Off the Deep End

Story by dog455 on SoFurry

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Hey guys!

Here is another story a really cool guy named Spell900 over at FA and I cooked up. I've known him for a while and we have steadily been working on the Tales from the Foxhole series as digitally that we can. I am back up at college so time will be hard to find when classes start up on Monday, but I'm excited to try to get back into the swing of things! Anyway, please enjoy this little piece we decided to cook up! Sit back, relax, and enjoy.

IF you can, please LEAVE A COMMENT! As much as I enjoy the watches, faves, and votes, I love a comment more than anything. It can help me pin down where I need to work on!

Music I listened to:

Tchami-Shot Caller ( Future House

Disclosure-When a Fire Starts to Burn ( Garage House

Tokimonsta-Midnight Menu Full album ( Chill Hip-Hop

Childish Gambino-Sweatpants ( Rap/Hip-Hop

Spell900's profile:

As sunlight beamed down onto the community pool, the water sparkled like tiny diamonds. Children laughed and played among one another while parents watched close by, either chatting in groups, or lounging on the poolside chairs. The concrete along the edge of the pool was littered with wet paw and hoof prints, evidence of people moving back and forth from swimming and relaxing. On the far corner of the pool area, there were several rickety-looking tables and chairs, along with a vending machine and soda machine where people could buy various sugary drinks and snacks.

The diving boards on the end on the pool had a short line up to them. If it was not so close to sunset and closing time, the line would have been nearly to the locker room doors. One lifeguard post was on either side of the pool, as well as one in the middle. The lifeguards' metal whistles hung around their necks, and both lifeguards who were on duty were wearing their trademark red swimwear.

Towards the left-most diving board, a kangaroo sat with sunglasses over his eyes. He had a bored but content look across his face as he scanned over the pool area, a forty-inch rescue tube across his lap. The strap that was connected to the ends of the rescue device were looped over his shoulder, and the kangaroo could feel the strap against his back. His light brown fur glistened with water, and the white fur on his chest, neck, and muzzle shined in the sun.

His muscles flexed as he stretched in his seat, and he smacked his lips lazily before reaching for the bottle of water to his side. Looking towards the clock that was near the locker room entrance, the roo noticed it was going on 8:00 pm. Giving a sigh of relief, the he looked up at the sky and pulled his sunglasses off to rub his eyes. The auburn eyes scanned the sky to see the white, puffy clouds washed out by the orange and red of the sunset. It was a blissful atmosphere, and the kangaroo found a deep peace wash over him before he heard the sound of running near him.

Grabbing his whistle and sticking it up to his lips, the kangaroo blew hard into it until the loud shrill pierced the calm. The perpetrator was a young husky with eyes as blue as the ocean and fur that seemed to sparkle. He gave a coy look up to lifeguard, and the kangaroo just gave a stern gaze back.

"No running," the lifeguard said. Although the hurt look across the kid's face did make him feel a little sympathy, he had no trouble keeping the stern look on his face. His job as a high school teacher helped with keeping his voice and features from cracking due to emotions. The kid looked as if he got his hand smacked and walked towards the diving board line, grumbling something under his breath. The kangaroo was pleased with himself and leaned back against his post.

Heavy footfalls were heard to the his right, and upon turning his head to see who the owner of those footfalls was, he smiled, seeing his fellow lifeguard. His coworker was an absolutely massive malamute who dwarfed the the kangaroo by at least a full foot, if not more, and the dog's physique was the very definition of herculean, though it wasn't obvious, unless he was wet, because his fluffy fur obscured the perfect bulk and definition of his body fairly well. The black, brown, and white-furred canine looked up at him, barely even having to raise his head, given his height, and his hazel eyes locked onto the roo's with a friendly glimmer in them.

"Looking a bit bored over here, Will," the malamute chuckled. "If you wanna take a break, you can. I can watch the pool for a minute, if you want to go get a granola bar, or something. The right side of the pool isn't super popular right now, anyway, since it's late enough that parents have started taking the youngest cubs home for the night," he shrugged.

Giving a warm smile down at the malamute, Will folded his sunglasses before sliding one of its arms into his red speedo to hang on his leg. Although many of the other male lifeguards wore swim trunks, Will was vain when it came to his body. With the many laps he swam in the pool before work, combined with working out at the local gym, he nearly rivaled the younger lifeguard in strength, and Will enjoyed showing off every curve and ridge in his physique.

"The only thing I need is protein to fuel these guns," Will said with a joking smirk as he flexed his biceps. "Just kidding. A break would be nice." Taking the rescue tube off and wrapping it around the lifeguard post before maneuvering his way down from his perch, the kangaroo's tail swayed back and forth as he climbed down from the tower. "If we get too slow, the boss may let us go early. Never know with that rottweiler, though."

"I know, right? I swear, that guy's either halfway up our asses about safety, or he's so laid back that he wouldn't even care if we closed the pool early," the malamute smiled. "And I'm sure I don't need to remind you that state law requires you have a permit for those guns, Mr. Shepard--erm, Will, I mean." The big dog blushed slightly in embarrassment. "Sorry about that. Old habits die hard, as they say, right?"

Giving a small laugh, the kangaroo stepped up next to his co-worker and crossed his arms. "Please, don't call me Mr. Shepard again, or you'll make me feel even older," the kangaroo said with a smile. "I remember when I was making you run laps in my P.E. class. Crazy how quickly time flies, you being a senior in college now, and everything. From what you told me about your studies, it seemed my coaching disciplined you just fine, Ryan."

Giving a sly wink, Will gave a playful smile before adjusting the waistband of his speedo smoothly. Although the swimwear showed off the best of his body while still keeping some amount of modesty, it did have a tendency to ride up in places that made getting up from a sitting position a bit uncomfortable.

"Oh, please, you're what, like thirty? You're the youngest teacher at that high school by at least a decade or two, and it's not like you're even old. You're only seven years older than me!" Ryan chuckled. "And besides, the workout regimen you made me and the rest of the wrestling team go through helped me get this big, and clearly you're still following it, too, because you're looking great, if you don't mind me saying." He looked his ex-teacher up and down, taking in each hard muscle, each valley and peak of that perfect musculature.

"I AM thirty," Will said with a laugh. "And that's awfully nice of you to say. You don't look too bad yourself, string bean." Giving a low chuckle and a sly wink, the kangaroo looked over the malamute, his eyes concentrating on the canine's broad shoulders and confident stature. "You are really starting to fill out. You always did have the right body for wrestling. Just had to kick all that fast food you were eating and supplement it with fruit and nuts. Fruit to catch all the nutrients you need, and nuts for prote-..."

Shaking his head before giving a distinct blush and cutting himself off, Will gave a chuckle. "Sorry, I'm lecturing you again. I'll stop treating you like a student, but...I have a habit of treating everyone like a student, at times."

"Well, my momma always said that we never really stop learning new things, so it's only natural you want to try to keep teaching people new things, right?" the massive dog smiled, resting a heavy paw on the roo's shoulder. "Nothing to be ashamed of. Heck, when I was a pup, I tried to teach every one of my relatives how to use multiplication. No idea why I did it, but apparently I thought it was fun, at the time! Anyway, don't let me keep you from your break, Will. I'll be here."

Giving a smile at Ryan's upbeat attitude and enthusiasm, Will nodded and felt the strange desire to ruffle the malamute's head fur. He held himself back, though, watching the canine's ears flick slightly when a cool breeze blew over them. Will had expected and encouraged a sense of camaraderie during the on and off season, and he believed a connection between the players, as well as the coach, was critical for success. The touch on his shoulder had felt natural from his ex-student, rather than awkward.

"Alright. Just don't work yourself too hard. I'll be back in like fifteen minutes or so. If you end up drinking from my bottle of water, just don't slobber all over it," Will said with a teasing smirk. Will walked backwards before turning around to make his way towards the vending machines. Although his first target was the locker room to grab his wallet, he at least wanted to scope out what the machines had.

