The Look

Story by dog455 on SoFurry

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Hello! Back with another tale. Hopefully, you guys enjoy this one as much as I enjoyed writing it! College is an interesting time and I love writing in the setting. There is just so many pathways that a writer can go. Also, go check out RVasil!

We ended up cowriting this piece together and I'm very proud of how it came out. Although your guy's votes, faves, and watches are appreciated, PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT! There is nothing that can help me figure out where my writing is good and bad than a well thought out comment.

Anyway, with that out of the way, please enjoy.

Music I listened to: (Arctic Monkeys-Do I Want to Know) (The Neighborhood-Sweater Weather) (Metronomy-The Look)

Story is written by Crimsonskies455/Dog455 on FA and RVasil on FA and SF.

Profile for RVasil can be found here for FA:

It can also be found here for SF:

The Look

"Hup two, hup two. Come on, I've seen better leg work from your mother!"

A burly looking rhino's hoof falls echoed off the concrete as he jogged swiftly along the sidewalk almost shoulder to shoulder with a young looking doberman. They were both sweating profusely. The doberman's tee was soaked right through, and droplets rolled down his forehead, and onto the ground. Although sweat soaked his pink muscle shirt, the rhino did not look phased. His strides were even and controlled. The rhino's movements had experience and precision behind them while the doberman's were sloppy.

Giving a snarl in response, Tyler looked over at his workout partner with a fierce glare. "I'm starting to regret agreeing to jog with you..."

Giving a smirk in response, Markus checked his phone to see they had been running for around twenty minutes, and cleared around two and a half miles. The clock on the top reflected back the time they started: 6:00 am in the morning. "We made good time. You should be proud of yourself," Markus chuckled as he pocketed his phone, and wiped his brow with his arm. "We'll reach our three mile goal by seven if we keep up our pace."

The sound of paws hitting concrete reached the duo's ears as a pair of joggers ran by them. One was a male ram while the other was a female retriever. They were dressed in simple athletic attire, and they gave a wave as they passed by Markus and Tyler. Lifting a large hand to wave back, Markus gave a grin as he watched the two run by. Tyler was too focused on his breathing to notice the two. His eyes were trained on the trail as it stretched on for what felt like forever in the distance.

"Seems like we aren't the only one taking advantage of this beautiful spring day," Markus said in a cheery voice as he beckoned to all the trees around them. Tyler had to admit, the campus was quite beautiful in the morning.

With the exception of the golden retriever and the ram, the trail was devoid of people, and Tyler liked it that way. He did not want anyone to see his stomach flopping about. His diet of campus food has given him a small amount of fat over his overall lean form, but there was still some muscle left over from his swimming days in high school.

The light morning breeze moved over their bodies, and felt cool as it kissed their sweat soaked skin. The flowers of spring were barely starting to bloom, and the trees looked whole again with their green leaves growing back. The lush greenery was a nice break from the cold bite of winter.

The morning light reflected off the dew covered leaves, and grass. The water gave everything a shine that seemed to sparkle in the light that made it through the thick leaves of the trees. Tyler's eyes wondered over the light and bright colors of the morning glories that grew along the side of the trail. Although some of the stems of the flowers had a gnarly shape to them, the flowers on the ends made the doberman's muzzle form into a bit of a smile.

The phone in Markus's hand buzzed, breaking Tyler out of his concentration on the flowers, and the rhino's index finger swiped across the smartphone's screen to read the message. He had a look of surprise on his face as his eyes scanned over the text.

Slowing down involuntarily, Markus jog turned into a walk, as his fingers worked across the screen. Tyler turned on the heel of his paw, and took in long gulps of air as he leaned over, and put his hands on his knees.

The expression across Markus's face was difficult for Tyler to read, and he was somewhat annoyed at the fact that their jog was delayed. Although the environment around him pleased him, Tyler wanted to be done with the jog as soon as possible.

"Hey man, what gives?"

Markus looked disgruntled about the text message, and put the phone into the pocket of his black gym shorts with a frown. "Sarah wants me to come over and chat. I never know what that means."

Tyler just grimaced in response. "Sarah has been wanting to chat with you a lot recently. Ever since you hit the sixth month mark, that's all you guys have been doing is talking."

Nodding as he began to start to jog again, Markus looked over into Tyler's eyes. The doberman could tell something was begging to come out.

"This is going to sound shallow, but we have never had a true moment with one another. I'm tired of all the chats we have."

Taken by surprise by Markus's honesty, Tyler looked over at his friend who seemed to be lost in thought. "I don't think it's that shallow to want the intimacy back again."

Shaking his head, Markus looked torn between continuing to admit to Tyler, or to keep his mouth shut. The rhino was already starting to feel guilty for putting his problems on the doberman. Tyler wasn't a therapist; he wanted to spare him his grief.

Tyler could sense Markus's hesitation, and slowed back down to a walk which forced the rhino to slow down his own pace once again.

They ended up stopping near a conveniently placed bench to Markus's irritation. The wood looked worn from being exposed to the elements, but it looked like it could hold their combined weight. The plaque that was against the back, and embedded into the wood was faded, and the writing was illegible.

"Come on. Let's take a break. We can always get back to jogging," Tyler said as he walked to the bench and sat down before giving the empty space by him a pat.

Tyler had to scrunch his eyes as he looked up at Markus. The sun was shining right into his face, and the rhino's broad body was a black silhouette in his vision.

The doberman could smell the scent of wet wood. Part of him wondered how the bench was even as durable as it was, and how the encroaching vines that grew along the sides of the bench haven't claimed it as their own.

Rolling his eyes, Markus walked over to the bench before turning around, and sitting down. His eyes scrunched just like Tyler's as the sunlight irritated his eyes. Looking over at Tyler, the rhino gave a long sigh.

He hated admitting his troubles to Tyler. His friend just had the look that seemed to read him like a book. Every time he had something to share with the doberman, it felt as if he already knew about it like a sixth sense.

Whenever Markus probed Tyler during their heartfelt talks, the doberman shrugged off his own troubles like they were nothing.

"Our relationship is starting to feel...cold. Every time I go over to her place we just end up bargaining with one another. It is starting to feel fake," Markus admitted as he leaned over to place his arm on his leg, and prop his head up on his hand.

Looking over at Tyler, Markus noticed he was waiting patiently for him to continue.

Giving a sigh, Markus shook his head. "I just don't know what is going to happen. I want to continue our relationship, but I just don't know how to rekindle that flame again, you know?"

The smile that crossed Tyler's lips made the rhino's heartbeat start to slow along with his breathing. There was something about the way the doberman composed himself that calmed him.

"I understand," Tyler replied before patting Markus's knee reassuringly. "You just want to have sex again." Getting up off the bench, the doberman turned around to face his friend while stretching the hamstrings of his legs.

Flabbergasted, Markus looked up with an annoyed expression at Tyler's cheeky grin. "I'm serious! Do you have any tips, bro?"

Standing up as well, the rhino looked desperate. His size nearly dwarfed over the doberman. His tall stature combined with his naturally broad body shape would be intimidating if Tyler did not know him as well as he did.

"Try mixing it up a bit. Be adventurous. That could spark it back up again," Tyler said sincerely as he looked up at his friend. "It just has to be simple. Maybe put on her favorite shampoo or something."

Starting to jog once again, Markus was too lost in thought to wait for Tyler. The doberman had to increase his pace to make up the difference.

"Dude, you will be fine," Tyler said before placing a hand on the rhino's shoulder. Looking into the doberman's confident smile, Markus felt his mood growing before he elbowed his friend lightly in the gut.

"Thanks. Honestly, maybe this talk will go well. If I tell her how I feel, I think we can get further into our relationship." Growing embarrassed as he admitted how thankful he was for the advice, Markus lowered his voice to a whisper. "I owe you one man."

"Don't worry about it."

The two continued their jog in relative silence. Tyler went back to concentrating on not his pace, and Markus had a peaceful look on his face. The chill morning air only increased his mood further as the two continued on their jog.

Inside room 221, nothing was out of the ordinary.

Two beds were on opposite sides of the room, and propped up against the wall. Both of the sheets on the bed were ruffled and looked as if they were tossed around. The blue carpeting was clean besides a few crumbles of potato chips, and a few scattered pencils. The windows on one side were opened, and a refreshing breeze circulated around the room. A closet near the door was ajar, and several stacks of towels, cleaning products, and air fresheners laid quietly on their respective shelves.

The sound of keys being jingled could be heard outside the door along with the shuffling of feet. There was a metallic click, and then Tyler walked into his room. Clicking on the light, the doberman's small nub of a tail wagged excitedly. It was only seven fifteen, and the rest of the Friday was now his. Walking over to his dresser and placing his arms on top before propping his head up on his arms, Tyler felt the gentle breeze brush across his face as the wind blew through the screen of the window.

Looking past the window screen, the doberman could see a handful of other freshman going about their business. Most of them had backpacks over their shoulders, and a groggery expression across their features. Giving a smirk, Tyler felt even more thankful for the fact that he did not have Friday classes. Although the rest of the weekdays were filled with school work, his Fridays became extraordinarily precious.

Breaking his pose against the dresser and walking over to a mirror that was propped by his bed, Tyler began to admire himself in the 5 foot tall mirror. A clear sheen of sweat coated his fur, and the muscles he had looked well defined. His shirt was soaked with sweat, and Tyler could feel it clinging to his body. Instead of being disgusted, the doberman gave a playful flex of his biceps, and felt the lean muscle that was there. Although he barely had any muscle along his arms, he felt sexy as he admired himself without any embarrassment.

Stripping from his shirt, Tyler threw the tee into a laundry basket that was underneath his bed. The contents of the basket were starting to spill out over, and the doberman gave a sigh.

"I really need to start doing laundry regularly."

Looking at his reflection once again, Tyler noted the brown fur that covered his body. He always liked the chocolate brown color. He also liked the fact that a lot of guys commented on how soft the fur was. Grinning cockily, Tyler puffed out his chest. The little pouch of his stomach was not anything like Markus's chiseled abs, but it did provide cushioning for cuddling, and that's what was most important to Tyler. After the doberman was done admiring himself, Tyler walked to the closet with the cleaning supplies to grab a spare towel.

"Hmm, sapphire blue seems like an appropriate choice," Tyler mumbled to himself as he felt over the soft towel. Most of the supplies were Markus's, but the rhino didn't care if the doberman got his paws into them. His roommate only cared if he did not wash what he used, and that was understandable.

Once he threw the towel over his shoulder, Tyler walked out of the dorm room and headed to the bathroom which was down the hall.The fact that all the freshman dorms came with a private bathroom was a nice feature. The fact that there was fur near the toilet reminded the doberman that their suitemates needed to pick up the slack with cleaning. Collin and Jim were good guys, but slobs at times.

The lush blue carpet of the floor turned into small square tiles. The tiles were a dull gray color that were neither eye catching nor displeasing. A shower sat in the corner along with a toilet that was positioned near the counter. Tyler lost count how many times he stepped his toe on the corner of the counter after getting up from the toilet.

Markus also lost count on how many swear words Tyler would scream out at three in the morning. A mirror hung over the counter and it shined in the artificial lighting of the bathroom. The glass was spotless, and Tyler was impressed about how clean the glass was. There was usually a couple of blobs or splotches. The doberman came to the conclusion that Markus finally got around to cleaning the mirror.

Grabbing the towel on his shoulder and giving it a light toss onto the countertop. As he leaned over, however, Kevin noticed the overflowing trashcan in the corner.

Inside, there were several pregnancy tests along with discarded condom wrappers and lube packets. Feeling curious, Tyler reached forward and grabbed one of the many tests scattered around the trash. The doberman's eyes glanced over the test to see a singular line cutting across the middle.

"Hmm...that's not mine, and Markus is not really banging anything at the moment so I'm glad my suitemates are at least not expecting something..." Tyler commented as he grabbed the tube of toothpaste with his free hand before throwing the test back into the garbage and walking back to the mirror. Placing the tube of toothpaste near the holder, Tyler stretched his sore muscles before hooking his hands in the waistband of his shorts.

Stripping himself out of his shorts, Tyler placed the article of clothing on a spacious counter. Around his toned hips, a black jockstrap with a hot pink pouch clung to his hips. Giving a chuckle at the color, the doberman admired his form as he put his arms behind his head and arched his back. He found the color outrageous at first, but the hot pink grew on him. Ironically, Emily bought it for him as a gag gift. The pouch bulged outward, and he felt something stirring with him as he admired his lean quads and thighs.

"All that jogging has really paid off," Kevin commented as he stuck another playful pose. The brown fur on his chest and muzzle shimmered with sweat as he looked over his body. The bottom of his arms and pits had the same color fur. Even his treasure trail was a mix of black and brown. Turning around to admire his backside, Tyler admired his taut rump and wiggled his butt. His nub of a tail wagged back and forth excitedly when he flexed his cheeks to see a bit of muscle. The brown fur that ran down his thighs highlighted the lean muscle that was beginning to form.

"Hmm, not bad..." Tyler said before hooking his fingers in the waistband of his jockstrap and yanking the underwear down until they fell around his ankles. He noticed the tip of his tampered cockhead peeking out of his sheath and chuckled slightly before walking over to the shower. Pushing the curtain out of the way, Tyler could already imagine the warm water cascading over his body. He gave a dreamy sigh as he closed the curtain.

Jumping as he felt the warm water hit him, the doberman gave another relaxed sigh as he reached for the shampoo on the far left corner of the shower and squired a healthy amount onto his hand. Rubbing it into his fur, Tyler began to whistle softly as he enjoyed lathering himself. His mind began to wonder and fall onto Markus.

