me.

"What is it?"

"Shush. All I know is that it's a sort of... window, into the real world."

"That's... incredible."

"Yes, yes..." The cat didn't seem as fascinated as I had expected, then again Xavier had seen this thing plenty of times.

The screen, which had previously been showing nothing but static, changed to that of Alsek and Humber together in an A&E room.

Alsek's tummy had rounded up a bit, her usual grin and glow had been replaced by an anxious look. Humber was no better, he'd put on more weight than what was healthy for a man of his species and his facial fur was fluffing up.

"What's going on?"

"You'll see." Xavier answered.

After a short wait, the door to the office was opened by a wolf. He must have been the Doctor.

"How are we today?" He asked.

"We're... well not fine." Alsek frowned. "Why else would we be in your office?"

Despite the witty snap, the canine laughed it off and took a seat at his desk.

"Is there something wrong with them?" The doctor raised an eyebrow.

"It's been 16 weeks and they haven't started kicking."

"And this is your second pregnancy?"

"Yes. My other cub, she turned out fine. There weren't any complications."

"Well... we'll get you an ultrasound, just to be sure, but if you give me a few minutes poking I'm sure I'll be able to find what's wrong..."

The screen faded.

"Alsek is pregnant?! She wasn't pregnant when I-"

"You've been in a coma for 16 weeks twit. Now shut up."

Again, a new image came into view. After a few moments, it began moving.

This one was of Alsek and Humber, looking even more disheveled in the same room. The Doctor looked... afraid.

"What is it? What's wrong with our cub?" Humber half-growled, his fists clenching and un-clenching.

"N-nothing serious! It's that..." The Doctor took a breath. "Your cub, it's displaying a lot of... canine features."

"Akita?!" Alsek squealed.


The two polar bears exchanged a brief, worried glance at each other.

"As is protocol, I have to tell you about the dangers of hybrids-"

"No. I've heard enough." Alsek shakily got out of her seat, Humber shot to his paws to help her.

"But Ma'am-"

"But nothing. Humber, let's go and see Thompson."

The doctor stood, looking stunned, as his patient and her husband left the room in a hurry. From his window, he could see them clambering into their car and, the instant the doors were all closed, set off.

I was equally stunned, so much so that I didn't notice that Xavier was tugging me up out of the water.

On impulse, I took a deep breathe as I reached the surface.

"What was that?!" I gasped. "Alsek-"

"Is pregnant with your cub." Xavier said as if such a thing was no big deal.

I, on the other forepaw, broke out into panic.

"My cub?! But-but this sort of stuff doesn't happen, ever! And, we're not even the same genus- what'll happen-"

"Thompson." I felt my cat stroke down my back. "You need to go back there and talk it out with them."

"But I'm in a coma-"

"Only because you're here. Give me your forepaw..." Xavier extended his forepaw and smiled. "I promise that everything will be alright."

How could I say no?

The moment I touched his forepaw, I felt myself moving faster than what should have been possible. We arrived at the edge of Xavier's world, looking down onto clouds.

"Are we in the sky?"

"It's hard to explain. Just jump, you should pass out and hopefully everything will be back to normal."

"Then I'll wake up out of the coma?"

"Yes. Then all you need to do is convince Alsek to keep your cub and raise it until they're ten. Then, you can kill yourself."

The words, that almost sounded like an order, made me feel as if I was choking.

"Okay." I managed to say.

Xavier threw his arms around me.

"Bye for now then, big boy. There's no coming back here now, I think that this'll let me leave limbo."

"Then I don't want to leave- I can't leave you again."

I held onto the cat, gripping at his waist with such strength I could have sworn I heard something crack.

"Thompson..." Xavier mewed. "Please. For me?"

"This isn't the best option." I tried to argue.

"If you stay, you'll eventually be mercy killed by a doctor. Then I don't know what will happen to you. I know this isn't the easiest option, but it's the only one I know. You'll be back with me before you know it."



And I thought that burying him was the hardest thing I'd ever done...

Releasing my cat, I kissed his forehead and forced back tears.

"I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too."

With that, I stepped back off of the platform and fell what felt like miles and miles...

As I went, I saw Xavier and his platform begin to fade from existence itself leaving nothing behind as if this was all just an illusion, a trick.

For the sake of my sanity, I hoped that it was all real.