When the kangaroo made it to the machines, he leaned in to inspect its contents. Most of it was way too high in carbs for his diet, but the sunflower seeds looked promising. They were also only one dollar, which didn't seem too pricy, compared to the candy bars. Deciding on his purchase, the kangaroo made his way around the pool until he came to the door of the male locker rooms. Opening up the door, the first thing Will noticed was the steam filling the area and the wave of heat that hit him right when he opened the door.

As Will walked down the tiled floor, the hiss of showers could be heard on his left and right, as well as the sound of wet paws and hooves hitting the floor. The environment felt like home to the kangaroo as he made his way towards the lockers, and he was not fazed by the male nudity around him, as well as the sights and sounds. To Will, it was just a part of the swimming experience, just like how wrestling required singlets.

When Will made it to the locker area, rows upon rows of dark blue lockers were there to greet him. Walking down to the second row on the left, the kangaroo turned into the aisle to come face to face with a naked doberman. Neither seemed fazed, and Will managed to utter a half-hearted apology as he stepped past the canine and to his locker.

The number 128 was written in dull white across the top, and a simple padlock kept him from accessing the contents. Reaching forward, Will fiddled with the lock and input the appropriate combination before pulling upward on the opening mechanism with enough force to hear the satisfying click.

The moan of resistance from the locker made the kangaroo's ears twitch when he opened it, and on the inside of the door, there was a simple mirror, as well as several newspaper clippings from his coaching milestones. One was a picture of Ryan with his arms wrapped around several teammates and grinning broadly. Each of them were in uniform, and the malamute was holding up the state wrestling trophy with a prideful look on his face. Will stood to the side with his arms crossed, smiling proudly at the camera. The picture made the kangaroo give a small smile of his own as pleasant memories began to fill his thoughts.

"Man, it's been a long time..." Will mumbled as he looked at the date in the bottom corner. The year was 2010, Ryan's sophomore year of high school. Looking at another picture, Will saw the track team posing in uniform in the same way with a female coach beaming proudly this time. The year on the photo was much more recent: 2014. From the female's confident stance, down to the different black spots all over her yellow coat, Will instantly recognized the track coach as Lauren, his girlfriend and fellow coach.

"I really need to update these. We've already won state again since then," Will thought humorously before rummaging through his locker. His duffel bag had the school's insignia on it, a gift for when he first signed up to take over coaching wrestling and teaching physical education eight years ago. The bag showed its age, and the color looked dull, but the roo had a hard time trying to part with it.

Unzipping one of the side pockets and pulling out his wallet, Will noticed the main screen of his phone had lit up with three text messages. Curiosity got the best of him, and he picked up the phone to see that the sender was his girlfriend. Giving a sigh, the kangaroo wondered what the subject of the texts could be about this time. The last bunch he had received were about how he forgot to turn out the lights in her flat. It turned into a bit of a heated argument over texts that ended when Will came to her flat, and they ended up having angry sex. Overall, it was a strange night.

Placing his phone back into the pouch before zipping the bag up and closing his locker, the kangaroo made his way back to the vending machine. Slipping a dollar into the machine and inputting the number for the spicy sunflower seeds, Will was pleased when he reached his hand into the vending machine, grabbed the snack, and walked towards a table to take a seat on the bench attached to it.

Much of the pool was clear by now, and the beautiful oranges and reds of the sunset started to become darker as the moon became more pronounced. There were only a handful of people lined up at the diving boards, and the sound of splashing and laughter was turned into parents trying to shuffle their kids out of the pool to go change. Ripping open the bag of sunflower seeds and popping one into his mouth, the kangaroo felt the kick of the spices on the shell tingle his tastebuds as he used his teeth to pop the seed out of the shell before leaning towards the small trashcan next to him and spitting the shell into it.

Sitting back in his seat casually, Will looked out over the sky. The lights from the small town of Columbia filled the skyline and reflected off the puffy clouds. Giving a small yawn, Will rubbed his eyes before looking at the clock. The time was 8:20pm, and the kangaroo figured his boss would be coming out of his office soon to help close up. About two minutes later, and Will noticed the rottweiler walking out of the men's locker room. He was dressed casually with tan board shorts and a light blue polo, and he looked almost like a golfer, rather than a swimmer.

When the rottweiler noticed the kangaroo sitting casually, he gave a wave before walking over. For being an older-looking gentleman, Will had to admit that the canine still had a kick in his step. When his boss got to the table, he placed his hand on the end before looking over the lifeguard.

"Will," he said simply. The greeting came out as more of a grunt, the rottweiler's rumbly voice vibrating in the kangaroo's eardrums.

"Roger," Will replied, mimicking his boss's bored-sounding voice. "Are you ready to close?"

"Meh, give it a moment. There are still some kids in the deep end."

Looking out over the pool, Will did not spy any movement. The only thing the kangaroo noticed was the gentle ripples of the water as a cool summer breeze blew through. "Roger, I don't see anyone."

"That's because you don't have my senses, boyo," Roger said with a smile.

"I think you just don't want to clean yet," Will said with a chuckle before getting up off the bench and adjusting his tight swimwear to prevent a potential wedgie from forming. "I hear that hesitation in my students whenever they don't want to do pushups."

"Relax a little bit," Roger said with a chuckle. "I don't know what's got your tail all tied up, but you get paid, either way."

Giving a shrug, Will said, "Whatever you say, boss."

After a small pause, Roger stood up straight and stretched his body. Even though he was nearing fifty, the swimmer's build beneath his clothes was more than evident, and Will could not help but admire his boss's musculature. "Well, you convinced me otherwise." Walking towards the pool, the rottweiler shouted, "Closing time! You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here!"

Will was not surprised that there was no frantic splashing to get out of the pool and get to the locker room. On some nights, when it was time to close, the stream of people was almost like a stampede to get out, as if there was a shark in the pool, and sometimes there were indeed families of sharks in the pool, but not the potentially dangerous kind which prowled the oceans. Tonight, it was eerily quiet, and Roger walked back towards Will. "Go with Ryan and pick up the pool cleaning stuff and the brooms in the locker room. I'll count the registers. You're free to go, once you are done cleaning. I know I plan on taking off the second I'm done counting," the canine chuckled. "Oh, and don't worry about checking out. I can handle that for you two."

"Copy that," Will said with a smile at the rottweiler as he walked past Roger and back towards the tower he had been stationed at. Looking up at the malamute sitting at his post, the kangaroo noticed how proud Ryan looked up on the high chair. The trunks the canine wore complimented Ryan's leg work, and the metal whistle around the canine's neck looked strangely natural, like it belonged there on him.

"Hey, did you hear Roger? We're closing up shop. He wants us to grab the cleaning stuff out of the locker room and just make a quick sweep. We are free to go after that, so let's get to it!" Will said with a bit too much enthusiasm than the task really needed. Ever since he became the wrestling coach, he had to make mundane tasks seem more exciting for the wrestlers, and the habit had bled over into his lifeguard duties.

Ryan whined slightly as he hopped down off of the lifeguard tower. "Great, my least favorite part of this job," the malamute sighed, rolling his shoulders and tossing his rescue tube next to the tower. "Let's get this over with," he yawned.

Nodding in agreement, Will guided Ryan into the men's locker room. Walking past the showers and lockers, the two made it to the end where a small room was on the far left. The light was on, and the sound of Roger's whistling echoed throughout the locker room along with the sound of coins on a desk being counted. On the right wall, there was a metal door.

Walking up to the door, Will gave the knob a twist and opened it. The smell of bleach filled the kangaroo's nose and made it twitch slightly. A small light bulb hung from the ceiling with a cord trailing down from the top. Reaching forward, Will pulled on the cord to light up the dusty closet. Cleaning materials were all over the cabinets, and some looked older than the cabinets they were sitting on. The cobwebs littering the corners of the ceiling didn't help them look any newer either.