He felt a pang of worry start to float around in his thoughts as he subconsciously turned around and spread his cheeks to clean off the harder to reach places before leaning down to wash off his toned legs and groin.

Tyler did not know why he felt an unease about Markus ever since he admitted how his relationship with Sarah was shaky, but there was something about the way his voice sounded when he expressed his concerns.

Turning the nozzle until the stream of water turned into a steady drip drop, Tyler walked out of the shower and grabbed the towel that he placed on the countertop earlier. Drying off his fur, the doberman's eyes widened when he realized he forgot to grab a change of clothes. Giving tsk, Tyler finished drying himself before wrapping the towel around his waist and leaning down to grab his discarded shorts and jockstrap in his right hand.

As Tyler opened the door, he could smell the shampoo he used to lather his fur. The smell reminded him of the ocean, and it had a clean, pristine smell that danced around his nose. Feeling the cool air of the hallway brush over his damp fur, the doberman shivered as he moved in the direction of the room.

Right when he opened the door, he gave a disgusted look at his jockstrap and shorts before throwing them in the direction of the hamper. Luckily, it all managed to make it in. Walking back over to the dresser, Tyler unwrapped the towel from around the waist and threw it onto the bed. His tail wagged excitedly as he figured out what he wanted to wear. He didn't know if he wanted something sexy, but casual, or benign, but flattering.

Deciding to go with a light blue t shirt, blue briefs, and simple board shorts, Tyler dressed himself before flopping onto his bed and pulling out his phone from his pocket. Since he did not have much homework, he was thinking of texting some friends to see if they wanted to get together. Before he could open up the messaging system on his phone, Tyler heard a knock on his door. It was a soft, but firm knock.

"You can come in," Tyler said simply as he locked his phone and placed it on the bedside table nearby before turning onto his stomach to face the door. The handle to the door twisted downward, and next thing Tyler knew he was staring at a female gazelle. She was wearing a green turtleneck with simple looking brown pants. Her hazel eyes scanned the room, and she a calm look over at Tyler. The look seemed to be almost glazed.

"Hello Emily," Tyler said as he looked over the different colored flowers that were wrapped around her antlers like vines. "What's with the..." Pointing at the embellishments on Emily's antlers, Tyler had a confused look on his face. When the gazelle walked closer, the doberman could detect lavender and honey on her fur. She smelled very sweet. It was almost making Tyler a bit sick.

"My astrological calendar said I'm supposed to connect with nature. So, I decided to decorate my antlers," Emily said as she fiddled with the emerald green crystal around her neck. When the light filtering in from the window shined on the crystal, it had a strange glow to it that almost looked other-worldly.

"If your astrological calendar told you to jump off a cliff, would you do it?" Tyler teased with a smirk. Emily seemed to find the comment unamusing, and simply gave him a frown.

"Haha, very funny," she said with a huff. "Anyway, have you told him yet?"

"No," Tyler said as his grin turned into a frown. "No, I haven't. I..." Giving an abrupt pause as he tried to find the words, Tyler put his right cheek in his right paw. "We talked about Sarah, and I kind of just lost track of things."

Walking over to the bed and sitting down, Emily looked down at Tyler with a comforting smile. "It's fine, Tyler. I wasn't interrogating you are anything. You'll be ready to come out to him when you feel most comfortable." Emily sat in a posture that Tyler could only describe as motherly. Her hands were in her lap, and her legs were crossed in a way that gave her a peaceful grace.

"I'm just worried at what he'll think of me. I don't want to make things weird between us," Tyler reasoned. "He's been my friend since freshman year and I don't want that to change. Although he should understand, there is just something that always stops me."

Emily smiled at him. "If he's as good as a friend as you tell him to be, then I'm sure he'll understand. Besides, I don't see Markus to be the homophobe type. I actually think he's the opposite."

Now that sentence got Tyler's attention. "What do you mean by that?" Tyler said as he looked at her with a bit of surprise. Emily always had a strange sixth sense about her. Usually, she was always wrong, but once in a blue moon, her intuition led her correctly. The giddy look she gave down at him made him think that she knew something that he didn't.

She smiled coyly at him. "I don't know, you tell me! You're the one with the working gaydar."

"Are you implying that Markus might be gay?"

Emily shrugged and promptly gave Tyler a hug. "Look, just relax, and just tell it to him straight--or gay." She laughed at her own joke while Tyler just rolled his eyes. "I'm sure he'll understand. Where is he anyway?"

Tyler plopped back down the bed, trying to calm his nerves. "He's out with Sarah right now. Probably talking things out with her, something like that."

"Well, when he gets back you talk to him, alright?"

"Yes, mom."

The gazelle chuckled and stood up. "If you need me for anything, you know where to find me."

The doberman murmured a thank you as Emily headed out the room and closed the door gently behind her. Tyler sighed, feeling his mind being filled with fear and dread over the impending confession he was going to reveal to Markus. His stomach even growled a little, the obvious signs of nervousness kicking in. He reached over and grabbed his smartphone on top of the bedside table. Tapping the screen, it came to life, greeting him with a picture of him and Markus smiling for the camera. The doberman realized he must have accidentally opened the picture app instead of the messenger app earlier.

It was a photo of them taken when they were on winter break. Although Markus lived up north near Chicago, the doberman was invited to spend Christmas at the rhino's place. They ended up just relaxing and spending the days drinking hot chocolate and playing video games. Although Tyler had to sleep on the floor in the living room, which was known to be territory owned by their cat named Sparkles, the doberman had a great time and even got ridiculously cheesy sweaters as a present from the rhino's parents.

He wished his parents cared about him as much as Markus's. His parents felt as if they wanted him to be gone so they could have some time for themselves. Although they were busy taking care of his younger brother who was only thirteen, it felt almost as if his family just kind of forgot about him and turned their attention to the next.

Shaking his head of the melancholy emotions regarding his parents, the doberman reminisced on the photo. What caught Tyler's eye first was the almost blinding white snow in the background, and the large amount of layers they had over their bodies. He remembered how cold it was that day, and how good the slow burn of hot chocolate felt as it ran down his throat. The smile across Markus's face was contagious and soon Tyler found himself smiling down at the photo as well. The rhino had his arm around the doberman, pulling him close while Tyler was giving a half-hearted grin as if he was about to smile wide for the camera.

"It always seems like pictures never quite capture when I am about to smile," Tyler joked to himself. He started to feel a rush of nostalgia as he looked over the picture, and part of him wished it was spring break. Markus had already invited him over to spend the week with him again. Although the doberman was nearing twenty years old, he never found sleepovers childish. He welcomed the interaction with his roommate. Plus, the companionship was always nice. Markus was a good friend and his parents spoiled Tyler rotten as if he was their own son.

Tyler swiped left and found himself yawning. He mentally grumbled to himself, jokingly cursing Markus for waking him up so early in the morning for the jog. Glancing at the clock on his phone, it was only 7:45 am and he was already feeling tired. The bed he laid on felt so good and comfortable, that it made him all the more drowsy. It was as if the sheets themselves wrapped around his aching muscles and pulled him in. He gently laid his phone back on the bedstand before closing his eyes, deciding to just take a nap for the time being.


"A Guardian?"

"Yes. Think of it as a promotion. You have worked so hard to preserve my domain, Ivan. I feel that adding you to my collection would do both of us a favor."

The sound of the video was abruptly interrupted as Tyler took a noisy slurp from his beverage. His eyes were glued to the screen as he watched his favorite show intently. His other hand was busy digging into the bag of chips he had resting next to him, before mechanically putting them in his mouth. The loud crunch of the chips echoed in the room as Tyler continued watching the show. The spell of his laptop on him was only broken when he felt his smartphone vibrate in his shorts.

Grumbling under his breath for being interrupted, he paused the video and checked his phone. It was a message from Emily. He tapped the notification and the message displayed itself on the screen.

"Have you told him yet?" The text glared back at him unblinkingly.

Tyler blinked, wondering what Emily was referring to. It only took him two seconds before the revelation hit him like a brick wall. His confession to Markus! He glanced up at the clock and saw that it was already 8 pm. He had spent the entirety of the day just cooped up in the dorm, binge watching videos, completely forgetting about his plans entirely. Though maybe a part of him did it on purpose. Regardless, Tyler got up and stretched, putting away his laptop and finishing the last of his snacks before throwing it away in the trash bin by his bed.

He grabbed his phone, typing a quick response to Emily, saying that he will tell him tonight. As the message got sent, something occurred to Tyler. Looking over to Markus's bed, Tyler noticed that the sheets were just as neatly folded as their were in the morning. The doberman also did not see the rhino anywhere all day even though Markus had afternoon classes.

Normally by now, Markus would have been back from his "chat" with Sarah since classwork was important to him. He wondered if they ended up just kissing and making up, and a pleased smile crossed his face at the positive thought. The other thought wasn't so positive, and he imagined Markus and Sarah at one another's throats.. Their hangouts don't normally go this long. An eery thought and a worried feeling started crawling up on Tyler's back as his mind started thinking of things that could have happened.

In a split second, he was already out the door, his car keys jingling in his hand.

Tyler walked down the hall in a brisk pace, his hand busily tapping on his phone to call Markus' number. As the phone rang, he pressed it against his ear muttering under his breath out of worry. The phone went to voicemail and Markus's calm voice said, "Hello. You have reached Markus Thelmer's phone. I'm not available right now so please leave a message and I will ca-" Tyler hung up before the recording could finish and pocketed his phone with an annoyed scrowl.

"God damnit, Markus. What the hell is going on?" Tyler thought nervously to himself as he instinctively waved to the front desk manager when the manager gave him a warm smile. The distress was obvious on his features and the receptionist looked a bit confused at Tyler's speedy pace. Tyler simply ignored the receptionist's response.

Walking outside of the residence hall in a brisk pace, Tyler made his way over the parking lot. In the distance, the clock tower shined in the moonlight, and the quad underneath was active with students walking back and forth to the different halls for evening classes.

Making his way across the red brick of the quad, Tyler made a swift left to follow a small asphalt road that twisted around the main science building. If Tyler was not so focused on finding Markus, he would have noticed the blooming Bradford Pear trees that laid along the side of the walkway. Although the white flowers were beautiful with the moonlight casting down on them, the trees smelled oddly of fish.

When Tyler finally made it to the parking lot on the west side of campus, he began to look around. The light posts that hung high over the parking lot provided some illumination, but in Tyler's panic-ridden mind, it was as dark as Collin's sense of humor. A huge weight was lifted off his chest when he saw a black truck parked right beside his small sedan.

The truck was pretty large and towered over the adjacent vehicles around it. The black paint clashed against the chrome trim along the side skirts and around the grill. The truck's interior lights were turned off but he could see a silhouette of someone inside. The sound of hard rock reached Tyler's ears and the doberman could feel the loud bass guitar pumping through the window.

The horn that jetted out from the muzzle gave the figure away instantly as Markus. He seemed to be slumped over in his seat and Tyler could see a cylindrical can pushed up to his mouth. Tyler felt as if he was interrupting something and the doberman could see his friend put the can down to wipe his eyes before pulling the can back up to his lips.

"Markus?" he called out, walking towards the car and pocketing his phone. He felt a huge weight lift off his chest as he confirmed the safety of his friend. It was then replaced with confusion as he wondered why his friend was here or why he wasn't picking up his phone. "Markus?" he called out again.

Walking towards the window cautiously, Tyler clenched his hand into a fist before knocking on the window. The silhouette jumped in its seat before looking over at the window. The driver's side of the truck was opened abruptly and Tyler was hit by the scent of alcohol. It was almost overwhelming for the doberman and he had to resist the urge to pinch his nose. Beer cans fell off over the side skirts and rolled onto the asphalt. The sound of Markus's music blared across the parking lot until Markus reached towards his radio and clumsily fiddled around with the buttons.

Eventually turning through eight tracks before figuring out the volume button was not the skip button, Markus turned the music down to a minimum before stepping out of the truck. Tyler managed to pick up some of the beer cans that came tumbling out, but many of them rolled down the asphalt and underneath the assorted cars that were parked nearby.

The doberman's inner environmentalist nearly screamed in agony as he watched helplessly as the cans rolled away out of sight and he merely gave Markus a glare before beginning to toss the cans in his hand back into the truck one by one. The rhino did not seemed phased by the dirty look as he stepped out of the car. His body moved back and forth lazily and his eyes had a glazed look about them. He wore a purple muscle shirt as well as black gym shorts with yellow trim. It looked he went from one set of athletic attire to another. Markus did mention to Tyler that Sarah liked seeing Markus in tight gym attire.

Giving a loud hiccup, Markus looked down at Tyler with a stupid grin on his face, "Heeeeeeeeeeey. How you doin', buddy?" The tone nearly made the doberman's skin crawl. The last time Tyler witnessed Markus this drunk was when he partied with the fraternities last fall. Tyler still didn't know how the rhino managed to convince them he was on the football team. Babysitting him when he got back to the dorms was tiresome. The rhino had a bottomless pit of a stomach so he was practically begging Tyler for fast food while the doberman tucked him into bed like a mother would to their child.

"What the f-..." Tyler was about to say, but held his tongue. He promised himself he would stop swearing so much. "What the heck happened while you were at Sarah's?"

The cheery look on Markus's face was quickly replaced by melancholy before effortlessly moving into a snarl of anger. Tyler decided to back off a little bit and give the rhino some space. He was stumbling all over the place and had to use the truck to keep himself upright. The side of the vehicle pretty much sagged with his weight as he leaned his body up against it for support.

