CatDance #9

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#9 of CatDance

On the Road Again

Kitty, Ubergard and Mikael begin their trek to Solitude, stopping for a break to rest and stretch.

| The next day found Kitty, Ubergard and Mikael ready for travel while Udaran, Cheetah, K'rris and a bleary-eyed Muz-Ra stood by to see them off.

"Well, I guess we're off then. We'll see you in a couple of weeks." Kitty said from the steps.

"See you then. Ubergard, keep them safe!" Muz-Ra said, though it was unclear if her eyes were strained with emotion or simply lack of sleep the night before.

"You need have no fear for their safety, Red," Ubergard assured her. "They'll be fine. The road to Soliltude is long but they'll be under my protection." | image |

| "But who'll be protecting you? Oh, dammit, give me a hug before you go you two!"

The three original occupants of Castle Kitty embraced each other, and then the travelers were on their way. | image |

| Udaran stood by Muz-Ra. "I'm sure they'll be fine. You needn't worry, Red."

"Can't help it. I feel like I should be going with them."

Udaran stood in silence as the three figures grew ever smaller. Meanwhile, Cheetah and K'rris stood back a bit, knowing that Udaran and Muz-Ra had shared an adventure together with Kitty and Ubergard some months back and had formed a special relationship. | image |

| Finally Muz-Ra turned to Udaran and gave her a mighty hug. "Sorry Udie. Sometimes I get overly emotional. Probably just due to the late night with the Jarl."

"There's nothing to regret, Red. I may not have been living at Castle Kitty with you till now, but I feel the same way you know."

"Yes, I guess you probably do. Let's go inside. I need to get some sleep."

With that, the four turned back and went into the castle with K'rris bringing up the rear. | image |

| Meanwhile, unlike Muz-Ra, Kitty found herself not at all depressed. As they began their trek, her silence was simply an acknowledgement of how far she had to travel, and she didn't want to run out of conversation too early in their trip. She was going on another adventure and she was very much looking forward to seeing Solitude for the first time.

Mikael was humming a tune as the three hiked along the well-worn path.

"What's that?" asked Kitty, watching the familiar sway of Ubergard's tail as the giant Argonian led the way.

"Oh, just a tune I've been working on."

"Sounds like a nice travelling tune."

"You think so? Maybe I'll work on lyrics for it later." | image |

| "Say, Ubergard?"

"Yes Kitty?"

"You've traveled Skyrim quite a bit. Have you ever been to Solitude?"

"Once, long ago. I think I remember the way, but Mikael, keep me straight."

"No problem," the bard replied. But for now, just keep on this path. | image |

| The three stopped for a short rest on a small bridge.

"How long do you think it will take?" the little Khajiit asked her lover.

"On a good trip, we could be there the day after tomorrow. But you never know what may delay us. Say, did you bring anything warmer than that outfit?"

"I did, but you'd be surprised how thermally insulated this is. Keep in mind I have fur underneath. I don't get cold easily. I could probably do it naked." | image |

| "How about you Ubergard? It gets pretty cool up in the mountains," Mikael asked, letting the morning sun warm him a bit.

"This armor will protect me against all but the coldest weather in Skyrim. It has, shall we say, some unusual properties. But I do have a cloak should I really need it."

"Someday you'll have to tell me about it!" the Bard replied, interested.

"Perhaps." | image |

| Mikael started humming his tune again after that, and for a long time he just watched the big Argonian's back side, becoming somewhat mesmerized.

In the distance, Kitty was watching the mountains looming ahead instead. | image |

| Mikael broke the silence next. "You know, Uber, you've got_quite_ the figure. How is it that you've never found a mate?"

"That, friend Bard, is a long story, and not one I'm prepared to tell. But suffice it to say that I've never found one because I've never looked for one."

"No interest? No sex drive?"

"It is my opinion that such relationships lead to complications which I would prefer to avoid. I am a simple Argonian and prefer a simple life."

"You could always just have a fling you know. A night or two of frolic doesn't have to lead to a lifetime mate." | image |

| The Argonian walked on without answering. Finally some time later as they neared a more forested area she simply turned and said, "I prefer not to 'frolic'".

Mikael sighed and whispered quietly to Kitty, "Pity. Someone out there is missing out on one hell of a female!"

Kitty smiled and elbowed her lover playfully.

"Shhh. Everyone knows that, Ubergard most of all."

Mikael nodded and looked around him at the outskirts of the forest ahead. "Nature is beautiful, no doubt about that," he thought. "But it has no comparison to the backside of such a females! | image |

CatDance #10

| Around noon the trio reached the end of the path. "What now?" Kitty asked, looking up at the mountain directly in front of them. "Afraid now we go cross-country mountain climbing," Mikael informed her. On the other side of these mountains is a...

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CatDance #8

| ", they decided to stay at the castle," Kitty was explaining to Mikael a few nights later when she, Ubergard and K'rris had dropped into the Bannered Mare. "And Red was practically bursting to get back to the Jarl so we decided to stop in after...

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CatDance #7

| "Well, I see by K'rris' penis that we've been in here long enough," Muz-Ra said, stretching. "Time to head for home." K'rris checked himself reflexively. "It's not exactly a timer you know. It comes and goes!" he laughed. |...

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