Grabbing one of the pool skimmers and handing it to Ryan before grabbing one for himself, Will said, "God I hate this room. Gives me the shivers every time I have to dig through this crap." Leaning forward to pick up a broom, Will felt the cool metal of the whistle touch his chin, and he jumped instinctively.

Ryan laughed when he saw his ex-teacher jump. "And here I always took you for the fearless type, Will. Guess all those muscles are just for show, huh?" the dog joked, prodding the roo in the back with the pole end of his pool skimmer.

Jumping once again instinctively, Will leaned his pool skimmer against the wall before grabbing a second broom, turning around abruptly. "Hey, knock it off, or I'll pin you down, like I used to! You're not so tough either, big guy!" Poking the malamute with the handle of the broom playfully, the kangaroo stuck out his tongue.

"Pff, bring it, old-timer!" Ryan smirked cockily. "I've only gotten stronger since high school, and I'm bigger than you now, so I like my chances." The malamute winked and snatched the broom from Will, grabbing his pool skimmer and backing out of the small storage closet. "Besides, I wouldn't want you to break your hip, old man."

Watching the malamute flick his curled tail upward, as if taunting him, the kangaroo had to take a deep breath to keep himself from tackling the malamute to the floor and having him eat his words. "You are still just as cocky and rebellious as you were in high school," Will said with a chuckle before grabbing his own broom and pool skimmer. "I hate to say it, but it was actually one of your most annoying, yet refreshing, qualities. It actually made you a really good captain. The things I would give to lay you out right here, though..." Although the sentiment felt a bit random, Will was feeling oddly nostalgic.

"I'll take that as a compliment," the canine smirked in reply. "Only person you should be 'laying out', though, is your girlfriend," Ryan chuckled, leading the roo from the locker room and back out to the pool. "How are things with her, by the way? Seemed a bit rough, last you talked to me about her."


Giving a pause, as if internally debating whether or not he should disclose more information on his intimate lifestyle, he walked forward until he was nearly shoulder to shoulder with the malamute before he shrugged off his inhibitions. Ryan had always been trustworthy as a player and as a student. Even when he was on the team, the two confided certain things with one another. Of course, not as casually as they did presently, but the topics were not really something a typical coach and student should discuss.

"Ahh, what the hell. Things aren't going so great. We finally managed to get a bit more..." Choosing his words carefully, the kangaroo continued, "...intimate with one another. It was a bit...err... angry, though. And over lightbulbs, for some reason. That was a few weeks ago. We've been dry as a bone together, and I'm missing that feeling that we had when we first met, and we-"

"Fucked like rabbits?" Ryan smirked, finishing the other male's sentence for him.

Rolling his eyes, Will looked over at Ryan with a smirk. "I was going to go with something a little less vulgar, but yeah. Don't get me wrong, I'm not all about hanky panky between the sheets, but we are missing that spark we used to have, and the...ahem...'lovemaking' we used to do really helped us see past our flaws and just enjoy one another. She's feeling it, too. I'm afraid that, soon, we are going to break it off. It's been about a year since we got together, and I've kind of already come to terms with it ending, but then I'll be hung out to dry. Kind of selfish, I know, but the little sex that we did have was really nice."

Will didn't know why he was spilling all this information out to Ryan, but the malamute was not giving him a reason to not trust him. With all the bureaucracy crap that came with running a class and coaching, it was hard to find someone that he could confide in comfortably, since the wrong word to the right student could get ugly. Ryan, however, had known him for a long enough time that the kangaroo considered him more of a friend, rather than a student, whenever he first started his job as a lifeguard.

"I'm really sorry to hear that, dude," Ryan frowned, sticking his pool skimmer in the water and scooping some leaves off the surface of the pool. "Sounds like you've already broken up with her in your heart, so I guess, if there's a silver lining, it's that you won't be crushed if she breaks up with you. But, hey, makes you free to go find a girl who will put out more than her," the canine winked jokingly, sticking out his tongue as he walked further away from the roo to clean a different corner of the pool.

Giving a chuckle before placing his broom on the ground and beginning to make his way to the opposite side of the pool with the pool skimmer, Will began to scoop up leaves and acorns out of the pool. Although the silver maples looked wonderful and gave the atmosphere a more natural feeling among the chlorine and unnatural-looking blue water, they made the biggest mess, more so than the children, and that was saying something.

"Thanks for the sympathy, man," Will said with a smile over to the malamute. "And that's what I'm thinking. I may start hitting up the bars again! You know, mix up my Friday nights a little bit. Maybe take a girl out to a nice dinner and then get some tail." Shaking his rump playfully, the roo said, "You should see me on the dance floor! I can woo lots of potential mates with my dancing. I'm like a peacock, or something."

The large malamute laughed loudly as he dumped a skimmer full of leaves over the fence around the pool and walked back to continue skimming. "You must be one hell of a sight, if that's the case. I should totally go with you out to the club sometime. You know, if you wanted a wingman and I wouldn't cramp your style, Mr. Peacock."

Giving a booming laugh in response, Will said, "You wouldn't 'cramp my style', or whatever you kids say these days. I've got plenty of cool to go around. We would pretty much blow up the club, if we both went in. Speaking of which, are you involved with anyone in particular? I told you my story, but I never seem to get a peep out of you on the subject, Mr. Bachelor. I don't want to be the only one giving out private details here." Looking over at Ryan and giving the muscular canine a wink, Will gave a smirk at the little blush the malamute gave. He would never admit it, but Ryan looked adorable when he got all flustered.

"Well...admittedly, I'm not seeing anyone. I've had a few nibbles, but no real bites lately," the malamute said, looking a little embarrassed. "I just haven't been interested in any of the girls who have tried to make a move on me, really."

"Really? The local stud's just not feeling it?" Will teased with a smile. When Ryan did not crack his trademark smile back, Will figured he had hit a sensitive subject, and his smile turned into a frown before he gave a shrug. "Ahh, that's okay. If you want someone, you'll find 'em in due time. Besides, maybe taking a break is a wise idea. Otherwise, you'll end up in my situation." Giving a chuckle, Will scooped up the last leaf on his side of the pool before looking up. He noticed that Ryan had the pool skimmer in hand and was in a pose that reminded Will of a medieval spearman. Ryan's side of the pool was completely devoid of leaves as well by this point.

Ryan sighed softly, his shoulders slumping slightly. "Perhaps you're right. I dunno, I..." he trailed off, shaking his head. "Eh, doesn't matter. I'll find someone, eventually. Besides, I'm still young and virile, so I'm in no real rush to get hitched," the malamute laughed.

The hesitation is Ryan's voice was strange to hear, but Will simply shrugged it off as nothing. Nodding, the kangaroo said, "Yeah. You are a good guy, too. I know that you are loyal, personally. You'll find someone. It just takes time, man." Walking around the pool to meet Ryan on the other side, the kangaroo leaned down to grab one of the brooms before placing his hand on Ryan's shoulder and giving it a squeeze. The fur felt soft underneath his fingertips, and Will could feel the muscle tense underneath his hand before relaxing.

"I could say the same to you, Will," Ryan smiled, resting his own hand on the roo's shoulder. "You deserve someone better than Lauren. Someone who can meet your needs and give you the love you want."

Feeling his heart flutter bit, Will gave a smile before releasing his hold on Ryan's shoulder. "You're a good friend, Ryan. Now, let's get this cleaning done. I can't wait to take a nice, long shower in the locker room, after all this is over. I smell like chlorine."

"No shit you smell like chlorine," Ryan laughed. "It's the lifeguard's natural cologne."

"True that!" Will said with a chuckle before picking up the second broom and handing it to Ryan. The kangaroo gave him a smile. "Now, let's get to work."