"You won't like the won't like it," Markus said before hiccuping again. The music that Markus was listening started to hiss in the doberman's ears and Tyler rubbed his temples. The doberman finally had enough and climbed into the truck before clicking off the radio and locking the door. When the doberman hopped out of the truck, Markus was giving him a dirty look.

"The song wasn't done," the rhino managed to drunkenly slur before stumbling over to the doberman to wrap his arm around his shoulder. Tyler gave a tisk before letting the rhino lean his weight on him for support. It was as if he was trying to carry a wounded soldier out of harm's way. Tyler could smell the alcohol on Markus's breath and turned away with a stunned look on his face as the scent assaulted his sensitive nose.

"I don't care," Tyler said simply before using his foot to close the door of the truck and looking away to avoid getting another blast of alcohol into his face. The doberman gave a sigh as he tried to adjust his posture. With the wall of muscle leaning on him, the move was difficult. "F...Frick man, you have seen better days..."

Giving a long sniff, Markus gave a loud, boastful laugh. "Y-you loooooook great though, dude. The jogging has been working wonders!"

Rolling his eyes, Tyler looked up at Markus to see his friend's eyes sparkling mischievously. For lack of a better term, Markus always got a bit touchy-feely whenever he was buzzed. Whenever he was drunk, the doberman could swear that his roommate was stripping him down with just his gaze.

Now wasn't an exception.

"Yeah, yeah whatever..." Tyler said as if brushing off the rhino's compliment, but still blushing. "How long have you been drinking for?"

As if thinking very hard about the question, Markus finally answered as if he figured out a universal truth. With a snap of his fingers, he confidently said, "I drank at least eight beers! Maybe...errr...." Walking forward a bit, Markus managed to kick another aluminum can out of the way. "Err, maybe more..."

Pinching the bridge of his muzzle, Tyler looked up at Markus to see he was smiling broadly back as if nothing was wrong. "Well, we have to wait until you sober up. You can't check back into the dorms looking smashed."

"I'm fiiiiiiiiine," Markus said as waved off Tyler's concerns. "Here, I'll say the alphabet backwards.. Z, Y...umm, I think X..." There was a long pause as Markus had to think about what the next letter was in the sequence. "Well, maybe not..."

"No you oaf. Come on. Climb back into the truck. We are going to camp outside tonight," Tyler said with a chuckle as he walked over to Markus before grabbing his arm to lead him back to the driver's side door. Markus shrugged off Tyler's touch and he playfully stuck out his tongue. "I can do this by myself, thank you."

Opening up the door and stepping back into the truck, Markus gave the doberman a perfect view of his rump that was framed in his midnight black gym shorts. The muscle flexed as the rhino stepped up and into the truck before sitting down to look at Tyler's almost deer in headlights reaction. Giving a wink, Markus said, "Well, climb on up."

"This is the driver's side. I can't-"

Tyler was interrupted when a hand reached down to grab his arm and pull him up into the truck. Tyler squirmed and protested, but realized it was no use. Markus could pretty much throw him around if he wanted to.

Maneuvering Tyler across his lap and over to the passenger seat as if he was passing him down for someone else to grab onto him, Markus pushed on Tyler's bum until finally Tyler got the message to crawl across Markus's lap and into the passenger seat. Finally sitting down, Tyler crossed his arms before looking at his friend with a displeased expression across his face.

"Happy?" Tyler said in an irate tone of voice.

"Happy," Markus said with a foolish smile before reaching to click on the radio. Looking at the rhino's radio, Tyler admired the hardware. The silver metallic sheen on the knobs for the volume all the to the display screen that had the song title floating across it looked in pristine shape. Tyler knew, however, that the radio was over three years old. If there was anything Markus valued more than his truck, the doberman would be hard pressed to find it. Hard rock began blaring through the speakers again, and Tyler winced noticeably.

A silence fell upon the two for a bit until their was the sound of rustling as if someone was rummaging through a cardboard box, a hiss, an abrupt popping sound, and a slurp coming from his left. Looking back over at Markus, Tyler gave a stupid smile as he watched his friend drink merrily from a previously unopened beer can.

"Don't you think you've had enough?" Tyler said as he tried to hold back an amused tone in his voice. "We are trying to sober you up..."

With his free hand, Markus tossed an aluminum can over to his friend who nearly fumbled it. Analyzing the can, the doberman noticed that the can had some cheap label across the front along with deep red font that read "Red Rover." The emblem on the front of the can was a picture of a paw crossing their fingers.

Giving Markus a look, Tyler simply gave a small chuckle before pulling back the tab. Their was a hiss of gas leaving the can before the stench of hops reached Tyler's nose. Leaning forward, Tyler gave the booze a sniff before reeling backwards. Markus had a stupid grin across his face as he watched his friend examine the booze.

"Oh my God! This smells like liquid piss!" Tyler said with a grimace before putting the can up to his lips to take a sip. Even after the statement, the doberman was not wise enough to fully trust his nose. Wincing as he felt the lukewarm liquid run over his tastebuds and down his throat, Tyler coughed before putting the can in one of the two truck's cupholders. "Ewww, tastes like it, too. Where did you buy this concoction from?"

Markus chuckled at Tyler's comment, his cheeks flush with alcohol before he took another long gulp from his can. "It was on sale for a full twelve pack for like fifteen bucks. Figured it was a steal so I..." Markus paused as he stifled what would have been a loud belch. "Ugh...I bought it and drove back to the parking lot. Decided to celebrate that the flaming pile of shit that was my relationship with Sarah, is now over."

"Wait what?!"

Markus punctuated Tyler's surprise by proceeding to belch as loudly as possible, this one not stifled by a paw. He then proceeded to comically laugh at how loud it was, praising it to be the best burp he'd ever done. "Did you hear that?!" he asked, completely unaware of the revelation that he just spilled to his best friend. "DUDE that was--OW!"

Tyler took it upon himself to jab his friend on the shoulder. "I don't care about your burp right now!"

Markus cowered, and Tyler nearly found the image of the big rhino cowering in fear laughable if it weren't for the fact that he was still trying to understand what was going on. Instead, Tyler felt a wave of pity. "But my burp was good..." Markus mumbled to himself, shying away from Tyler.

The doberman pinscher sighed, realizing that scaring Markus right now would be the worst idea. He laid off, lowering his tone of voice. "Listen, I need you to talk to me right now." He reached over and placed a hand on Markus' shoulder. "Please."

The two locked eyes for a brief moment, and the only sound in the car was the radio which conveniently took a break from its broadcast of loud, rock music. An ad began playing and Tyler placed his hand on the dial and lowered the volume. Markus' attitude visibly dipped as he looked forward, his gaze looking like it could make a person combust into flames instantaneously. "I ended my...relationship with Sarah," he answered. "What else do you want me to say?"

"What happened? What did you do?" Tyler pressed. Although he knew it probably was not the time to ask about Sarah, he was more curious than anything and it was that curiosity that got the better of him and overruled his mind to keep his mouth shut.

"I didn't do anything!" The rhino blabbed out, spreading his arms out. The content of the beer can he was holding sloshed around, some splashing over onto the dashboard. Tyler winced in reaction, knowing that Markus wasn't going to be happy in cleaning that up later. Markus slumped in his seat and proceeded to place the beer can in one of the empty cupholders, grumbling about how bad it was anyway. Tyler patiently waited for the rhino to continue as Markus crossed his arms across his chest, a scowl now replacing his drunken expression.

But just as the scowl came, it morphed into an expression of regret and sadness. "I mean..." he mumbled meekly. "I didn't do anything least I didn't think I did..."

The doberman's brow rose. "What exactly did you do?"

"I talked to her, alright?" Markus said, turning to face Tyler. "I told her that I wanted...more in our relationship like what you told me to do. It worked. We had the best ever." Tyler nodded as he remembered the talk they had back in the park. Sometimes, sex was a cure all for a relationship.

"So, what the heck happened in between?" Tyler dared to ask.

"I...I don't know."

The look on Tyler's face said it all. "What?"

Then it was like the floodgates opened. "I told her it would be fine! I mean, she would finger me and stuff when we really got into it and I really enjoyed it, but when I suggested we do something with a dildo...and...and...." Although Markus attempted to move on with the conversation, his words floundered as he started breaking down in tears.

Tyler instinctively reached forward, rubbing the rhino's shoulder for comfort and support. "Shh,'s going to be okay, Markus." The doberman was a bit confused about what Markus was spilling out to him. He thought Markus was talking about what he did to Sarah, and simply nodded along as if in a trance.

Then the realization hit him like a bus. It wasn't what Markus was doing to Sarah. It was what Sarah was doing to Markus. And Markus actually liked it. Perhaps it was the drunken rage that provoked Markus to reveal more than he intended, but Tyler decided to keep the information in the back of his mind for later.

"No! It's not going to be okay!" Markus cried out, tears freely streaming down his cheeks. "She broke up with me, Tyler! What am I going to do?!"

"Just take a few deep breaths, okay? Jesus Christ..." Tyler said, not holding back the pity in his voice. To Tyler, Markus was always strong, energetic, and upbeat. To see him so beaten up was almost unbearable.

Markus continued crying, his hands grabbing onto the steering wheel for support. "I tried to be a good know fix things and all that shit, but how can I if we keep arguing?!" He punctuated his words by sniffling. To wipe his nose, Markus brought the neckline of his shirt up to his muzzle even though the doberman gave him a disgusted look about the gesture.

"It's going to be okay, alright? I'm here for you," Tyler cooed as he watched tears stream down his friend's cheeks. The words came out a bit awkward, and Tyler felt as if he chewed on them as they came out. He never had to comfort anyone in his life besides his mother when their grandmother passed away. He really want trying his best to comfort Markus, but the rhino seemed to be almost hysterical. The alcohol was also not patching things up either. Eventually, the tears just kind of stopped falling, and the rhino started to sob before falling quiet. A silence came between them until eventually Markus breathed in shakily.

"Thanks,'re a good friend to have, you know that?"

Feeling strangely affectionate, Tyler reached forward to grab Markus's hand in his before giving it a gentle squeeze. It worked to help his mother stop crying. The response he got from Markus was a bit unexpected, however. Markus used his thumb to rub against the bottom of Tyler's hand ever so slowly. The skin felt soft against his sensitive padding and Tyler shivered at the touch.

It was as if a switch was flicked in Markus's mind and he went from emotional, hot mess to an almost unnatural calm. Although the tears still streamed down his face and he sniffed every few seconds, the rhino's chest stopped heaving for air and a sense of calm fell back over the car.

After a few seconds of silence, Markus said, "Listen, Sarah was nice, but...I just felt something was missing. We...we ended up really getting into a really heated argument after we finished and it turned into a shouting match before she told me she wouldn't stick her fingers anywhere near me again, and that I could forget about the idea involving a dildo. She told me to get out."

"What caused the argument in the first place?" Tyler asked quietly as he felt Markus's hand move up to place itself on top of his. The rhino's thumb traced across the top of his hand ever so gracefully. The touch felt nice: nicer than what Tyler wanted to admit. Markus was straight and just having him touch his hand felt a bit wrong.

"I-I don't want to talk about it..." Markus said before looking away from Tyler with a blush.

"Was what you argued about after sex what the chat was initially going to be about?"

Markus's fists clenched, and Tyler could feel his hand squeeze around his own. "I said I don't want to-"

"Alright, alright...I get it! Ease up a bit," Tyler said as calmly as he could. Feeling Markus's grip on his hand relax a bit, Tyler released a sigh of relief as he felt Markus begin to trail his thumb along the bones of his fingers.

The two were quiet in the car, saved for their breathing and the sniffling that came from Markus. A couple of college kids passed by, chatting and bickering with one another in front of them. Tyler felt contented to just watch them walk by before disappearing out of their line of sight. Only when he felt a squeeze on his hand did he realize that Markus didn't let go of him. Tyler glanced at Markus and saw that the rhino was calm, but clearly was still bothered. The doberman opened his mouth to say something but found it hard to find the right words to say. He relaxed and sighed, before deciding to go with his gut.

"Look, Markus, I'm sorry and Sarah broke up."

"It's fine," Markus mumbled.

"No, it's not fine I mean--"

"It's alright, Tyler."

The doberman blinked, noticing the stern yet calm tone of his friend's voice.

Markus looked to face him and Tyler saw that the tears had now stopped. "It's alright, Tyler," the rhino repeated himself. "The relationship hasn't been working out anyways between us. It's only been a matter of time before we broke up." He leaned in his seat, letting go of Tyler's hand to grab the beer can he had placed on the cup holder.

"Markus, you've had enough for the night." Tyler reprimanded him, racing the rhino to grab hold of the alcoholic beverage.

When the two made it to the beer can, they had both their hands wrapped around the top. "Markus, come on, let g-"

Before Tyler could finish, he felt breath on the side of his neck and looked over to see Markus looking at him with what could only be described as a deep hunger on his face. Feeling Markus's lips move onto his neck, Tyler blushed as he felt the rhino's lips work up the side ever so softly. The warm breath that melted into his skin made Tyler gasp in surprise and his hands braced themselves on the rhino's broad shoulders.

The next thing the doberman knew, he was looking into his friend's eyes which were laced over with desire before he felt the touch of Markus's lips on his. Markus dived forward in response, kissing his friend on the lips. The first thing Tyler noticed was the taste of alcohol on his friend's breath which was quickly followed by the smell of the rhino's natural scent. It smelled sweaty, earthly, and their was even a hint of cum that made the doberman's nose wrinkle in surprise.