The next ten years were a blur, the conversation with Alsek and Humber seemed to take a second. We sat on the couch, Fresa in her other Dad's lap seeing as how she deserved to at least know a little bit. At first I thought I was going to be screamed at, but all Alsek did was slap down a used pregnancy test in front of me and grin.

"Another one?!" I faked, trying to look as happy as I could.

"Yes, but this a little different. They're yours."

I stayed silent for a moment, to be honest I was trying to process and say what an oblivious me would.

"B-but that's impossible."

"Apparently not. It'll be tough, but I want to keep them."

That was easy enough.

"Me too! Humber, what about you?"

"Of course I do! But you'd better step up and be a man." Humber chuckled.

"Did you hear that Fresa?" Alsek beamed, fussing the cub's hair. "You're going to be a big sister."

Her face lit up too and for those next few days, while the initial buzz of the pregnancy was still there, we were all as happy as we could be. But, if there was anything that bugged me, it was that we weren't talking about Xavier or what had happened to me. I wanted to, but whenever I even started a sentence with X, Humber and Alsek would find a way to leave.

The months ticked on and things gradually became more stressful. Alsek's mood changed like it did before, she was half-ready to bite everyfur's head off at any given moment; who could blame her? Humber and I worked together setting up the cub's room using Fresa's old stuff, but we soon found out that the supposed 'she' was a he. So, there we were in our underwear tearing down what we'd put up so we could begin again tomorrow.

The next day, Alsek (who was now eight months pregnant) wouldn't stop talking about names: Oscar, Niko, Lei, Ivano, Eper, Aaron, Marcel, Tygo... Humber and I couldn't get one word in, but I didn't mind. We settled on Eper in the end. That was the last good thing about the pregnancy.

At only 34 weeks, Alsek suddenly went into labour. Earlier I said that the years leading up to my suicide were a blur, the hours of my cub being born were a click. All I remember is being in the back of the car with Alsek squeezing my forepaws tighter than a vice grip and Humber speeding towards the nearest hospital. Then, Humber and I were sitting opposite each other in the maternity ward waiting. Hours passed without us saying anything before finally the two of us were called in.

He, Eper, was tiny. Too tiny. Five and a half pounds, as well as being only as long as my forearm meant that he was gone before I could see much of him. His paws, forepaws and around his nose were pink, a short coat of snow white fur and round polar bear ears. He had my muzzle though, and my tail. Just seeing that little print of me made me feel warm inside.

For the next hour, both of us (Humber and I) were worried out of our minds, then that hour turned into a day, day into week... Our calls to the hospital were met with: 'I'm sorry I don't know' and if we tried to visit we'd be turned away. It boiled down to Humber watching the morgue to see if either Alsek or Eper turned up there.

Until finally Alsek walked through the door with Eper in her arms. We spent the rest of that day just crowding around.

I've forgotten how the rest of the years went, just that Fresa wouldn't ever let Eper out of her sight and when it turned out that he could hardly hear anything, was blind and struggled to get his forepaws to do what he wanted, Fresa became a sort of second mother to him. Nine year old Fresa and four year old Eper were an inseparable pair, that is until the first day of school. Trying to convince her that Eper's special school would look after him was a nightmare...But, in about a year, she trusted them to look after her little brother.

Humber, Alsek and I worked and worked to make sure that they grew up right. Before either of us knew it, Eper was ten and Fresa was fourteen. She may have pushed her parents away in her teenage years, but Eper was still close with her. Even when he was a little shit.

I never forgot about Xavier, so when Eper's birthday party was over I snuck upstairs and found it: the noose I'd made just a few days before.

I set everything up in the bathroom.

I left my will and explanations at my paws...

I tied the end of the noose to the hook in the bathroom ceiling, the other around my neck...

I stood on the edge of the bath...

And stepped off...

Immediately, I brought my forepaws up to untie the noose and struggled to get off over my head. It was a miracle that I didn't accidentally kick the stool I was standing on over.

The moment I was free, I packed everything into the bin and told myself that my cub was more important than a dead lover. We had eternity to be together after I died, seventy something years was nothing compared to that.

Xavier would have to wait.

Thanks For Reading!

As always please tell me if you spot any mistakes ^_^

Story, characters and locations © avatar?user=371211&character=0&clevel=2 Kalebthecat

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