Giving a relaxed sigh as he opened his locker, Will began to dig through his duffel bag until he got out what he was looking for: a bright orange towel, midnight black gym shorts, a pair of light blue briefs, and a dark blue tank top. Placing them on the bench, the kangaroo looked up to see Ryan checking himself out in the mirror inside his locker. The malamute's hazel eyes glanced over his form in the mirror that was on the inside of the door, and his tail wagged excitedly.

The locker room was eerily quiet with no one inside, the lack of whistling telling him that their boss had gone home for the night. It was so quiet that, whenever Will strained his hearing, he could make out the tiny drip-drop of water falling from the showerheads. It was a strange feeling being in the locker rooms alone, but there was also an upside: There were no naked dobermans to run into.

Taking off his sunglasses that were hooked in his speedo and placing them on a holder in his locker, Will stretched his muscles and felt them flex. He could already imagine the warm water cascading over his body. "Man, I never want to pick up a broom again," Will said with a chuckle and another sigh as he felt a muscle unwind itself in his back.

"I know, right?" Ryan laughed as he stopped admiring himself and walked towards the showers, slipping out of his swim trunks along the way and casually tossing them onto the bench in front of his locker, barely even breaking stride as he walked into the small shower room. A moment later, he turned the water on, and his thick fur instantly became soaked. "You know, while the shower back at my place is pretty nice, there's something oddly refreshing about using these showers, don't you think?"

Ears flicking as he heard Ryan's voice echo throughout the locker room, the kangaroo nodded in response before saying back, "Yeah. Convenient and great after a day of working outside in hot weather! Totally agree," Will said as he hooked his thumbs in his speedo and pulled it down nonchalantly. Throwing the swimwear onto the bench by his clothes, the kangaroo heard his phone vibrate, and he gave a sigh. "I'll join you in a moment, by the way. Just gotta take a look at my phone. Lauren is texting me. I checked on break, and there are like three messages, so there are probably five more by now." Although he tried to stifle his annoyance, it came out in his voice.

Walking over to his locker and grabbing his phone, the wrestling coach unlocked the screen and opened the text messaging application. Lauren had sent him six messages, and each one seemed to be long-winded. The first text message was about meeting up for dinner to "talk about us". The next three that followed seemed to revolve around where to eat, and Will could tell that Lauren was getting impatient, since he was not replying. The fourth was about canceling the dinner and just coming over to her place instead. The next one, however, had a totally different tone, one that made the kangaroo's heart feel as if it dropped into his stomach.

"Listen...Will, this isn't going very well. As much as I like having the company, we aren't working together. I know that we tried to make this work, but there are so many shortcomings that I just don't want to address in our relationship. I think it is time to burn a bridge."

Feeling a deep void where his emotions should have been, Will opened up the final text message to see the words, "I don't want to see you anymore." That was enough for him. Tossing his phone into his locker and walking towards the shower with a frown across his face, Will took the showerhead next to Ryan and turned the nozzle to the warmest he could handle. He needed a hot shower to take his mind off things.

Shivering at the sensation of the warm water cascading down his naked form, Will could not help but let out a hiss of relaxation as he placed his hand under a soap dispenser. The feeling of all that emotional tension being cast off was a good one, but along with the newfound freedom, there was a loneliness creeping in as well. There would be no one to greet him, or ask him how his day went, and no one to touch intimately when he got home. The soap machine automatically cranked out a healthy dollop of shampoo, and Will rubbed it between his hands almost mechanically. Looking over at Ryan, Will said simply, "Sorry I took so long..."

Ryan cast a sideways glance at the kangaroo and analyzed the look on his face. "She broke up with you, didn't she..."

Beginning to lather up his broad chest and working his way downward, Will nodded. "Yeah. Figured it was coming, but it still kind of hurts a little bit. Water under the bridge now. Like you said, I get to be free." Giving a solemn smile, Will began to rub over his thighs. The touch felt extra sensitive on his skin, and he wished someone else was caressing him at the moment. "No sex tonight, though," the coach said with a chuckle at his own lewd joke. "Dammit all..."

The malamute was silent for a moment as he looked straight ahead at the tile wall in front of him. "Not necessarily," he muttered.

"Possibly, but I think I'm going to cut my loses for tonight," the roo said as he instinctively rubbed his hands over his groin and began to wash off his orbs gently. "I am not in the mood for bending over backwards for someone at the moment." Working his hands over his rump, the kangaroo began to knead a knot out of the muscle.

"At least this opens me up for a masseur visit tomorrow. My back and ass have been killing me. I think I might have strained a muscle while lifting, or something." Although the kangaroo knew he was rambling, he wanted to get his mind off of anything that was related to Lauren at the moment.

"Well, what about a simple hookup?" Ryan asked, casting a sideways glance at his old teacher as the canine soaped up his body. "You know, something 'no strings attached' that leaves you free to leave right after."

Looking over at Ryan with a curious expression, Will started to wonder why Ryan was so persistent about helping out his sex life. Although he was flattered by his friend's concern, there was a feeling that Ryan wasn't telling him something. "I mean, as long as no one gets hurt in the end, then why not? I am not one to turn down a good time. I'm rather embarrassed to say this, but I've been saving my...libido, for lack of a better term, for about three days. I'm rather pent up." Beginning to rub his chest, the kangaroo watched his left pec bounce as he pinched his left nipple quickly to wipe some of the soap off of it.

"Hey, Will? Can I...tell you a secret?" Ryan asked, not meeting the kangaroo's eyes. "Just...promise you won't get mad at me or judge me, okay?"

Turning towards Ryan, Will noticed the serious look across his face. In that serious expression, there was also fear. Taken aback by Ryan's concern, Will said, "Hey, you know you can tell me anything. I promise what we discuss will only be between you and me. What's eating at you, sport?" He felt a bit of embarrassment at letting the term of endearment slide, since it was obvious the canine was a bit too old to be called "sport", but Will could tell that it helped ease the malamute's tension. It felt just like old times.

"I avoided the question earlier, when you asked if I was seeing anyone, and while I did tell you some truth, I didn't tell you the whole truth," Ryan said, sounding increasingly nervous. "The truth is...well...I haven't found females interesting, because I'm not interested in, at all." The huge dog's tail was between his legs, and he held his left arm with his right, looking vulnerable and nervous.

"O-oh...OH! I...uhh...I didn't know you..." Will stammered out before he put his hand on the back of his head. The reaction that Will gave didn't seem to be all that Ryan had expected, and the dog had a hurt expression across his face while the coach tried to find the right words. Will quickly tried to repair damages. "N-no! It's fine! I am just surprised!" Giving a chuckle, Will somewhat forgot that he was naked, and he shuffled awkwardly over to Ryan before placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Listen, it took a lot of courage to say that, and I'm proud of you for coming forward to me," Will said straight away when he felt his "teacher's voice" returning. "I'm actually kind of glad the secret wasn't something more serious...NOT that this isn't serious. It's just..." Giving a sigh and a smile, the kangaroo continued, "Again, I'm happy that you are telling me something this personal. When did you figure out you liked guys?"

The huge dog blushed slightly, averting his eyes from Will's face. "You...don't want to know that answer."

"Oh, come on. It wasn't that bull, Cameron, was it? He was as dumb as a brick, but I can see why, if it is..." Will said with a sly wink as he tried to pry the answers out of Ryan. "A lot of guys peeked at him in the showers."

"And I would be one of them," Ryan admitted with a slightly embarrassed smile. "I've fantasized about that guy's body more times than I can count." His smile faltered slightly, and he sighed.

"If you really want to know..." Ryan started, bracing himself. "I knew I was into guys my freshman year of high school. I had just transferred schools, since my dad got a new job and the family had to move, and since I didn't know anyone, I just decided, on a whim, to sign up for some extracurricular activities..."