The kiss was passionate, but sloppy. Tyler felt a hand lift to his right cheek to stroke it gently and as much as Tyler wanted to yell and push the rhino away, he simply closed his eyes. The rhino's soft lips pressing against his felt so good at the moment and the touch on his cheek sent trembles down his spine.

The sound of their lips smacking gently together filled the truck and Tyler's ears perked as Markus's hips accidently hit the knob on the radio to turn it off. To Tyler, the silence besides their panting and lips smacking against one another was almost deafening.

When Markus broke away from the kiss, it was almost as if the rhino wasn't even trying to hold them together. Between them, a strand of saliva connected their lips together until the rhino leaned a bit too far over and fell into Tyler's lap.

His head laid right on the doberman's right leg, and Tyler simply sat with a stunned expression across his face as he reached up to touch his lips to still feel the wetness on them. He rubbed the saliva between his fingers to feel the cool wetness of their spit and blushed. His ears perked when he heard Markus begin to snore softly, a content smile on his face as he nuzzled into the doberman's lap. Tyler was at least content that Markus would not be able to drink anymore.

The doberman sat in the seat almost unnaturally still as his brain tried to process all that just happened. He assured himself that the kiss was just some sort of mistake: that Markus was drunk and just leaning in, but the fact that he kissed up his neck and did it so precisely was what kicked that hypothesis out of his mind. And the fact that the rhino continued for almost a minute.

Reaching forward to gently begin to play with one of Markus's ears, Tyler heard the rhino growl happily before turning over and letting out a content sigh. "What the hell happened to you last night?" Tyler whispered. The doberman could still feel the warmth from his friend's breath on his neck, and reached his hand upward before caressing the fur with his thumb.

Tyler leaned back in his seat, his mind ablaze with numerous questions. He even went so far to slap his cheeks softly with the hand that wasn't playing with Markus's ears to make sure he was awake and not dreaming. To his strange amusement, he was still perfectly conscious.He looked down at his lap, seeing Markus resting his head there and sleeping peacefully without a care in the world. Tyler honestly didn't know how to react. His best friend had just kissed him and was now fast asleep in his lap. It was like something out of a romantic comedy.

The doberman jerked when he felt something brush against his crotch. In his drunken sleep, Markus took it upon himself to think that Tyler's crotch was the best pillow in the world. The rhino was purring happily, nuzzling the doberman's lower half, even going so far to inhale deeply before mumbling something about loving the scent and wanting more of it. While Tyler had to admit it was cute, he also found it embarrassingly uncomfortable. What made it worse was the fact that he was getting turned on by Markus' affectionate rubbing.

"" Tyler said curtly, feeling blood rush to his face, as well as to his lower half. He placed his hands on Markus' side before gently propping him up back up. The rhino groaned in displeasure but eventually settled as he leaned back in his seat, a dumb look across his face as he adjusted his posture. Tyler reached over and pulled on a handle that was on the side of the seat, making the driver's seat lean backwards.

A smile crossed his face as he watched Markus sleep peacefully. The rhino gave a happy rumble as he turned over, and his hand groped around until it found the gear shift. Tyler noticed his friend's hand squeezed around it as if trying to comfort the gear shift before relaxing.

The doberman wondered if the rhino was groping for his hand.

Tyler sighed as he made himself comfortable in the car seat. He leaned back as well, trying to relax. However, tried as he might, he couldn't bring himself to do so. The erection in his shorts was a throbbing reminder of what just happened between him and his friend.

But before his mind could start running amok with wild theories, he stopped himself completely. He didn't want to end up panicking about the fact that his best friend just leaned in, on his own initiative, and kissed him on the lips. There were so many questions he had that he felt like he needed to wake Markus up and start demanding answers, but the small snores that came from his friend told him that even if he tried waking him up, he probably would not succeed. The rhino was too far gone.

"Maybe I'm just overthinking things..." he mumbled to himself, glancing over at Markus who was mumbling something incoherent in his drunken stupor.

Regardless, it was already late at night and he too was exhausted. Tyler closed his eyes and did his best to sleep. There was a flash of lightning in the distance as storm clouds began to roll in. When Tyler closed his eyes, he could see flashes of light in his vision and his ears flicked as he heard the pitter patter of large raindrops hitting the windshield. In a few moments, there was another bright flash of light before a clap of thunder and the light shower turned into heavy rain. There was a unique tranquility that passed over the parking lot and the doberman found an odd calm fall over him. The sound was blissful and Tyler gave a soft sigh as he let the relaxing atmosphere begin to pull him into a deep sleep. The last fleeting thought he had in his mind before he drifted off was the feeling of kissing Markus on the lips.

As Tyler began to stir, he smacked his mouth, letting his tongue roll over his teeth lazily. His mouth felt dry as a bone, and he covered his mouth as he gave a long yawn. Bringing his hands up to rub his eyes, Markus felt the warmth of sunlight on his neck and along his arms.

Wicing as he adjusted himself in his seat, Tyler felt his hips and abdominal muscles stiffen up. Although the plush seats of Markus's truck were comfortable for a short period of time, Markus's car was not the most ideal sleeping conditions. Looking over to see Markus scrolling through his phone idly, Tyler blinked twice before saying, "Sleep well?"

Giving a grimace, Markus looked at Tyler sternly. "Please quiet your voice. It's like there are a thousand elephants jumping in my head right now."

Giving as quiet of a chuckle as he could, Tyler said, "I'm not the one who decided to drink like a sailor last night. You were wasted, dude."

"Yeah, yeah..."

As he watched Markus begin to scroll back through his phone, the soft feeling of Markus's lips against his own popped into his mind. Reaching forward, Tyler touched Markus's hand gently and looked into the rhino's eyes. His friend looked back at Tyler with a bit of confusion, but the doberman could sense something else. Tyler did not know what it was, however, and passed it off as nothing.

" you remember anything that happened last night?"

As if Tyler's hand was on fire, Markus jerked his own away, but still kept his stoic expression across his face. There was a long pause between them, and Tyler tried to look for any sign of emotion from Markus, but his friend was not giving anything. Tyler assumed that the hangover was responsible for Markus's lack of emotions.

"No...I-I don't remember much."

Nodding, Tyler pulled his hand away slowly like it hurt to leave it. Although he was not surprised by his straight friend's response, that did not mean he did not feel pain at the fact Markus did not remember a thing. Although there was part of him that wanted to probe Markus for any spark of memory in him, he decided to just take his friend's word for it.

"Well, you admitted quite a bit last night."

Color starting to drain from Markus's face, the rhino replied, "I did?"

"Yeah. You told me that you and Sarah broke up. You wouldn't go into detail though," Tyler said while looking at his friend with sympathy. "It seemed rough, man."

"It was."

There was another long pause between them until Tyler gave a soft sigh. Markus had his phone pocketed now and was simply watching the doberman close. His eyes watched Tyler fiddle with his thumbs as if he had something he wanted to admit, but was too scared to let it out. Giving a sigh himself, Markus said, "LIsten, if you want to talk about last night..."

"This isn't about last night, Markus," Tyler replied as he began to shake.

"Tyler, what the fuck is-"

"I'm gay, Markus."

The surprise across Markus's face was so expressive it was as if it had been bottled for a thousand years, left to ripen, and then let out all at once. Tyler's friend had a deer-in-headlights look before it melted into confusion, then anger, and then a sense of calm. There were so many flashes of different emotions that Tyler last track of each of them. It was like he was trying to win an academy award for best actor, and with the performance he gave, he would have one it easily.

"Is that what happened last night? You told me you we-"

"No, Markus. I just...I just felt this was the right time to tell you," Tyler said as he started to feel fear begin to bubble up inside of him.

"Well, why the fuck didn't you tell me sooner? I'm your best friend!" Markus said with almost a growl.

The reaction Markus gave him was not something the doberman was expecting. This time it was Tyler's turn to be shocked. "W-wha-"

"Tyler...Jesus, I don't care." Starting to chuckle before bursting out laughing, Markus began to have a cheery glow about him, and there was obvious relief across his face. "I thought you were going to tell me something horrible, man."

"So, we're cool?"

"Yeah. Come here."

Doing as he was told, Tyler leaned over to feel arms wrap around him as if he was being welcomed into a family. Holding back tears, Tyler felt a deep sense of calm spread over him. His nerves were shot, and his body was working into overdrive as if he just got away from a life or death situation. His heartbeat began to slow, and he nuzzled against his friend's shoulder affectionately.

"That was really random, dude," Markus commented with a chuckle as he felt Tyler's fur rub against his arms. "You could have at least given me a warning..."

"Like what?" Tyler replied with a smirk.

"I don't know," Markus answered back with another chuckle. "I guess there isn't a right time is there? You know, to come out and all..."

"No, there isn't," Tyler said quietly as he enjoyed the warmth from his friend's body. He still reeked of alcohol, but the light musk from when they rubbed together last night still lingered on the skin. To the doberman, it smelled wonderful, and he gave a small sigh of bliss as he laid in his friend's arms without worry.

"You could have made it more spectacular. Something like, 'I really like man parts' or 'The D is my favorite letter of the alphabet," Markus teased before pulling Tyler closer like the doberman was a brother to him.

"Shut up," Tyler said with a grin. "And ease up. You are starting to crush me."

Markus relaxed his grip on his friend and then said, "Just one thing."


"Does this mean it's fine for me to do gay jokes now because I know you're gay?"

Tyler just rolled his eyes in response.

A few moments later, the two were out of the car. Markus stumbled slightly, grabbing onto the side of his car for support. Being as hungover as he was, the sudden stream of light was nearly blinding and his head started immediately aching with pain. "Remind me never to drink again..." He groaned in pain, rubbing the side of his head to try and alleviate the pressure.

"I'll be sure to take note of that," Tyler replied. Tyler slung Markus' hand over his shoulder and told the rhino to lean on him for support. Markus mumbled a thank you in response and the two began to schlep their way back to their dormitory.

The Landchester Campus was practically a ghost town in the morning. Tyler glanced down at his wristwatch and saw the hands: one pointed towards the five and the other, longer hand pointed right down the middle. Giving a bit of a sigh, Tyler realized that it was 5:30 am and his eyes instantly felt like weights as he realized how little sleep he had gotten last night.

Not even the groundskeepers were out to start their duties. The two walked relatively quiet with one another, lost both in their thoughts. The cool morning breeze greeted them alongside the warmth of the sun that was peeking through the clouds up above. Since it was a Saturday, no one was out and about. It was almost eerie to see the quad so devoid of people. Since the lights were on a timer, most of the lights were still on, which was strange to see against the morning light that streamed down on the two.

Tyler and Markus eventually arrived at their respective dormitory and entered through the front door. The person at the front desk--a dragon who clearly was a morning person given how he seemed fresher than anyone Tyler has ever seen this early in the morning--welcomed the two of them.

He grinned at the two as Tyler and Markus handed over their ID's. "Rough night?" he asked, directing it to Markus.

Markus just groaned, making the dragon chuckle. He scanned their ID's and briefly typed something onto the keyboard. He handed them back a moment later. "I have painkillers if you want. Just ask, alright?"

"Noted," Markus replied curtly. Tyler gave the dragon an apologetic smile, mouthing 'thank you' at him.

The dragon sat back down the chair and reclined in his seat, before beginning to focus his attention back to his computer.

By the time Tyler arrived at their room, Markus was leaning more onto him, mumbling something about just wanting to pass out on the bed. Tyler reached in and took out the keys from his pocket and unlocked the door to their room.

"There we go...!" Tyler cried out practically throwing Markus off of him. The rhino stumbled on his legs before tripping over and unceremoniously landing on one of the empty beds. Tyler facepalmed as Markus landed in his bed. "That's not your bed..."

Markus didn't care however as he instead buried his face in the doberman's pillows, letting out an almost cute growl. "Mmm...this smells good..."

The doberman just shook his head with a stupid grin across his face. Grumbling under his breath, he let the rhino rest in his own bed and walked to their fridge to get a bottle of water. "Should I get the painkillers?"

"Yes please..." came the muffled response of the rhino before a groan of pain.

"I wonder at times what would happen to you if I wasn't here," Tyler said out loud before heading out of the room again.

When Tyler came back clutching a pill bottle of what appeared to be tylenol, Tyler tossed the small bottle in Markus's direction and watched the bottle bounce off of the rhino's back. Giving another groan and turning over, Markus grabbed the pill bottle and popped open the cap.

"Hey, can I borrow your bottle of water for a second?" Markus asked.

Tyler chuckled as he walked over and handed his friend his bottle. "You're helpless."

Leaning upward, Markus placed two pills into his hand before tipping his head back and placing the snow white pills onto his tongue. He took a swig from the glass of water before swallowing the pills and giving a grimace.

"Oh geez...bitter," Markus commented as laid back on his side. The large rhino faced Tyler, a pleased smile across his face. Tyler simply laughed before saying, "You're a big oaf. If you didn't drink so much, then you wouldn't be having these problems."

"Yeah, well this big oaf can still beat the crap out of you," Markus said with a teasing smirk as he handed Tyler the bottle of water Taking a swig before placing the bottle on the nightstand and leaning in, he smirked as he looked down at Markus's sapphire blue pupils.

"Mmm hmm. Sure you can. You could barely stan-"

Before Tyler could finish, he was pulled onto the bed and pretty soon the two were struggling for control. Their wrestling was playful, but exertive and pretty soon they both started to pant as they rolled around on the narrow bed. Sweat stained their fur and a musk began to form as they rolled around on the bed.