The malamute glanced over at his old wrestling coach. "And, one day, after wrestling practice, I walked into the coach's office to give him the papers from my new doctor, since we were required to get a physical done before we could wrestle, and...I may have accidentally walked in on him showering in his personal shower in his office. I kinda stood there, stunned, and, well, seeing his body and how those muscles moved as the water ran down between them, it caused something to awaken in my gym shorts. I was confused, of course, so I left the papers on his desk and booked it out of there, but...that memory has gotten me through so many lonely nights."

Ryan studied Will's face. "I'm...sorry if that's really creepy, or anything," he apologized, bracing himself for revulsion or rejection.

Will was taken by surprise once again, and he looked into Ryan's eyes to see he was serious. Although he was flattered that his physique was so admired by his ex-student, there was also a voice in his head telling him that it was taboo that Ryan had a desire for him. There was something about a P.E teacher and an ex-student wrestler pairing that didn't quite sit right in his conscience. However, there was also a desire stirring in him, his pent up mind screaming at him for a shot at release.

"O-oh, I see," Will said simply in return. Looking down at the malamute's hands, there was a flash of a thought about how the soft paws would feel on his body. He wondered what dirty thoughts ran through the wrestler's mind as he imagined him. The kangaroo was as curious as he was taken aback. "So, when you mentioned that statement about me not necessarily going home alone...that was a statement regarding you, wasn't it?" Although Will felt conflicting emotions, something inside him was beginning to stir, and those beautiful hazel eyes looking at him for attention were starting to play with his thoughts.

The large dog nodded slowly. "I was scared to say it outright, but...I've been attracted to you for all seven and some odd years I've known you, Will. As a student, I wouldn't have ever been able to do anything about it, because it would have gotten both of us in serious trouble, but...well, I'm an adult now, and I'm not your student do you say? It doesn't have to mean anything to you either. As I said, just a hookup." Ryan was wringing his paws together nervously as he spoke, and his eyes kept searching the kangaroo's face for any indication that he had gone too far.

Although Will was still internally debating, his body was showing a more carnal side to him and responding appropriately. His once flaccid member that laid over ample sized orbs began to twitch and grow. His mind started to become clogged with the thoughts of those soft paws touching his body, worshipping him like he was a god, and that wet tongue licking him in places he never dreamed of. And best of all, Ryan only wanted him just this once, and that was icing on the cake for the pent up roo. Plus, the malamute's body was broad, big, and had a lot to grope. It was his favorite body type for a guy.

Reaching his hand forward and gently grasping the malamute's wrist, the kangaroo felt something in him give a green light as he brought Ryan's hands towards his chest. Giving that trademark warm smile, the roo said, "You can rub me down, for a start. We'll see where it goes from there." The words may have sounded tame, but Will's gaze had a deep hunger to it.

Ryan's eyes widened as his paw was placed directly onto the thickly muscled chest he had been fantasizing about for years, and the response from his own body was immediate. Already, the head of his canine cock was slipping free of its sheath, and it was only gaining steam the longer his hand rested on that chest. "Are you...sure about this, Will?" he asked, gently rubbing in a small, circular motion with his right paw.

Will's tail flicked at the touch, and he looked into Ryan's eyes. They were so full of innocence, but there was also lust wisdom them. The malamute was just hesitant. He saw that look in all his wrestlers when they first sparred against him. "No," Will answered honestly. "But I want you..." Flexing his left bicep and bringing his right hand around to feel down Ryan's spine, the kangaroo grinned when he noticed Ryan give a shiver.

"And I want you more than words can ever say," the canine replied, lust now thickly coating his voice. He groped Will's left pectoral with his right hand and pulled the roo to him with his left, holding the slightly shorter male flush against his body, their muzzles but a few inches apart. "I've wanted you for so long. This is literally a dream come true."

Moving as close to Ryan as he could, the kangaroo felt his cheeks redden. Their broad bodies rubbed against one another, and Will could feel the malamute's tapered shaft rubbing against the bottom of his own. "Are you okay with kissing, or..." Will said as he moved his lips close to Ryan's and breathed lightly across the soft flesh. The coach could feel Ryan's own breath against his lips, and the thought of feeling his ex-student's lips on his own made his heart begin to race. His internal debates began to take a back row seat as his lusts started to come in full-force, like a tidal wave onto a beach.

Ryan grinned and rolled his eyes. "Coach, there's not a damn thing I don't want to do with you. Now, c'mere," the malamute said, wrapping an arm behind the kangaroo's head and pulling him closer. Their lips pressed together a little roughly at first, but there was a tenderness to it all the same. Instantly, Ryan's member was fully hard and throbbing in response to the simple kiss, but it was an expected response, since the situation was his every fantasy come to life, and he almost felt light-headed from how excited all of this was making him. If he had butterflies in his stomach before now, it was a full-on maelstrom of butterflies, and that storm was quickly turning into an unbridled lust for the muscular male in his arms.

When their kiss broke, Will's chest heaved as he panted. He could feel every movement of the malamute against him, their flexing muscles rubbing together in ways that made his pent up mind sing for more. Looking at Ryan with a deep hunger in his eyes that he could not cover up, Will said, "How many times have you checked me out in the shower, Ryan? I'm curious..."

The canine blushed bright red through the combination of black, brown, and white fur on his cheeks. "W-well, pretty much every time I happened to be the last guy in the locker room," Ryan admitted. "I knew you always showered after everyone left, and you never shut your door to your office, so I just kinda...watched sometimes. And I'd run out right when you turned off the water, so you wouldn't catch me and think I was some kind of pervert."

Giving a chuckle, Will said almost breathily, "Well, you are a pervert..." When Ryan gave him a bit of a hurt look in response, Will added, "But it's pretty hot that you can't keep your eyes off of your coach."

Leaning forward until his lips pressed against Ryan's neck, the coach began to lightly bite up the malamute's neck. He could hear the soft whimper leave the male's lips and feel Ryan's legs quiver slightly. Pulling away from the malamute's neck, Will reached down to feel across his ex-student's throbbing maleness, eliciting another gasp from the canine.

Focusing on the way the tapered shaft pulsed in his hand, a pleasant smile snaked its way across his muzzle as he felt a bit of pre slick his hand. Although Will was almost exclusively into females, there was something about Ryan's body type and submissiveness that turned him on. Taking Ryan's shaft, Will lined up his own before pressing the underside of Ryan's against his own. He hissed as he wrapped his hand around both their members and began to stroke them ever so gently. There was something oddly pleasant about the way Ryan started to lightly thrust into his grip.

"You doing okay?" Will asked with a bit of concern, reaching up to stroke across the malamute's chest with his unoccupied hand. "I don't want to come off too strong, are really hard to resist." Will could feel his shaft throb in his grip as he rubbed it along the canine's own, and he gave a soft sigh as he started to roll his hips slightly faster.

"Mmf, yeah, I'm f-fine," Ryan replied between his small whimpers. "I've just...ah!" he gasped, moaning softly as the roo's hand managed to hit a sweet spot on the canine's cock. "I've never felt like this with another guy before, and I've...well, been with a few. None come anywhere close to you, though, Sorry, I just realized I was saying that," the malamute blushed, his ears folding back in embarrassment.

Giving a low chuckle that rumbled through his chest, Will leaned forward until his lips were nearly brushing up against the malamute's. "Actually, I kind of like it when you call me 'Coach.'" A shiver shot down the roo's spine at the words. He felt like he still held authority over Ryan and could lead the muscular ex-student whatever direction he wanted. Giving what sounded like a rumbly purr that started in his abs, the kangaroo added, "God, I never imagined that you, of all people, would want me like this..."

Pushing against Ryan's body until the malamute's back was pressed against the shower wall, Will stared into Ryan's eyes with an unyielding gaze. The malamute did not have time to react as the kangaroo took Ryan's chin and pulled him down to his lips. The kiss was as gentle as the first, and the deep, long strokes of his hand, combined with the feeling of Ryan's throbbing maleness pressing up against his own, was driving him to a high he rarely experienced. When the kiss broke, the two stared at one another with a glazed expression across both their faces.