Eventually, Markus held the advantage at one point and ended using his weight to push Tyler off of him before crawling on top of him sit on his chest. His groin was almost in Tyler's face and the doberman continued to struggle until he felt Markus's hands wrap around his wrists.

Giving a deep blush, Tyler knew he was pinned and at his friend's mercy. Markus seemed to know it too, a sadistic grin forming on his face. Leaning forward, Markus gave a smirk, his eyes twinkling mischievously. His mouth was so close that the doberman could feel the rhino's breath on his neck. It reminded Tyler of last night when Markus kissed up his neck.

"Markus...what are you..."

This time, Markus did not hesitate when he kissed Tyler on the lips. Markus also knew what he was doing. The kiss was gentle, so very soft, and although Tyler locked up at first, he quickly relaxed as Markus's lips smacked against his. As quick as it started, it was over and Tyler was panting as a blush crossed his face. Since the rhino's member was so close to him, he could smell his arousal.

"Mmmm," Markus said as he licked his lips. "Sorry. I couldn't resist." Leaning in to nuzzle against the doberman's neck, the rhino sniffed to smell Tyler's sweat on his fur. "I needed that, man."

Starting to struggle again, Tyler felt Markus unlatch his wrists instantly and the doberman pointed a clawed finger at Markus's chest. "Explain. What actually happened at Sarah's?"

Markus got off his friend and moved over. He didn't even care at this point that Tyler got a good view of his arousal that made a very, very visible outline on his gym shorts. "It's...complicated," he said, trying to find the right words to say.

"You just kissed me!" Tyler exclaimed, sitting upright. "I think we're well past the point of things being complicated. I would have believed you were too drunk to know what you were doing last night, but today?" The doberman looked at his friend. "What's going on, Markus?" He reached over and placed a hand on his friend's shoulder.

Markus sighed before turning to face his friend. "The reason that Sarah and I broke up is that she found..." Markus stopped. His mouth shook and his throat felt dry. Taking a moment to collect himself, he continued with his confession, saying, "She found gay porn on my phone. When we first started to get intimate, she said that anal play was okay, but if she ever found something on me that was gay, it would be over."

"Does she have something against people like me...well, us?" Markus asked with a bit of a growl. Tyler had met Sarah many times before and she seemed like a good person, but Tyler knew not to judge a book by its cover. He had lost many "good" friends by thinking they were accepting of his sexuality until they revealed their true colors.

"No, no! Nothing like that! She is just...competitive."


"Yeah. One time she caught me looking at straight porn and that was the longest chat I've ever had in my life. She told me she was the only one that could get me off and no one else could have access. Well, not in those exact words, but paraphrased," Markus said with a small smirk, but not before looking a bit guilty.

"She ended up checking my phone when I went to the bathroom. When I came out, she was holding my phone with the screen facing me and there were two guys getting it on. One of my favorite pics. I yelled at her for checking my phone and she yelled at me for having gay porn on it. I still have her little leopard prints on my phone screen."

Giving a bit of a frown, Markus said, "We ended up saying things to one another that would make nuns blush and then she casted me out of her house and told me she never wanted to see me again."

"It seems there was a trust issue between the two of you."

"Mmm, you think? Our whole relationship was a 'trust issue,'" Markus said while using floating quotations with his own hands for emphasis.

The two sat speechless for a little while. The wind from the open window floated into their room and filled it with a nice breeze. Tyler would be shivering if he didn't have the muscular rhino to share body heat with. "So, do you actually remember what happened last night?"

"A little, but it is still kind of a blur," Markus said with a shrug as he nuzzled into Tyler's neck, purring like a kitten. "I remember those soft lips of yours. You taste delicious by the way, and I wish I could have snapped a picture of that look on your face."

"So why didn't you tell me you remembered kissing me? How come you hid it from me like it didn't even happen?" Tyler said with a bit of an accusatory tone. Markus picked up on the attitude in Tyler's voice, and his ears flattened in response.

"I thought you were straight," Markus said as if he was caught with his hand in a cookie jar. "I didn't want to freak you out, or anything."

Blinking before letting out a loud laugh, Tyler covered his mouth with a blush before saying, "That's rich! I thought you were straight. Well, I did until last night."

"I'm bisexual," the rhino said with a smirk and a wink. "I'm okay with either. However..." Markus leaned in until his lips were almost touching the dobermans. "I do prefer men more than would be my first, though."

"How would you know you like men more than women?"

"Mmmm, I have a hunch," the rhino said while giving Tyler's neck a gentle nibble which in turn made Tyler give a small gasp in response.

Tyler blushed from Markus' forwardness but didn't shy away. He could smell his breath as well as his scent and he had to admit, it was alluring. "How long?" he asked, almost in a whisper. "How long have you been...looking at me this way, Markus?"

"Long enough," Markus replied curtly as he continued his ministrations, going so far as to leave a trail of kisses on Tyler's neck. "I'm surprised you didn't notice it at all."

"Notice what? You were supposedly straight...ahhh...remember?" Tyler's voice came out strained. It was hard to keep conversation with all affection Markus was giving him. Seeing that Tyler wasn't resisting, Markus took a step further. He gently nudged Tyler down to the bed. The doberman fell backwards and the rhino crawled onto of him, straddling his hips. Tyler groaned out in pleasure as the rhino grinded his backside on the forming bulge on the canine's shorts.

The muscled rhino's tight rump felt wonderful against his clothed member, and Tyler had to hold back his desire to reach up and grip the rhino's thick mounds. Instead, he simply put his paws on Markus's hips. He could feel the muscles work underneath his roommate's skin, and the way his friend's body flexed made the friction on his groin feel all the sweeter.

"And here I thought gay guys had an amazing gaydar," Markus said, leaning forward to give the doberman another affection nibble, this time on his ears.

"B-but...the track and field team and the cheerleaders..." Tyler shivered. Markus snuck his hands under his shirt and start tracing his hands all over his chest. He praised Tyler for his amazing figure and well kept body.

"What about them?" Markus cheekily asked. "Just because I've had my hookups with the cheerleading squad doesn't automatically mean I bat for that team." He then stopped for a brief moment and smirked at Tyler. "The only reason I joined the track and field team was for the eye candy at the locker room after practice and matches."

Tyler giggled, and Markus found the laugh to be cute. "I'm surprised you're not sucking their dick then."

Markus thought for a brief moment, as if remembering a pleasant memory. "I nearly did. Skye's dick was thick and as long as my forearm. Put all the guys to shame when he whipped it out. I think that he has the power to make anyone included..."

"Why didn't you ask him out?" Tyler curiously asked. "I mean, he could have been gay."

"Probably." Markus shrugged. "But I already had my eye on someone else."

Tyler dared to ask. "Me?"

Markus leaned down until their noses briefly tapped one another. His voice came out as a hushed whisper. "Yes."

"Since when?"

Markus gave him a tender kiss on the lips. It was sweet and short, but Tyler could feel the power behind it. He could sense a fierceness backing it from behind as if in a blink of an eye, Markus could simply get Tyler to do whatever he wanted.. Markus licked his lips afterwards, smiling proudly to himself as he could feel Tyler's cock throb under his backside. "Ever since my relationship with Sarah started going downhill." Markus then pouted playfully at the doberman. "I've been dropping you hints left and right and you didn't notice a single thing!"

Tyler let out a sheepish laugh. "I'm sorry for being so thickheaded then. Mmm, you feel amazing..."

Markus smiled, giving the doberman a playful lick on the cheeks. He then sat up, making sure to grind his hips on the erection that was now becoming increasingly apparent on Tyler's crotch. He stuck out his hand and started counting off. "Let's see here, I tried slapping your ass, ogling you when you were changing, and even watching you shower at times." He sighed, and looked at Tyler with a disappointed look. "When that didn't work, I tried kicking things up. I left my computer on at times hoping that you'd fiddle with it and see the gay porno. There was also this one time where I purposefully let you catch me masturbating. I knew you weren't asleep."

"Wait," Tyler exclaimed with a shocked look on his face. "That was on purpose?!"

Markus nodded, giving him bedroom eyes. "Did you enjoy the show then?"

Tyler looked away, blushing a deep crimson red. "Well, I mean, that was..."

The rhino laughed heartily. He knew he pressed a good button because he felt the doberman's cock throb against his backside. "I'll take that as a yes." He leaned in to kiss Tyler again on the lips. This kiss was a bit more passionate, and Tyler even let the rhino's tongue enter his mouth. Their tongues battled for control as their lips smacked together and Tyler felt saliva drip down his chin. As their kiss grew more heated, Tyler could feel Markus's grinding get more intense and his hips move with more emphasis on pleasuring the male below him. When Markus broke away, there lips were briefly connected by a line of spit. "I love your taste, Tyler. I can't get enough of it."

Tyler chuckled. "I'm glad that you do." An expression of concern flashed through his face. "What about Sarah?"

"What about her?" Markus spat out, a bit of venom dripping from his words. "Our relationship is over and what happened yesterday was the end of it."

Tyler then looked up to him. Their eyes locked with one another and Tyler asked, "Then where does that leave you?" He paused for a brief moment then added, "What does that make of--"

Markus cut him off by pressing a finger on his lips. "Shhh...Let's just live in the moment, alright?"

The doberman blinked, but eventually nodded in agreement.

Markus smiled. "Besides, I think we have other...harder matters to attend to, don't you agree?" He grinded his hips onto Tyler's crotch which prompted the canine to moan. Climbing off of Tyler's lean body and reaching forward towards Tyler's groin, the rhino began to knead the doberman's bulge gently.

"Mmmf, oh..."

"You like that?" Markus said with a smirk. There was a twinkle in the rhino's eyes as he watched Tyler's eyes close and a soft hiss leave his mouth. Drumming his fingers up along the doberman's maleness, Markus could feel Tyler's pulse as he felt along the tapered head of Tyler's thick endowment. Moving his hand upward, Markus stopped when his fingers pressed against the button of Tyler's board shorts.

"How bad do you want me, Tyler?"

Giving a whimper, the doberman gave a small thrust upward to show how much his body wanted Markus. There was an internal battle in Tyler's mind as Markus began to play with the button on his shorts, pushing just hard enough that it was almost through the hole, but just light enough that it held on.

"I'll take that as a yes," Markus said with a chuckle. Adding a bit of extra force, and pushing the button through, Markus began to pull the doberman's shorts down. Tyler watched as the waistband from his blue briefs began to peek out over his board shorts. When he was about halfway, Tyler reached forward to grab Markus's wrist. Markus looked up at him with surprise, and his tail flicked to slap his taut rump. The bulge in the rhino's shorts twitched and the doberman could smell Markus's arousal before he noticed the large wet spot in the center.


Markus froze. The two locked eyes with one another and the rhino saw Tyler's concerned expression. There was a flash of sympathy across Markus's face and he felt a bit of shame at his forwardness with his desires.

"Maybe..." Tyler said, controlling his breathing. Markus worked him up quite well and as badly as he wanted Markus to do whatever he wanted at the moment, this wasn't the right way. "Markus, maybe we're going too fast."

There was a hurt look almost instantly on Markus's face and his ears flattened. Tyler felt kinda bad for ruining the mood, but they were going way too quick into this. As bad as it sounded, Tyler did not want to be a tool for Markus to forget about Sarah. He wanted to be special to the rhino; like he was when he was his friend. "Markus, I like you." The rhino's ears perked upon hearing him say those words. "But I just feel like...we're doing things too fast. Look it's just--"

"I understand," Markus replied, all trace of playfulness in his voice gone.

Tyler sat upright and looked at his best friend. "I just don't want this...thing, whatever this is," he motioned wildly for a brief moment, "to just be a fling, Markus. I know you're going through a lot of things right now, and I don't want to make it worse by adding myself into it."

The rhino was silent. Markus couldn't bring himself to look at Tyler anymore and face his piercing gaze. "I'm sorry..." he mumbled in a hushed whisper.

"It's alright." Tyler spread his arms, leaned forward, and gave Markus a warm hug. He was surprised to feel the rhino shaking under his embrace. "I just want you to sort things out with yourself first, okay?"

Markus nodded, his head nuzzling his chest in the embrace. His mind was a whirlwind of emotions and at that current moment, he felt at peace in Tyler's arms. "Can we just cuddle then?" he asked, his voice sounding muffled.

Tyler sighed happily. "We can."

Markus smiled before leaning in to kiss Tyler on the lips once again. Tyler graciously accepted it, and the two slowly made their way back down to the bed.

"So, you want to be little spoon?" Markus asked with a grin.

"I can't really be big spoon. You're like twice as wide as me," Tyler said with a chuckle.

"Alright. Just lean into my-"

Turning over onto his side before scooting close to the rhino, Tyler looked over his shoulder and said, "I know how to cuddle, silly. No need to give me directions."

"Feisty...I like that," Markus said with his tongue sticking out teasingly.

"Shut up and wrap your arms around my neck."

It was hours later when Emily got back to the dormitory. Traffic was a nightmare and she was looking forward to spending her weekend just in her bedroom and fiddling away at her laptop. As she entered the building's large double doors, she walked over to the front desk and handed over her card to get herself checked in.

"Quiet day?" she asked, upon seeing the person at the front desk yawn.

"Yep. The most action I've got is having people ask me for painkillers. Almost everyone was out getting buzzed last night."