"And I never imagined that YOU, Coach, would even be into me, another male, much less that you'd ever kiss me like that," Ryan replied, feeling a little starstruck. "I never took you for any kind of bisexual."

Giving a cocky smile, Will began to stroke their members faster. The combination of the shower water and their pre made his hand move efficiently across the their slick members. "A hole is a hole," Will replied as he leaned forward to nibble on Ryan's ears. "But I only like...certain males. You fit the bill very well. Big, submissive in the heat of things, and..." Reaching around to grip Ryan's left rump cheek in his hand, Will grinned when the malamute blushed, gasped, and stood up straight as Will squeezed the muscle. "Your little sounds are music to my ears."

Though Ryan looked slightly embarrassed, he couldn't have been more turned on at that very moment. "You like my body, Coach? I...I'm not usually this submissive, but...I just can't help myself around you. It's like something inside me wants nothing more than to submit to you, Coach."

"Mmm, I love are just a big puppy wanting some attention underneath all that hard muscle," Will said with a grin. The rebellious look on Ryan's face at being called a "puppy" was quickly melted away into pleasure when the kangaroo began to kiss up the malamute's neck. When he gave a little bit more than a nibble and heard Ryan give a bit of a yip, Will licked across the tender mark apologetically. "Sorry. Didn't meant to bite that hard," Will said with an embarrassed look on face. Although Ryan's maleness was still rock hard against his, Will knew from the yip that he may have gone a bit far.

Ryan chuckled a little nervously, scratching the back of his head. "It just surprised me is all," he smiled. "I actually...kinda liked that. I mean, I knew my neck was a weak spot, but no one has ever had the balls to actually bite me like that, so I...ah...never knew I liked being bitten quite like that. Most guys are too scared to do more than light nibbles, since they think I'll smash their teeth in if they make a wrong move, but your boldness is admittedly crazy fucking hot, Coach." The malamute shuffled a little awkwardly with his back against the wall, and his tail slipped free from where it had been pinned, the wagging of his tail reaffirming that he spoke the truth.

Giving a chuckle, the coach answered back, "Well, consider me to be your first, in that regard, then...and there's more where that came from..." Will gave a wink as he stroked their members in a steady, fluid motion. "Speaking of which, is there anything specific you want to do? Frotting is nice, and you are really hot when you thrust back against me when you twitch, but I assume that you had something else in mind whenever you jerked off." Although Will wanted to continue into more intensive territory, he wanted to make sure Ryan was on board with it. Though the malamute thought he was bold, he wasn't going to force him to do anything he didn't want to do.

"I...," Ryan blushed, "I always fantasized about you fucking me, Coach. I fucked you, too, occasionally, but it always shifted back into me bottoming, whether you're slamming into me doggy style, kissing me in the missionary position, or even just grinning down at me as you jackhammer into me. I've fantasized about it all so many times, and even porn doesn't get me off half as well as thinking of you does. Hell, seeing you practically naked in your speedo every day in the summer just makes it worse, makes me want you more," he admitted, growing a little more red in the face. "That's not...weird, is it?" the malamute asked, his ears folding back slightly in embarrassment as his tail slowed down, as if waiting for an answer.

Will couldn't stifle the moan as he imagined hilting inside of the malamute's hole. His member gave a violent throb before spurting a bit of pre over his hand, and he shivered slightly at the thought of taking his ex-student to unexplored heights. "No...not at all," Will said as his dominant aura began to take control once again.

"Are you clean down there? The chlorine in the pool probably did the job, but you know best. I may have to prepare you myself, unless you have lube, or something." Even though Will would have loved nothing more than to pump his seed into a warm body right away, he enjoyed the prep work involved, unlike most. He figured that, perhaps, it was like eating Lauren out, but obviously different. Just a different set of parts and different scents. He would just have to learn his way around Ryan, if he wanted the prize at the end: the malamute's tight hole beckoning him to enter.

"I'm good to go, but you're not good to go yet," Ryan chuckled. "If you, ah, don't mind me doing it, I'd love to get you all nice and slick for the next part," he winked. "If you catch my drift."

Giving a sly smirk, the kangaroo felt his member twitch. He had an idea of what the canine had in mind. "If you want to go down on me, I won't stop you." Reaching for the canine's cheek, Will shivered as he imagined that tongue running along his maleness. "Just watch the teeth," Will added with a teasing smile.

Ryan smiled and flashed his sharp teeth. "You won't even notice they're there." He pushed himself away from the tile wall and switched places with Will, getting down onto his knees before the throbbing manhood which was now just a matter of inches from his muzzle. "Looks so much bigger and intimidating up close like this," the malamute commented with a smirk.

"Mmm, well, it will look even better stuffed inside that cute mouth of yours. Open wide for your coach," Will instructed with a teasing grin as he gently placed his palm on the top of the malamute's head. He felt he was being a bit dirty with his ex-student, but the canine had a way of pulling out his more dominant side. The soft fur on the tips of his fingers reminded Will that he had control, and he loved the eroticism of it all.

"You got it, Coach!" Ryan barked jokingly before opening his muzzle wide and engulfing the long, thick kangaroo cock nearly to the hilt on the first descent alone. The first thing that hit the malamute's tongue was the lingering scent of chlorine mixed with body wash, but there was a hint of a masculine musk there that drove the canine wild. Within a few more casual bobs of his head, Ryan took that cock down to the hilt, deepthroating it expertly.

Feeling his legs nearly buckle out from under him, the kangaroo's free hand gripped the shower wall. His eyes went wide when he saw Ryan give a sly wink before beginning to bob on his shaft. The maw felt wet, warm, and alive. Ryan's tongue trailed over his sensitive underside, and whenever he pulled back far enough, the tongue would work over his head and sensitive slit.

"F-fuuuuuuuck," Will moaned as his fingers dug into the tile wall. Ryan knew what he was doing, that was for sure, and Will nearly jumped when he felt a hand begin to knead his hefty orbs. Ryan's free hand wrapped itself around the base of the kangaroo's shaft and stroked upward whenever he retreated from his throbbing endowment, and the sensations felt more than wonderful. Will had to admit, Ryan was better than any girl who had ever given him head. Since he was three days pent up, the sensations felt incredibly intense.

Practically feeding off the sounds his coach was beginning to make, Ryan purposely teased the kangaroo's cock, providing it with just enough pleasure to keep it on edge while also not pushing him past the point of no return and orgasming. Giving one slow, teasing lick up from the balls, all the way to the very tip of the ragingly hard cock, Ryan looked up at the kangaroo with a knowing grin on his face. He could feel the roo's balls tensing in his paw, and he knew full well that the other male was right on the edge, and very likely, a simple touch would be enough to push him over at that moment.

"Ho...oh man, I'm getting close!" Will practically shouted as he shivered and shook while looking down at the mischievous malamute who was eating up the way the kangaroo's muscular body tensed and relaxed. The way Ryan's eyes twinkled sinisterly when the kangaroo's abs tensed over and over sent a shiver through Will's body, and he had to resist every urge to force the canine down on his member., since he didn't want to make Ryan gag.

The canine stood up and lightly trailed a finger along the underside of the sensitive roo cock. "Think I've got you all nice and lubed up, but I've got a bottle of lube in the backpack in my locker," Ryan smirked. "You already know I'm a huge pervert, so it probably doesn't even surprise you, I'd imagine. What can I say, if I'm gonna get tail at an unexpected time, it's best I'm prepared for it, right? Though, uh...we can skip the condoms, if you want. I know you have to get physicals regularly, just like the wrestlers, so you'd know if you had anything I would need to be concerned about."