Emily blinked. The gazelle remembered the fact that Tyler was supposed to talk to Markus last night. But she never got any text about it or heard from him ever since. "Did Tyler check in last night?" she asked the receptionist.

"Tyler?" The receptionist checked the log. "He just checked in this morning, around 5:30 or so. Odd hours, that kid."

"Was he with someone?"

"Yeah, he was." The receptionist glanced back down and confirmed the fact. "He was with Markus. I had to give the poor guy painkillers. He looked so hungover."

"Huh," Emily replied, a bit confused at the trail she was left with. She thanked the receptionist when her ID was handed back and climbed into the elevator. A few moments later, she walked out and made a beeline to the two men's room to check on them.

"Tyler?" she called out, gently knocking on the door.

There was no response.


Again, there was no response.

Out of instinct, she pressed her ears into the door and heard audible snoring coming from within. She reached for the doorknob and turned it. To her surprise, it wasn't locked. She slowly opened the door and her mouth nearly dropped at the sight before her.

Two shirts were thrown on the floor by Tyler's bed, and two males were cuddled up against one another. Tyler was faced towards the doorway, his eyes closed blissfully and his tongue lolled out of his muzzle. His lean build was on full display with the covers cutting off the lower half of his body.

Markus had his arms wrapped around Tyler with his head nuzzled up against his neck. He was snoring softly into the doberman's body, his breathing ruffling the canine's fur. His ears flicked slightly at the sound of footsteps, but he merely adjusted his posture and pushed further up against the doberman.

"D'aww," Emily said in a whisper with a smile across her face as she began to walk slowly towards the doorway. "I knew adorable. If I stay any longer in this room, I'll get diabetes."

"Shoo fly, don't bother me."

Jumping a bit, Emily noticed Tyler's eyes were open and a bright smile across his face. Although he looked a bit groggy from being woken up, he was conscious enough to give a light-hearted chuckle.

Emily just shook her head. "To think that you would end up in bed with him. I just wanted you to come out to him."

"Well, it worked out, didn't it?"

"Mmm hmm. I had a feeling this would happen."

"You always have feelings, Emily."

Giving a small chuckle, the gazelle began to walk out of the room, but not before peeking back in and saying, "The stars told me a lot more than you think..."

"Sure they did."

Giving a giggle, Emily walked out of the room, but not before closing the door gently behind her. Tyler could smell her lavender scent even when she left. The smell was starting to make him tired once again and pretty soon he snuggled back up to Markus. The warmth that the rhino's body provided combined with the overall calm that fell upon the room made the doberman fall back into a deep sleep.

It was a cold, rainy day on Landchester Campus.

The gentle pitter patter of rain could be heard as it poured down onto the closed windows. Tyler closed his eyes, letting the cool atmosphere relax him further. He was hoping to be outside for the Friday he was off from classes, but sadly the weather didn't agree with him. A gentle knock on his door made his head perked up from his laptop.

"Come in," he called out.

The head of a gazelle peeked in. "Hey Tyler."

"Hey Emily," he greeted with enthusiasm. He closed his laptop down and turned to face his friend. Emily was wearing the green turtleneck again, but this time with pajama bottoms. The pajamas had little adorable giraffes on them that were reaching up to eat leaves from a tall tree. Tyler wondered if the gazelle was just perpetually cold because she always seemed to wear heavy clothes.. "What's up?"

The gazelle smiled and seated herself on the empty chair at Markus' desk. "I should be asking you that question. How are you doing?"

Tyler was a bit confused. "What do you mean?"

"I'm talking about you and Markus."

Tyler's expression shifted. "Oh, that..." He looked down the floor and Emily could easily tell that something was weighing on his mind.

"What is it? Did something happen?" she asked, her voice full of worry.

"No, it's not that something happened. Everything's great actually." Tyler smiled, but it then slowly morphed into a frown. "I'm just..." Tyler chose his next words carefully. "Do you think I'm taking advantage of him?"

The question slightly threw Emily off a little bit. It had been about a week since Emily had caught Markus and Tyler cuddling, and the gazelle had never seen Markus or Tyler in as happy of a state. They seemed to keep one another in check. Markus's playful side made Tyler relax and have some fun every so often while the doberman seemed to keep Markus objective on a clear path.

"What do you mean?" Emily asked as she sat on Tyler's bed.

"I feel that I'm using Markus's grief over his breakup with Sarah to get more intimate with him," Tyler said nervously. "I don't want to use him..."

"Tyler," Emily said in a tone that was more motherly than she intended to be. "If Markus thought he was being used, wouldn't you think he would tell you by now?"

Although Tyler found reason within Emily's words, he was still hesitant to believe them. In all honesty, Tyler just liked hearing Emily's opinion on things to make sense of his own. Even though she may believe a bit too much in supernatural stuff for Tyler's tastes, he had to admit that she was wise. "Yeah, but..."

Giving him a bit of a look, Emily said, "But what? I saw a lot of butt when I walked in on you two AGAIN, but this time naked and giving one another--"

Tyler chuckled, his melancholy lifting. "Okay, I get it."

"No, I don't think you do," Emily said with a smile when Tyler gave a surprised look at Emily's bluntness. "You and Markus have something special. I wouldn't ruin it worrying over every little thing. Just sit back and enjoy it, you know?"

A silence pierced the atmosphere as Tyler thought about what Emily said carefully. The light pitter patter of rain on the window soothed his mind, and he found himself calmly assessing the situation. Looking back at her with what was going to be a retort, Emily simply put her index finger up to silence him. "Trust me. I know from personal experience that worrying over this will get you nowhere. For once, you are going to have to let go." Reaching forward to hold Tyler's hand in her own, the gazelle gave a concerned smile. "You can't experience what you don't know unless you take a leap of faith."

"I'm not a virgin, Emily. I know what-"

"That's not what I mean, Tyler," Emily interrupted and rolled her eyes, muttering under her breath. "What I mean is that this is all new to you. You just have to trust Markus. He has been your friend since freshman year. Give him at least a little bit of credit..."

Mulling over what Emily was saying once again, Tyler squeezed Emily's hand before saying, "And what if this ends up hurting one of us? What if we never make up from this?" Tyler looked utterly distraught. "I don't want to risk losing our friendship."

"It isn't called a leap of faith because it is easy," Emily said in response. "I'm not going to sugar coat this and say that everything will work out, but..."

Clicking her tongue and giving Tyler a warm smile before continuing, "I'm not going to say it's not going to be a pleasurable experience giving in to him and him giving in to you."

The doberman looked solemn. Somehow, through Emily's words, he was beginning to make sense of his confused feelings. He looked at her, feeling a huge weight off his shoulder disappearing. "Thanks, Emily. I think I...understand things better now," he replied.

"I'm great at my job after all," the gazelle replied. She stood up and then stretched her body. "You'll be fine, Tyler. Don't worry." She crossed her arms on her chest, sounding confident. "If there's one thing I'm shocked about it is the fact that I haven't walked in on you two yet doing butt stuff with each other. Make sure to lock the door so I DON'T walk in on it. " She stuck her tongue out to emphasize her point.

Tyler chuckled, glad that the tense atmosphere between them dissipated. "Knowing you, you'd probably just enjoy the full moon...and I don't mean that in an astrological sense."

"Don't tempt me," Emily replied with a wink before walking towards the door. Looking back at Tyler, she gave a mischievous smile. "And remember that I know how to pick a lock." Giving a wave goodbye, Emily left the room.

Tyler waved goodbye to his friend and sighed as the door gently closed behind her. He happened to glance outside his window and saw that the rain had now stopped completely and the rays of sunshine was now beginning to peek from behind the dark clouds. He stood up and stretched, having the urge to go outside wash over him. He took out his phone and checked the time. It was nearing lunch time. Conveniently enough, his phone vibrated just as a message arrived. It was from Markus. The rhino was asking him if he wanted to eat lunch somewhere.

The doberman smiled, typing up a response to the rhino.

Room 221 was completely silent. The warm orange rays of the afternoon sun streamed through the windows and birds chirped happily in the background. The gentle breeze that blew in from the open window suggested a tranquil calm, and the white, puffy clouds in the sky floated lazily. The peaceful moment was interrupted by a loud thud against the door, and a quiet yip. There was the jangling of keys before a loud "FUCK" echoed throughout the hallway as the keys fell to the ground.

There was a chuckle and the sound of pockets being rustled. The sound of a key being inserted into the lock was followed by the door swinging open and showing two grinning faces. Tyler was being carried by Markus, his legs wrapped around the rhino's waist and the two began to kiss passionately in earnest as the door closed behind them. The kiss was sloppy, and Tyler gagged on Markus's tongue as the rhino inserted it dominantly into his throat before withdrawing.

Their moaning and grunting would have been heard down the hall if their door was open as they gave into their passion and soon Tyler found his back pushed up against the wall by the overwhelming stronger male. Their kiss lasted for what felt like ages and Tyler had no problem with the length of the kiss. He loved the enthusiasm Markus had as he explored his mouth and ravaged it like a hungry animal. When Markus broke the kiss with a growl, the rhino kissed up Tyler's neck before biting dominantly. Giving a yell, Tyler's body tensed before he shivered with pleasure. He mewed like a kitten when he felt the tongue lick across the mark soothingly.

"Mmm, you taste so good, pup," Markus said with a devilish smirk as he pulled the doberman away from the wall and led him towards his bed. When Tyler was gently laid out onto Markus's bed, he already missed the rhino's large body against his. Luckily, he didn't have to wait too long for Markus to crawl on top of him.

The rhino seated himself on his crotch, grinding his hips on the bulge that was tenting the doberman's shorts. They started making out heatedly, the lewd sounds of their kisses filling the room. The kiss eventually broke and the two looked at each other, panting heavily and completely out of breath. They were briefly connected by a string of saliva that eventually snapped and landed on Tyler's clothing.

The two locked at eyes at each other. No words were needed to convey how badly they wanted one other. Tyler felt his body temperature rise as Markus wiggled his hips to get off the bed, his back now facing the doberman as he stood tall and proud. The rhino began stripping off his clothes, first taking off his shirt. He had seen him naked numerous times before but never the chance to really stare, better yet, oggle his friend. Tyler's heart began to race as he looked over every bend and dip in Markus's musculature, his shorts straining as his desires began to take over his mind. Like a whisper in his ear, he heard the echo of Emily's voice in his head telling him to let go and give in.

Working out did wonders for the rhino. Broad shoulders and no trace of fat at his sides, the rhino was in tip top shape, born from his hard work of running the track and field almost everyday since he was a freshman. Feeling the doberman's eyes on his back, Markus let out a cute giggle before teasingly shaking his rump at Tyler as he slowly lowered his shorts. Tyler was greeted with a bright red jockstrap that perfectly showed off the rhino's well rounded backside, and Tyler gave a low gasp as Markus lifted his tail to show off the crevice as well as the winking star inside.

Tyler loved how playful Markus was with his body, and the rhino made a show of playing with the straps as his shorts fell lower and lower until they were around his ankles. As the rhino bent over to kick off his shorts, he let out a surprised yelp when he felt two hands grip his backside and give his muscular mounds a tender squeeze. His yelp quickly turned into a soft purr as he heard Tyler get off the bed and press his chest against his back. Feeling two arms wrap around his chest, Markus looked over his shoulder to see the doberman with a look of lust prominent in his gaze. The look was akin to a hungry predator ready to pounce on unsuspecting prey.

Tyler grinded his bulge against the rhino's bubbly buttocks, earning him a cute sigh from the rhino. His hands went all over, making their way over to Markus' nipples and giving them gentle tugs. The rhino moaned softly, feeling completely under the mercy of the other male. Tyler didn't let up as he lowered his head, whispering how much he badly wanted to take Markus right then and there in his ears. "Oh god, Markus...I can't wait to knot breed you..." he said breathily as he grinded his arousal against Markus's rump. Although Tyler felt dirty talking to Markus in such a way, he enjoyed the feeling of control he had over Markus. The rhino was like putty in his hands.

He reached lower and started assaulting the rhino's necks with kisses. He eventually bit down, delivering a love bite that made Markus cry out in a mix of pain and pleasure. Tyler's right hand travelled downward, going to the rhino's groin. Markus visibly shivered as the doberman's hand brushed up against his now pre soaked jockstrap, kneading the pouch and working across it. His legs shook and he cursed under his breath, leaning onto the doberman for support when Tyler mercilessly took hold of his member and squeezed it as tightly as he could.

Tyler tapped him on the shoulder and slowly spun him around before making out with him once more.The two were locked in a loving embrace, each needing more of the others taste. The kiss broke and the two heated lovers panted in front of each other, clearly out of breath. Without even missing a beat, Markus went to work, slipping his hands underneath Tyler's shirt and stripping it off him. The doberman moaned out of pleasure as Markus dove in, going so far as to give tenderly bite his right nipple while lovingly squeezing and pulling on the other.

Markus was in love with Tyler's body. Even though Tyler wasn't a gym nut like himself, Tyler wasn't one to let himself go. Their morning jogs did his body well, rewarding him with a well toned chest with fat that only appeared in places that only accentuated his physique even further. The rhino sunk his nose onto the doberman's chest, inhaling deeply of that scent that only drove him wilder.

But the best was yet to come.

Tyler watched as the rhino slinked lower, eventually kneeling on the ground, his head perfectly leveled with his crotch. Markus reached forward, slipping his hands through the short's waistband and pulling them downwards. As the article of clothing unceremoniously landed on the doberman's ankles, Markus found himself staring face to face with Tyler's cock that was only held back by the canine's briefs that were stretched to their limit.

He hungrily licked his lips, pulling down on the underwear before taking them off completely. Strings of pre sprayed across his face as the canine's cock bobbed freely in the open air before slapping his abs and coming to rest pointing angrily at Markus's face. Markus' held out his hands and took hold of the canine's cock, feeling the member pulse and twitch in his grip. The throbbing member was leaking pre like an open faucet and was pulsating in his hands. The rhino gave the canine's cock a tender squeeze, earning him a groan of pleasure as the electrifying sensation coursed through Tyler.

Tyler's eyes nearly rolled back on themselves as he felt Markus gingerly stick his tongue out to lick the head of his cock. Muttering curses under his breath, he instinctively thrust forward, smearing his cock across Markus' face. The rhino was taken by surprise by the action but enjoyed it nonetheless. He inhaled deeply, taking in more of the canine's musk which threw his sex drive to newfound heights. He grabbed hold of Tyler's balls and started playing with them. The two black orbs had a weight to them and churned with seed as they strained themselves under his ministrations. Tyler let out a yip, feeling himself under the mercy of his best friend completely.

Markus leaned back, eyeing the throbbing piece of meat in front of him. The taste was heavenly to him and he wanted more of it. He looked up at Tyler and the two lovers locked eyes with each other. A silent agreement was made between them as Markus opened his mouth and moved forward. Tyler watched as his canine cock slowly disappeared and entered the rhino's warm mouth, his lips feeling like the softest velvet and his tongue licking the sensitive underside of his shaft. A rush of sensations washed over his body and he nearly felt himself blow right then and there when the rhino's tongue touched the head of his member. Markus immediately got to work, swirling his tongue in a circular fashion that made Tyler cry out from pleasure, moaning his name out loud.

Ears flicking at the sound of Markus slurping at his lower region, the doberman began to pant as Markus used his wet maw to bring him close before teasing him with small licks. Not enough to send Tyler over, but just enough to make his legs shake as he was pleasured. Looking down to see Markus taking him right to the hilt, Tyler moaned as he watched his whole shaft disappear inside of his lover's mouth. Their eyes met once again, and Markus gave Tyler a sly wink before he began to pull his mouth back towards the head of the doberman's shaft.

"You have gotten so much better..." Tyler said before he gave a soft gasp when Markus reached his hand upward to massage his lover's orbs in his palm. "God, I'm getting so close, Markus."

Giving a grin, Markus began to bob his head lightly, taking Tyler's member only half-way before retreating back upward. Feeling a hand place itself on the top his head, Markus felt a heat rush through him. The fact that Tyler was enjoying himself was hot enough for Markus and he could feel the pouch of his jockstrap strain and his maleness throb as it leaked into his jock. Tyler groaned, patting Markus' head and muttering sweet words of encouragement.

A lewd squelching sound emanated from the room as Markus took a momentary break from sucking off his best friend's dick. He smiled, grabbing hold of the throbbing member and nuzzling it, smearing it against his cheeks.The leaking pre mixed in with his own saliva and dotted his cheeks. It felt wonderfully warm on his face. "What can I say, I learn from the best," he replied, giving the member another teasing lick. "You're a great teacher, Tyler. Our sessions with one another really helped." Tyler cursed under his breath. His cock sprayed out a healthy amount of pre onto Markus' face, and covering it almost completely. He looked down below and saw the rhino wiping his face clean and licking his fingers afterwards. Markus smiled at him sultrily before saying with a lustful glimmer in his eyes, "Tasty."

The sight almost made the doberman blow right then and there. He couldn't take it anymore. He patted Markus' cheeks to get his attention. "What do you say..." He panted, trying to catch his breath. "We go all the way?"

Markus' cheeks blushed a deep crimson red, realizing what the doberman was implying. He felt his heart skip a beat and his cock throbbed in his stained jockstrap in affirmation. He stood up, meeting Tyler's lips for a short but equally deep tender kiss. Tyler tasted the rhino, noticing the mix of his own pre with Markus' distinct flavor. Eventually the kiss broke and the two locked eyes another.

"I'd love to have you as my first," Markus replied as he gave a warm smile to his lover. Tyler smiled back and Markus took the initiative by gently pushing the other male onto the bed. The canine landed with a soft thud and he crawled backwards to give the rhino some space. He watched with eager anticipation as the rhino crawled forward and began to remove his last article of clothing. But just as Markus was about to pull his jockstrap down, Tyler took hold of his wrist.

"W-what is it?"

"Keep it on," Tyler commanded, looking at him with bedroom eyes.

"But I'll soil it."

The doberman shook his head. He sat upright and met Markus' lips for a short kiss. Almost as fast as it came, Markus felt his worries melt away from the heated passion of it all. Tyler broke the kiss, looking into the rhino's eyes intensely.. "Keep it on," he said again. He leaned forward to lick the rhino's neck and gently gave the tender skin gentle love bites. "It frames one of my favorite parts of you...nicely."

Markus blushed before pulling his jockstrap back up, and flexed his biceps in a bodybuilder pose, a new found determination in his eyes. His muscles flexed as he worked his body, and Tyler reached forward to admire the muscles. His paw worked across the rhino's abs which made Markus purr in content. The rhino could feel Tyler's member sandwiched between his mounds and he tightened the muscle with a grin before beginning to rub his backside up against the doberman's groin teasingly.

"God, I love your body," Tyler cooed as he brought his hand up across Markus's pecs to feel them bounce involuntarily as the rhino displayed himself for his lover in a cocky manner. Tyler was not surprised when Markus leaned his body forward to kiss the doberman on the lips passionately before pulling away to continue to grind against Tyler's endowment while flexing with a sensual smile.

"Glad you do. Now, how about this part?"

Turning around and continuing to grind against the doberman's member, Markus showed off the muscles of his back with a cheeky smile and loved the gasp Tyler gave as he rubbed his hands across the rhino's back. Trailing his hands downward, Tyler felt the material of the jockstrap on the tips of his fingers as he trailed lower and lower until he was grasping at the rhino's rump. Giving a small thrust forward to rub his member in between Markus's tight cheeks, the doberman had to stifle a low growl. Markus smirked when he looked over his shoulder, his ears flicking at the sound of the pleasured growl, and he reached between his legs to grope for Tyler's orbs. When he found them, he rolled them in his palm and said, "Thrust all you want, big guy, but we both know who is really in control..." Giving his lover's orbs a small squeeze to prove his point, Markus's eyes twinkled mischievously.

Tyler gave another gasp and thrusted again, his member twitching and pulsing as he rolled his hips between Markus's cushiony bum. His member leaked a constant stream of pre, smearing his roommate's hole in the clear liquid. The devilish twinkle in Markus's eyes sent a shiver down the doberman's spine and he gave a low rumble as he realized what he awoken in his lover. The eyes were one who submitted yet fed off of handling the reins while in the throes of sex: a power bottom.

When Markus gave a sigh of bliss, he looked over at Tyler's lust clouded gaze and gave a grin. "Want to do something interesting?"

"Lay it on me," Tyler said. His mind was too far gone to try to even retaliate against whatever Markus suggested. He wanted the rhino fully and anything to make the foreplay more enjoyable was icing on the lewd cake.

Lifting his tail, leaning forward, and giving his rump a shake, Markus moved his hips sensually. Tyler groaned as his eyes trailed over the full view and his maleness gave a twitch in anticipation as he imagined sinking into the tight looking hole in between the patted cheeks. He could already imagine the muscles closing in around his shaft and he whimpered pathetically when Markus started to back up towards him, his delicious looking rump getting closer and closer.

"When Sarah and I would get down and dirty, she liked to watch me squirm. She would eat me out and that got us both off. Would you like a taste? I am clean down there, I promise. My diet was strict to make sure and I showered before we went out to lunch and fingered myself."

"Holy shit, Markus..." Tyler whispered as he squeezed Markus's rump. Tyler's arousal felt almost painful as he imagined licking around Markus's tight hole. He could smell the rhino's natural musk, and the sweat that dripped down the rhino's body looked so delectable as he moved over his naked skin.

"So, what do you say?" Markus said with a cheeky smile at the doberman's dumbstruck reaction and shook his rump playfully.

"Markus, I never thought I would say this in my life, but come sit on my face this instant."

Markus licked his lips hungrily. "My pleasure."

Tyler laid back onto the bed and watched as Markus' backside floated above him. He reached outwards and cupped the rhino's cheeks before it slowly lowered itself in front of him. The red thin strap that was soaked wet from sweat and it did little to hide the treasure that Tyler was looking for. Markus steadied himself as he squatted onto his lover's face, playfully shaking his rump at him. He spread his legs as best as he could, making sure his footing was firmly in place on the bed. Eventually, he got low enough and Markus felt the doberman's claws trace along his muscular rump. He made sure to clench his backside right then and there to give his lover a proper greeting. Tyler spread the delicious mounds that were before him to see the winking pucker, eagerly waiting for him. He dove right in, nuzzling the rhino's backside and taking a whiff of the musk of his lover directly from the source. It was sweet, yet had a distinct odor that Tyler could only describe as concentrated manliness.

He stuck his tongue out to get a taste of it.

Markus shivered involuntarily as the cold, wet invader started swirling around his most private of areas. His legs shook, threatening to buckle out from under him. He leaned onto the wall on his right for support, and his palms balled to a fist as he muttered curses under his breath. Lewd slurps and licks were audible underneath him, mixed in with his own haggard breathing as he did his best to stifle his moans of pleasure.

Down below, Tyler worked hard. He grasped and spread Markus' bum as far as he could, trying to go deeper into the rhino. He angled his tongue perfectly and leaned forward. The rhino yelped, biting down on the bottom of his lips and almost drawing blood. The doberman had penetrated him with his tongue and was swirling it inside of him. Markus nearly lost his balance right then and there but held on as best as he could. A healthy glob of pre dripped from his own cock which stained his jockstrap even further.

Tyler backed off, smacking his lips and feeling contend to assault Markus' bum with a barrage of kisses. By now, Markus' tailhole was slick with spit, but Tyler didn't care. He was having the time of his life. The rhino's musk smelled earthy and masculine underneath the cleanliness, and had a wonderful taste. But then, he saw Markus' knees shake a little, which prompted him to give the rhino a break. "You okay?" he asked, his voice sounding muffled underneath the rhino's broad body.

Markus panted, utterly out of breath. "Y-yeah,'s hard to keep this position with you that." His legs burned. Markus had never squatted for this long in his entire life. Then again, this was the best squat he had ever done.

An idea popped into Tyler's head. "Just lay on me then. Just back up a little so I can still reach your butt."

Markus nodded and lowered himself onto the doberman's broad chest. The bed strained a little under their combined weight but it held strong for the two lovers.Without skipping a beat, Tyler went back to attacking Markus' backside, remarking how he loved his taste and couldn't get enough of it. Markus shivering and mewling like a cat was enough of a response for him. The rhino's eyes nearly rolled back into his skull from all the pleasure he was receiving. He managed to focus well enough to see Tyler's throbbing unattended maleness, just freely bobbing in the air, in tune with the doberman's heartbeat. A lustful grin etched itself on his face as he reached forward and grabbed hold of the member.

Tyler briefly stopped his ministrations to moan out from underneath Markus. The licking and gentle kisses his member was receiving was a welcome relief from after being left untouched throughout their entire heated passion with one another. His hips seemed to have a mind of its own as it tried to buck into Markus' open and waiting mouth. Markus found the notion cute and decided to work harder. He opened his mouth and took in the doberman's pointed manhood and swirled his tongue around, making sure to get every corner the much needed attention it needed. His two free hands went so far as to grasp the doberman's two swelled orbs and gave them gentle tugs and squeezes in time with his own action.

A chorus of slurps, licks, kisses, groans and moans filled the room as the two lost themselves in their wanton lust for each other. The two lovers were in each other's mercy.

"Mmmmf," Tyler moaned as he made one long lick from the rhino's hefty sack up to his hole. Going back down to Markus's orbs, the doberman kissed the left one affectionately. Thrusting his hips, Tyler heard Markus give a bit of a gag before adjusting to the doberman's deep thrusts. Tyler was on the boil, his inhibitions leaving him and his member beginning to throb and pulse as Markus's warm and wet maw bring him ever closer. However, it was as if Markus knew he was getting to the end and slipped his mouth off of Tyler's angry member. The doberman gave a loud whine as his climax began to drop back down to a hot simmering.

Leaning back up until he was kneeling above the doberman's head and his rump was placed right on top of Tyler's muzzle, Markus gave a chuckle before wiggling his rear once again. Tyler gave the rhino's hole a long lick as if he was begging him through his body language to finish him off.

"Not yet puppy," Markus said with a teasing grin as reached around to open up a drawer on his small bedstand. He wiggled his hips across the doberman's muzzle. The doberman could not see anything. He was literally blinded by ass.

Tyler's ears perked as he heard the rhino rummaging through his drawer before there was the sound of a cap being open. Then Tyler felt a cool liquid being lathered onto his member, and he jumped in surprise.

A squelching sound filled the room as the rhino stroked his lover's maleness and a chuckle left his lips as he felt the canine begin to thrust into his grip. Markus could feel the dog's knot bumping into his hand. A smirk formed across the rhino's face and he gripped the shaft around the knot before stroking across the bulb of flesh. Markus then simulated Tyler tying a mate by gripping the base of Tyler's member tightly. The doberman shook, squirming under the rhino's firm grip on his cock. Tyler cursed frantically under his breath, warning rhino of his impending release. Markus just chuckled, teasing his lover with no apparent end. The lube started to work it's magic, giving his lover's shaft a nice, glossy sheen.