"Hey, if you want a nice helping of kangaroo seed, then I'm not going to stop you. Rubber or no rubber, I need you now more than ever. I'm going to get blue balls if we keep teasing each other..." Will said matter-of-factly and reached over to turn the shower nozzle until he could no longer feel the warm water flowing down his back. "Lead the way, bucko. I am curious as to what your ass looks like bent over a bench. I kind of want to take you doggy style." Will felt dirty at the words he just uttered to his ex-student, and the taboo of what he was about to do started to creep up into his mind once again. He waved it away as quickly as it had entered, though, when his member twitched against Ryan's, and he was reminded of the pleasure that awaited him. He wanted to relieve the pressure inside himself as quickly as he possibly could, at this point, and he was almost agonizingly hard.

Chuckling, Will stepped away from the shower wall. His arousal throbbed needfully in the air, lifting up slightly as a bead of pre-cum dripped down the head and over his weighty orbs. "Lead the way," Will said. Ryan seemed to have his own leaking problems as well, and his tapered canine shaft and exposed knot were consistently pulsing as he looked over his ex-teacher's musclebound body. Reaching over to turn the nozzle of his own showerhead all the way to the right, the locker room went eerily silent when the hiss of water hitting the tiled floor was no more.

Tail wagging as he led Will over to his locker, the malamute fiddled with the padlock. Will waited patiently, his erection still throbbing as he awkwardly stood with his arms crossed across his broad chest. Giving a grin when he heard a click, Will stopped focusing on the bench in the middle of the aisle to look over at Ryan's pert rump. Walking forward, the kangaroo wrapped his arms around the malamute's torso and pushed his member in between Ryan's crack. Starting to nibble on the malamute's ears once again, Will gave a chuckle as he heard a soft whimper come from the canine's lips.

"So, how hot was it for you when I pinned you to the mat?" Will asked playfully as he gently rolled his hips. The way the muscles squeezed around his member was divine.

Ryan stayed bent over, and his tail began wagging as well as it could between their two bodies. "I spent hours, no, days, researching techniques to help block out sexual desires, especially the ones I felt when you pinned me, or when we were simply sparring, and I was groping all over you." The malamute smirked. "They never worked," Ryan laughed. "I was constantly fighting an erection, and those singlets don't exactly help hide anything. Hell, you probably knew how big I was downstairs years before now, if you were paying any attention." He looked over his shoulder and gave the roo a wink as he rummaged around in his locker without looking.

Will couldn't help but smile. He liked the fact that he turned Ryan on, even when they were doing things that were supposedly non-sexual. "That's pretty kinky, man. I figured it was just that you had a lot of energy! That was pretty naive of me to think, now that we are in this situation, isn't it? You were a big guy in those more ways than one. Mmm, I love the fact that I put you in heat in the ring." Reaching around and gripping Ryan's member, Will gave a couple of teasing strokes, making the canine gasp slightly in surprise at the sudden hand on his cock. His fingers just brushed over the skin, and Will could tell it was pleasurable for the malamute by the way he rocked his hips in his grip.

Holding up the bottle of lube he fished out from his backpack, the canine shivered slightly. "Mmf, here's the lube, if you ever feel like ending your teasing, so you can just fuck me already," he chuckled between small pants of pleasure. "You know better than anyone, Coach, how durable I am and how much I can endure physically, so go all-out on me. Let's see if you can live up to what I've imagined all these years," Ryan grinned, egging Will on.

Giving a lustful snort that ruffled the malamute's fur on his neckline, Will snagged the lube from Ryan's hand and popped open the cap. Putting a healthy coating on his member, he gave a small hiss as he felt the cool liquid on his sensitive skin. Loud squelching filled the locker room as Will stroked himself. Pushing himself up against Ryan to pin him once again, but this time with his back facing the kangaroo, the coach gave a sinister smile as he realized how much power he had over the larger male. Even though the malamute was taller, bigger, and younger than him, he still did not fight his advances, and that was extraordinarily hot to the kangaroo.

"How about this: fuck the bench. I'm gonna rail you while you grip onto the lockers and you hold on for dear life. How does that sound?" Will whispered lustfully in Ryan's ear as he stopped stroking his member and began to thrust his hips in between Ryan's cheeks. He could feel the tip of his member just pass by the malamute's tight hole with every thrust he gave. The anticipation was eating at him to just plunge into the tight star and hope that Ryan could take it, but he knew that he had to take it slow. This was his first time topping another male, so there had to be at least some inhibitions. He had to savor the feeling.

"Sounds fuckin' perfect to me, Coach. Always imagined it happening on a wrestling mat, but a locker room is a very close second," the malamute grinned, turning his face against the cold metal lockers slightly to the side so he could see the muscular male behind him hotdogging his ass. Getting a mischievous look in his hazel eyes, Ryan looked at Will with a slightly bigger grin. "How's my ass feel so far, Coach?"

"I'm not even in yet, and it feels so great! You have no idea how much I need this," Will said as he leaned forward until his chest was against the malamute's strong back. "And about that wrestling mat...I think I can bring one in. Maybe we can have a match sometime after work. You know, burn off some steam..."

"Oh, really, Coach? We haven't even fucked yet, and here you're planning round two?" Ryan grinned. He was going to say another snarky remark, but any thought was totally cut off by what the kangaroo did next.

Stopping his thrusting and wiggling his hips a bit, the coach moved his hips back to line up with the malamute's tight entrance. He began to push against it, moving his hips as slow as he could. He gave a gasp as he felt the ring begin to yawn open and give way for the head of his member. He paused when he started to feel his tip beginning to slip inside.

"I think we both know there will be a round two. Hell, I'll make sure to save up my seed, just for you, if it means pinning you to the mat and fucking your brains out," Will said hotly as he licked along the malamute's ears to feel them flick against his tongue. God, he loved the way they moved due to the sensitive nerves. "Besides, you'll be begging for a round two to happen, anyway."

Giving the roo a small chuckle, Ryan smirked. "You're awfully sure of yourself, aren't ya, Coach! Let's see what you've got, Coach. Give me your best shot."

The malamute's statement pretty much broke the "gentler" approach that Will was going for, and the kangaroo thrusted hard into the canine. He felt the muscles clench around his member instantly, and he let out a groan as sunk almost to the hilt inside Ryan. Wrapping his arms around Ryan and pulling his hips back, the kangaroo gave another hard roll of his hips to sink all the way into the canine. He felt his orbs slap against Ryan's own when he hilted, and although he jumped at the foreign sensation, he actually liked the feeling. It reminded him that he was in charge, that he had complete control in this situation.

"Holy are so fucking tight..." Will groaned as his left hand grabbed the malamute's left pec like it was a breast. He forgot that there was muscle there, and that it barely yielded underneath his grasp. Although the flexing pectoral was different than a more pillowy breast, he growled as he squeezed the malamute's pec and felt it jump in his hand.

Ryan growled softly, gritting his teeth from the fast entry. "H-holy shit, Coach...I know you're a big guy, but damn...It feels so much bigger inside of me," the canine panted, resting his forehead against the cold lockers.

Will's pride swelled at the compliment. For some reason, it felt a lot better because it came from another male. Shifting his hips, Will started to pull out before pushing back in roughly, growling as he felt the walls close in around his member and his balls give an audible slap as they hit against the malamute's larger pair. Feeling the malamute's hole close around him tightly and watching him shiver as though there were an electric shock shooting through his body, Will pulled out almost halfway before thrusting in, this time a more shallow thrust, and watched as Ryan trembled like a leaf.

"I wonder how he is getting pleasure from this," Will asked himself as he started to work at a steady rhythm. His hips gyrated at a quicker rate, and his member began throb and squirt pre into the willing malamute. Running his hand along Ryan's thigh before gripping Ryan's erection, Will was surprised to find it was still as hard as a rock and dripping profusely. Whenever Will hilted inside of Ryan, the kangaroo noted that the amount of pre increased, and the canine's member would throb, as if on edge.

"This all" Ryan panted, grinning a cocky grin back at his old wrestling coach. "No wonder your girlfriend didn't wanna have sex with you all the time. These pansy-ass thrusts wouldn't even help a virgin get off!"