With every breath Tyler took, the only thing he got was a lungful of Markus's musk: a mixture of aroused male and sweat. It was a kinky combination, one that made Tyler's head spin as he felt his orbs begin to pull up tightly to his body. Meanwhile, Markus knew what he was getting into and simply continued to simulate the tie. He was practically giving Tyler the green light to let it all go.

Then he felt Tyler's cock throb in his hand. Before Markus could prepare himself accordingly, there was a muffled moan that rumbled across his backside and up his spine as Tyler climaxed unexpectedly.

The jets of white shot all over Markus's chest and the rhino rubbed the streaks all over his abs as if basking in it. "Mmmm...I love how white it is. God, and so much. Such a good boy..." Markus looked down to see the red fabric of his jockstrap was now dotted in the doberman's seed.

Tyler had no idea how to react as he came down from his orgasmic high. He felt as if he released something in Markus that he couldn't control, and it was bringing his own submissive nature out as he gave another desperate whimper. Although Tyler had no idea what their escapade had in store for them, one thing was clear: he was still rock hard. His heart beat in his chest loudly, and his nerves were singing joyously to the blissful chemicals that jolted through his body like liquid gold. Although all the talk of being called a "puppy" and a "good boy" would have been a bit much for the doberman if he was in the right state of mind, he was too lost in bliss to care.

Markus began to slowly raise his rump off of the doberman to see a blissful look across the canine's face. He was on cloud nine as his lungs brought in fresh and musk-free air. Markus simply grinned down at his mate as he squatted above Tyler, his pucker winking expectedly with strands of saliva all around it. Tyler was surprised he could produce that much saliva.

Markus turned around to face his lover and Tyler was taken by surprise as the rhino leaned down on him for a kiss. The two made out right then and there and Tyler tasted himself and Markus in the process. It only heightened his arousal further. The two eventually separated, only to be connected by a lewd string of cum from their lips. They panted heatedly in front of each other before Markus grinned at him. They locked eyes with one another.

"Tyler? "Markus leaned in for a short kiss before gently biting on Tyler's lower lips.


"Fuck me."

The lustful grin on Tyler said it all and Markus proceed to move back onto the canine's throbbing dick. He grabbed hold of the stiff member, which was now slick with spit, lube, and cum. Tyler shivered, his member still hyper-sensitive from recently ejaculating. Markus angled himself correctly and once he got into position, slowly lowered himself onto the throbbing cock. Markus' mouth opened to the shape of an 'O' as the large member sunk deeper into him. Thankfully, Tyler's cock was well lubricated enough that there wasn't much hindrance but Markus' tightness coupled with Tyler's girth was still a challenge in of its own.

Tyler cursed loudly. "Holy shit you're tight..."

Realizing that he had cursed more in the past ten minutes then he had in the week, Tyler gave a blush at how dirty he sounded. Even though he was trying to hold himself back from such vulgar language, the rhino had a way of getting it out of him.

Markus steadied himself. No amount of fingering or playing with his toy had prepared him for the real thing. But his pride wouldn't allow him to stop and he wasn't keen on disappointing Tyler. He grit his teeth with newfound determination, and continued to lower himself down on his partner. He relaxed, doing his best to control his breathing and relax his muscles more. Slowly, inch by inch, more and more of Tyler's cock disappeared into his warm, tight hole. The rhino bit his lips in an effort to stifle his groans. Pain was the first thing that registered his mind, and it felt like he was being split in two.

His backside screamed at him to take the foreign object out as quickly as possible, and squeezed around Tyler's member in response as if trying to push the member out of him, but just when he was at his limits, Tyler's cock rubbed up against his prostate. Almost immediately, Markus' cock throbbed in response, spurting a healthy dose of pre onto his now heavily stained jock.

The contents leaked to the side and lewdly dripped onto Tyler's chest, and Markus shook as he pulled the pouch away to the side and unveiled his nine inches of his throbbing maleness. Markus' body was in a state of equilibrium. The pain had begun to subside and was now replaced with the electrifying jolts of pleasure. He allowed himself to moan out, his tongue almost rolling out of his mouth in bliss and Tyler joined him after, cursing under his breath once more due to the sheer tightness of Tyler's hole clenching around his member.

Inevitably, Markus succeeded in taking Tyler fully, hilting him to the base of his cock, just shy of the knot. The two took a moment to take a break, marvelling at how far they've come. Markus took it upon himself to gently lay down onto Tyler and gave him a short but tender kiss. "I did it," he whispered to his lover.

Tyler chuckled before reaching up to stroke the rhino's face. "I can see that...and feel that...mmm...oh. Keep rolling those hips."

Markus grinned at his roommate's reaction as he grinded his hips as low as he could. Markus felt so full with the doberman inside of him, and he closed his eyes in lustful bliss as he felt another electric shock trail up his spine. The feeling may have been exactly similar if they used a dildo like Sarah did on Markus, but the throbbing maleness inside of him felt so much better. Starting to work his hips up and down Tyler's shaft ever so slowly, Markus lifted his head upward and gave a long moan. His erection bounced against Tyler's abs each time the rhino hilted once again and Tyler reached forward to grip the rhino's hips dominantly.

The twinkle in Markus's eyes grew as he felt the doberman's hands dig into his skin, and he began to start speeding up his movements. The bed start to groan and rock, the headboard hitting the wall behind them as they started to get into a motion. Markus reached his hand down to fondle his orbs, his hand massaging and cupping them softly as he began to bring his hips up and then back down onto Tyler's shaft enthusiastically. There was a fierce slap whenever Tyler hilted Markus, his balls slapping against the rhino's taut backside and his hips and thighs slapping against Markus's backside.

"Yeah, fucking breed me, pup," Markus growled out dominantly.

Ears drooping as the tables began to sway back in Markus's favour, Tyler only panted and moaned in response. He was the one that was supposed to have control, and yet it felt so right to be on top yet give it all to the beast he had unleashed. The soft and gentle Markus that looked so coy when he hilted him was gone and replaced by a hungry, lustful animal.

Feeling his orbs begin to pull up and his knot begin to snake its way out of his sheath once again, hitting against Markus's opening with every thrust, and Tyler could do nothing, but moan and thrust into the eager hole over and over again. The lube's slick squelching spurred him on, and he wanted nothing more than to please his lover.

"You going to tie me like an eager bitch?" Markus asked in a low rumble. "Pump me full of your seed?"

"YES!" Tyler shouted out as his hips began to rock faster and faster. Tyler felt his claws extend, but the rhino's tough skin protected Markus from any damage. "Yes, yes! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PLEASE!"

Giving another low growl, Markus began to push harder and harder against the bulbous knot, his eyes ablaze with a deep hunger that sent a shiver down the doberman's spine. Then, with one final push, Markus felt the knot pop inside of him and gave a low groan as his ass began to spasm. His prostate was assaulted and Markus's vision went white as shock after shock of pleasure went through him as Tyler continued to give short and shallow thrusts into him.

Feeling his orbs begin to pull up to his body, Markus leaned forward, his arms to the side of the doberman's head and his chest heaving before he let out a long groan as his climax approached in a sudden surge. From the sudden flexing as his lover's body tensed to the tight clench around his member, Tyler knew that he was about to witness an explosion of pleasure before his eyes.

There was one twitch, and then a second, before wave after wave of pearly white seed began to shoot out of the rhino's flaring head. Splatting across his face, Tyler opened his mouth to accept the warm essence into his maw and coughed at the masculine flavor. Several more jets fell on his tongue and he accepted them willingly. A few more jets of the rhino's spunk shot over Tyler's chest, coating his fur in white.

Feeling a hand promptly clamp his jaw shut, Tyler looked up to see the dominant look still in Markus's eyes. He simply said one word, "Swallow."

Tyler obeyed.

Markus smiled almost sinisterly at the amount of control he had over Tyler, and watched as the dobermans' throat worked his offering down.

"Good boy."

That's all it took for Tyler and he painted the rhino's insides with a climax of his own. His balls felt as if they were emptying completely as he gave Markus everything he could, pumping shot after shot into Markus's entrance. The rhino gave a soft hiss, grinding his hips down against Tyler's pelvis as he felt the doberman's seed fill him.

"Ahh, so much better than a dildo," Markus sighed blissfully, feeling the doberman's would-be moans vibrate his hand. When he felt the last few spurts and twitches of Tyler's member inside of him, the rhino relaxed his grip around Tyler's muzzle and pulled away. It was as if the switch in him turned off all of a sudden and there was flash of concern across the rhino's face.

"Holy shit, Tyler...what have I..."

"Holy shit, indeed," Tyler said with a chuckle before stretching his jaw a bit. Although Markus wasn't too rough, he was not used to having his muzzle forced closed so dominantly. Although with his last boyfriend he was a strict top and enjoyed having control, he could get used to the change. "God, that was so fucking hot."

Blushing, Markus felt a bit guilty at the fact that he basically man-handled his first lover, but the reaction that he got from Tyler made his heart sing. His heart began to slow and he could feel the doberman's heartbeat begin to fall as well as the afterglow began to kick in for both of them in earnest.

"So, you aren't mad that I-"

Cutting Markus off with a finger, Tyler said, "We'll talk about some boundaries, I'm not mad. You taste pretty good, too. I may have to be the one to service time."

Leaning forward, Markus nuzzled the doberman on the nose affectionately. "I think that would be lovely."

Giving a chuckle as he felt the rhino's warm breath tickle him, Tyler licked the rhino's cheek before nibbling on Markus's neck. Soon, Tyler saw the look across Markus's face once again and the rhino began to kiss him dominantly on the lips. Their tongues wrestled as they kissed passionately, not afraid of showing one another how they felt. When Markus began to wiggle his hips, Tyler gave a gasp and tapped Markus's shoulder. The rhino moved away and Tyler shivered when Markus stared down at him expectedly.

"Round two?" Markus asked.

Tyler chuckled before shaking his head, "With my knot in? No, big guy."

Markus gave Tyler a mock pouty expression, his dominate mood broken and his eyes returning to their natural, playful state before saying, "Aww, puppy doesn't want seconds?"

"Just cuddle with me. It will take a while for my knot to deflate anyway," Tyler said with a smirk. "Roll on your side. I'll be big spoon."

"Fine," Markus said with a smirk and rolled when Tyler began to move. Although it took a while to find a good position, the two final settled into a pleasant embrace with the doberman wrapping his arms around the rhino's broad chest and rubbing over his nipples gently. The movement got a pleasant purr out of Markus.

"So, how was it?" Tyler said with a smile when he watched Markus's ears flick.

"Do you even need to ask?" Markus replied back with a smile.

"I'm just wondering."

Scooting as close as he could, Tyler nuzzled into Markus's neck. "I just had never seen you so dominant...or any guy that dominant when taking someone. You are definitely a power bottom."

"A power what?" Markus replied, a confused expression on his face.

"A guy who is on bottom, but likes to take control," Tyler replied with a smirk at Markus's ignorance. "I'm just surprised you didn't have the same reaction giving me oral, or something. You probably could have overpowered me easily."

"Well, I know you didn't want to go all the way yet so..."

The two fell silent as they snuggled close to one another, their slow breathing adding a tranquil atmosphere to the environment. Tyler did not know how much time passed between them in their silence, but they were both content with it.

Markus finally broke it. "So, still up for hanging out during spring break?"

"Markus, you know the answer to that question..."

The rhino felt the doberman's soft lips on the back of his neck. "I'll make sure to bring something a tight speedo."

Feeling his member throb inside Markus at the thought, the doberman gave a soft moan. "I could get used to that..."

Another short silence fell over them before Markus said, "So, what are we exactly?"

Tyler chuckled and said, "Well, I was wondering that same question myself. What do you want to be?"

Markus thought hard about the question, his mind mulling over all the possibilities. "Well, I was thinking...boyfriends."

Tyler smiled so broadly that he felt the soreness of his jaw return. "I'd like that."

There was another long pause, and a soft wind blew over their naked bodies. When Tyler pulled Markus close, he didn't resist. He especially didn't resist when Tyler craned his neck to kiss the rhino on the lips with a heat behind the action. When they pulled away, they were both panting.

"I love you, Tyler."

"I love you too, Markus."

The two were so lost in one another that they did not hear the doorknob turn and Emily peek in through the door.

"Hey! I was just going to check on y-"

Her eyes fell on the pair who were snuggled together blissfully in their afterglow, and the two looked back like deer about be struck by a car. She eyed up their naked and cum riddled forms with a mixture of disgust and shock. She noticed the doberman's groin right up against Markus's rump, and a blush crossed her face as Tyler gave an innocent smile back.

"Uhh, hey Emily."

"Gods above..."

The door closed fast with a loud bang and the two could briefly hear Emily muttering curses under her breath.

The Prince of the Wilds

**Story By Crimsonskies455** **and[![avatar?user=122356&character=0&clevel=2]( RVasil]( "RVasil")** The Prince of the Wilds Ivan yawned as he stood...

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Tales from the Foxhole-Chapter 4

Adam's eyes opened quickly, and he blinked as he took in his surroundings, seeing that light was filtering in from a small window on the right side of the room and over the head of the bed. Adam stretched his limbs and felt the soreness begin to ebb...

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Say My Name

"God damn could it get any hotter?" Jim hissed as he wiped his brow. The sun beamed down on the clydesdale as he made his way across the field. The horse held an iron hoe over his shoulder. The metal was rusted, worn, and caked in dirt, but the...

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