"You cocksure little slut!" Will growled as he began to speed up his thrusts, his hips moving hard and fast. At this point, he did not care if Ryan had bitten off more than he could chew. If he wanted the horns, he was going to get them. Will felt himself beginning to lose his resolve as his heart began to beat faster and faster. His member throbbed inside of Ryan as his hips began to move in a jackhammer motion. The lockers rattled as he tried to put as much power into his thrusts as possible without sacrificing the frequency of the thrusts. He wanted to make sure the little shit wouldn't be able to sit at the lifeguard post for a week.

Even though he felt he was getting rough with Ryan, Will noticed that the malamute was enjoying himself immensely. His tongue was lolling out of his muzzle, and Will could feel his member jump in his grip with every toe-curling thrust he gave the canine. "Is this what you want? You want to be bred like some cheap whore by your coach?! Beg for me." It was as if something was released in him that he never realized existed. Maybe it was the musk, or maybe it was the fact that Ryan was insatiable, but the gentle, caring, and considerate Will was gone.

"Yes, Coach!" Ryan half-moaned, half-barked. "I want you to breed me and mark me as yours! Please, Coach!"

The kangaroo grinned, swiftly pulling out of his ex-student, grabbing the malamute by the shoulders and spinning him around, earning Will a confused woof from Ryan. "What are y--" Ryan started to ask, his question cut short by his wrestling coach pulling his legs out from under him and lifting the larger male up off the ground, slamming his back against the lockers. Ryan instinctively wrapped his legs around the smaller male waist. "Well, this is a new one," the canine grinned, looking down at Will as the roo lined himself up with the hole once more.

"Never forget who the strongest guy around is, pup," Will smirked, slamming his cock up into the malamute and getting a small, surprised yelp out of the larger male for a moment before it was silenced by the kangaroo pressing his lips to Ryan's, all the while slamming up into his rump over and over again.

The tightness of Ryan's rump, the moans that vibrated through his muzzle, and the slippery tongue that fought with his own were bringing on his climax faster than he anticipated. Feeling a shock up his spine, Will knew that his orgasm was coming in full force, and he merely kissed Ryan even more fiercely. He wanted to breed the canine with everything he had, and his orbs began to pull up close to his body. Starting to slow down his thrusting until he was giving long and hard thrusts into Ryan that made sure the malamute felt every single movement he made.

Whimpering heavily in between moans, Ryan knew what was coming next, and he braced himself back against the lockers in anticipation. His own cock, having been untouched this whole time, was throbbing madly, and the sheer pleasure that he was feeling from being fucked so brutally by the kangaroo, mixed with the friction of his cock against Will's fur, was forcing him up against his own point of no return, Ryan feeling his orgasm building to dangerous levels.

Will's fangs flashed menacingly, and he gave a low growl when Ryan's muscles squeezed around his member tightly. He was lost in his own desires, his tail lifting and his muscles starting to flex as his body tensed. When he felt the first wave of pleasure rush over him, his nostrils flared. He gritted his teeth, his nerves singing joyously as his hips pounded over and over into Ryan.

His member twitched once, then twice, then a third and final time before the coach found himself letting go of his pent up load. Letting out a roar that echoed throughout the locker room, Will continued thrusting his hips as he released his essence into the willing male. It was like a dam breaking, and the kangaroo felt his body tremble as the intense climax shot through him.

Ryan felt blast after blast of hot kangaroo cum exploding inside of him, and he found himself letting out a long moan of pleasure as his own throbbing manhood blasted him straight in the face with the first shot, each of the following shots painting his chest and stomach even whiter than it already was, the sticky seed matting down his white chest and stomach fur. The muscular malamute kept moaning as he felt Will continue slamming up into him, even as the roo kept cumming and filling him up even more with each passing second.

"Oh yeah, you like that, don't you? My big roo cock continuing to fill you? Mmmm, yeah. Take it," Will hissed as he began to slow his thrusting down. He could hear the small drips and splashes of his seed hitting the concrete floor below.

"Mmf, fuck yeah, Coach," Ryan panted, his own seed running down the fur of his face and muzzle. "It feels so good inside me."

When the kangaroo's climax began to slow, he leaned forward to kiss Ryan on the lips. His chest rubbed against the still warm and gooey seed that Ryan shot onto his chest, and the coach purred in satisfaction as their tongues wrestled for dominance. When the kiss broke, they were both a panting, cum-covered mess, and it felt blissful.

"God, Coach..." Ryan chuckled between pants. "A guy could get used to getting fucked like that. Don't think I've ever cum hands-free before like that, and I sure as fuck haven't felt that kind of pleasure before. You're really something else!"

"And I never knew a man's ass could feel this good. I could sit here..." the kangaroo paused for a moment before realizing he was still holding the canine up against the lockers and gave a small chuckle. "Well, stand here all day. So tight and warm. If you give me a little bit, I could go for seconds," Will growled playfully before giving a few teasing rolls of his hips. The kangaroo could feel his own seed run down over his balls and mat his fur as he rocked his hips. "We won't need lube, either. God, I really did a number on you. Sorry if I was a bit rough."

Ryan just laughed, his pecs bouncing slightly as he did so. "No apologies necessary, dude! That was the best sex I've ever had, and that's saying something. Hell, I kinda liked the rough touches to it. Thank god for thick fur to hide the bite mark, am I right?" he winked. "Can't have the boss man seeing those. But, yeah, I could totally go for a round two. Hell, rounds two through ten sound good to me, if you think you can keep up, old man!" Ryan winked again before pressing his lips gently and passionately to Will's own.

Will accepted the kiss without hesitation and began to move his hips in earnest until his stomach gave a loud grumble. Pausing his thrusting as his cheeks turned red, Will gave a chuckle. "Actually, our little encounter has gotten me pretty famished. How about we load up on carbs back at my place? I can make something that can fuel us all the way to round ten!"

Noticing that he was practically asking the husky for a more intimate encounter between them, the kangaroo realized felt an attraction to Ryan. He was cute when he wanted to be, strong, and a beast in the sack. Even though there was the taboo of going out with a student, even an old one, he didn't want to sleep alone. Will wanted the soft malamute's furry muscles up against his.

"I totally understand if you just want to...keep this as a hookup, though...." Will added quickly before giving a soft smile.

Ryan remained quiet for a moment before his lips curved upward into a grin. "I might need you to repeat that, Mr. Shepard, but did you just ask me out on a date? And here I thought you just wanted a warm hole to fuck."

Will gave a smirk as he felt the malamute clench around his member. Pulling out of the canine, the kangaroo's ears flicked as river of seed trailed down the canine's rump and onto the floor. Setting Ryan's shaky legs on the ground, Will pushed his body gently up against Ryan's, his breath trailing across his ex-student's lips.

"What can I say, I like your personality and your body," Will said with a coy smile before kissing Ryan's cheek gently. "So, what do you say? Want to go home with your coach?" Giving a cocky grin, Will felt his mood lifting to new heights. Will could barely even remember Lauren's hair color, much less her name, at this point.

Smiling brightly, Ryan gave the kangaroo a soft kiss on the lips once more. "I'd love nothing more, Coach."

The Look

The Look "Hup two, hup two. Come on, I've seen better leg work from your mother!" A burly looking rhino's hoof falls echoed off the concrete as he jogged swiftly along the sidewalk almost shoulder to shoulder with a young looking doberman....

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The Prince of the Wilds

**Story By Crimsonskies455** **and[![avatar?user=122356&character=0&clevel=2]( RVasil]( "RVasil")** The Prince of the Wilds Ivan yawned as he stood...

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Tales from the Foxhole-Chapter 4

Adam's eyes opened quickly, and he blinked as he took in his surroundings, seeing that light was filtering in from a small window on the right side of the room and over the head of the bed. Adam stretched his limbs and felt the soreness begin to ebb...

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